Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C29. An overheard secret ..

People (God) learn a secret by overhearing (peeking) a character talking to himself or relatives (or doing things you should remember). The knowledge gained is related to cosmogony or to the acquisition of cultural values.

Bilin, Namuzi, Lolo, Miao (Guizhou), Bulgarians, Macedonians, Serbs, Romanians, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Nogais, Adygs, Latvians, Mari, Chuvash, Marie, Kazan Tatars, Karakalpaks, Khakas (Sagai and Kachins), Altaians, Teleuts, Chelkan, Tubalars, Shors, Baikal (Balagan, Alar) and Trans-Baikal (Selenginsky) Buryats, Oirats.

Sudan - East Africa. Bilin [people came to God to learn how to farm; he ordered to plow the field, but refused to explain further, sent it to hell; hell agreed to explain, provided that people fell away from God, but they refused, came to God again; God advised us to observe the line secretly; people saw how to plow, sow, etc., and have been farming ever since]: Reinisch 1883, No. 4:70-73.

China - Korea. Namuzi [three brothers cultivate the land, the ground is untouched again in the morning; they find an old man turning back layers of land with a hoe; two older ones want to kill him, the youngest wants to listen to him ; the old man says that there will be a flood, there is no point in working; tells the older brother to make a boat out of metal, the middle one made of wood, the youngest takes his younger sister into his boat, the boats of the older brothers drowned; the water came down, the rest of the people drowned; brother and sister see two columns of smoke; sister takes a flute, goes one way, brother takes a knife, goes to the other; enters the house, there are human bones; children cannibals are explained that the parents have gone to catch the corpses of brother and sister, the rest of the corpses have already been taken out; the brother runs away; comes to where the sister married; she tells me to eat little, the brother does not listen; he is killed; but only he knew how to light a fire, carry water, grind grain, herd goats (crows, frogs, dragons, peacocks know, but not everyone can); so his brother has to be revived; his father's seven daughters fly in to swim Sky, wings are removed, the young man hides the youngest's wings; says that they were gnawed by mice; the maiden promises to marry the one who will return her wings; she found her wings, returned to heaven; he climbed after her; father-in-law and the mother-in-law began to scald his hair, because people's bodies used to be covered with wool; the wife intervened, the hair remained only on the head; the father-in-law demands 1) to dig up nine fields (the wife orders to leave each field on the hoe, they work themselves); 2) burn the felled vegetation (leave nine torches); 3) dig up again with a hoe (the same); 4) sow buckwheat (leave the seed vessels at the edge of the fields); 5) again collect the seeds (leave the bags by the field); but three seeds are not enough; they were taken away by a turtle, his wife tells her to shoot her in the morning, he takes the seeds out of the goiter, brings them to his father-in-law; 6) recognize the mother-in-law as an animal bring (the wife tells you to grab the first sheep); 7) get to know the father-in-law (this will be yak); the young man gets a wife, cattle, they are sent to the ground; the mother-in-law tells not to sing, the young man sang, the cattle ran away, the wife managed to cover part with their skirt, these animals became domestic, the rest became wild; the couple can't do anything, poor, sent Crow with nine bowls of tears to heaven to his wife's parents; The raven felt on the way thirsty, drank tears, told father-in-law and mother-in-law that their daughter and son-in-law were rich and prosperous, that they were drowning the hearth with pork, wiping themselves with grain; father-in-law was angry, sent tigers and boars to the ground, they ruined a few the fields that the young had; the Bat offered to bring 9 tears to heavenly parents; but the heavenly father-in-law and mother-in-law did not answer what to do to live normally on earth; the Bat said that she will sleep outside, and hid behind the bed herself; I heard my mother-in-law say: don't they know that three stones should be placed on the hearth, then children will be born; put the roof of the house on poles; lead irrigation ditches to the fields; when mother-in-law finished, the father-in-law noticed the Bat, threw a pestle at her, and since then her nose has been flattened; the Bat brought these three news to earth, people began to live normal]: Lakhi 2009 (1): 67-152; lolo [two brothers cultivate the site, virgin land again in the morning; they stay guarded, see the old man restore the untouched field with a hoe; two the elders want to kill him, the youngest stops them; the old man tells them that there will be a flood; the older brother must make an iron boat, the middle brother must make a bronze boat, the younger one must make a wooden boat, take a pair of them all living beings; the boat docks on the mountain; the animals and birds rejoice, but the Frog asks why the Raven (Crow) is thoughtful; he replies that the king of heaven will raise water to the sky and the queen of heaven will not be him interfere; animals send a Raven, a Bee, a Snake on a Goose and a Frog on another bird to heaven; the Bee, then the Serpent, bite the queen of heaven; the frog is known as a healer; agrees to cure the queen if her husband promises to give her daughter for Ch'iao-mu-Shih-ch'i (younger brother); he answers vaguely, but the daughter herself expresses a desire to marry a young man; she goes down to the ground, they have three sons, but they are dumb and mischievous; The yellow Sparrow flies to the sky and overhears Moth saying that if you burn three knees of bamboo and they burst noisily, the brothers will speak; Heavenly Mother sends a messenger to grab the Sparrow, but that He just tore off his tail; since then, sparrows have a short tail; bamboo was burned, the brothers spoke Lolo, Tibetan, Chinese, and became the ancestors of the peoples]: Graham 196:85-88; Miao (Guizhou) [Jang Vang and The God of Thunder is brothers; JAV has no ox, he asked Thunder for a loan, plowed the field, and then stabbed the ox and ate it; stuck his tail in the mud, said that the ox had failed; the thunder began to pull and fell into the mud; furious he went up to heaven and sent rain and hail to drown JAV; he planted a gorlyanka pumpkin, which immediately grew and bore fruit; the flood flooded the ground, the calebas {in which, obviously, JAV} floated to the sky; the thunder sent a goose find out what it was; the goose came back, said that one mountain was still above the water; the thunder hit the goose, since then he had a bump on its beak; sent a duck - the same thing, Thunder stepped on its beak, flattening it; sent a ram - the same The thunder twisted his horns; the rooster did not dare to tell the truth, said that there was only the sea below; for this Thunder gave him a good beak that is convenient for pecking grain; the waters came down, JAV came to the ground, but alone; bamboo prompted him to marry his sister; JAV cut him to pieces in anger, promising to put them together if he did marry his sister; after a while he decided to marry; made 9 iron cells, planted thrushes in them , asked my sister to get them; the cage pinched her hand; promises to release her if her sister agrees to marry him; sister: go down a pair of millstones from two mountains, if they lie on top of each other, I will marry my brother; the millstones lay down; the sister offered to ride horses, let JAV catch up with her; he jumped over the mountain from the other side and met his sister; she disagreed here either; then he trapped her leg when her sister was destroying rice; she had to agree; she gave birth to a ball of meat, a ball with eyes, without arms but legs; JAV furiously chopped it into pieces, from which many people arose, but they could not speak; the God of Earth came to Thunder, he is silent; and when he went out, Thunder said to himself, "We must set fire to the bamboo, and when it splits miserably, people will speak; the God of Earth overheard this and handed it to JAV; he burned a bamboo grove people from different tribes spoke their own languages]: Bender et al. 2006:160-168.

The Balkans. Bulgarians: Dragomanov 1892 (Bessarabia) [The devil pulls silt from the bottom of the sea; God makes land out of it, pretends to go to bed; the Devil drags the supposedly sleeping God in different directions (striving for him drown), but the water recedes, the earth grows; God says he has already blessed the earth with the sign of the cross; the offended Devil leaves; God does not know how to stop the earth from growing; sends a bee to sit down On the devil's shoulder, eavesdropping on himself: you just have to create the sign of the cross on four sides, tell the earth to stop growing; God does so, telling bee excrement (i.e. honey) be the sweetest thing]: 257-259 in Johns 2005:264; Kuznetsova 1998 (=Johns 2005:268; source: Ivanov 1970:336) [God sends a bee to overhear what the devil says to the hedgehog and learn how to reduce the earth, which was so big that it could not fit under heaven - 1) take a rod and hit the ground with it; 2) God, on the advice of a hedgehog, moves the earth here and there, but mountains form on it]: 78; Johns 2005 [The sun asks God permission to marry; God consults the Devil, who answers that he is God, and it is up to him to decide; God sends a bee to hell; she overhears how the devil tells his donkey to drink from the river when the Sun gives birth children, rivers will dry up; God refuses permission to marry]: 268; Macedonians [when God created the earth, it was larger than the sky and he did not know what to do; the bee overheard the hedgehog talking to devil; hedgehog: God does not know that the earth should be beaten with a stick, it will become smaller, forming valleys and mountains; God has rewarded the bee with the ability to produce wax and honey]: Ortenzio 2008, no. 11:24; Serbs [God created a sheep, the Devil created a goat; the Ox God, the Horse Devil, the Dog God, the Wolf Devil, and so on all living creatures; God created an angel in his likeness, and the Devil made an angel-like creature out of earth and water, but he could not revive; began to blow into him, the air broke out, forming his anus; the runken water made a furrow in the ground, it became a snake; the devil could not revive man, God put his soul into him; they agreed that the living would belong to God and the dead to the Devil; all the dead went to Hell; God heard their groans; began to send different animals to serve the Devil to learn how to break the contract; the Devil sent them ; The bee served not for three years, but for nine years; the devil told her that if God gave birth to a son, he would not be bound by agreement with the Devil; the bee flew to God, the Devil managed to cut it, God put it together halves, but all the insects became thin-waisted; Mary became pregnant by smelling the basil given by the angel Gabriel; gave birth to Jesus; hid it from Judas in the hay; the ox and the sheep covered the baby, and the horse ate almost Almost opening all the hay to Judas; the Mother of God cursed the horse, telling them to be full only once a year on the eve of St. George; when Christ ascended, the Judes threw ropes and hooks, tore off a piece of their leg; so people had a dent on their feet; the angel opened the door to hell, souls came out of there, went up to heaven]: Vukicevich 1915: 109-114; Romanians [when creating the earth, God took a ball of duck threads and another ball of base threads; while he was measuring the sky, gave a ball of base to the Hedgehog, he dropped it, as a result, the earth was larger than the sky; God became think what to do; The bee flew to Hell, overheard him say to himself that you just have to squeeze the ground with his hands; God did so, mountains formed; Damn managed to hit the Bee with a whip, almost cut in half (thin waist)]: Beza 1928:123-124; Romanians: Johns 2005 [God sends a bee to ask the Devil whether to create one sun or more; sitting in the Devil's hair, a bee overheard him think out loud; we must create one sun, for several will burn hotter than hellfire and the Devil will not be able to torment (sinners); if the suns shone night and day, people would not fell into the power of the Devil (Gaster 1915:71)]: 257-258; Murgoci, Murgoci 1929 [first there is only water, God and the Devil walk on it; seven years later God sends the Devil to dive to get seeds to make land; Devil takes the earth in his name, washes it out of his hands; when he takes it in the name of God, he brings the earth under his fingernails; therefore, man belongs to God, and black under his fingernails to the Devil, preparing the deceased for burial, dirt It must be removed from under his fingernails; God took three grains of sand from what the Devil had brought, made them flat earth; the devil tried to drown God who had fallen asleep, but dragging his body only stretched the earth in different directions; it has become wider than the sky; God sent the Bee to eavesdrop on the Devil; he says to himself that the earth must be squeezed, creating valleys and mountains; when he sees the Bee flying away, the Devil hit it with a whip, almost tearing it in two; black bruises remain]: 135-137; Romanians [God was born out of nothing; made a butterfly out of a tree worm, a man out of a butterfly; Tartar comes from God's thought; God sends him to dive, T. brings land , God weaved the earth on the sixth day; the land is too large; God sends a bee, she overhears the Hedgehog thinking aloud what valleys and mountains should be made, the size of the earth will decrease; T. makes a man out of clay , asks him to revive, he revives him; they agree that God will get the living and T. the dead; God finds out that there are more dead; sends the archangel to learn how to break the contract; this requires a flower, that Mary smelled; Mary conceives, gives birth to Jesus Christ, the contract is broken]: Murgoci 1929:137-139 (retelling in Johns 2005:269).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [Suleiman ordered the genies to build a palace out of diamonds and rubies; they built it; people asked if S. was going to live forever; S.: is there a cure for death? he was advised to drink live water; S. called the people; the hedgehog was the last to arrive; almost climbing the steps, he rolled down because he was old; S. told the ant to overhear that the hedgehog would talk to himself; hedgehog: he is going to drink live water; when he becomes an old man like me, people will laugh at him; Zumranka's bird brought S. live water, but he sent it back; she flew back, dropped the bottle and he crashed over Yemen; S. sent her to see what grew up there; it turned out that coffee (the origin of coffee)]: Radlov 2021, No. 22; Kalmyks [(Kalmykia Folk Art 1940:277); people got married on relatives; the khan called the inhabitants of the earth to decide how to get out of this situation; the Hedgehog was the last to appear, climbing over the threshold of the khan's kibitka, fell; the khan's two adult daughters burst out laughing; the Hedgehog was offended and left; the khan sent a bird that could fly silently for him; she overheard the Hedgehog talking to himself on the way; We must make it colorful and highlight the foreign liver; the khan realized what to cook dowry and marry members of foreign families]: Basayev 2004, No. 168:270; Nogais [humans and animals ate grass, animals said it would not be enough for everyone, people began to grow cereals, but not knew how to harvest; the old man advised me to send for the Hedgehog; he would come, lie down in a ball, you can't laugh at him; the young began to laugh, the Hedgehog was offended and left; the old man said that on the way the Hedgehog would be himself with talk to himself; The cat followed quietly, overheard the Hedgehog explain how to make an iron sickle; since then, cereals have been reaping]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 100:243-244 (=Nogai 1979, No. 3:13-14); Adygs: Kerashev 1957 [the giants did not know how to make a sickle, sent for a dwarf; he tripped over the threshold, fell, the giants laughed, took offense and left; the giants sent the man to eavesdrop on him; he whispered, Like a cock's tail, you'll bend like a snake's mouth; the giants made a sickle like that, people learned from them]: 108-109; Lipkin 1951 [=Andreev-Krivich 1957:266-268; desks were sown millet, but they don't know how to harvest; they sent for old Warsar, she refused; the young men brought it, she stumbled, the young people laughed; the old lady left; the blacksmith Tlepsh: she will tell you everything on the way you have to overhear; the old lady talks to herself, explains how to make a sickle; T. forged a sickle]: 313-316.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [Devil had the fire, he refused to give it to God, hid it; God put up a kitchen hut, began to beat dry raincoats with a stick, the dust rose like smoke; the man sent to Hell overheard , how the Devil thinks out loud and is surprised that God took fire out of stone and iron, where the hell he hid it; God got fire, gave it to man]: Ancelane 1962:21.

Volga - Perm. Marie: Tudorovskaya, Eman 1945 [the tsar's daughter fell ill; only a soldier volunteered to heal; ordered a cast-iron man to the blacksmith; stays in the princess's room overnight; the devil comes; the soldier offers click nuts, gives a line of cast iron; after beating cards, he is going to persuade him to click the line three times, but agrees to have his lame brother do it; the cast iron man clicks, the hell flew out with a click; the next night is the same with three devils, the next night with all 12; the princess is no longer tormented, she has recovered; the king rewarded the soldier, who drank and died; Kiyamat savus (assistant to the chief of the afterlife) brought him to hell, the devils were frightened, not accepted; they are also not allowed to go to heaven, made him a watchman at the door of paradise; Azren (death) always comes to God if anyone dies; the soldier did not let him go; he climbed into the snuffbox, the soldier closed it; for 7 years no one dies; God gathered all the animals, no one knows where Azren is; the hedgehog walks slowly, falls on the doorstep, everyone laughed, he turned back; one of the angels followed, overheard the hedgehog muttering; "Although saints, you don't understand; if A. disappeared at night, he saw a month, and if during the day he saw the sun"; month: A. in a snuffbox; the soldier was fired from the sentries; A.'s body was eaten by tobacco, remained skeleton, so death is depicted as a skeleton]: 83-90; Ögöd 1937, No. 1.4 (oriental) [Humo tells all living beings what their characteristics and habits should be; gathers everyone for advice; Hedgehog comes last, stumbles over the threshold, falls upside down; everyone laughs, the offended Hedgehog leaves; the animals send the Fox to eavesdrop on what he will say; The hedgehog mutters, Let rivers, roads, hedges, trees, streets in villages will be crooked, let the forest be crooked; everything worked out like this]: 141-142 (=Aktsorin 1991, No. 1:29-30); Chuvash [Tură called birds and animals to come up with method of cultivating the land; the Hedgehog was late, the Mouse was sent for him; when he entered the meeting, he slipped, fell, laughed at him; he was offended and left, but only he knew what to do; the Pig was sent for him; she overheard him say to have a plough, a harrow, a cart (etc.); the pig came back and told him; angry at the mice, the hedgehog eats them, offended by the hedgehog, the pig hates him]: Magnitsky in Ashmarin 2003: 286; in Egorov 1995:130; Kazan Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2010, No. 10 (1 entry) [Tsarevich Kulaf, whose kingdom was seized by enemies, undertakes to answer questions from Princess Turanduk; those who did not answer are killed; 1) which mother gives birth to children, releases and then absorbs the sea and rivers; 2) without which there would be neither alive nor inanimate - the sun; 3) which tree has one side of the leaves white and the other black for a year; K. himself asks the question: what is the name of such a prince (referring to himself); T. sent a maid, K. began to think out loud, saying his name; T.: I have the right not to marry K., but I will marry him out of love; father T. conquered the kingdom of K.]: 49-54.

Turkestan. Karakalpaks []: Rahno: 96.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas (Sagai people) [see motif H40; Having created earth and man, God gives the moon and sun to Erlik Khan; it becomes dark; God gathers birds, tells them not to laugh if the Corncrake comes; chapter The stork laughed; the corncrake was offended and left; sent the Owl to overhear what the Corncrake was talking at home; Let Erlik Khan catch the echo of the rocks, his shadow, the tramp of a hundred horses; E. is forced to return the sun and moon, because he could not fulfill God's requests]: Katanov 1963, No. 582:156-157 (published in Troyakov 1995:9); Khakas (Kachins) [God gathered a bird's gathering to choose an official; Corncrake was the last, for He does not fly well; said that the Crane cannot be chosen, it will do nothing; the crane broke his leg; they chose the large colorful bird Ala-Gus; God bet many people to his brother the Unclean, gathered the birds again; when the Corncrake came in limping, Ala-Gus laughed; the Corncrake was offended and left; God sent the Swallow for him; the second time she overheard Corncrake cursing and saying that she should offer the Devil to catch the Devil reflection in the mirror or his shadow; People had to return the line; God turned Ala-Gusa into forty, divided her blue feathers among all birds]: Kuznetsova 1899, No. 2:148-149; Mindibayeva et al. 2016, No. 18 ( Kachins) [the birds gathered for the council, the magpie seemed to be dressed in silk, she was the head of the birds; no one knows how to get fire; decided to call the mole; stepping over the threshold, the mole fell on its back; when he fell, forty laughed; the mole got angry and went back; the council decided to take the magpie out of the chapter; the magpie was taken out, the owl was sent for the mole; let him eavesdrop on what the mole said to his wife; the owl hears the mole boiling; how much the birds have gathered, but they do not know how to make a fire; you need to take the hardest of iron, the hardest of the stones, rub the most rotten tree against the stone until a spark appears; then, when you return from there, the mole told (narrator's reservation: the owl told) about this to all the birds gathered; option: the owl was sent to listen to what the mole knows; the mole at home told his wife: "They do not know the burning autumn grass at night; she is in It's impossible to hold your hands; the mountain echoes to the sound"; the owl overheard this and told others; it was the secret of getting fire]: 131, 335 (comm.); Sagalaev 1992:39 in Butanayev 2003 [Ah-Khuday created The man's body is made of clay, but did not know where to find his soul; went to his younger brother Irlik Khan, who played the khomys; without noticing the presence of AH, he sang: Even if he was smart, he did not have enough thought. Can't you take a person's soul from the breeze coming from a water source coming out of the ground?" ; hearing the hint, AH went for his soul, instructing the dog and cat to guard the creation; the dog was without hair; I. came up, the dog did not let him in; I. created frost, promised the dog a fur coat, the dog agreed show him a man; the dog ordered not to touch the person with his hands and I. did not touch it, but spit on the person; the cat began to lick mucus, and the dog to cover the person with its body; since then, the cat's mouth has been dirty , and the coat is clean, it can be ironed, and the dog's mouth is clean, but the coat is dirty; AH came back, turned the man inside out, the mucus remained inside in the form of saliva and snot; the dog was set to serve man and depend on it]: 110-111; Altaians [all discuss how to get fire; Corncrake came only after the third invitation; Yayachi warned no one to laugh at his gait; Magpie laughed, the offended Corncrake left; he was in the habit of talking to himself; Swift was sent, the Corncrake heard the sound of his wings, fell silent; then Owl, she overheard that a stone should be hit against a stone, there will be fire; for stubbornness, Y. turned the Corncrake into a bird]: Verbitsky 1893:163-164; the Teleuts [animals gathered for advice on how to get fire; Colborchy's owl (flying, falling edge down to the right and then to the left, where does the name come from), who used to be called alu-kush (stupid bird), says that at least he is a fool, but he knows that there is no lip on a tree, in the rocks of stones? They did not understand him, he explained how to carve fire]: Potanin 1883, No. 82c: 331; Chelkan people: Kandarakova 1988:157-158 [before the crane was a Zaisan, a jerk was a clerk, a sandpiper was a foreman, and a chaffinch was accountant; when the crane shouted "Cocoy-Kalak!" , people gathered and everything was in vain; for this, the jerk reprimanded the crane, and he pushed him, the jerk's lower back sprained, the jerk became humpback; he goes and talks to himself: "The hardness of the stone is not you know, you don't understand the density of iron"; foreman Koshperyuk hit iron against the stone - sparks flew; the crane's people removed from hype, and the owl was appointed Zaisan, he is still the head of the birds], 174-176 [ God created everything but did not create fire; gathered the birds-who will get fire? the jerk came later, the crane hit him on the back, dislocating his lower back; the jerk cannot take off, scolds the crane; the owl overheard him say: "He can't get fire, he does not know the hardness of the stone, it knows the hardness of iron; fire was extracted, and the crane was told to carry a jerk on its back when flying]; tubals [Kudai created man; Ulgön's three daughters could not make fire ; K. came to fire, stepped on his long beard, stumbled; the girls mocked him, he left; they hid in his way, heard him say, They couldn't find the sharpness of the stone and iron hardness; make flint]: Radlov 1989:221; Shors: Dyrenkova 1940, No. 55 [Ulgen created living beings, but did not give people fire; people asked for fire from birds; birds flew to different sides (look for fire); the bird of fire, left alone, said, Isn't there a mushroom on the birch tree, isn't there a stone in the rock, doesn't man have steel? If you take two stones and hit each other, there will be fire; since then people have learned to carve fire]: 285; Khlopin 1978 [1) people ate raw food, turned to Ulgen, who said that the bird is cherry tart kush knows how to make fire, told the bird chief Crane to find her; only after visiting the third messenger did she arrive; the crane began to hit her legs, his beak turned red, and the devil tart kush has been limping ever since; offended, flew away; the Crane sent a Kite to her, who heard her say, You can get fire by hitting two stones one against the other; the birds got fire; 2) people asked Ulgen to teach them make fire; when he got down to the ground, he got entangled in his beard, fell; the children began to laugh; W.: Are people so stupid that they can't find a piece of iron and a stone; people heard, they got fire]: 73; Baikal Buryats: Khangalov 1958a: 327-328 (Balagan) [the owner of the land, Dadyn-Ezhin Daba-Noyon (but also Delhen-ezhin Diben-Sagan-Noyon) demanded rays from the sky Khan Khurmas (or Khurmas-Tengeri) moons and suns, promising to harm people if the requirement was not met; feeling sorry for the people he created, with the participation of all other Western Tengrians, Hurmusta tried to catch the sun and moon rays, but having failed, he convened all 55 Western Tengrias for the council; Zarya-Azarga was also present at the council; since the Tengrii Council did not figure out how to fulfill the demand of the land owner (Dadyn-Ezhin), ZA left home; on the way he said: "Hurmust's western sky gathered all Western Tengarins for advice, and they can't figure out a way to catch the rays of the sun and moon, but it's impossible to do so because the earth will become dark; they must come up with something to force the landlord to relinquish his demand; if they demand "dadyn-zhirelge" and "dalan" from the landlord miralga", then the owner of the land will not be able to get it and then refuse his demand." Those sent by H. to eavesdrop on what he would say FOR, who was in the habit of thinking out loud, told H. the words of the hedgehog; Western Tengria followed the advice and demanded dadyn-zhirelge and dalan miralga from the owner of the land; he instructed the king of waters Uh-Lobson to send him Dalan Miralga, but he replied that he could not do it, and Dadyn-Ezhin himself could not catch Dadyn-zhirelge and should have refused from their demand], 328 (Kudins) [Esege-Malan-Tengari and the landlord became related through the marriage of their children; the landlord visited heaven Esege-Malan-Tengari; when leaving home asked for the sun and moon as a gift; EMT could not refuse; it became dark on earth; EMT sent for Zarya-Azorg, the latter being offended by the ridicule of 9 sons and 9 daughters of EMT, who laughed that the hedgehog was not walks because he has no legs (?) , but rides; ZA left, blurted out his thought on the way, which EMT used; he went to visit the owner of the land himself; What should you give? says the owner of the earth; the horse from the spring reflection and the arrow from the echo; the owner of the earth could not fulfill the request, took the sun and moon out of the box and handed it to the guest]; Khantalov 1903 in Sharakshinova 1980 [ High Heaven (Under Tengari) married the daughter of the Broad Earth (Ulgen Dalhey) for her son; the Earth demanded the Sun and Moon for her daughter, locked them in a box; the sky and earth became dark; Heaven cannot think of a way to get the Sun and Moon back; Zarya Azarga sent for the wise Hedgehog, ordered his 9 sons and 9 daughters not to laugh when he enters; ZA had no legs, rolled on the ground; sons and daughters, when they saw him, could not help laughing; ZA was angry, drove back; Heaven sent Hare, Deer, Ermine, Squirrel, Ferret to eavesdrop on what ZA would say; Let the sons and daughters of the High Sky descend to earth and become huts and ongons; in order to restore the Sun and Moon, we must ask the Wide Earth for Forest Echo and Water Flickering; it is unable catch them, be forced to give back the Sun and Moon; the Hare overheard these words; as a result, the Sky received the lights back, and his children became gods who filled the Saiyans]: 34-36; Sandschejew 1928 ( Alar) [headed by the author in the village of Bulut in 1926; Sagadai is an old man, the main spirit of fire, all the spirits of fire in the hearths are his descendants; Esege-Malan-Tengri married his son Sagadai the daughter of Mr. Bayan-Khangai; he demanded in the dawn moon and sun; EMT sent for the sage Sara-Sargaschi, warning his children not to laugh at when he would come; at the third invitation, the SS came; but the children began to laugh, the SS was offended and left; began to wonder out loud why EMT would not know to ask for all the waves running through the water as a dowry; the Eagle heard this, gave EMT; he asked for such a dowry, BH could not collect the waves, to him we had to return the sun and moon]: 969-970; Trans-Baikal Buryats (Selenginsky: Atagans) [people could not warm up; at the Tengri meeting, one of those present remembered the hedgehog (zara), who was considered smart and inventive; the hedgehog was sent for, he appeared; he was greeted with honor; the meeting was also attended by women who made dresses and shirts; the hedgehog, climbing over the threshold, overturned and fell curled up in a ball; the women laughed and said, "This was just not enough for advice"; the hedgehog was offended and said before leaving: "Although you make dresses, you will wear long and confused for centuries in them, you will wear clothes with fitted sleeves and floors and not from solid cloth, but made up of pieces"; one of those present at the meeting was instructed to go to the hedgehog to ask him to appear For the second time; sent, when he went to the hedgehog's house, overheard what he was saying to his family: "And these stupid Tengri who do not know how to get fire, which is very simple, you just need to take a piece of steel and a stone, and tear off a sponge (parasitic mushrooms) from a birch tree, put it on a stone and rub it with steel, so you will get fire"; the messenger spoke about the meeting he heard; this is how they learned to make fire; the hedgehog still uses a great honor; he is considered not only the inventor of fire, but also bringing happiness at trial]: Smolev 1902b, No. 5:56-57; Oirats [(starting on the missing page; apparently, like the Shors)]; Strizha, other birds were sent to listen to the Corncrake muttering to himself, but he pauses when they approach; the owl flies up silently, hears the Corncrake speak - the fools laugh, they don't know what to get fire you can hit a stone against a stone; an owl tells birds how to make a fire]: Popov, Basangov 1936:30-31.