C32B. Nails are the material for the trait (.15.28.31.)
Demonic characters will use nail scraps to make something useful for themselves (and harmful to humans).
Basques, Ukrainians (Volyn, Kyiv), Avesta, Scandinavians, Finns, Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians.
Southern Europe. Basques [you can't throw your nails, the devil will make a cup out of them]: Moshkov 2004:250.
Central Europe. Ukrainians: Belova 2004a, No. 535 (Volyn) [he will make a devil out of cropped nails an invisible hat; when she wears it, God will not be able to strike him with lightning]: 240; Chubinsky 1872 (Kiev) [not allowed throw away your trimmed nails, the devil will make an invisible hat out of them]: 87.
Iran - Central Asia. Zoroastrianism: Chunakova 2004:42 [the Ashozusht bird (avest. asha zushta, "the favorite of the goddess Asha") handed Avesta to people "in its own language"; it grabs and swallows the trimmed nails above which a prayer has been read; if the prayer is not read, devas and sorcerers throw these nails like arrows at this bird to kill it], 106 [Ashozusht eats a person's cropped nails if read above them prayer; if the prayer is not read, devas use them as arrows (Bd, 6)].
Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [When the gods die, the Naglfar ship will sail from the nails of the dead, so the dying must cut their nails; the ship is ruled by the giant Hrum; the wolf Fenrir swallows Odin; Vidar steps on the wolf's lower jaw; Vidar's shoe is made of scraps from the cut of all shoes (whoever wants to help the aces must throw these scraps)]: Younger Edda 1970:51-53; Finns [from an evil spirit makes a ship on which he takes the dead to his nails cut on Sunday]: Holmberg 1927:75; Estonians: Moshkov 1901 [he will make a hat visor for himself from scraps of nails]: 49; Masing 1998 [1) will make a devil's invisible hat out of nail scraps; 2) (Saarema); he'll make a ship out of nail scraps; before, to divide Saarem, he dug the Maadewahe River, sailed on the ship, but the sorcerer drowned the ship; to prevent the devil from building a new one, you have to burn your nails]: 70; Lithuanians [burn cut off nails or put them in their bosom; otherwise the hell will collect them and make them for himself hat]: Jucewicz 1846:141-142:141; Latvians [make a devil out of cropped nails, hide your nails in your bosom]: Voltaire 1890:142.
Western Siberia. The Nenets (Yamal) [Num made a deer, Nga a wolf, etc.; Nga made huge spiders, they weaved nets out of human hair, caught and ate people; Num made spiders small; he didn't tell people throw their hair (the spider will weave the net), don't kill the spiders (Nga will make them big again); now people burn their hair]: Lar 2001:286-287.