Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C37. Sloth disaster. 62.64.66.-.68.70.


sloth causes a global catastrophe or saves people from it.

Makuna, (vakuenai), yakua, tenetekara, apurina, takana, nambikwara, kayapo.

NW Amazon. Macuna [The sloth soaked wajü (Micandra spruceana) fruit in the poison basket; four Ayawa brothers, led by Ayawa bükü (elder), sailed to the basket on an oil trail (the poison is in oil); when the oil stopped oozing, the brothers turned into fish and began to eat fruit; the Sloth's daughter told her father that the basket was empty; he replied that they were the gods who created the world and came to destroy them; in There was one fish in the basket (this is Brother Bokanea; when cutting a tree with water inside the trunk, he remained in the sky; the brothers introduced the seed into the fruit, let Romi-Kuma eat it, she gave birth to B. again); the Sloth did not tell me to eat it, but the children baked and ate; the fish inspired her not to break her bones; the grillo (grillo, it was A. himself) began to pick up bones; the gods revived B.; the Sloth went for the fruit, telling his daughter to poison the gods with manioc poison; brother's bayukaya, she sang about it; the brothers heard, found out everything; asked Sloth's daughter where her father was, to find out from him where to get bird feathers for hats; B. gave Sloth's children a cake with manioc poison, they died; they came to a tree from the top of which Sloth threw fruit directly into the basket; the brothers closed the basket, the fruits began to fall to the ground, the Sloth had to go down; the elder A. wanted so that he could cry to the ground, but B. thought they would kill him anyway; the Sloth began to go back; the brothers threw fruits that turned into ant nests, but the Sloth climbed upstairs and grabbed the rays of the Sun, it became dark; he began to write, the world began to pour boiling water; the brothers first hid from boiling water under tree mushrooms, then became worms in mushrooms; the tree grew above the flood; the brothers told the monkey try the water, the water is hot, the monkey's hand remained white; pauhil put the end of the tail into the water, it's now white; the flowers on the tree were women, they grew up, they had children, they blew gases on some the fruits, now they stink; the brothers throw fruit at the Sloth in vain, only the elder A. fell into his hand, now the sloths have only two fingers; the others beat off the tail, who fell into the water, became a sloth of a different kind, it appears if someone dies; the body has become the current sloths; dawn]: Århem et al. 2004:458-462; (cf. vacuenai [the sun is motionless in the sky; made of bone goes to Grandfather's Sleep (Dáinali) to get night and sleep; to look at it, he must specially raise his long eyelashes; SK decides ask for sleep for heels, not for eyelashes to sleep, because eyelashes grow very long over time {not entirely clear}; Grandfather Sleep cuts off piece by piece from his left and right heel, puts it in his purse, tells you not to open it on the way; the burden is very heavy, people open it, a forest chicken flies out of her purse, hides at sunset, the sun goes with it, it gets dark; Ámaru's first woman knows that this is UK business, sends small ones to him biting flies, he drives them away; tells the Sloth to climb to the top of the tree and see if dawn is coming; he says it's dark everywhere, then opens his ass, from there the light shines, everyone thinks that dawn, the Sloth closes his ass, laughs; when he reaches the village, in the presence of A. The UK opens the purse again, a small bird flies out; "It's good that they discovered it along the way," says the UK; the big bird flew to where the bodies of animals and birds are from bitter cassava, and here people can eat meat; morning has come]: Hill 2009:75-80); yagua [two sloths support the sky on either side; disaster could occur if they move]: Chaumeil 1982:53.

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [people died in the world fire; only a few survived in the Sloth's house; the Sloths began to sing and thus stopped the fire; the guariba monkey child was left alone; remembered his parents' song ; when he met different animals, he asked them to sing; only the Sloth sang correctly; Guariba grew up with the Sloths, then found relatives]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 17:142-143.

Montagna - Jurua. Apurina [there was a boiling pot in the sun; storks collect various rot, throw it at it; Mayuruberu throws a stone, boiling water gushes over the edge, floods the ground; the Sloth escapes in a tree, throws seeds down; as they fall into the water, the Sun reappears; first it is tiny, then grows; M. gives the Sloth the seeds of cultivated plants; after the flood, people grow them; who does not works, M. eats that]: Ehrenreich 1891:71-72.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [The howler monkey asks Sloth why he goes down to earth to relieve himself rather than doing it right in the tree; he replies that if he does this, the world will turn upside down, Idsetti Deha will be above, and our land will be in the lower world; Var. 1 (Sciamas): a man brought a sloth, let him go to a tree; his two young sons began to prevent the sloth from descending; he fell, relieved his need, the earth swallowed up both him and the boys; the old woman told her father, who dug up the corpses; var.2 (Sciamas): The sloth wife lived with a man; to relieve her need, she must get off the tree on which she hangs; otherwise she will fall, she will be in the ground big hole; var 3 (Tumupasa): A sloth mother explains to her cubs that if she copes with a tree, her droppings will hit the ground like a comet and all people will die; var 4 (Tumupasa): the animals told A sloth can relieve himself on the ground; if droppings fall from a tree, the earth will turn over, and a flood will flow out of the hole]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 3:39-40.

Southern Amazon. Nambiquara [The sloth spirit ulurú can dig a passage under the village, causing a storm and earthquake, the world will turn upside down, the tauptú eagle will fall from the sky, people will find themselves again buried under the ground from where they were born]: Oberg 1953:100.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo [(Banner 1957:49); A sloth stole a fire (it is not specified from whom), moved slowly, the forest caught fire; the shaman fenced the circle with feathers, poured sweet potato juice inside with his family waited out a fire in this circle]: Wilbert 1978, No. 41:124.