Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C23. The tree obscures the sun.



growth or fall of a giant tree determines the state of the sky with its stars (the tree blocks the sun's light or threatens to destroy the sky, tears the sun off the sky when falling, etc.).

Hungwe, Khasi, (Minyong), Black Tai, Lao, Muong, Lu, Muria, Gadaba, Tamils, Dusun, Kalevala, Estonians, Ingrians, Karelians, Finns, Norwegians, Mordovians, Bribri, Cabecar, Eastern Panama, makushi, chikuna, chayahuita, ashaninka.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Hungwe [to end the year-long drought, the chief's daughter, of marriageable age, must be sacrificed, but a virgin; none are found; then a girl is raised in retreat for two years; when it reaches maturity, it is strangled, buried under a tree at the top of an anthill; in three days, a tree grows from the grave to the sky, covers the moon and stars with its crown, its leaves turn into clouds, 30 It has been raining for days; since then, a virgin has been sacrificed during a drought]: Frobenius, Fox 1937:233-236.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Khashi: Rafy 1920, No. 8 [The Iei tree grows to a gigantic size, obscures the sun; people cut down the trunk, go to rest, felling overgrows overnight; Wren says that felling U Khla licks the tiger; loggers leave the axes in the felling with the point outward; the tiger hurts the tongue, runs away, the tree falls down; =Bertrand 1958:145, but the tree is named Ka Dingiei]: 43-48; Stirn, Ham 2000 [was 16 the first Khasi families, each in their own home; 7 families were on earth, 9 in the sky; the earth and sky were connected by a giant oak tree, it had a staircase, earthly and heavenly people communicated; the Tiger persuaded people to cut down an oak tree ; when he fell, he blocked the sun, it did not rise; the Rooster screamed for many days, tempting the sun to return]: 119; (cf. miniong [Sun and Month relieved themselves in the same place; their urine grew an Indian breadtree (artocarpus); Doiying Botte cut it down with his machete; a piece of bark fell under the land where Kine-Dene sat on it like a chicken sits on eggs; after 5 days, the chicken hatched, became a rooster; all this time there was no sun and darkness reigned; the rooster went to the house of the Sun and the Month, cried and half an hour later, the Sun came out of the house]: Elwin 1958a, No. XIX.5:344).

Burma - Indochina. The black thai of Laos [the vá tree covered the whole world, and the háy tree covered the whole earth; seven sons Kap and Ke (brother and sister who escaped the flood) cut down trees, and 9 moons shone in the sky ( "mothers of heat"), 8 suns; the water dried up, the turtles cracked their shells; the coot and the turtledove flew to heaven, asked God Po Tchen to help ordered the chicken to peck 8 suns and 7 moons, she could not; the drake could, because it was necessary to swim to the suns and moons; after that, 7 brothers and parents settled in Luang Prabang]: Bourlet 1907:924-925 (retelling in Chesnov 1980a: 622); Lao, Ly and other Thai of Laos [ the vine grew to the sky, obscured the whole earth; only Phu Ngo and his wife Ne Ngam decided to cut it down; asked people to pay tribute to them in the future; after 3 months and 3 days, the cut down vine fell on the PN and NN, burying them under her; the sun shone again]: Chesnov 1982m: 354; muong [Za Zen was born from the butt of the si tree, which blocked heaven and earth; spawned two eggs, of which came out for a son; sons married heavenly fairies; these marriages gave birth to demons and two birds, Tung and Toth; they laid an egg, round on one side, square on the other, incubated in vain for long years; Zen sent Taochao birds to incubate an egg; then the ancestors of the Muong and neighboring peoples came out of the egg]: Nikulin 1980s: 456.

South Asia. Muria [at first, the clouds were close to the ground like husband to wife; people were small, plowing rats, knocking their heads against the clouds; Lingo and his brothers pushed the clouds away; there was no sun and moon; when the Huppe Piyer tree was blooming, it was the day when it dried up - night; 12 Lingo brothers and 13 Bhimul brothers cut it down, could sleep and cook in the felling; they almost cut it down, but the tree did not fall because it was above it the bird was held by Gara-surial-pite; Kosa Kana killed it with an ax, the tree collapsed; local Rajas sent warriors to kill the loggers, but L. killed them, blood nourished the tree; the brothers carved two discs out of wood, the lower one for the sun, upper for the moon; L. rose in the sky, stole Mahapurub's little son, killed him, revived the stars with his blood; the male sun drank a lot, blushed; the woman-moon was not enough, remained pale; seeing The sun, Mahapurub was pleased]: Elwin 1949, No. 8:62-64; gadaba [the clouds were so close to the ground that people could not straighten up to their full height; to make the sun, Mahaprabhu found a giant tree; He cut it down for six months while he knocked him down, worked it for another six months; a mountain of chips accumulated; his wife went looking for him, while he was just on the other path to the house; his wife looked for him under the mountain chips, they took off, became stars]: Elwin 1954, No. 4:59; Tamils ("Kandapuranam") [demon Sur (Surapadma; "scare", "suffering") and his brothers praised Shiva, gained power over him universe; the gods complained to Shiva, he agreed to give birth to a son who would destroy demons; Murugan was born from the seed of Shiva, defeated the demon Taraka, spearing Mount Crown, in which he was hiding, killed others, began a battle with S.; he took the form of waves, fire, death, mountains, clouds, produced shadows among which he hid, then turned into a mango tree in the middle of the ocean; its branches, reaching the boundaries of the universe, they plunged the world into darkness, their hesitation caused stars to fly from heaven, mountains turned over; M.'s fiery spear drained the ocean around the tree, cut the tree to the root; S. doubled, becoming a rooster and a peacock; M. took an image of a rooster on his banner, and a peacock with his wahana]: Dubyansky 1985:126.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Dusun (kadazan) [the rock split at Mount Kinabalu, the boy Nanangkis and the girl Babalayong came out; N. heard a voice in a dream; he ordered to go around the rock, there was a nut; N. planted it, a giant one grew up a tree with leaves on the top of his head that blocked the sun; N. tried to cut it, but the ax was no good; the same voice ordered to kill the huge Mondou bird that had made its nest on this tree; a voice told him to go behind the rock again , there is a sarbakan; N. shot a bird with it, tied its axe tightly to the handle with its tendons, and knocked down a tree with a third blow; when it fell, it became a river with tributaries; the tree fell on the evil spirit and that demanded sacrifices (the origin of sacrifice rituals); N. and B. got married and have many children; one of the sons is Kimbalu, his seventh son Pinson has an egg in his hands at birth, and came out of it a rooster with a copper beak and golden legs; a rooster led P. and his men to the seashore]: Villard 2013:16-20.

Baltoscandia. Kalevala [Väinämöinen comes out of the water to a deserted shore and tells Sampse Pellervoinen to sow trees; at first, the oak does not sprout; once sown, it grows, blocks the moon with foliage and the sun; a little man rises from the sea, cuts down an oak tree; the moon and day are visible again; birds are singing, grasses are growing, but barley is not yet there; V. finds several barley grains on the coastal sand, cuts down the forest under arable land, leaves one birch tree for birds; The eagle is glad that a tree has been left for him; carves fire, lets V. burn the cut; V. sows barley]: rune 2:43-52; Estonians [girls sweep the seashore, they find an oak sprout, bring it home, plant it to the delight of their father, mother, brother, sister; oak is not accepted; when planted to the delight of the girl or her fiancé, the oak began to grow rapidly; its trunk and branches they obscure the sun and moon; the search for a person who could cut it down to remove the barrier from sunlight and moonlight begins; an undersized character (the younger brother of the songwriter copes with the oak tree or a peasant who comes out of the sea); oak is made of useful things, buildings are built, a girl is made a dowry chest; "Big Oak" is known to Karelians]: Viidalepp 1980:56-57; Finns [ an oak tree grew, began to hold the clouds, covered the sun and moon; no one could cut it down; a man as tall as his thumb in a stone hat and shoes came out of the sea, hit the oak three times with his ax, covered with ornaments, the oak fell, the butt remained in the east, the top of the trunk fell west across the Pokjela River, forming an eternal bridge, going to gloomy Pohjela; one of the chips fell into the sea, daughter Hiisi gave it to the blacksmith, who made blunt arrows out of her, which bring pleurisy and stabbing in the side, as well as horse disease; make arrows - Hiisi's daughter's hair, plumage - from the tail of a swallow, smeared with snake venom tips, horsehair bowstring; he (Aijo's son) fired the first arrow into the sky, it trembled, the second into the ground, it almost went to Mana, cracked, the third hit a person (causing illness), it can extract by the word of God]: Abercromby 1892, No. 35:50-53; Ingrians: Kiuru 1990, No. 5 [under my father's window, my sister threw out the foam from the beer; an oak tree (aka mountain ash) grew in this place; does not allow it to fly by birds, covered the sun with the moon; the sister came to her brother, who was buying gold and silver; answered what was for her; she asked to cut down the oak/mountain ash; he cut it down, from the butt, top, branches, chips kegs, clamps, charms, etc., and cut down a bathhouse from the trunk; "This is the bathhouse of sweet brothers and the chapel of two sisters"]: 41-43; Kiuru et al. 1974, No. 2 (western 1968) [about the same; about 60 options in total]: 254-255, 488; Norwegians [{probably a fairy tale episode}; a huge oak tree grew under the windows of the royal castle; he did not let a single ray into the rooms; his They tried to cut down in vain: with each blow it grew thicker and stronger; finally, a samokhat axe was found that knocked down a tree]: Nordisch. Märchenbuch in Afanasiev 1994 (3): 298.

Volga - Perm. Mordva: Latynin 1933 [(apparently Erzya); an apple tree "with roots all the width of the earth" and "branches to the whole sky" in the song "Feast of the Gods"; two other songs recorded by V. Mainov; in them, the apple tree grew in the field between roads, covered the earth with its roots, covered the sky with branches (or "its roots around the earth, its knots around the sky; its branches are elbow long, its leaves with its hand width;... From which side the sun rises, its apples turn red; on which side the sun goes down, its apples turn white "]: 10-12; Paasonen 1938, No. 10 [Song: huge, huge meadow/on a huge meadow a huge hill/there is no grass on the hill/only a white birch grows, /a white birch tree, a beautiful birch/, it has covered the ground with its roots, /eclipsed the sun with its leaves, /eclipsed the moon with its shadow, /God didn't know anything about it/God cursed her trunk, /her trunk split, one part fell east, /the other part fell west]: 34-35 (=Tolley 2009, No. 13:34); Samorodov 1972 (moksha) [someone stole the sun, moon, and stars; only Ivashka Primetliv volunteered to go; he was given a coachman; while he sleeps, IP goes to the bridge; a 5-headed snake pulls up; they fight, then the snake offered to rest; IP took possession of the right barrel, and the snake had to drink from the left; IP cut off the snake's head; the next night the 7-headed serpent; the same; then 9-headed (IP changed the barrels again); IP killed the snake; took the stars; tells the coachman that he must return for the forgotten mittens; hears the conversation between the mother and the widows of snakes; widows promise to become a spring, an apple tree, a strong storm; IP cuts a spring and an apple tree with a sword, blood and pus flow; they hide from the storm in the forge; the blacksmith suggests lick the door with his tongue; IP took his tongue with ticks, sat on a snake, followed the coachman; the girls he met: the guy is good, and the horse is rubbish; the same is the guys; the IP is silent; the same is the old man; the IP scolded him, and the old man scolded him : why are you riding my parent on horseback; girls and boys surrounded the IP, asking the old man what to do with him; old man: let Buryaga's daughter get it (about like Baba Yaga); IP went to look for Buryaga; meets, companions a hot bath cooler, counting fish, a stargazer; B. is invited to wash in a hot iron bath (the cooler has cooled it); B. tells his daughter to disappear in the water, disappear into sky; the counters of fish and stars returned it, IP gave it to the old man, received the stars; came to the king, began to release stars, then a month, the sun; took the king's kingdom and married the girl he had brought]: 312-319 (= 1985:273-278).

Honduras-Panama. It covers or destroys the sky. Bribri: Bozzoli 1976 [a woman's hair is always wet and salty; Sibu kisses them, blessing the future of the sea; the shaman gives her his rod, tells her not to let go; she lets go, rod turns into a snake, bites a woman, she dies, is buried; a huge tree grows on the grave; S. is afraid that it will break the roof of his house (=peace); tells him to cut down; people work all day, felling the next morning overgrows; their axes break; S. comes to Okoma, sitting down on a bench every time breaks it, pushes a new one closer; finally asks and receives an ax; people cut down a tree; S. tells Martin Pe ca and the cormorant tie the top of the head to the roots; tells the cannibal to be ready to grab the fruits that will fall; the tree presses the cannibal; turns into water; as it described the circle ( the top of the head is tied to the roots), the sea surrounds the land; the tree has fallen to the north, there are most islands; the open sea is where the trunk was]: 420-421; Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas 1987 [Shibyo gives his sister his a rod; it turns into a snake, bites it, it dies; a giant tree grows out of a corpse; S. sends people to cut it down; after 18 days of work, the axes are broken, they follow others; the old woman collects from the foot of fallen chicks; loggers ask her to support the tree; it falls on it, turns into the sea, the birds into fish; the old woman's movements cause excitement at sea]: 20; Stone 1962 [God fears that growing a tree will pierce the roof of the house (= sky); he cut it down, it crushed evil spirits living on earth and turned into a sea]: 56; Eastern Panama (kuna?) [God created animals, birds, and plants; created a turbulent river into which all the rivers in the world flow; on its banks he grew a tree whose branches began to prevent the sun from moving; ordered two squirrels, a large and small, to knock down a tree; a large sliver that flew off injured the spine, since then it has been humpback; the small one has fallen; when the tree fell, the tree blocked the river, formed a sea; the leaves of the tree turned into fish, pieces of bark in crocodiles, turtles and iguanas; to prevent the tree from sprouting again, told monkeys, eagles (gavilánes) and ants to eat them]: Adrian de Santo Tomás in Wassen 1933:122-123; cabecar [Sibu made the sky; saw a bat on the rock, piles of land under it, her bowel movements; told her to eat more fruit; sent a Sea woman to Thunder to ask him to destroy the rock so that people could get the land; Thunder wants to eat S.'s people, but still gave the Sea woman its rod; she left her rod, came back, saw a snake in this place, it bit her, she died, began to swell; S. put a frog on her to stop the swelling, but the frog rushed to catch insects; The sea swelled to the sky, S. turned it into a tree; it continued to grow, pierced the sky; Okama agrees to cut down the tree; S. sends a deer trample the clearing where the tree will fall (since then the deer has been running fast); sent a kingfisher and a cormorant to describe a circle above the tree; the tree falls, turns into a sea; parrot nests in the tree have become turtles , leaves with crabs; Thunder destroyed the rock, took the devil's son out of there, spread it out, made him a round earth; told the devil to move the earth; made people out of corn grains; allowed the bat to drink blood humans and animals]: Stone 1962:53-54.

Guiana. Makushi [Anike and Inskira went east, came to the old woman; she has corn, bananas, all kinds of fruits; they followed her, came to a tree with yam, corn, bananas, etc.; decided to cut down; A. cut down from the west, I. from the east; when the tree fell, the sun took with it; it became dark; the Arepopu and Makauaré brothers said that the sun was at the bottom of the river; another pair of Loriuepaneima brothers and Uomai indicated the direction; these four began to dive, took out pieces of sun; A. collected them, revived them; the Sun was grateful, promised to give the moon as a reward]: Soares Diniz 1971, No. 5:82.

NW Amazon. Tikuna [the tree covered the sky; Dioy shoots through the leaves with a slingshot, star holes appear; together with Brother Epi and ants and termites, he cuts the trunk, the tree remains hanging ; D. promises Sister E. to the one who cuts the vine holding the tree; Big Squirrel cannot, Malaya discovers that it is not a vine, but a Sloth; the squirrel poured ants on him, he let go of the tree; falling, it hit Squirrel on the tail, now he's bent]: Nimuendaju 1952:123-124.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [a huge genip tree overshadows the sun; people cannot burn vegetable gardens in the dark; Kumpanama is about to knock it down to the east; the branches will turn into small rivers, the trunk will be large; Indians will live along its shores, and mestizos in the upper reaches; Woodpeckers, Parrots, Monkeys cut down a tree; K.'s ax breaks, he sends the White Monkey to his wife (grandmother) for resin to repair axe; a woman shows the Monkey her pubic hair, says K. takes the resin from here; K. comes and finds them making love; the White Monkey turns into a white monkey; returning to the tree, K. sees it fall to the west; cries, tears turn into Aguaruna Indians, peanut shells into their boats; K. turns people into different animals and birds, asking everyone about their habits and methods sustenance]: García Tomas 1994 (3): 251-253; Ashaninka (nomatsigenga) [the tree has overshadowed the light; the hero and his people cut it down, but the felling overgrows; they began to cut down early in the morning and burn the trunk; the felled tree rose to the sky (formed the sky)]: Shaver 1975:52.