C31a. The sun and moon promise a line. 31.33.-.35.
According to an agreement or promise, the owner (mistress) of the lower world receives or should receive the sun and moon. By ruse or accident, they were not given to him or returned back.
Swedes, Kazakhs, Khakas, Buryats, Eastern Khanty (b. Pim).
Baltoscandia. The Swedes [the legend of the church in Lund, published in 1868; the giant Jtten Finn promises St. Lawrence to build a church; when the church is ready, he demands to guess his name, otherwise he must give him the sun and moon or both eyes; before the deadline, St. L. hears the mother saying to the child: if If you're smart, your father Jtten Finn will be back soon and bring the sun and moon or the eyes of St. Lawrence]: Cosquin 1886:271.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Bosingen 1985 [Shaitan invites his friend Khan to ask for whatever he wants; Khan asks for pastures, Shaitan agrees, gives people all the land; in response he asks for the moon and sun; no one knows what to do now; an old hedgehog woman comes, stumbles, laughs at her, she leaves, muttering something; Khan sends a vizier to eavesdrop; the Hedgehog says to ask Shaitan to make a rope out oil and catch a mirage in the steppe; Shaitan cannot fulfill the condition, turns the old woman into a hedgehog as punishment]: 85-87.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas (Kachins) [first it was a duck; having made another friend, she sent her to the bottom of the river for sand; she brings it three times and gives it first; the third time she left some of the sand in her mouth, this part became stones; the first duck scattered the sand, crushed for nine days, the earth grew; mountains grew after the messenger duck spit the stones out of its mouth; because of this, the first refuses to give it land; agrees give land the size of a cane; the messenger pierces a hole in the ground, goes into it; the rest sends a swallow for the human soul, telling the dog to watch and bark at Erlik Khan; E. created winter, gave the dog a fur coat, spat on a man; God poured his soul on man, made him a wife out of a rib; ordered him to eat red currants at sunrise, but not at sunset; the wife broke the ban and ate, God wrote it down in a book; woman with a child and a mare and a foal eat grass, a woman has crossed seven slides, a mare over one; God has decided that if people eat grass, they will eat it all; God gives the moon and the sun Erlik Khan; it's getting dark; God gathers the birds, tells them not to laugh if the Corncrake comes; the head of the birds, the Stork, laughed; the corncrake was offended and left; sent the Owl to overhear what the Corncrake was talking at home; Let Erlik Khan catch the echo of the rocks, his shadow, the tramp of a hundred horses; E. is forced to return the sun and moon because he could not fulfill God's requests; God sent the Swallow to steal Erlik Khan's flint; she stole it On the way back, he meets Komar; he says that E. was sent to find out whose blood is sweeter, turns out to be human; the Swallow asks him to show his tongue, bites off; the mosquito only buzzes; E. pursues the Swallow, tears off her middle tail; she threw half the flint on the rock; the young man was watching the door to God; Erlik Khan came: what do I eat? God replies that old and old women, and the young man said that trees are rotten; next time: children are young willow branches; young people are dried and hardened trees; for the fourth time E. breaks into God; everything was explained, E. now eats everyone, and the young man was driven to the ground]: Katanov 1907, No. 582:522-527 (=196:154-156; quail in Troyakov 1995:6-7); Buryats: Khangalov 1958a: 327-328 (Balagan) [the owner of the earth, Dadin-ezhin Daba-Noyon (but also Delhen-ejin Diben-Sagan-Noyon), demanded that the sky give Khan Khurmas (or Khurmas-Tengari) rays of the moon and sun, promising to cause people if the requirement is not met evil; feeling sorry for the people he created, with the participation of all other Western Tengrians, Hurmusta tried to catch the sun and moon rays, but failed to convene all 55 Western Tengrians to the council; at the council Zarya-Azarg the hedgehog was also present; since the Tengria council did not figure out how to fulfill the demand of the land owner (Dadyn-Ezhin), ZA went home; on the way he said: "The Western Sky of Hurmust gathered everyone for advice Western Tengarins, and they can't think of a way to catch the rays of the sun and moon, but they can't do that because it's going to get dark on earth; they must come up with something that makes it the owner of the land would waive his demand; if they demand "dadyn-zhirelge" and "dalan miralga" from the owner of the land, then the owner of the land will not be able to get it and will then refuse your requirements." Those sent by H. to eavesdrop on what he would say FOR, who was in the habit of thinking out loud, told H. the words of the hedgehog; Western Tengria followed the advice and demanded dadyn-zhirelge and dalan miralga from the owner of the land; he instructed the king of waters Uh-Lobson to send him Dalan Miralga, but he replied that he could not do it, and Dadyn-Ezhin himself could not catch Dadyn-zhirelge and should have refused from their demand], 328 (Kudins) [Esege-Malan-Tengari and the landlord became related through the marriage of their children; the landlord visited heaven Esege-Malan-Tengari; when leaving home asked for the sun to the moon as a gift; EMT could not refuse; it became dark on earth; EMT sent for Zarya-Azorg, the latter being offended by the ridicule of 9 sons and 9 daughters of EMT, who laughed that the hedgehog was not walks because he has no legs (?) , but rides; ZA left, blurted out his thought on the way, which EMT used; he went to visit the owner of the land himself; What should you give? says the owner of the earth; the horse from the spring reflection and the arrow from the echo; the owner of the earth could not fulfill the request, took the sun and moon out of the box and handed it to the guest]; Khangalov 1960 (Balagansky) [Vysokoe Sky (under Tengari) married the daughter of the Broad Earth (Ulgen Dalhey) for her son; the Earth demanded the Sun and Moon for her daughter, locked them in a box; the sky and earth became dark; the sky did not can figure out a way to get the Sun and Moon back; Zarya Azarga sent for the wise Hedgehog, ordered his 9 sons and 9 daughters not to laugh when he enters; ZA had no legs, rolled along earth; sons and daughters, when they saw him, could not help laughing; ZA was angry, drove back; Heaven sent Hare, Deer, Ermine, Squirrel, Ferret to eavesdrop on what ZA would say; "Let the sons daughters of the High Sky will descend to earth and become huts and ongons; in order to return the Sun and Moon, we must ask the Broad Earth for Forest Echo and Water Flickering; she will not be able to catch them, forced to give back the Sun and Moon"; the Hare overheard these words; as a result, the Sky received the lights back; 9 sons of the High Sky descended to earth, became western huts, and 9 daughters became ongons]: 11- 12.
Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty (b. Pim; zap. IN. Kulemzin in 1973) [the devil asked God to give what he has; God agreed; the devil asked for the sun and the moon; (Damn Kul, God is Torum); it became dark; the son of God (this is Kon-iki-pah) came to God: he gave the sun and the moon in vain; ask the hell for a shadow; if he doesn't give it up, you'll take the sun and the moon back; God came to hell, asked him to give what he has; pointed to the shadow; the hell caught it, didn't catch it; gave the sun with the moon]: Lukina 1980, No. 3:64.