Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C20. A drunken cannibal.

A dangerous character is killed, neutralized, and deprived of valuables after he (she) is amused at a party, trapped by music, the promise of alcohol, a woman, etc.; by the same in a way they enlist the favor of a powerful assistant.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Isanzu [Hyena ate all the villagers, brother and sister remain, hid in different places; Hyena tries to summon her sister with her brother's voice, she does not believe it; every time she goes to the sorcerer to change her voice ; finally, the sister believes, is swallowed; the brother makes the drum, all the animals are going to dance, the Hyena is among them; the brother kills her by throwing a stick and a drum at her; she tells her to be cut from behind; first to go out sister, everyone was swallowed after her; one old woman had her ear cut; she put poison in the young man's beer, he died]: Kohl-Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 16:17-18; sakata [at the cannibal Kenshune-nshune { second?} mouth on top of her head; the woman has two daughters, she got lost, got to K., who married her; the eldest daughter went to look for her; her mother told her to hide behind the fence; she would be thrown food there; if she heard a voice mother, let her eat, if K. does not eat; the girl did so; the mother told him to run, gave him many useful things, including protecting herself from K.; the girl met K., threw him something to defend himself with, sang, to prevent him from attacking, she returned to the village; the younger sister envied that her sister had brought so much good, she went too; when she returned, she sang that K. had a mouth on the top of her head, he killed her and brought her to his wife; when she left, she set fire to the house, ran to the people; K. came after him, gave him beer, hacked him down]: Colldén 1979, No. 1:148-150; Nyanga [Nturo quarreled with her husband, went to hang herself, came into the house Mpaca forest spirit; he is skinny, has long nails, he clings to women with them; he clung to N.'s neck, refused to get off; once he cried to go for firewood, N. hid in the snail's shell, but he is hers found it, clung again; N. made beer, he cried to drink, fell asleep, N. ran away]: Scheub 2000:153-154; fang [a huge crocodile comes out of the water, demands a man or woman every day, once a girl a month; people move to another place, a crocodile finds them, requires two people a day; Ngurangurane is born and grows up quickly; tells them to make palm wine, the crocodile is drunk, falls asleep; they tie him up, doesn't take his weapon, N. causes lightning, she hits a monster]: Belcher 2005:263-267.

West Africa. Yoruba [Obatala went swimming, left his eyes on the river bank; his opponent Eshu took his eyes away; the goddess Oshun fascinated E., who agreed to give his eyes to O.; she returned them to O., receiving them in return the secret of cowrie shell predictions]: Beier 1966:49.

Sudan - East Africa. Candave [the sorcerer took his wife; she is pregnant, sends her husband to pick up her sister Saxaronga to help her; S. goes with the sorcerer, who kills her on the way with a spear, takes out sukhodilia; houses in the woods sings a song about it, but not everything is clear from it; says that S. taught him; his wife goes to her parents herself, everything turns out; they make a hole, disguise him, call the sorcerer to drink beer, he falls into a hole, he is poured with boiling water; he says it's right - he killed S.]: Arnold 1984:156-161.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Rawang [Alang Pung was born with wings, tail and claws; began to take people to the cave and eat them; people invited him to the party, advised him to sit on the roof, lower his tail into the crack between the beams of the floor so that no one would step on it; grabbed it by the tail, killed it; buried it, but in the morning it was on the surface; so twice; they decided to eat it, divided into pieces, but not enough for everyone; then they threw it the body into the river; it dammed it, the flood began, only a piece of land remained above the water, a couple of people escaped there; 9 suns came out and dried the earth; two went in different directions, but found no one, got married ; God Dameu killed him, cut him into small pieces, scattered them, gave his mother his liver under the guise of animal meat; said she ate; explained that there would be many children, told him to cook food; let people, Plenty came; those who didn't get food became forest animals]: LaPolla, Poa 2001:48 -65.

Japan. Ancient Japan (Otogi-zoshi "Shuten Doji", early 14th century) [During Angie's years, demons unbelted and began to kidnap girls in the capital; at Shuten Doji Palace, the captives were to become his mistresses, and when they bothered him, they were slaughtered and they ate; the daughter of court Ikeda no Kunitaka was also stolen; the emperor commanded the famous warrior Raiko to end Shuten Doji; R. took five more warriors with him; they asked the deities for help three temples, all three deities gave signs that they agreed to help people; R. and his companions set off disguised as wandering monks; on the way they met three elders (three deities); those supplied warriors with wine that is good for people, but demons who drank this wine lost the ability to fly and reincarnate; R. deities gave a horned helmet; when warriors disguised as monks came to Xuten Doji, he offered them a treat; it was blood and pieces of human flesh; after tasting Shuten Doji's treat, R. and his companions offered to try their wines; after the feast, the warriors came to the bedchamber Shuten Doji; R. cut off his head with a sword; she flew high up, then fell on R., trying to bite off his head, but R. saves his horned helmet; then the warriors began to fight other demons and won them]: Toropygina 2010:275-277.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians [Badikan comes to the steel cannibal Khan Boh; he makes him an assistant; asks for the daughter of the Eastern king; B. and the princess fall in love, B. takes her away, promises to save her; princess asks where X. keeps his soul; an invincible white bull drinks from a spring every seven days; there is a white fox in a bull, a casket in a fox, seven birds in it; B. fills the stream with wine, the bull stinks, B. cuts off his head, kills a fox and birds; takes a princess and a palace for himself.]: Ganalanyan 1965:158-161.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Buryats [the Chinese king's beloved wife died; he began to mourn her and told his subjects to do the same, quitting their jobs; the youngest of the seven Black brothers Kuznetsov is sent to Abay Geser Bogdo Khan for help; he says that he needs the severed heads of seven Black Blacksmiths; the sent talks about this to his wife, the demand is made famous, people send Geser seven required heads; he makes bowls out of skulls, fills her with wine, goes up to heaven to his grandmother Manzan-Görmö, solders her, steals erdeni (magic objects), begins to descend to the ground; MG discovers the loss, tells his grandson to fall into the yard of the failure Albin Tama (tama is hell); then feels sorry for him, squeezes milk from his right breast, throws him after him; G. is at home, milk turns into the Milky Way; the bowls abandoned by MG form the Big Dipper; G. comes to the sleeping king, tells him to bury the deceased, put the dog in her place; tells the awakened person that it is a sin to mourn; the king orders G. to be placed in a tama with lice, little lice, snakes, frogs, worms, fire, frost, tar, in a burning tama; with the help of erdega, G. destroys tama every time; the king gives him his daughter as a wife]: Khangalov 1959:276-282.

Western Siberia. The Nenets [people noticed fire breaking out of the hole; to prevent the fire from spreading across the ground, they appeased ha by placing a women's sledge next to the pit and putting a girl on it ; the girl was later taken home, but was not married for seven years; then another girl, who was considered the wife of the dungeon lord for the next seven years, was put in her place]: Golovnev 2004:315.

Japan. Ainu: Etter 1949 [Gods celebrate in heaven; Deer and Fish accuse Ainu of treating animals and fish badly; goddess singing and dancing; Deer and Fish close their eyes; opening, laughing, agree not to punish the Ainu]: 68; Matsumoto 1928 [the demon of hunger wants to destroy people; Ainuurakkur calls him to drink sake; he agrees when Sister A. opens his breasts; he is killed poisoned sake]: 131; Kojiki 1994, scroll 1, ch. 14 [Susa-no-o descended to Torikami area in Izumo Country; met Oo-Yama-tsumi-no-kami, his wife and daughter, they cry: Yamata-no Orochi dragon every year one of the daughters comes and swallows; swallowed seven, the last eighth remains; the dragon has 8 heads and 8 tails; moss and cypresses with cryptomeria grow on the body, it is 8 valleys long; S. orders to leave the dragon had 8 barrels of sake, he got drunk, fell asleep, S. cut it; when he cut the middle tail, the sword broke; inside was another sword, which S. presented to goddess Amaterasu]: 58-60; Nihon Shoki 1997, scroll 1:140-141; Kogoshui (?) [An eight-tailed eight-headed serpent swallows one of the eight daughters of an elderly couple every year; Susanoo tells him to cook eight kegs of sake; the snake drinks, falls asleep, S. cuts off his head; inside A sword finds a tail, gives it to his sister Amateras; marries a rescued girl].

SV Asia. Forest yukaghirs [Mythical Woman finds only a woman with a baby in the plague; refuses all types of food offered to her, offers to take out insects from each other; the hostess finds the guest's hair is mice, not lice; then she looks for the guest, strangles the hostess; devours her, tries to put on her clothes; she is cramped, MF cuts off her flesh with an ax, pulls on her clothes; the husband comes, suspects something is amiss, he sleeps separately; in the morning they go to his parents; he gets ahead, warns about MF; his brother invites her to dance, pushes her into the fire; mice run out of the ash]: Jochelson 1926:305-306 (= Jochelson 1900, No. 20:47-49).

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [The raven stones the entrance to Evrazhka's hole; she asks him to dance with his legs spread; he quietly throws stones with his feet, Evrazhka runs away; he still has a tail; daughter Evrazhka paints a pebble like an eye, changes it to its mother's tail]: Baboshina 1958, No. 21:54-55.

The Midwest. The Algonquins [Chomga tells his wife he can stay under the ice for months; actually takes another wife in a nearby village; his first mother-in-law calls him to drink an intoxicating drink; puts him to bed log with ants; drunken Chomga takes him for his wife, bitten heavily]: Speck 1915d, No. 7:17-19; ojibwa [strange old man kidnaps girl; sometimes turns into an old woman; girl runs away; old man looking for her, people invite him to a party, scatter sharp fish scales in the dance room; after injuring his leg, he tells him to cut it off; as well as his second leg, arms, head; his body continues to dance; people they burn his head and limbs, they beat his body, it dies]: Radin 1914, No. 29:59-61.

California. Pomo [Shini Suni took wives and they died; refused to pay a ransom to the relatives of the deceased women, for which Chief Kuoti had to do so; he asked the two girls to agree to marry the SS, prepared a hole with hot stones, disguised the bed in this place; the SS suspected deception, but when he saw the girls, he lay down, fell down, burned down; everyone began to sing to send his spirit forever to the world of the dead ( the origin of funeral chants); SHS did not want to go in the right direction, but K. partly persuaded him, partly forced him with threats; but his embittered spirit could not fly up and walk along the Milky Way as all dead, fell into the sea, became a crab]: Clark, Williams 1954:76-79; mivok: Barrett 1919, No. 1 [Skunk takes all the meat for himself; other animal people fill the hole with hot coals, invite Skunk dance; he falls into a hole, dies; people have fun eating his meat supplies]: 4; Gifford 1917, No. 3 [a giant kills the Chipmunk, takes his wife by force; lives in his dugout; always dances to bring him home human; Chipmunk's brother frees a woman; cuts off a giant's head when he starts dancing]: 297; Merriam 1993 (southern mountain mivoks) [as in Barrett, No. 1]: 117-120; luiseno [Takish (hereinafter So.) kills his son Tukupat a (hereinafter T.; on Gabrielino tukupar - the sky); T. comes to his home, where his mother is; T. secretly unfolds the mat with the victims' hair, sees his son's hair there; K. comes, brings the murdered child, offers T. to eat him; he quietly eats the rabbits brought; So he sings, T. throws mosquitoes in his face, So he loses consciousness, T. revives him; sings himself, the house shudders; T. returns to his wife, tells people to arrange a party - a wake for his son; invites So, promising many young women and girls whom So can be carried away and eaten; K. is asked to stand on a rock, they kill with arrows; Gopher takes the corpse to the sisters K.; they burn it; the heart explodes, killing them; K.'s spirit turns into a meteor]: Curtis 1976 (15): 101-103.

The Great Southwest. Pima [Hawk kidnaps women; shaman Suha finds out that H. is holding his kidnapped daughter as a maid; mixes poison into the cactus wine that his daughter gives H.; he dies, his spirit is still wanders around the corner]: Skiner 1896 in Edmonds, Clark 1898:64-66.

NW Mexico. Tarahumara [humans poison giants by adding poisonous seeds to the broth]: Bennett, Zingg 1935:325; Lumholtz 1903 (1): 299; Nahuatl Zap. Mexico [cannibal Tepusili kills children, men; can turn into a man and kill women; people (=birds) invite her to a party, she eats messengers; the hummingbird manages to give her a bullet scorpions; she comes with her yarn and spindle, dances, falls asleep; she is filled with brushwood and burned, meat broth is given to her husband who comes for her; he revives her, but is angry that she eats people; she falls into the ground, it turns into an iguana]: Preuss 1968, No. 3, 4:117-124; Southern Tepehuan: Hobgood 1970:406-408 [El Chul (Chul) was Ishkaityung's wife; her left the ear could grow to a huge size; she caught people and animals with it, ate them (the Crow, Lark and other birds are mentioned among the dead); everyone gathers for a ritual festival (mitote), makes wine from spiders, scorpions and other evil spirits, called C. to dance; she gets drunk, catches people and kidnaps them; falls asleep; she is burned, the ash is mixed with water, given to her husband to drink; he finds her finger in the drink, puts her finger in the drink, puts her finger in the drink, puts it he is on the edge of the abyss, his finger is dancing; C. is visible below, she is about to come back and start killing again, but the earth closes], 409-411 [as on p.406-8; when people send messengers to invite C. to the party , the Butterfly flies first; C. asks her to come closer for a better look, swallows; the hummingbird manages to convey the invitation; C. is a man, his wife is Iguana].

Mesoamerica Mountain Totonaks [snakes and cannibal jaguars descend from the sky on a stone pillar; Thunders can't break a pillar; San Juan is very powerful when it screams, people stall or die; they promise San Juan vodka if he destroys a pole; CX destroys it from a take-off (the remains are Chicontepec volcano); after covering this place with clouds, San Juan is told that the pole is intact; he runs away again, falls into sea; his arms and legs are nailed to the bottom; see motive C25]: Ichon 1969:112-113; Nahuat (Puebla): Taggart 1983, No. 5 [Navavet (in another village of Nanavatsin) was going to flood the ground with a flood ; The thunders baptized him, calling him Juanito, brought him to his cave, decorated with rainbows like flowers, gave him a drink; when he woke up, there was no one around; he is still there; he does not know exactly when his day is (24 June); if he finds out, celebrates, rains everything, we will die again]: 13 [God must guess who the Devil's parents are; St. Peter solders the Devil, who unravels the secret]: 211-212, 218-219; poke, Veracruz Nahuatl [the dwarf Hunchuch has his feet facing back, penis over his shoulder; he tried to kill The sun, marry the moon; it dies if you laugh at it]: Münch 1983b:374; chontal [forest spirits kill people by making them laugh; to kill spirits, people dance, then invite them to sit on hot pumpkins]: Vásquez Dávila, Hipólito Hernández 1994:159; tsotsil [monster closes the water drain; Mother of Corn dances and sings, the monster turns head, Mother of Corn kills him with an ax]: Guiteras-Holmes 196:216; Celtal: Chapman 1952 [Jesus intends to flood the world with a flood; his cloak is made of straws, each one pouring water; saints drink Jesus; steal his cloak; tie Jesus to a pole or tree; his attempts to free himself cause earthquakes; straws thrown to the ground form water bodies]: 483-485; Nash 1970 [The devil watches the world, life is in danger; he is being soldered; while Our Lady dances with him, Christ kills his children, takes over the world]: 201-202; lacandons [the owner of the underworld is drunk; the flower of immortality is hidden in his groin; the hero kidnaps him (the flower later disappears)]: Boremanse 1989:85; juice (Chapultenango) [older sister 15 the youngest is 12 years old, they went to pick beans; they met the eldest groom, he agreed with the bride when he came to their house; the cannibal overheard the conversation; the younger sister suspects that in the evening he did not call out to them the eldest groom; goes to bed in the bottom, the eldest with the imaginary groom under the roof; at night the youngest hears the cannibal say, What a tasty udder; a bunch of beans tell her to hide under her, not run; The cannibal says that the girl ran away; in the village, men asked the girl to scream to lure the ogre; put calebasses on their heads; a cannibal came, thought that the men were shaved, asked him to shave too; to him they ordered to bring firewood (shaving supposedly cold), tied it (so as not to cut yourself), threw it into the fire, it burned down]: Montemayor 1996 (2): 69-72.

Honduras-Panama. Sumu [invited to the party and killed]: Houwald, Rener 1987 (1) [husband first, then wife turning into snakes and eating people]: 2-3; 1987 (4): 5-6 [cannibal], 28 [man turning into a huge snake]; guatuso [a female deity owns lightning, the tail of a parrot; incinerates embryos in pregnant women so that people do not multiply; her name is to drink cocoa, asked to see how her lightning works; lightning has been returned, but it has only hit trees since then]: Constela Umaña 1993, No. 8:153-156; bribri [intending to sacrifice the girl Iriria to make her into earth, Sibö sent a fly to call the vulture king, a famous singer and dancer; for this he gave the fly a green rainbow color; the Vulture sang and danced, then asked for cocoa as a reward; for the supernatural cocoa creatures are human blood; S. offered him to drink chicha first, got him drunk, took out his keen dangerous eyes, replaced him with weaker ones made from the seeds of the slá tree; allowed him as a reward for dancing eat the eyes and flesh of the dead]: Segundo Vargas 1997:58; Guaimi [the ogre is called to drink cocoa; after drinking, he falls asleep; he is tied up in a hammock, buried face down alive]: Septimo, Joly 1986:40-41, 55- 57; kuna: Chapin 1989:40-41 [old man owner of drugs refuses to give them to people; girl dances, urinates and blows winds in front of his house; his warriors laugh; he leaves home, too starts laughing; the hero kills him with a stone, picks up plants; the victim turns into wasps], 81 [birds dance in front of the mighty Olokisbakvalele (Iguana); while he laughs, Tad Ibe turns his children into various lizards].

The Northern Andes. Guajiro [to steal thunder and lightning from the howler monkey, Rain invites him to a party and solders him]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 97 [thunder sister flirts with Howler], 99:260-279, 283-285; Turnebo [the owner of the dead and animals and his wife lose some of their strength and stop actively pursuing people after being intoxicated with drugs]: Marquez 1980:708.

Llanos. Sicuani [people solder and burn cannibals - The Sun and its wife Moon]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 1 [The sun is married to the Moon; kills and eats its brothers; people throw the Sun and Moon into the fire; The sun is red-hot, and the moon only has a burnt stomach; when the moon is one quarter away, it is said that its stomach is burnt; the moon jumps into the water, loses its heat; the Sun and the Moon rise to the sky; their son The Morning Star is covered in ulcers, the girl rejects him; he becomes handsome, now he rejects the girl himself, rises to the sky], 2 [The sun is married to the moon; his sister has many sons; every time he asks for one of the boys to accompany him on the hunt; eats each; one of the boys found the brothers' bones, ran to his mother; people called the Sun to the party, gave him drink; he came with a necklace made of the teeth of the dead tribesmen; he was thrown into the fire, he is badly burned, so it is bright and hot; the moon is only slightly burned trying to put out the fire and save her husband], 3 [each time Kuliwakua offers their son or daughter their brother to head, sucks blood, the child dies, K. then digs the corpse out of the grave and eats it; she made necklaces from her nails and teeth; her brother drove her away with her husband, her son stayed with her uncle; while hunting, the uncle sees how the nephew temporarily turns into a jaguar to kill the deer; the nephew returns to the cannibal mother; the brother prepares an intoxicating drink with fish poison, calls his sister and her husband; they are drunk, dancing, showing off necklaces made of teeth and nails; brother pushed them into the fire; K. jumped into the water but her husband didn't; both went up to heaven and became Sun and Moon]: 25-29, 30-31, 32-35.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomam [at her first period, Teremë's mother tells her to keep her hands clenched; she keeps them open, her hand turns into a sharp claw; she sharpens it; kills her sister's child, when she and her husband climb a tree for fruit; her sister runs away; the husband hesitates to get down; when he gets off, T. kills him, drinks blood, brings pieces of meat in the basket under the guise of meat to bakers; people find out human; they arrange a holiday, throw T. into the fire, it burns]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 251:470-472.

Guiana. Oyampy [birds approach the anaconda while dancing; suddenly they peck her tongue, dragging her ashore, killing her, staining her with fluids from her body]: Grenand 1982, No. 19:154-155.

Ecuador. Colorado [Ilusun ate a hunter, came to his house instead, brought a liver, said it was a trapped guanta, the rest was eaten by a jaguar; when the liver is brewed, tells the kids, I'm yours father; mother sent her sons for pepper, they ran away, came to the village where it was a holiday; I. asked the wife of the victim to look for lice from him, she saw a second bloody mouth on the back of her head, he ate people for them; woman said that she would go after her sons, ran to the same village, leaving her bowel movements to be responsible for herself; I. came in the morning, he was given an intoxicating drink; the widow of what he had eaten was dressed up as a man, cutting off her hair and making penis from the cob so that I. would not recognize her; he was blown pepper into his nose, thrown into a fire pit; his wife came in his footsteps, she was also given a drink; she managed to suck the child's brain; she was told to dance around the pit with they also pushed them into the fire; the shaman collected their ashes in a rubber bag, ordered them to be thrown into the water without opening it; curious people discovered flies, horseflies and other bloodsuckers flew out on the way; now there are many of them in the summer]: Aguavil, Aguavil 1985:108-118; Imbabura [new wife tells her husband to take his son and daughter to the mountains; he leaves the Calebas to buzz in the wind instead of himself, leaves; Chipicha invites children to herself, eats the boy at night; the girl looks in her hair, notices a second mouth on the back of her head; (var.: she eats a man with both mouths; two cannibals, the man tells the children that he is their father, the woman eats her their mother); both children are boys, one notices C.'s mouth on the back of his head, they set fire to C.'s house; they put the ash in a bag, tell the stufferer to throw it into the river; he opened the bag on the shore, insects flew out, ate it to the bone); the girl grabbed her brother's bones, ran to people, married the owner's son; var.: the girl sees an old woman with her breasts thrown over her back; she asks to look in her hair; she sees the second mouth on the back of her head; runs to people; an old woman comes, she is soldered, she dances, throwing her breasts behind her back; people burn her; she says she will turn into lice, fleas, blackberries, horseflies; ashes are put in a vessel, given the man throw it into the canal; he opened it, the creatures broke out, the man was left with only bones]: Parsons 1945:131-134.

Western Amazon. Koreguahe: Jimenez 1989, No. 29:64; Napo: Mercier 1979:142; Napo: Mercier 1979:32-33 [a dangerous jaguariha is lured into a pedestrian and walled up with music], 141-142 [kukuyu supay took the form of a hunter he had killed, brought his wife his meat under the guise of game; she recognized her husband, but still told him to cook the soup; the meat from the cauldron says to one of the sons, I am your father; while the cannibal was eating, the mother told her son to cry; took him to wash, ran to his mother's house; people hid the woman in a vessel, gave the demon a drink and threw him into the fire in a pit; he burned down]; napo or canelo [see motive A31; the girl became pregnant by her brother; he went to heaven, became a month old; she became an ilucu bird (nightjar? ; but then the story continues; the same below with the mother of the jaguars, who became a toad but continues to act as before) has left home; the Cuillor (younger) and Docero twins from her womb show the way; ask her to pick a flower, then a leaf, a fruit; when she picked the fruit, she was bitten by a wasp; she clapped her stomach because of you; the twins fell silent; the parrot on her shoulder began to point the road, but he was carried away by a falcon; the woman came to the mother of the jaguars; she hid her under the roof, warned her not to spit; the jaguars came, she spat, the eldest climbed, did not find it, the youngest found the woman, they spit her they were torn to pieces, the twins were given to their mother (tender meat), but they asked them not to eat; the mother of the jaguars hid them, a month later they had already grown up; the old woman asked them to prepare firewood; they collected a huge pile, told pull from below, the old woman filled up the firewood; the next time she asked for water, they directed the river, when the old woman opened the door, the water carried her; the twins told the old woman to collect corn in the middle fields, made it endless; she can't find her way back; the voice of the toad "ooh" can be heard; since then, where corn grows, the toad unculu screams; the brothers brought the old woman home; the elder brother tells the younger not throw the leftovers wrapped in leaves into the water; he threw them away, they turned into a stingray, and when he started fishing, the stingray plunged his thorn into it; the mother of the jaguars asked them to make a bridge over the river for them; brothers turned into birds, made clubs, came back; the elder told the youngest to cut off the bridge at the signal, but he said there was no need for a signal; when all the jaguars stepped on the bridge, the elder cut off his end, and the youngest he fiddled for a long time and a pregnant jaguariha ran away; her traces are still visible on the river rocks; the brothers told the Old Jaguar about their adventures; he asked them to set traps and the brothers caught almost all birds and animals; the Old Jaguar decided to eat them; his brothers killed him, took out his spine, filled him with ash, put insects in his eyes; shouted that the jaguar wanted to eat them; the old mother of jaguars ran, hit the scarecrow with a stick, the ash blinded her, the brothers washed her eyes; the ancient Jaguar devoured everyone; the brothers made a room inside Mount Galera, put a lot of food and musical instruments there, they lured Jaguar with a game; he started playing himself, did not notice how the brothers came out; they told the hole to close; the Jaguar started rushing, one leg was left outside; there was still a roar; other jaguars brought him food; a huge harpy eagle devoured everyone; Cuillor hid in a rubber bag; the eagle could not tear it, threw it on the clouds; C. does not know how to go down; the old man Uchitican says he is also from the ground; ordered sit on his back, close his eyes, open him after the second whistle, flew; but C. opened after the first one, fell into the forest; Docero went to look for him; began to pick edible mushrooms from the trunk; scream from the trunk {apparently mushrooms are C.'s ears, but it's not directly said}; the woodpecker cut the hole; for this D. gave him a red handkerchief over his head; C. made glue, the eagle stuck, D. broke his wing with a blow of the club; the brothers turned him into stone; it is visible now - it looks like an eagle with a broken wing; a huge anaconda devoured people; the brothers made a trap, persuaded them to climb into it, turned the anaconda into stone; the thunder killed many; the brothers found him sleeping on a tree branch; they cut his neck with an ax, told him to petrify; there are thunderstones in this place now; the evil frog spirit ("devil") took the form of a mother, told the children to dance; the brothers hid, told him to become a stone; the brothers asked the caiman to transport them across the sea; when the first one sailed, he answered the caiman every time that it smelled like fragrant flowers; when he jumped ashore, he said that he was like a caiman; But when the Cayman took the second one, but he had time to bite off the young man's leg; the bees pasted his leg with wax; the brothers made a fire, the smoke rose to the sky, became a staircase, and the brothers climbed into heaven; C. became as a morning star and D. as an evening star]: Orr, Hudelson 1971, No. 2-15:7-49; Canelo [the dying husband promises to return; the pregnant wife gives birth; tells the bird that if the husband were alive, he would bring firewood; the bird disappears, the forest spirit Aya appears; brings a bunch of bones; the woman says that the child needs relief, leaves the house, runs to people celebrating the trophy head festival; she is hidden in a basket under the roof; Aya is involved in a dance; a woman is given a basket of hot coals, she pours them into Aya's eyes; in the morning, a bird's corpse is at this place]: Hartmann, Oberem 1971, No.B1:695; 1987:160; shuar [Cannibal gets involved in dancing]: Rueda 1987, no. 53:229

NW Amazon. Carijona [the younger brother is a good hunter, the younger brother is not; he makes a jaguar mask out of his bast, painted it (there were no jaguars then); began hunting as a jaguar, brought meat to the hunting hut , became human again, fired an arrow into the carcass to think that he had killed the animal with an arrow; began to catch more game than his younger brother; the younger brother followed, also made a jaguar mask, went to the maloka to frighten people, but the mask grew to him; he tore the elder and his wife to pieces, then all the inhabitants of Maloka except his mother; at her request, he agreed to go to the forest; promised to return in a month, let his mother would cook chichi; a month later, people dug a hole, hid, cook to tear off the mask, throw it into the fire, put fish poison into the chicha; the Jaguar became intoxicated, began to dance with his mother, said that he no longer drink with his mouth maybe he told me to pour chicha in his ass; when he fell, people threw it into the fire; pieces of skin became jaguars, ocelots and other cats; mosquitoes, gadflies, etc. came from the smoke, and ticks from burnt meat]: Schindler 1979, No. 10:100-105; puinave [the first humans lived above the clouds; the monkey quarreled with them, they died fighting each other; a woman stayed, collected bones, put them to dry on the roof of the house; from them came Túpana, his brother Qáitan, their sisters Máunuddua and Amárrundua; T. killed his adopted mother, made her flesh the inhabitants of the underworld; underground people are dwarfs; they eat cassava, in they have no fish in rivers; they hardly hunt, because the animals in their world are huge; T. descended from the sky, blew into a rolled leaf, summoned some underground people to the ground through a hole on the Isana River, where the world is center; blew on them through a leaf of tobacco, people became normal; taught culture; people became bad, T. ordered the rivers of the underworld to fill the ground with a flood; divided the survivors in the mountains and trees into pairs, gave different languages; to suppress the human race again, he created Yopinai, under his leadership, women began to rule men; during rituals, women sang and danced in honor of Y., and men hid in the forest; J. ordered women to kill all male babies, they did not listen; then he ordered the month to eat only land and coal so that women would become infertile; the men invited J. to the feast, threw them into the fire; from the ashes grew palm trees and other trees with edible fruits; men began to control women; some J.'s bones were preserved, from which ritual musical instruments were made; T. taught how to make the same made of wood and throw the originals into a lake in the center of the world]: Waldegg 1942:195-197 in Wilbert 1963:110-113; see motif C18: bar; tariana; baniva; desana; tatuyo: Bidou 1983:38; baniva (curripaco) [the world was small, you could touch the low sky with a stick; Iñápirrikúli's four sons put an insect (cigarrón) in a vessel, saying that this is Kuwái; a big man came, explained that K. was himself, ordered him to fast, flogged, and all members of his body sounded like sacred flutes at that time; his mother was surprised that the sons refused to eat, he followed, told his wife that K. was a dangerous cannibal; invited him to the village, K. agreed that all the women would leave by then; K. came, playing the flute, which made powerful sounds; then the world became big, people, animals, and everything else appeared in it; 5 days before the end of fasting, K. climbed a tree for fruit, and the young men began to secretly bake and eat the fallen fruits; Feeling the smoke, K. went down, told him to show his mouth, found out that four were eating, but Hérri did not, called for a drink, turned his mouth into a house, the young men hid there from the rain, K. closed his mouth, ate them; belching, placed them in vessels, brought I.; H. explained what had happened; I. ordered wooden statues of the dead to be made as if they were alive; H. called K., said that I. was not angry because the young men were alive; K. told H. that his only fire can kill; K. came, soplaba (apparently inhaled the drug) with his younger brother I. Dzúli, intoxicated, fell into the fire, he was burned; the world became small again for a while; but in 4 days matica de Yébaro grew up and next to macanilla; on her, the squirrel cut its paw and bleed tags, enough to make flutes; the world is big again, its owner is I.]: Domínguez Méndez 1986:148-152; letuama [the girl began to swim when she was in her first period; her captured the Bat; was accepted by his son-in-law; killed his wife's brother while hunting, said he killed a jaguar; killed his second brother while fishing; never laughs; the third brother tells his sister to sit down and spread her legs; when he sees vagina, Bat laughs, everyone sees hair on his teeth; people burned a tree with bats; two children escaped, people took them in; the Bat girl sucked a child once; his mother threw it into the fire; the reeds that are used to make flutes have grown]: Palma 1984:157-161.

Eastern Amazon. Hissing [the man was jealous of his wife for the shaman, decided to kill him during a ritual dance; when the spirit of the deceased in the form of a shaman began to dance, the jealous man and his comrades went to where they had hidden them in advance weapons, killed the shaman with arrows; (more precisely, the spirit of the dead threw a wounded shell at the shaman); the mythical jaguar Apu Shipai, who was here, immediately ate the victim and those nearby; ASH was invisible from the outside it only seemed that the blood was disappearing somewhere; after dark, people began to disappear; the residents left the village, the old woman and the boy remained; in the middle of the day, ASH came to her in the form of a murdered shaman; he killed the man killed took the form of a wild pig (taitetu); ASH began to bring this meat to the old woman and boy, they did not know what was human; while the old woman was swimming, ASH asked the boy to pull something stuck in his tooth; he saw a man on his teeth; ASH said that the hair of the boy's father, uncle and brother was there; the boy told the old woman; she made kashiri, poisoning him with raw cassava, and told the parrot to answer for them , hid with the boy under the vessel; the parrot replied ASH that the old woman and the boy were on the site, and the kashiri was ready; ASH was drinking, looking for an old woman, the parrot said that he was not looking well, he needed to drink more; ASH lost consciousness, the old woman finished him off with a pestle]: Nimuendaju 1920:1035-1037.

The Central Andes. San Miguel Village, Arauay County, Prov. Kant, dep. Lima [the cannibal Pishtako on Mount Pishta Machai demands a child for lunch every week; when everyone is eaten, he brings a widow with a son and daughter; calls the Wilka children grandchildren; orders bring water in the basket; when the children return, they find their mother's meat in the cauldron; P. asks him to remove his insects, falls asleep, the children run away; ask the Weichau bird to wake P. when they are over fifth mountain; a peasant hides them in the nostrils of an ox; a woman makes chicha, gives water to P.; his drunk is invited to dance, pushed into the abyss; Wilka makes guns from deer antler, harvesting a big harvest] : Arguedas, Izquierdo Rnos 1989:22-23.

Montagna - Jurua. Machigenga: Baer 1984, No. 11 [like a spike]: 452-454; Pereira 1988b [Pachacamui turns people into animals; his sister invites him to a party; he is soldered, asked to dance, are being pushed into the abyss]: 26.

Southern Amazon. Kayabi [hero invites a dangerous spirit to dance and then his wife pushes both into a hole]: Pereira 1995, No. 3:37-38; Rickback: Pereira 1994, No. 30 [mother poisons the ogre who ate her sons], 6 [The lizard told the woman that her hunter husband was swallowed by fish chief Anaconda; the woman has various eggs in her basket; she is waiting for a bird to hatch that will break the bamboo and withstand its weight necklaces; only the Harpy Eagle has managed to do it; he invites fish and Anaconda to drink chicha; Anaconda comes with her son, leaves his wife at home; if they die, she will take revenge; the Eagle kills, eats father and son; now all anacondas in the river are females; women find beads in Eagle excrement (from swallowed Anaconda jewelry), make necklaces for themselves; the Eagle catches and eats the most beautiful women, remains ugly; then The eagle disappears]: 78-81, 188-189.