Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

C34A. Buried in the sand. 61.62.66.


supernatural character goes fishing with people or lives on the sand by the river; he is buried in the sand or thrown into a river, into a swamp, or otherwise persecuted. He or his father usually sends a flood.

Western Amazon. Kandoshi (myna) [during the flood, only a man and a woman escaped from the Sapote tree, ate its fruits; when the waters came down, descended, gave birth to new people; others say that the tree grew to heaven, and the flood was a punishment; God, covered with ulcers, came to the people who were fishing and they threw him into a hole; one man pulled him out, for which God saved him; {the following was probably about a man marrying parrot girl}]: Figueroa 1661 in Dean 1994:39; waorani [(text excerpt, details not clear); Son of the Month lived on the sandy beach of the river; people wanted to grab him; he found out and ran away in time away; but people kept looking for him; the son of the Month ran higher and higher from them to heaven, where he eventually stayed]: Matusovsky 2009.

NW Amazon. Cocama [God went fishing with men; he was thrown into a quagmire; one man took him out, washed him, healed his wounds; God allowed him to escape, and destroyed the rest by the flood]: Figueroa 1904 : 236 in Agüero 1992:20

Montagna - Jurua. Urarina [people almost kill a fisherman boy by burying him in the mud, his father sends a flood; people flee the flood on the Erythrina elei tree; during the long night they throw fruits down to find out whether the water has slept; the man sends down to explore first one son, who turns into a heron, then the second, who turns into a Caracara plantus bird, then descends himself; finds a hut in it cooked food; he hides in a hole, sees a boat descending from the sky; at the stern sits his "our goddess" dressed in a tapa, and her maid on her nose, she did not know how to make bast matter; she shouts that another one is intended for him, but he does not let her in; she {in the text is "he", but clearly talking about this woman} consistently tells a snake (pit viper, Bothrops piuctus), a spider, a giant ant ( Isula, Myrmca saevissima, the bite is very painful) bite him, but he does not let him out; so there are still people who do not even know how to make bast matter; and the intended wife flew away like a bird; they are not copulated, but only hugged; to make a child, the wife rolled a ball of cotton; when the husband returned from hunting, the cotton baby was already coming to meet him and calling him; the husband waited and saw his wife makes children; she said she wanted children to appear without suffering; if you do not abstain from having sex for 10 months after giving birth, the baby will get sick; but her husband got along with her, the baby fell ill, died; var. (p.39): the child asks me to write, the father furiously cuts him in half, he turns into a cricket]: Dean 1994:25-28; chayahuita [Kumpanama was fishing with poison, people picked it up downstream; others pushed him into the river to get all the fish; two brothers saved him; he tells them to climb the sapote tree; at midnight he sends a flood; paujil, montete (parrot family) and sushi (yurabarba) too they sit on branches; a week later, the brothers drop the fruit, realize that the water begins to fall; the third fruit spanks to the ground; after the fourth, birds sing, dawn, the tree takes on normal dimensions (when the flood has grown); brothers find a hut with everything they need]: García Tomas 1994 (3): 224-225; shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 1 [a boy comes, shoots fish, they become big; people are jealous, they bury a boy with his property on the river bank; a man with his wife and two children finds him, tears him off; he causes a flood, tells a man to climb a genip tree; other people die; the wife turns into a nest of termites; the sun hides; the man and his children grope for food prepared for them in the dark; the man throws the fruit down, on the sixth day the fruit falls to the ground, not in water; a man goes down, his children turn into huancay birds; a man finds food cooked in the house; waits for two women who have come in a boat; grabs a maid sitting on her nose; sitting on her nose At the stern, the daughter of the sun sails away, marries a Spaniard; shipibo-conibo are descendants of a maid]: 347-349; Roe 1982, No. 1 [as in Gebhaert-Sayer]: 49-50.