Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C2. Flood and fire. .

The inhabitants of the middle world are (partly) destroyed (or will be destroyed) once by fire or drought, another time by a flood, or the world is flooded with fire and boiling water.

Giziga, French (Landes), Welsh, Korowai, Tanna, Tibetans (Amdo), Khasi, Mishmi, Burmese, Shans, Thais, Thai Vietnamese, Ahom, Ma, Sre, Khmers, Viets, Ancient India, Tharu, Santals , Sinhalese, Pulaya, Oraons, Sora, Haria, Kol, Ifugao, Ami, Ancient China, Chinese (Shaanxi, Henan), Meo (Vietnam), Man (Vietnam), Lisu, Lee, Ancient Greece, Romanians, Northern Ukrainians (Zhytomyr), Abkhazians, Ossetians, Scandinavians, Bashkirs, Salars, Altaians, Shors, Khakas, Baikal Buryats, Mansi, Eastern and Northern Khanty, Tundra and Forest Nenets, Southern Selkups, Western, Baikal and Far Eastern Evenks, Evens, Dolgans, Central Yakuts, Ryukyu (Yaeyama), Dalta McKenzie, Bellacula, Heiltsuk, Kwakiutl, Nootka, Shuswap, Thompson, Fletchen, Sauk, Fox, Grovantre, Pawnee, Chiroki, Caddo, Pomo, Vintu, Lakes mivok, salinan, atsugevi, bannock, southern utah, hopi, oriental ceres (Cochiti), pima, tarahumara, huichol, cora, aztecs, huastecs, lacandons, tzeltal, tzotsil, tojolabal, mom, ishil, bokota, kuna, embera, chimila , sanema, maquiritare, yabarana, lokono, taulipan, oyana, aparai, trio, kashuyana, colorado, south coast of Ecuador {conditional: kayapa}, napo, canela, barasana, desana, cubeo, macuna, maku, ufaina, letuama, andoque, bora, tariana, mura, maue, Rio Solimons, Mundurucu, Tenetehara, Urubu, Peru's central coast, Ancash, Huanca, Huancavelica, Cusco, Inca, Aymara, chipaya, apurina, haracambet, tacana, yuracare, tupari, amniapia, guarazu, umotina, karazha, tapirape, kayapo, sherente, camacan, matako, chorote, nivacle, mokovi, toba, pilaga, apapokuwa, araucana, yagani.

West Africa. Giziga [at first earth and sky came into contact; Buimulvong told the earth that vegetation was climbing from it, Sky; burned the forest with fire, then flooded everything; water filled the entire space to heaven, came down three days later; B. told the earth that he was now staining it with excrement; this is how mountains and rivers appeared; then he sent people and animals from heaven to earth]: Lembezat 1950:56.

Western Europe. The French (entry 1, Landes) [the first time God destroyed the world by the wind, several people escaped in caves; the second time destroyed by the flood; warned the righteous, ordering a flood to be made in secret; the devil noticed this man's absence; asked his wife to pour out all the water so that when he returned from work, his husband could not wash his hands {not entirely clear}; at first he washed them in a pot at night, but also there the next evening empty; the devil found out that an ark was being built, began to punch holes in the bottom; man plugged them with a pin every time; after 7 years, it rained and the last hole remained open; but the eel plugged with its tail; when the waters came down, they left behind lakes, valleys, and mountains; before the flood, the earth was as flat as a table; when God decided to destroy the earth a third time, he would do it with fire; the sun would rise not from the east, but from the west, will remain in the sky until 10 am and then fall; after that no one will be left]: Delarue No. 825:270-272; the Welsh [as early as the middle of the 19th century believed that if the comet was touched the earth with its tail, it will burn and then be destroyed by the flood]: Trevelyan 1909:41.

Melanesia. A cow [Yokhemel Yambin woman placed tobacco leaves on a leaf stalk of a sago palm tree, Ginol, "the Little Mouselike", collected dry leaves but could not light it; and the woman's uterus ignited, tobacco leaves caught fire, the whole world burned down; G. turned into a swift; raked up ash, water poured over, Faül boar swam on it, G. killed him, made earth out of sternum bone and meat on his chest (more precisely put it all down), and from the spine, the sky, with arrows from palm leaf cuttings, shoved the sky higher; this spine smeared the dead dog with breast fat; the ratan seeds burst, the youngest came out of them and older brothers, as well as the moon and the sun; the elder cut off the younger penis and testicles, turning him into a woman, began to copulate with her; the elder smeared (vagina) with snake fat - did not like it, fish - the same tree larvae - I liked it, let the woman stay like this; the woman gave birth to snakes, animals, (and obviously people)]: Enk, de Vries 1997:163-170; Tanna [the first inhabitants of Tanna were stones- kapiel {first ancestors}; fought constantly; after the Tanna stones killed Semo-Semo, the reed stone, Nuhying, fled to Eromanga, where reeds grew everywhere; Fire, Wind, Earthquake, Rain, Thunder and Sun; they first flooded and then burned everything, the reeds burned; only kapiel escaped on the mountain; asked who ate N.'s head; said they saw kapiel Kapun carry the package; Eromanga's kapiel made K. grow into reeds, nailing it to the ground; in fact, K. only brought N.'s head to another kapiel who ate it; on Eromanga, the reeds almost disappeared, but flooded Tanna]: Bonnemaison 1987:83-84.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo, "Tanguts") [when the time comes for the end of the earth, there will be 6 suns that will burn everything on earth; then 12 moons that will rain; the rains will wash everything away and level everything; sinners will burn the souls of the righteous will be taken into the Tengir kingdom]: Benningsen 1912:12-13; khasi [the earth was flat; a woman died on it, leaving three daughters - Sun, Water, Fire; each in its turn became try to destroy the mother's corpse; the Sun burned everything, then Water flooded the earth, but the corpse remained; then Fire burned everything, the corpse disappeared; valleys and mountains have appeared on earth since then]: Rafy 1920, No. 5:24-25; ao [Fire and Water fought, Fire ran, hid in stones and bamboo; only the Grasshopper saw it, said to the Monkey, who extracted fire from bamboo; man watched, stole her fire; warmed up with fire, lost their hair, monkeys still have hair; someday Fire will take revenge, defeat Water, and after a global fire, a global flood will finally destroy the world]: Mills 1925:100-101 (retelling in Frazer 1930: 106-107); Mishmi [at first one water; the god Techimdum surfaced, looked around, erected a pillar; white ants crawled along it, carrying particles of land from the bottom, put them on the water, land appeared; T. put more a pillar in the four corners of the world, ants climbed and on them, land arose; where they laid more land - mountains; a river flowed from the mountain, filled the lake, it overflowed; brother and sister were saved at the top of the hill; god Drakob caught fire for them by friction, set fire to the forest; the water dried up, but now everything was burning; brother and sister escaped from the fire behind a wall of banana leaves; married, gave birth to people, their wife brought them, planted seeds of all plants]: Elwin 1958a, No. 18:21-22 (=1958b: 23-24).

Burma - Indochina. The Burmese [the earth was successively destroyed by fire, wind, water; a lily grew, with the germs of deities in it]: Blundell 1839:537; shans: Griggs 1902 [one water first; the spider weaved a web, laid eggs, the water swayed, a lump of web became dry, a man and a woman came out of the eggs, gave birth to people; one day the world burned down, then it rained, steam reached the upper world of Möng Hpea, perfume hsang smelled nice; 5 male spirits and 4 women went to find out what was going on; ate land and couldn't go back to heaven; decided to stay on earth; 4 couples got married, and the most a strong man Hsin Kyan abandoned his wife to then take others' daughters; since then, daughters have been given to the king; the supreme god Sa Kyah tried to kill HC, began to fight him, could not overcome him; then promised to marry one of HC's 7 daughters who would bring him his father's head; 7 daughters, their names are the days of the week; 6 daughters tried but could not, HC is invulnerable to water, fire, iron, etc.; the bird teaches the youngest to sew 7 threads of the web, make a bow, you can cut off HC's head with it; the daughter brought her father's head, but the UK refused to marry her, fearing that she would now kill him; sisters think how do to the father's head: bury it in the ground - the world will catch fire, throw it into the water - the ocean will boil; the UK ordered everyone to carry her father's head for a year, then pass it on to another; at this time she washes off blood stains from clothes; all people come from these perfumes]: 85-91; Milne 1910 [in a world that existed before ours, first there was one sun, then a second, a third, seven or nine; men died before women because they were the mothers of bodyguards and saints; the last to swim was a huge fish; when it burst in the boiling sea, its fat ignited and everything completely burned down; our world will also burn; worlds arise and they are dying; at first our world was covered with water, it rose higher and higher, almost reaching the sky; 9 gods descended, but returned; then 4 gods with four spiders descended; each made a ball of web four the ends of the ocean; the ball in the south has become our world; the other three we can't see, but the souls of the dead are reviving there; Mount Meru grew in the middle]: 196-197; Chesnov 1982i [heavenly deities led by thunder Lingown told wise Litlong to build a raft, taking only a cow on it; after the flood, a fire broke out on the dried ground; Linglawn cut the cow's belly and took refuge there; found a cow in the stomach two pumpkin seeds, planted them; Linlaun burned huge pumpkins with lightning; one came out of the shana, and from the other other peoples, animals, birds, useful plants]: 66; Thais [(local version of Buddhist cosmogony); the world was burned when 7 suns appeared; Indra and the lower deities died; then one sun remained and a flood poured out of the sky]: Low 1836:343; Thai Vietnam [at first all fruits, rice were huge in size, people did not work much, ate a lot, violated the laws of Po Fã and Po Thén; PT sent rain that flooded the earth with a flood; only Ba kap and Y ké escaped in the dry fruit; PT lit 9 suns, they the water was dried, the rooster's feathers were scorched, now it is red; there is no water, no fire; the horsefly flew to the PT, he fired, on the way it goes out three times from the rain; The horsefly replies that his eyes are on his head, but they at the ends of the wings; spies on how the PT gets fire by friction, shows people; PT gave rice and corn seeds to be taken to the Rat; as a reward she is allowed to eat grain; Horsefly is allowed to bite people]: Degeorge 1922, No. 2:135-140; ahom [the ancestors of the royal shans, the man and woman HPI-pok and HPI-mot descended from heaven; because the shan did not sacrifice to the gods, the storm god Ling-lawn first sent cranes, then lions, then snakes killed people, but the animals could not cope with it; then L. sent a drought, and then a downpour that flooded the earth with a flood; the sage Lip-long and the cow escaped on the raft; when the waters subsided, the corpses began to decompose; L. sent snakes, then tigers, but they could not remove the corpses; then burned the ground with fire; Lip-long stabbed a cow and hid from the fire in her stomach; when the fire was over, the water god Hkang- hkak ordered three pumpkins to be planted (their seeds were inside the cow); one vine dried up under the sun, the other rotted in the water, and the third grew; the storm god sent a gardener to look after it; the god of thunderstorms began to hit pumpkins with lightning, they split, people came out of one, wild animals and birds came out of the other, rivers flowed, plants appeared]: Cochrane 1915:121-125 (reprinted in Frazer 1919:199- 203); Khmers: Chesnov 1982a [above Mount Sumeru is a heavenly world of beautiful long-lived creatures - tevoda; they decided to punish people living on earth for their sins; first the earth burned seven suns, then The flood flooded everything; when the waters began to fall, eight creatures were sent from the sky - próm; they began to eat sea foam, then the earth, then plants (when they appeared); according to another version, they ate mushrooms first, then vine fruits, then rice; rice filled their bellies with excrement, they made two holes, P. split into men and women, gave birth to new people]: 340; Porée-Maspero 196:608-609 [ first the world was destroyed by fire, then it was flooded with water; two naks (naga?) collected foam, earth formed], 609 [the world was destroyed by fire; two tevobots created land from foam (on water)]; ma, sre [Bung is the son of two giants; the family was attacked by tigers, parents with B. fled to the island at sea; the tigers built a bridge, but the birds helped burn it; when the giants returned to the continent, B. stole fire and cultivated plants from the underworld from the god Ngu; this caused a terrible fire, the sea has risen to fill it; the fire has taken refuge in bamboo, from which the fire is now obtained by friction]: Chesnov 1980d: 195; Viets [three brothers caught frogs; hear them say as if soon the animals will gather to judge man; the brothers let the frogs go, the elder goes to a meeting with the old frog, hides in the hollow; the animals accuse each other of being guilty of each of them man; only frogs man destroys innocently; the frog promises that there will be a flood; animals run away; the frog tells the brothers to make a raft; water floods the fire, the brothers want to fry the crab, swim to house of the Sun; the eldest fell in love with the daughter of the Sun, baked a crab to black; now visible in the sun with a black crab in his hands; the raft fell on bare rocks; the older brother threw a tree trunk with two from the sky termites and two earthworms; termites and worms turn wood into soil, brothers plant rice; younger brother learns magic, meets an old woman, turns her into a beauty; middle brother falls in love with the bride, carried her away on his younger brother's magic horse; contrary to the warning, he galloped him, which caught fire, formed mountains and the sea, the horse and riders jumped to the moon, is now visible there; the fire grew a pumpkin, brought one fruit; the ancestors of the peoples came out of it; their skin was darker or lighter, depending on who was more smeared with charcoal; some of their hair caught fire, became curly; they came out thaoi, vankieu, zde, sedang, banar, viet; younger brother became the Spirit of the Earth, told everyone where to live and what to do (Vietu is the best land), ascended to heaven]: Vietnamese tales 1992:174-182.

South Asia. Ancient India: Mahabharata (Mhb.3.186) [at the end of the last south, seven suns will dry up seas and streams, burn all living things; fire devours the universe, then the rain floods it with a flood]: Vasilkov, Neveleva 1987:384; Satapatha Brahman [Manu ("man"; cf. English man; in the Vedic tradition, the son of the solar deity Vivasvata and Yama's brother) caught a fish at the spring; she promised that if he spared it, she will save him in the impending flood; M. raised a big fish, let it into the ocean; on her instructions, he made a ship; when the waters rose, tied it to fish, they dragged it to Mount Himalaya, where M. survived the flood; he made a sacrifice by throwing butter and cottage cheese into the water; they gave birth to the girl Ila; they gave birth to people]: Grintzer 1982a: 106-107; Toporov 1982b [the idea of the four souths ("team"," couple", "generation"; the name is borrowed from the dice game, this was the name of the bone sides, which contained 4, 3, 2, 1 marks) - the eras of the world's existence; 1) Kritayuga (Satyayuga) - "good age"; 2) tretayuga - justice is gradually decreasing; 3) dvaparayuga - evil and vices begin to prevail; 4) Kaliyuga - people exterminate each other in warriors, kings rob subjects, women indulge in debauchery and etc.; four yugas form one kalpa; at the end of each Kalpa, 12 or 7 suns appear in the sky, burning the world; one kalpa is one day of Brahma, and Brahma lives for 100 years; after his death, it occurs 100 years of chaos, then a new Brahma is born; now it is the 51st year of present Brahma and the sixth millennium of Kaliyuga]: 676; tharu [the world is destroyed by fire drought, then by the flood; lord of heaven and its the wife copulates in the form of birds, places a drop of blood on the water; after 15 months, the first ancestor Tharu Aklākal Gurubāba appears on the lotus leaf in the form of a pumpkin; the heavenly couple invests vitality in his head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, arms, hair, lower body, he takes on a human form; he creates a Pigeon from his nails, which flies over the waters, finds no ground; G. cuts his thigh, Raini fish comes out of the cut; it disappears, the pigeon cannot find it, G. tells pigeons to be caught with snare, fried, eaten; creates a Crab from his nails to get the "immortal earth" from the lower world ; he manages to overcome the Xeremphis spinosa thorn fence, get the ground; on the way back, a demon grabs him by the shell, the Crab loses its land; G. orders that crabs be caught, baked, eaten; in the same way creates 8 other crabs, all the same as the first; creates earthworms; the first three do not overcome barbed hedges, G. tells them to feed on soil and water; the fourth penetrates thorns, swallows land; on the way back, the demon cuts it into a thousand pieces, but the worm still delivers the earth, it gives stability to the world; the first to grow on earth is the sacred herb kus (Poa cynusorides), from which is the first perar tree (Xeremphis uliginosa); G. curses it, let people eat its fruits; creates a semar tree (Kapok, Bombax ceiba), addressing him as a woman, telling him to go find out how far it stretches the earth; it does not return for so long that G. tells her to hold the sky and the lower world; the same with the pine tree, it is gone even longer, G. tells her to live in the mountains, where its resinous fumes will smell fragrant on the mountain Kailash; G. cuts his thigh again, his daughter Dharmak Diyeri is born; to contain her, he places four holy manis around the edges of the world, retires to the forest as a hermit; D. wants to unite with him, tells for the blacksmith to make her a belt, ring and shoes made of iron to overcome the barbed fence; but G. puts on his way to him a rope to carry weights, an oil press, a weapon, a pig stubble bridge; D. all overcomes, marries G.; after that G. is named Mahādeo]: Krauskopff 1987:14-16; santals [1) when the boy Pilchu Haram and the girl Pilchu Budhi reached premarital age, with a fiery rain poured in the sky for 7 days; they hid in a cave and then went out; 2) when members of different tribes received their positions and duties, the Marndi tribe were deprived; two of This tribe, Ambir Singh and Bir Singh asked the sky to send rain of fire and took refuge in a stone house; after finding out what they wanted, Kisku Raj appointed them treasure keepers]: Fraser 1919: Campbell 1916: 23-25 in Fraser 1919:197-198; Sinhales [(zap. L.A. Mervart in the village of Dedigama); at the end of our Kalpa, there will be a mass of suns, they will burn the earth, then the rains will flood it; after that, the Buddha from Upper Paradise will drop lotus seed on the water and grow out of it man and woman, a new land and a new Kalpa will emerge]: Kreinovich 1929:88; sora (Hill Saora) [the first land was made of lacquer; seven Sundi brothers made an alcoholic drink; it spilled out, caught fire, the world burned down, drowned in the ocean; Mahaprabhu hid in a chicken egg, everything else was gone]: Elwin 1954, No. 16:11-12; haria [birds arose from leaves raised by the wind; Vultures did not have enough to eat small birds, they asked Pōnomōsōr to give them more food; he himself was dissatisfied that people were cutting down fruit trees, sent a flood, but some people escaped to the mountains; Vultures asked again food, P. sent a rain of fire; the lord and mistress of the underworld and the swamps covered his brother and sister; P. repented of what he had done, sent the birds to look for people; at first, all the birds were white, colored depending on the one who sat where (some trees turned black, the ground brown); the crow found brother and sister in the underworld, P. ordered them to be brought home]: Roy 1937:415-417; Oraons: Elwin 1949 [Dharmes filled the ground with fiery rain; Parvati (probably D.'s wife here) asked him to spray some rain, but he poured out a whole bowl; everyone died, but P. hid her brother and sister in a crab hole; gave half a grain, they ate it for seven days; D. said he was hungry, they needed people to grow rice and feed it; sent dogs to find the survivors, D. taught them how to cultivate the land; introduced a seven-day week ]: 25; Hahn 1906, No. 45 [the huge dragon looked like a rock; people entered its mouth believing they were entering the cave, did not return; God came in free, killed the dragon with a spear; the carcass began to decay, God sent a rain of fire to burn it; told the monkey to hit the drum when it should stop raining; the monkey ate the fruit of the ebony tree, hit the drum only when its face, arms and legs turned black, and the hair on the head became ash-colored; the ebony wood also turned black; only a boy and a girl were left hiding in a crab hole; God brought them out, gave them plant seeds; they slept on opposite sides from a log; when the young man grew up, he lay down with the girl]: 84; pulaya [Deivam saw that the world was empty; rubbed his chest, rolled a ball of mud, this earth; then the bee brought land from a place called Mambizha; the earth was the size of a "devil's eye" seed (red with a black dot); D. threw part up, made the sky; some to the east, to the sunset, to the south (there are mountains), to the north; the first generation of people was destroyed by fire by rain; one woman escaped, hiding under a sieve and a pile of land; the mountains melted and became fields; D. gave the woman a spouse, from them new people]: Thaliath 1956:1032; (cf. kadar [Periya Malayalee says megaliths made dwarfs to hide from God's fiery rain, but Kadars know nothing about it]: Ehrenfels 1952:182); stake (Yernga Kol) [At first there is water everywhere, the sun and moon in the sky, aka Sbngbonga and Chando, husband and wife; they scraped the dirt off their bodies, S. made a boy, C. a girl, threw them into the water; they began to copulate; S. in anger He sent a fiery rain, but the children were hidden by the goddess of water Nagera, and the waters from the fire dried up; S. decided that if the children were saved, there was no sin behind them, created vegetation on earth]: Elwin 1949, No. 33:50; count [ Singbonga first created a child; a horse came and trampled on the figure; then S. created a dog to drive away the horse; also created a girl {except for the young man}; S. called on everyone living, but everyone stayed, and the tiger came first, so he was so powerful; people became vicious, only dancing and drinking; then S. sent a flood of water and fire; brother and sister were saved inside the tree; since then, the wood of this tree has been black, as if charred; all people come from this couple; they chose different occupations, so castes appeared; in order not to cause the flood anymore, S. created the Lurbing snake (Lur is the name of a rare snake species, bing is "snake" on Mundari); she exhales her soul from the clouds and is a rainbow, then the rain ends; Lurbing is the ubiquitous name for the rainbow in the Munda languages; Urauh Kohls's brother and sister escaped the flood in the crab hole]: Jellinghaus 1871:332-333.

Taiwan - Philippines. Ifugao [the rainy season does not begin, the river has dried up; people began to dig a well in the dry bed; from there a stream poured in, flooded the ground; Brother Wigan and sister Bugan escaped on two neighboring mountains; water descended, forming a rugged terrain; brother and sister began to live in the same house; brother did not find other people, got together with her sister; she became pregnant, crying; god Maknongan, in the form of an old man, gave permission for them marriage; their four sons married their four daughters, inhabited the land; the fifth son did not have a wife]: Eugenio 1994, No. 129:229-230; ami [{two paraphrases of the same text}]: Matsumoto 1928 [brother with their sister escaped the flood of boiling water, asked the Sun for permission to marry; after receiving permission, they gave birth to monsters, one became crab and the other fish; then they asked the Moon; she replied that brother and sister it is forbidden to converge, and to circumvent this ban, you have to have sex on a mat; after that, my sister gave birth to a white stone, it grew up with four babies]: 123; Walk 1949 [(Shinji manuscript Isjii, citing Fraser); because of the earthquake, hot waters flooded the ground; brother and sister escaped in a wooden mortar; after the flood, the brother asked the Sun if it was possible to marry his wife, and received consent; first there were two miscarriages; one was thrown up the river, the ancestor of the fish appeared; the second was downstream, the ancestor of the crabs appeared; then the brother asked the Month if it was possible to marry, he strictly prohibited it; but Finding no one else, brother and sister copulated through a mat; the wife gave birth to a stone, which was swollen, and two pairs of children came out of it, one barefoot (ancestors), the other wearing shoes (Chinese ancestors)]: 96.

China - Korea. Ancient China [the spirit of water Gungong was defeated by his father, the spirit of fire Zhuong; wanting to commit suicide, G. beats his head against Western Mount Buzhou, which served as a support for the sky; the top of the mountain breaks off, the sky leans to the west; part of the sky has fallen off, a world fire and a flood have begun; predatory animals and birds attacked people; Nuiva melted stones of five colors, closed a hole in the sky; this explains the difference in the shades of the sky; N. cut off four legs from the turtle, used them as supports under the sky; the sky remained leaning to the west, and the stars roll to the other side; the land slanted to the east, rivers flow there]: Yuan Ke 1987, ch. 2:51-52; Chinese (Shaanxi, Wu. Mianxian) [The Jade Emperor was busy and forgot to send rain. The sun had been burning on the ground for more than 300 days. Rivers and wells dried up, plants, animals and people were dying from the heat. Sun Wukong decided to go down to earth, saw what was going on there, and reported to the Jade Emperor. He sent SU to Mother Wanma for a pitcher of clean water. She warned SU that if you pour out a drop, it would rain a little, two drops would rain heavily and three drops would rain, and you should not pour out more than three drops. However, SU thought the drought was too severe, so he poured five or six at once. The rain lasted 81 days, and the water flooded the plains and reached the mountain peaks. People, cereals and livestock died. But brother and sister lived at the top of the mountain. Their mother and father worked at the foot of the mountain and were washed away by the flood. The baby's crying reached the ear of Taibo (Venus), a star living at the Southern Gate of Heaven. She looked down, saw the flood and the last people and animals that had taken refuge on that mountain, took two gorlyons from her bosom and blew on them. The pumpkins grew in size and swam to the mountain. Birds and animals climbed into one pumpkin, and brother and sister climbed into the other, taking cereals, as well as chickens, ducks, dogs and pigs with them. After the flood, the pumpkins descended to the top of the mountain, and people and animals sitting there came out of them. Brother and sister have grown up. One day, chickens and ducks started talking and began to convince brother and sister to marry. The brother thought this was Heaven's will, and the sister was embarrassed. She invited her brother to go to the east mountain and plant a pueraria there. She herself will go to the western mountain and plant another pueraria. If the shoots of these plants meet in six months, then marriage is really pleasing to Heaven. Five months later, the shoots of the planted plants descended from the mountains and intertwined with each other. The brother asked his sister again, but she could not make up her mind. After a few days, pigs and dogs began to convince them to marry again, and the sister offered to go up to the southern and northern mountains and lower them down the millstone. If they meet, it means that the marriage is pleasing to Heaven. The millstones joined together, brother and sister got married, and two years later the sister gave birth to a lump of meat. She got angry and cut it into many pieces, carried some to the mountains and threw it to bulls and horses, brought some to the river bank and threw it to fish and prawns, and some hung peaches and plums on the trees, and some of them were brought back home and left to pigs and dogs. These pieces of meat have become people. To distinguish them, brother and sister gave each a name: those who were abandoned in the mountains, gave the names Niu (Cow) and Ma (Horse), those who were in the water Yui (Fish) and Xia (Shrimp), and those who were on the trees are Tao (Peach) and Lee (Plum), and those who were brought back home were Zhu (Pig) and Go (Dog). This is how a hundred surnames appeared]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 11:13-14; Chinese (Henan, Wu. Qixian) [It is said that Qixian is the center of heaven and earth, and in ancient times it was called the Middle Sky Village (Zhongtian). The village of the Middle Sky was located at the top of a mountain in the Middle Sky, and was only three tsunyas away from the sky. At that time, people were only seven to eight tsunis in height, and they did not touch the sky even when they climbed to the top of the Middle Sky Mountain. But the head of a Middle Sky village had four children, each three zhang tall, and they could go to heaven at any time. The elder's eldest son was Gungong, the second was Zhurong, the third was Qiren ("Irritating"), and there was also a beautiful daughter named Nuiwa. Gungun had red hair, a green face, fangs sticking out, looked very scary, and could spit water from his mouth, so everyone called him the "god of water." Zhuzhong had a big head and claws, his face was all red, and he could spit fire from his mouth, so he was called the "god of fire." Qiren and Nuiwa, on the other hand, were very beautiful and talented. The children also had different characters: Gungong and Zhuzhong were quick-tempered, Qiren was cowardly, and Nuiwa was kind, smart and quick-witted. Gungun and Zhurong once quarreled over who would get the swan egg, fought for many days, but neither could win. Gungun spit water, and the flood flooded the ground, Zhuzhong spit fire, and the flame covered the sky. Many days later, Zhurong's exhaled fire turned the sky red hot and the water on the ground dried up. Gungun realized that things were bad and ran headlong west. Zhurong chased him, and Gungong inadvertently crashed into Mount Buzhou, which supported the sky, on which a Western Sky village stood, and it collapsed with a crash. As a result, the western sky collapsed. The flood immediately began, and stones rolled. As a result, there were many rocks in the west that made mountains, and the flood waters flowed east to form the sea. When the sky fell, the cowardly Qiren went crazy with fear, stretched out his neck, widened his eyes, and started running along the mountain of the Middle Sky, shouting: "The sky has fallen! The sky has fallen!" Nuiva saw all this and was upset: how can people live? She walked around the mountains and collected several five-colored stones, melted them, and patched a hole in the western sky with them. Despite her fatigue, she returned to the Middle Sky Mountain and talked to Qiren for a long time, barely reviving him. A few quiet days passed and then the war between the Yellow Lord and Chi-yu began. The sky immediately turned dark, and Qiren, once again mad with fear, began to run from side to side, shouting: "The sky has fallen! The sky has fallen!" At some point, the Mid-Sky village was renamed Qixian. People got taller, and Qiren was still running around shouting, "The sky has fallen! The sky has fallen!" , which annoyed people a lot. As a result, they blamed Qiren for "worrying from scratch that the sky is falling" (a reference to a well-known story from Chuang Tzu - AT). One day, Qiren, like a blind man, crashed into the royal palace and Sky Observation Tower and destroyed them. The king got angry, took out his sword and cut it to pieces. It is said that the high mountain west of Qixian is Qiren's transformed remains. Note: The story of "Nuiwa patches the sky" is primarily common in the Wangushan Mountain area near Jiyuan City, Sidugang Hills in Sihua County ("Nuiwa City"), as well as in the Shangqiu and Qixian areas, and the second is in Anyang, Xunxiang, Xinzheng, etc. The plot of the story is generally similar. The method of repairing the sky is mainly using molten five-color stones, but sometimes it is covered with an ice block, covered with cloth or sewn with a needle and thread. In addition to Mount Qingliangshan mentioned above, traces of Niuwei's sky repair are found in several places in Henan Territory. Firstly, it is a layer of red-coated stones on Mount Wangushan near Jiyuan City; secondly, three Sidugang Hills in Sihua County, which locals say are ash left after melting the Nuwei stones; thirdly, it is a huge stone on Mount Fuhushan in Xunxian County, which locals call "mountain on the mountain" and which is said that when Nuiwa melted stones, she used 360 of them, and this one, because it was neither round nor square, threw it away. Due to its unusual nature, a grotto with 999 Buddha sculptures was carved into it during the Tang era and became known as the "Cave of a Thousand Buddhas"]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 10a: 18-19; meo (northern Vietnam) [Ndo Chi created heaven and earth, 10 Suns (female), 9 Months (male), myriads of stars; Suns, moons, and stars were meant to drain and illuminate the earth; 7 years was not nights; the earth dried up, NT created trees and herbs, animals, sculpted a man, breathed his soul into his stomach, gave him tongue and breath; people got hot, they made onions from huge trees, knocked down excess suns and moons; after the flood, brother and sister, who escaped in the wooden drum, married at the behest of the NT, continued their human race; meo went north, where the ice and night were 6 months, later gradually returned]: Nikulin 1982e: 206; man (North Vietnam, border with China) [Lightning spirit Leung Kung went down to set fire to Tiang Lo Co's banana-leaf spirit house; TLK caught him, turned him into a rooster, planted him in cage; if you give the Rooster even a drop of water, he will become a thunder again; LC gave his beak for water, TLK poured him water, LC flew to the sky; the beak became a tree with one fruit; to catch up with LK in the sky, TLK blocked the river, caused a flood; on the advice of the birds, the young Fu Hai and his sister sat in the fruit, escaped; LC destroyed the dam, the fruit from the FH descended to the mountain; Turtle, Bamboo advise brother and sister to marry; FH He hits them, now they are stitched; FH still marries his sister, she gives birth to a fetus; people grew out of seeds; after the flood, 12 suns, moons and stars appeared, God told them to dry the earth; Luong Wung shot the stars, leaving one sun and one moon]: Karpov, Tkachev 1958:260-262; fox: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994 [people are vicious; Vusa placed virtuous brother and sister in a toupie, raised them to heaven; first he burned the ground, then flooded it; when the waters came down, he lowered his brother and sister to the ground, ordered them to marry; they did not dare; then V. ordered to plant pumpkins on different banks of Salwen - shoots united; the same is bamboo shoots; brother and sister gave birth to the ancestors of all people]: 228-229; Miller 1994, No. 3 [brother and sister are orphans; two birds told them that there would be a flood; told them to sit in the pumpkin and go out, when they heard their voices; brother and sister tried to warn people, but they did not believe them; for 99 days the sun hung above the ground, it did not rain, the earth began to burn, the foliage crumbled; then a thunderstorm began, a flood He flooded the ground; when the waters came down, the pumpkin was on the mountain; when the birds heard the voices of the birds, the brother and sister went out; after the flood, 9 suns began to burn the earth, and 7 moons began to freeze it at night; the birds said to brother and sister, that a 9-horned dragon lives in the lake under the rock; if you get its golden bow and silver arrows, you can destroy excess suns and moons; the birds hit the rock, silver mites grab the fish, whom the dragon would send; he sends three fish successively, brother and sister threw them ashore; grabbing the dragon by the nose with ticks, they forced him to give up his bow and arrow; eight suns were knocked down from the top of the mountain and 6 moons; brother and sister went looking for people each, found no one; the birds told them to marry; they agreed after the abandoned turtle shells lay down one horse, the other up, two half of the millstone descended from the mountain lay on top of each other, and the brother's arrow hit the sister's needle eye; and so on three times; they gave birth to 6 sons and 6 daughters; the couple who remained in place became the ancestors of the fox, and the other 5 ancestors of Han, Tibetans, Bai, and Keqin]: 78-84; li (Hainan, wu. Ledong) [In ancient times, stones grew like living beings and gradually occupied the entire earth. To wash them away, the heavenly god Wei-Dai set up a flood. Before that, he took a couple of all creatures in the sky - humans, wild boars, ants, dogs, bulls, roosters, and other animals - and placed them in a huge squash that swam along the flood waves. When the waters receded, the earth was wet, and Wei-Dai created five suns to dry it. The animals sitting in the pumpkin began to get outside. Muntzhak (deer) was the first to run out, but five suns made him so hot that he began to rush from side to side. As a result, he crashed into a cliff and left a scar on his head, so the muntjaks still have a bright stripe on their foreheads. He was followed by a bull. He was also hot and took refuge in the mountains, but as he got there, the suns scorched him, so the bulls have a red body and graze in the mountains. A buffalo followed the bull. He was even more afraid of the heat and hid from it in the lake. His body is covered with liquid mud and has turned black, which is why buffaloes are black and love water. A wild boar followed the buffalo. Because of the heat, he has dug into the mud, smeared himself in it, and therefore the wild boars are covered with black shaggy hair. Agama came out last. At first, she looked halfway out of the pumpkin and looked around. The sun burned half of her body and she ran off to the mountains. Half of Agam's body is still black]: Zhou 2002, No. 9:14.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece: Zakharova, Torshilov 2003 [Nonn Panopolitansky, second half of the 5th century AD, Acts of Dionysus, Song VI: Astraus predicts that Persephone will be kidnapped by the groom, but before that combines with his secret husband; Demeter hides P. in a cave in Sicily; Zeus enters her in the form of a snake; their son Zagreb allows them to sit on his throne and play with lightning; because of Hera's cunning at him Titans attack: his transformations: a child, an old man, a lion, a horse, a dragon, a tiger; he dies as a bull; he is cut to pieces with a knife; Zeus throws the titans into Tartar; a world fire - even the seas are burning; Zeus wants to wash off the ashes with water; during a flood, Nereids meet orades, animals with fish, with Pan Nerey; water rises to the sky; people would cease to exist if Poseidon hadn't cut a rock in Thessaly and the water would not go into the crevice; Helios dried everything, new people appeared]: 221-222; Hyg. Fab. 152a [Myths attributed to Guy Julius Gigin, who lived at the turn of the eras, but most likely date back to the 1st and 2nd centuries: "Phaeton, son of the Sun and Clemena, secretly boarded his father's chariot and, rising too high above the ground, fell into the Eridan River in fear. When Jupiter struck him with lightning, everything started to burn. In order to take the opportunity to exterminate the entire mortal family, Jupiter pretended to put out the fire. He streamed from everywhere and the entire mortal family died, except Pyrrhus and Deucalion. And Phaeton's sisters, who, despite his father's ban, harnessed horses for him, turned into poplar trees" (trans. D.O. Torshilova)]; Romanians [the rainbow at the end of the world will drink water from all seas and then bring down fire on us, then the world will die and we will burn]: Niculiţă-Voronca 2008:212.

Central Europe. Northern Ukrainians (Zhytomyr Oblast, Ovruch District, Tkhorin) [there was fire first before the flood, ice after the fire, and a flood after the ice]: Belova 2004a, No. 557:257.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians: Albov 1893 [Tsan dwarfs built fences for their herds (now they are ancient ruins); there was no precipitation, wind, cold, eternal day and warmth; Tsan did not know fire, ate milk and raw meat; God was angry with the tsan for their unbelief; the old people saw the goat's beard move; this was the first wind; cotton wool began to fall from the cloud, God sent fire, the tsan died]: 145 in Inal-ipa 1977:153; Inal-ipa 1977 [the Atsans were so small that they climbed the fern to cut off its branches; walked naked, did not know fire, were not sick, were very strong; they grew bread without weeding; milked deer unnoticed; they built stone fences, lived in them themselves and kept goats; were smarter than God; urinated towards the sky; let gases into sour milk, wiped themselves with cheese; imitating thunder, beat dried cow skin; once all their homes were turned not to the southeast, but to the northwest; in order to find out the weak point of the Atzans, God let the child down from heaven in a golden cradle; the atsans raised him; they answered him that they would die, if cotton snow catches fire; the old man noticed that the goat's beard shook; cotton snow fell, lit up by lightning, the Atsans died; those who threw themselves into the water turned into lizards and frogs; hiding in caves and tree hollows - devils and snakes; (Var.: the Atsans died from frost, from floods); once in the underworld, the Atsans drill the ground to get back, but what they drill in a day collapses again]: 156-169; Ossetians (Digors) [the king's people... became proud, ceased to recognize God; people made doors in houses so high that a person did not have to tilt his head when entering, otherwise God could I would think that the king's people recognize him and worship him; for such pride, God sent an overwhelming fire to the king, from which people with whole families went to the crypts and died in them; after the fire, God sent a flood that washed away the soft earth and this formed mountains and gorges in Ossetia]: Kokiev 1928:42 in Dzattiaty 1980:37; (cf. Ingush [there was grace in the world, calm, the thread suspended from the sky did not move; abundance ended when Cesca Solsa and his Nart-Orsthoys were born; Zherbaba fills their cauldron with a thimble of flour and a piece of lamb rib, he says that this is food left over from the old days; from the grief of the SS and the Nart-Orsthoys, they went somewhere without a trace]: Dalgat 1972:330-331).

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians: Younger Edda 1970:17-18 [Imir's offspring are evil frosty giants. From the melted hoarfrost, the Audumla cow arose, which fed Imir. She herself licked salty stones and licked the Storm man (parent). He had a son, Bor (born). He married Bestle (daughter of the giant Bölthorne) and they were born Odin (mad, also spirit, poetry), Vili and Ve (priest). They killed Imir, and frosty giants drowned in his blood. Bergelmir (roaring like a bear) escaped by sitting in the ark with his wife and children, and new frosty giants came from them], 51-53 [When the gods die, a cruel winter will come, three winters without summer. There will be great wars before then. The first wolf will swallow the sun, the second month. The earth will tremble, the mountains will fall, all the shackles will be broken. The World Serpent will climb to land, the sea will move to the ground, Fenrir will be free. The Naglfar ship will sail from the nails of the dead (so dying people must cut their nails). The ship is ruled by the giant Hryum. Fenrir's mouth from earth to sky. The sky is splitting, and Muspell's sons are rushing from above. Surt's sword is brighter than the sun. The Bivröst Bridge is collapsing. Loki, Hrum, Fenrir, World Serpent, and frosty giants gather in the Wigrid field. Heimdal blows his horn, wakes up the gods, they come to the ting (meeting field). One jumps to Mimir's source, asking for advice. He drives at the head of the Einerians against Fenrir, next to Thor fights the world's serpent, Freir dies in a fight with Surt, because he does not have a sword given to Skirnir. The dog Garm breaks free, he and Thur hit each other to death. Thor kills a snake, dies himself from its venom, Fenrir swallows Odin. Vidar steps on the wolf's lower jaw; Vidar's shoe is made of scraps from the cut of all shoes (whoever wants to help the aces must throw these scraps). With his hand, Vidar grabs the wolf's upper jaw and tears its mouth apart. Heimdall (white ace) fights Loki, they kill each other. Surt burns the whole world].

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs [Azrak's dragon sends a flood along with a fire; Ural batyr kills Azrak with a diamond sword, the disaster ends]: Sagitov 1981:116-117.

Turkestan. Salara [Luna was a huge beautiful woman, and the Sun was a huge man. The sun asked Luna to marry and she agreed. When married, they did not separate day or night, lived 10,000 years and gave birth to 108,000 children. Their faces filled everything like golden flowers, they were called "stars". One summer, a flood began on earth, people burned smokes and bowed, asking the heavenly gods for help. Luna smelled the scent of smoke and asked her husband to help people. The sun arrogantly invited the Moon to figure it out for itself However, the Moon was unable to evaporate the flood waters because it emanated only light, not heat. Along with the stars, she began to beg the Sun again. He put all his heat on the ground and in three days it dried up. The sun called itself the ruler of the world, but the Moon objected that it could not control it. The sun became angry and its heat became unbearable, the earth caught fire, people turned to the gods again, and smokes reached the sky. Offended by the Sun, the Moon and the Stars left it. The sun has repented and improved, does not cause people suffering, but can't see his wife and children anymore]: Chen, Wang 1989:413-416.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [the messenger of the flood was a blue goat with iron horns (temir müüüstü kök teke); he ran around the earth for seven days and bleated violently; seven days were an earthquake, mountains burned for seven days, it rained for seven days, hail for seven days, it snowed for seven days, then frosts began; seven righteous brothers knew about the onset of the flood in advance; of them the eldest Erlik and the other Ulgen, his name was Namchi (scribe); they built a boat (kerep) in which they captured a couple of animals, birds, and reptiles; when the flood was over, Ulgen released a rooster (takaa), but he died from the cold; the second time he released the goose, which did not return to the boat; the third time Ulgen released the crow (couscun); the raven did not return either because he found the corpses and ate them; seven brothers disembarked ; W. through wisdom (us) began to create man; put anemone (kök chechek) in a golden cup; E. stole some of the flowers and cursed the creation, saying, "Let the people you created be black and girded with a black belt; let my white people spread to the east of the sun and your black people to the west"; the black people covered the circle with their skin and were the first to camla]: Nikiforov 1915:240 (retelling in Katash 1978:16-17); Shors: Arbachakova 2010, No. 14 [at first the ground was flat; the fire fell, the cedar burned two meters down, the earth burned, then the flood flooded everything; the animals swam, buried on the big mountain; people they sailed on rafts, killed swimming animals, ate them; mountains appeared after the flood]: 301; Shtygashev 1894 ("Kuznetsk foreigners") [at first, the snow itself turned into flour, the firewood cut itself; woman murmured that when kneading the dough, her hands freeze; since then, the work has not been done by herself, the snow is not flour; then the fire, the flood, the Tower of Babel (check!)] : 10; Khakas: Butanayev 2003:114-115 [The Great White Creator Ah Khudai sent a flood to punish people; only the clairvoyant Borus (Khan Purgus) found out about this; built a wooden raft, fastening it with copper with staples, took his wife, children and a couple of animals; the mammoth (argylan) and the Khan Kireti bird relied on their strength; the flood lasted 40 days and nights; on the 39th day, HC was tired and sat on a mammoth tusk; the mammoth did not withstood and went under water, both drowned; HC looked like a double-headed eagle on coins; after the flood, the raft landed on a mountain in the Sayan Mountains, called Borus], 115 [the flood lasted 40 days and nights; on a raft 7 maidens (chiti khys) have been saved; since then, the mountain to which the raft stuck is called Chiti khys], 116 [fire resin will flow to earth on the last day of peace]; Baikal Buryats (Tunkinsky, p. Monda, 1959) [after the death of his father, who fled to the forest, fearing punishment for eating a ram, the stubborn guy sees a hut in the forest, a girl in it; she comes to live with him; the khan decides to take her away; tells 1) to wrap the mountain with silks (wife wraps), 2) bring the boiling foam of the Eastern Yellow Sea (you must curse the sea, it will rush, foaming, then praise; the foam will remain); 3) find a wonderful, marvelous miracle; wife creates a horse, a pot, a ladle, they can be made small and hidden; sends them to his mother, a stubborn guy shows her and her two sons his wife's ring; sons have turned into wolves, from their back The stubborn guy carved two whips; the old woman tells us to go to a huge hut to hide there; animals gather, say, "Pumpenur-Shumpanur, give us food"; food appears; the fox says to the bear and the hare that Black Lusan Khan and White Lusan Khan fight like snakes, their subjects are also forced to fight, they can be separated by a stubborn guy by hitting them with whips; the animals leave, the stubborn guy calls the PS, calls with him He hits snakes, they take on an anthropomorphic appearance and reconcile, PSH feeds everyone; A stubborn guy asks the khans for a wonderful, marvelous miracle, they give two bags, with a worldwide fire and a worldwide flood ; climbing a hill, demonstrates their action; the khan, in horror, gives power to the Stubborn Boy]: Dugarov 1990:319-326; (cf. The Mongols (Urga) [the earth was created by Burkhan Shagji-Tubi; he threw a pinch of land he had brought from the sky into the ocean; a pinch grew to form the earth; grass and animals appeared on it; S. brought a man on her; people will gradually degenerate; they will live seven years, as tall as an elbow, horses will be the size of a hare; then three suns will appear, everything will be burned, mountains will remain; lead rain will level them, sand will remain; it will be swept away by the wind; then two whales and a frog on which the earth stands will be free; Maidari will create a new land by placing it on the same whales and a frog]: Benningsen 1912:13-14).

Western Siberia. Mansi: Kannisto 1951, No. 4 [God is angry with people for their abusive words, sent a flood of fire; there is a lake behind God's house, God bathes in it and becomes young; his son watching the world man, reproached him; his daughter-in-law offered to put a rainbow as a sign that there would be no more holy flood; people died, only an innocent girl, an innocent boy remained]: 13-14; Munkácsi 1908:258-271 in Petrukhin, Khelim 1982 [the land was inhabited by Otyr heroes; angry with their audacity, Numi Torum sent a fire, then a flood (yelping-vit, "sacred water"); other myths mention liquid a mass of fire that almost reached the sky; NT swam in the fiery waters, is younger, has become the father of seven sons; seven years before the end of the world, all coolies and menkvas will go to the underworld, devouring along the way people; during the fiery flood, those who prepare rafts from seven layers of wood will be saved; six will burn, only the seventh will remain; those who swim on rafts without shelter will be devoured by huge mosquitoes; the survivors they will live as long as they lived before the flood, then turn into water bugs, then become ashes, which will be the end of the world]: 567; Rombandeeva 1993:43-44 in Perevalova 2004 [a big one appeared fiery water, the surface of the earth burned down, the soil turned ocher, these traces are still visible today; seven days before the disaster, people made larch rafts and covered them with sterling leather canopies so as not to snakes bit; only rafts tied to a large tree with ropes from the roots of the talnik did not carry away]: 128; Eastern Khanty: Kerezhi 2000 (b. Bolshoy Yugan, Western 1993) [the old man told me how he came to the house where the seven gods were sitting; they said that the Khanty had seven years to live, then there would be a flood; once the water was rising, then the earth dried up and burned down; now the gods will freeze everything]: 188; Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 9 (b. Yugan) [chak-nay - a flood of fire, then water; one world was, the other will be]: 17; northern Khanty: Lukina 2010 (the upper reaches of Kazym, Ai-Kuryokh) [when there was a flood, the water burned with fire; they built a raft at seven layers; when six layers burned down, they saw the ground; it will be again, the whole earth will be washed away, the green grass will grow again]: 224; Perevalova 2004 (northern) [seven years before the flood, shamans learned about the approach the time of fire and water; a sacred birch tree with seven shoots fell from the top, water clogged from under it; water boiled for seven days, fire and water together; only men and clean girls, women escaped on rafts died (western 1990)]: 127-128; Khanty, Mansi [occasionally cek nopat (not translated) when a natural disaster in the form of fire and then water flows stops life, but it resumes because the boy and the girl accidentally remain unharmed (fleeing in a baby cradle)]: Kulemzin 2004:159; Tundra Nenets: Golovnev 2004 (Numo) [Nisya ("Father- Sky") and Num Neby ("Mother Sky") made sons - Russian, Khant, Nenets; they quarreled, the Russian went to the Ob, and the Hunt and the Nenets went to cold lands; fire came, burned even in the water for seven days, people escaped to island; then ice came from the north, water came for seven days; then summer for three years, all living things died; then winter for three years, the rest died; Num Nisya and Num Nebia quarreled, did not live together; decided that children are needed; they cut off a piece of meat from themselves, men and women came out of it]: 98; Lehtisalo 1998 [on the south side was the sacred place of Nadia; there was a sacred birch tree with seven branches; people went there for sacrifices; one day, the birch roots were rotted, and when all seven roots had rotted, the birch tree fell; blood flowed at the bottom of the trunk; but it was not real blood, but fire, and then Her sacred water began to pour fire, which swallowed up all rivers; people made a raft and took one of all animals on it; great sorcerers stood on the ridge of the sacred cape, and when the water rose Higher and higher, they shouted seven times, after which the water fell one inch; after summer and winter, the water withered; people await a new flood]: 10 (retelling in Barmich 2014:619); (cf. Tretyakov 1871 [there was a worldwide flood, 7 people escaped in a boat, raised to the sky by water, bent under the sky; asked the loon to get the ground; she emerged 7 days later, brought land with sand and grass; people threw it on the water, asked Numa to build land; the water came down, the boat landed on the ground; the water was completely gone; one woman sucked her own breasts, died; the other drank her urine, survived; people dug a hole, found water; starved, two men and a girl were left; they ate mice; the mammoth pierced the ground with horns, mountains and ravines formed; now people find fragments of his horns; under his the earth sank with weight, rivers and lakes have formed; Nua is angry, the mammoth drowned in the lake, now lives underground; one of the men married a girl]: 415-416); Nenyang 1997 (Taimyr) [childless spouses old, the old man decides to make a wooden idol instead of the child; dresses, puts him at the entrance to the plague; a stranger comes, asks who this idol is, advises him to go outside tomorrow without clothes; has begun fiery rain, the couple freed themselves from their bodies, flew to heaven; the old man became the Morning Star, the old woman became the Evening Star]: 36-37); the Forest Nenets [first there was only ice; then the whole earth burned; when people came, they saw burnt land; there was also a big flood, people lived on high hills; then rivers formed]: Tuchkova, Shkurkina 2004:246; southern Selkups (Ivankin sheshkups) [ people lived on a thin island with five capes spread out like fingers; it became dry and hot, people cursed the salty seawater; the sea lord was angry, the earth caught fire, the island split, sea water poured in cracks, the island exploded, few on the mountain tops survived; the god of the sea took the souls of the dead to heaven, where they follow the contours of the island (Orion constellation) with stars; others sailed away by boat] : Funk 2000, No. 5,230 (retelling in Tuchkova 2004:73, 266-267).

Eastern Siberia. Western, Baikal and Far Eastern Evenks: Vasilevich 1959 [the land was small, Satan could not fit on it; it began to grow; when it grew up, everything burned down, then there was water for three years, then rivers and lakes appeared]: 174; 1969 (Ilimpic, Ayan, Trans-Baikal) [the land grew, burned for a long time, rivers and lakes appeared on the fires; drained areas appeared in the fight against water]: 274; Ayan Evenks [first it was earth; then within seven years the fire ended the earth; everything became the sea; the Tungus burned down; only a boy and a girl flew to heaven, and the birds were an eagle; a boy, a girl and an eagle went down there, the sea evaporated]: Pekarsky, Tsvetkov 1913:114; Evens [there was a fire on the ground, then it was flooded; deer and people gathered on the high mountain also drowned when the mountain went under water; Mikola asked the loon to dive, she brought some clay in her beak; clay slipped out of his beak, the hell stole it, M. spat at it, the hell fell underground; M. began to sing: a river, a lake, a mountain appear; M.: let There will be no mosquitoes; hell: let the mosquitoes stay so people don't get proud and there are fewer of them]: Robbeck 2005:209-210; dolgans [after the ancient era of Adam (yje), there was a strong fire and then a flood came that extinguished the fire; after the flood, the current era came]: Popov 1937:349; central Yakuts (materials 1741-1745, the place of recording is not specified, most likely Yakutsk) ["Ar-Tojon, Urung Tojon and Suga Tojon unanimously agreed to create heaven and earth and, as they say: Sir Tangara ödübita, Kuin, Cui, U, Kisi, bari Kamnür Kara ongnorbutag - "Earth, sky has begun. The sun, the month, water, man, and all those who drive are black are created." Adsjarai bögo also created meteors because he wanted the whole world under his rule, like the previous ones, but Ar-Tojon and his brothers cursed him and plunged him into hell, Ödangnia, so he has become an enemy of the human race and animals and at times torments them with frost, snow and rain. The Yakuts have a story about this. He, Adsjarai bögo, only demanded sun and water for himself, which they wanted to give him if he caught a gleam - Dsergelgen, but since he could not do it, everything remained old one. The world they created consisted first of a sky that was like a small ring and an earth that looked like Tellak {a horseskin rug in the shape of an oblong quadrangle}, but only she It was big. Later, it increased significantly. According to the Yakuts, this world will stand for another two generations, 200 years, after which it will die from fire. Only two children - a boy and a girl - will be left, and the sky will be like a ring again and the earth will be like Tellak. The world will be given to these children and will expand again as it used to"]: Lindenau 1983:44-45.

Japan. Ryukyu (Hateruma Island from the Yaeyama Group) [cramped to eat and live, people became oni (devils), killed and ate each other; the gods sent a rain of burning oil; brother and sister at this time collected shells on the shore and escaped; got married; first gave birth to a venomous snake, then a centipede, then a gecko, and finally a human child]: Maruyama 2009:34 (brief retelling in Matsumoto 1928:119: The island is mistakenly named Pateruma; people are destroyed by the fiery rain; surviving brother and sister give birth to new people).

The Arctic. The McKenzie Delta [the storm began, the sea flooded the ground, people boarded boats, it became dark; when the sun reappeared, it became so hot that the water began to boil; the shaman turned to the higher forces, said which is enough; the waters have come down, the land is what it is now]: Petitot 1886, No. 2:6-7 (retelling in Barbeau 1953:154).

NW Coast. Thompson 2000 [bellacula, quakiutl, nootka has a flood (A1010)]: 286; bellacula: Boas 1895, No. XXII.2 [people mock a boy without a father; he makes a chain from arrows, climbs into heaven, comes to his Sun Father; the Sun sends him instead; he goes down too low, the earth burns; the father throws him down, he turns into a hole], XXII.3 [the wife followed berries, but came back with nothing, because the son of the Sun (Snk) Month began to come down to her; the husband said that he would go by himself, put on his wife's clothes, and when the Month tried to hug his mistress, cut off his head, brought him wife; gathered the people of the village, but no one identified the victim; the Sun went down to look for the son, saw the man's head cut off in the house, burned the ground; only the mistress of the Month escaped; she took water from the river before the river dried; there was fish in the water; when the water then poured out, the river flowed again, fish appeared in it]: 246-247 (=2002:508-509, 510); 1898 [girl rejects grooms, goes to the Sun, gives birth immediately he has a son named Totkoaya; he grows up quickly, wants to see his mother's parents; the Sun lowers his wife and son to the ground through his eyelashes (= rays); children tease T. that he does not have a father; T. shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows, rises to the Sun; asks to let his torches be vilified; he tells only small ones to be lit in the morning and evening; T. lights everything at once, the earth burns, the water boils; the ermine climbed into the hole, the tip of its tail turned black; the mountain sheep hid in the cave, remained white; many animals turned black but retained lighter hair on their stomachs; the Sun threw T. to the ground, turned it into a hole; caused a sea flood, people escaped on the mountain tops; the water came down, people settled on the ground again; the Sun taught how to use meat, skins, and other parts of different animals]: 95-97; McIlwraith 1948 (2): 424 [Mink comes to heaven, asks the Sun to lend him his outfit; drives the solar boat so close to the ground that the sea begins to boil; (thrown to the ground?)] , 499-500 [father kicks daughter out of home; she comes to the Sun, spends the night with him, comes back; children tease her son because he does not have a father; mother advises him to shoot at the sky with a chain of arrows; father gives him the right to be the sun; wanting to destroy people, he descends closer to the ground, everything burns; his father breaks it into pieces, they turn into mosquitoes]; Heiltzuk: Boas 1895, no. XXI.2 [boy asks the mother about his father, she says he is far away; the boy cries; a man named the Shooter gives him a bow and arrow; the boy shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows, climbs upstairs; the current wife of the Sun says he will come soon; the sun is happy with his son, wants to hand over his duties to him, tells him not to go down too quickly; the son does not listen, puts on the clothes of the sun, the rocks melt, the sea dries up, the shells turned black; The sun throws his son to the ground, turns him into a hole]: 234; 1916, No. 6 [the boy makes a chain of arrows, climbs into the sky; the Sun adopts him; tells him not to play with the sun far from home, not to walk quickly wearing a sun mask; he breaks prohibitions, the world lights up; the Sun hits him, turning him into a hole]: 885-886; 1928:3-7 [like a quakiutl; Norka asks the Archer to make a chain of arrows; The Sun gives his son his mask, tells you to go slowly; Mink is going faster, the world lights up], 33-35 [during a world fire, one person hid, face out; he turned into an oyster (clam), it is black on top]; quakiutl: Boas 1895, No. XVIII.1 (neveti tlatlasicoala) [Mink wants the boat with women to capsize; dives, sealing their genitals with resin; Raccoon asks who can cure women; Mink calls to do this; removes resin, copulating with each of the women; everyone gets pregnant; with his son, he sails away in a boat; pretends that his nose insert fell into the water, dives; the wife sees that Mink does not look for an insert, but eats Seehunde, swims away; he asks him to throw his bow and arrows; shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows; comes to his father Sun; he asks him to carry the sun disk (this is nose pendant) instead of it; tells you not to stray from the path above and below, otherwise the earth will freeze or burn; The mink descends, the sea is boiling, the forests are burning; the Sun has thrown it to the ground, turning it into a hole]: 172-173; 1910, No. 12 [The sun fertilizes a woman with its ray, she gives birth to Norka; Blue Jay tells him he has no father; his mother explains that it is the Sun; Mink shoots at the sky, the chain of arrows turns in a rope; Norka comes to his father; The sun says he is tired, wants to keep his son for himself, tells him not to look straight down on the way; in the afternoon Norka watches, the world lights up; the Sun throws Norka down, he falls into the water, turns into a hole; since then, the rocks are cracked, there is no good forest on the mountains]: 123-127.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [Southern people kept the warm chinook wind in the bag; the fox and hare stole the bag and released the wind; in retaliation, the southern people burned almost the entire land with fire; it was extinguished by the flood (some say what was arranged by a muskrat or a beaver), many people died in water or fire]: Teit 1909a: 598; Thompson [haxa (sorcerer, magician) kept fire and water in his house in two boxes; when he left, he told his son not to open them; Moose came, asked the boy what was in the boxes, opened them, ran away in fear; the fire first burned everything (now the fire is in every tree), and then the water extinguished it, flooding the whole world, forming lakes and rivers]: Teit 1898, No. 13:57-58; Flethead [Skomeltem gave birth to a son Amotken, the creator of heaven and earth; the first people he created were evil, he destroyed them by a flood; he destroyed the second race sent from the sky was fire, the third by an epidemic; his mother asked him not to destroy the fourth; there was no sun; the Coyote was the first to try to be the sun, talked about everything he saw from above, he was dragged to the ground by the tail; The raven was black, gave little light; A. sent Spokani's own son to be the sun; people refused to give him a wife, he came to the frogs, volunteered alone to be his wife, jumped on his cheek; in the afternoon S. covers his face with a radiant cape; takes it off at night, is the Month; spots are a frog on his cheek]: Clark 1966:66-68; (cf. Klamath: Barker 1963, No. 4 [red-haired woman married; after going through the mountains, tells only his youngest brother to accompany her; sleeps with him; he leaves a branch instead of himself, runs away; redhead sets fire to the world; only the mother of the sibling is saved; finds a boy and a girl in the charred body of his daughter-in-law; knowing that the girl will repeat the crime of a redhead, glues them together into one two-headed creature; he sees his double shadow, fires an arrow, she falls, separates her sister from him; children make the Sun say who killed their parents; the redhead lives in the lake, the girl cuts off her head, brings it to her grandmother; brother and the sister goes down through the hearth; the brother's arrow gets stuck in the tree; the sister agrees to get it after her brother calls her not sister, niece, etc., but wife; gets pregnant with her brother; grandma finds puts on the skin of a bear killed by her grandson, turns into a Bear, catches up with and kills her grandson; letting the Bear drink, the sister wife throws a hot stone in her ass; she dies; the sister-wife takes the child, rushes into the fire; Kmúkamch snatches the boy; decides not to put him on his forehead, but to place him under his knee; his daughter brings the boy out of the abscess; the baby cries; K. says various names; the boy stops crying when the name Aishísh is named; he grows up; K. tells him to get the birds; advises him to undress before that; makes the reeds or pine trees grow; puts on his son's clothes, comes instead of him, takes his wives; butterfly sisters save A., he returns; larks in reeds; A. marries Butterflies and other insect women; tells his son to throw at his bullfinch wife fire five hearts of K., which are at his feet; K. dies]: 25-29, 47; Gatschet 1890 [Kmúkamch created everything alive and inanimate, in particular fish; made a dam so that people could fish when southern the wind dried the riverbed; fell in love with one of his son's wives Aishísh; said that eagles had nestled on horse sorrel; sent A. to get them and took his clothes himself; A. found there ordinary birds, but sorrel grew up and A. could not get off; K. took his form, put on his clothes, came to his wives; the one he was in love believed, the others did not; A. was thin; two butterfly girls found him washed, lowered down in the basket; A. went to look for wives; found Chaffinch and Crane, who were digging up the roots; Chaffinch's child was the first to recognize him; two wives, and then the third, Water Hen, gladly him accepted; he gave them porcupine needle necklaces; A. asked his son to take possession of his grandfather's smoking pipe; as soon as A. threw it into the fire; as soon as the pipe burned down, K. died; then came to life, smeared the sky with resin and set fire; burning resin covered the ground, but A. and his family dug into the shelter; his third wife looked out, a drop of resin hit her forehead; since then, the water chicken has a mark on this place]: xxxv-xxxvi).

The Midwest. Sauk, Fox [Visakya and Kshyapatya are sons of the supreme deity; Snakes kill K.; the spirit of the murdered man comes to his brother; he does not let him in, tells him to go west; the dead they will go to him; the bird tells V. that two killer manners are underground; V. paints her feathers under her eyes red; injures the Snakes with arrows; the Toad goes to treat them; V. persuades the Toad return; he comes under the guise of a Toad Healer, finishes off the wounded; other Snakes first cause a world fire, then a flood; V. escapes in a boat or at the top of a pine tree; sends the Pigeon to bring a branch, tells Muskrat dive, get the earth from the bottom; both complete tasks, but fall or float dead; V. revives them; puts a branch of clay on the water, creates earth]: Jones 1901:226-235.

Plains. Grovanter [water is all around; someone, perhaps Nishant, sent Duck, Otter, Beaver, Turtle to dive underground; only the Turtle brought the Earth; this character scattered it, creating land; created mountains, gradually squeezing the earth out of his hand, he made rivers and vegetation], 2 [Nishant destroyed the first world by fire, the second by the flood; he placed his pipe on three sticks, the pipe and he himself swam on bison cakes; stamped his foot, shouted, water poured out of the ground, it began to rain, everything was flooded, the bison cakes surfaced; the crow stayed flying; N. allows her to sit on the phone; removes animals and birds from the tube, tells them to dive ; first the Big Loon, then Little Loon do not reach the bottom; the Turtle dives; N. finds some clay in the folds of its skin and on its paws; throws it into the water, land appears; N. sings, the earth grows, he sculpts people and animals, he revived three times by shouting; called the world the Turtle, because the Turtle took out the earth; the rainbow is a sign that the earth will no longer be covered with water; after that, the world will be different]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 1:59-61; pawnee (pitahauirat) [Tirawa destroyed the first people by the flood, sending rain; there will be no more flood, T. will choose other methods; in the future, people may be destroyed by a storm or let out of the sky by fire]: Dorsey 1906, No. 35:134-135.

Southeast USA. Chirokee [The sun lived on the other side of the sky, and her daughter was in the middle of the sky above the earth; the Sun stopped at her place every day for lunch; the Sun did not like people because they looked at her frown; Sun's brother loved the Month because they smiled at him; the Sun sent a fever with its rays, almost everyone died; Tiny People advised killing the Sun; turned two people into Spreading-adder snakes and In Copperhead, they were placed at the door of the Sun's daughter's house, but they could not bite; then the Tiny Men turned two other people into a horned serpent Uktena t into a Rattlesnake; the Rattlesnake bit to death the daughter of the Sun and crawled away, U. followed him; since then people have not killed rattlesnakes; U. became so dangerous that he was sent to the upper world; the Sun disappeared from grief, people no longer died, but it became dark; Tiny Men told me to bring the soul of the daughter of the Sun in the box; on the way back, she asked to open the box, flew away like a Redbird bird; the Sun, out of grief, flooded the earth with a flood of tears; then the young men and women became sing and dance, The sun opened his face a little, smiled, the disasters were over]: Mooney 1900, No. 4:252-254; caddo [texts about the flood and fire recorded from one informant]: Dorsey 1905, No. 8 [during the drought people throw out dying fish and turtles, think they are to blame for the drought; a man sends rain from the sky that floods the earth; one of the people made the mountain grow, escaped on it with his own; drowned turned into crocodiles and other aquatic animals], 23 [as in (24); Hawk and Raven fly to heaven, end the rope to the Star; Gray and Black Snakes spread fire to four sides], 24 [the ground is overgrown grass as tall as trees; monsters hide in it; people gather for advice; respected man Morning Star suggests setting fire to the grass, climbing into the sky themselves; The crow fixes the rope in the sky, Fire Clings to the tail of the Black Serpent, sets it on fire, she runs around the world; the Bat gnaws through the rope, telling the monsters that it eats corn; the monsters fall; the others hide from the fire within one a giant monster; the Bat pulls his hair out of his nose; he sneezes the hidden ones, they die in the fire; people return to earth]: 18-19, 26-27, 48-50.

California. Pomo: Angulo 1935 (Clear Lake) [Marumda's younger brother in the clouds in the north, older Kuksu in the south; M. sails to K., both rub their armpits, roll wax balls, make one, M. returns, goes to bed with a balloon tied to his ear; after 8 days he wakes up on the ground that has arisen from the balloon; goes creating mountains, valleys, plants, animals; Marumda makes the first people out of wool, feathers, flint; they are strange, monstrous, M. destroys them with rain and flood; in his word he creates a village of people; they are also not good, he tells the Fire Man to burn the earth; he fires arrows in four directions light and at the zenith, the world lights up; M. himself escapes every time in the sky; after a fire, he digs a hole near the river, places willow sticks around; falls asleep, goes to watch; after the third attempt they turn into people; he teaches men to hunt, women to dig roots, appoints elders, etc.; this third world is destroyed by snow and cold, the fourth by a hurricane; each time M. makes people out of sticks again]: 234-260; Clark, Williams 1954:14-15 [The first race was destroyed by fire and flood; the evil eagle Gilluk ruled the world was also destroyed; Coyote, his wife Frog, Kingfisher, and Lizard were about to make new people; The coyote ripped the feathers out of the eagle's body, placed them in pairs on the floor (roundhouse); said that these people would be better than the past ones, made from sticks or clay; waited four days, then fasted for eight days, facing the hearth, people did not appear; then they turned to the hearth, after 4 days the feathers began to move, after another 4 days they became human, each couple spoke their own language; Coyote told who where to live and what to eat], 35-47 [Coyote has grandchildren Moon Hawk (LA) and Sun Hawk (SYA); LA is the lord of the world, he is served; XIA is the youngest, hunts; Coyote gives Xia a sling, a stone from which kills many waterfowl, returns to the hunter; warns not to touch anything in the Fireman's dwelling; Xia comes there in the absence of the owner, kills watchmen - rattlesnakes, kills the dragon by throwing it into him fall a stone (the dragon suffocated); takes away shell money, puts ash into bags instead; Fire sends fire; Coyote puts his wife Frog, LA and his wife Partridge in a boat, hides in it under earth, tells the ocean to extinguish the world fire; Xia remains to fly above the waters; after 8 days, having lost its last strength, Sits on the back of the Dive, rests; The dive dives, brings drowned trees from the bottom, creates house; Xia cannot eat raw fish; The dive dives to the Skunk Brothers, who have fire; they give fire, tell them not to look back; The dive looks around three times, fearing that either the water has extinguished the fire or the fire will burn his back; for the fourth time he brings fire to XIA; the water is gradually descending, but the world is dark; Xia finds the Coyote; they find the Pigeon Brothers; the elder throws four times from his sling to no avail at the east is a stone; the younger one throws, breaks through the sky, the Sun Sisters return to the world, it becomes light; Coyote replies that people will die and go to another world forever; XIA shows him], 48-49 [The Lame Curlew (Snipe) - The Fire Man; the Magpies rejected him, he set fire to the world and sailed away in a reed boat; people escaped as birds; the Coyote put his two grandchildren in a bag, ran away to north, put out the fire; made new people out of sticks]; Loeb 1926c, No. 1 (coastal central pomos) [there was no sea; Coyote wanted to drink, pulled out one of the marsh plants, the water poured, the sea was full, stopping where the Coyote was; Coyote: sometimes it will be low tide so that people can collect what they need on the littoral; when I went to the place where I was going to set up a steam room, I found ready-made poles there and only told them to stand up; he stuck black feathers into the ground around the steam room, they became people; because of the color of the feathers, the Indians were now dark; the Coyote had a party, but they had not shared food with him for a whole month; so he decided to burn the world; smeared tar everywhere and set it on fire, rose to heaven himself with fog; then, to put out the fire, he flooded the ground with a flood; it rained for four days, four days later the water came down; Coyote made new people out of black feathers too, but in the middle of an open area; Coyote taught people to collect clams and people laughed at him; then he created waves on the sea that did not exist before, but not let them fill the land; put four people to the cardinal points telling them to blow - these are four-way winds; Coyote told the thunder to rattle in the rain; people still did not believe the Coyote, so he turned them into rabbits, gophers, birds; told the birds to put the sun in the sky; for this purpose he organized a competition; the vulture was the fastest and raised the sun; for this, people gave the vulture a basket of beads; then the Coyote created stars and then a moon that grows acorns; the earth has four pillars; at the south, Coyote placed Kuks and his wife a Kuks woman; shamans will address them; at the northern pillar, the Coyote He put the Wind Man, gave him a crosshair like the blades of a mill; at first he blew so much that everything was blown away, hills formed on the previously flat ground; at the eastern pillar, Coyote placed the Fire Man, responsible for daylight and heat; with him Man Day and Woman Day; Coyote put Water Man at the western pillar; Coyote put Thunder Man in the middle of the world; he produces thunder when he drags deer skin; then Coyote created villages and put a black feather in each; then the villages were filled with people; Coyote gave names to all edible plants; when there is plenty of food, let people dance; after No one else saw this Coyote]: 475-484; screw: Curtin 1898 [Katkatchila, who lived in the southwest, burned the world for stealing his magic flint to hunt; then a flood flooded the ground; steam carried the wind to the south, it turned into cloudy people; Olelbis and K. caught them; worse, let them go to the ground, they turned into animals and birds; better, only form (?) , essentially stayed in the sky with O.]: 11-23; DuBois 1935 [the world is destroyed four times and will be destroyed again; the first time died by the wind, the second by fire, the third by water, the fourth by fire and water; each time new people have appeared and died; for the fifth time, water will destroy the world and people]: 74; lake chief [Hawk Chief, grandson of Coyote and Frog, husband of a Sun Woman, went into Lasky's house and stole his shell necklaces; Laska put his spear into the fire, directed it to four directions of the world, the world caught fire; Coyote offers Laske his beads back, he refuses; then the Coyote opens the bag of rain, the flood floods the ground; two Ducks Hawk is saved, after the flood he meets the Coyote]: Angulo, Freeland 1928, No. 1-2:232-234; salinan [the sea has boiled, overflowed, flooded the world with boiling water; all animals have gathered on Mount Santa Lucia; The eagle leader asks the Duck to dive; on the second attempt, he reached the bottom, surfaced dead, but the Eagle took silt from under his fingernails; rolled four balls, threw it in four directions, the waters came down; in the future, a catastrophe will repeat]: Mason 1918:82; atsugevi [the first world was destroyed by the flood, the second by fire when Coyote tried to kill his rival Silver Fox; after that, Coyote and Fox descended with a rope into the ocean, the Fox created the earth from the skin (or from a piece of turf), stretched it in all directions, created trees, animals, then people; the Sun and the Month are two brothers whom the Fox told to climb on the sky and illuminate the world, one during the day and the other at night; the fox wanted to make two months and two suns, but Coyote said it would be too hot]: Garth 1953:195.

The Big Pool. Bannock [Our Father, wife and son walk on the ground, behind the fire; Our Father tells us not to look back, the wife looks around, turns into stone; Our Father and his son merge into one character; the flood floods the ground; Our Father swims on the sea foam, calls animals for advice; the Beaver replies that he will not dive to the bottom, suggests his younger brother Muskrat; he dives, emerges dead, Our Father revives him, finds clay under his fingernails; rolls it into a lump, spreads it over the water; creates plants and animals; made the earth turn to the shady and then to the sunny side, winter and summer alternate]: Clark 1966:172-174; southern Utah [rain causes a flood, several people flee on a raft on a mountain; the sent Raven does not return, Norka returns, says the Raven is biting the eyes of the dead; The mink is sent again, brings a leaf; next time the world will be destroyed by fire]: Lowie 1924, No. 2:4.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [the first world is destroyed by fire, the second has capsized and frozen, the third is flooded, we live in the fourth]: Waters 1977:12-22; eastern ceres (Cochiti) [the flood begins, people are building a boat; those hiding in the mountains turned into rocks; when the water came down, sent a white Dove, he returned, said that there were corpses everywhere; sent a white crow, he stayed pecking for the corpses, came back, turned black; Pigeon again - he brought a flower; the surviving people said there would be a world fire]: Benedict 1931:2-3; pima: Escalante, Estrada Fernandez 1993 (lower pima) [when the sun rose, the first humans died in the fire; their mummified remains are found in caves; they are taken outside to stop the rain that has been raining for too long]: 152-153; Russel 1908 [people flee from the flood to the mountain; they send a dog find out if the water is high; it reports that water is coming to the top; people turn into stones]: 212.

NW Mexico. Tarahumara: Irigoyen Rascón 1974:112-113 in Bierhorst 1990 [God tells the sun to go lower, the earth is burning; people tried to dig into the ground but died]: 79-80; Lumholtz 1902 (1): 296-297 [before the world was destroyed, rivers flowed east, but now they flow west], 298 [during the flood, a boy and a girl climbed Mount Laváchi (pumpkin) with corn seeds ; Tarahumara comes from them]; Merrill 2002 [the gods sent a flood of boiling water; everyone gathered at the top of a cylindrical mountain; the donkey ran just as the mountain was just beginning to grow to the sky, so half his tail is scalded; now his tail is short]: 341; Olmos Aguilara 2005 [people ate each other, didn't dance; God destroyed them with a stream of hot water, the rocks melted]: 263; Huichol: Benzi 1971, no. 3 [Huatahame works on the site; when she returns, she sees that the vegetation has revived; the old woman does it; she says there will be a flood, tells me to take a black dog with her into the boat; utensils will become animals, snakes, jaguars, will destroy people; after the flood, H. finds ready-made tortillas at home; finds a woman who has become a dog; people come from this couple]: 185-186; Cordry 1952a [Sun rose for the first time; Turkey was the first to say it would be in the mountains (Shoé-pi-ton-ton), so the sun is ton; The sun wants a closer look at the earth, the first ancestors are dying from the heat; the boy said To the sun that will go with him but tells him to rise; so five times before the heat subsides; a turkey is sacrificed to the Sun]: 500; Furst, Auguiano 1976:114-116 [Watákame cleared the area the next morning the vegetation was recovering; Nakawé did this with her bamboo staff; W. said that there would be a flood, you should take a black female with a white spot on her neck with you; showed how to cut down a ficus and make the box, sealed V. with her dog in it, sat on the box, rowed; after the flood, restored vegetation and animals; V. saved five corn kernels; someone was cooking tortillas, V. threw dog skin into the fire; the woman screamed in pain, he poured water on her; people come from them], 117-118 [Nawawé replied: in order for it to be light, someone must turn into the sun; four people could not bring himself a victim; a lonely orphan, the son of the goddess of earth and maize Utuanáka, threw himself into a fire (var.: a lake that turned into fire or blood when immersed); descended through the five lower worlds, where dangerous animals, including a serpent encircling the ground with heads on both ends; Nakawé and Tutewarí (the first shaman) said he would come from a cave on a mountain in the east; they all hurried there, arguing of the name, Turkey said tau-tau-tau (sun - tau), became a companion of the sun; the Sun was so tired in the lower world that it did not rise to the upper five tiers, but began to fall, dragging the sky with it; life is on the verge of death, many have climbed into holes (these animals have been living in burrows ever since); T. put five palm trees (brazil trees) to support the sky - one in the center, four at the edges); with the help of Káuyumarie (the deer trickster) showed people, how to make a chair where shamans and chiefs sit during rituals; sacrificed a child so that the Sun feeds on this blood]; Lumholtz [man clears the area; finds a forest every morning intact; on the fifth day she finds the great grandmother Nakawa; she points with her rod to the south, north, west, east, zenith and nadir, the felled trees stand up; warns that there will be a flood, orders make a box of ficus wood, take with you five corn kernels of different colors, a fire, five pumpkin shoots, a black dog; puts a person in a box, sits on it herself, a mako and a parrot sit on it on the shoulders; the water rises for five years, then falls; the box descends to the mountain, there is still water around; mako and parrots lay valleys with their beaks, water flows down them, birds divide it into five seas; N. turns into wind; a person lives with a dog in a cave, works in the field; in the evening he finds tortillas ready; on the fifth day he hides, sees the dog shed its skin, becomes a woman; he is burns the skin; their descendants repopulate the world] 1900:168 and 1902 (2): 191-193 (=1986:235-236); McIntosh 1949 [the forest cut down by man is being restored; the old woman says there will be a flood, tells me to take from A dog in the boat; after the flood, someone cooks tortillas]: 15-18; Myerhoff 1974 [Nakawé saved Watákame during the flood; he took a dog with him, after the flood she became a woman]: 89; Zingg 1982 [Every time Kauymáli returns, finds food cooked; cuts down the forest on the plot, it grows again during the night; the old woman says that there will be a flood; after the flood, K. throws dog skin into the fire; the time of the first sexual intercourse, blood appears, the wolf and the jaguar come to lick it, Nakawé (Month) cursed them]: 225-226; bark: Preuss 1912 [The Iguana man owned fire; brought little meat from hunting, so his wife (daughter of the Sun) and mother-in-law (Earth) drove him away; he rose to heaven, became the Morning Star, took the fire away; the first ancestors sent the Raven, then the Hummingbird, they did not get fire; the Opossum stole the fire until The star slept, threw it to the ground; the Star nailed it with a stick, but the Opossum came to life; the grass caught fire, a world fire broke out; the goddess of Earth filled it with her milk, the fire became tame]: 271-272 (retelling in Munn 1984: 29-30); Lumholtz 1902 (2) [like Huichol; additionally: a person is told to take a woodpecker, the sandpiper, and a parrot with him; when the water comes down, he sends a parrot to see if it is possible to walk on the ground; that returns, the ground is still wet; the sent woodpecker has difficulty pulling its beak out of the wet wood; the snipe does not fall into the mud, the ground is dry]: 193-194; Preuss 1912:201-202, 277-280.

Mesoamerica Aztecs: Bierhorst 1992 [Codex Chimalpopoca; the people of the first Sun were devoured by jaguars, the second were blown away by the wind, turned into monkeys, the third was destroyed by the fiery rain, turned into turkeys, the fourth by a flood, turned into fish; at that time the skies fell; Titlacahuan told Tata man and his wife Nene to hide in a hollowed out trunk, sealed it; they took seeds with them when they came out, the corn began to fry fish; the gods Citlalinicue and Citlalatonac smelled smoke; Titlacahuan, Tezcatlipoca went down, put their heads to the ass, turning them into dogs; (more on creating our world)]: 142-144; Köhler 1977:271; Nicholson 1967 [by Annales de Quauhtitlán; the first era ("the sun") ended with the appearance of a jaguar and darkness; the second with the wind, humans turned into monkeys; inhabitants the third world was destroyed by fire, the fourth by the flood; our era is the fifth]: 54; Huastecs [a person who escaped the flood is not told to eat fish (drowned fish have turned into fish); he roasts fish, smoke rises to heaven; the gods send seven messengers, they do not return, turned into birds; the gods turned man into a raccoon by putting a fire drill in his mouth and taking him out of his ass; next time the world will be destroyed not by water but by fire]: Alcorn 1984:61; Southern Lacandons: Boremanse 1986 [Our Father told his son-in-law Ah k'in Chob to make a ship, man and woman from every line; rain, darkness; the boats became crocodiles; the howler monkey was in the ark, but the testicles in the water turned white; after six years the water slept, ten years later it became dry; but the earth was soft; the gods sent fire, everything burned down; the bird Momotidae's tail burned; life revived; humans were immortal]: 57-58; Rätsch 1984 [Äkinchob warned a man to gather a couple of people and different animals in a big boat; wind destroyed everything, only mountains remained; then it rained, the world was flooded; boats turned into crocodiles, grain graters into turtles, corn grinding tables into crocodiles and fish; five years later, the sky rose again, five more later the boat sank to the ground; the water descended, the sun began to warm more and more, the world burned down; A. sowed a new forest]: 74-80; northern lacandons [just like the southern lacandons in Boremanse and at Rätsch]: Cook 2019:191-199; Celtal: Hermitte 1970:23 [the first people do not have joints, treat stones with their feet or make stones whistle; after the sun rises live stones boil, people die; a saint makes (new) people movable joints; people can now walk and work], 25-27 [Angel (=God) warns people about the flood; only brother and sister build tall house; another man hides in a box; after the flood, the Angel sends the Vulture to see if the earth is dry; he eats carrion; the angel sends the Eagle, who brings a dry branch; the angel places his head Vulture in place of his butt and vice versa; turns a survivor into a monkey; allows brother and sister to marry (and repopulate the earth]; tsotsil: Gossen 1979 [demons live in the first world , monkeys, Jews; Mother Moon gives birth to a Sun son, demons die from the heat after it rises; the Sun makes clay (according to one version, wood) the first man and woman; they cook their children to eat them; the Sun destroys this world with a flood of boiling water; the Sun revives the world twice, cultivated plants and pets appear in it; beans from Mother Moon's necklace, potatoes from her milk, peppers from blood from the Sun's heel, maize from his groin; at the end of the third world, everyone spoke Spanish, the Sun creates many languages, the third world was destroyed by an earthquake; 150-400 years ago, our world was created]: 445- 446; Köhler 1977a (San Pablo Chalchihuitán) [the first were people with broken heads, they left, disappeared into the woods; then, with their nostrils open up, they were flooded with rain; then people whose feet were sparks flew, as well as those with ash falling from their feet; people with sparkling legs dragged large stones to build the Church of San Pablo, built mountains; they were destroyed by a rain of fire]: 265-28l; Relatos Tzotziles 1995 [The Creator or Angel told one person to hide in a cave; the rest of the people were destroyed by the rain of boiling water; the man took a dog with him; after the flood, a person returns from the site and sees food cooked; the angel tells you to marry a dog; their descendants repopulated the earth; the bones in the caves are the remains of boiling water trying to hide from the flood; at that time it was dusk, light came into the world with Jesus]: 16-19; tocholabal [the gods decided to punish people; the mountains spewed fire, fire and ash covered the ground; then the flood began, some escaped in boats; after the flood, the gods sent the Dove to know What the earth was like; he stayed pecking on the pebbles brought by the water, became overweight, did not return; the Vulture sent after him did not return either, began to peck at the corpses; the hummingbird began to drink nectar, but remembered the errand returned; the gods punished the pigeon by telling him to walk on hot coals, his paws turned red; the Vulture was made to walk longer, his paws were burned and destroyed; for eating corpses, he has saltó el buche (Goiter appeared?)] : Jiménez 1996:44-45; mom [1) First creation: the inhabitants are monkeys, destroyed by a stream of boiling chapapote; 2) Second: "some say" that the inhabitants were topos (rodent earth, bigger mole), destroyed by the flood; 3) Third: San Jose made a flat earth, sun, moon; he gave birth to Jesus from the wife of the Virgin Mary, who created mountains and rivers, weakened the moonlight so that people could sleep at night]: Wagley 1949:51; ishil [Kub'aal destroyed the first humans by the flood; some escaped in floating boxes, did not die of illness; then K. sent a fiery rain, promising that it would penetrate two varas into the ground , and he burned it into three vars himself, only those who were hidden in the springs were saved]: Colby, Colby 1981:165-166.

Honduras-Panama. Bocotta: Margery Peña 1994a, No. 4 [(=Margery Peña 1990:37-38); the woman's two sons (Sun and Month) are covered in ulcers; she goes to dance, sees handsome men, doesn't know what they are her sons; returns before them, glad when they appear in all its splendor; opens a forbidden vessel, hot coals fall from there, it becomes dark, the world lights up; the Sun sends animals to bring rain; the first three do not obey orders, but eat and come back; these are Toad (it is not said that she ate), Vulture (bites a dead cow and horse), Hummingbird (sucks flower nectar); Thunder promises to give the Swallow rain, tells me to come back without looking back; she looks around, sees a thunderstorm, hides under a stone; after a thunderstorm, the Swallow bites the Toad, she regurgitates the spark, the Swallow wants to extinguish it, the Toad explains that the fire People will need it and will remain in the volcano, in the stones, in the wood of the Ceiba; the swallow has lived in burrows since then; the Sun has gone to heaven, takes care of men, and the Month is about women], 5 [the first people have teeth made of stone; Chube decides to destroy them all except Huli, his wife and children; people do not believe H. that there will be a flood; the sea floods the land; after the flood, C. replaces H. and his family's stone teeth with corn kernels; people are now more meek; C. sends Vulture, then Toad, then Pigeon to find out if the earth is dry; Vulture eats corpses, its legs and head turn red; Toad reaches the sea, returns; Dove returns three times, his legs also turn red; the fourth time he brings a leaf; people are descendants of H.]: 66-71, 81-83; kuna: Chapin 1989:13-16 [the first people went bad; to punish them, God sent hurricanes and earthquakes, the earth turned upside down, those on the surface ended up in the fourth lower world; new generations deteriorated again, God destroyed them first by fire, darkness, wind, then flood], 97 [ First, God destroyed the earth by fire, then by a flood; the waters lifted ash to the sky; the dead went to the fourth underworld].

The Northern Andes. Embera (katio): Torrez de Arauz 1963 [Tatzitsetze ("father of everything") created Caragabí; K. defeated his father and took power; there are 4 worlds behind ours and 4 ahead; K. and Tutruica became make people; K. did not have good material, people only opened their eyes and laughed, and T. came to life; K. asked T. for a piece of good clay, made a man; 10 years later he said that the piece broke, got the other, made a woman; T. said that the people made by K. would be mortal, like everyone else in his world, and T. would be immortal; T. and K. competed, both were on fire and under water, were equal; Sun and Moon were human, K. turned them into luminaries as punishment; K. taught them how to plant corn, etc.; the Gensera woman keeps all the water in the cave; Caragabí cut the woman in half, turning her into a black ant with a narrow waist; the ant hid the water in the hollow trunk of the Genené tree (sacred to katio); K. and his men began to cut down the tree, the felling first overgrown; when cut down, the trunk remained hanging on the vines; The squirrel gnawed through the vine, the tree fell, the water flooded the ground; K. and his people escaped on the rock; K. sent the Heron, the Duck, the Raven - did not return, they fished; K. created the Dove, he returned when he found the ground; the trunk formed the sea, branches - rivers, buds - streams and swamps; the Genené trunk and the Monpahuará rock are still somewhere, surrounded by four lights; someday the mountain opens, the fiery river will flood the ground; then K. and his descendants will live on earth forever]: 23-26; Rochereau 1929 [Karagabí made a jaguar out of saliva, Tutruicá made the other; whose is smarter? were equal; K. went fishing in a boat by sea, T. covered it with a huge rock; K. turned into a string of algae or a piece of lead, got out days or years later; then K. covered T., who too got out, but faster; they began to boil each other on fire, both lived; the jaguar also tasted, cooked; since then, the clay, which was like metal, became soft; before the Jenené tree fell with its people hid on the top of the mountain; waited a year, sent the heron to see if the water had come down, it began to eat the fish, did not return; they sent a crow, which began to peck at the dead fish; then the pigeon, he came back, said that the earth good; since then, herons have been eating fresh fish, crows are dead; when they cut down tree H., K. placed four huge candles around to work at night; candles are still burning, they will cause a world fire; after the fire, the world will be better and K. will live in it with his people]: 89-91; chimila [the rain flooded the earth with a flood, the sun and moon drowned; the husband made a stone house underground; the wife is tired of waiting opened a hole in the roof, everyone almost drowned; the husband turned his wife into an owl; she screams at night, does not see the sun; a giant mountain tree (totumo) has grown at the top of the mountain; there was a karau bird and opossum; it hung on its tail for years, its tail was naked; all animals descended from them; when the waters slept, people lit a fire, everything caught fire, people died from the fire; then people lived again]: Reichel- Dolmatoff 1945, No. 5:6-8.

Southern Venezuela. Sanema [when the ground was already full and could not accommodate more people, the Red Parrot (Ara Macao) Wasulumani descended to the ground; he lived in fourth heaven, the sky of old people who are forever they freeze, and he warms them with his red fire; all the fire on the ground and in the sky is his property; when they were animals, V. entrusted part of his fire to the caiman; if you shoot him, all his body will spill the fire in the sky and on earth in the pooloi trees will burn down; V. descends rarely and so bright that it is impossible to look at him point-blank; once neither the sun nor the moon gave light, they were people; the world was illuminated by V., all objects were white or black; there could be no other colors, because V. would be offended to see them; now V. is no longer angry, but it is better not to dress up in flashy colors; once people shot many bright birds, hung them up while performing ritual dances; V. came down from the sky, asked him to chew tobacco, flew, spewing fire from his mouth and ass, the world burned down; in a hole The battleship was saved by Pootilí and his wife Waipilishomá, because P. did not kill colorful birds; when P. and his wife went out, around the stuffiness and stench; the electric eel Sahelí made a thunder, the rivers overflowed their banks and flooded the ground; P. made a raft, and V. hid in the hollow of a sacred tree that did not burn down in the fire and covered the hole with clay; the leaves of this tree are forever green and do not fall; the top of the tree sat down pauhil (Mitu tomentosa; the bird's ancestor is the last person to sit on the shaman's chest during the camlania); when the water has risen so much that the pauhil's tail is in the water, he is his he took it out and the water began to fall; the pauchil began to fly over the mountains that appeared from the water; everyone began to sing, forests, fruits and animals reappeared; P. and his raft found himself on the top of the mountain at the foot of the mountain at the foot of the mountain sacred tree; heard the voice of a wife from the tree; this couple has a son and daughter, who were given the names of their first brothers and sisters who lived before the flood - Sorekei and Kablokumá; they got married, inhabited the land; if the brother and sister will get married again, flood and fire will destroy the world again]: Barandiaran 1968:10-14; makiritare [Iureke decided to take revenge on animal people (first ancestors) for the death of their mother; convened everyone for a party, burned everything; after the fire, a downpour poured in, the flood flooded the ground; I. climbed the first Mauritia palm tree; it was a long night, I. ate palm fruits; swimming in calebasses, the pauhil bird, tóseda, el chacharo; after the flood, I. rose to heaven; animal people disappeared on earth, just hunting animals appeared]: Civrieux 1960:124-125; yabarana [at first there were a man and a woman who did not have bodies below the waist; spewed out what was eaten through a hole in Adam's apple; from their excrement came an electric eel (Electrophorus electricus); Mayawoca was the older brother, Ochi the youngest; M. saw how a man without a bottom caught piranha; M. realized that O. had turned into a piranha to steal the golden hook; became a vulture, attacked the fisherman, drenching his club with droppings; at this time O. jumped into the water; M. became a hummingbird, took the hook; the legless caught the sun bird, which was then always at its zenith; gave M. for doing the bottom of his body to him and the woman; they began to copulate; the legless warned not to open basket; M. told O. to climb the tree for fruit; he stayed on the ground, opened the basket; the bird flew out, its singing turned into a scream; darkness came, it rained, a cold flood flooded the ground; only a hill was left ; O. created four-legged animals on it; M., in the guise of a bat, created birds and monkeys at the top; a few years later M. sent the konoko bird to look for the sun; it found it at the edge of the world; the sun rolled to its zenith, became fly across the sky (the origin of the times of day); this is how the third world was created; the first was destroyed by fire to punish people for incest; the second by the flood; the third will be destroyed by evil mawari spirits (their leader - ucara; the fourth will be the Mayavoki world, in which the souls of humans and animals will be eternally blissful]: Wilbert 1963:150-156.

Guiana. Lokono [customs deteriorated, God decided to burn the world; the leader found out, hid with his people in an underground shelter; customs deteriorated again, God sent a flood; the man escaped in a boat with his wife and as children, stuck to a huge tree]: Brett 1880:11; taulipan: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 2 [Aguti finds a Vadhaka tree; bananas, corn, papaya, etc. ripen on its branches; he eats them alone; Makunaima puts him to sleep, finds pieces of bananas in his mouth; sends Kali squirrel, then Manape's older brother, to follow Aguchi; Aguchi shows Manabi a tree with wild plants fruits, K. is the real V.; K. climbs a tree, bitten by wasps, since then his eyelids have swollen; finally, Aguti and K. show the Manapi tree, who brings bananas to his brother; Aguti tells him not to cut V. water will flow from there; Manapi cuts, tells the wood to be soft; Aguchi heals the felling with banana peel and wax; Makunaima's other brother tells the wood to be hard; but Manapi knocks down tree; water pours out, fish with it, flood began], 3 [after the flood, a world fire broke out, people died, animals hid in a hole in the ground; Makunaima made new people out of wax, they melted in the sun; then they are made of clay, they are only stronger from the sun, they make people]: 36-38, 38-39; oyana: Goeje 1943, No. d25 [people burned a huge seiba, now it's the Milky Way; the fire fell to the ground, then it started raining]: 111; Magaña 1987, No. 31 [the sikale bird warns a person that there will be a worldwide fire, followed by a flood; you must dig it up, take cassava and other plants with you; cover the hole with a lid on top from a clay pot; after waiting for the disaster, a man leaves]: 40; aparai [world fire; animals escaped on the mountain tops; only one man left, married; water flooded the world; a new land fell from the sky, A new world grew out of it]: Rauschert 1967, No. 9:185; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 44 [the shaman predicts darkness and the flood; this is because humans copulated in public; turtles have entered the village; the child turned into a caterpillar spirit, the mother ate; other spirits and animals came, everyone gathered on the mountain; the cuckoo flew to see how far the water stretched, drowned; the same was the Kinoro bird; the woodpecker, then The pigeon flew to the shore, returned; the victim of a giant piranha was needed; she refused to devour the perfume thrown into the water; ate the old man, but the flood did not stop; then they abandoned the girl, the boy, the boy; the water retreated; the mountain was cramped, bees had nowhere to go either, one species of bees stuck to vaginas, another to penises; Wërisana women came, made stairs for people to go down the mountain], 45 [ The shaman predicts a flood; replies that it is possible to marry sisters and mothers; people sang, the water came down], 46 [the night lasted three days, the shaman stopped the disaster], 47 [the forest caught fire, extinguished by an innocent girl]: 149 -154, 155-156, 158-159, 160; Kashuyan [the first people were destroyed by the flood; people of the second age were destroyed by the world fire; new people are made of three types of bows; those made of wood exist now, made from two other tree species died]: Frikel 1970:27-28.

Ecuador. Colorado [during the rain of fire, husband and wife took refuge in a cave; turned into guantas with human nipples]: Calazacon, Orazona 1982:264-266; south coast Ecuador (Guayaquil, Fr. Pune, Tumbes, Cape Santa Elena) [after the flood, some, led by Chief Tumbe, settled at Cape Sampu (now Santa Elena); then unmarried sodomite giants arrived there on rafts; God destroyed them with heavenly fire]: Oliva 1957, cap. 3:26-29; without mentioning the previous flood, also Zárate 1853, cap.5 [giants lived near Puerto Viejo (at Cape Santa Elena); they walked naked, people were killed; two of their statues, male and female, have been preserved; a young man appeared in the sky and destroyed them with fire]: 465.

Western Amazon. Napo [God sent a rain of fire; those who buried themselves in the ground became battleships; the stained ones became agouti, hidden in wood into worms, children became birds; those people were foolish ; the next time God sent rain, the flood flooded the earth; people were saved on rafts, after the flood each raft was far from the others, people scattered along the jungle; the third time God also flooded the mountains with a flood, except Mount Chota; Noah escaped on the raft with all kinds of animals; the raft pressed against the sky, people sat with their knees between their knees and ate their skin; after the flood, Noah sent the vulture to scout, he did not return, became there are corpses]: Foletti Castegnaro 1985, No. 2:25-26; Canelo [humans destroyed by fire and icy rain]: Whitten 1985:125.

NW Amazon. Barasana [at first there are only rocks in the world; Romi-Kumu (Shaman Woman) makes a clay cassava brazier, puts it on three mountains; the mountains are the legs, the brazier the sky; it cracks from the fire, falls down, turns into earth; the former earth becomes the underworld (var: heaven falls into hell); RK. makes a new brazier - the current sky; opens the door to the outside world; from there water gushes, floods the ground; objects in RM.'s house turn into predators, devour people: long troughs, cassava push-up sieve - anacondas, pole - caiman, shards and other flat objects - piranhas; some people a boat escapes to the mountain; the sun dries the earth, it gets hotter, the earth lights up (var: RK sets fire to the earth itself); at this time the sky cracks (see above)]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 1A: 263; desana [seeing that the earth was increasingly filled with monsters, the Sun flooded it with a flood; then sent a drought, everything burned to fire]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1971:34; cubeo [first a great fire destroyed the forest , then the flood lasted a month, everyone drowned; the moon "died" before the fire; then people came out of the river rapids again like the first time]: Goldman 1940:244; makuna: Årehem 1981 [Romi Kumu ( Shaman Woman) creates the world with the help of Mythical Male Heroes (MG, including the Sun); the earth is her body; the Eastern Outlet of Waters is the vagina of the RK; the northern and southern exits of the earth are its ribs; the calendar cycle is hers menstrual cycle; when the vagina is closed, rivers flow into the mountains and from there to the sky, falling down in rain; when closed, the Milk River, which has absorbed the waters of everyone else, flows into the lower world (dry season); fertilized by MG-mi, RK gave birth to the first ancestors of buku masa; from the vagina (East Exit of Waters), they sailed upstream to the center of the earth, where they created tribes, then returned; the first humans were Yaguars (yaia), eating each other, copulating with sisters; so RK destroyed them with a flood and then burned them; MG stayed, created new people different from animals]: 70-71; Århem et al. 2004 [The sloth soaked wajü (Micandra spruceana) fruit in the poison basket; four Ayawa brothers, led by Ayawa bükü (elder), sailed to the basket on an oil trail (the poison is in oil); when the oil stopped oozing, the brothers turned into fish, began to eat fruit; the Sloth's daughter told her father that the basket was empty; he replied that they were gods who created the world and came to destroy them; there was only one in the basket fish (this is Bokanea's brother; when cutting a tree with water inside, he remained in the sky; the brothers introduced the seed into the fruit, let Romi-Kuma eat it, she gave birth to B. again); the Sloth did not order to eat it, but the children baked it, ate it; fish inspired her not to break her bones; the grillo (grillo, A. himself) began to pick up bones; the gods revived B.; the Sloth went for fruit, telling his daughter to poison the gods with manioc poison; bayukaya brother, she sang about this; the brothers heard, found out everything; asked Sloth's daughter where her father was, to find out from him where to get bird feathers for hats; B. gave Sloth's children a cake with manioc poison, they died; came to a tree from the top of which Sloth threw fruit directly into the basket; the brothers closed the basket, the fruits began to fall to the ground, the Sloth had to go down; elder A. wanted him to cry to the ground, but B. thought they would kill him anyway; the Sloth began to go back; the brothers threw fruits that turned into ant nests, but the Sloth climbed upstairs, grabbed the rays of the Sun, it became dark; he began to write, world began to pour boiling water; the brothers first hid from boiling water under tree mushrooms, then became worms in mushrooms; the tree grew above the flood; the brothers told the monkey to taste water, the water was hot, hand the monkeys remained white; the pauhil put the end of the tail into the water, it is now white; the flowers on the tree were women, they grew up, they had children, they blew gas on some of the fruits, now they stink; brothers they throw fruit at the Sloth unsuccessfully, only the elder A. hit his hand, now the sloths have only two fingers; others have a tail, he falls into the water, becomes a different kind of sloth, he appears if someone dies; the body became the current sloths; dawn]: 458-462; Hanke 1964 [all died during the flood, after which all living things were finally destroyed by fire; Eve (name Adam is unknown) walked from east to west and life revived; then it went back, followed by forests]: 69-70; maku [the earth burned down; Idu Kamni (IK) mixed some earth with his saliva, created new inhabitants of the world; there was no night, the sun moved across the sky from side to side; IC went with his brother to the leader of the crickets; everyone was sleeping there; the chief gave a box, told him not to open it along the way; the elder brother opened, from there the crickets, it became dark; the older brother climbed a tree to wait for dawn; in the place where the youngest was sitting, he sees a nest of termites; the elder goes down, dawns, both return home, have a party; moving the box around the house, regulate day; then day and night follow each other; IC's mother ordered to cut down a huge Ye tree (mimeosacea, up to 50 m high, bitter pods); cut down for two years; when they cut down, the flood began; the IR people escaped in boat, it rose to the sky, their heads rested on it; the water slept, rivers remained; their channels - where Ye fell, branches - tributaries; IR put leaves and branches in piles, rapids appeared]: Silverwood-Cope 1972, No. 1: 212-217; ufaina [four Imarikakana brothers want to kill an old sloth picking fruit from a tree; the youngest, Imárika Kayafikí, hit, but the old man grabbed the sun's rays, went up to the sky was overshadowed by the sun; it rained (this is the old man's urine), flooded the ground with a flood; the brothers escaped on the tree fungus, turned into caterpillars to feed on rotten wood; the tree grew to the sky, water rose, flooded the world; when the fruit fell into the water, it boiled; IC cut the old man in two; one half became a "water sloth" (apparently a manatee), the other became woody; the sun shone again; where sunrise, the brothers cut through the waters with clubs, the sea appeared; began to conjure to cool the water; Opossum tried it, but scalded the tail, it became naked; the Lagothrix lagotricha monkey scalded, remained white stripes on the face and neck; the howler monkey swam, turns red; brothers send Vultures, they eat corpses, Dove brings land]: Hildebrand 1975, no. XI-XXVII: 345-359; letuama [boiling water floods the ground; four Ayas brothers climb a tree, send a Pigeon, an Opossum, a howler monkey to find out if the water is high; they scald their tails; the pigeon's tail turns white, the opossum's tail turns white, the opossum's tail turns naked; the dove brought the land, the brothers scattered it, the soil reappeared; they came down from the tree, it turned into a mountain; they came to their aunt, she keeps rainwater in a large vessel; they cut down a few giant trees; from one to Apaporis with tributaries, from the other to Caquetá, etc.; branches and leaves turned into fish]: Palma 1984:71-72; andoque: Landaburu, Pineda 1981:66-71 [Source- abundance (aka the Middle Heron) went underground when his wife Yellow Leaf (aka Cassava) did not cook cassava for him; his sons accused his mother, she also left; coca grows out of the ground, through her father says that a flood of fire will come from the east; contrary to the warning of his older brother, the younger brother breaks the bone of the bird they ate (pauhil), water gushes out of the bone, rain, water floods the ground; brothers they grew a tree from a seed on a hill in advance; the younger brother sails in a boat to the east, in the form of a hummingbird, lets the girl catch himself, she plants it to dry by the fire, he took the coal; swallowed the coal pauhil, who came out with excrement, was swallowed by fish, the coal came out again, became the flint from which fire was made; the fish swam, broke the dam, the water began to fall; as they fell from the pod seeds (turning into different types of wild chickens?) , it dawned], 73 [before the flood, Nenefi (Butterfly Doll) made the house to heaven; when the flood was over, she descended, brought new land from the ground instead of the burnt one; preserved all species cultivated plants; it feeds only on water], 80 (note 126) [the flood is at the same time a fire, a sea of fire]; bora [Our Heavenly Father created water, earth, then man and plants; earth had the shape of a fruit; the first humans were no different from animals who ate the earth; this world was destroyed first by water, then by fire; one man survived the flood; humans were created again]: Girard 1958:107; tarian [ Yapirikuri created the world; cannibals lived in it, I decided to destroy them with a flood; all the animals gathered on a single hill and starved to death; the water came down, it got hot, the earth burned; I saw Kali, he planted cassava and other plants; J. gave names to the animals; (etc.; K., his son and daughter-in-law; at first, the cassava peel was removed by itself, and because of her daughter-in-law she attached it back)]: Aikhenvald 1999, No. 2:55-83; Putumayo (bora, okaina, uitoto, or andoke) [created by a falcon, the earth was small at first; an evil shaman The sun rose to the sky, burned everything; then, along with the Month, a fire began, the water boiled; sister of the Sun - The Morning Star, his wife and mother live underground, where he descends at night; he sends illnesses; He visited his sister for a month, his mother advised him to get his lover dirty with a genip to identify him; out of shame Month took to heaven, sometimes hides, does not meet the Sun]: Girard 1937:638-639.

Central Amazon. Moore [people escaped the flood in boats, gathered at the top of a cliff; hunted animals that had sailed there; when the water was asleep, the shaman brought people home; one family escaped from the world fire; the man dug a cave, built a house there, a supply of water in 30 vessels, filled the exit with stones; when the stones cooled down, the hidden ones came out; St. The Spirit gave water, St. Antony the fish, St. John of the Palm, St. Peter is manioc; near Manaus, on the Amazon coast, you can see vegetation that seems to have been burned]: Nimuendaju 1948:265; maue [land destroyed twice by fire, then by flood; son of the god Noé (Marí) ;) At the father's request, he built a ship; all the animals in pairs came in; God sent Vulture, who was a dove, to bring a leaf; he returned after eating falls, Marí turned him into a Vulture; sent a dove (paloma pintada), who brings a leaf, God said that he used to be the Vulture, now he will be the Dove; Marí sent criatura to bring a grain of land, he brought it; it was Adam, we sent him descendants]: Ubbe 1991, No. 8:194; Rio Solimons (exact recording location unknown) [The Moon (Jassy) was supposed to go beyond the Sun (Kurasé); if this happened, the heat of love The sun would burn the earth, and the Moon's tears would flood it; the Sun and the Moon would part, and the Moon's tears would form Amazon; not wanting to mix its tears with the waters of the sea, the Moon allows the river to flow east for six months and then tries to regain its tears and the Amazon flows westward (dry and wet seasons?)] : Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:212 (German translation in Teschauer 1906:733); munduruku [Karusakaibë became angry, destroyed the world with fire, the water evaporated; sent the vulture to find out if they had cooled down, he began to eat charred bodies; sent the bird sabiá, which found the burnt bones, did not return either; sent the Dove, who brought earth on its paws, which means it had cooled down; to clean the ground, K. sent a flood; then, People went underground]: Kruse 1951-1952:929.

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara: Ehrenreich 1905 ("Eastern Tupis") [Mopan sent a global fire; when it was extinguished, it sent rain that flooded the earth with a flood; another flood began when Tamen duare (Tamen donare) quarreled with his brother Arikuté and stamped his foot; water poured out of the ground, both brothers and their families escaped, repopulated the land]: 30; Nimuendaju 1915, No. 7 [people flee from the flood on a palm tree; throw down the seeds of the fruit to see if the water slept; turn into toads]: 293-294; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 17 [people died in the world fire; only a few escaped in the Sloth's house; Sloths began to sing and so stopped the fire; the guariba monkey child was left alone; remembered his parents' song; when he met different animals, asked them to sing; only the Sloth sang correctly; Guariba grew up with the Sloths, then found relatives]: 142-143; urubu [{many references to the world fire in various texts}]: Ribeiro 2002:425 [the flood followed the fire; Maira's son quarreled with him, flooded the world he had sent with a flood fire], 426 [water extinguished the fire of a world fire; a man came down from a palm tree to see if the water had come down and when he stepped into the water, he turned into Quitáou; when is it {a bird?} a river channel screams along the banks of the river, so summer has come], 566 [Maira burned the ground, some people have escaped on the tops of palm trees; water has flooded the earth; some people climbed into the sky and stayed there]; tupinamba [Toupan burned the ground; Tamindonare then quarreled with his brother Aricoute and stamped his foot so much that water poured in and flooded the ground; T. and his wife escaped on a pindo palm tree, and A. threw the fruit to see if the water had descended; the water had not yet descended (obviously continued to throw until the fruit fell to the ground); these two brothers are descended from Tupinambas and Tonajas]: Dénis 1851:87-91.

The Central Andes. If not otherwise: the first ancestors lived in the moonlight; they turn into stones, die at the first sunrise (skeletons in ancient crypts). Flood data: Molina 1916 [during the flood, people died, except for a few who escaped in the hills and trees; 5 leagues from Cusco towards Anti-Suyu: the lamas warned the shepherd that there would be a flood; he gathered his own six children on Mount Ancasmarca; as the water rose, so did the mountain; then it became low again; the shepherd's 6 children settled the country again]: 8-9. Central coast [it rained, people closed themselves in caves; when it stopped raining, two dogs were released, they came back clean and wet; next time they were dirty, so the water came down; everywhere Huge snakes bred, but they were eventually destroyed]: Gomara 1852:233;

{There is no data on the fire catastrophe for northern Peru; for the central and southern departments - separate fire at the first sunrise and flood}. Caruas (dep. Ancash): Stein 1987:251; Vikos (dep. Ancash): Ortiz Rescaniere 1973:37-38; Huanca (Jauja, dep. Junin) [One day, many demons appeared in the world, led by Huari-vilca; then five suns rose, demons fled, everything burned down where they were; the Incas revered the Sun, but also built a temple for Uari-fork]: Cieza de Leon 1976, ch. 33 (LXXXIV): 116; Wanaspampa village (dep. Huancavelica) [machu (pagans) survive famine, flood, earthquake sent to destroy them; then four suns (tahua intis) burn the earth; the rest are destroyed by the flood]: Galindo 1990:219; Mine (dep. Huancavelica) [there were two Incas in the pagan world; the wife of the upper one was Lake Titicaca, the lower wife was Mother Sea; three suns appeared, taming the arrogance of the pagans]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1987:197; Risua, Andamarca [God has decided to punish the Gentiles, sends a fiery flood; some are saved; then God tells two suns to shine at the same time; pagans and Incarry are dying]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1980:138- 139; Incas: Betanzos 1924:32-33; Quechua (dep. Cusco): Allen (Sonko) 1984:155; 1989 [Machukuna (Old, = Nyavpakuna) were giants living under moonlight; Taytanchis told the sun to rise; M. They hid in their huts and are dry; on clear moonlit nights, their bones come to life, they visit each other and work in the fields, which are the same as our fields]: 54-55; 1995; 92; Condori, Gow 1982 (Kispicanchis): 26 ; Mishkin 1940 (Kispicanchis): 234-236; Nuñez del Prado 1974 (Paucartambo) [Roal created the moon and earth, animals, plants, people Ñawpa Machu; they were stronger and wiser than the current ones, even more they call them Jews; there was no sun; Nyavpa quarreled with R.; Christ and the saints persecuted them, but they defeated him, killed him; R. sent a woodpecker, a dove, a hummingbird to them; each time the Nyavpa refused appear, although R. threatened to fill them with fire; the Nyawpa began to build stone dwellings on the mountainsides, but the houses fell apart; when it rained fiery, the Nyavpa could not hide in them; there are skeletons in ruins dead nyavpa; dead became evil spirits]: 239-242; Gow in Randall 1982 (Paukartambo) [the ancients (nyavpa machu) inhabited mountains in the old era; lived under the moonlight, could force rocks move, raze the mountains with a sling; Chief Apu Rowal asked if they needed apu strength, but the nyavpa arrogantly refused; then he created the sun, the nyavpa turned into stones; part fled to the jungle under the cover of the forest; these events are reproduced every year by the Vairi Chuncho ritual dance, when dancers dance in Forest Indian costumes]: 46; Urbano 1993 (Paucartambo, Acamayo, Paruro): 289-290; Keara (dep. La Paz): Chapin 196:28; Aymara (Huancane) [pagans lived in a dark world; when the sun, moon and stars rose, the earth was burning, the pagans hid in caves; at night you can hear how they sing, scream, cry; the Creator brought Manco Capac and Mama Okllo out of Lake. Titicaca; MK taught men to work, MO women; Europeans came, killed people; the Creator will punish them by telling the sun to set; but the moon will remain; pagans will come out of the mountains]: Coaquira 1982:76-77; Aymara ( Chukuito) [the giants of Hentil Machu lived in a world illuminated by the moon, lived in chulps (burial towers); when the sun rose, they burned down, their bones are found in ruins and caves]: Palacios 1982:43-44; Aymara (Kakachaka, dep. Oruro): Arnold, Yapita Moya 1994, No. 1:17-21; Dillon, Abercrombie 1988:56; Aymara [chulps had their own (pets) animals; deer their goat, vicuna a llama, whiskacha a donkey, guinea pig cow, fox dog, wild cat león, condor chicken, Caracara birds their scribes; chulps thought Inti Tala (Father Sun) would rise from the west and made doors in the eastern wall, but he went up with east and chulps burned down]: Arnold, Díos Yapita 1998:57-59; chipaya: Mesa, Gisbert 1966:489; Metraux 1935b: 395-397; Quechua yura (Southern Bolivia) [the first humans (chulps) lived in the light moons, stones were grown in the fields; their master was the god of the moon; when our god Tyusninchis (sun) appeared, he destroyed the chulps with a fiery rain]: Rasnake 1988:143.

Montagna - Jurua. Apurina [there was a boiling pot in the sun; storks collect various rot, throw it at it; Mayuruberu throws a stone, boiling water gushes over the edge, floods the ground; the Sloth escapes in a tree, throws seeds down; as they fall into the water, the Sun reappears; first it is tiny, then grows; M. gives the Sloth the seeds of cultivated plants; after the flood, people grow them; who does not works, M. eats that]: Ehrenreich 1891:71-72; characterbet [a sea of fire is approaching; a parrot bears fruit, throws a virgin into the vagina; a huge Vanamei tree grows; a young man climbs on him, saves his sister; when she wants to pull another girl's hand, she has already burned down; he meets his sister and so we are now mortal; three months later it dawns; it is clear that the leaves of B. are birds; people they throw branches down to see if the earth has hardened; first the branches sink in the ground, then remain on the surface; but further from the trunk the earth is still soft; those who descend fail, leaving only brother and sister; V. also goes underground, will rise at the end of time]: Gray 1996:26-28.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 1 [before the flood, the earth was destroyed by the wind; in the future it will be destroyed by fire, and those in the underworld will live on it], 2 (Sciamas) [the first humans ate the wind; the old woman warned the two brothers that if they tortured the sloth, the earth would burn; they did not listen, everything burned down; new people got out of the underworld, placing poles one on top of the other; You can't eat the wind anymore; the sloth has charred yellow spots on his back]: 39; yurakare [Sararuma burned the ground; one person hid in an underground shelter; S. gave him seeds, from which the forest grew ; the woman was torn to pieces by a jaguar, his mother raised the twins Tiri and Caru found in the womb, who killed the jaguar; at the festival, the brothers spilled the vessel, the liquid flooded the ground, K. drowned; T. collected his bones, revived ]: Orbigny 1844:209-214; tupari [the first ancestors Valedad and Vap stole an ax from Woodpecker to cut down a tree with edible fruits, cut off his feathers; he set fire to the world in revenge; Vap burned down, Valedad, in the form of a bird, waited out the fire in the Spider's hole, revived Vapa; instead of an anus, Valedad and Vapa had a tail, food was spewed through their mouths; Spider's wife and daughters gnaw off their tails, makes anal holes; the brothers cut down the tree; when it fell, streams of water poured from the sky; Valedad's son died, came back, called his parents; they were sleeping, Vap heard him, told him to return to the world of the dead; Upon learning of this, Valedad caused a flood, many people drowned; Arkoanyo invited the brothers to collect resin, covered their faces and hands with tar, told two birds to take them to the end of the world; when they are angry there, it's raining the earth]: Caspar 1975:190-191; amniapia [Bäräbassa caused a worldwide flood, then there was a fire; a couple who escaped both disasters repopulated the earth]: Metraux 1942:151; synth larga [Ngurá destroyed the world three times, first with a flood, then with fire; people saw an arara parrot with a burning tail, they realized that the world would burn; the bee helped to burn the fire with honey; it began to rain and extinguish]: Leonel Queiroz et al. 1988:29-30; guarazu [Yaneramay came to the village, demanded a girl; she said he was old and ugly; when refused, I promised to triple the flood; water was clogged out of the ground; the girl's mother agrees, but I turned the girl into a deer; ready to follow him, I told him to climb into the hammocks under the roof of my house; two men, making a stone ax and a club from a chonta palm tree, flew to them to heaven; I told the birds to raise his house to the sky; to do this, I widened the hole in the sky; I told those in the house to look down, they looked, turned into toads; I told the rest to throw them down fruits to find out if the water had come down; the sound of falling was not heard, the water did not come off; I sent a man to find out if the water had come down, forbade eating anything; he began to eat dead fish, and when he returned, lied that he did not eat; I. made him a vulture, ordered him to eat carrion; the same with the second (turned him into a tuyuya stork), the third (yochi rodent, ate cusi fruits), four (torcaza bird, worms and pebbles bite along river banks), fifth (carau, eats river mollusks); each time there is less water, the land is drier, there is more life; brother and sister are left, guarazu comes from them; later I will destroy the earth again with wind and fire, with rocks and water from the sky]: Riester 1977, No. 6:232-235.

Southern Amazon. Umotin: Schultz 1962, No. c [big fish always boiled water in the pot, they cooked fish in it; the sun turned into a rat, moved under the pot, walked away, carrying it on their shoulders; the pot is heavy and hot , The Sun called for help from the Month, he suffered a little and left; the forest caught fire; the Sun became a falcon (which catches insects that take off when vegetation was burned), and Owl Month hid under a pile of garbage, burned; the Sun revived it from his bones, but the month dies regularly; var. 2: same, without explaining the lunar phases], j [man shot at the water monster; the water overflowed its banks; the animals in the hills escaped, others drowned; var.2: a man was not told to shoot a fish the size of a catfish; he shot, pulled it out; the water began to arrive, he climbed a tree; when he released the fish, the water came down]: 230-232, 242-243.

Araguaia. Karazha: Baldus 1937:202-203 [(Ehrenreich 1891, No. 5:40-41); people drove wild pigs, found a hole in the ground; began to get pigs, then tapir, deer; pulled out a fat man Anatiué; he asked for tobacco, got high to the point of insensitivity; in the village he woke up, started singing, dancing; people ran away; he became a huge piranha, smashed calebasses with water, the flood flooded the ground; he told the fish overturn two mountains where people had gathered; only a few survived], 216-217 [(Ehrenreich 1891:39-40); two old men quarreled; one made a fire in the pit, killing all living things, old men killing each other friend with arrows; periquito parrot came; became a girl, the escaped carage marries her, people come from them; var.: two boys escaped in the old people's house; two parrots came; someone cooks corn; boys saw parrots turn into girls; boys grew up to marry parrots]; tapirape [the world is destroyed once by the flood and once by fire; a man and a woman flee the flood on a tree; a man spears fish and snakes, as the water falls; now people imitate the circles around the eyes of those snakes; two pairs of birds (men Jacou, women parakite parrot and mutum) hid underground from a global fire; they are the birthplace of today's men and women]: Wagley 1940:254 (same in 1977:176).

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 38 [by digging a hole, the battleship damaged the "artery of the earth", water poured out of it; people climbed trees, turned into wasps and termites; from the flood, as well as from the world fire, a woman with two children escaped by sealing herself with wax inside a large mortar and taking plant seeds with her], 39 [(Metraux 1960:34); a man saw spirits sitting on their own hair on the river; shot in one, the river flooded the ground; descended after 10 days; the young man could not come down from the tree, became a monkey; the other turned into a bee; the child in a mortar became a toad], 40 [(Lukesh 1968:166-167); as in (39); the man carrying a vessel of broth spilled it on his nephew, who became a toad; the other climbed a tree with his child, both became monkeys; the other, a sloth, climbed into the hollow, bees; only man remained whoever shot the spirit; kayapo comes from him], 41 [(Banner 1957:49); The sloth stole the fire (it is not specified who), moved slowly, the forest caught fire; the shaman fenced the circle with feathers, poured juice inside, squeezed out of sweet potato, and his family waited out the fire in this circle]: 121, 122, 123, 124; sherente [Venus man lived on earth, was covered with ulcers, everyone drove him away; only Vaikaura (V.) invited put him in his house, put his virgin daughter on his knees, washed him in this position, curing ulcers; Venus deflorized the girl, but V. did not want compensation; warned that Vaptokvá would destroy people by the flood; cut the pigeon's carcass, crucified it with chopsticks, turned it into a boat; during the flood, only V. and his family escaped in this boat; the author did not hear from the line a full story about the world fire, but the description of the vision with vultures (p. 89) suggests that this possibility is taken into account; they were afraid that Halley's comet would burn the earth; people also expect a "long night" during which everyone would die from darkness and cold, and the extermination of humans by an ogre demon]: Nimuendaju 1942:91-93.

SE Brazil. Kamakan [mythology has themes of global flood and fire]: Metraux, Nimuendaju 1946:552.

Chaco. Matako: Calífano 1974 [a girl who has her period is eaten by a rainbow; after that, rain causes a flood]: 46; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 57 [(Metraux 1939:10); a girl with a period , eaten by the rainbow; after that, the rain causes a flood], 58 [(according to Fock); as punishment for people's immorality, a downpour begins, turning into a fiery rain; few are saved], 59 [Metraux 1939:10-11); at the end of the world, pots of food placed on fire are always boiling; savannah lights up (this has something to do with that fire); a man and a woman have escaped in the river; the bird began to hit the tambourine, and grew out of a burnt stump mountain tree, then forest, beasts revived], 60 [(Metraux 1939:11); animal people visit fiery people; their children's fire flies out of their ass; seeing this, the Furarius rufus (ovenbird) bird breaks prohibition to laugh; children complain to parents who burn the whole world; Nandu and Chunga were saved], 61 [(Nordenskiöld 1926:89-90); the land burned down, but then the vegetation grew again]: 126, 126-127, 128-129, 129-130, 131; Chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 16 [rain flooded the earth with a flood; when the waters came down, new people descended from the sky; the man conceived a girl in his hand; then married her; ever since people appeared], 17 [the earth sank, water poured, everything flooded; a white creature descended from the sky, carried the boy who had emerged into heaven; then saved the other boys in the same way], 18 [the sky began to fall, the water began to fall flood the ground; in a dream, the sky told husband and wife to sit under the tala tree, taking fuel and seeds; the sky fell, the earth sank, it became dark; people failed; those who looked into the distance became nanda, iguanas, bakers or birds; only this couple and children escaped], 19 [the fire destroyed everything, the husband and wife escaped in the hole; the black vulture brought the smut into the nest, it caught fire, the tree burned down, the stump smoldered; the vulture gave this fire to the surviving couple, since then there has been fire; people come from this couple], 20 [the fire destroyed everything; having dug a hole, the father and two daughters escaped; many people came out of the hole; the one who looked into the distance became nandu, the other as bakers, women in anteaters, jaguars and rabbits; the man and his daughters came out last, covered his face with his hands, came back, went out again as a man; married daughters, they were descended from people], 21 [ fire destroyed a village in the forest; one man dug a hole; when he went out, became a grayed bird; another lived outside the village, escaped with five grandchildren; they came to the edge of the earth, where the roots of heaven rest against it, and our roots the land rests on the lower ground; all the young people have gone to the lower ground; the old man and his grandchildren are returning, there are many edible plants around], 22 [brother and sister escaped the fire in the hole, married; when went out, the man became serified, and the woman became an anteater], 23 [those ayoreos who fled across the sea from the fire escaped; people could not make a fire because there was no firewood; the bola verde tree grew first; on his Birds settled in the branches, seeds were in their litter, all plants grew again], 24 [the fire came from the north, some people escaped in burrows, became iguanas and other animals that live in burrows; some went far, became the ancestors of Europeans; The month was saved by climbing into the sky by climbing the quebracho tree; it sent rain; the burnt but only unburned quebracho tree sprouted; Month sent seeds, from which wild and cultivated plants grew], 25 [the bola verde tree grew first after the world fire]: 38, 38-39, 39, 40, 41, 42-45, 45-46, 46-47, 47-48, 49; nivacle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 24 [fire burns almost the entire earth, some people survive it in shelters], 25 [Fitzököjíč burned the whole world, all people died, he revived them or created them again as a man and woman], 26 [F. sent frost and then rain that flooded the whole earth], 27 [a woman who had her period went to the river to get water; then it rained, flooded the ground; one person escaped; became think that it would be good if a parrot became a woman; when he returned from hunting, he found a woman, people descended from them; this parrot was chorote, not nivakle], 28 [a woman goes to the river after giving birth to water; on A lake formed in the place of the village, the cries of the drowned were heard for a long time], 29 [the boy came down from the sky, stood by the lake; the woman took him home, gave him a breast, he cut it off; a cloud came down, picked up the boy into the sky; it rained, no one escaped the flood]: 83-84, 84-85, 85-86, 86-87, 88, 89; mockovi: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 67 [only one person sheltered a black dog; he became a man, warned of in the flood, ordered to make a boat, stock up on food; rain flooded the ground with a flood; on the 16th day, a man sent a black vulture, which did not return, ate corpses; sent a Dove, who brought a blade of grass; the Vulture was punished , now he eats carrion], 68 [only one family sheltered a dog, and that was God; God sent Vulture, who stayed to peck for the corpses; sent the Dove, who came back, talked about the Vulture; God commanded The vulture now takes a long time to fly in search of food], 69 [people climbed a tree, made a boat with a leather frame of branches; it began to rain, the flood flooded the ground; white vultures were sent to the ground, they became there are corpses, turned black; the dove brought maize seeds; to wash off the corpses, rain was sent again; people came down from the tree], 70 [the forest burned down; the man wanted water to flood the fire; they Vulture was sent, he pecked on the corpses of horses and other animals, did not return; they sent Dove, she brought corn kernels; the family went down to earth], 71 [the sun fell, the strongman put it back; it fell again, everything burned down; those who jumped into the water became capybaras and caimans; husband and wife climbed a tree, their faces burned, they turned into monkeys]: 94-96, 97-98, 98-99, 99-100, 100; toba (if not otherwise: Eastern Toba) [world fire; see below separately other types of cataclysms]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982, No. 1 [after the world fire, some people turned into stars, in particular two women in the Morning and into the Evening Stars; those who hid in underground shelters went out and turned into animals; only one man was left unturned; a woman was lowered from the sky on a rope; the rope was cut too early, woman ugly; if they were cut later, everyone (they are descendants of that couple) would be beautiful]: 25-26; 1989a, No. 54 (Western Tobas) [people hid in an underground shelter from the fire; those who came out should not have looked at sides; the first ones who came out looked around, became birds, others remained human; the little red bird began to sing, a tree grew], 55 (tobacco pilaga) [the world fire started from the north, people took refuge in the deep cave; going out and looking around, the old woman became an anteater, the old man a jaguar, a swarthy woman a wild pig; husband and wife did not look around, people come from this couple], 56 [the old man warned of the world in a fire, ordered an underground shelter to be dug; after the fire, those who went out were to cover their faces; those who looked around became animals; except for the shaman, husband and wife remained people], 57 [the old man dreamed that there will be a world fire, made an underground shelter, some of the people in it escaped; after the fire, mountains appeared on earth; those who went out, looking around, turned into animals; people saw a huge snake, the Father Serpent, it devoured animals that were human before coming out of the hole; people killed two Serpent Fathers; humans descended from twenty survivors], 58 [The hawk and the fox made an underground shelter, some people she escaped in it, the rest were burned in a world fire; when leaving, people should not have looked up, those who looked became animals; the girl with the necklace were bakers, the other was a deer, the old woman was an anteater, the other pig, men nandu], 59 [the world burned down, Novét picked one boy into his boat; people hid from the fire in a deep hole; those who went out should not have looked back; the young man looked, stood Nandu, a girl became a deer, an old woman an anteater, one man a caiman, the other a jaguar; those who reached a certain place remained human], 60 [Dapitchí sent a fire to the ground, told the shaman to hide the people in a deep hole; those who went out after the fire should not have to look around for a while; those who looked turned into different animals, only the shaman and his family], 61 (pilaga) [Yulo found his wife with her lover; he put snake eggs in her honey, her stomach burst, snakes came out; Yulo told his children to hide in a hole, returned to heaven, burned the ground; in that But some other people hid in the pit; those who went out looked around turned into animals; the old man and the old woman became anteaters; the girl became a bird and flew away; the bird Nisole sang until then until all the grass and trees grew again], 62 [the world burned down; people hid in a hole; they were told to go out in spite of far ahead; one looked, became a howler monkey, so howler monkeys appeared] , 63 [the flood of fire destroyed everything; the brasita de fuego bird and the carob tree remained; the bird sang in the tree]: 83-84, 85, 85-86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91-92, 93-94, 94; toba (unless otherwise: eastern toba) [darkness, cold, flood; see world fire myths above]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 64 [only one person obeyed God, he warned him that he would send cold; man supplied fuel, insulated the house; the rest froze to death overnight; God revived them into various species of animals; the world was changed only once in this way], 65 (pilaga) [Dapichí went to heaven, sent ice to people from there and stones, all died; the Hawk made a man and a woman out of clay, revived it, sent him to the ground], 66 [large battleships made the Bermejo River, the water continued to arrive, but all the people escaped in boats; the rain stopped and the water came down], 67 [darkness came, jaguars came down from the ground and from the sky, devoured people; 15 days later it dawned again; some people turned into anteaters], 68 [darkness came, fire was impossible rekindle, or it did not give off heat or light; after three to four months, the sun rose again and warmed the earth; just in time for the beans on the carob tree to ripen (they are used to make a fermented drink)] 69 (western toba) [darkness came, they walked along a rope stretching to the river to get water; the old woman came across a carob tree, found that the beans were ripe; the man dreamed that he should rattle with a rattle; the evening became so bright that the stars appeared again; the man rattled and sang until the sun rose], 70 (pilaga) [people did not recognize Dapichí, drove him away; he rose to heaven in anger, brought down the darkness, cold, hail; those who treated him well were warned in advance, told them to store firewood; people went to fetch water on an outstretched rope; something could be heard falling, they were ripe pods algarrobes; D. went down, turned the dead into birds and animals; the old woman became an anteater], 71 (pilaga) [Dapichí (Pleiades) went down to people, they did not recognize him, they wanted to kill him, he sent ice and hail, everyone died; he turned the dead into animals and birds; those who greeted him, D. enriched him, the rest died during the long night, became animals], 72 (pilaga) [there was no fire, people ate raw food; Dapitchí warned a friend that he would go up to heaven and kill everyone by throwing stones from above; it became dark, it rained; when the sun rose again, people became different animals (deer, chaha bird, nandu, bear etc.)]: 95-96, 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 100, 101-102, 103-104, 105, 106-107; (cf. vilela [the children beat the boy, his father was the owner of the night; the boy complained to his mother, she complained to her husband; he told her to stretch the rope to the lake to hold on to her and walk with water; he did not it was dawn; one day, the fruits of the Algarrobe (Prosopis nigra) began to fall on the roof of the house, which means that a year had passed; the wife asked her husband to forgive people, he agreed; the wind blew and took away the darkness; people were barely alive from hunger]: Lehmann-Nitsche 1925:219-221).

Southern Brazil. Apapokuva [Ñanderyqueý pulled the eastern end of the wooden cross on which he established the land, the western end lost its support; a world fire spread from the west, followed by a flood ; the house where Guyraypotý and his wife and children were staying rose to the sky, the water behind it]: Nimuendaju 1914, No. 2:332-233, 393-403 (Spanish per. Nimuendaju 1957:173-176).

The Southern Cone. Araucans [(Western Jesuit Diego Rosales); the snake Tenten (Trentren) lived on the mountains; warned that there would be a flood (previously one person also warned, they did not listen to him); a snake lived in low places Cacai-Vilu, she told the sea to overflow; T. began to raise the mountain, repeating Ten, ten! ; K. repeated, Kai, kay! T. turned many people into marine life; after the flood, they met women, so there are births of a whale, a sea lion, and various fish; Mount T. rose to the sun, many died from its heat, others bald, so there are bald ones; two women and two men with children, or a man and a woman, survived; to calm K., T. ordered one son to be thrown into the sea; he was cut into four parts, thrown into the sea, the fish ate it; the flood is over]: Zapater 1978:85-87; the yagans [Taruwalëm hated everyone, decided to burn the land; the sea was boiling, the whole world burned down, the mountain peaks have been bald ever since; women who held power at that time, rushed to him; he escaped, fled to heaven, now there is a star; after the overthrow of women's power, his son Lëm also rose to heaven (the current sun); Kéšpix ( souls of ancient people) went far to the west, where they have fun playing kálaka ball; once T. came there, lit everything; wanted to reduce the fever, but could not; when he left, this place cooled down; and that's it the world first burned down, then cooled]: Gusinde 1931:1144-1145 (English in Wilbert 1977, 1:17-18); Gusinde 1937:1152-1156 and 1342-1345; English translation in Wilbert 1977, No. 65 [see E38 motif; men led by Wilbert 1977 The sun (Löm) learns that women are deceiving them by saying that perfume comes to them in Kina's ritual hut; men looked at the dancers, recognized sisters and wives; each man takes turns ran around the women; they shot him in the trail, the arrow became the tail of the corresponding animal; the Otter had a wide tail because a harpoon was thrown at him; a branched bush was thrown at the Fox - the tail was fluffy; men attacked women with guns; two ran away, the rest turned into animals; a fire broke out, L. poured so much water on the kina that some of the animals were carried into the sea; waves still hit the rocks in the sea; noise the seas are the hiss of water that L. filled the burning kina; L., his brother Akainish (rainbow) and that Hanukh's wife (Moon) rose to heaven; only young children remain in the camp; kina is now men celebrate]: 186-193; Gusinde 1937:1154-1155 [(translated in Wilbert 1977, No. 7:27-28); 1) to punish the victorious male ancestors, the Moon sinks into the sea; people escaped to the peaks five mountains; 2) by Cojazzi; the moon fell into the sea, caused a flood; people escaped at the top of the mountain; alternatively, on an island that surfaced like a boat and then became an island again], 1155-1156 [translated in Wilbert 1977, No. 8:29-29); offended by people, a female bird Brillenibis (similar to lapwing) causes snowfall, melting water floods the world; some people have escaped in boats; men have been driving women ever since].