Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C31c. The Wise Bat.


bat is smarter and wiser than other living beings.

Tibetans, Lepcha, Pasi, Azerbaijanis, Kazan Tatars, Khakas, Altaians, Chelkans, Tuvans, Oirats, Khalkha Mongols.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans: Shelton 1925, No. 1 [the queen is angry at the bird's singing; she asks her husband to call all the birds and cut off their beaks; the king sends messengers to appear on the third day; the bat came to fourth; began to explain that other birds are idle, and he has important duties: to maintain a balance between the day and the new, between the number of men and women; and if a man begins to do everything his wife commands, he records him as a woman so that balance is maintained; the king understood the hint, was ashamed; said that he appointed the cuckoo king of birds, and the hoopoe as chief minister, then let the birds go; but flying the king's mouse was still offended, so he slapped him gently]: 17-20; Cassis 1962 [the birds choose a leader, Magpie offers the leader the one who will fly higher; The Bat hid under the Eagle's wing, turned out to be taller, but the birds refused to make her chief; Magpie: then the first to notice the dawn; everyone looks east, the Bat looks west, sees the mountain crests lit up; the birds are dissatisfied again; Magpie : the one who sings the best; Bubu's Cuckoo's songs ("I am the first") liked the most; Bubu trained for so long that she got hoarse, the championship went to Cuckoo]: 75-77; lepcha [two brothers- The suns rose one by one, the heat was unbearable; the Toad (an edible species) volunteered to kill the Sun, made an arrow from a scallop (Celosia L., amaranth), killed his older brother with it; the youngest covered himself with a black veil, it became dark; black pestles turned into snakes, wooden mortars into tigers; fireflies tried to illuminate the world, and a tree with white leaves turned them outward; but this not enough; half of the people died from snakes and tigers; humans, animals, and the supreme god Rum himself unsuccessfully asked the Sun to return; only when the Bat, hanging himself at the ends of his bow by his legs and nose, shouted through his nose that the world would die from the cold, the Sun looked out because no one had yet spoken to him through his nose; when he saw the Bat hanging on his bow, he smiled; immediately it became hot and the Bat fell, breaking bones; therefore, his legs do not look like birds or animals, and his nose is twisted; they decided to punish the Toad, otherwise the Sun will not shine; his thumbs were cut off, placed in a cold place; the dead Sun has become the Month; in the seventh, eighth and ninth months, the current Sun sets earlier, says it is tired; but in fact, the red rooster scallop grows to full height at this time and the Sun is afraid to be shot]: Stocks 1925, No. IX: 363-365 (quoted in Yamada 2009a: 34-36; retelling in Kühn 1936:82, brief in Elwin 1949:54); feed [there were two Suns; to reduce the fever, God let one go the arrow, its light faded, it became the Moon; the remaining Sun disappeared underground, it became dark; agreed to return if he was given the daughter of the gods to eat; the Bat explained to people that the Sun requires not a daughter of gods, but a daughter of men; he was given a girl, she ate her, she shone; this is how people became mortals]: Elwin 1958a, No. 22:53-54 (=Elwin 1958b: 57-58).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Azerbaijanis (Lankaran District) [The Snake, Wind, Water and Sun come to complain to the Prophet Jesus Christ; the Snake wants to have legs, the Wind wants to stop blowing (because it is tired), the Water does not pour, and stay alone, the Sun to stop moving and stay in one place; Jesus promised to fulfill requests if the beautiful bird that is to fly by finds them reasonable; the bird advises requests reject, for when the Serpent has legs, will destroy all living things, the Wind must refresh the air, blow bread and inflate the sails, stagnant Water will not irrigate the fields and rotate the mills, the Sun, remaining in one place, will deprive the world of the alternation of night and day, in one place there will be eternal night and in another an eternal day; rejected petitioners are going to destroy the bird; she asks Jesus to protect it; he has turned it into a flying A mouse that quenches its thirst with its own milk makes a nest where snakes do not crawl, only flies out at nightfall, when there is no wind]: Bagriy 1930 (1): 236-239.

Volga - Perm. Kazan tars: Gilyazutdinov 2015, No. 276 [Earth, Wind, Water asked the Sun to allow them not to move, but to remain at rest; the Sun called everyone for advice; The mosquito says it's time for the Wind stop, Crucian carp - like Water; Bat objects: if Earth, Water and Wind stop, life will stop; the audience decided to refuse the request; the Sun promised to burn the Bat if it sees it, Wind - throw it to the ground, Water - poison; therefore, the bat only drinks dew, comes out only at night, when there is no wind, lives on treetops]: 271-273; Zamaletdinov 1992 [=2008a, No. 39:102; Moon and The sun wanted to stand together, the birds and animals called together, no one objected; the Bat did not agree, because the wind would blow in one direction and the trees would grow crooked, bread would not be born in the shade; The sun became angry, did not allow the Bat to go out during the day]: 57; Potanin 1899 [the sun, on God's instructions, went around the earth from east to west, was tired, stopped to rest; the bat spoke to him for Failure to comply with God's will told her to go; the Sun told her not to appear in front of him, otherwise she would burn her wings; therefore, the bat only flies at night]: 459-460 (=1893.2:320).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [Kudai promises to give the sun to Erlik Khan; summons animals to cunning his promise; The Bat does not come; says it is not a beast because it flies, and not a bird, because it has fangs; explains K. that on the way to him she kept records of everything she met (more growing trees or fallen trees, pebbles or fish); it turned out to be equally divided, it was checked, it turned out to be correct; going to court, people have been sewing bat skin under their collar since then]: Alekseev 1980 (Sagais): 52-53; Altaians [The creator summons a man named Bat three times, but not to a single challenge he does not appear; he is forcibly delivered; he explains that he was busy counting who was more fish or stones in the water (there are more fish because he mistook all flat stones for fish); stars or hummocks on earth in the sky ( there are more bumps, because he also classified stumps as bumps); men or women (there are more women, because he attributed all men with a feminine mind and character to the female half; indignant Creator (he created more men) spat on the Bat, turning it into a bat (the origin of the bat)]: Katash 1987:27; the Chelcans [The Bat was cursed by God without showing up when all birds and animals were summoned; in the first time she referred to calculating the weight of stones and fish; the fish were heavier because they included oblong stones; the second time God called animals, the bat did not appear again ; said that she counted more men and women; God: I made more men; bat: but if you add men with a feminine mind to women, there are more women; God wanted to grab the bat, but she said that it was not an animal that flew away; when officials collect tribute from animals, the bat considers itself a bird, and when from a bird, it is an animal; so it does not join anyone]: Kandarakova 1988:159 -161; Tuvans [a hawk carried a marmot from under the eagle's nose; they insulted each other and argued who would be the khan; the birds decided that whoever would fly higher; the bat climbed under the bald man's wing vulture and turned out to be the tallest; small birds demanded that the bat become khan, while the big ones did not agree; the raven made the birds speechless and no longer argue]: Vatagin 1970, No. 31 : 188-190; Oirats (durbuts): Potanin 1883:173 [the birds decided to choose as king the one who would rise higher and then descend faster; the bat Sarisyn Bakbagay sat quietly on Khan Garida's back, taking the stone with him; when he asked who was taller than him, the SB replied that he was; pressing the stone to his chest, the SB jumped from HG's back and quickly reached the ground; they did not make him king, but released him from tribute and decided that birds must make a nest for him], 173-174 [Khan Garide's wife asks for a birdbone cradle for the newborn; Khan gathered all the birds and pierced their noses to tie them together; The Bat appeared only after the second order; said she decided whether there were more days or nights, men or women; if twilight was counted as night, nights; if men listening to women's unreasonable demands to classify as women, then women; Khan Garida ordered the birds to be released]; Khalkha Mongols [Khan Hurmusten Khan in heaven promised to give his daughter to whoever flies higher and whose song he would be the first to hear; The Bat she sat on Kite's shoulders, was the first to turn to Khan; the Kite threw her down; falling, she shouted, "Soft Earth, Soft Earth"]: Potanin 1981:343 (quoted in Dähnhardt 1912:168).