Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C19. Finding the sun.



first ancestors find the sun (daylight) that was missing, hidden, or stolen. See motive C18. For statistical calculations, C19 also includes all texts of the C19A motif.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Nkundu [only the moon was shining, Mokele goes for the sun; wasps, turtle, kite ask to take them with them; in the village, where the sun, M. leaves the cake with his friend Bonzange, comes to the chief ; hears him telling his son that those who came should be poisoned; Bolumba, the leader's daughter, fell in love with M., perforated a calebass with poison, runs with M.; the turtle finds the sun, the hawk puts it in the sky, wasps they stop the chase; in the Bonzange boat, M. and his wife sail home]: Kotlyar 1973:236-238 (=2009, No. 121:108-109); mongo [Bokele's father ordered all his wives to give birth by his return; he took out his spirit an egg from B.'s mother, B. came out of it; Wasps, Mouse, Turtle, Hawk sail in a boat with him to get sun from the Old Man; the Mouse overhears how the Old Man suggests asking a Bolumbu woman to cook B. in magic water; Bolumbu becomes B.'s mistress, deliberately holes the cauldron; The turtle entertains the guards of the cave where the sun is hidden, puts them under his shell, they do not see how the Kite carries the sun; the Turtle also picks up; everyone sails in the boat with B. and Bolumbu; the wasps attack the pursuers, who strangle many Wasps with smoke; the boat passes the fishing top they tried to catch it; B. wins the leader of the pursuers, the sun brings]: Belcher 2005:197-199; Mongo-nkundo [people complain to Lianja that the earth is too dark; L. collects all living creatures; fish, forest animals, owls and bats refuse to look for the sun, birds and insects agree; Nkombe is led by Jastber; in the sky, the Yemekonji god offers three packages; The fly suggests choosing gray rather than colored ones; N. opens package where heaven meets earth; sun rises]: Knappert 1997:102-103; ntomba [the first man Wai has a beloved wife Moluka; when he left, he ordered his wives to give birth by his return; y M. River complains of childlessness; the mistress of the water comes out, takes an egg out of her womb, tells her to come tomorrow; the next day, a boy instead of an egg; a day later, a teenager; when all wives bring V. their sons and they laugh at M., her son Mokele goes out to his father, the mats in front of him spread out themselves, V. makes M. the elder wife; only the moon shines, Mokele goes to get the sun; makes a big hollow; bees, a turtle, a falcon, then other forest dwellers ask to take them with them, Mokele takes them; sails to the country of Patriarch Mokulaka, who has the sun; he tells him to wait for his son Yakalaki, and tells his daughter Molumbu put poison in the food of those who come; wasps see and report it to Mokel; Molumbu falls in love with him, breaks a vessel of poison, tells his father that he must go back to the forest for poisonous drugs; at this time the turtle took the sun out of the cave, the falcon raised the turtle along with the sun to the sky, the sun shone; Mokele and his men rushed to the boat, and the wasps stung Yakalaki's people; Mokole and Molumbu safely We sailed home; they have a son Iyebelo; Mokele had a powder that revives the dead]: Knappertt 1997:207-211; shona (hungwe) [husband cannot hunt, wife hunts herself, exposing the child as bait guinea fowl; guinea fowl takes the child, the husband drives his wife away, takes another one; she is pregnant for two years, she will give birth if she drinks water in which frogs did not live; they find water that belongs to lions, they kill their husband they call the born child Ntsuntsu, tell the Hare to raise him to eat him later; N. breaks the house with an ax, runs away with his mother, flying away in a basket; comes to people, does not eat poisoned porridge, changes places with a woman's child (she kills a child at night, not N.); hides the sun; returns when the leader gathers all the girls, of which N. chooses the 10 most beautiful ones]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 112:257-261; isanzu [it was dark; the Sultan sent a Spider, Fly, a Rat, and five men to heaven beyond the sun; the Spider lifted everyone along the thread, the Rat gnawed a hole in the sky; the heavenly sultan promised to give not only the sun, but also cultivated plants; Mucha said that she would sit in baskets where people chose the right valuables; the sultan told them to eat the bull with the bones overnight; the rat made a hole, the bones and meat were thrown into it; The Sultan ordered that they take out what they had brought on the ground when the rooster sings; the rooster sang, the sun rose; people planted cultivated plants; awarded the Rat, the Spider (live in the house), the Flies (they drink milk during milking)]: Kohl-Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 25:29-31; Sukuma: Millroth 1965:196-177 [Leo gathers everyone for advice, offers to get light from the sky; Mouse, Spider, Fly agree to go; across the web they climb into the sky; the local chief suggests 1) mowing the grass throughout the savannah (The mouse calls ants to cut the grass), 2) eat a lot of meat (The mouse digs passages, they hide the meat underground), 3) identify which the box is light, how dark; the fly overhears, finds out what is in the red box, the leader gives it away; on the ground, a rooster jumps out of the box, sings, the sun rises], 198 [people on the web climb into heaven in search light; locals try to slip them beautiful boxes, but they choose the most modest ones; when they return to earth, people open the boxes, the sun appears from the first, the second moon, the third star] ; jungwe [the leader keeps the sun and moon in a vessel; the young man comes to work with him, the chief agrees to give him 12 of his dumb daughters; two agree; the young man helps the old woman prepare firewood, she gives he has a magic vessel of water; when the wives look into it, they begin to laugh and talk; the leader calls his son-in-law, asks the 10 remaining daughters to be healed, who also become the young man's wives; explain how to find the lights; the young man feeds the rat, which brings the leader's dice, they tell us where the vessel is; the young man opens the lid, the stars ascend to the sky; the leader, remembering the healed daughters, does not harm his son-in-law, but tells his son-in-law go away with his wives]: Frobenius 1931:214-217; bena-lulua [The Month and the Sun argued which one is the leader of the people; the Sun is gone, it has become dark; people sent the Goat to Fidi Mukulu, she is there stayed; they sent the Dog, who went to the trash, found FM's father, Katanga; he gave her fire for the people and told her to say that the Sun was the leader of men; K. made the day]: Frobenius 1983:150; lulua (?) [The Sun and the Moon argued which one was older, the Sun got angry, disappeared; people sent a dog to the sun asking them to come back; the Sun gave the dog animals and birds that voice before dawn, told me not to try to catch the Lubute bird; the dog came to people; soon a rooster screamed, etc., the sun rose but the dog was numb]: Lambrecht 1963:45-46; Cuba: Frobenius 1983 (ngongo) [(= Kotlyar 1973:174-176); The Sun said he was the leader and the Month said he was; the Sun was offended, disappeared; the birds came together; the night bird Shukul wanted it to be dark; the domestic Rooster asked the Sun to rise; it began to dawn; another bird asked where our chief was; the sun rose]: 151; Torday, Joyce 1910 [it was only night; Woto left his brother Moelo's village; he regretted letting him go; sent him to him three people named Kalona, Buimbi, Binga, ordered not to fish on the river; Binga began to catch; they came back, M. beat Binga; sent the first two and the dog; they came to V.; he gave three birds - Natal cuckoo, rooster, black bird Japodiya; told me not to leave their homes when the first or second sings, go out when the third one sings; people did so; when this bird sings, the sun rises]: 247-248; lala [Lesa is the supreme god, leader in heaven, thunder; married to his sister Mushili, she is associated with the earth; died; they have sons, the elder Kashindika and the younger Luchele; L. sent them to earth" to establish villages"; it is dark on earth; they went to their father to get the sun and moon; K. stabbed an ox, a dog came, he hit her on the back; L. offered to choose a bag of luminaries, but there were many bags, K. did not know which take it; Lucele came and fed the dog, who said that she would scrape and sniff the right bags (var.: in addition to bags of sun and moon, roosters and rhinoceros birds that foreshadow dawn); the sun placed to the east, the moon to the west; people woke up singing and cockscreaming; K. was furious, asked L. for poison, he did not give it, K. took it himself, brought it, died Lucele's wife, then K. himself; this is how he appeared death]: Munday 1942:49-50.

West Africa. Banen [{it's about the moon, but dawn does not come because of the loss of the moon}; he went down to the garden for a month to eat pumpkin flowers; at night, the owner went to meet his mistress, saw the light, caught a month, brought home; dawn didn't come; people were going to figure out what was going on; the man brought a month and released; the roosters sang, the partridges gave a voice, it was dawn]: Dugast 1975:278-280; tenda [woman pregnant for several years; complains that there is no one to collect fruits for her; Tyara answers from the womb, comes out, immediately becomes a big boy; his grandmother does not tell him to go to her village, where the bird takes people ; he attaches a bag of ash to her from behind, follows the trail; everyone hides, T. cuts off the bird's head, puts it in a bag; the chief says he killed the bird, but cannot show his head (the head of the rooster, goat, ram, cows do not fit); the leader sends T. to the granary (it has the shape of a deep vessel in the ground), pours molten bullets and hot oil on top; T. puts a pumpkin vessel; sends to search sorrel; T. calls sorrel, hears an answer, refuses to go (sorrel cannot answer, it's a trap); T. tells the Sun not to shine so that the oil does not melt; the moon does not grow so that the hyena does not eat its goat; those refuse, T. hides them in a bag, a long night falls; T. tells everyone to hide, releases the Sun; Guinea fowl sticks her head out, now it is burned; the Turtle and the Snail are not hidden, now their bodies are solid dry surface; when the sun went down, T. released the moon; she was grabbed by a Monkey; on the moon, you can see a Monkey grabbing the moon to look at it]: Ferry 1983, No. 49:286-295; kono: Holas 1975:29-44 [ (=Beier 1966:3-6); Sâ (Death) lived in an empty dark world with his wife and children; created a plain of mud; the god Alatanga visited him, made the surface hard, vegetation and animals on it, and secretly married on his youngest daughter S., because S. rejected his open offer; ran away with his wife, who gave birth to 4 white boys and 4 girls, 3 boys and 3 black girls; they began to speak different languages, A. went to S. for advice; he gave white and black the cultural elements they now possess; told whites to marry whites, blacks to black; A. sent a rooster and another morning bird to ask S. light; he said that as soon as they sang, the day would come; this is how the sun rose; the moon and stars appeared in the evening; S. demanded every child in exchange for the daughter given to A. when he asked him; so people die], 39 [The sun helped people by dispersing clouds during the festival; asked for a chicken for a favor, they refused; the Sun disappeared; after a long time people sent a dog, then a bull - unsuccessfully; when he came The Rooster, the Sun liked his song, promised to go out whenever he started singing it; the night left the moon for his sister]; dan [first on earth Sun, his son Ruo, Night, Rain, but four men were only three women; R. flirted with Rain's wife, who scolded him; as a result, the Sun and R. went east, the villages of Rain remained in the dark; in the end, the Sun agreed every day come back; Rooster and Tutu announce his sunrise]: Himmelheber 1958:238; terns [Ananse (spider trickster) asks god Wulbari to give him one corncob, promises to bring a hundred in return people; consistently changing one supposedly missing object to another (he feeds the cob to the chickens himself, gets a bag of grain, because this is God's cob!) , buys a dead young man for 10 sheep, passes him off as his sleeping son V., tells the children to beat him in order to wake him up, accuses him of murder, takes a hundred young men as witnesses to what happened; V. is offended to learn that A. thinks he is smarter than him; tells him to bring "something"; A. feathers every bird, climbs a tree, no one understands what it is; everyone says A. would have guessed; V. explains that he sent him and that "what then" means sun, moon and darkness; after learning the secret, A. slowly gets off the tree, brings what he needs; first darkness is complete darkness, then the moon comes out, finally the sun; those who looked at him straight are blind]: Belcher 2005:111-116; dagari [the chief orders all women to bring their newborns, he will give them a name; one has suffered, the baby died but came to life when she returned home with him; so three times; baby said that he did not want to see the leader, but his name was Yã-Gãgn-Não; he grew up playing with boys, the chief hears the name; tells his mother to sow grain, grow crops, brew beer in a day; son everything performs; the leader gives the young man his bull to the herd, demands the whole herd - it is the bull who gave birth to him; the young man begins to cut wood: the water must be warmed, the father gives birth; the leader is forced to return the herd; the leader ripped off his back to a live cow, smeared it with oil, gave it to the young man, ordered the butter not to melt; the young man hid the sun in his bag, it was a long night; for the sun to rise again, the leader was forced to take it a cow; the young man found out that the chief had dug a trap hole for him, covered it with a mat; the young man dug another hole nearby, dug a passage between them; while his wives poured boiling water into the first hole, the young man got out and climbed onto the roof; the chief sent his son to find out who was there, he said it was Yã-Gãgn-Não, the leader killed him; the same with his second son; he did not kill the third, but sent him with Yã-Gãgn-Não to his funeral a friend, giving him a better horse and his son the worst, and sending a man to kill that rider who rides in luxurious clothes on a good horse; Yã-Gãgn-Não swapped with the leader's son, and he was killed; after this chief and Yã-Gãgn-Não became friends]: Métuolé Somba 1991:194-198.

North Africa. Kabila [the witch lowered the moon and sun on her dish; she was afraid of what she had done, but could not put it back; God promised to return the stars if the witch gave the man; this was the first sacrifice]: Arezki 2010:137-139.

Melanesia. Inanvatan Berau [there was no sun; people on five boats came to fish; the place seemed unfishy to men, but the women insisted on fishing here; the sun fell into the dam, women brought it home in a basket; it was warm and bright, the sun rose to the sky]: Miedema 1997, No. 4:12-13; olo [two maternal relatives began to fight without sharing the bird's eggs; father sent the son to separate them; one hit the person who came with a tree; the son returned, but the father realized that he was about to die from a wound on his head; asked if he wanted to be buried or laid on the clouds; he chose the second died; the father put the body on the clouds, but they broke; the deceased's two wives lost water {why this was due to the father's actions is not clear}; they ran to where their husband's father picked up his son's body; in five in the morning the sun rose for the first time; before that, there was eternal darkness, neither sun nor moon]: Slone 2009:64-65; Loyalty Islands (Lifou) [widow and daughter lived far from the village; they could not receive fire themselves by friction; one day the fire went out; when she climbed a tree, the girl saw smoke on the south side; the women on the Lifou are proud of their long emou (a bunch of hair that is not cut off); for the girl it reached the ground; on the reverse the children cut off her emow and blood flowed from him; to punish the offenders, her mother caught one of the sisi birds that were the first to sing at dawn, tied her beak; came to those children, covered the bird with a mat, it became dark; the chief from Uvea offered ransom the hair of flying foxes, the chief from Gaica offered a bunch of cowries, the chief from Ukenzo offered a low jasper beads, the chief from Mu offered conus shell bracelets; the girl to everyone refused, she only needed her emow; one person caught a red bird on the way and caught a red calebass in the sea; his little son began to play with them in front of the girl; she asked for them to be given to her and allowed them Mother let go of Cece's bird; the day has come again]: Hadfield 1920, No. 32:304-309.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Hawaii [Niheu insults Chief Kahiki's messenger, who hides the sun, moon and stars; Uli sends Kana to bring them back; N. dies from the cold; Kana gets to a hole guarded by Brother W. Manu-a; puts his hands in a hole, they put food in them first, then birds foreshadowing the dawn, then the lights he places in the sky]: Beckwith 1970:476.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [Urjan-Rembuchi made himself a drink, Zadu-Rahi {with an emphasis on "i"} urinated there; W. drank and fell ill, chased W.; asked in the sun and the month; the sun only with his lips showed the direction, and the month spoke in words; W. threw his daughter into pieces in a month; after that, the sun and moon did not rise; W. made the month whole again and the stars rose; for giving it away, Ts. -r. devours and spews stars]: Potanin 1893, No. 83:316; Lepcha: Siiger 1967, No. 1 [(local version of Geser); mung (evil spirit) Ca Shang Shang covered the sun with his wings; tigers and wolves came out in the dark from the forest, devoured people; born in the sky gye bu was sent by his parents to earth to be the king of ling; on his flying horse he flew to mung, made the horse a seed, hid it in his pocket, struck mung arrow into the only hole in his armor; he lowered his wings, it became light, mung vju saw gye bu, but he asked his parents to instantly move him to another place; mung fell, gye bu cut his body into pieces, gave it to ants, crushed his bones into powder; returned home triumphantly]: 202-203; Stocks 1925, No. IX [two Sun Brothers took turns rising, it was unbearable heat; Toad (edible species) volunteered to kill the Sun, made an arrow out of a cock scallop (Celosia L., amaranth), killed his older brother with it; the youngest was covered with a black blanket, it became dark; the black pestles turned into snakes , wooden mortars for tigers; fireflies tried to illuminate the world and a tree whose bottom leaves is white, it turned them out; but this is not enough; half of people died from snakes and tigers; people, animals and the supreme god Rum himself unsuccessfully asked the Sun to return; only when the Bat, hanging himself at the ends of his bow by his legs and nose, shouted through his nose that the world would die from the cold that the Sun looked out, because with him no one had ever spoken through his nose; when he saw the Bat hanging on his bow, he smiled; then it got hot and the Bat fell, breaking his bones; therefore, his legs did not look like birds or animals, and his nose twisted; they decided to punish the Toad, otherwise the Sun would not shine; his thumbs were cut off, placed in a cold place; the killed Sun became the Month; in the seventh, eighth and ninth months, the current Sun sits down early, says he's tired; but in fact, the red rooster scallop grows to full height at this time and the Sun is afraid of being shot]: 363-365 (quoted in Yamada 2009a: 34-36; retelling in K ühn 1936:82, short in Elwin 1949:54); taraon mishmi (taraon) [there were two suns, mother and child, eternal day; one man's child died from the heat; he gathered warriors with dogs to go kill one of the two suns; 7 warriors and 7 dogs died along the way, left alone; killed by the Rberenka sun; the mother sun disappeared for 8 years; left when ritual gifts were sacrificed to her]: Pandey 1999:34-35; angami [The Sun is a man, the Moon is a woman; once the Sun did not come out; the Ox, the Pig, the Dog consistently called him; only the Rooster called; the Sun admitted that he was afraid to go out at night, asked no one tell; but the Rooster told]: Hutton 1914, No. 5:485; Meitei [from B. Jatantakumar Sharma; the sun was too hot and people begged him not to rise; at first everyone was happy, but then hunger came; various birds and animals were sent to the sun, but the offended sun refused to return; finally, a rooster was sent; he cleaned himself up and dressed up; one of his arguments was that when large creatures begged the sun not to go out again, no one asked for the opinion of the small ones; in the dark, wild cats would destroy the cock tribe to the root; if the sun began to come out again , he, the rooster, will inform everyone about this; the sun is back]: Oinam et al. s.a; pasi; tagin; khashi; kachin [Sun brother is the father of nine Sun Girls, Sister Moon has a lot child stars; when people started stealing rice, the Sun released all daughters as punishment, gave dogs 9 tails and field mice (favorite game) 9 burrows; people made a large bow to shoot at the Sun live snakes; then the whole family of the Sun hid; they sent the Battleship, the daughter of the Sun killed him; then the Rooster; he agreed that the Sun would revive the Battleship, give him strong clothes and a long tongue; scattered your daughters, breaking them apart (they also became stars); if the Rooster does not welcome the Sun, the Fox will deal with it; if the Sun does not come out, the Toad will swallow it, and if the Moon does not come out, the Dog will swallow it] : Gilhodes 1908, No. 24:691-693; khashi [see motif C23; a tree obscures the sun, people cut down a tree; or a felled tree takes the sun off the sky]: Rafy 1920, No. 8:43-48; rawang [sun the star was weak, humans and animals decided to collect bribes so that the Sun would agree to be brighter; only the Deer and the Bat did not participate, so now they only go out at night; to the collectors of tribute from animals Bat she showed wings, and wool from the birds; she was punished by now hanging upside down and flying only at night; when the bribes were collected, the Sun should have been summoned; everyone refused, only the Rooster agreed; in a luxurious dress, he called the Sun from God's abode, the Sun agreed to go out; everyone who gave donations waited for the Sun, turning east, and not letting those who were told to turn west; barking deer saw sunlight on the mountain, jumped up, leaving a hoof mark]: LaPolla, Poa 2001:25-32; kachins (Tibet) [there were nine suns in the sky, everything living was dying from the heat; when everyone heard them being scolded the suns disappeared; animals and birds decided to give them gifts; the Bat proved that it was not a bird (has teeth), not an animal (flies), has not contributed its share; it (and Flying Squirrel) was not allowed to use the sunny with light]: Tishkov 1957:99 (=Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:175-176); (cf. Western Tibet [as a white bird, the king of heaven fights against the black devil bird; Agu {spirit category?} DPalle knocked out a black woman from a sling; refused cattle and wealth, asked one of his three sons to be sent to the land by the king; only the youngest Dongrub agrees; on the way to earth he comes to the spring, someone grabs his hand; warns that the giant Agu Za will swallow him; he will have to hold his sword in his right hand with his left hand, then he tells him to go out; D. asks if he should go out through head along with part of the brain, or through the foot; Z. asks to go forward; D. comes out through the back of the head, giving the giant the moon and sun to eat for a year; then D. is reborn on earth]: Francke 1900, chapters 1-3:1-6).

Burma - Indochina. Bulang (blang, south of Yunnan) [at first only sky and clouds, among them rhinoceros-like li runs; Gumiya made the sky out of his skin, stars from his eyes, earth from flesh, water from blood, from water, from wool - all kinds of plants, from the brain - humans, from the bone marrow of animals, birds, insects, etc.; four legs - four pillars of the sky; placed the earth on a turtle; as soon as the turtle tries to move, Gumia's rooster bites her in the eye; if she falls asleep, the turtle moves, shaking the ground; then people pour rice on the ground to wake up the rooster; 9 sun sisters and 8 month-old brothers decided to destroy G.'s creation; on the earth is unbearable heat; at this time, crabs lost their heads, fish lost their tongues, snakes their legs, frogs lost their tails; before leaving the shelter, G. smeared the straw hat with wax, but the wax melted and flowed into his eyes; from G. made a bow of wood with green bark, a bowstring from wild rattan, arrows from bamboo, moistened the tips with poison from the reservoir in which the dragon was swimming; climbed the hot stones to the top of the mountain, struck 8 suns and 7 months with arrows; their blood poured into the earth, cooling it; the remaining Sun and Month fled; tired G. fired the 18th arrow, it hit the Month, which survived, but lost his heat; it became dark and cold, people plowed, tying their lanterns to the horns of oxen, the rivers stopped; G. sent a swallow to look for the sun; when she returned, she said that the Sun and the Month hid in a cave in the east; G . sent all the animals and birds to ask them to return; he did not go himself, because those who hid were afraid of him; two partridges, with a black tuft and a white tuft, did not go; the first smeared her tail with red, supposedly having diarrhea; the second smeared her head white - she is in mourning for her parents; all of them were banned; there is a swallow in front, followed by fireflies; birds are headed by a rooster, animals are a boar; in the cave, the Sun and Month spouses are starving, but afraid go out; the rooster called them, the others promised that G. would not shoot them; the rooster: from now on, go out after I had drunk; cut the knot, threw half to the Sun and the Month, and made a comb out of the other ( a cut knot is a sign of the conclusion of a contract); daughter G. Gumishafema feeds the Sun three times a day with golden juice and the Month with silver juice; she is a young girl in the morning, a young wife in the afternoon, an old woman in the evening; the Sun and the Month are allowed at the end of each month return to the cave to connect (the moon is not visible at this time); the Sun is a shy wife, the Month gave her needle rays to stab the eyes of those who glanced immodestly at her; the entrance to the cave was blocked the stone, only the boar could push it back; everything is fine]: Miller 1994:88-93; the black thai of Laos [the vá tree covered the whole world, and the háy tree covered the whole earth; seven sons Cap and Ke ( brother and sister who escaped the flood) cut down trees, 9 moons ("mothers of heat"), 8 suns shone in the sky; the water dried up, the turtles cracked their shells; the coot and turtledove flew to heaven, asked God Po Tchen He told the chicken to peck 8 suns and 7 moons, she could not; the drake could, because it was necessary to swim to the suns and moons; after that, 7 brothers and parents settled in Luang Prabang]: Bourlet 1907:924-925 ( retelling in Chesnov 1980a: 622); Lao, ly and other Thai of Laos [the vine grew to the sky, obscured the whole earth; only Phu Ngo and his wife Ne Ngam decided to cut it down; asked people to pay them back to further honors; after 3 months and 3 days, the cut down vine fell on PN and NN, burying them under them; the sun shone again]: Chesnov 1982m: 354; Zhuang [the world is dark; people decide who to go to east to light a fire in the sun; reject an old man, a man, a boy, choose a woman; she gives birth to a child on the way, her son reached the sun a hundred years later, lit a fire; the sun has risen; the beasts of prey were destroyed]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:15-16.

South Asia. Ancient India (R ām āyana, I. 38-24; also Mah ābh ārata, Vanaparvan 108-109; Bh āgavata Pur āna, IX. 9) [The mountains of Vindhya once grew so proud that they eclipsed the sun and blocked its path; the great archer and ascetic is kind-hearted Agastya, a patron of South India, born from the seeds of Mithra and Varuna, made them prostrate in front of them and thus saved the whole world]: Zimmer 1946:112-113; Rigveda [the sun at sunrise is the beautiful woman Ushas ("dawn"); at the beginning she is hidden in a cave on the edge of the world on Rasa Island; Indra and poets and singers (Angiras) came to the cave; they made a fuss, I. broke the entrance with his vajra, opened the cave, and the first dawn began; it is symbolized by those coming out from the cave, red cows are both cows and rays of light]: Witzel 2005:4; Nepali: Maskarinec 1998:24-46 [Mahadev decides to put a man on the ground to command him; this is old Andhā serā; he cries because it is always dark; his relatives join him, all the same with them; then a young married Candra comes to M. to ask for 9 moons, 9 suns as a dowry; in the end M. gives them to her; the earth is burning, the rivers dry up; M. tells Kandra to do 8 unacceptable things one by one; after each 1, the sun and 1 moon go out (insulting the elders, refusing to sleep late guest, hit the dog sitting in the doorway with a stick; go out simple-haired into the yard; comb your hair back, etc.); the Satiavatī River has flowed again; barren cows, lame oxen must be sacrificed], 78-84 [ Makhaleva's married daughter Sita comes to him crying from the ground; it's dark there; he gives her 9 moons and 9 suns as a dowry; she stumbles, the stars hide in the stems of bamboo; S. comes again, gets lights; suns too much, the earth is burning, S. comes to his father again; he makes sure that 1 sun and 1 moon remain]; mundari {it is indicated that Orissa's munda is probably a Mundari} [7 suns were shining, people were languishing from heat; 7 brothers decided to destroy them, started shooting arrows and killed six; the seventh hid behind the hill; it became dark; the animals gathered for advice; the rabbit said that one sun was still left; the lion went asking the sun to come back, but it did not listen; the same elephant; peacock; then the rooster cried and the sun came out; the rooster screamed louder, the sun began to rise; the animals asked people not to kill it the sun and they promised not to kill; since then, the rooster has been screaming in the morning and the sun rises]: The seventh sun 2014:1-11; barela-bhilala [Wijati (Willa bai) was born from the third fruit of the first plant, to her commissioned to make land; she sculpted it on a potter's wheel; a bull, a cow, a serpent cannot hold the ground, it is placed on 12 pillars, but it is still wobbling; then Bhagwan made mountains and the earth was established; in the world is dark; Vijati made a little sun and moon on a potter's wheel; to become big, they must be born a woman; Vijati's brother Bholo Ishwor told the virgin Ranu bai to give birth to them: he and everyone will get the first born, the rest to her; after 9 months and 9 days she gave birth to them, but did not want to part with them, hid them, told the animals to guard; BI gave the animals fruit, began to play on guitar, sun and moon went out to listen, BI took them away, but their mother fed them first; they soared into the sky but spit out the food, it became stars]: Stiglmayr 1970, No. 6:149-152; gondas [Banhahu Dano gave birth The sun and the moon; they looked at the ground, saw a Baiga man and his sister, both naked; the stars were outraged, BD hid them again in his womb; Mahadeo went to Kapasia Mai, talked about what happened; she took cotton thread out of her mouth, weaved it for baiga, and weaved loincloths for the rest of the people; {The Sun and the Moon are apparently back}]: Elwin 1949, No. 1:472-474; Tamils [devotee The brahmana's wife took him to a brothel; he came across Mandavya, an innocent man who was put on a stake; he cursed him that he should die at sunrise; his wife did so by the power of her piety that the sun had not risen; the gods turned to Anasuya, Atri's wife; she persuaded the brahmana's wife to let the sun rise, promising to revive her husband; for this, Anasuya demanded that Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva be born her sons; Atri got to know Anasuya spiritually, the gods were born in appropriate guises]: Shulman 1980:149.

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans [angry that the sun was baking too hot, two women crushed a caterpillar and uprooted a certain plant; the supreme god Puluga sent for this long night; Maia Kolwot (woody lizard) made P. think that people feel good even in the dark; for this purpose he invented songs and dances; P. alternated night and day, gave people the moon]: Radcliffe-Brown 1933:215-216; murut [ a giant mountain covered the sun; seven brothers cut it down, only blunted their axes; the youngest learned in a dream that it was necessary to make a trap, catch a porcupine, make axes out of its ribs; the brothers knocked down with them mountain, its wreckage is still visible]: Wooley 1928, No. 16:369-372; Eastern Toraja [the gods hid the sun because people did not share hunting and agricultural products with them; the priestess arranged in Honor the gods are a holiday, they agreed to release the sun]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 8:378.

Taiwan - Philippines. Gaoshan {band?} [two dragons pluck the sun and moon from the sky, play with them in the river; Da-jian and his wife Shui-ne go in search, find a woman kidnapped by dragons in the cave, she serves as their cook; reports that dragons you can kill by throwing a golden ax and scissors hidden under a mountain into the water; spouses dig, find objects, a husband throws an ax, a wife throws scissors, objects decapitate dragons; spouses have no strength to place shining into the sky; on the advice of an old woman, the husband pulls out and swallows the eyes of one dragon, the wife of the other, both become giants; the sun and moon roll into the sky with palm trunks; D. and S. turned into two mountains]: Tishkov 1957:34-40.

China - Korea. Ancient China (Ba possession, east Sichuan; Sui jin zhu, or "Canon of Waters/Rivers" of the Han era or so, and Hou Hanshu, i.e. the History of the Late Han Empire; also other sources) [in Mount Wuluozhongli (possibly Mount Hen on SW Hubei) were black and red caves; members of the Fan, Tan, Xiang, and Ren families came from black, and the Ba family came from red; (in some Eastern Sichuan dialects, "ba" means cave); candidates for seniority were offered two tests; 1) throw a sword and get into a hole in the rock; a Ba man named Wuxiang fell into the eye of a bull; 2) make a boat out of clay; only Wuxiang managed to do this, became the leader and received the title Linjun (hereinafter W. appears under this name); after that, the name Ba passed to all five families; Linzhong sailed up the river in his clay boat Qing (in SW Hubei) and in the Yanyang area met a goddess; she offered to live together, taking advantage of the abundance of fish and salt; however, L. refused to share and demanded that everything be given to him; the goddess turned into an insect , a cloud of such insects eclipsed the sun, darkness came; after many days L. managed to hit the goddess with an arrow, the sun shone again; L. founded the city of Jichen, where four people began to live childbirth; he himself became a white tiger after death; therefore, ba let tigers drink human blood]: Sage 1992:108-109; Chinese (southwest Shaanxi, wu. Fengxiang) [A long time ago, the sun always rose in the east and set in the west. But the sun became lonely, and it commanded the animals to find him a wife. All the animals responded to his call, but the rooster, instead of helping, went to the desert to peck sand. All the animals were surprised, and the rooster told them that if the sun found a wife, he would have children, and then it would be impossible to live on earth {because of the heat}. Therefore, the rooster bites the sand to "take precautions for later life" {get used to eating sand alone}. Hearing this, the animals refused to look for a wife for the sun, and when the sun found out about this, became very angry, refused to shine and took refuge in the sea. The animals began to blame the rooster for this. The next day, the sky never brightened, and the rooster ran to the sea, stood on its shore and screamed. The sun heard his loud scream, surprised, and peered out of the water. Seeing this, the rooster ran away and screamed again; the sun saw no one and came out of the water completely. Then the rooster ran away again and screamed, and the sun rose even higher. So the sun forgot its anger and returned to normal. The animals were happy, and only then did the sun remember that it had refused to shine, but it was ashamed to come back. Since then, the rooster has been screaming every morning, and the sun rises in the east and sets in the west]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 10:12; the Koreans [the rock took Yono to Japan, where he was placed sovereign; to him his wife Seo joined; accordingly, the Sun and Moon stopped shining, their spirits were now in Japan; Yono gave the Korean envoy a piece of silk; when he was sacrificed to heaven, the Sun and The moon shone again; Yono and Seo can be translated as Fat Raven and Thin (elegant) Raven]: Kontsevich, Riftin 1980:50-51, 244 [note]; Chuan Miao: Graham 1954:88 [man named Niong Glo Bo Glei (foundation black feed or female dog) grabbed his teeth into the sky, the sun and moon fell into the pond; a Chinese man noticed their shadows, helped them return to heaven], 265-266 [an archer makes a crossbow, knocks out the Sun's eye and the eye of the Month; the luminaries hide for three years; they are even more frightened from the call of a cow and a tiger; they come out to the rooster scream, he receives a comb as a reward]: 265-266; Miao [Yang Yua has an only son died from the heat of 9 suns; Yaya shot 8 suns with a crossbow, and the ninth hid in zaun tsaw grass; this was the only plant that didn't burn; shot 8 moons and the ninth knocked out one eye; sent The pig did not return the sun; then the cow, dog, horse, squirrel, bird, lion, elephant - the same; when the sun girl called the rooster, she went out and gave him her comb; now it is on the head of a rooster]: Lemoine 1982:88-89; meo (NW Thailand) [Saub created heaven, earth, 30 sun women and 30 month old men; from peacock copper bow, 29 Suns and 29 Months were killed, the rest hid, 7 years dark; the calls of the bull, the horse, Nkauj Mok and Nkauj Mim The Sun and the Month do not respond; the rooster sings three times, the Sun and the Month go out]: Symonds 2004:215-218; lolo [there were 9 suns and 9 moons, the earth was burning from the heat; wonderful the born son of an eagle hit 8 suns and 8 moons with arrows, the last sun and moon hid, the earth fell into darkness; they were later persuaded to return; the same hero tamed the god Thunder]: Graham 196:84; hani [nine suns are shining; some offer to cover them with baskets, others to hide in cellars; ask a shooter named Pubula to destroy the suns; he knocked down eight with arrows, the ninth hid; various birds are sent to lure him out to no avail; when the rooster sang three times, the sun came out]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:17-19; fox [7 suns (women) and 9 months (men); during the day all the suns gathered on holiday, and all months at night; life on earth is in danger; 7 years later, a dragon emerged from the lake to see how things are on earth; shot 6 suns, and the seventh managed to escape; shot 8 at night months, the ninth managed to escape; it became dark and cold, a year later the animals gathered for advice; decided that the cow would call for the stars, but because of her mooing they only hid behind the mountain in fear; after 4 years the animals gathered again; chose a tiger, the stars hid from its roar again; after 7 years they chose a rooster; his first scream made a month wake up, after the second came out; after the third, the sun began to move, after the fourth came out; the month awarded the rooster with spurs, the sun with a scallop]: 154-156: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994.

The Balkans. The Serbs [when the devils overthrew them from heaven to earth, they took the sun with them; their king attached it to his spear and carried it with him; the earth began to complain to God: the sun is on it and everything is burning; God sends Archangel Michael to restore the sun; M. pretends to be another trait, offers to test who will dive deeper; dives to the bottom, brings a handful of dirt; when the devil dives, M. freezes the sea for six elbows thick, the sun grabs; but the devil left forty, as a watchman, she gives a voice; the devil has broken through the ice with a stone and chases M.; when he is already standing with one foot in the sky, the devil has time to snatch a piece out of the other meat; therefore, people have a recess in their feet]: Karadzic 1854, No. 18:136-138 (also Karadzic 1895:78f in Johns 2005:267 and, apparently, the same is shorter in Abayev 1990:150; in Kuznetsova 1998:70; in Jankov 1951:15-16); Macedonians: Tsenev 2004 [1) The Sun was about to marry, but the Hedgehog said that when many Suns were born, it would be impossible to live; the animals decided that the Sun should not marry; then he sank into the sea ; The Rooster began to sing, the Sun came up and accused him of drowning and singing; since then, the Sun has been coming out when the rooster sings, and he cursed the hedgehog, hiding that day; 2) God has forbidden the Sun to marry , then he sank into the sea; the Rooster began to sing, the Sun went out to see why he sang and stayed]: 36-37; Martin 1955 [the animals began to think they could do good for the Sun; the Hedgehog offered to marry him, the Sun was happy; Leo began to doubt: new suns would be born, the earth would burn; the Sun sank into the sea; the Rooster volunteered to return it, crowed for three days, but to no avail; then he jumped into the sea, got wet and appeared miserably; the Sun asked what was wrong with him; the Rooster replied that he had been persuaded to marry and now he was unhappy; there was nothing better than living alone; the Sun was happy and went out; the hedgehog was subjected condemnation and he is now hiding from everyone]: 32-36; Ortenzio 2008, No. 4 [animals gathered for the Sun's wedding; the hedgehog picked up stones, put his donkey in the feeder; explained that when the Sun has children, it will become it is so hot that there will be nothing left but stones, let the donkey get used to it; after learning that the animals no longer want him to marry, the Sun disappeared into the sea; the rooster brought an old shabby rooster to the seashore and began to crow until the Sun came out and asked what was going on; the rooster said he sings for joy - he was single, but the example of a married man next to him; the Sun decided that he should not marry and came back] 30 [when the Sun's wedding was being prepared, the turtle said that if the Sun had children, the world would burn; God canceled the wedding, the Sun was offended, disappeared into the sea; God rewarded the turtle: it will always be protected from hot rays; the rooster asked to be rid of his feathers, then he could dive; the feathers fell out, the rooster dived, sang, the Sun came back; all plucked roosters come from this rooster]: 15-18, 123-126; The Bosnians [devils stole the sun; one went to the sea to have fun, left forty to guard; God sent an angel, the magpie gave a voice, the devil chased the angel, managed to tear a piece of meat off his foot; God cursed the magpie, and people now have a recess on their feet]: Marcović 1893:483 in Johns 2005:266; Moldovans [dragons stole the Sun; husband and other people go looking for him, wife gives birth to a son named Ion, aka Fat Frumos, talks about his father; the Black King sends him for the Sun; he takes a skinny oath, he is a magic horse; FF consistently defeats dragons: Evening-, Night- Midnight Giants, cuts off their heads; in the last fight, the eagle sprinkles water on the powers of FF, not the giant; FF turns into a rooster, a fly, hears dragon wives promise to turn into a well, an apple tree, a grape bush ( who drank water, eats an apple, a berry will die); FF releases the Sun from the dungeon; the Black King tries to catch the Sun, falls from the roof, dies; on the way back, FF cuts a well, an apple tree, a vine, a black one flows blood; the mother of dragons pursues, FF hides in the forge, throws a red-hot club into the stalker's mouth, she dies; FF searches for Limbe-Limbeu, the father of dragons; kills a pig, a hare in it, a duck in it, an egg, three beetles, a third flies to the castle; a castle guard kills a beetle without knowing that LL's life is in it; FF kills a watchman, burns LL's corpse]: Botezatu 1981:17-27 (=Moldavian tales 1968:286-301); Hungarians [when he dies, the poor man tells his three sons that, according to the sorcerer, one of them will return the stolen sun and moon, but he does not know who exactly; the king found out about this and called the brothers to his place; promises to do the heir of the one who will cope with this task and make his assistant viceroy; the younger brother is Kiss Miklos (KM), the elders laugh at him; the king orders to choose horses and weapons; the elders take the best horses and swords, KM - a seedy and dirty skate, a rusty sword; the horse turned out to be a six-legged horse conceived by the wind, which eats hot coals, the sword on its own; brothers come to the country for 49 kingdoms, Overseas, Operantsia, behind a glass mountain to the silver bridge; KM tells you to hide under the bridge and wait for a 12-headed dragon with the moon tied to the saddle; the dragon horse stumbled for the first time, the dragon realizes what would fight with KM; KM ordered the sword to cut off his heads, he cut off; KM gave the horse with the moon to his middle brother; the same at the golden bridge, the 24-headed dragon; the KM ordered the sword to cut off the dragon's heads, but they grew; The KM began to fight on its own, but cannot defeat it; the dragon will become the blue flame and the dragon will become red; when the red rose above the blue one, the KM brothers threw a piece of sulfur at him, as the KM had asked them in advance, the red flame went out; sending the brothers with the moon and sun home, KM took the form of a gray kitten and climbed into a house where the mother and wives of dragons overhear their conversation; the wife of the younger dragon: I will turn into the spring, if the brothers take a sip of water, they will die; the elder's wife will turn into a pear with poisoned fruits; the mother of dragons asks to support her eyelids with an iron beam weighing 1200 pounds so that she can see; promises to turn into a mouth such that the upper jaw is in the sky and the lower jaw is on the ground;: swallowed KM and its brothers; the kitten rushed out, the dragon threw a beam at him and immediately went blind, because the eyelids were again closed her eyes; KM reached his brothers on his horse in two jumps and all went home together; on the way, KM cuts a spring and a pear with a sword, from which blood is shed; the brothers see an open approach mouth, hide in the house of the lead melter (Lead Friend, SD); they pour molten lead into the mouth of the dragon, who is dead; now the SD offers the KM to fight; the little finger drove the KM into the lead floor; lets go for promising to get him the Green Daughter of the Green King; he let the older brothers go; they claim victory over dragons, marry princesses, the eldest becomes king; they let go moon and sun horses into the sky, but they began to shine sadly; KM goes in search, meets, takes as companions Runner, Drinker, Obivala, Freezing in Fire, Seeing Far, Strongman Throwing Iron Club; The Green King (ZK) demands that Pluto bring his daughter's wedding dress faster than the local runner; but ZK sent his old witch mother to run in the evening, and the Runner only ran in the morning; he overtook her, received a dress from Pluto, but on the way back the witch persuaded him to take his time and go together; put him to sleep, grabbed the dress box and ran; The man who saw it saw, the Strongman threw the club, knocking out the horse skull from under the Runner's head, on which the witch placed his head; the Runner overtook the witch again, took the box and handed it to ZK; he demands to spend the night in an iron oven; Freezing the oven cooled; ZK demands to eat and drink an incredible amount of meat and wine (Oat and Drank performed); KM got the princess, but as soon as he admitted that he had got it for another, she disappeared; Seer saw her in the whale's belly, Vipivalo drank the sea, the Runner brought the whale, KM took the princess out of his belly; the princess was gone again; the Seer saw her in an apple hanging in ZK's garden, the Runner brought her; for the third time princess in a cocoon hanging in the sky; The strongman knocked down the cocoon with a club, the Runner ran and caught the princess; the KM let the companions go; told the princess that she should find out what the power of SD was; while he was talking to KM, the princess magically opened 7 iron doors to the basement, took gold from the lead kegs and told the jeweler to gild the threshold; SD was furious and beat the princess, but she changed herself hell and lay down on the bed; promised not to gild anything else if SD said what his strength was; he refused; then she gilded three more thresholds; still the same; 7 thresholds; after that, SD confessed: on silk the meadow under the seventh bush is a hare, he has an egg under its tail, a hornet in the egg, it has its strength; at night, the princess reported this to the KM; he became a hound, caught a hare, then a hornet that flew out; SD died; KM and the princess We arrived in the KM kingdom in a luxurious chariot; the sun and moon immediately shone brightly; the sage explained everything to the old king; KM said that as heir to the realm of SD and ZK, he leaves this kingdom his own brothers; KM and his wife still rule two kingdoms if they didn't die]: Curtin 1890:477-516; Romanians [three brothers return the sun, moon and stars stolen by three-headed dragons or devils]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 328A*: 218.

Central Europe. Slovaks [There is a dark country where the sun doesn't shine. The king has a horse with the sun on his forehead, from which light emanates. So that people can live, he takes him from one side of the country to another. Suddenly, the sun horse disappears. People are desperate. The king and his army are going to look for him. They find a lonely hut in the forest. In it, a tall man reads a big book. He tells the king that he has read about him and that it is useless to find a horse with an army, let him rely on him and find it. He asks him to keep a brave warrior as a servant. The soothsayer and servant travel through six countries, staying in the seventh, where three siblings, married to their sisters, rule, and their mother, a striga (witch). The soothsayer turns into a green bird and asks the queens that their husbands will appear in the evening, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. A visionary waits at the bridge and kills the elder and middle brother king. The youngest comes on a sunny horse. The visionary comes into battle with him, their swords break, then the visionary offers to turn into wheels and roll down the mountain. Whose wheel breaks will give in. The king wants to be a cart wheel, but invites the seer to be lighter. The visionary wants the opposite, the king agrees. The cart wheel breaks the lung. Weven claims he won, and the king replies that he just broke his fingers. Then they turn into blue and red lights, trying to burn each other out. An old beggar walks by. The red fire promises him a kreutzar if he floods the enemy with water, and the blue fire promises him a penny. The beggar loves a penny more, floods the king's red fire. The blue fire turns into a visionary, thanks the beggar, calls the servant, and they leave on a sunny horse. The old haircut decides to take revenge, takes her three daughters in an armful, sits on the rake and flies. The seer, and especially the servant, is hungry; he sees an apple tree by the road. A seer cuts an apple tree with a sword - blood is shed. This is the elder queen. The seer forbids the servant to drink from the spring, cuts it - this is the middle queen; he does not let the rose pick, cuts the bush - this is the youngest. A little magician with a golden bridle selects a horse. The visionary becomes the boy's servant. The boy is eager to get a princess living in a poplar castle that grows out of the sea. The visionary takes the ship, buys ribbons and jewelry, and goes to the castle as a merchant. Kidnaps a princess who comes down to look at the merchandise. She tells her to ask what the magician's power is. He tells her that there is a tree, a deer grazes under it, a duck in a deer, a golden egg in a duck, and a magician's heart in the egg. A visionary kills a deer, a duck, drinks an egg. The princess gives the ship to return home, picks up a sun horse and flies it to his country. When they cross the border of a dark kingdom, the light from the horse's forehead illuminates the country, people rejoice. The seer renounces half of the kingdom, gives his horse to the king, and returns to his home to rest]: Němcová 1857:215-229 (=Wenzig 1857:156-157, 182-191; =Wratislaw 1890, No. 11:75-82); Russians (Moscow) [the white light is gone; one Malsyskar (?) promised the king that he would return it; he was given two comrades; M. left his comrades at the snake house, giving a glass of water: if there is blood in the glass, then scream; he lay down under the bridge himself; a three-headed serpent is coming, refuses to give the white light, M. cut off his head, put it under the bridge; the same with the six-headed one; every snake wonders that it was a dog that barked; 12-headed M. cut off 11 heads; 12th: a duck in a box, an egg in a duck, an egg in an egg white light; M. took out a white light, woke up his comrades; on the way a meadow and two young ladies; passed by; next time the comrades approached the young ladies, they were torn; Baba Yaga is chasing, M. - to the forge; Baba Yaga she tore her horse; she is told: lick the wall; she licked, her tongue was torn off with hot mites; M.: can you make a horse out of it? they made a horse, but did not tell me to dance if there was music; the men were playing, M. began to dance, the horse was gone]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 21:55-56; Russians (Bryansk region) [the youngest of his sons, Ivan Pópyalov, lay in ash ("in pópala") until the age of 12; the sun hid the serpent; IP asks his father to make him a club, throws him up, puts his forehead, the club breaks; the third club It did not break by 15 pounds; kills three-, six-headed snakes; the 12-headed snake cuts off 9 heads; the snake asks the Raven to fly to call his Snake for help, the IP asks to call his brothers, promises snake meat; The raven is flying to his brothers; the brothers came, killed the snake, his head was broken in his house, the world was lit; halfway through, IP returned for his mittens, becoming a cat, overheard the conversation between his wife and daughters of the snake; brothers they want to relax on pillows in the meadow, IP hits the pillows with a club, blood flows; there are golden and silver apples on the apple tree, IP beats them, blood flows; the spring is the same; they were snake daughters; a snake is flying, their mouth is off the ground to the sky; the brothers throw three pounds of salt, the snake thinks it's an individual entrepreneur, tries, loses time; IP hides in the forge of Kuzma and Demyan; they offer her to lick 12 doors with her tongue, then take the IP; they grab it ticks for the tongue, killed with hammers, burned]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 135:264-266; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia; p. Zbui of the Zemplin Committee of Hungary) [the emperor has no children, he walks to sorcerers; one replies that the queen spat in the water, swallowed saliva by fish, brought offspring, and the queen has no children; it is necessary catch this fish in the lake under a stone slab and cook it, but so that no one else tries it; the maid tries the fish, the queen eats the fish, throws the bones to the dog; the maid, queen and dog get pregnant and through nine months give birth to a boy; the emperor is frightened; the advisers order to hire nurses; the boys have grown up and went to school; the son of the female Yanko has learned all the sciences and languages; the king is happy; I learn from books that Once there was a sun, a month and stars, but now there is nothing, the earth is covered in darkness; asks his father, the king says that three shufflers (dragons) have arrived; a 24-headed sun grabbed a sun with 12 heads - the month that had was a star; three royal sons saddle horses, went to look for the sun, the month and the star; the father told them that his brother, i.e. their uncle, studied to be a blacksmith in the Shedzmerice Region; the hell brought a letter: brother serves as a blacksmith for these three shufflers and their paternal uncle Laccibrade, who is elbow tall but has a long beard; the sons must go to Schedzmeritz, where their uncle is; there he is 100 meters Iron gates up, 24 comrades blacksmiths and 24 students; taking a letter to their uncle, the blacksmith, the brothers come to the Shedzmerice region, knock, the gate rings, the uncle leaves; making sure that their nephews are welcome accepts; knows where the lights are, because he is the blacksmith of kidnappers, whom he calls devils; one has a house made of gold, the other has silver, the third has copper; they are 24, 12, 6 miles away, respectively; their girlfriends - 48, 24, 12 miles away; at noon everyone leaves before midnight to see a friend - then you have to come; the princes will come to the copper house and the copper gate, where the weakest (with a star); he has a bridge from him to his home friends; his horse does not walk on the ground, only across the bridge; you have to take out one board in the evening to make a hole; I must sit under the bridge and listen to the shuffling go home; the shuffling sits on the horse the ground is shaking; his horse comes across the bridge to the hole, gets scared, rushes back; the shuffling calms down: there is no horse like him and no good man like him; only his mother-in-law Gynjibaba said she saw Suchiy Yanko, but if he met now, the shuffler would cut him to pieces; I.: I'll cut you down, blows all your heads off, sits on the shuffler's horse, takes his sword and star, throws a star into the sky, she rises to his seat, becomes lighter; the brothers go to the 12-headed shuffling; Y. breaks two silver plaques from the silver bridge; the shuffle promises to chop Suchiy Yanko, mentioned by G. throw meat away to magpies and crows; I blow 6 heads, then 6 more; each one cuts off the end of her tongue, hides it in her pocket, lets go of a month; tells my brother from the maid that he will have a 6-headed horse, brother from the queen - 12-headed, he himself will take the 24-headed shuffler's horse; invites the brothers to take the sun, they are afraid; leaves them the spoon given by the uncle for the matitsa: if it has blood, hurry to help; pulls it out bridges 4 gold plaques; the shuffler promises to chop the son of the dog mentioned by his mother-in-law, throw it away to magpies and crows; I.: I will do it with you; they fight for 24 hours; both ask crows for help, but I promise all the more. meat; the shuffling breathes fire, the crows stuff weeds into his mouth, take away the sun, it rises to the sky; the shuffling throws fire even more, the crows in their beaks carry water, pour on I., others grab the shuffling legs, he fell, I killed him, cut off the tip of his tongue from each head; there is blood on a spoon behind the matitsa, the brothers take their horses out to flee; when I appear, they say that they were going to help him, he accuses him they lie, share horses; on the way home, their mother-in-law's hut of shufflers drive home; her daughters met there; I became a cat, climbed through the chimney, the youngest daughter, whose lover had 6 heads, recognizes Me by my eyes, the other two confirm; Gynjibaba: I would know if I saw it; the youngest looks up one century to her mother; G. sees Y., tells his daughters to put him in fur; they think that they did it and burned the fur from which, But I am a sorcerer and escaped; a mother tells one daughter to become a red handkerchief and lie on the road, strangle his two brothers and horses; the other with a silver pear, the fruits of which brothers and horses will choke; the third should become a meadow with silk grass and a well in the middle, people and horses will die from its water; I cut the handkerchief crosswise with a sword, it pours blood knee-deep to horses; the same with a pear, with a well; royal The brother, the chief blacksmith, orders the Iron Gate to be opened because her nephews will run away from G.; she chases with her mouth open, the young men rush to the uncle's yard, his students and comrades close the gate and G.'s eyelids are supported; G. demands to show her Y.; he tells the audience to take up one leaf, and he lets G.'s head into the yard and lock the gate with a key; G. is amazed that some worthless killed six (her daughters and shufflers); Y. replies that he will not let her go; let her become a horse that runs around the light in an hour, better than the Sharkani ones; G.: you can't wait; I ask my uncle for workers with with hammers; they hit G. on the head, she asks for mercy, but does not agree to be a mare; I tell you to hit harder; G. swears to serve faithfully; iron stirrups and a saddle are forged for her; I sit on horseback, take it in my hand a strand of flax lights him, linen does not have time to burn while the mare runs around the world; his uncle praises him, gives him a letter to his father and punishes him not to react, no matter what wonderful things he sees on the way; the brothers go home towards the ditch is old Laccibrad on a hare, followed by his casing and beard; he says that I am not a man; I dismount, L. is in the saddle and flies away on a horse; I tell my brothers to notify father that the sun, the month and the star are already in the sky, and he will go for the horse, which was made in his uncle's forge out of sharkanikha; he returns to his uncle, he reproaches him for his disobedience, tells him to take a hammer and go to the plain, where L. herds a mare and sleeps on iron saddles and stirrups; he must crush his head, take a mare; when he finds L., Y. decides that he is so small that he is not dangerous, grabs the mare, shouts at L.; he wakes up, hits Y. with stirrups and a saddle; I beg for mercy, L.: his sister will no longer wear I., for although Y. beat her, L. himself beat him, so we should honestly leave; I leave; my uncle sends him back; L. agrees to give the mare if Y. brings him a princess from the other side of the world; uncle: it's in the seventh land, it's easy to get there, any novelty you see must be taken with you, the royal daughter will be given for him ; on the way, Y. sees, takes with him hungry (he gets bread on carts), drank (drinks the river, but can't get drunk), cold (he can't warm up near the fire in 12 fur coats and 12 covers), throwing a hammer at the end of the world; crossing the whole world in two steps; having a huge eye and seeing everything; the king receives them, offers to eat a thousand oxen and bread out of three thousand measures of flour in one supper, drink a thousand barrels of wine and a thousand vodka; Y.'s companions eat and drink everything; the king puts him to bed in an iron house, sends blacksmiths to bring bags of coal, kindles a fire; the freezing one takes off one fur coat and one cover, the coals go out, everyone goes to bed; the craftsmen bring more fire; the freezing one sheds two coats and two covers, the coals go out, the craftsmen freeze to death; the king orders in three hours go to the end of the world and take leather and gold to the craftsman to cast a ring and sew shoes; companion Y. steps once and finds himself with the master; on the way back he enters the city, where Sister G. lets he sleeps, puts his horse head as a pillow, takes his ring and shoes; half an hour before the deadline; the seer sees the sleeper and sister G.; another companion throws a hammer, knocking his horse's head out from under the runner's heads; he catches up with sister G. in one step, takes away his ring and shoes, and the other steps he finds himself at the wedding; I. and the princess are married, given the wagon and the army to accompany him to the border; L. pretends to be married stuck in the swamp, Y. tries to help, L. pulls him knee-deep into the swamp, runs on his horse with his wife; I. rides a Sharkan horse to the Shedzmericki region to visit his uncle; uncle: go to the oak grove, where there is a hollow, through it you will get to a city 7 miles deep into the earth, in the city a three-story house on a duck leg is L.'s home; Y. finds a house, hides by a well, meets his wife: let him know where L. has power; L. to his wife: he is called to war, whoever he helps will win; in response to his wife's persuasion, he explains that a wooden deer drinks water near the well, a chamois in it, a hare in the chamois, a duck in a hare, two eggs in the duck; if you break one, he will lose half his strength and both will die; if you take a golden apple on a gold cord and put it in your pocket, you can take the house with you; L. goes to the seventh land for a month to war; I cut animals with a sword, breaks one egg; L. flies home on a mare - he is still stronger than I.; I break the second egg, L. falls, I kill him; turns the house into an apple, takes his wife home, stops by my uncle on the way, he advises him to return to his homeland and secretly build the house; his father's servants discover an unknown house; the princes are guarding a possible enemy, warmly greeting his brother, he says that he has obtained a mare and married the daughter of a tsar from the seventh land]: Gnatyuk 1898, No. 8:39-54; Western Ukrainians (Ivano-Frankovskaya, Snyatinsky district, p. Kulachkovtsy) [Mr. has no children. The healer advises his wife to eat a magic fish from the sea. Pan goes to the fishermen, agrees to give them a barrel of vodka, a barrel of honey and a barrel of money to make the child happy. They're fishing. An old hutsulka in the kitchen roasts fish, eats a piece. Gutsulka and Mrs. both give birth to a son. Pansky's son is sent to study, Hutsulka's son herds geese. One day the sun doesn't rise, the month doesn't shine, there are no stars, they say they were stolen by devils. The king promises a daughter to whoever finds lights. The guy comes to the king, but asks him to show the princess first. At midnight, he jumps to the bridge behind the forest, hides, tearing off the board. An unclean man on horseback is angry at the man who ruined the bridge. The guy says it's him, the hell is causing him to fight. The guy invites him to become fire, and he himself will rain. The rain extinguishes the fire - the sun remains lying. The guy carries it to the king. On the way, he sees a house where witches are guessing wire, lead and maps. The guy turns into a fly and overhears how the witch promises to avenge her damn husband by becoming a pear so that the killer chokes on the fetus. Once again human, the boy takes the sun to the king. On the second night, he tears off another bridge board. The hell who hid the month is coming. The guy offers him to turn into a stone, and he himself will become a pillar. The devil turns into a black stone, rolls down the mountain, breaks against a pole, crumbles into the sand. In the sand, the guy finds a month, throws it into the sky, the whole world is happy. On the way to the palace, turning into a flea, the guy overhears how the second witch promises to cause the heat and become a well in the field so that the killer, when drunk, bursts. It's the same on the third night, the devil with the stars goes. He ties the guy with ropes, and he tears them apart by cutting them with a knife. The hell can't break the ropes, he gives off the stars that lie on the horse under the saddle. The guy counts - one is missing. The hell admits he gave it to his witch lover. They come to see a witch. Damn Antipko is trying to persuade her to give the star away. The guy throws stars at the sky all night long. In the morning he takes the hell in an armful and goes to the capital. People thank him, but taverns, ministers and thieves are unhappy because it was easier to do dark things in the dark. The guy tells Antipko to gather taverns, ministers and thieves, coat them with resin, run them in feathers and drive three days and three nights to fairs. He tells the king that she will go to pick up his mother to see if her daughter-in-law is fit. He goes home to Kolomyia, does not go to a pear, drives past a well. She returns with her mother, she likes the princess, the wedding]: Dalavurak, Ivasyuk 1971:145-150; Belarusians ["The Tale of Ivan Daragan": at the beginning of the time, Kashchei Nonsmyrtny (or snakes) killed all heroes , stole the sun, the month and the stars; Ivan kills Kashchei's three sons, two daughters and his wife, who fly to a forge in heaven; each son finds a handkerchief tied in his pocket; I. untied the first is the sun has fluttered, the second is a month, the third is stars; for his exploits, I. gets a wife]: Avilin 2015:122; (cf. Ukrainians (Zaporozhye, Vasilyevsky district, Tsaritsynkut) [People do not go to Lysa Gora near Vasilyevka (regional center of Zaporozhye region), because in the middle of the mountain there is a bottomless abyss in which they nest evil spirits. The devil lures people, but to no avail. Then he decides to steal the sun so that eternal night falls on earth and people will go blind. As soon as the sun sets, he takes him to his lair. People are waiting for the sun, but it's an impenetrable night. A light comes on on Bald Mountain. Old people say that Satan attracts this, you can't go there, especially sinners, or it will be a disaster. Children don't listen to this advice because there's no sin on them. A dozen boys go secretly to the mountain to steal the fire from the unclean and spread the fire all over the world. But as soon as they get closer, the light goes away. Wandering through dark holes, they discover daylight and see the sun behind bars. They break castles with stones and let the sun out of captivity. While the devil beckons people with a lamp, the sun rises above the world, and people, birds and animals rejoice at him. Evil spirits fall into the black hole forever from evil]: Chabanenko 1990:14-15).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Kalmyks [Nomin Khan subdued the Tengrians, began to rule the upper world; Manzashir overthrew him, who became Erlik Khan, the lord of the kingdom of darkness; defeated Hormusta, who guarded the sun, swallowed the sun; Okon-Tengri took on a terrible form, joined E.; fought with him, cut her womb, the sun returned to the world]: Badmaev 1898, No. 4:136-138 in Basayev 2004, No. 1:31-32; Dä hnhardt 1910 [about the same; the name of the supreme bright deity Abida]: 506-507; Ossetians: Byazirov 1971, No. 15 [in old age Aslan decides to test his sons; the eldest, middle return from the distant, dangerous places, but A. says that he got there in a day; younger Kaurbek pulls out a horse and heroic weapons from under the mound; meets his father's brother, who fought with the army of Donbettyr's daughter; K. injures her, kills a horse, makes belts out of its skin, goes down to sea; an old woman teaches to change vessels with living and dead water; K. wins D.'s daughter, gives her to her uncle, revives the horse with live water; takes out a sword stuck in his grandfather's skull; he teaches him to hit the khan with it, not to strike a second blow; K. kills Khan, takes her daughter; in Khan's country eternal night; K. comes to the sea, across it a whale bridge; K. moves along it to his house Suns; his mother hides K., asks the Sun Son questions so that K. overhears the answers; The sun does not illuminate the khan's possessions because he tried to kidnap his daughter; the whale lies on the bridge because he swallowed ships; K. goes back, reports the answer to the whale, he releases ships, is released; K. takes the daughter of the Sun, the light spreads in the khan's possessions; the Sun sends fire-breathing cannibal mares to the kidnapper of the daughter of with steel jaws, K.'s horse destroys them; the daughter of the Sun insidiously tells K. to milk the remaining mares, swim in boiling milk; the horse advises K. not to rush into boiling water, but to walk along the crossbar, to which hangs a cauldron; the daughter of the Sun believes, swims herself, comes out unharmed, the darkness above the earth dissipates; Zaliag Kalm in the sea (!) does not give water to drink, demands a boy and a girl a month; K. kills him, blood turns the sea yellow, now the sea is called "Yellow"; older brothers kill sleeping K. and his horse; daughter The sun sends Donbettyr's daughter to revive K. with live water; K. forgives his brothers, gives one Donbettyr's daughter, another a khan's daughter, washes his father with living water, he is getting younger; K. decides to marry Khadija; with difficulty defeats the warrior; the hawk says that this is H., she will lose her heroic power if she is kissed; K. kisses, brings H. to the wife of her fathers; the older, middle return from distant, dangerous places, but A.], NO? [the arba has run over the frog; the frog is crying for it; the Sun's son has died, it is in mourning, it has stopped shining; the frog comes to the Sun, says that if the Sun had such a wonderful son as hers, it would I would probably take my life; the Sun laughs, comes out]: 156-173, 302-303; svany [(zap. B. Nizharadze, 1889; =Virsaladze 1973, No. 4:48-49); before the Sun, there was another star on earth; God called him to heaven, the world remained in darkness; the Sun and the Month had one father, different mothers, the Month younger; God promised to make the person who gets up earlier into daylight; The month put thorns on the bed, but fell asleep by morning; the sun slept well, got up early; The month woke up by lunchtime, his mother slapped him in the face the hand stained in the dough remained stained]: Chikovani 1985, No. 154:325; the Hittites [The Great Ocean took the heavenly Sun God to the depths; the Storm God asked his firstborn Telepinus to return him; Ocean T. was frightened, gave his daughter and the Sun God; the God of the Storm gave his dowry, 1000 bulls and 1,000 sheep]: Ivanov 1977:54.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Braginsky 1980b (written sources) [hero Garshasp killed the Kamak bird, which blocked the light of the sun and moon]: 641; Jaliashvili, Faras 1967 [Mrs. Sun went for a walk, fell into a well, the world is dark; the old woman thinks of getting the sun, hanging it instead of a lamp, her son is thinking of making a banner out of the sun to become a "sun banner knight", her daughter-in-law thinks of making a mirror out of the sun, to become a "sun girl"; noticing the approach of neighbors, the old woman's son goes behind the millstone to cover the well, but the Sun comes out into the light along the kariz, the day returns]: 13-18; kafirs (prasun): Abayev 1978 [two stallions, Suva (Zolotoy) and Uru (Serebryany), grazed on the pastures of Mount Tirich-Mir; their owner was Aspavoga (Clear Sky); in the morning he released the Golden Stallion into the vault of heaven, when the sun was on him, and while the stallion was running around the sky, the sun sent rays to the ground; when the stallion ran to Lake Sujum and leaned down to drink water, the sun slipped into the lake and it was dark; then A. released the Silver Stallion, on which the moon was loaded; he ran across the sky, illuminating the earth with the light of the moon; Purdy's seven sons caught the Golden Stallion and locked him up in the barn; Serebryany thought it was night and galloped across the sky; the brothers caught him; darkness fell to the ground; Gish, A.'s groom, broke the barn doors and drove the stallions to the top of Tiric Mir; seven sons rushed after G., but the Golden Horse had already illuminated the whole earth, the gods woke up and Imra threw G.'s sword; G. hacked Purdy's seven sons and scattered their bodies across the sky]: 111; Buddruss 1974 [the world is dark, giant keeps the sun and moon in the cave; Māndi wants to create people, but they need light; in the guise of a boy, M. trusts the giant and his mother; he does not tell you to open one door; S. put his finger in the crack, he turned gold; M. tied him with a cloth, said he was injured; the next time he put his hand in; left alone, he opened the door, followed by a waterfall, the sun to his right, the moon on the left; M. swam in the golden water, placed the sun on his right shoulder, the moon on his left; rode off on a black horse, the valley (gul, the same word means the whole world) lit up; M. found a dagger in the horse's ear, killed the giant and his mother (in the giant's ear) with it seven heads, or the giant mother has seven sons); god Māra suggested placing the sun and moon in the sky to shine for everyone; the sun to warm people, the moon for giants]: 32-33; Yettmar 1986 [The giant Espereg-era took the sun and moon down to his golden house, placed it on the sides of the waterfall; God Mandi turned into a boy, came to mother E., who protects him from his son, E. adopts him; him it is allowed to eat honey, butter, bread, but not open one door; he opens it slightly, sticks his finger, it turns gold, E.'s mother bandages her finger, tells her son that the boy has cut himself; next time he has his hand ( says that his hand is festering); the boy tells E. that he cut himself when he was making a chair for him, he is happy; M. breaks the door, behind it there are lights and a horse; he puts the sun on his right shoulder, the moon on his left shoulder, leaves; finds a dagger in the horse's right ear; E. chases after him, M. cuts off all seven heads with a dagger; at the request of E. himself, drags the mountain, buries E. under it; goes to kill the old woman, says what would make it revered in one place (?) , will bury them there; she agrees; God Mara asks to give the sun and moon to him to warm, illuminate the whole world, takes them to heaven, orders them to spin; then Mara creates people, teaches cattle breeding, to build mills, gives a dog]: 84-85; Kati: Edelberg 1972, No. 6A (paruni) [fairy and ginny lived like sisters; both have a son; they agreed that if one of them dies, the other will raise an orphan the boy as her own; the fairy died; the old woman advised Ginny not to treat his adopter like her own; Ginny gave him ash bread; he came crying to his mother's grave; she said from the ground which cow to go; instead of manure, the cow spewed a piece of cheese; the young man ate well; one day both young men were archery; the fairy's son did not tell Ginny's son to shoot something whitish, but he shot; they were there ash bread; this is how Ginny's son found out what his mother was feeding the fairy's son; offered to switch places when Ginny brought bread; after receiving bread from ash, Ginny's son hit his mother, but the fairy's son did not allow her kill; the old woman told Ginny about the cow and offered to pretend to be sick, demanding beef; Jeannie's son: let my mother die from her illness; but the fairy's son went to slaughter a cow; she was not there and the young men followed in her footsteps; the fairy's son found a cow and made peace with her, but she no longer gave her cheese; sent the young man up the valley to his mother's seven sisters; the fairy's son lived with them for a couple of years and went to visit his son Ginny; fairies gave him a belt (camarband): if he turns red, come back; and if the water in our cup turns red, we will come to the rescue ourselves; the fairy's son sees an old man carrying a girl; every year a giant demands a girl, otherwise he will ruin the village; the young man volunteered to bring her to the lake himself, hit the giant with an arrow; the old man offered to shave his head, and cut his neck; the fairies came and revived the young man; he hacked old man and married his daughter {did he drag her to a giant?} ; once a fairy's son saw smoke; wife: this is a place from which they do not return; there is an old woman: her legs are a tripod, her left hand is fire, her right hand is a spoon she used to stir in her stomach while cooking; the son of a fairy brought her a tripod, firewood, made a fire, gave her a wooden spoon; the old woman is grateful, promised to save him from her sons; taught her how to greet them; when she left in the morning, the old woman's sons did not tell the young man go to that wall and those shutters; the young man went and put his finger in the hole, which turned gold; the old woman bandaged her finger and told him to answer that the young man had cut him; the next day the young man put his whole hand in and then he replied that the wound was swollen; on the third he broke the shutters; outside the window there was a pond with a horse in it, the sun on his right shoulder, the moon on his left; the young man jumped on his horse and flew it to the sky; the old woman's sons saw the rising sun wanted to kill the young man; the horse told him to take the sword out of his ear; the young man killed the old woman's sons; this is how the sun appeared; this is how Imra and Ashpegra did it all], 6B []: 47-54, 54-58; Hussam-ul-Mulk 1974a [Imra created Moni from his breath; at that time, demons led by Lazoro stole the sun and moon; M. split the log, invited the demons to put their hands in the crack, knocked out a wedge, all the demons were clamped, died; M . came to Badiluk, the mother of these demons; she said that the sun and moon were stolen by the demons of Dizano, their fortress in the air is tied with the thinnest thread; M. shot an arrow in the thread, the fortress fell, but the sun was the moon was not inside; M. came to the mother of the seven demons; they returned, their mother persuaded them not to kill M., who was good at home; he was told not to open one door; M. put his finger in the crack, he became in gold; he tied it up, said he was injured; the mother and her sons broke the stone that allegedly injured M.'s finger; left alone, M. knocked out the door, the sun and moon flew into the sky; M. ran, threw behind the needle (forest), a ball of threads (fence); demons stopped pursuing, M. returned to Imra]: 28-30.

Baltoscandia. Kalevala: rune 2 [see motif C23: a tree obscures the sun, people cut down a tree; or a felled tree plucks the sun from the sky], rune 47 [The sun and the month descend from the sky to trees listen to Väinämöinen playing the kantel; Pohjela Louhi's mistress grabs them, hiding them in the mountain, stealing fire from the hearths of Kalevala; Supreme God Ukko carves fire for the new moon and sun; fire falls to the ground, V. and Ilmarinen are looking for him; the daughter of the air reports that the fire fell into Lake Alue, where it was swallowed by fish; V. and I. cannot catch fish with a net of wet. Rune 48:535-544. People fish with flax nets, find fire in her belly, but it slips out and burns Ilmarinen's face and cheeks; spreads, devastates a lot of land; V. catches him in a hollow, takes him to Kalevala's houses ; I. is recovering from burns. Rune 49:544-554. I. forges a new moon and sun, but cannot make them shine; V. guesses, finds out that the moon and sun are hidden in the rock of Pohëla, goes there, defeats the people of Pohëla, but cannot get there inside the cliff; I. forges weapons to open the mountain; Mistress Pohëla is afraid that she will feel bad, releases stars; seeing them again in the sky, V. greets them]: 43-52, 527-535; Finns [Kanteletar , part 3, song 2; Estonian sorcerers stole the sun, German wizards stole a month; it became dark; Turo, Jumala's son, went in search; dropping honey and beer on a tree trunk lying across the road, split it; he also crossed the hill and the lake, reached the country of Hiisi; in the barn three girls polish the sun and the month; T. threw a ball of sleep there, they fell asleep, T. took away the lights; chasing him, he throws a pebble (mountain), a comb ( forest), reached home; hung the sun on the top of a pine tree, a month on top of a birch tree, they began to shine rich, but not poor; hung it on the lower branches - only for the poor; then on the middle ones - they shine for everyone]: Billson 1895: 342-344; Ingrians (Izhorans) (V. Porkka, 1881-1883) [there was no sun and moon, they sowed by candlelight, reaped with a ray; the wise daughter of the blacksmith went to look for the sun and a month; comes to the village of Itova ( Iittovan), Hiitoin's huts in the distance; she throws a sleepy ball, men and women fall asleep; attaches a month above her eyebrows, the sun on the crown, runs home; she chases her, she throws flint ( rock), a crest (forest), a jug (river); a birch tree near the house raised the sun and a month on the branches; at the request of the poor, the blacksmith's daughter made the lights shine for everyone, rich and poor]: Kiuru 1990, No. 1:34-36; Estonians; Izhora, Karelians [see motif C23: a tree obscures the sun, people cut down a tree; or a felled tree blows the sun from the sky]: Viidalepp 1980:56-57; Karelians: Evseev 1950, No. 7 [Pohjola's mistress hid the sun and the month; Väinämöini found it, took Sampo by sea; old woman Sariola rushed in pursuit, V. hit Sampo with an oar, broke the lid, and the sun and the month came out from there], 12 [Louhi, Pohjola's mistress, hides the sun and month inside a steel rock; the blacksmith bound new ones, but they did not shine; Väinämöinen swims to Pohjola with a pike; cuts the heads of local men, but cannot open it castles on the rock; the blacksmith forges a collar for L., she lets out of fear]: 39-40, 46-52; Karelians (but maybe the Finns) [the old man carved a doll out of an alder chock; the old woman put three in the cradle He rocked for years; the chock became a boy, he immediately asked his mother for bread; became a handsome and strong man; the sun, month and dawn have disappeared, people live in darkness; the king has a potion; the one who drank three bottles can free the dawn, six months, nine the sun; 9 could only Alder Chock (PTS); those who drank 6 and 3 bottles went with him; woman: the evil man is to blame; he cursed the sun for being hot, a month - interfered steal, dawn woke up early; they were taken away by 9-, 6- and three-headed snakes; half of the city cries, half laughs; the king must give his eldest daughter to the three-headed snake to eat; if he does not give it back, the snake will eat half of the city; a hero who drank three bottles cut down two snake heads; threw his shoe, his companions lowered the dogs, they tore off the third head; dawn has risen; half is crying again, half laughing; middle daughter; six-headed serpent from the sea; dogs torn off my head; the month has risen; the third day is the same; youngest daughter; PTS cut down 7 heads; snake: look, the sun is rising; the snake turned around, PTS cut down another head ; look, your house is on fire; the serpent did not look; your wife is disgraced; looked, PTS cut off her head; the last one was torn off by dogs when OCH threw his shoe; on the way back, OCH, turning into an ermine, eavesdrows conversation (with female snake wives?) Syuoyatar snake mothers; will starve, cover the tables; if they hit the cross with a sword, then there will be no hunger or tables; thirst (forest lake is the same); sleep (bed); whoever repeats my words will turn into blue cross; PTS destroyed tables, a lake and one bed; the companions have already rushed to the other two, S. ate them, took their horses and chained them; walking through the forest, PTS sees 9 blind girls and an eye on a stump; S. girls dazzled, leaving them one eye for everyone; he gave them back their eye, they taught them to get the horse back from S.; PTS cuts chains; S. gives all the girls eyes to see who is there; but they say no one; S. came by herself , grabbed the OCH; first ate the girls for deception; will let the PTS go if she gets Katrina from the beautiful Kii River; OCH sails in a boat, meets, takes five with him: Psar, Spoon Khrapun, Vaper, Eater, Aqudier; Kennel pacified the dogs; Spoon Khrapoon protected from the fire when they set fire to the barn where the swimmers slept; The vaper froze the hot bath; The Eater ate cows and sheep; Wonos brought water in the sieve; PTS received K.; Through clothes wine leather/The body glows under the skin/The bones under the body are visible/In the middle, the heart beats; on the way back, the companions one by one stay where the PTS picked them up and take what they brought with them parts of the boat; a narrow hollow remains; so that K. does not soak the hem, PTS picked it up with his little finger; S.: if you touched K. even with a finger, let him break off; gnaw off his little finger; PTS: if you tormented blind sisters, let the sword break off; gnaw off his little finger; PTS: if you tormented blind sisters, let the sword break off cut you into 10 pieces; cut you; PTS burned parts of S.'s body, took the horse, silver and gold and K. as his wife; when they saw PTS, the parents became younger; PTS ask where his comrades are; I had to tell you, he turned blue cross; Katrina was married by the king, she gives birth to healthy sons and daughters; the storyteller was given a waxhorse, a turnip saddle and a pea whip at the wedding]: Concca 1991:134-154; Latvians: Aris, Medne 1977, № 300A* [1) a strongman enters a country where there is no sun; 11 men tell him that the sun was stolen by a witch; fighting on the bridge with witches; on the third night, men help the hero; the defeated witch shows where the sun is hidden: in a dungeon, under a sieve chained to the wall; 2) the guy goes to look for the sun, because the whole earth is dark; he kills three multi-headed opponents and finds the latter in his pocket sun; the guy runs away, throwing magic objects behind him, meets four assistants, one of whom hears far away, the other shoots accurately, the third eats a lot, the fourth is fast asleep]: 271; Laurinkienè 2003 [Damn brags to God that he has beautiful and shiny things; God asks me to try if they are heavy; takes the sun in his right hand, in the left month, throws it into the sky]: 95; Lithuanians [according to data sent by Jerome Prazhsky (born c. 1369), historian Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini (Venezia, 1477) reports that there is a place in Lithuania where people worship hammers; they say that the powerful king stole the sun, kept it in his castle for several months; the zodiac signs came to the rescue of the Sun, smashed the fortress with an iron hammer, returned the sun to the people]: Laurinkienè 2003:96.

Volga - Perm. Chuvash [the serpent knocked down from the sky with its tail and captured the sun and the month, swallowed peoples and tribes; three babies were left, and each foal was white, black, savras; one in the steppe, the other in the forest, third in a crevice of rocks; grew up, became Ser-Pattar, Yuman Pattar, Tu-pattar ("earth-, oak-, hero mountains"); S. met Y. first, then T., went together; stayed in a house, near the bridge over the river; in midnight S. woke up: a wave carries a snake sitting on a copper throne with three crowns on three heads; S. fights him on the bridge, killed him, hid his heads and pieces of body under the bridge, did not say anything to the brothers; they drove up to the village; S. peeks through the window of the hut: there a woman rocks a baby, a star in her forehead, stars in her ears; she tells the baby that to avenge the death of his father will become a raspberry bush, heroes they will eat berries and die; S. cut the bush, black blood has flowed; the brothers stay in another house at the bridge over Shura-Shyv ("white river"); J. must guard, but falls asleep, S. sees how the ninth wave carries a snake on a silver throne, silver crowns on 9 heads; he drove S. waist-deep into the ground, but S. cut off all the heads, hid them under the bridge; S. spies into the hut again; the same episode, stars on the woman even more, sits on a silver chair, promises to turn into a spring; S. cuts down a spring, black blood has flowed; brothers spend the night at the bridge over the Black River, T. goes to guard, falls asleep; the twelfth wave carries A 12-headed serpent, golden crowns on his heads; he drives S. into the ground, but S. went out, cut off 11 heads; to preserve the last one, the serpent took the sun out of one ear, gave it back a month from the other; S. cut off anyway his head; in a hut, a woman with stars on her body sits on a golden chair, promises to turn into a bed with a feather bed; S. cuts, black blood has flowed; the mother of snakes surrounded the heroes with her body, swallowed J. and T ., S. jumped over his horse, jumps away, the snake chases; S. locked himself in the forge, invited the snake to lick the iron door, grabbed his tongue with hot forceps, went out, began to cut off the tail, everything swallowed out, each threw a handful of earth, a mountain formed; S. took the sun and moon out of his pockets, they returned to heaven]: Chuvash tales 1937:27-40; Mordovians (moksha) [sun, moon and stars kidnapped; Ivashka Primetlev was recently born, goes to return them; kills five-, seven-, nine-headed snakes on the bridge; during the battle, he changes barrels, drinks water that gives strength, the snake drinks - his strength melts; the name of the snakes is Pryamaryalyevs; I. overhears the conversation between wives and the mother of snakes, they will become a spring, an apple tree, a storm; Ivashka's coachman wants to drink, pick an apple, I. whips, water, an apple tree bleeds; in the forge I. catches the tongue of the storm with ticks, rides it on horseback; well done, the girls, the old man grab I., tell him to get Baba Buryaga's daughter, then they will let go, give up the luminaries; I. takes the sauna cooler, the fish counter, as his companions, stargazer; Buriaga cannot burn those who come to the bathhouse, sends his daughter fish to the sea, a star into the sky; his companions find her; I. gets lights, goes home, Buriaga's daughter is with him, he marries]: Samorodov 1978:312-319; Bashkirs: Nadrshina 1985, No. 95 [(=Barag 1987, No. 130:116); the old woman Ubyr stole the sun, hid it in a cave behind the mountain; Aina and Gaina were hunting on deer; they felt the heat from below, they dug up the entrance to the cave, put the sun in a deerskin bag, hung it on the deer's antler, so they swam across the Tol River, the Ubyr could not swim across; A. and G. untied the bag, released the sun], 96 [The sun was in their hands Azhdakhi, who lived beyond Toltau; Gaina-batyr killed Azhdakha, rescued the Sun from the dungeon; hanging a deer on his horn, he moved him to this side of the Tol River]: 78, 79.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Damn the sun; everyone gathered for advice, the Hedgehog did not come; Leo was sent to him. Tiger, Jackal; The Hedgehog agreed to come if he was given reliable skin and the mice stopped eating it, but he would eat mice; everyone asked God to fulfill the Hedgehog's wish, he came to the council in a new skin; suggested telling the Devil to make leather out of sand, dratva oil, sew boots by noon; Damn he could not, he brought back the sun; since then, the hedgehog has been considered sacred]: Poyarkov 1891:39-40; Kyrgyz [Damn angry and hid the sun; everyone gathered for advice; the wise Hedgehog said that he was defenseless and could not come; he was given a new skin with needles; he suggests asking the Devil to make leather out of sand, and dratva from oil and k noon sew ichigi; the sun has to free the devil]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1981:347; 1989:370-371.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas: Balter 1986 [fishermen caught a keg, the old man asks for it, finds a boy in it; the king takes it away; the sun and moon disappear, the king orders to bring it; the foal comes running, tells the young man go to the hut by the lake; there is an old woman (mother of the sun) - one ear under her head, the other covered; she tells me to spread red cloth (the foal warned me to take it with you), geese with gold will sit on her with feathers, you have to pull one thing out, make a ring; when he returns, the young man throws the ring to the ground, the sun and the moon return; the king orders to bring the beauty; the foal takes the young man to the former old woman (same, at home a girl appears from the ring); the beauty tells me to bring her golden comb; the stallion tells you to take blue and white threads with him; tied with them, the young man climbs the larch to the sky; the white goose flies to the nest, says that they took his daughter, they would also take the comb; lets herself pull out a pen, promises good luck; a comb appears from the feather ring at home; the beauty tells you to bring living and dead water; the water is guarded by 40 wolves; the stallion lets frost, then the heat, the wolves fall asleep, he orders to take one bottle at a time; the beauty pours living water on the young man dead on the tsar; he dies; wedding]: 41-45; Butanayev 2003 (Kachins, author's note ) [Irlik Khan dragged the moon and sun into the dungeon, darkness came; Ah-Khudai called everyone together, began to consult what to do; no owl, they sent a swallow after her; in response to the invitation, the owl said: I can't fly not at night, not even on cloudy days; can't you ask mountain and river spirits how to remove the moon and sun? the swallow reported this answer AH; AH decided: let I. grab the mountain echo and the murmur of water! The echo is the voice of the mountain spirit, and the murmur is the voice of the river spirit; he came to I. and suggested: If you catch a mountain echo and the murmur of a stream, the sun and moon are yours forever, and if you fail, you will return them to heaven; I. failed to fulfill the condition, returned the stars; the owl has since been held in high esteem by the people of Hongorai; AH told Irlik Khan that he will be able to get the stars back only when the mountain echo disappears, the murmur of streams will stall and the coniferous leaves will fall; since then, every leap year, I. looks out to check God's words; where his gaze falls, on the other side of destruction; if he looks at the sky, drought, if trees dry up on the forest; I. swore that he would rule the world over time]: 113-114; Katanov 1963, No. 582 [see motif H40; having created the earth and man, God gives the moon and sun to Erlik Khan; it gets dark; God gathers the birds, tells them not to laugh if the Corncrake comes; the head of the birds, the Stork, laughed; the corncrake was offended and left; sent the Owl to overhear what the Corncrake was saying at home; Let Erlik Khan will catch the echo of the rocks, his shadow, the tramp of a hundred horses; E. is forced to return the sun and moon because he could not fulfill God's requests]: 156-157; Tuvans [see motif K24A; Tung Karatti Khan marries Sambai-Dagine, who descends to the lake with her sisters in the form of ducks; she flies to her father Ter-Khan; seven Tayanji Kuls (formerly her husbands) blew up her iron house; KH , becoming a thin boy, he meets a huge Raven on the way, then a huge Wolf; they reply that they are going to peck the eyes of the horse KH, there is a KX horse; Kh beats them, breaks off their legs and nose to the current size; Aza replies that he is going to kill and eat the TC itself; TC has powdered it, spiders, horseflies, mosquitoes have formed from it; TC pierces a giant rock with an arrow, paves a dry path through the swamp with an arrow; everyone once before that, he turns two hair torn from a horse into two crows, who report that there is no road, but the horse tells you to shoot; on the seashore there are two boys; they say they give SD water to wash in two gold vessels; TC puts the ring and bracelet left to him by the SD in the vessels; seeing TC, Ter-Khan agrees to recognize him as his son-in-law; orders 1) to kill the snake Amyrga Mogus; he brings the lung of the killed snake, which filled the whole house; 2) the Temir-Mogus snake; it used to eat people, and now stones; TC brings her lung, Ter-Khan himself cannot lift it; returning to earth, TC steals the sun and moon from his father-in-law, not agrees to pay for cattle; now the sun and moon are shining on earth, and Ter-Khan is dark]: Potanin 1883, No. 110:373-379; South Altai Tuvans [the sun did not rise over Beijing; Yorgun Mergen said that the bird Han Gerdy covered him with its wing; if he was shot, the sun would appear again, but the wing would fall on the city and it would die; the Chinese agreed, YM shot, Beijing was destroyed; YM was given poison because they were afraid of its strength; it went west, became a stone; it was poured poison, the stone disappeared]: Taube 1994, No. 69:288-289; Buryats [High Sky (Under Tengari) for their the son was married to the daughter of the Broad Earth (Ulgen Dalhey); the Earth demanded the Sun and Moon in dowry for her daughter, locked them in a box; heaven and earth became dark; Heaven can not think of a way to get The sun and the moon are back; Zarya Azarga sent for the wise Hedgehog, ordered his nine sons and nine daughters not to laugh when he enters; ZA had no legs, rolled on the ground; sons and daughters, when they saw him, they could not help laughing; FOR was angry, rolled back; Heaven sent Hare, Deer, Ermine, Squirrel, Ferret to eavesdrop on what ZA would say; "Let the sons and daughters of the High Sky will descend to earth and become huts and ongons; in order to return the Sun and Moon, we must ask the Wide Earth for the echo of the forest and the flickering of the water; it will not be able to catch them, it will be forced to give them back Sun and Moon"; the Hare overheard these words; as a result, the Sky received the lights back, and his children became gods who filled the Sayans]: Khangalov 1960, No. 3:11-12 (Balagansky Collection, 1903:187-189; retelling in Sharakshinova 1980:34-36); Sandschejew 1928 (Alar) [chief author in Bulut village in 1926; Sagadai is an old man, the main spirit of fire, all the fire spirits in the hearths are his descendants; Esege-Malan Tengri married his son Sagadaya is the daughter of Mr. Land Bayan-Hangai; he demanded in the dawn moon and sun; EMT sent for the sage Sara-Sargaschi, warning his children not to laugh at when he would come; with the third invitation The SS came; but the children laughed, the SS was offended and left; began to wonder out loud why EMT would not know to ask for all the waves running through the water as a dowry; the Eagle heard this, told EMT; he asked such a dowry, BH was unable to collect the waves, he had to return the sun and moon]: 969-970.

Western Siberia. Mansi: Lukina 1990, No. 108 [the son of an old man (Num-Torum) and an old woman goes to try his hand; the animal digs a hole for him into the lower world; mosquitoes fly out from there; the boy goes down and asks Hul-otyr 'a, why does he have so many mosquitoes; he looks around, the boy throws tobacco at him, a month is enough and the sun is enough, flies a goose; H. chases him, becoming an iron gull; NT tells his son to quit the stars are up, our world is becoming light, the lower world is dark; the boy agrees to give H. half the sun, but he refuses; the boy fights with his daughter NT, their strength is equal; when he gets to the ground, he says to the animals what should everyone do; his name is Little Hero Yellow Wagtail], 128 (same in Kupriyanova 1960:109-112) [Mos-ne and Por-ne live together, both with two children, a girl and a boy; P. calls M. for grass for insoles, offers a ride down the mountain; kills M. by riding on M.'s back with iron skis; M.'s children find their mother's intestines in the grass, run to her sister; P. tells another Por-ne to kill M.'s children, but she kills P.'s children; M.'s children run, throw a comb, a whetstone, matches, a thicket, a mountain, a fire appear; M.'s children sit on the bed, it falls apart, three times appear; one became friends with them, goes on with them; the boy pricked his finger with an awl, died; P. got into a sledge with whites (this is the Usyng-Oyr-Oiki sledge), and M. with black deer (Tonton-Oiki sledge), come to city; M. finds a brother, he kisses his wife; leaves with him, does not wait for P.; she hides the sun; the hare says it will reappear; grandfather tells P. to let go of the sun, it's light again]: 293-296, 334-336; Rombandeeva 2005, No. 41 (Khoshlog village, written by the author from his mother) [Mosne and Porne live, each has a daughter and son; P. calls to collect firewood, invites M. to be the first to ride wooden skis, presses her with his iron skis; daughter M. looks in, sees how P.'s children ask them to eat M.'s eyes, P. promises them the eyes and ears of M.'s children; M.'s daughter puts her brother in the back, runs, throws a comb (thicket) behind them, flint (flame to the sky), whetstone ( mountain); P. could not climb the mountain; daughter M. eats cloudberries, does not pay attention to her brother, who falls into the ground at that time; daughter M. comes to the lake, where daughter P. invites her to swim, picks her up her clothes, gives her her measles; daughter M. asks to return her bag, his clothes are better than before; Toyton-Toyka's son and son Usyn-Otyr-Toika shoot at the arrow, P.'s daughter mistakenly grabs TT's arrow, goes beyond him, daughter M., for the son of the WOT; daughter M. goes to a wake for her brother, where she left him; there is a house, a barn; the woman tells the dogs to lick ice and snow from their man; daughter M. sees her brother, he married Misne; when she tried to pick it out of the ground, she poked it in the eye, now one eye is gone; M.'s daughter was given a wagon of deer; she arrives where she left her daughter P.; daughter M. replies that she was given an iron chain to encircle the city by her father-in-law, a copper cauldron, white deer; daughter P. says that she was given a bast rope, half a clay pot, a magpie, harnessed the crucian carp, clothes were given from the bark; asks her husband to make an ice-hole, otherwise magpie, crucian carp will die; they went into the ice-hole, the sledges got up; the bast rope breaks; you can't fall far on half the pot; M.'s little son says that his uncle's arrow in the house bounces off with a ringing sound, grandfather with a knock; daughter M.'s husband's father is offended, he is at war against her brother; daughter P. advises to remove the sun and moon from the sky; daughter M. takes it off, attaches it to the sledge, it turns dark, the father-in-law cannot go to war; says what he joked, M.'s daughter returns the lights to heaven]: 289-301; Eastern Khanty: Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 85 (Pim) [God promises the Devil what he asks for; Damn takes the sun and the month; son of God tells his father to ask the Devil for a shadow; he cannot grab it, returns the sun and the month]: 69 (=Lukina 1990, No. 3:64); Lukina 1990, No. 4 (p. Aleksandrovskoye, Tomsk region) [the old man asks his daughter-in-law to sew a fur coat for him from the skins of a fox, wolf, hare, ermine; he rides down the mountain, tears his fur coat; the skins have become animals, have run away; the old man promises to go to war against his daughter-in-law's father; she hides it in a chest the sun and the month; the old man promises not to fight, the daughter-in-law lets go of the stars]: 64-65; the Nenets (Yamal?) [A asked Num for the moon and sun to illuminate his dark home, where he came across the corners of seven-layer permafrost; darkness came to the earth, and the animals began to die when they bumped into to trees and falling into pits; people asked Num to return the light; Num, referring to loneliness, asked for his shadow as a companion; did not know that he had a shadow, was surprised to see it and agreed, but the shadow, despite persuasion and beatings, did not want to leave the owner; being offended, Noom snatched the sun from the corners of the dungeon and moon, brought them back to heaven]: Khomich 1966:198 in Golovnev 2004:314-315; Taimyr Nenets [the sun has disappeared, evil Tysye stole his daughter Nyarkne from old man Hetanchi; Noho's boyfriend ("fox") comes to H., there But T. arrives; Noho defeats him by jumping over the sledge; in the fight; T. gives the girl; the sun comes back]: Nenyang 1997:39-41; the southern Selkups [the cloud has covered the sun, the animals freeze for three days; we climbed the mountain, then the cloud, went to look for the sun; The month showed the house; the sun sleeps there; the animals roared, the Sun said they could not see his eyes; the animals washed it, the Sun looks well]: Porotova 1982 : 143; (cf. chum salmon [Et's family went to bed, the woodpecker is tied in the kitchen, the raven is sitting next to him; screams that the woodpecker is snacking a rope; the old man tells the old woman to go look; the woodpecker sits quietly; the same second time; the old man He orders to remove the crow, he is a deceiver; the woodpecker ate the rope, tore the bags, the blizzard has gone, it's warm]: Alekseenko 2001, No. 142:254-255).

Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts (the place of recording is not specified, the mediation of A. Kulakovsky; probably central) [at the very beginning of her life, the Little Bear was very big, covered the sun and moon; a terrible cold came; a shaman girl, a pupil of the formidable celestial Uluu Toyona, undertook to save people; before the campaign, asked that no woman look at her; Kamlai ascended to heaven and began to break the Little Bear into small pieces; at the moment when she , collecting sparkling fragments, small particles in her mouth, spraying them on the sky, installing a system of stars, one woman could not help but curiosity, looked through the Khoton window at the sky; a uda'an girl fainted and the Bear was not completely defeated; someday the Ursa Minor will grow in volume and then life on earth will end]: Tolokonsky 1914, No. 112:88-89 (retelling in Ergis 1974:134); (cf. Kulakovsky 1979 [there is the following legend about the Pleiades (Urgel); shaman Chachygyr Taas oyuun (Ch.) once said before the campaign that he would cut down the pleiades (to the sky) and forbid everyone to look at the sky and the galaxy during his actions; began to camlae; in the midst of the camlania he was all frosty, which means that he was already cutting down; one woman could not overcome her curiosity and secretly looked out the window of the barn into which they throw out bestial feces; she saw fire sparks falling from the pleiades; C. immediately suspended his actions and said that a sinful mortal had prevented the felling of the pleiades with his eyes and that he had reduced the 9 pleiades only two; since then, winter has become less severe]: 14); Evenks in the north of Krasnoyarsk Krai {apparently Ilimpic} [Bykhyndor is the master of the Middle Earth; the Russian god, Nikolai Ugodnik, Christ are coming fight him; after 7 years, B. asks for mercy, but they continue to fight; then he goes to the Lower World, taking the moon and the sun; those who came were frightened, returned to their land; B. returns the stars]: Rychkov, archive, in Voskoboynikov 1981:228; Evenki of the Baikal region [people live in darkness; Kuladay Mergen comes on a deer, says there is sun; Chakulay follows him, KM accompanies him; a piece of sun breaks off, K. carries it away in a hair box; shulings try to take it away; C. throws it on larch, the sun rises from the box to the sky]: Voskoboynikov 1967, No. 37:105-108; Evenki Orochons [there was no night, the sun was shining round the clock; the bug elk (male during the rut) grabbed the sun, ran towards the sky; the uterine elk (enneung), walking with the moose, ran for him; night fell; hunter Mani took a bow, two dogs, ran after him; moose ran across the sky, M.'s dogs caught up and stopped them; The elk gave the sun to Moose, began to distract the dogs himself; Moose ran to the heavenly hole (North Star); M. shot Moose, started shooting at Moose, hit her with a third arrow; took the sun, returned it to people; all hunters became stars; since then it has been happening the change of day and night, space hunting is repeated; every evening, moose steal the sun, and M. chases them and returns the sun by morning; the four stars of the Ursa Major bucket are the footprints of a male elk; three stars pens, three fifth-magnitude stars near them, and the star closest to the Hounds of Dogs constellation are the tracks of Mani's dogs who stopped moose; M. himself is five stars below the bottom of the bucket that make up the constellation Bolshoi Bears; Ursa Minor bucket - traces of an elk trying to escape from its pursuers; the first and second stars of the bucket handle are M.'s arrows; the third star of the bucket handle (North Star) is a hole, or hole, through that moose tried to escape]: Mazin 1984:9-10; The Evens of Kamchatka [the old man's two sons picked berries, the raven began to peck at them, they drove him away rude, he swallowed the sun; the old man gave his sons his the staff told me to sneak up and tickle the crow under his arm; he laughed and released the sun; the father explained that the crow should not be scolded]: Kasten, Avak 2014:75-77.

Amur - Sakhalin. Orochi [Gilangeta's little brother is crying; she gives him yukola, he doesn't take it, cries again; Why do you want to marry me? The boy laughs; she tells him to bring a kitchen board; he cuts on it, she asks him to move away, or she has a headache; dresses up, swims down the river in a birch bark box; Voronenok finds a girl, brings her to his house, there are crow droppings everywhere; old man Ka's two sons come there; ask them to go to their father's house; Voronenok takes his wife with him; his mother warns that Ka's sons will take her away; Voronenok sees his wife sitting with Ka's sons; stops playing, takes a month on his back, his mother takes the sun away; old Ka gives the Ravens seven dogs heads to eat; for this, the Ravens return the stars; Ka's sons kill Voronenko and his mother with arrows, take Voronenko's wife]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 4:132-133; nivhi [elder and younger The tit brothers lived under a hummock; there were two suns, two moons, too hot in summer, too cold in winter; golden and silver birds descend from the sky on larch; brothers were fighting them, the eldest silver falls down; gold turns into a woman, the youngest takes her as his wife; her father demands to kill the extra sun and the extra moon; the old man cooks the young man in a cauldron, makes him iron; he kills the sun first, then the moon; a woman from under the ground demands to chain a knotty stick - her mother's horns; it turns dark; the young man opens the door in the larch; inside there are two images of the sun, two moons; he throws one sun, one moon to the sky, buries others; brings the Golden Bird to his village where his elder brother and the Silver Bird already live]: Sternberg 1908, No. 16:150-155 (quail in Ostrovsky 1997, No. 27:223-224).

Japan. Ainu: Chiri 1973 (Sakhalin) [a lonely girl sits in a basket, swims down the river to the top of the Raven; he marries her; three brothers live side by side, perform a shamanic show to To lure the Raven and his mother out of the house; they hang the girl's basket on the tree, the brothers take her out; the furious Raven flies to the sky, covers the sun with his body, his mother covers the moon, it turns dark; the brothers throw the dog, the Raven goes down to eat it, they kill it with arrows, the sun reappears; the same with the Raven's mother and the moon]: 442-444 in Mashiko 2002 (=Mashiko 2009:104); Batchelor 1894, No. Ig [God created the world but it was dark; he decided to create the sun so that people could live in peace; before dawn, an evil spirit set out to swallow the sun; God found out, created a crow, and when an evil spirit opened its mouth, the raven rushed into it (instead of the sun); for this, crows are allowed to carry food from people]: 21; Kindaichi 1923 [when the god of daylight Tokapchup kamui was about to ascend, the evil god arwen kamui tried to swallow it; two foxes (chironnup kamui) were thrown down his throat and the god of light was able to appear in heaven; as he went over the mountain in the west, the evil god opened his mouth again and two crows were thrown at it (paskur kamui); once an evil god did swallow the god of light at sunrise; the hero Ainurakkur began to fight him, freed the god of light]: 99-150 in Mashiko 2002 (=Mashiko 2009:106); Ancient Japan: Kogoshui 1996:304-308; Kojiki 1994, ch. 12 [in a riot, Susanoo filled the canals in the Amaterasu fields, defecated in the chambers, broke through the roof of the weaving chambers, ripping the heavenly piebald stallion off his tail, inside threw it; the heavenly weavers got scared, pricked themselves with shuttles to secret places and died; Amaterasu oo-no kami took refuge in the Sky Rocky Grotto; the High Sky Plain and the Reed Plain of the Middle Country plunged into darkness; evil gods filled everything like flies with their buzzing; 800 myriads of gods gathered roosters (Long-singing Birds) from the Kingdom of Eternal Night, made them sing; the Sky Blacksmith was told to forge mirror; they dug up trees from Heavenly Mountain, hung a mirror, threads and scraps on them; the Heavenly Goddess the Brave began to kick her feet into an empty cauldron, threw out her breasts, dissolved the shoelaces of her skirt to a secret place; 800 a myriad of gods burst into laughter; Amaterasu was surprised: the country was in darkness, so why on earth did Ame no Uzume amuse everyone; and when she was shown the mirror, Amaterasu was even more surprised, came out caves, she was not allowed back]: 55-57; Nihon Shoki 1997, scroll 1, 7 [Susanovo no Mikoto released the Heavenly Piebald Foal and made it lie in the field; defecated in the temple of the first harvest; ripped the foal backwards, threw it over the roof into the hall where Amaterasu-opo kami was spinning divine clothes; she shuddered, pricked her shuttle; angry, she locked herself in a stone cave, on the earth was dark; 80 myriads of gods gathered on the banks of the Heavenly River; Omopikane no kami gathered the roosters ("Long Singing Birds") of the country of Eternal Peace (possibly Chinese influence), made them sing; two other kami dug 500 sacred trees with roots on Heavenly Mountain, hung them with low precious jasper, a mirror, and soft white fabrics; Ama-no uzume-no mikoto stood on a barrel in front of the cave entrance and became obsessed with a deity; Amatherasu went out to see why Ama-no was having so much fun; she was not allowed back]: 135-156 (similar options on p. 136-140); retelling in Dale Sonders 196:421-422, in Matsumoto 1928: 18-22.

SV Asia. Kereki {Baboshina's are Koryaks; cf. Leontyev 1983:83} [The Sun and the Raven are brothers, they wanted to marry the Daughter of the North; the Raven was luckier, brought the girl; the Sun was offended that his brother did not want to share his wife with him, went overseas; Night has fallen; the Raven sleeps with his wife, wakes up - he will see darkness, sleeps again; the tundra inhabitants were afraid of eternal night, went to the Raven to ask the Raven not to anger the Sun; the Raven sent an ugly woman to the sun, that came back, said that the Sun refused to speak to her; the Raven sent his beautiful sister; the Sun still demands the daughter of the North; Sister Raven replies that she was no worse than her; the Sun agrees to take her sister- The crow, but on the condition that they do not return to the tundra; agrees only to live in the tundra for a while; the daughter of the North saw that the Raven was powerless to return the Sun to the tundra, went to her father; since then, the Sun has lived for by sea, sends only the coldest rays to the tundra; the raven makes the sun out of a seal, the moon out of wood]: Baboshina 1958, No. 72:178-183; coastal Koryaks (Palana) [the raven Velvimtilyn swallowed the sun; Emmkut sends his daughter Klyukenevyt to him, V. does not want her; sends his daughter Inyanavyt; when he sees her, V. laughs with joy, spits out the sun; I. pierces V. with a stick, hangs her on a stick so that he does not swallow anymore sun]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 138:418-419; Chukchi: Bogoras 1902, No. 18 [Kele owns the sun; the raven comes to his house, it swings, he tells him to freeze; the sun, month and stars are sewn into balls from walrus skins; the Raven persuades Kele's youngest daughter to beg her father for a sun ball; he gives stars, the Raven hits the ball, he soars to the sky, bursts, the stars cover the sky; in the same way he gets a month, then the sun; kele hangs her daughter upside down on a rock; the rope breaks, she falls into the sea, turns into a walrus; her fangs are her snot; according to another version, her father throws her out of the boat into the sea cuts off her fingers when she grabs the board; daughter turns into a walrus, her fangs are her braids; daughter turns the boat over, father sinks]: 627; 1928, No. 2 [a lonely reindeer herder hears a voice from a pile of snow; there's a house, in he is a woman; she teaches him to make love; gives birth to a son and a daughter; they marry, people come from them; people ask Wagtail to get light; T., Kurkil Raven, Kaggelin Partridge ( Coughing), Ground-Creeper fly east, hammering the sky, breaking their beaks; K. sharpens them again, but now they are short; K. breaks through the sky, enters the outside world; there the girl plays with balls; K. grabs them and throws them up; they turn into the sun, a month (two balls stuck together), stars (one ball has crumbled); K. throws the girl, she sticks to the month, is still visible; K. scorched clothes, became out white black; created rivers; the first people went west to become Russian; K. finds new ones in the grass; The wolf says that the Raven eats crap; then K. hides the sun, moon and stars; rejects deer, agrees return the luminaries in exchange for two wives, the Wolf's sisters; wives bandage his tongue, since then the raven has not spoken], 3 [the evil kele steals the luminaries; the Wagtail, the Partridge are hammering the sky in the east, breaking their beaks; The raven punches a hole; in Kele's house, the girl plays ball; the raven grabs it, tells the girl to ask her mother for another ball; this is how he gets three balls; throws them up, they turn into stars, the month, the sun ; mother throws girl into the sea, she turns into a walrus], 4 [people live in the dark, eat black stones instead of meat, white stones instead of fat; in the kele world, the sun is hidden, wrapped in skins; the raven comes to play the ball with her daughter Kele, persuades her to ask her father to play the sun, flies away with him; the bundle holes, the world is flooded with light, Kele flees; after kicking branches, the Raven turns them into deer; flying above the ground, drags its wing, excavating it and creating rivers and the sea; creates marine and land animals, turns into thunder]: 301-303, 303-304, 304-305; Menovshchikov 1974 [woman makes the ball, concluding the sun, the month and the stars are in it; it gets dark; a man comes, threatens to kill her, makes him give him the ball, throws the lights to the sky; a woman makes many balls, embroidering the sun, the month and the stars on them]: No 58:221-223; Kozlov 1956 [the world is dark; we decided to send not Lisa for the sun, but the White Crow; she flew to a girl playing with two balls - bright and pale; offered to play together, rolled back the balls, they became the sun and the month; the crow is burned, turned black]: 34-35; Van Deusen 1999 [The raven comes to the upper world on dogs to search for the lost sun; there a woman sews a bag covered with stars; there is the sun in it; she started playing with her bag, the Raven grabbed it, threw the sun and stars into the sky]: 41-42.

The Arctic. Kodiak [see motif C19A]; Aleuts [see motif C19A]; central Yupik [see motif C19A]; central Yupik (south Norton Bay) [Raven and aunt lived in heaven; Raven took dropped a straw off his shoe, it sprouted, he threw two handfuls of earth from above, it took the form of a crow (head to SW); the raven made a mountain there, a source of fresh water; one day he chased a big animals, threw spears at him; when he returned, he found King Island in the place of the animal; together with Fox went to get light; through the hole they saw a sleeping man and his two daughters in the house; two light sources hung on the sides; the Raven took the smaller one; if he had taken the bigger one, there would be no night]: Ray 1968, No. 2:52-53; Tennant, Bitar 1981 (Yukon-Cuskoquim Delta) [dark all the time; the Raven brags that he would get light; men pierced him for lying; he recovered, went east; the stars {obviously the Milky Way} were his ski track, they then appeared; reached a home in which a man and a woman; wished the woman to be thirsty; threw himself into a vessel of water {in the form of a needle?} , she drank, became pregnant, gave birth to a boy; asks for glowing bubbles hanging on the wall to play; dark bubbles hang at the other end; while the owners are distracted, the Raven goes skiing, carrying bubbles; when abruptly they let air out, the days are long, when they are slowly short; where he stumbled, there is a misty group of stars]: 179-181; Bering Strait Inupiate (Port Clarence) [while people sang in the house for meetings, the sun was gone; people walked from country to country for a long time; finally reached the house where the woman and her parents lived; they had larger and smaller balloons; they first offered to take smaller, but then they allowed a larger one, people tore this ball, it became lighter and warmer]: Boas 1894c: 205-206; Northern Alaska Inupiate [see C19A motif]; Northern Alaska Inupiate [the day comes briefly and irregularly; the young man swims to where the day disappeared; sees a sleeping man, followed by a bright ball; grabs, takes the balloon, the man did not catch up with him; at home released day, day and night began to alternate regularly]: Lynch 1995:7-10; McKenzie estuary [a man and a woman hold light in two bladder; the Fox and the Raven come to kidnap him; the woman goes out to urinate, the Raven tells the willow branch to penetrate her vagina; a woman becomes pregnant, gives birth to a boy; he demands these balls to play; pushes the smaller one out, the Fox carries him away; the child turns into a Raven, flies after; leaving the chase, the Fox and the Raven tear the ball, the light floods the ground; if they carried away a bigger bubble, there wouldn't be night]: Ostermann 1942:70-73.

Subarctic. Southern tutchoni [big fish swims in the lake; the raven asks it to swim to the shore, open its mouths - the birds want to see what's inside; it flies in, eats its insides when it eats the heart, the fish dies; the raven tells the dead fish to come to the shore; people cut the carcass, something black flies out of there; unrecognized, the Raven comes and says that if a big whale is thrown to a large village, be war; people drive him away; he comes in the evening when children play ball with a bag full of fat; the Raven opens it, sees morning inside, cuts off a piece, dawn comes, the children are frightened; someone at the cliff Repeats Raven's words; he hits a rock, a little woman appears; the Raven tickles her almost to death, leaves; another woman on the shore says the fish swallowed her son]: Workman 2000:117-119. See motive C19A [The sun is owned (or kidnapped) by a rich man, chief, bear; his daughter drinks water in which a needle, speck, feather swim; the Raven has turned into this needle; a girl gives birth to a boy; that cries until he gets the sun to play; steals it, brings it to people], koyukon; inhalic; tanaina; atna; tanana; upper tanana; tagish , inner tlingit; kuchin; helmet; taltan; chipewayyan.

NW Coast. The world is dark; the chief keeps the sun in his house; his daughter comes to the spring for a drink; a raven or a young man wearing crow skin turns into a needle, speck, etc., the girl swallows it with water; gives birth a boy; he cries until he gets the sun to play; he kidnaps him, brings it to people. See M46 motif. Eyak; Tlingits; Haida; Tsimshian; Bellacula; Heiltsuk; Uvikino; Quakiutl; Nootka; Bellacula: Boas 1898:61-62 [The Sun sends down two Ravens and their sister Raven; they have a box with the sun; the Raven offers to open the box to his younger brother, who objects to the elder; the elder breaks the box, freeing the sun; comes to Eagle, asks how long he lived; he replies that he is long, that he is older than the Raven; the Duck (SAW-Bill Duck) gives the same answer], 63 [the sun was dim; the Raven got home, called Kowamsta ("open mouth of the sky", "mouth open thanks to a wedge inserted"); there was a box of sun inside; the Raven cut the rope, carried the box away; the sun came out, people were happy].

The coast is the Plateau. Chilkotin [one person owns the light; the raven turns into a spruce needle, the man's wife goes down for a drink, swallows a needle along with water, gives birth to a boy; he cries, gets to play a box of light; becoming a Raven again, takes him away; women give him berries for opening the box slightly; the Raven breaks the box, releasing light; people are tired of eternal light, the Raven tells the night and day alternate]: Farrand 1900, No. 2:14-15; quileout [a man from the sky steals the sun; Wren suggests making a chain of arrows; first Shark, then Puma, Kingfisher, Hawk and others successfully they shoot; the sky is cold; the wren rushes to the sun to warm up; while some treat a person to baked roots, others take the sun away; raise it to illuminate the whole world; the Eagle and the Hawk take it for themselves Snail's keen eyes; Stingray turns into Little, Bear's skin into Ursa Major]: Clark 1953:151-152; tillamook [Beaver doesn't feed his wife, she leaves; he hides the sun, causes a flood; people want to give he is ransom with knives and beads, but no one can dive to him; Muskrat dives, gets the sun back, the flood ends; Beaver takes two knives for himself and his daughter; they turn into their tails]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 22:83-84.

Subarctic. Chipewayan: Birket-Smith 1930 [The sun accidentally falls into the trap of a hunter; he cannot approach because of the heat; the day does not come; all birds try to free the Sun; the goose tears the trap, his beak burns]: 87-88; Petitot 1886, No. 15 [brother and sister live alone; The sun is all speeding up, days are getting shorter, the earth is cold; sister catches the Sun in a trap; lets go for promising to make days longer]: 411-412.

The Midwest. See motif A37, A38. The sun falls into the trap, it becomes dark; the sun releases, the alternation of night and day restores. Winnebago; menominee [mouse gnaws through fetters]; ojibwa (incl. timagami) [like menomini]; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [like menominee]; marsh crees [beaver gnaws]; steppe crees [beaver gnaws]; eastern crees [shrew crosses]; steppe ojibwa (lake. Winnipeg) [water is everywhere; Weese-ke-Jak sees geese; they say that the land is somewhere in the south; V. asks them to bring some land with them; makes it a big land; creates all living things on it; Ane-ne-ke ( Sun) appears only occasionally; V. sets a trap, A. is caught; it becomes unbearably hot on the ground next to him; V. agrees with A. that he will come close to the ground only in the east and at sunset, and otherwise, stay at the right distance so that it is warm but not hot; agrees with the Kee-wa-tin north wind so that it does not blow much in summer and brings cold and snow in winter, so bears reptiles and frogs could rest; because of the heat, V. himself cannot approach the trap to free the Sun; sends Beaver to gnaw through his fetters; rewards him with beautiful fur and strong teeth]: Simms 1906:337-338; atticamek [Tcikabis could make trees grow tall and then low again; liked to climb trees like this; one day he climbed a grown tree into the sky, went along the path, the Sun told him He refused to give way, the Sun stepped over him, scorched his clothes; C. returned to his sister's ground, made a snare, put it in the sky on the path, the Sun was caught, it became dark; only the Mouse could overcome the heat, gnaw through the snare, it was light again]: Davidson 1928a: 282-283; the Algonquins (Grand Victoria Lake) [Tcakabesh put a snare on squirrels in the east; the sun did not rise in the morning; C. saw that the Sun had hit snare; because of the heat, none of the animals could come to gnaw through the snare; the squirrel fell on its back, its tail was burned, so now the squirrels are falling on their backs and their tail is pointed; the mouse gnawed, but the wool was scorched, it is now short]: Davidson 1928b:277.

Northeast. See motif A37, A38. The sun falls into the trap, it becomes dark; the sun releases, the alternation of night and day restores. Nascapi [Sun, Month; shrew gnaws through fetters]; montagnier [Sun; without details, how freed]; onondaga [old woman owns the sun (and moon?) ; The young man (creator) takes Fox, Beaver, Woodpecker and others, they sail east in a boat; the sun is tied to the top of the tree; the Marten and the Fox take it out, run away, throwing it to each other; the old woman is almost the Fox grabs, he throws the sun to the sky]: Hewitt 1903:201-208 (retelling in Beauchamp 1922:104-105); mohawks: Hewitt 1903 [The beaver gnaws on the tree, the Spider knocks it down by the rope, the Hare takes it sun, Otter guards a boat]: 319-320; Rustige 1988 [A man dies in the world in heaven for the first time; a girl whose father is unknown goes to his remains; she is watched, heard her call the deceased father; he tells her to go to the leader at the end of the world; the chief likes the way she cooks porridge, he marries her, sends her home for a while; as a result, corn falls from above; the woman becomes pregnant, the chief falls ill; tells uproot a tree, asks his wife to look down, pushes her, immediately recovers himself; ducks pick up the falling one, put it on the turtle's back; the woman asks the animals to dive; the Beaver, the Otter emerge dead, Muskrat brings silt under her claw; while a woman sleeps, earth emerges from it; a woman gives birth to a daughter; a man comes at night, leaves an arrow near the girl; she conceives twins; good brother The sprout is born normally, the evil Flint comes out of the mother's side, killing her; proves to the grandmother that it was Sprout who killed her daughter, she throws the Sprout into the willow thickets; Flint and grandmother hide animals; Sprout finds and opens the door in the rock; monsters are still in the rock; Flint and grandmother hide the sun on the tree on the island; Beaver, Spider, Rabbit, Hawk do not go to take Otter Talker with them; get the sun, the Rabbit runs away with him, the shine has whitewashed his belly hair; the otter talker is hit with an oar, his jaw is short; the sun is thrown into the sky; Flint and Sprout fight, creating irregularities in the landscape; Flint is thrown into the lower world, creating evil spirits; Grandma Rostock cuts off her head, makes the moon out of it]: 3-18.

Plains. See motif A37, A38. The sun falls into the trap, it becomes dark; the sun releases, the alternation of night and day restores. Assiniboine [mouse gnaws through fetters]; mandan [without details of how the Sun is freed]; Omaha, ponka [The rabbit weakens his snare]; iowa [like Omaha]; kiowa: Parsons 1929a, No. 4 [dark; the chief sends two Hawks, the Partridge, the Coyote, to the owners of the sun; they use it as a hoop to play; the Coyote drives the sun, throws it on the tree; from there the Spider throws it at sky], 5 [chief sends Rabbit, Deer, Fox, Hawk behind the sun; Rabbit runs chasing the sun; all four are burned from their backs]: 11-14; Kiova-Apache [a feather falls in the house of the mistress of light, turns into a man; the Ant wants to help him; another woman living in the house gives light to the Ant, that Hawk, then the Rabbit, Bison, Turtle; the mistress of the light asks Thunder to break the Turtle's shell; on him traces remain, but cannot be broken; animals carried light from east to west, now the sun moves like this; when the Turtle covers its shell, night falls; those women are visible on the moon; standing alone (?) , the other one is riding a hauler]: McAllister 1949, No. 4:25-26.

Southeast USA. Chirokee; screams; alabama.

California. See motif A37, A38. The sun falls into the trap, it becomes dark; the sun releases, the alternation of night and day restores. Yurok [people ate tar instead of acorns, alder bark instead of salmon; there was no river; constant night, no fire, food was cooked in their armpits; Earthquake, Thunder, sandpiper bird, Ant only played shinney; the dwarf finds out that the sky is light; Wohpekumen turns into a woman, comes to the owners of the fire; carries baskets with day and fire; birds and animals carry baskets on relay; the frog is given last; she puts them in her mouth, dives; pursuers go; she spits fire into willows (fire drill material)]: Kroeber 1976, No. D1x: 237-242; screw [mole gnaws through fetters]; lassic [Coyote pretends to be an old woman; when all adults leave, Trout and Fly send the boys to play in the yard; steals the sun; animal people catch and hit it, but the sun falls out of the bag]: Goddard 1906, No. 3:136- 137; Mattol (Bear River) [Coyote smeared clay between his legs, sprayed berry juice, pretended to be a menstruating woman, came to the owners of the sun; grabbed a basket of sun, ran away; after him They sent a bumblebee, a hummingbird, a hawk, a swallow; the ducks almost grabbed him, but he threw the sun on the rocks, it became light]: Nomland 1938:120; synkion [it was dark; the Coyote went east, stole the sun from him owners; when he became a boy, he hid it under a pile of dug up tubers; then he was caught; he asked him to stand on a rock, threw the sun, it became light; Coyote said that now it would be one half (of the day) dark, the other bright; ran away]: Nomland 1935:172; Wailaki [Coyote goes west; in the house he learns from the boy that the sun is in the basket; puts the owners to sleep, takes the sun away; when he sees the chase, turns into an old woman collecting clover; replies that he did not see the Coyote; next time they don't believe the old woman; Coyote asks to kill him (in the form of an old woman) by throwing him against a rock; goes through the other side the cliffs take shape, armed with a bow and arrow; the chase stops; the Coyote throws the sun on the eastern side of the sky]: Curtis 1976 (14): 167; yuki [Sun owners keep it under a pile of skins ; The Coyote comes, puts them to sleep, carries the Sun in a bag; he is caught up, killed, he manages to break the Sun; the Sun comes to life and revives; tells him to get up from the east, stop at noon to eat; turns into a young woman, comes to the owners of the Month and the Morning Star; when only a little boy is at home, he takes away bags of luminaries (hereinafter referred to as the Sun; each of the stars is called a son by the Coyote sisters)]: Kroeber 1932b: 922-925; Pomo: Barrett 1906 [as in 1933, No. 4/5]: 44-46; 1933, No. 4/5 [Bird people kill two sons of a Coyote, make a bag out of their skin, fill them with light; Coyote comes to the owners of the sun disguised as an old man; dances until everyone falls asleep; mice gnaw through the rope; a bag of sun falls off a pole; the Coyote blows the sun away; the Mist tries to detain the Coyote first and then the Rabbit, who received the sun after the relay race; the Rabbit opens the bag; all the birds try to hang the sun from the sky, only the Crow succeeds], 15.5 [the sun hangs in its owners' house, only barely appears in the east; The coyote and the birds come there to dance; the Coyote puts the owners to sleep, the mice gnaw the rope; only the Raven Brothers manage to hang the sun in the sky], 27 [The lizard sees the light in the east; the Dove confirms that the sun is; in the house of sun owners there are bags of snow, wind, rain, sun; mice gnaw the rope, the Vulture opens the bag; all birds try to attach the sun to the sky, only Ravens succeeds], 28 [The lizard sees the light, the Coyote comes to dance to the owners of the sun, puts them to sleep, sends the mice to gnaw the rope; takes the sun away; all the birds try, only the Raven Brothers hang the sun from sky], 29 [A lizard sees light in the house of sun owners; a crane carries the Coyote across lakes; there are bags of sun, snow, cloud, cold, fog, frost in the house; the Coyote gives children shells, those they report what bag the sun is in; people come to dance, mice gnaw through the rope; Trout shouts to their people that the Coyote people are stealing the sun; all birds are trying to hang the sun from the sky, only two brothers- Ravens succeed], 30 [two Coyote nephews play ball (shinny) with two grizzly bears; Grizzly men kill them, sew a bag out of their leather, hide daylight in it; a lizard sees light on east; Coyote comes there disguised as an old man, dances to put the owners of light to sleep, sends mice to gnaw through the rope, ties the hair to the sleeping, takes away the light; the fog almost grabs him, he unties the bag], 31 [The lizard sees the light in the east; the Coyote comes there disguised as an old man, dances to put the owners of the light to sleep, sends mice to gnaw through the rope, carries away the bag with the sun, the moon, the Pleiades; the fog is almost enough him, he unties the bag; only the Raven Brothers manage to put the sun on the sky]: 77-79, 103-106, 135-137, 138-139, 140-142, 143-145, 146-147; Clark, Williams 1954:31-32 [the world is dark; Crow - white, flies east, brings the sun from there; on the way back he is burned, turned black], 35-47 [Coyote has grandchildren Moon Hawk (LA) and Sun Hawk (SYA); LA is the lord of the world, he is served; SYA is the youngest, hunts; Coyote gives Xia a sling, a stone from which kills many waterfowl, returns to the hunter; warns not to touch anything in the Fireman's home; XIA comes there in the absence of the owner , kills watchmen - rattlesnakes, kills a dragon by throwing a stone in its mouth (the dragon suffocates); takes shell money, puts ash into bags instead; Fire sends fire; Coyote puts his wife in jail The frog, LA and his wife Partridge in a boat, hides underground in it, tells the ocean to extinguish the world fire; XIA remains flying above the waters; after 8 days, having lost his last strength, sits on Direk's back, rests; The dive dives, brings drowned trees from the bottom, creates a house; Xia cannot eat raw fish; The dive dives to the Skunk Brothers, who have fire; they give fire, tell them not to look back; Dive three times looks around, fearing that either the water has extinguished the fire or the fire will burn his back; the fourth time he brings fire to XIA; the water is gradually coming off, but the world is dark; Xia finds the Coyote; they find brothers- Pigeons; the elder throws a stone from his sling to the east four times to no avail; the youngest throws, breaks through the sky, the Sunny Sisters return to the world, it becomes light; Coyote replies XIA that people will die and go to another world forever; SA shows it]; nomlaks [the world is dark; animals send a Raccoon, then Skunk, Fox, Badger to get light; none of them have returned; Coyote reaches the sea ; The log replies that he will not be able to transport it; the Oak Growth transports him; the Coyote meets the Old Mole; he has a coyote leg pendant in his ear, he gnaws on an oak tree; replies that he will bring it to back that the oak tree will split into firewood when he dumps it in camp; that the Coyote is his enemy; the Coyote sits on top of the tree, presses the Mole to death, takes his form, tells the tree to move, but it does not falls to pieces; he explains that he is old; eats everything that was brought to him clean; the mosquito says he senses the Coyote; he replies that it smells like his pendant in his ear; after dancing, people fell asleep The Coyote took the light away; the fly raises the alarm, but the Coyote was not caught; then the Mist Brothers were sent; the Coyote turns first into boys throwing chestnuts, then into an old man collecting fuel, then into old woman; every time he replies to the Mists that he did not see the Coyote; when they want to look into the old woman's basket, Coyote throws and breaks the bag of light, he spreads around the world]: Goldschmidt 1951:391-393; Maidu [The Sun Sister and Brother Month live in a house made of stone; animal people cannot lure them out; the opossum and the worm make a hole, throw handfuls of fleas at the stars; the Sun and the Month come out; the sun afraid to travel at night and chooses the day for himself]: Dixon 1902, No. 8:78; mountain mivok: Merriam 1993 (southern): 35-43 [the plain in the valley is dark, cold, and in the foothills there is sun, moon, stars, women, food; Coyote goes there for exploration; when he returns, offers the Crane Chief to buy the sun; he reluctantly agrees; but the sun is not sold, he is guarded by the Turtle; the Coyote turns into a branch, the Turtle throws it into the fire; it does not burn; when the Turtle falls asleep, the Coyote blows the sun away; tells him to go underground in the evening through a hole in the sky in the west, and rise from the east in the morning; as soon as the sun became as it is now, the First Men became animals], 45-46 [The morning is in the east, Chief Golden Eagle is unhappy with life in the dark; as on pp. 35-43, but with no motive for becoming animals]; Wilson 1922 [Coyote and the Frog (man) were rafting to the east; the Coyote told the Frog to dive and get the ground from the bottom; he took it, the Coyote created land; the Coyote wanted to make people like him, but The lizard (man) did not agree: let them have fingers like hers; they sent a mouse to steal fire from the people of the Valley; when they chased her, the mouse hid the fire in the horse chestnut trees and cedars; from there the fire blazed into the sky, becoming the sun, and some remained in the trees, from where it was extracted by friction; the Coyote went and stuck two sticks where he wanted people to be, giving names to these areas; The lizard and others will turn into animals; the coyote still catches lizards, because then the lizard argued with him; a female star who loved abalone shells turned into stars; and so all the first ancestors]: 91- 94; coastal mivok [orphan Wren always begs for food; he is not allowed; he promises to shoot the sun and hits it with an arrow; it gets dark; the Coyote sends the Hummingbird east to steal the fire; Hummingbird brings fire, people have light again]: Merriam 1993:153-154; Chukchansi yokutz: Rogers, Gayton 1944, No. 1 [world in darkness; Turtle owns fire (=Morning Star, Sun) while sitting on it; Coyote vanities a hollow log to the fire, climbs into a hole, takes fire/light away], 2 [The eagle wants light; his nephew Coyote sees the light in the east; the Morning Star is hidden under the basket, sitting on it a big Frog; the Coyote turns into a branch, thrown next to the fire, puts the fire owners to sleep, takes the Morning Star away; dawns]: 192-195; yokutz [animal people want to kill the son of Coyote; Month, Thunder, Sun, Night are brothers; The Coyote asks them not to leave their homes; it's dark for six months, it's raining; people bring Coyote beads; he asks the brothers to go out again; the situation is returning to normal]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 39:231-234; kawaiisu: Zigmond 1980, No. 41A [all animals, birds, reptiles come from Koso to collect sweet grass; when they leave, they dig a hole, make a fire in it, boil water, tell Malinovka to make sure it boils; since then since she has a red breast; the animals decide to race from Victorville back to Koso; Coyote insists that those who come be the last to throw into boiling water; while he eats, others go back; he catches up them, urinate on them; he and the Lizard brothers come first; Bears, the Sun and other bad runners are thrown into boiling water; the water in the spring is boiling even now, the roar of the Bears thrown into the boiling water can be heard in the gurgling; It's dark all year; animals gather in the house to decide how many months winter will last; Coyote: How many hair is on the mouse, how many hairs are on the owl's four feathers; the Lizard brothers: Three months ; everyone agrees with them; an angry Coyote pours hot ash into their hole; they get out when the ash cools down; the Owl and Duck "rumble", dawn begins; the Coyote rumbling, it's dark again; the others tell him keep quiet, Owl and Duck bring the sun to the sky; Coyote is bitten to death by a rattlesnake], 43B, C [as in A, less details]: 141-145.

Big Pool. Usually, two groups of ancestors compete on the run; the losers are thrown into the fire; after a long darkness, the birds begin to call on the sun; it dawns, spring comes. Northern Payutes: Kelly 1938, No. 21 [the night hangs in the Wolf's house; he doesn't tell Coyote to touch it; he shoots her with a blade of grass, it gets dark; everyone is starving; the Coyote sets fire to a piece of grass, throws sparks on the ears of hares; these sparks find hares; everyone asks Mallard Duck to get a day; she gives her voice (sings?) , the sun rises]: 420; Steward 1936, No. 32 (Owens Valley) [Coyote burns the Sun; Duck sings]: 411-415; Western Shoshones [with Coyote small animals (beetles, lizards, frogs), in the other team birds; Coyote and Hawk agreed that those who were the first to run from the reeds to the hot springs could burn the losers; the Coyote and the Ox Frog (won) threw all the hawks into the fire; the Coyote pushed into the fire the Bear's fire kept it there until it burned down; the bear was the sun, so it became dark; in the spring, the Coyote was given food, the food was found by owls, rats and mice that they could see in the dark; everyone decided to scream, call the sun; the cry of the Coyote only made it even darker; the cry of the beetles did not change anything; the duck's scream made a little brighter; after the woodpecker screamed, it dawned, and after the scream of the red-headed woodpecker, the sun rose]: Smith 1993:127-129; panamint [beasts gather in Victorville to eat sweet seeds; decide to flee from there racing to Koso's hot springs; losers will be thrown into a boiling pot; Coyote first lags behind, then overtakes many, throwing mud at them; but the Frog comes first; the Coyote throws the Sun into the boiling water, it becomes dark; the animals gather in the winter house; the woodpecker screams and dawns; the Raven again it gets dark; the Long-key Duck is dawning again; the Coyote is dark again; the Woodpecker screams, the Sun rises; green all around, summer]: Zigmond 1980, No. 71:231-232; Western shoshones [when Coyote and Frog throw at Bear fire, it gets dark; the birds call on the sun, it becomes brighter; after the Woodpecker calls, the sun rises]: Smith 1993:127-129.

Mesoamerica Mountain Totonaki [it was only the Month, the lover of all women; said he was the Sun; the boy was watching the Iguana, who was basking on a hot stone; all the birds were hammering a stone, the Hummingbird succeeds in it split; there is a yellow egg inside the rock; it is surrounded by girls; it burns their skirts, stays lying on an orphan's skirt; she is told to swallow an egg; she gives birth to a boy; he drinks broth, not milk, does not tell his mother Approach him; climbs a tree, branches light up (the origin of fire); says that his grandmother will be east at the edge of the sky, his grandfather in the west, his mother at the zenith; tells his dog to point out to the pursuer- The month is the wrong way; when the month returns to the crossroads, the dog kicks; dogs have not talked since then; the month is still chasing the Sun; their quarrels cause eclipses]: Ichon 1969, No. II-1:55-57; Totonaki [The sun is tired and went out, the Month and the stars too; the wise men began to think who to send to wake up the Sun; Eagle, Falcon, Guincho, Vulture will not reach; more enduring than others is the Rattlesnake (can live a year without food or water, it renews itself, changing the skin), but has no wings; asked the powerful god of Earth to give her wings; he gave it, she flew; many days later, dawn began, a bright star rose in the east "a precious snake star"; in Tahina it is depicted by a meander with a rattlesnake tail {i.e. a "ladder sign"; the same one in the form of a rattlesnake is found in Teotihuacan}]: Arenas 2000:50-52; coastal totonaki [see motif A24; ancestors live in a dark, cold world; only the sky's serpent, the Milky Way, shines; its mouth is open; a lizard finds a hot stone, cooks on it; four birds manage to break a stone , get a shining egg; animals bring it to the spring; an orphan girl finds an egg, brings it home; it returns to the spring three times; on the fourth, the girl grabs it with her teeth, it bursts, she swallows it; nine days later gives birth to twin sons; one turns into the Sun, the other into the Month]: Munch 1993:37 -40; tepehua [the lizard finds a rock with the sun inside; the woodpecker pierces hole; animal people lure the sun out of the cave]: Williams García 1972:93; Nahuatl (San Luis Potosí) [birds sing to lure the sun out of the cave; the sun does not like the first singers; finally, it is comes out]: Croft 1957:327; Masateks: Portal 1986:46 [birds sing and dance to steal corn from their husbands], 56 [music to make an old woman who stole the moon dance]; chinantecs [people hear sounds from wood; a comet, thunder cannot penetrate; a woodpecker breaks a hole, pulls out two eggs, from which the sun and the month emerge]: Bartolomé 1984:13; tsotsil [Jews lock the sun in a hollow; woodpecker frees]: Gossen 1974, No. 166:337; Tseltal [like a tsotsil; Sun brothers lock it]: Ramirez Hernandez, Melo 1988:17

Honduras-Panama. Hikake [The sun is walking, people grab him and put him in jail; his father releases his four brothers into the sky; the water in the rivers boils; the father agrees to remove excess suns in exchange for his release captive]: Chapman 1982, No. 27:112.

The Northern Andes. Ihka: Chaves Mendoza, Francisco Zea 1977 [when it was dark, the first woman had two beautiful children; she hid them in a cave, light came from there; people brought flutes, drums, and began to play; the boy J'uí went out, they tried to catch him, he soared into the sky, became the sun; those who looked up at him turned into stones; his sister named Tíma was also lured by music; to did not run away, they threw ash in her face; but she also rose to the sky, became the moon, remained pale; Dicks and Tipa are spouses, although they are not in love]: 62-63; Lucena Salmoral 1966-1969: 228-229 [The Sun and Moon are the children of a poor woman, Mother of Light; she hid them in the depths of the cave; to lure her out, people began to play musical instruments; they entered the cave, but the boy jumped out and flew to in the sky, in the light of the Sun, people turned into stones; the month of Tíma was the brother of the Sun; people tried to detain him, threw ash in his face, he broke out, but remained pale], 230-231 [The sun is a little snotty boy, his Mother Lake keeps his hands on him; to lure the Sun, Seránkua arranged a party; mother does not pay attention to music; S. asked for a boy, returned him; began to sing, his mother listened , the boy flew to the sky, became the sun; his mother promised that it would be dark again in the future.]

Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 23 [there was no sun, his master kept it in his bag in the sky; the man sent his old daughter to ask him to put the sun in the sky; on the way she met a young man, she rejected him, came to the owner of the sun, he drove her away, she returned; the man sent his youngest daughter, she went east, met no one on the way, but he tried {not clear, successful whether} to take possession of her; she noticed the bag, the owner told her not to touch it, but she tore the bag, sunlight spread everywhere; then the owner placed the sun in the east and the bag in the west; in the sun, the girl sparkled, became the moon; returned to her father; the sun was shining for only three hours; the father sent his daughter east again, took a turtle with him; she attached her to the sun, he had to move more slowly; since then the day lasts 12 hours, there is the Sun and the Moon]: 101-102; Wilbert 1970, No. 113 [the night found parents with two daughters in the forest; the fifth person fell behind, screamed, Wait for me, became an owl, still screams; dawn does not come; the father sees the light in the distance, sends the eldest daughter; the girl wandered very much because she has already lost her virginity; an old man and his wife are in the house; their son came; did not give a day, for she who came is not a virgin (or not suitable for him as a sexual partner); the youngest went straight, the owner of the day is happy to get along with her, gives her a day], 172 [owned Imanaidarotu at night, Hokohiarotu owned the sun; kept the night in a headscarf in the basket; in his absence, his wife's brother, a boy, opened the bag; darkness came, the boy turned into an owl; I. came to H., in that house dancing, music; when H. wanted the sun, he pulled him up on a rope; for X. gave the girl a day of 6 hours, promised to give a normal 12 hour for the second; I. did not have a second girlfriend, he carved her out of usirumani wood; her name was Usirumani; H. could not sleep with her, asked the woodpecker make a vagina; all the birds were smeared in the leaked blood; a crane in white blood, a raven in curled black blood]: 239-240, 377-379; arecuna: Butt Colson, Armellad 1989 [The Sun (Wei) goes east on a trade expedition, feasts, drinks, throwing lightning, weakening, covered with a pot; his sons Makunaima and Chikö find him under a potted mountain (to SE from Roraima), C. breaks the pot, the sun is pale and weak at first, then recovers; the text describes the annual cycle, the alternation between wet and dry seasons]: 155; Loven 1935 [The sun is walking, people grabbing it, covering it like a mountain vessel; others break the vessel, freeing the Sun]: 566; the tops [Anike and Inskira went east, came to the old woman; she has corn, bananas, all kinds of fruits; they followed her, came to they decided to cut down a tree with sweet potatoes, corn, bananas, etc.; A. cut down from the west, I. from the east; when it fell, the tree was carried away by the sun; it became dark; the brothers Arepopu and Makauaré said that the sun was at the bottom of the river; another pair of brothers Loriuepaneima and Uomai pointed the direction; these four began to dive, took out pieces of sun; A. collected them, revived them; the Sun was grateful, promised to give them a reward moon]: Soares Diniz 1971, No. 5:82; waiwai [it's been raining for a long time, there's still no sun; two shamans went to heaven to look for it; the sun's father is a Warakuimo bird (Waraku is some bird, imo is great celestial correspondence to the Earth's object); almost burned, they enter the house of the Sun (kamo); he tells them to remove black feathers from its tiara; shamans take out the feathers of the black bird, insert red feathers instead toucana, then mako; return to earth; the sun rises in the morning]: Fock 1963:33.

NW Amazon. Tikuna [the tree covered the sky; Dioy shoots through the leaves with a slingshot, star holes appear; together with Brother Epi and ants and termites, he cuts the trunk, the tree remains hanging ; D. promises Sister E. to the one who cuts the vine holding the tree; Big Squirrel cannot, Malaya discovers that it is not a vine, but a Sloth; the squirrel poured ants on him, he let go of the tree; falling, it hit Squirrel on the tail, now he's bent]: Nimuendaju 1952:123 -124; macuna: Århem et al. 2004 [The sloth soaked wajü (Micandra spruceana) fruit in the poison basket; four Ayawa brothers led by Ayawa bükü (elder), they sailed to the basket on an oil trail (the poison is in the oil); when the oil stopped trickling, the brothers turned into fish and began to eat the fruit; the Sloth's daughter told her father that the basket was empty; he replied that they were the gods who created the world and came to destroy them; there was one fish in the basket (this is Brother Bokanea; when cutting a tree with water inside, he remained in heaven; the brothers introduced seed into the fruit was given to Romi-Kuma to eat, she gave birth to B. again); The Sloth did not order her to eat, but the children baked it and ate it; the fish inspired her not to break her bones; the grillo (grillo, A. himself) began to pick up bones; the gods revived B.; Lenivets went for fruit, telling his daughter to poison the gods with manioc poison; bayukaya brother, she sang about it; the brothers heard, found out everything; asked the Sloth's daughter where her father was to learn from him, where to get bird feathers for hats; B. gave Sloth's children a cake with manioc poison, they died; they came to a tree from the top of which Sloth threw fruit directly into the basket; the brothers closed the basket, the fruits began to fall to the ground, the Sloth had to go down; the elder A. wanted him to cry to the ground, but B. thought they would kill him anyway; the Sloth began to go back; the brothers threw fruits, turning into nests of ants, but the Sloth climbed upstairs, grabbed the rays of the Sun, it became dark; he began to write, the world began to pour boiling water; the brothers first hid from the boiling water under tree mushrooms, then they became worms in mushrooms; the tree grew above the flood; the brothers told the monkey to taste the water, the water was hot, the monkey's hand remained white; the pauhil lowered the end of the tail into the water, it was now white; flowers they were women on the tree, they grew up, they have children, they blew gas on some of the fruits, now they stink; the brothers unsuccessfully throw fruits at the Sloth, only the elder A. fell into his hand, now the sloths only two fingers; the other is beaten off the tail, he falls into the water, becomes a different kind of sloth, he appears if someone dies; the body becomes the current sloths; dawn]: 458-462; Trupp 1977 [at Adyawa {this is a band brothers, everyone works, then one of them} was an egg, all people, animals and objects came out of it; this era is called the time of "Pauhil bones"; people fought with each other, A. destroyed them, brought them out new ones from the new egg, this is the "time of Yurupari"; people did not obey, A. they were destroyed again, people of the "water parrot" era (Idé kirkö, perico de agua) were brought out of the third egg; Idé kirkö owned with a fruit tree, Adiyava decided to kill him; A. sailed to the children of IK in the form of a fish, who replied that their father was in a tree; A. picked up the fruits, made the fruit mass together, it petrified, threw it into AK, but not hit, fell into branches, the mass became termites; AK climbed to the Sun by sunlight, wrapped around it, it became dark; A. began to urinate, rain, flooded the ground; A. climbed a tree, told it to grow; abandoned fruits in AK, hit him on his fingers, he released the sun, fell, the rain ran out, the water came down, the earth was empty; A. created people again from the new egg, the first man was Reha; A. has another egg, he can Kill people again]: 85-86.

The Central Andes. Mochica culture (paintings on vessels of periods IV-V): Donnan, McClelland 1999 [painting on the mochik IV vessel; most reliable evidence of the female sex of the moon at the mochik; anthropomorphic a character wearing a typical mythological female dress in the form of elongated trapezoids diverging overhead (for the rationale for feminine features in clothing and jewelry, see Donnan, Castillo Butters 1994:419) shown inside a sickle at the top of the scene; below, a warrior character in a halo of rays (known from many scenes and probably identified with the Sun) climbs the stairs from the lower tier (land, sea) to the upper tier ( probably the sky)], fig.4.27; Golte 1994a [(reconstruction based on a series of images); after the temporary defeat and departure of the Sun god from heaven, other characters prevail over his opponents, connected to night and moisture; spiders make a ladder for him to take him to heaven, where he becomes the central figure of the "presentation" ritual]: 60-77, fig. 27; 2004:131-132; aymara ( stakes) [in ancient times, the sun did not have light for many days; people were frightened; finally, people on Titicaca saw the Sun come out of the crevice and therefore believe that this island is the true habitat Suns]: Cobo 1653, vol.13, ch. 18 in Dearborn 1998:244.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita: García Tomas 1994 (3): 251-253; Ashaninka (nomatsigenga): Shaver 1975:52; Kashinahua [Shesheu birds embody darkness and rain; produce thunderstorms; come dance at the house of Ica, the owner of the sun; the Vulture arrives, the shesheu run away, unable to bear its stench; he steals the sun, it turns light]: Capistrano de Abreu 1914:450-453 in Metraux 1944:133.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [woman bothers the Sun, he doesn't want her; she hides; it's night on earth; people ask him to shine again; he agrees, the day comes back]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 35:81; Siriono [ Sun, Month, Darkness, Fire, Water, animal people live in the sky, party, dance; Jaguar eats the Sun's son; The Sun hides, people suffer from darkness; the Sun fires arrows at the Jaguar ( the origin of spots on the skin); animal people find themselves on earth, the Sun comes out (without details); tells everyone what they will eat]: Coimbra Sanz 1980:6-13; guaracugwe [people do not listen God, who hides the sun under the ground, only the moon remains; he was begged to return the sun]: Riester 1977, No. 8:237-238.

Southern Amazon. Trumai [The Sun and the Moon made a dead tapir, hid in it; a three-headed vulture came down, they grabbed him, tortured him; birds bring various feathers like ransom, but they give little light ; finally, they bring day, light; the Sun and the Month let the vulture go]: Monod-Becquelin 1975, No. 6:53-56; kamayura: Münzel 1973 [it was night; people were still sleeping inside the stone; the Sun decided to get a day ; together with the Month, they made a stuffed tapir out of cassava and bast, turned it into a real dead one, hid in his eyes; they send flies after the Royal Vulture; at first they don't understand the messenger's language, then the black shesheu translates; the Sun (Quat) grabs the Vulture ("grandfather"); he tells me to bring a pen, but only slightly dawns; the Sun consistently rejects different feathers, but each time light more and more; finally, a crown of red macaw feathers, it's day; Vulture's head was shaved, covered with red bast; let go back to heaven to the delight of the birds]: 71-77; Seki 2008, No. 4 [it was night; Sun (Kwat) and The month (Jay) made a tapir figure, filled it with cassava, let it rot, climbed inside; where is the right eye, there is the elder brother Sun, where the left one is the Month; they sent a fly with a bunch of larvae to invite vultures ; it was difficult to find a bird that translated from the tongue of a fly into the language of vultures; the Sun created trees around the tapir so that birds could sit on them; the last to arrive was the two-headed Urubu-ray vulture (so far since they make benches in the form of a double-headed vulture, they are only for leaders); Caracara looked at the Sun, raised the alarm, others did not believe it; the Sun and the Month grabbed Urubu-ray, asked for a day; he sent a bird to Jacques; he brought Jacques feathers four times that did not have light at all, the fifth time it was a little dawn; a few more times later he brought a real pen; when they saw the day, people thought they were going to die, they became break, smash property; the Sun and the Month let Urubu-ray go with his head shaved; other vultures shaved themselves because they thought their leader was dead]: 227-243; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [was only night, people lived around termites, where fireflies flew, starved; the Kuát (sun) Iaê brothers (month) made a stuffed tapir, stuffed cassava to rot; K. gave the flies worms to carry worms to the king of birds Urubu-rei (Urubutsin); the birds came down, the Kite looked at K., everyone got up but returned again; K. grabbed U; he asked Jacabim five times to bring various ornaments; each time it got lighter, but not completely; for the sixth time he brought the present day; W. said that the day was periodic, received the right to eat what remained from the hunters as a reward; K. shaved his head, painted it, tied a white ribbon]: 89- 93; kalapalo [Taugi made a boat out of clay, learned from ducks to make bark; pretended to be dead, grabbed a vulture, received fire from vultures, dawn, day, wives; satisfied wives with his finger; dicks were hanging in the Lizard's house, his wife masturbated with them; the lizard came and gave T.'s dick, but he copulated without attack, T. got thin; took the cock back, he gave a smaller one; now it's fine]: Basso 1987:124-138; bakairi [Ewaki, Keri and Kame's aunt, asked them to get the sun; there was a red hole at the zenith of the sky, and the tapir seen in the Milky Way fell into it; Keri hid in his paw; (var. Oberga: Keri created a softwood tapir, created flies that attracted vultures); Kame became a bird, singing to Keri about what was happening; Red Urubu brought the sun to illuminate the tapir, the vultures pulled the carcass out of the hole; Keri puffed up, the vultures could not cut the tapir with their beaks; the Royal Vulture opened the carcass, Keri grabbed it; he promised to give the sun; sent White Urubu is behind the sun; he brought first the moon (the feathers of the zapu bird), then the morning dawn (toucan feathers), then the sun (toucan and macaw feathers); to make it night, Keri covered the sun with a vessel, took it off in the morning]: Oberg 1953:78-79; Steinen 1897:324.

Araguaia. Tapirape [red, yellow, and black fire stolen from vultures; dawn and day from an owl]: Wagley 1977:177; carage: Aytai 1979 [The sun is moving fast, the days are short; Ioloni descends from heaven, marries; mother-in-law asks for a longer day; I. pretends to be dead; first other vultures, then the owner of the sun come down to peck at him; I. catches the owner of the sun; he shows him first a star, then a month, finally the sun; explains that I. must shoot at the reflection of the rising sun in a calebass with water; since then, the sun has been moving more slowly]: 7-10; Baldus 1937a [1) man grabbed the royal vulture (Urubu-rey), forced him to give the moon first, then the sun; the moon and the sun were ornaments on his head; 2) an old man came out of the ground, pretended to be dead; first Caracara flew in, began to peck; then the royal vulture, the old man grabbed him, made him give up the sun]: 190-191; Krause 1911:345 [the young man married, the mother-in-law injured his hands, getting fruits and roots in the dark; the son-in-law pretended dead; the caracara smelled; someone noticed that the deceased was blinking; the man grabbed the royal vulture and told him to give the jewelry; he offered a star, then the moon, then the sun; mother-in-law came the vulture showed the plants from which to make fiber, taught him how to shoot fish with a bow; the man let him go; when he rose high, his mother-in-law asked how to rejuvenate; only trees heard the answer, animals and fish, but not humans], 345-346 [Nâxivé's ancestor pretended to be dead; Caracara and Jaburu (stork) flew in; Caracara said N. was dead, Jaburu was alive; N. grabbed Caracar, forced bring light, then the moon, then the sun; then let go].

Chaco. Sanapana [the sun is gone; humans and frogs have been singing for a long time, the sun has risen again]: Cordeu 1973, No. 30:228; vilela [the children beat the boy, his father was the master of the night; the boy complained to his mother, she told her husband to stretch the rope to the lake to hold on to her and walk with water; made it not dawn; one day, the fruits of the Algarroba (Prosopis nigra) began to fall on the roof of the house, which means that a year had passed; the wife asked her husband to forgive the people, he agreed; the wind blew and carried away the darkness; people were barely alive from hunger]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1925:219-221.

The Southern Cone. Araucans: Lenz 1896 [(two options); two brothers carry out Latrapai's difficult errands to marry his daughters; L. tells Fox (according to one version, this is his son) to kill girls; brothers they hide the sun in a pot to make a night ten days or four years long; L. starves; all animals and birds invite their daughters to change their minds; they successively each They reject; the partridge flew under the mule, he kicked the pot, the sun came out; Nandu began to dance, told him to be called names; two old women came out, then two girls, but without eyes; the old women gave them their eyes, brothers married them]: 31-36 (=Lehmann-Nitsche 1929:44-50); Keller 1962 (Argentina) [sun, moon]: 528; Kössler-Ilg 1982 [men killed women for not working; then the Sun and his wife Luna hid under her skin; it was dark for 4 days; Agouti and other animals tried to bring the Sun back to heaven, burned themselves; only the Condors succeeded; then fell from under the skin (Fell des Mahlsteines) Moon; var.: 4 days later, the Flamingo pulled off its skin; since then it has not been white, but slightly burnt, pink; the skin has remained in the sky, this is the Milky Way and the Southern Cross]: 136-140; Pino Saavedra 1987, No. 26 [not having grooms, a girl rushes to the ground, falls asleep; in a dream, the Sun makes her pregnant; a month later a son was born, a year later he grew up; the sun is gone; the young man promises to return him if he is paid; people give him silver; he came to his Father, the Sun, it was light again]: 80; yagans [when sharing a whale, people do not pay attention to the Sparrow; he makes (it is not specified how) that the sun hides; his They beg for his return; he sings, the sun reappears; since then, the sparrow has been singing at dawn, and does not dawn instantly, but slowly]: Gusinde 1937:1271-1272 (=Wilbert 1977, No. 56:166-167).