Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C35A. The good adviser has been punished .


zoomorphic character gives wise advice regarding the state of the Sun. The Council has been accepted, but the adviser is punished by the Sun or the Sun is now pursuing him.

Somrai [owl], joluo [spider], Macedonians [hedgehog], Azerbaijanis [bat], Lithuanians [frogs], Kazan Tatars [bat], Kazakhs [hedgehog].

West Africa. Somrai [The sun turns to God to allow him to have children; God gathers all animals to find out their opinion; everyone agrees; the owl comes last; says that if the sun has child, the world is going to burn; since then, the sun hates owls and they hide from it]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 2:11-12.

Sudan - East Africa. Joluo [the creator of Juok asked the Month and the Sun if there are many people on earth; the Month replied that many, but the Sun, what is few, they are dying and people must be reborn like the Month; The sun was jealous of him because he knew more about people; the Sun was so hot that people hid from its rays; the Sun began to fight with the Month, and there were traces on the face of the Month; J. regretted the Sun, decided to give him a sister or brother; Spider said that if there were two suns, people would die; the Sun cursed the Spider, let the spiders go out only at night]: Scheub 2000:88-89 (translated to Katznelson 1968:208-209, in Kushke 1988:24).

The Balkans. The Macedonians [1) The Sun was about to marry, but the Hedgehog said that when many Suns were born, it would be impossible to live; the animals decided that the Sun should not marry; then he sank into the sea; the Rooster began to sing, the Sun came up and accused him that he, the Sun, was drowning and he was singing; since then, the Sun has come out when the rooster sings, and he cursed the hedgehog, he hides that day; 2) God forbid the Sun to marry, then he sank into the sea; the Rooster began to sing, the Sun went out to see why he sang and stayed; 3) When the Sun decided to marry, Mule said that if there were two suns, he would burn; the wedding was canceled and the Sun cursed a mule so that he does not have offspring]: Tsenev 2004:36-37.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Azerbaijanis (Lankaran District) [The Snake, Wind, Water and Sun come to complain to the Prophet Jesus Christ; the Snake wants to have legs, the Wind wants to stop blowing (because it is tired), the Water does not pour, and stay alone, the Sun to stop moving and stay in one place; Jesus promised to fulfill requests if the beautiful bird that should fly by finds them reasonable; the bird advises requests reject, for when the Serpent has legs, will destroy all living things, the Wind must refresh the air, blow bread and inflate the sails, stagnant Water will not irrigate the fields and rotate the mills, the Sun, remaining in one place, will deprive the world of the alternation of night and day, in one place there will be eternal night and in another an eternal day; rejected petitioners are going to destroy the bird; she asks Jesus to protect it; he has turned it into a flying A mouse that quenches its thirst with its own milk makes a nest where snakes do not crawl, only flies out at nightfall, when there is no wind]: Bagriy 1930 (1): 236-239.

Baltoscandia. Lithuanians [frogs found out that the Sun was getting married; decided that when children appeared, they would dry up all water bodies, burn everything; went to complain to God, but did not find him at home; the Sun found out that frogs they went to complain, deprived them of their warmth; frogs became afraid of the sun, they croak only after sunset; {there is no mention of canceling the Sun's wedding, but this logically follows from the story}]: Lebitte 1965:400.

Volga - Perm. Kazan tars: Gilyazutdinov 2015, No. 276 [Earth, Wind, Water asked the Sun to allow them not to move, but to remain at rest; the Sun called everyone for advice; The mosquito says it's time for the Wind stop, Crucian carp - like Water; Bat objects: if Earth, Water and Wind stop, life will stop; the audience decided to refuse the request; the Sun promised to burn the Bat if it sees it, Wind - throw it to the ground, Water - poison; therefore, the bat only drinks dew, comes out only at night, when there is no wind, lives on treetops]: 271-273; Zamaletdinov 1992 [=2008a, No. 39:102; Moon and The sun wanted to stand together, the birds and animals called together, no one objected; the Bat did not agree, because the wind would blow in one direction and the trees would grow crooked, bread would not be born in the shade; The sun became angry, did not allow the Bat to go out during the day]: 57; Potanin 1884 [=1899:459-460, =1893.2:320; the sun, on God's instructions, went around the earth from east to west, was tired, stopped to rest; the bat spoke to him for not complying with God's will, told him to go; the Sun told her not to appear in his eyes, otherwise it would burn her wings; so the bat only flies at night]: 223.

Turkestan. Kazakhs [Shaitan invites his friend Khan to ask for whatever he wants; Khan asks for pastures, Shaitan agrees, gives people all the land; asks the Moon and Sun in response; no one knows what is now do; the old hedgehog woman comes, stumbles, laughs at her, she leaves, muttering something; the khan sends the vizier to eavesdrop; the Hedgehog says to ask Shaitan to make a rope out of oil and catch her in steppes are a mirage; Shaitan cannot fulfill the condition, turns an old woman into a hedgehog as punishment]: Bosingen 1985:85-87.