Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C36. The Last Battle .


gods and their powerful opponents face a decisive battle that changes the world's destinies. See Bray 2000, especially p.360-361.

Southern Europe. Ancient Rome [the Battle of Lake Regillus in Ab Urbe Condita by Titus Libya].

Western Europe. Ireland [Cath Maige Tured, or Second Battle of Mag Tured].

South Asia. Ancient India [Mahabharata].

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [the gods led by Zeus have been fighting the titans continuously for ten years; on Gaia's advice, the gods free the hundred-armed and fifty-headed Cotts imprisoned in her, Briarea and Gies; they help the gods win the battle against the titans; the titans are thrown into Tartar]: Hes. Theog. 617-725; Romanians (Moldova) [a rope created in the middle of the sky at the beginning of the world. It will be the frontier at the last judgment, when the devil and his (henchmen) and sinful souls take up one part of the rainbow. God with angels and righteous souls will take over the other side of the rainbow. Whoever wins will own all souls]: Brill 2005:167).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Armenians [the Battle of Ervandawan in Movses Khorenatsi's "The History of Armenians"].

Iran - Central Asia. Ancient Iran [(Bundakhishn); the forces of good and evil, led by Akhur Mazda and Angri Mainyu, will fight at the end of time at resurrection; Ormazd will fight Ahriman, the seven Amahraspandas ( avest. Amesh Spent) with eight demons (Amurdad with two, Tarich and Zarich); Fredon shackled Azhdahak, hung Mount Damavand in the volcanic vent; during the last battle he will break free from his shackles, the final Kersaspa or Sam will defeat him; Andar (Ind. Indra) will be defeated by Ardvahishtra (patron of fire, one of the Amahraspandas); stars, including the four main stars (Tishtar, Sadves, Vanand, Haftoring), will fight against planets ("Ahriman's seven generals" ); more precisely, there are four planets, but also Gozichr (a heavenly serpent that opposes the Sun, Moon and stars; perhaps a Dragon constellation or an imaginary line between zodiac constellations) and a comet Mushpar]: Chunakova 2004:18, 26, 29, 174-175.

Baltoscandia. Edda; Danes [Battle of Br√°vellir, Saxo Grammaticus' "Gesta Danorum"].