Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C2B. The Burnt Month .68.70.71.

The Sun and the Month fall into a fire. The strong and intelligent Sun is saved, the weak and stupid Month is burned or burned, but the Sun revives it.

Umotina, bororo, apaniekra, ramkokamekra, cracho, apinaye, mashakali.

Southern Amazon. Umotin [two var.; Otters own a boiling pot to cook caught fish; Míni (Sun) became a rat, blew it under the pot, carried away, unable to drag a heavy pot, Hári (Month) also does not maybe; the pot falls, the forest lights up; M. turns into a falcon, H. turns into an owl, burns; M. revives it, but since then the Month has been dying from time to time]: Schultz 1962, No. c: 230-232; bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 1 [people left to bake fish, went fishing for more; Méri sun and his little brother Ári came, wrote to the fire; Toad saved the fire by hiding one coal in his mouth; people first thought about the Toad; the Toad ordered to step on it, regurgitated the coal, explained that it had saved the fire, and M. and A. were to blame; the toad remained flat; people put coal in lumps of bird feathers, gave them quickly To the running birds, they surrounded the savannah where M. and A. were with fire; M. climbed a tall tree, A. climbed a low tree, burned down with it; M. collected his bones, walked away, the little Wolf swallowed them, ran away, shouted, that he ate the burnt moon; M. answered the question, ate a hundred crabs; M. suggested that the Wolf tie his stomach tightly with a lace, race; The wolf ran, tired, burst; M. folded A.'s "skeleton" out of sticks, made his head from a termite nest, sprinkled bone ash, which he found in the Wolf's intestines, covered it with leaves; the body recovered; M. shouted that jaguars, snakes, etc. were coming, A. came to life], 2 [Mary and Ari wrote to the fire in Bororo village, extinguishing it; the Toad ordered it to step on, regurgitated the coal, explained that it had saved the fire, and M. and A. were to blame; the toad remained flat; people tied the burning smut to Em and Seriema, those ran, set fire to the savannah; M. climbed a tall tree, A. climbed a low tree and burned down; Okwa wolf cub says he ate the burnt A., then replies that he was a crab; M. offered to race, gave O. his the belt, O. came across a stump, burst; M. collected A.'s ashes, poured a "skeleton" made of sticks, a lump of roots instead of a head; began to frighten A. with a rattlesnake, a jaguar, etc.; he jumped up only after M. said Europeans are coming]: 17-19, 20-22.

Eastern Brazil. The sun receives a fiery crown from a woodpecker; the Month wants the same one, drops it, the earth lights up. Apaniecra [Pud (sun) asked the Woodpecker to throw off his red hat; the dress was hot, but the Sun caught it, put it on; Pudlêra (a month) wanted the same, but burned, dropped it, the ground caught fire; A month climbed the trees, but the fire followed; the Sun found the Month lying on the ground; his stomach burned, so there were spots on the moon]: Wilbert 1978, No. 4:33-34; frame camera: Wilbert 1978, No. 7 [(=Nimuendaju 1946:243-245); The Sun (Pud) and the Month (Puduvri) did not know about each other; the Month saw traces, reached the hut, the Sun came to the hut; offered to live together; while the Month was sleeping, the Sun came to the Woodpecker, who finished make a shining red headdress out of feathers; the woodpecker agreed to give it, warned him not to drop it to the ground; the Sun caught it, threw it from hand to hand until the dress cooled down, put it on; The month asked himself the same, wanted to catch the hat himself when the Woodpecker threw it off, did not allow him to catch the Sun, because he was afraid that he would take it again for himself; dropped it, the ground caught fire; the sun hid in the wasp nest, which is burning, the Month is in the one that burns; rushed into the battleship's hole, where the smoke finally reached the other side of the river, where the fire did not reach; the Sun found the capybaras, male and female, who died in the fire, asked the Month to choose; he chose the female, she looked fatter, but the Sun spat on her in advance, the meat was lean, and the male meat chosen by the Sun was fat; the Month offered to change, the Sun again spat, got a fat female; The sun fried the liver, threw it on the stomach of the Month, burned it, told him to jump into the water, not to touch the turtle at the bottom; the month touched, the stream took him away, he clung to the branches of the tree inga (mimosa family); burn spots on the stomach of the Month are still visible; The sun left the ax to cut, left; The month heard a sound, called out, the axe stopped cutting; since then, the axes have not worked themselves; The sun killed the Month, covered it with branches; it was reborn, the Sun told him not to peek anymore; buriti palm trees (Maurutua flexuosa) were low, the Sun ate fruit, its bowel movements began red; the Month relieved himself, his bowel movements were black; she covered them with red ones; the Sun was angry but said where and what he ate; when the Month began to eat fruits, the Sun spat to keep them alone the sides were immature; the Month offered to exchange palm trees, the Sun spat - the Month's fruits were again unripe; he threw one into the palm tree, they stretched out to their current height; the Sun dived, emerged with a beautiful boys; the Month with the ugly; the same is the girls; they have dived many times; so now there are people who are beautiful and defective; the Sun and the Month have parted, the Sun took a day despite the protests of the Month]: 58-61; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984, No. 1 [(Crocker MS); The sun ate the fruits of the buriti palm tree (Maurutua flexuosa), its bowel movements turned red; the Sun said that the pau d'arco tree (Tabebuia) ate flowers inpetiginosa, ant tree); The month ate them, but its bowel movements contain whole flowers; in the end, the Sun admitted that it ate, but made the fruits of the ant tree that the Month ate unripe on one side; The month hit the tree, it has become high since then; the Sun and the Month are diving, pulling girls and boys out of the water; the people of the Month are ugly, the Sun is beautiful; the Sun has thrown a stick of wood into the water Mauritian palm tree; said that let the dead revive like a stick that pops up; the Month threw a stone, said they should die like a drowned stone; the Sun told axes and machetes to work by themselves; the Month heard sounds, began to look; the guns stopped and no longer worked on their own; the Sun asked the Woodpecker to throw off his shining fiery headdress; threw it from hand to hand until he cooled down; put it on his head; The Month wanted the same dress, dropped it, the ground caught fire; the Sun hid in a wasp house made of clay, and the Month in a hollow made of straw; then in a hollow, in a battleship's hole; a little bit did not burn; left without a hat; The sun found two capybaras who died in the fire, the Month chose a fat male, but when brought home, the Sun spat, the female was fat; they changed again, but The sun spat again; poured hot fat on the belly of the sleeping Month, said it was by accident; sent it to cool into the river, told him not to touch the turtle at the bottom; He touched the month, the stream carried it away, he hardly clung to tree; the Sun and the Month agreed that when their children (i.e. people) die, they should be buried; the Sun killed the Month, put it at the foot of the tree; the Month came to life, the Sun said that it would be the same with people; Month killed the Sun, buried them in the grave; yet the Sun got out; the Month said that the dead must be buried in the ground so that the Earth could eat them and satiate them; the Sun agreed; both rose to heaven, leaving people with axes and machetes ]: 17-30; crash [Pud (sun) made himself a headdress out of red woodpecker feathers; Pudlere (month) wanted the same; The sun threw it to him from the tree, told him to catch it, prevent him from falling to the ground; along with the headdress was hot coals, the Month dropped, the earth caught fire; The month escaped, hiding in a clay aspen nest]: Wilbert 1978, No. 5:41; Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 6, 8 [at Mehapame (sun) Campephilus rubicollis woodpecker feather headdress; Bruburé (month) wanted the same; M. took him to the woodpecker grove; the fourth woodpecker agreed to throw off his feathers; B. definitely wanted to catch them himself; feathers fiery, B. bounced, feathers fell to the ground, the ground caught fire; M. hid in a wasp nest that does not burn, and B. in fuel; managed to jump out, run to M.; after the fire, many dead animals; B. became begging for meat from M., he threw a hot piece in his stomach, a piece stuck, B. tore it off, rushed to the river; M. made the water go away, B. put wet sand on his stomach; the turtle bit him in the burned place; B. asked M. for mercy; water appeared, but the scars on the moon are still visible]: 51-55, 63-65; (cf. kayapo [Banner 1857:49; The sloth stole the fire, but as he was moving slowly, the trees caught fire; everyone but the shaman and his family died in the fire; the shaman drew a circle of trumpeter feathers and watered it inside sweet potato juice; fire did not penetrate the circle]: Wilbert 1978, No. 41:124).

SE Brazil. Mashakali [The Sun asked the Woodpecker to throw the red feathers off his head from the tree to make them a headdress; the woodpecker ordered him to dig a hole deeper; threw it, the Sun grabbed those on fire feathers, put them out, put on a hat; the Month saw him, wanted the same; when the Sun was gone, the Month began to ask the Woodpecker to give him a hat, dug a hole, grabbed a hat, burned himself, the earth caught fire, the Month rushed ran, became a bumblebee, hid in a hole, then went across the river, the flame went out by the river; a month found the hat left under the tree, but it turned out to be yellow; the Sun said he tried to teach him, but he did not listened]: Popovich 1971:29-59.