Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C21. Drought (.12.51.72.)

During a severe drought, birds (and animals) go after the owners of the rain and bring them back.

West Africa. Background: Herskovits, Herskovits 1958, No. 2 [Azz (=Sagbata) - Ananu's son, disobedient, sold; disobedient again, sold to Death; and he failed, sold him again; returns home, says he is stronger than Death; he became king, removing Hevioso; he stopped raining; the Eagle, the Cat came to heaven, H. killed and; the Chameleon came, hid from the lightning, appeared before H., he gave him a calebass with water, promised not to stop the rain or interfere in earthly affairs if Azz did not interfere in the affairs of heaven], 3 [Sagbata is the elder brother, went down to earth, Sogbo younger, stayed in heaven in front of his mother Mawu; stopped the rain; people on earth complain that drought has come since Sagbata became king; two men from heaven explained that if Sagbata wants water, he owes part of his wealth beat Wututu to Sogbo's friend; Sogbo sent rain, the brothers reconciled], 4 [(about 2, 3)]: 126-129, 129-132, 132-134.

NW Mexico. First, the birds, then the toad, go to the Thunders on the edge of the world. Yaki: Giddings 1959:60; crust: Lumholtz 1903 (1): 514.

Chaco. Ayoreo [humans (future herons) find the rain mistress who has left people, bring her back]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 42:78; (cf. angaite [the father did not wait for his son in the forest, he got lost; the forest man broke his bones, put him in a bag with snakes, hung him on a tree, left; the women found the boy, brought him home, healed him; The forest man came looking for him; they started beating him, but he was alive; said he could only be killed by hitting him on the heel; he was hit, he died, the first night came; it lasted a long time, finally the sun rose]: Cordeu 1973, No. 12:211-212).