C38. People are coming soon. .
Characters from the time of creation say that real people are coming soon, so we need to do this and that.
Mansi, northern and eastern Khanty, Nganasans, central (?) Yakuts, Far Eastern Evenks (Upper Aldan), Koulitz, Yakima, Western Marsh Cree, Hoopas, Southern Mountain Mivok, Washo, Totonaki.
Western Siberia. Muncie: Lukina 1990, No. 106 (northern; western. A. Balandin, 1937, p. Vejacors on the river. Ob) [(clearly the same text in Rombandeev 2005, No. 1:33-61, a brief retelling in 1991:14); water is everywhere; an old man and an old woman are in the house; an iron loon flew in, dived, popped up, his neck burst, blood under his neck it seemed like a piece of earth in her beak, stuck between the logs of the house, flew up; the same second loon, dives three times, blood on his neck, a piece of earth stuck between the logs; the earth began to grow; the old man three times comes out every time after three days; the third time it is dry everywhere; the old man sends a white crow to fly around the ground three times; he returns after 3, 5, 7 days; the third time he is black, pecking a dead person; the old man told him not to catch a beast from now on, only fish or take blood for himself when a man killed the beast and took meat; a tree grew in the backyards; the old man brought it with roots and branches, and began to scold , cut his hand, the old woman sucked blood, ordered the tree to be carried back; at night the old woman was not there, in the morning the old man found her in a small house, she gave birth to a son there, called Taryg-Pesch-nimala owls; T. hunts; every time He sees a line in the ice-hole; then he sees his reflection, he has a beard, needs a wife; finds a house, took a horse out of the underground barn, washed it from the manure, his mother gave chain mail, a sword, a whip and a saddle; T. jumps to look for a wife, punched an aspen leaf with an arrow; an old woman in the house says that T. pierced a piece of her bed; that Num-Torum, his father let his wife down from the sky, and Paraparsekh stole; gave pike, hawk, mammoth, hare and scissors; T. meets people herding horses; people: we herd horses P.; T.: answer: we herd horses T., otherwise the Fire King following me will burn you with fire; the same is cow shepherds; T. comes to P.'s house, he is not there, a woman tells him to hide in moss; winged P. descends on larch; the woman assures that P. is dead, P. does not believe, flies away; T. pursues with the skin of a hawk; P. became an iron loon in the sea, T. became a pike; P. - hare, T. is another hare; P. is a teal duck, T. shot him with an arrow, burned him in the fire; the horse carried him across the sky through Torum's fire, ordered him to hide in his nostril for this time; Kul is on the way, swallows everyone, the horse tells me to wear mammoth skin, cut off Kul's nose and ears with scissors; Kul: I'll die now; 30 aspens from one root go into girth, strangle people with branches; the horse is gone, T. thinks about that old woman, she appears, breaks aspen, says that the eternal era of human life will come, and with these aspens this would be impossible; the horse tells you to wrap it with birch bark, grab Kirp-Nelp Equa's granddaughter; K. chases, enough the horse, but only rips off his birch bark, cuts his hands against his sword; T. comes to his wife, with him, clutching the horse's leg, daughter K.; T. now has two wives, all P.'s wealth; in heaven T. comes to the old man, in sledges Sun girl; T. volunteered to take her away; looks down, sees people quarreling, thought he would kill everyone, people die; the old man tells them to be resurrected; he resurrected; the same in another place where in the sledge Month-old girl (or are these girls daughters of the Sun and the Month?) ; with two wives, T. comes to a place where earth and sky meet; there is a hole, an old man is waiting for ducks, waiting for geese; T. tries to fly like a hawk, falls, dives into the lake with a pike, brings it to the old woman and the old man ducks; the old woman cooks them, does not tell them to break their bones, puts their bones in a lake with live water, the ducks fly out alive; T. sleeps with their daughter; T. returned to earth with all his wives, now there are 5 wives; then gets another wife]: 272-290; Soldatova 2008, No. 9 [God's son tells his father that he will go down to earth; does not want to dress warmly - the weather is good; God let the wind and rain, the son froze; said "Let the human age will begin and the child listens to father and mother at least"]: 15; Munkäcsi in Lintrop 2019 [episodes of a difficult story, for example, on lk. 25; a hero named Soft Crane Hip Skin: Once Upon a Time there will be a long time for people, the eternal time of people, not a single person can cope with you, so you will have to kill you]: 12-33; Northern Khanty: Potpot 2014, No. 4 (p. Kazim, 1994) [the woman has a Nenets husband; two Nenets came to visit; her husband made her a sledge with two curves (deer can be harnessed into it from two torons, only the Kazym goddess has such a sledge); those who came began to laugh; a quarrel arose; the woman became a cat, came out of the plague; her sledge was tied with chains; she tore the ropes, took a sword, cut down the Nenets men; then cut off her husband's legs, threw it to the North Sea Bay: When the divine age commands that you will be a legless deity in the bay of the icy sea; in the sacred form of a little drake flew to the sacred Heavenly Father Torum; said that she would go to a river that does not have deities; returned home; came to Lake Shishang Lor; left her son there, let him be the deity of horned deer; on the Merry River of the Tundra Wandeer, she left her daughter as a deity of horned deer; seven forest giants: when the female age comes, when the male age comes, sit down as seven deities; today they are called people of the mouth of the river; she threw a mitten on the Mozyama River - let the bull deer sacrifice here receiving deity; threw her second mitt on the Amna River; in a village on the Merry River she made God the only servant; when the female age comes, when the male age comes, you will be the Great Deity with eyes and ears a month, a half-sun; then she put the five-planted chorea, let one end be pine, the other birch; on the other side of Kazym, a wagon train with 12 sledges so that people could see, let will turn; a herd of deer into hog pines; when the eternal peace of women comes, the eternal peace of a Khanty man will come, I am a reindeer Nenets woman, horned bulls sacrificed by a receiving deity Sunday]: 46-50; Steinitz 2014, No. 8 (Sherkal dialect) [Imi-Hyty came to a woman, married her, lived with her, then put it in his bag, went back; looked into his aunt's house - she was left alone the only spark, the house completely fell apart; he called out to her, theta glad; he threw a sliver behind his back, a house appeared; took out his wife, she told her to shake out two belts, they turned into a barn and a house; once an aunt and wife are gone, the animal skins are taken away; THEY come to the city where the Tsar-Heartless (CBS) lives; they were swallowed by a mare, born a foal with golden hooves; the wife of the CLS orders to kill the foal; the aunt picked up a piece of meat, threw it, a birch tree grew gold; the wife tells me to cut down, my aunt picked up a chip, threw it, she became a golden goose on the pond; the wife tells me to kill, but not to catch the goose; he got to the clothes of the CBS, became as a man, put on his shell, chopped the CLS, burned it; when the age of puppets comes, let there be no such evil, when the age (people) with the umbilical cord comes, let there be no such evil spirits! THEY were chopped down by the city of the Central Library System, the aunt asks to spare his wife; THEY returned home, taking his wife and aunt], 9 (Kazim dialect) [Imi-Khily lives with her grandmother, asks him to make a bow and arrow; his grandmother does not tell me to walk behind the house; he went, looked into the hut in which Kir-Nulep-Imi; she tells her to let down a three-year-old moose; cooks in a cauldron; THEY quietly crochet the meat; KNM wonders why there is not enough meat; the next day is the same, a four-year-old elk; the next day, KNM tells her to let THEM down, he falls to her, but turns into a needle, hides in the garbage on the floor; when THD falls asleep, THEY came back home, bewitched her to be taken to him; she tied herself to larch, but brought her with larch; THEY hit her with an ax, flame to heaven; When the age of Khanty women comes, Khanty men, nothing so terrible, so damned], 11 (Kazim dialect) [grandfather is dead, Imi-Khily lives with his grandmother; comes to his uncle, Gorodsky-Zherevensky- To a man; he promises him a youngest daughter; goes up to a wooden tower; Menk-Iki tells his iron otters to transport him across the Ob; puts his head into the tower, cuts it off; MI (headless?) walks back on foot, asks her daughters to put the cauldron; the youngest has put them; they pour blood into the cauldron (her father); the youngest daughter promises to become an ice-hole, and next to it there is a birch bark box, the middle one with cloudberries, the eldest one with a sledge in a pine forest; THEY will be interested, they will kill him; but they guessed them, cuts a box, a cloudberry, a sledge; the daughter of a Urban-Village Man brings home; the grandmother has the last spark, And her extinguishes the icy end of the stick, my grandmother swears, but then the grandson appeared; creates a stone house; When the Khanty age comes, I will be appointed a protective spirit, sacrificing an animal, accepting food as a sacrifice], 29 (son's dialect) [the king made an iron toy horse for his son and daughter; she ate the city and the king and the queen; he tells her brother and sister not to be afraid; they filled the trough with wine, the horse became drunk, they sat on a donkey, the horse was chasing; a donkey told him to be killed across the river, a dog jumped out of his stomach; they came to the cannibals, hid in the barn; the cannibals climbed there, the prince killed them; under There is only one robber left on the floor; invites the prince's sister to pretend to be sick, send her brother to get the milk of an iron she-wolf; the she-wolf gave milk and a cub; the same is a bear; a lion; now the prince has a dog, wolf, bear, lion; sister asks for flour from the barn with seven compartments; the prince left, the animals remained in the barn; the cannibal robber tells us to wash in the bathhouse; the bird reports three times that the animals are about to will get out; animals tore the robber; prince: when the age of puppeteers (people) comes, let nothing be so terrible {in the sense of monsters}; tied his sister to horse riding: if he is her needed, let him drink a barrel of clean water, if not needed, a barrel of alkali; the prince put one boot on the road, then the other; the coachman stopped, went for the first boot, the prince took the royal daughter to him; freed his sister, she drank a barrel of alkali; prepared her brother's bed, put a needle into his ear, the brother died; the animals dug up the body, pulled out the needle, the wife is happy; the sister was put on a pole, shot with guns], 30 ( Sherkal dialect) [at the time of the creation of the world, hazel grouse was the size of a cow; the underground spirit was hunting, hazel grouse took off, the spirit fell to his knees in fear; wrote a letter to God complaining at home; God thought: "(If) in the future there is a world of little ostyaks with a cropped navel (lasting) one century, how will they walk along the hunting trail?" ; God cut hazel grouse into small pieces, distributed it to many animals; since then everyone has a piece of white meat, these are pieces isolated from hazel grouse]: 57-69, 69-72, 76-86, 185-196, 196; oriental Khanty (Tromyegan River) [father-in-law laughs at Torum's son, believes that he is a bad hunter; T.'s son can hardly catch up with a six-legged moose, cuts off a pair of his legs so that future people can catch up with moose ("Being four-legged, four-armed, with six legs, six arms even exhausted me, but what should a future person do?") ; spread the meat on the water of the lake, only took his heart and tongue; attached the skin to the sky ("When white dolls, black dolls appear, you will mark dawn"); the moose trail on which he walked nailed with the tip of the bow to the sky so that people can navigate (Milky Way); brings his tongue and heart to his father-in-law - let him eat and then get lost and die]: Honti 1978 in Lukina 1990, No. 8:67-69; nganasany ( Avam; other informants did not know the plot, considered it a shamanic fairy tale; zap. 1961) [Suruny-NGO ("Orphan Boy") goes to look for the soul of his deceased father; his mother tried to hold him for 7 days, could not; she meets the giant Bydy-Nguo (bydy - "water"), who keeps all the fish in the sea, at the request of S. lets her go into the rivers, goes with him; another giant, Babi Nguo (babi, "wild deer"), holds the deer, at S.'s request, releases them into the tundra, goes with him; the giant Moo-nguo (mou - "land") throws stones the earth trembles , S. says that people will not be able to live on the shaking ground, let people be born, the stones lie still, the earth stands still; M. goes with him; their strength runs out, they can hardly walk; S. kills an iron loon with a stone, the companions could not; they come to the house; cook in turn; the half-skeleton old woman Kamynkuo-nguo (kamynkuo means "blood") picks up food every time, hits the cook; S. grabs her, she promises him three daughters, says that her husband (Plague) gnaws on his father's head; that she is actually Syrada-nyama ("mother of underground ice"), hides; S. tells his companions to pull a rope out of grass, pushes him back the stone, under it goes down, S. goes down; sends the three daughters of Syrada-yama upstairs, when he climbs himself, the companions cut off the rope, he falls to the lower ground; the Mother Bird comes to the plague; next to him is the one who gnawed Father S.'s head; agrees to send him to the ground on a bird, S. must feed her with his meat; the bird brought S. to the ground, but his eyes and spine remain; the bird regurgitates, the body C . recovering; S. cut off three nguos in the ear, sent them away, took three girls for himself]: Simchenko 1996 (1): 39-53.
Eastern Siberia. Central (?) Yakuts [for deception, the fish court decided to carve Burbot; his tail has flattened, there is little meat left; Burbot says that people will soon appear, they will have nothing to eat; then Taimen is forced change liver with Burbot]: Sivtsev, Efremov 1990:22-24; Far Eastern Evenks (Upper Aldan; West from shaman M.P. Kulbertinova) [Robbeck et al., MS; at first only water and sky; winged flew and sat on the crests of the waves; then a creature without a head appeared; the headless had eyes on their chest, their mouths just below their eyes, put their hands in their mouths; there were many headless people where they lived, no one knows; apparently they lived on pile decks or on rocks; they said to each other: they decided to dig rivers; the water began to decrease, land appeared; they made large rivers, seas; rivers carried stones with the flow; headless: let them be called "stones", when there are many people, they will name everything they have done; the earth has dried up, vegetation has appeared; headless: now real people will begin to appear, they will begin to come from somewhere, they need to be born from something; headless people live like people: when it snowed, they made skis for themselves, they knew everything about everything; once huge shiny ones flew to that land winged ants; headless: real people with heads will appear, start hunting like us; ants are divorced very much, tall in the middle, thin in the waist; later they turned into huge people; headless: you need to watch out for these loggerheads; and those who have headless heads were also afraid]: Dyakonova 2014:67-68.
The coast is the Plateau. Colitz [The chipmunk was raised by Grandma Olenich; he climbed a tree, ate berries; a dangerous woman came, pretended to be his grandmother, promised to give her roots to the camas; he threw her branches, jumped away but she managed to scratch his back (stripes since then), licked the blood from her fingers, she liked it; her grandmother hid it under the basket; his grandmother promised to make the dangerous woman white and beautiful; cover yourself with resin, jump on a white stone, then tear off old skin; tried it with one finger - it happened; grandmother cut her neck with a sharp stone, covered her with stones; 5 sisters came a dangerous woman, each ate the meat given by her grandmother and died; Coyote found out that the children of dangerous women were still alive; asked his "sisters" what to do; they: then you will say that you knew everything yourself; Coyote: get started, rain! they were frightened: the souls of dangerous women's children hang on the walls; the Coyote cut them; when people come now, they will populate the whole world, there will be no dangerous creatures]: Adamson 1934, No. 26:218-220; yakima [the monster Istiplach on r. Colombia sucks everyone in; he is afraid of the Coyote; the Coyote hides knives, firewood, etc., takes the form of an old woman, is swallowed; there are many living and dead animal people inside, it's cold there; he makes a fire cuts off the heart with a fifth knife, I. belches everyone; Coyote tells him not to swallow anyone when real people come]: Hines 1992, No. 1:19-22.
The Midwest. Western Swamp Cree (Stone Cree) [The wolf has the ability to light firewood by jumping over it; gives this ability to Wolverine not to use it idle; he sets fire every now and then the dry land supposedly is cold for him; Wolves take away their gift from Wolverine; seeing that all animals have their own lights, Wolverine suggests giving up fire altogether - people will appear, they are easy to fire they will find animals and kill them; the animals agree]: Brightman 1989:133-134.
California. Hupa [a deer cannot be born; finds and chews some grass, a deer is born; she says that when people arrive, it will be so]: Golla 1984:57; southern mountainous mivok [out of jealousy, the Eagle beat his chipmunk wife, kicked her out of the house; a week later someone brought her back, but she died; the stripes on the chipmunk's skin are signs of those beatings; the Eagle grieves, mourns for a year; Yelelkin descended from the sky, carried him through a hole in the zenith of the sky; his nephew Coyote ran to the southern, eastern, northern, western corners of the world in search of a way to heaven; returned and began to dance, jumping higher and higher, jumped to the zenith; in the sky, the Frog (Bullfrog), Y.'s wife and Eagle's aunt, advised not to kill the prisoner right away, gave Eagle a knife; Y. kills prisoners, inviting them to bend down for a drink from baskets of water; the Eagle offered Y. to drink himself, cut off his head with a knife; the Coyote plucked all the feathers from Y. planted all the feathers around the world, which grew trees and grass; from the sky, Coyote and Eagle lowered on a rope Frog; then Coyote said there would be new people, turned himself, Eagle, and others into animals and birds]: Barrett 1918, No. 9:17-19:17-18.
Big Pool. Washo [Wolf and Coyote brothers discuss what to do with yours when they arrive; Wolf suggests digging a well at the top of the mountain; old people will bathe and rejuvenate in it; Coyote does not agree: he does not know how to kill animals and feeds on carrion; if there are no corpses, he will die; the Wolf offers to hunt small animals, but Coyote insists that dead people are the most delicious]: Lowie 1939, No. 1:33.
Mesoamerica Totonaki (Chicotepec) [the man played the violin; the Groms sent a messenger to him to appear; let him say who allowed him to play, they don't like it; he was asked to sit in a chair and then race; at a distance he saw pajaro de primavera lying upside down; not wanting to step on him, the man hesitated and lost the contest; he was killed and buried; his wife stayed pregnant; The thunders called her and, under threat of death, forced her to miscarry, the baby was buried in the yard of the house from where they managed the village (town hall); 8 days later, a corn shoot grew on this place, on it The cob was ripe; the thunders called the woman and told him to pick it up; she ground the grain, cooked the tamale; it turned out to be bitter and she threw it into the river; downstream the old woman heard crying and picked up the baby; brought it home, her husband is also happy; the boy grew up quickly, calls the couple parents; asks where the father goes; old woman: take care of animals {I mean fish, but it is more often referred to as animals }; these animals lay motionless; the kingfisher and other birds eating fish came to eat them; the young man asked for permission to go with his father; started shooting at kingfishers and killing them; promised that now the fish ("animals") will multiply; the next time he went alone, started shooting fish in the head, they had fins, a tail in their backs; tomorrow or the day after tomorrow God's children will appear {i.e. people}, they will need animals {that is, there must be a lot of fish and it should not be concentrated in one place}; the fish has moved {i.e. blurred}; the next day the young man came back with his father; he: how to catch now; then the young man gave his father a net; people would appear - they would need it; the young man came to the crocodile, he wanted to eat it; the young man asked him to open his mouth to climb into it, cut off his tongue and said he would now be called a crocodile; when lightning flashes, they would honor you {that is, a crocodile's tongue is made of lightning}; the young man told the old woman he knew he had a real mother, and his real father was killed; the young man came when his mother sadly hummed and made clay pots; hiding in a tree, he broke the pot with arrows; she began to swear; he went out to her, told her not to swear, and called himself a son; sat on her knees and spoiled her; told the whole story about his father's death and his appearance; he was a corncob; he assured her that he would not be killed; he opened his father's house and everyone was there violins, guitars, drums and flutes; he started playing the violin, the Thunders heard it, sent messengers for him; he volunteered to go; when {people} come, you will be called rain/storm clouds, for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow God will increase the number of his children {i.e. people}; and they agreed to be under his control, to be clouds, not who they were; they were given their horses, white clouds, and given their machetes; and they they will produce lightning, scream (thunder} and pour water; in the morning, clouds appeared in the east, rained, a thunderstorm began; while running, he did not look at the lying man and ran first; the second test : eat a lot of corn porridge; he arranged with Agouti to gnaw a hole in the bottom of the porridge vessel; the porridge flowed out, and the Thunders believed that the young man had eaten everything; then he took his father out of the grave, to revive; but he should not be afraid; but when he heard the rustle of a fallen leaf, my father got scared and turned into a deer; now people will eat you, hunters will kill you; this young man is Wonder Man]: Aschmann 1977 .