Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C18. Sun dance .

A character owns, embodies, or steals values; prevents other people from using them. In order to obtain or return valuables, the attention of the owner or impersonator is attracted or distracted by singing songs, music, dancing, unusual gifts, obscene or strange behavior, offering sex, food and/or alcohol.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Shawna (karanga) [the husband cannot hunt, the wife hunts herself, exposing the child as bait to guinea fowl; the guinea fowl takes the child, the husband drives his wife away, takes another; she is two years pregnant, will give birth, if he drinks water in which frogs did not live; they find water, it belongs to lions, they kill their husband, call the baby Ntsuntsu, tell the Hare to raise it to eat it later; N. breaks a house with an ax, runs away with her mother, flying away in a basket; comes to people, does not eat poisoned porridge, changes places with the woman's child (at night she kills the child, not N.); hides the sun; returns when the leader gathers all the girls from whom N. chooses the 10 most beautiful]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 112:257-261.

West Africa. Bambara [N'Gala created the earth, night The Sun and his wife the Moon; 13 months later she ran from her husband to her seven lovers; the Sun wanted to kill her, but the Earth prevented her; then the Sun was waiting for her on the road and when she crossed it, the earth became dark; this was the first eclipse; people began to gripe, men parodied women, women men; the Sun laughed, let the Light through, the Moon slipped too ; The Sun is still chasing the Moon, but the Earth covers it with darkness every time to prevent the Sun from grabbing it]: Hampâté Bâ 1994:139-142.

North Africa. Ancient Egypt [after falling out with Ra, his daughter Tefnut (Hathor), as a lioness, retired to Nubia; in order for her to return to Egypt, Ra sends Shu and Toth as baboons; they must return H. luring her to sing and dance; Onuris does this earlier; when she returns, T. marries his brother Shu, which heralds the birth of new rich fruits; she is greeted by singing, dancing, with wine]: Mathieu 1956:45-47; Rubinstein 1980b: 424.

Melanesia. Loyalty Islands (Lifou) [the widow and daughter lived far from the village; they did not know how to get fire themselves by friction; one day the fire went out; when she climbed a tree, the girl saw smoke on the south side; women on Lifou is proud of their long emou (a bunch of hair that is not cut off); the girl's mother caught it to the ground; on the way back, the children cut off her emou and bleed out of it; to punish the offenders, her mother caught one of the sisi birds that sing first at dawn was tied with her beak; she came to those children, covered the bird with a mat, it became dark; the chief from Uvea offered to buy flying fox hair, the chief from Gaica - a bunch of cowrie, the chief from Ukenzo - low jasper beads, the chief from Mu - conus shell bracelets; the girl refused everyone, she only needs her emou; one person caught a red bird on the way and caught a red bird in the sea Calebas; his little son began to play with them in front of the girl; she asked for them to be given to her and allowed her mother to let go of Cece's bird; the day has come again]: Hadfield 1920, No. 32:304-309.

Polynesia - Micronesia. Palau [the young man took his father's mother-of-pearl hook, the fish carried away the hook, the father was angry; his mother advised him to dive into the sea; in an underwater country, the young man met Tudalem fish; saw a girl come for water; she invited me into the house, said that the woman had a sore throat; the Tudalem fish began to dance ridiculously, the woman laughed, regurgitated her harpoon, the young man took it, returned to the ground]: Eisenstädter 1912:90- 91 (=Matsumoto 1928:110-111); Yap [the younger brother asked the elder for a hook, the moray eel bit it off and carried it away; the elder demanded the hook back; the youngest was sitting on the shore chewing betel; two fish came became girls; asked for bethel, he gave it; they told them to swim between them; the first time he could not get down, swam back; the second time they did not let him out, they went deep, found themselves in the house; there were many hooks; the moray eel (the male) always bit them off, then they danced in front of her, she laughed, the hook fell out of her mouth; but the young man had no hook; they began to dance especially funny, she dropped the hook; invited the young man to swim in a clean pond or one in which she relieves his need; the young man chose the second one; the moray eel rewarded him, giving him not only the hook, but also the girl; a year later the young man returned; the older brother he also wanted a wife; he chewed betel, asked the fish girls to let it down, but swam in clean water; the moray eel gave him two old women in anger; on the ground, the elder brother did not want to let them in, but they went in one held him, the other copulated with him; like this every day; the older brother broke his testicles against a rock and died]: Müller 1918, No. 83:655-657.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [two Sun Brothers took turns, the heat was unbearable; the Toad (an edible species) volunteered to kill the Sun, made an arrow from a scallop (Celosia L., amaranth), killed it with it older brother; the youngest was covered with a black blanket, it became dark; black pestles turned into snakes, wooden mortars into tigers; fireflies and a tree with white leaves tried to illuminate the world, it turned them outside; but that was not enough; half of the people died from snakes and tigers; humans and animals unsuccessfully asked the Sun to return; only when the Bat, hanging itself at the ends of its bow by its legs and nose, shouted through his nose that the world would die from the cold, the Sun looked out because no one had yet spoken to him through his nose; when he saw the Bat, he smiled; immediately it got hot and the Bat fell, breaking his bones; so his his legs do not look like birds or animals, and his nose is twisted; they decided to punish the Toad, otherwise the Sun will not shine; his limbs were cut off, placed in a cold place; the killed Sun became the Month; in the seventh , the eighth and ninth month of the current Sun sets earlier, says he is tired; but in fact, the red rooster scallop grows to full height at this time and the Sun is afraid of being shot]: Stocks 1925 in Yamada 2009a: 34-36; Abor [The sun disappeared under the ground; a long-tailed bird sat over the place, began to talk to people; the sun leaned out to see who was chatting; promised to go out if a divine girl will be brought to him; people agreed; the Bat flew after to say to give a human girl; she was given, the Sun ate her, shone; since then people have been mortal]: Dumber 1916:66 in Isis 1998:45-46; the Meitei [lord of the universe commissioned the heavenly god Atiya Shidaba to create the earth; that part created it, but Harapa (aka Pakhangba) destroyed and what was destroyed became clouds; of an eel appeared from the sole of the skin scales; after sitting on it, ASH came to Vladyka, spoke about what had happened and asked for land again; however, H. destroyed it again, ice appeared from the remains; to prevent the third destruction, ASH took the goddess out of his eye; her beauty fascinated H. so much that the earth was created before he could intervene and destroy creation]: Singh 1985:168-169; Meitei [Mother of the Gods first gave birth to three Sun sons, then two more; four died one after another; a man hit the horse of the last Sun with an arrow, which hid, it became dark; when a girl with rich gifts comes to him, agrees to go out]: Hodson 1908:125-129; feed [there were two Suns; to reduce the heat, God fired an arrow at one arrow, its light faded, it became the Moon; the remaining Sun disappeared underground, became dark; agreed to return if he was given the daughter of the gods to eat; the Bat explained to people that the Sun did not demand the daughter of the gods, but the daughter of men; he was given a girl, it ate her, it shone; so people became mortal]: Elwin 1958a, No. 22:53-54 (=Elwin 1958b:57-58); tagin [Wiyu Tamu sat on the path of the Sun with four legs, tail, huge head; he was moving fast, hit his throat, quietly jumped out through his nose in the form of a leaf, returned home, refuses to go out, demands a son Abo-Teni; people dress up a boy as an animal, then another boy, both times a bat warns the Sun of deception; you have to give your son to AT, the Sun eats him, comes out in all its splendor; since then people have been mortal; every morning the Sun eats a person; sometimes Wiyu Tamu tries again swallow the Sun, it escapes, people scream, tell Tama to free the sun]: Elwin 1958, No. 25:60-62; khasi [laughing at the arrogant Peacock, the birds invite him to say hello to the Sun Virgin; that takes off into the sky, takes the Sun as his wife; it stops leaving the house, the earth is dusk, rain, wind; the woman agrees to help the birds, grows mustard with bright golden flowers in the garden in shape girls; Peacock sees a golden girl from the sky, goes down, can no longer fly; The sun is out again]: Rafy 1920, No. 3:10-17.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [Tas-Beryuk Pleshivy swims down the river, finds himself in an ice house with sea people; a two-headed dragon with two tongues ate their sons, is going to eat their daughter; T. cuts off tongues with scissors, the dragon disappears; T. refuses to take the rescued girl, asks to send him home; on the way he sees giants fighting, kills a two-headed man with an arrow; it was the same dragon; the second the lord of snakes and monsters, brings him home, tells him not to talk about it; after drinking, T. violates the ban; the giant and monsters come to kill him; T. says it was not him, but Araka spoke; giant they get drunk with monsters, turn the plain into mountains; they forgive T.]: Garf, Kuciyak 1978:185-195.

Amur - Sakhalin. Orochi [Gilangeta's little brother is crying; she gives him yukola, he doesn't take it, cries again; Why do you want to marry me? The boy laughs; she tells him to bring a kitchen board; he cuts on it, she asks him to move away, or she has a headache; dresses up, swims down the river in a birch bark box; Voronenok finds a girl, brings her to his house, there are crow droppings everywhere; old man Ka's two sons come there; ask them to go to their father's house; Voronenok takes his wife with him; his mother warns that Ka's sons will take her away; Voronenok sees his wife sitting with Ka's sons; stops playing, takes a month on his back, his mother takes the sun away; old Ka gives the Ravens seven dogs heads for food; for this, the Ravens return the stars; Ka's sons kill Voronenko and his mother with arrows, take Voronenko's wife]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 4:132-133.

Japan. Ainu: Hitchcock 1890 [zap. Batchelor; god Okikurumi falls in love, refuses to eat; if he dies, his soul will fly away from the country of the Ainu with him; (gods) make an image that resembles O.'s beloved; he eats happily; the image disappears, but the danger of O. dying is over]: 488; Ainu: Matsumoto 1928 [the demon of hunger wants to destroy people; Ainuurakkur calls him to drink sake; he agrees when Sister A. opens his breasts; his killed by poisoned sake]: 131; Ancient Japan: Kogoshui 1996:304-308; Kojiki 1994, ch. 12 [Susanoo filled canals in the Amaterasu fields in the Amaterasu fields, defecated in the chambers, broke the roof of the weaving chambers , ripped off the heavenly piebald stallion from the tail, threw it inside; the heavenly weavers were frightened, pricked themselves with shuttles into secret places and died; Amaterasu oo-no kami took refuge in the Sky Rocky Grotto; Plain The High Sky and the Reed Plain of the Middle Land fell into darkness; evil gods filled everything like flies with their buzzing; 800 myriads of gods gathered roosters (Long-singing Birds) from the Kingdom of Eternal Night, they were forced to sing; the Heavenly Blacksmith was told to forge a mirror; they dug up trees from Heavenly Mountain, hung a mirror, threads and scraps on them; the Heavenly Goddess the Brave began to kick her breasts into the empty cauldron throwing out the shoelaces of her skirt to a secret place; 800 myriads of gods burst into laughter; Amaterasu was surprised: the country fell into darkness, so why on earth does Ame no Uzume amuse everyone; and when does her mirror they showed that Amaterasu was even more surprised, she came out of the cave but was not allowed back]: 55-57; Nihon Shoki 1997, scroll 1, 7 [Susanovo no Mikoto released the Heavenly Piebald Foal and made him lie down in the middle of the field; defecated in the temple of the first harvest; ripped the foal backwards, threw it over the roof into the hall where Amaterasu-opo kami was spinning divine clothes; she shuddered and pricked her shuttle; angry, she locked herself in a stone cave, darkness fell on the ground; 80 myriads of gods gathered on the banks of the Heavenly River; Omopikane no kami gathered the roosters ("Long Singing Birds") of the country of Eternal Peace ( possibly Chinese influence), made them sing; two other kami dug 500 sacred rooted trees on Mount Heaven, hung them with low precious jasper, a mirror, and soft white fabrics; Ama-no Uzume no mikoto stood on a barrel before entering the cave and became obsessed with a deity; Amaterasu went out to see why Ama-no was having so much fun; she was not allowed back]: 135-156 (similar options on p. 136-140); retelling in Dale Sonders 196:421-422, in Matsumoto 1928:18-22.

SV Asia. Chukchi: Baboshina 1958, No. 19 [The swans agree to marry Kulik, reject the lazy Raven; he hides the Sun in his mouth; the Swan tickles him, laughs, he opens his mouth, releasing the sun; The Swan comes with him, on the way, kills with a sharp stick], 37 [Mitya has husbands Raven and Toporok, Kuikyneku's father, Inyanakvut's mother; Raven is lazy, thief, coward, Toporok is a good hunter; Raven is going to change the weather, but only eats the meat given to him; The axe shovels the snow with a shovel (in the sky), the blizzard ends; the raven hides the sun in its beak; the mother-in-law takes the form of M., caresses the Raven, he smiles, releases the sun; On the way home, his mother-in-law pierces him with a stake]: 50-51, 79-103; Bogoras 1928, No. 2 [(same in 1902, No. 4:644); The wolf says that the crow Kurkil eats crap; then K. hides the sun, moon and stars; rejects deer, agrees to return the luminaries in exchange for two wives, the Wolf's sisters; wives bandage his tongue, since then the raven has not spoken]: 302-303; Dolitsky 1997, No. 3 [(Zap. P. Skoryk); a woman makes a ball from the sun and moon, fills with stars; when she throws the ball up, it's light when she takes it into the house, it's dark; the man from Inchoun (translated from esk. Insigvik) comes to her, threatening to kill, gets the lights back, people are happy]: 10-11; Koryaks: Baboshina 1958, No. 72 [The sun cannot get Frost's daughter, the Sokholylan Raven brings her; The sun goes beyond sea; people ask S. to give the Sun a woman; he gives an ugly woman; for her, the Sun agrees to shine only every year for six months; S.'s wife, seeing his impotence, leaves him; S. makes the sun out of the seal, the moon made of wood]: 178-183; Zhukova 19?? [The Sun and the Raven are brothers, they wanted to marry the Daughter of the North; the Raven was luckier, brought the girl; the Sun was offended that his brother did not want to share his wife with him, went overseas; night fell; Raven sleeps with his wife, wakes up - he will see the darkness, sleeps again; the tundra inhabitants were afraid of eternal night, went to the Raven to ask the Sun not to anger; the Raven sent an ugly woman to the sun, she came back, said that The sun refused to speak to her; the Raven sent his beautiful sister; the Sun still demands the daughter of the North; Sister Raven replies that she was no worse than her; the Sun agrees to take the Raven Sister, but on the condition that they will not return to the tundra; agrees only to live in the tundra for a while; the daughter of the North saw that the Raven was powerless to return the Sun to the tundra, went to her father; since then, the Sun has been living overseas, sending to the tundra only the coldest rays]:; Bogoras 1917, No. 1 [The Raven and the Little Bird marry Yinianyavgut, the daughter of the Big Crow; the Raven fails to stop the snowfall, and the Bird succeeds, he gets a wife; The Raven swallows the sun; Chanai marries the River Man, that shamanite, becomes a little lighter; J. comes to the Raven, tickles him, he laughs, regurgitates the sun; J. sleeps with him, then kills; from his head makes the sky clear]: 12-23; coastal Koryaks: Jochelson 1908, No. 82 [Valvimtilyn Raven and Little Bird marry the daughter of the Big Raven Yineanyevyt; V. only pretends to leave stop the blizzard, eats supplies himself; The bird plugs a hole in the sky, gets J.; V. swallows the sun; J. comes to him, tickles, says that she is now his wife; he opens his mouth, releases the sun; Y . asks him for a fork, he gives her his beak, she kills him with it]: 250-253; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 126 (Kichiga village) [the raven Velvimtilyn swallowed the sun; Emmkut sends his daughter Klyukenevyt, V. does not want her; Inyanavyt sends her daughter; when he sees her, V. laughs with joy, spits out the sun; I. pierces V. with a stick, hangs her on a stick]: 418-419; forest yukaghirs (p. Ridiculous in Vekhnekolym District) [people trap a fox hole and sing; Lisa's five daughters and then she dance herself, fall into a trap; people are happy]: Gogolev et al. 1975:235-236.

NW Coast. Bellacula: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 503-505 [the spirits of the dead take the girl underground; people invite the spirits to a feast; their leader is the last to come, carry the kidnapped with him; people pour urine on the spirits, those they run away in panic, leave the girl], 1948 (2): 394-395 [Cormorant has a plentiful catch, the Raven only pretends to pull fish out of the water; expresses his admiration for his eyes, teeth, body shape, voice companion; says he did not see only his tongue; the Cormorant sticks out his tongue, the Raven cuts him off; at home he declares that all his fish, but the Cormorant is numb], 414-415 [The raven makes a boat, burning the core of the log; his they are lured to see a famous dancer; while he looks, the boat burns down]; Nootka [world in darkness; one of the Woodpecker Chief's men advises him to put his daughter on the roof of the house; the Chief of Heaven takes her, She marries, she gives birth to two sons; four years later, their parents let them down on ropes; the eldest has a box with him; he opens it, light spreads in the world]: Boas 1916, No. 7:913-914.

The coast is the Plateau. Yakima [The crow holds a piece of deer fat in its beak; the Coyote calls her a wise leader, asks her to sing; the crow croaks, the Coyote catches the fat that has fallen]: Clark 1953:186.

Southeast USA. Chirokee [Sunwoman's daughter dies; mother cries, her tears cause a flood; boys and girls dance in front of her; The sun smiles when the drummer changes the rhythm]: Mooney 1900:253-254; screams [an old woman hides the sun in a vessel; a rabbit comes to dance, asks the sun's owners to sing; takes the vessel away, breaks it]: Swanton 1929, No. 7:123; alamaba [like screaming]: Martin 1977:6; Swanton 1929, No. 8:123.

California. The spider keeps the fire; to get it, animal people dance obscenely in front of it, making it laugh. Shinkyon [keeps in his body; Skunk dances with his tail lifted; everyone laughs, including the Spider; people stand ready to burn tar; eel-tail sets fire first; runners take fire]; kato [orphan notices a distant fire; the chief sends runners after him; the Spider laughs when the dancing Coyote licks his genitals; the hummingbird takes the fire away]; yuki [The spider owns the fire while sitting on it; the orphan Rabbit notices gleams of fire; the Coyote leads his men to the Spider; they dance to make him laugh; The mouse scratches his ass; the Spider laughs, rises, the Dove puts rotten under him, takes the fire away]; coastal yuki [ the little Salamander cries, his parents throw him out of the house; the Coyote sees the words in his cry, the Fire is on the other side; people come to the Spider hiding the fire in his body; everyone is dancing, They move ridiculously; finally, the Coyote does something very funny; the spider laughs, the fire falls out of his mouth, the Coyote grabs the fire].

Big Pool. See D4A motif. Like in the Southeast U.S.; Coyote kidnapper, if not otherwise. Northern Payutes; Northern and Western Shoshones; Goshiyutes; Uintah Utah; Southern Utah [Hummingbirds instead of Coyote].

The Great Southwest. Western Apaches: Goddard 1918 [Martens win fire; they are invited to dance; Coyote steals fire]: 41-43; Russel 1898 [Fox invites Fireflies to dance, steals their fire]: 261-262; chiricahua [only Coyote owns tobacco; people promise him a wife in return; dress up a man as a woman; Coyote discovers his wife's penis; tobacco is not given back to him]: Opler 1942, No. 41:61-62.

NW Mexico. Huichol: Cunningham 1978 [Ulianaka's mother earth, as an old lady, collects mesquite pods, magey stems, cactus fruits; Citaima cries for losing her five daughters; Black, Blue, Red, White, Variegated Corn; on the fifth day, W. is tired of listening to her crying, turned her into a Coyote crying at night; five Corn girls teach W. to cultivate the field, take care of crops, etc.; Coyote promises to deceive because she herself was deceived; sends a Rattlesnake, placing a seed in its tail - let it resemble corn; W. cries, watering the ground with rain; pierces his chest with a thorn, blood mixes with tears, so the earth is red; Father Sun does not look at the old woman; W. becomes beautiful, lifts up her skirt; Corn girls do the same; now the Sun looks at them; The beautiful colors of the sunset sky are a sign of the Sun's love for W. and the Corn Girls]: 40-46; (cf. Cunningham 1978 [world in cold and dark; White Eagle flies, finds a sleeping Fire; animal people build a temple for him, bring firewood; Snakes decide to steal it; the red Snake has turned black; the Fire has woken up, disappeared into the cave; Scorpion, Vulture, Jaguar, Raccoon and others are trying to get it back, burned (black spots on their bodies); The Deer manages to persuade the Fire to return; it teaches people to celebrate, do arrows, burn garden areas, etc.]: 23-26).

Mesoamerica Tepehua: Williams García 1972:93 [animal people are looking for the sun; a lizard finds a hot rock; a woodpecker makes a hole; everyone is dancing, then the sun comes out], 93-94 [obscene dancing to make Jesus laugh (=the sun)]; Nahuatl (San Luis Potosí) [birds sing, luring the sun out of the cave; the sun doesn't like the first singers; finally it comes out]: Croft 1957:327; Masateks: Portal 1986:46 [birds sing and dance to steal corn from their owning spouses], 56-57 (ohitek; along with the idea of the moon as a woman) [a cannibal woman had fire; all animals they came to her party, but the rabbit refused; the month was more stupid than the sun and was eaten at the festival; the dog stole the bones, gave it to the sun; the head of the month was in a pot; the animals tried to force the woman to dance, but she did not want to dance, she was afraid that a month would be stolen from her; but the possum amused her so much that she started dancing and the dog took the pot away from months; and the possum ran to the fire and carried the fire to tail; since then its tail is bald; the month and the sun are brothers; the sun has revived the months, but a piece of bone has disappeared, so the moon is pale; the month used to be brighter than the sun, but now the sun is brighter; cannibal chases the sun to take a month; sometimes it catches, but the sun slowly gets away from it]: 56-57; chatino [the hero waits until the owners of the fire get drunk at the party]: Bartolomé 1979 , NO. 14.3:28.

Honduras-Panama. Bribry: Gonzáles Chaves, González Vásquez 1989 [Sibu brings a basket of seeds from which people of different genera should emerge; Odrer swallows it; S. tells the firefly to fly down his throat and find out if the seeds in O.'s stomach are really drinking cocoa; he bursts; S. collects seeds; they get dirty, so people get sick]: 130-131; Hidalgo Solis 1997, No. 1 [ Sibo tells the servants to guard the basket of corn; they allow Abuble to swallow it; S. gives A. cocoa, A.'s womb bursts; after returning the corn, Sibo tells them to sow it; from new corn made by people]: 151-152; Pittier de Fabrega 1903, No. 1 [Sibu tells Sura to guard the seeds; Haburu kills Sura, swallows seeds; cocoa grows on Sura's grave; Sibu Sura comes to life, tells him to sow seeds]: 2-3; bribri: Bozzoli 1977:172-175 [the world is only stones; the Bat flies to suck the blood of the Earth Girl; trees grow out of the Bat's excrement; Shibyo sends the Mouse again, Earth's mother and grandmother cut the Mouse in half with a thread; now the bats hang upside down to prevent their insides from falling out; S. sends people to dance in front of Earth's dwelling; Earth's mother drops it, dancers trample on the child, fertile soil spreads; Earth's mother and grandmother say they (=Earth) will now devour the dead; grandmother's tears turn into birds of prey and animals], 174 [P. calling his sister (Earth?) cook cocoa for the festival; she agrees when he promises to give her clothes and jewelry], 175 [the old woman holds the Earth child behind the stone door; the hurricane breaks the door, the Tinamu bird takes the child, brings it to dancing people, giving it to one of the Frogs; she drops it, the dancers trample it, it turns into fertile soil]; Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas 1987 [dance to kidnap a girl's land from her grandmother] : 32; kuna [girl dances, urinates and blows winds in front of the house of an old man who owns medicinal plants; his warriors laugh; he leaves the house, also starts laughing; the hero kills him with a stone, picks up plants; the victim turns into wasps]: Chapin 1989:40-41.

The Northern Andes. Kogi [Mother combined her pubic hair with her menstrual blood, so she created the first man; he was boneless; the second was without a body, the third was powerless, the fourth was normal, it was Sintana, he was born in the "Sea Foam" house in the middle of the sea; Mother did not have a husband, she satisfied herself with a wooden stick; this is how Sintana, Seihukúkui, Seyänkua, Kímaku, Kynchavitauéya, Aldahu&# were born 237; ku, Jantäna and Duesängui; The mother looked like a man, had a beard and mustache, a handbag and a coca vessel; she told her sons to do all women's jobs; there were no women, instead of wives The brothers had objects: a vessel, a loom, a mortar; they masturbated, but thought it was sex; then Mother gave birth to 9 daughters, i.e. 9 types of land: White, Red, Yellow, Blue, Sandy, Burned, Ash, Rocky, Black; the sons pushed the water away, the Mother drank the middle of the sea, land appeared; S. and the other sons began to ask the Mother for her daughters; she gave everything, and the youngest daughter Black hid; S. began to sing and dance in the middle of the world, Black Earth came out, S. carried her away; Mother sent a crocodile in pursuit; Seijánkua hid the fugitives first in his lime vessel and then in his heart; Where the Black Earth set foot, fertile soil appeared; this is how the earth hardened; dance and music to steal a girl's land from her mother]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 1.II: 19-21; ihka: Chaves Mendoza, Francisco Zea 1977 [when it was dark, the first woman had two beautiful children; she hid them in a cave, light came from there; people brought flutes, drums, started playing; boy J'uí came out, his they tried to catch him, he soared into the sky, became the sun; those who looked up at him turned into stones; his sister named Tíma was also lured by music; to prevent her from running away, they threw ash at her in the face; but she also rose to the sky, became the moon]: 62-63; Lucena Salmoral 1969:228-229 [the woman's son radiated light, she hid it from people; people lured the woman out of her cave by playing flutes and drums, she lost consciousness; they entered the cave, the boy soared into the air, became the sun in the sky; those who were somewhere at that time and began to look at the miracle were petrified; the stones are now visible images of J'uí (the Sun); the same with Tima, sister Sun, she became the Moon; but people threw ash at her, her light faded], 230-231 [The Sun is a snotty little boy, his Mother Lake does not let down from his hands; to lure the Sun, Seránkua arranged a party; his mother does not pay attention to the music; S. asked for a boy to dress him nicely, returned him; began to sing, the mother listened, the boy flew to the sky, became the sun; mother promised it would be dark again in the future]; kamsa [Weasel woman dances in front of the man who owns the fire, then steals the fire]: McDowell 1989:108-109.

Llanos. Sicuani [Cayman swallowed the fire; Tsamani sent rain, one boy turned into a frog, began to sing with the other frogs; Cayman came up, was killed with harpoons, and fire was taken out of his belly]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 51:228

Southern Venezuela. An ugly dance with bare ass and excrement in front of Cayman to make him laugh and fire. Sanema: Barandiaran 1968 [Cayman Ibaramyo has a fire in his mouth, people eat meat raw; a boy finds a charred leaf in I.'s cave; the boy's father has a party; Tinama chicken, then the Dog defecate at the dancers, everyone laughs except I.; a bird as red as fire defecates into I.'s mouth; he laughs, throwing fire out of his mouth; his tongue is burned, now the caimans have no tongue; a black and white bird carries the hijacking in her beak, hides it in a tree; I.'s wife tries in vain to fill the tree with urine]: 4-7; Wilbert, Simoneau 1990, No. 49 [(Colchester quail 1981:75-78); people eat raw caterpillars, only Cayman roasts them ; people dance ridiculously in front of him; Ant is the classification mother of a little boy (he is the Bat); the boy complains that his hammock is smoky; climbs to Ant; she tells him to lie down with a jack, he says there are ants at the end; copulates with her; their name is dance; his big penis causes everyone to laugh, but Cayman is silent; laughs when Drozdikha defecates in the face of those present; Nuthatch grabs fire, Cayman's wife Frog tries to fill the fire with urine; Oropendola manages to transfer it to the trees; Cayman tells birdsmen they'll be cooked on fire], 55 and 59 [just like Barandiaran] : 111-115, 126-127, 132-133; Yanomam [only Cayman and his wife Frog own fire; they roast caterpillars, others eat raw; bird people find them fried under Cayman's hammock; paint, dance in front of Cayman; he laughs when Wren lifts his ass up and swings; hot coals fall from Cayman's mouth; the Frog fills them with urine, but the Oropendoles manage to place the coals in the trees]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990, No. 50:116-119; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990, No. 51 [people eat raw caterpillars, caiman Iwarivo secretly roasts; old woman finds a grilled caterpillar under Y.'s hammock; people They try in vain to make him laugh; Tohomomorivö defecates on others; I. laughs, the fire falls out of his mouth; his wife Prejoma tries to extinguish the fire with her urine, but the Kanapororivö bird has time put it in a tree; I. predicts that husbands will punish wives by burning them; the dead will also be burned; I. and P. will turn into a caiman and a frog], 52-53 [as (51), less details], 56-57 [how in (51); Thrush defecates into Cayman's mouth]: 120-124, 130-133.

Guiana. Varrau [owned Imanaidarota at night, Hokohiarota owned the sun; kept the night in a scarf in a basket; in his absence, his wife's brother, a boy, opened the bag; darkness came, boy turned into an owl; I. came to H., in his house dancing and music; when H. wanted the sun, he pulled it up on a rope; for the girl H. gave a day of 6 hours, for the second he promised to give a normal one, 12 hours; I. did not have a second girlfriend, he carved her out of Usirou wood; her name was Usirumani; H. could not sleep with her, asked the woodpecker to make a vagina; all the birds were smeared in the leaked blood; a crane in white blood , in curled black - raven]: Wilbert 1970, No. 172:377-379.

NW Amazon. Bar: Brüzzi 1994 [a dangerous character is lured with alcohol to a party, thrown into the fire; a palm tree grows out of dust; sacred musical instruments are made of it]: 59-60; Pereira 1980 (1) [Cayman is drunk at the festival, his mouth is opened to extract fire]: 224-225; tarian: Biocca 1965 [a virgin Coadidop (grandmother of days) lived in emptiness; she made it out of her feet a cigar holder, tobacco from her body, milk from her breasts, put it in a cigar holder, began to smoke and chew coca; on the third attempt, a man came out of the smoke; said that he was thunder, the son of thunder, her grandson, a man, his name Enu, he has omnipotence over the world, must make friends for himself; he made Enu Koana and Enu Pokurano out of tobacco smoke; the fourth Thunder prevents hunger from starting; K. made women Caizaro and Paramano; became 4 thunder and 3 women; K. taught women what to do when menstruation occurs, younger Thunder how to make a ritual hut for girls; created a land for women - a circle of rope, dripped inside milk, the earth became; said that they should work because people cannot eat tobacco and coca like the Thunders; the Thunders tried to get pregnant by eating fruits; they could not; they lured the girls to the river; one tried the fetus, became pregnant; she could not give birth, no genitals; went to the river (the buttock print is visible on the stones), lost consciousness in pain; Thunders in the form of monkeys cut her stomach with a cigar holder, they took the child; he is full of holes; the child - Koe, Yurupari, grew up, taught me to sing and dance; opened up to his mother; when he spoke, I heard the sound of Yurupari instruments; arranged a party, said that tools - his bones; went up the mountain to a stone house; learned 3 generations of Tarian and Baniva children; forbade eating roasted uazu fruits; one fruit fell into the fire, the children ate it; Yu caused a storm, invited the children to the shelter is his ass; the latter brushed his teeth with a cake so that it would not be noticeable that he was eating fruit; Yu believed he did not eat, closed his ass before he came in; Yu took him into his stone house; the children inside began to rot; Y.: Does the belch stink? - No; becoming a parrot, the boy cut a hole in Yu's stone house; when Yu asked again about belching; the boy said that he ate his brothers, flew away; people offer Yu beer, he doesn't drink, He is afraid that he will be killed; 3 old Thunder gave him drink, threw him into the fire; Yu burned the whole earth, but the Thunders escaped in the cave; sent a man to see if the fire went out; he became a cricket (with a black head and legs) , lives in a hole in the ground); the earth has cooled down, everyone has come out; pashiuba grew out of the ashes, sacred instruments were made of it; women are not shown them; where Yu died, there are many poisonous plants and a lot of coal] in Br üzzi 1994:95-114 and S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 8:302-308; Brüzzi 1994 []: 240-243; baniva [a dangerous character is lured with alcohol to a holiday, thrown into the fire; a palm tree grows out of dust; from sacred musical instruments make it]: Dominguez Mendez 1986 (curripaco): 149-152; Galvão 1959:46-47; Saake 1968:266; desana [a dangerous character is lured with alcohol to a holiday, they throw it into the fire; a palm tree grows out of dust; sacred musical instruments are made from it]: Kumu, Kenhire 1980:118-119; tatuyo [a dangerous character is lured with alcohol to a holiday, thrown into fire; a palm tree grows out of dust; sacred musical instruments are made from it]: Bidou 1983:38.

Central Amazon. (The exact recording location is not known) [Frog girls drink Cayman drunk; to extract fire from his body, Cayman is killed]: Amorim 1928:371-373 in Zeller 1983:35-36.

The Central Andes. Konchuko (dep. Ancash) [alcohol to the sun to get coca]: Mortier, Minnaert s.a.: 7-8; Caruas (dep. Ancash) [people did not care about crops, did not weed them; God took away cultivated plants; people came to the Pope, started playing musical instruments, gathered to listen to the seeds in the windows, people they grabbed them, but could not carry them away; then they asked for birds; each bird took the type of seed that it feeds on: sparrows for wheat, goldfinches for quinoa, huanchacos (red-breasted long-billed bird) for corn, partridges are potatoes; but the partridges were not there, the potatoes were brought by hummingbirds; on the way back they fell behind because the seeds are heavy for them, so potatoes do not grow in some parts of Peru]: Yauri Montero 1961:76-77.

Eastern Brazil. Apinaye [during a lunar eclipse, an old man raises a girl to the moon, saying, Look, here's your wife, don't die! ]: Nimuendaju 1939:139.

The Southern Cone. Araucans [(two options); two brothers carry out Latrapai's difficult errands to marry his daughters; L. tells Fox (according to one version, his son) to kill the girls; the brothers hide the sun in a pot to make a night ten days or four years long; L. starves; all animals and birds invite their daughters' brothers to change their minds; they consistently reject each one; The partridge flew under the mule, which kicked the pot, the sun came out; Nandu began to dance, told him to be called names; two old women came out, then two girls, but without eyes; the old women looked at them, brothers at them married]: Lenz 1896:31-36; Lehmann-Nitsche 1929:44-50.