Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C22. Toad in search of Thunder. .22.51.53.

During a severe drought or global fire, birds and animals are sent to thunders living on the edge of the world to bring rain. The last of the messengers reaches his goal. The toad plays an important role in action.

(Wed. Burma - Indochina. Vieta [it did not rain for three years; the animals decided to send the Hare to the Jasper Emperor; the Hare advised to send not him, but the Toad; she agreed to the condition that the Fox, the Bear, would be given to help her and Tiger; Tiger agrees only if the Toad jumps across the lake and back before him; she quietly clung to the Tiger's tail; the Tiger regurgitated the meat of the animals he ate to prove his power, and the Toad regurgitated the meat of the animals he ate, the Toad regurgitated the meat of the animals he ate the wool that she swallowed while holding the tail; the Tiger was frightened; in the sky, the Toad began to beat the drum; the Jasper Lord sent the chickens to peck it, but she released the Fox on the chickens; sent the dog to release Bear; Vladyka had to listen to the Toad; when he learned about the drought, he told the ambassador's rain god to rain; the Jasper Lord told Toad from now on only to shout: he would understand that rain was needed, he would not have to go up to heaven]: Knorozova 2000:37-40).

NW Mexico. First, the birds, then the toad, go to the Thunders on the edge of the world. Yaki: Giddings 1959:60; crust: Lumholtz 1903 (1): 514.

Honduras-Panama. Bokota [contrary to the ban, the mother of the Sun opens a vessel of fire, a world fire breaks out; the Sun sends animals to bring rain; the first three do not obey orders, but eat and return; this Toad (it is not said that she ate), Vulture (bites a dead cow and horse), Hummingbird (sucks flower nectar); Swallow Thunder promises to rain, tells her to return without looking back; she looks around, sees a thunderstorm, hides under a stone; after a thunderstorm, the Swallow bites the Toad, which regurgitates the spark, the Swallow wants to extinguish it, the Toad explains that people will need fire and will remain in the volcano, in the stones, in the wood of the seiba; the swallow has been living in burrows ever since; the Sun has gone to heaven, takes care of men, and the Month is about women]: Margery Peña 1994a, No. 4:68-71; 1991:5.