Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C33B. Ancient calm. .29.

The death of people of the first race is associated with the appearance of wind

Abkhazians, Ingush, Avars.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians: Albov 1893 [Tsan dwarfs built fences for their herds (now they are ancient ruins); there was no precipitation, wind, cold, eternal day and warmth; Tsan did not know fire, ate milk and raw meat; God was angry with the tsan for their unbelief; the old people saw the goat's beard move; this was the first wind; cotton wool began to fall from the cloud, God sent fire, the tsan died]: 145 in Inal-ipa 1977:153; Inal-ipa 1977 [the Atsans were so small that they climbed the fern to cut off its branches; walked naked, did not know fire, were not sick, were very strong; they grew bread without weeding; milked deer unnoticed; they built stone fences, lived in them themselves and kept goats; were smarter than God; urinated towards the sky; let gases into sour milk, wiped themselves with cheese; imitating thunder, beat dried cow skin; once all their homes were turned not to the southeast, but to the northwest; in order to find out the weak point of the Atzans, God let the child down from heaven in a golden cradle; the atsans raised him; they answered him that they would die, if cotton snow catches fire; the old man noticed that the goat's beard shook; cotton snow fell, lit up by lightning, the Atsans died; those who threw themselves into the water turned into lizards and frogs; hiding in caves and tree hollows - devils and snakes; (Var.: the Atsans died from frost, from floods); once in the underworld, the Atsans drill the ground to get back, but what they drill in a day collapses again]: 156-169; Khashba, Kukba 1935 (Western 1928, Kodori District, p. Chilov) [Atsan dwarfs were so small that they climbed fern branches; the weather was always good; they did not have a god; a golden basket with a cradle came down from the sky, with a newborn in it; he was brought up, he became a young man; Azan asked if there was any power that could destroy them; old man: if cotton wool falls instead of snow and lights up; the young man disappeared; once the old man saw that the goat's beard was moving, there was no wind before; the wind intensified, and cotton wool fell from the sky; it caught fire, all the atsan burned down]: 174-175; Ingush: Akhriev 1875 [sage Magal lived in an village in the Shan Gorge; he kept a "wind star"; she was lying in a sturdy chest that no tools could break; a white snake lived in Magal's house; once Magal went south; after finishing his business there, he returned and drove into the village of Zator on the way; while eating, he noticed that the goat lying near the hut had a swaying beard; Magal was amazed because there were no winds in the mountains at that time; he remembered the "wind star" and galloped home; found out that one of his sons played with a white snake in his absence and cut off its tail; an angry snake bit the boy and he soon died; when he saw her son, the mother ran around the room looking for rags for his wound; As a result, she opened the chest (Magal left her the key before leaving), which contained the "wind star", and began to stir up things there; when she picked up the last object that covered the "star", she flew to heaven; since then, almost daily strong winds began to blow in the mountains, which had never happened before; when he learned what had happened, Magal promised the snake that he would make it a tail out of gold and silver, and for this he asked facilitate the return of the "wind star"; the snake crawled out of the hole, approached Magal (at which time the "star" fell so low that it could be reached from the roof of the hut), but looking at its tail, changed her mind and crawled back (the "star" rose again); after Magal's death, he had three sons: Gui, Zickney, and Ketlo; Gui was very tall and had two mouths, one on his face and the other on the back of his head; first He ate ordinary food with his mouth and gnawed his bones with his back; Cycney tried to kill him in vain; Guy's sons erected a pole in memory of their father]: 15-18; ["The Ingush regret the misfortune that happened in Magal family, for, according to their belief, if misfortune had not happened in this family, there would be no wind"]: Akhriev 1875:40; Dalgat 1972 [there was grace, calm, no thread suspended from the sky moved; abundance ended when Cesca Solsa and his Narth-Orsthoys were born; Gerbaba fills their cauldron with a thimble of flour and a piece of lamb rib, says it's food left over from the old time; from the grief of the SS and the Nart-Orsthoys went somewhere without a trace]: 330-331; Malsagov 1983, No. 161 (Western 1965) [the graceful bird produced abundant harvests, the wind star did not allow the winds to blow, the snake protected the cattle from animals; the knotweed left the star and the bird in the same room, and the snake kept watch over the children; boy cut off her tail, she ate it and crawled away; the bird and the stars went after her; the highlander saw that the beard of the goat guarding the sheep was swaying in the wind, and realized that it was a disaster; the snake to the highlander: reconciliation is impossible, you will remember my son, and I remember my tail]: 300; the Avars [were two kinds of sledges, Adila and Sadids; they rejected Allah's call to convert to faith; they continued the cave and began to live there; Allah blew light on them a breeze that could pass through the eye of a needle in a moment; it entered the cave and threw out sledges with their heads torn off; those sledges that did not die then have burned down in the fire sent by Allah; since then the winds that blow during the winter change in spring are called Adily-Sadily; var. (sat down. Inhelo): To resist the tornado, the Samudils stood on top of each other, forming a wall, but fell like chopped poplars]: Khalidova 2012, No. 63:82-83, 238.