C4. Flood: falling fruits.
. (.69.) .73.74.
During a flood or at the beginning of time, fruits, seeds, or other objects fall into the water one after another. As this goes, the water begins to drain, the earth is exposed.
Mountain arapeche, susure, kire, vatut, vedau, kachin, solor, atoni, tututni (joshua), shikuani, makiritare, akawayo, makushi, wapishana, kalinya, galibi, oyampi, emerillon, napo, canelo, shuar, achuar, murato, candoshi, tariana, maipure, andoque, yagua, tenetehara, tupinamba, urarina, chayahuita, shipibo, setebo, pyro, apurina, kulina, characterbet, tacana, guarazu, sinta larga, rickbacza, bororo, ache, shokleng.
Melanesia. Mountain arapes: Mead 1940, No. 14 [a woman holds a bleeding finger above the tarot leaf, hears the sound of the surf; hides a leaf in a hole under the garbage in the garden; cooked vegetables, they are salty, cooked for children without salt; accidentally gave the youngest with salt; the brothers hear the sound of the sea, the younger dug up a pile of garbage, the sea overflowed; the mother put a plate on her head, became a turtle; three brothers climbed the yap tree, the fourth, the youngest is on the agup tree; the eldest produces SE, the second produces NE winds; they run in different directions, salt water behind them; tree branches are broken, thrown into the water, the water began to fall; otherwise everything would have flooded]: 366-367 ; Fortune in Mead 1940, No. XXV [people drained the pond, caught an eel that belonged to the spirit of Rain; left a woman to guard; eels tell her not to eat it; people, including her brother, do not listen to her, eat it, although the meat does not boil in any way; at night there is a flood, a woman climbs a palm tree, throws nuts to check, and the water is deep; the water has come down, she placed yams in all the depressions of her body, fingers, limbs, hair, it's like boils; in this form she goes to the spirits of Rain, everyone rejects her, only the younger brother takes her, but only as a maid; their yams are wood chips; she cooks them with them, eats her yam from her body at night; father and son They come back and see that she is beautiful; she teaches them farming, hunting with dogs; bunches of grass set fire to the vegetation themselves at night; she tells her husband to silently take food to the axes; he tells them, Hush, quieter ; axes kill him]: 387-388; sushi [someone ruins the garden by eating tarot tubers; a person guards, falls asleep; lets himself be bitten by a centipede, falls asleep again; collects mosquitoes into a bamboo vessel, they keep you awake; they see a huge eel crawling out of the water, eating tarot, returning to the river; people catch eels, but they are all small; an old woman bathes, takes a crab from the bottom, a hole under it, an eel crawls out; they hit him with arrows, pull him out, cut him, start cooking; those who go for water bring it, but it dries immediately; everyone went for vegetables to eat with meat, the old woman and the little boy were left; it says that eel has become human, all small eels have also become human; the old woman goes and sees that the child is right; Eel tells him not to eat his meat; they do not believe the old woman, they eat, only the old woman and her grandson and granddaughter do not eat; the lake overflows, floods the village, the water follows the waterbird and the fruit of the tree; everyone who ate eel meat drowned; an old woman and her grandchildren climbed a coconut palm; dropped fruits to find out if it is worth more water; finally, the fruit fell to the ground, the flood was over; the old woman and her grandchildren found the bones of the dead on the ground]: Lehner 1975, No. 6:755-757; Kira [friends quarreled, hit each other, he went to the garden, swallowed all his shell ornaments, became a boar, began to eat tarot and yams; the old woman saw him, called the men, wounded the wild boar with spears, and brought him to the village on a tied pole; the next the day everyone went hunting, the girl and his little brother were left; the boar became a man, ordered not to eat his meat when the wild boar was killed; next time he ordered him to take his stomach, there was jewelry; the children warned that there is no need to eat the boar, no one listened; the children cut their stomach, took out jewelry; this man's parents were looking for their son, found his finger, returned to their homes, the husband made a hole, told his wife to urinate there, the flood began, filled everything; the sister and brother escaped from the tree; to see if the water had come down, the coconut was thrown, then the yam tuber, both fell into the soft mud; then they threw the chicken, it began to eat the corpses; then they threw the fire, it dried the ground; they threw coconut and yam again, they split; they threw a leaf, it turned into a bird; brother and sister went down, the bird told them to become husband and wife; the wife began to give birth sons and daughters, new people from them; at first they all lived in a hole; then the first couple went out and began to build a house, the children went out and built too; animals and birds came to despair on the occasion of the construction; a drum could be heard from under the ground; the husband began to dig, and many people came out of the ground; the woman gave them a drink of hot water, they spoke different languages; the animals ran away, only chickens and some were left rats]: Höltker 1962:99-104; cotton [husband found out that his wife had a lover; sent a big snake to her in the image of that man; the woman slept with the snake; people brought him into the house, set him on fire, but his left hand (i.e. an anthropomorphic serpent?) stayed outside; the children saw the serpent block the river with its foot, but people did not believe it; the children went to the mountain; people sacrificed the Snake a pig, but he was not satisfied, shot at the ground, water poured, everything drowned, only two young men escaped on a coconut tree; they ate coconuts, the shell fell into the water, it was carried to the mountain, where the girls escaped; the boys jumped into the water, swam for the shell; married girls, had many descendants]: Fischer 1963, No. 28c: 174-175; Vedau [a hunter's dog from the village of Gawi took him to the lake where the magic Abaia eel lived; there were a lot of fish; the hunter brought his tribesmen, all they caught and ate fish; one old woman did not catch or eat, did not give her two dogs, but one of them ate; A. sent spirits, they sent a shower, the lake overflowed its banks, everyone drowned; only the old woman climbed on a tree, taking a torch and two dogs; the water continued to rise until the old woman left the dog that ate fish; in the dark, the old woman shook off sparks; first they immediately went out, then fell longer, then they began to fall to the ground, they didn't go out immediately; she went down; {skip p. 56}; the old woman raised them, they got married, people settled the village again; but they're not allowed to fish in that lake]: Ker 1910:52-57.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachin [Ningkong wa decides to build a bridge over Ayeyarwady; his 9 brothers are jealous, they say that his brother, then sister, mother, etc. are dead; he continues to work; when he hears about his father's death, he cries , quits work; finds everyone at home in good health; promises to flood the earth with a flood and burn it with nine suns; puts the orphan brother and sister in a drum; every day they release a rooster, throw a vessel and a needle; 8 once they understand by the sound of a fall that there is water below; on the ninth day, the vessel and needle fall to the ground, the rooster crows; both come to nata (nata are mythological creatures), hear that he wants to eat them; run away to another; he hides them under the roof, tells the first to come in 4 days when the beer is ready; a hot iron rod is thrown into his mouth; he rushes under the waterfall, his roar can still be heard; his brother has A sister gives birth to a child, bothers the owner with crying; he kills the child, feeds his parents's heart, cuts his body to pieces, pieces turn into Chinese, Shan, Kachin, Burmese, etc.]: Gilhodes 1908: 683-886.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Solor: Arndt 1938:4-5 [brother and sister escaped during the coconut palm flood; fruit was thrown down every day; on the eighth day, the nut fell to dry ground and split; snake, iguana and deer guarded children; brother and sister saw grasshoppers and snakes mate; got married and had two sons and two daughters; they became the ancestors of the Fratria demon and padzi], 5-6 [during the Radja Masan flood Doni and her sister escaped on a coconut tree; the crocodile held its base, the seven-headed snake wrapped around the trunk, preventing it from falling; 7 days later R. threw the coconut into the water; 7 days later it fell to the ground; brother and sister went down, gave birth to sons Léwa Sira Padzi and Léwa Sira Demon; both wanted to suck their mother's right breast, got into a fight, D. won; the brothers separated to live in different parts of the island]; atoni [Rote Island was part of Timor; fish (dans-vis) began to dance, made holes in the surface of the earth, Rote broke away with all the inhabitants; Lis Lahuru Nai La'at killed fish; later, due to this damage, water flooded the area; Besi and his sister escaped on a coconut tree; brother asked his sister for a pin stuck in her hair; said that if the pin came to the ground, they would be saved; thrown into the water the pin sailed to the ground; brother and sister went down, walked through shallow water, reached the ground, had four sons]: Middelkoop 1971:447-449.
The coast is the Plateau. Tututney (Joshua) [at first only water and sky; the Creator (The Giver) and his companion are in the steam room on the water; a white object arrives, two trees grow on it; it grows turns into earth; it swings, freezes after the Creator and his companion fumigate it with tobacco; now there are only two trees on earth - red-wood in the south and ash in the north; days and nights have become alternate, grass has grown, leaves on trees; The Creator sculpts five lumps of clay, turns them into stone, throws them into water; hears a distant blow, the water is deep; the next stone is the bottom closer, another is the earth almost at the surface of the water; buruns ran in, after the sixth the water retreated; the Creator notices someone's traces in the sand; floods the earth five times again and frees it from water, but traces appear every time; it means that disorder and evil (trouble) in the world cannot be avoided; The Creator sculpted two figures out of clay, gave it to his companion; 4 days later, a female and a male appeared, they have many puppies; The Creator again sculpted two figures, from they turned out to be snakes and snakes, they have many snakes; the Creator put the snakes in the basket, crushed them, threw them into the sea; but two crawled out, all snakes from them; the Creator ordered these two large snakes to be wrapped around the ground like a belt, to prevent it from falling apart; the Creator threw five bad dogs into the ditch, they were descended from water monsters (or possibly seals, marine mammals); the Creator's companion smokes all night; a woman appears The creator tells the companion to marry her, give birth to people; the companion lies down with her, she does not see him, gives birth to a son; he grew up, his wife is not mentioned)]: Farrand 1915, No. 16:224-226.
Llanos. Shikuani [Kuwei decides to destroy the first humans (animal people); creates a huge tree, everyone climbs for fruit; Jaguar realizes that bones fall into the water; continues to throw them while alone does not fall to dry ground, escapes; The sloth remains hanging at the very top; K. breaks the branches, everyone sitting on them fell into the water, eaten by piranhas; K. buries a piece of skin from his leg, the next morning in all people at home again]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 25:126-128.
Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [two brothers flood the ground in revenge for the death of their mother; two young men (ancestors of the Macu and Piaroa Indians) flee on two fused Mauritia palm trees; eat fruits, throw bones into water; water goes away; two palm trees turn into a mountain]: Civrieux 1980:80-81.
Guiana. Acawayo: Brett 1868 [Maconaima creates a tree with all the cultivated plants on its branches; Aguchi finds a tree, eats alone; son M. The whitefish sends the Woodpecker to follow Aguti, who pretends to be a knock; the Rat finds a tree, S. tells him to knock him down; the lazy Monkey interferes with work, S. sends her to carry water in the basket; the stump pours water, fish in it; S. tells you to climb the kokorite palm tree; those who could not close themselves in the cave; a long night falls; S. throws kokorite seeds; when he hears that they no longer fall into the water, people go down; turn into animals; Cayman is left without a tongue for lying; the Trumpeter Bird's ants have eaten their legs, now they are skinny]: 377-383 (=1880:127-128); Im Thurn 1966 [Agouti finds a tree with cassava, bananas and other cultivated plants on branches; people cut down a tree; a stump turns into stone; water gushes from it, someone has covered it with a basket; a curious Monkey lifted it up, the flood has flooded the ground; the first ancestors cocorite climb the palm tree; the Howler Monkey roars, his throat remains swollen; a person throws seeds down from time to time to see if the water is deep; the first ancestors descend; the Trumpeter Bird has ants they eat their legs, now they are skinny; the man makes fire by friction; the Penelope marail turkey swallows a spark, flies away, his throat stays red; people think the fire has swallowed Cayman, they tear out his tongue]: 379-381; macushi: Farabee 1924 [Entsekerang's elder brother, younger - Anike; turn the first bad people into stones; notice the remains of various fruits on Aguti's teeth; send Squirrel trace; she finds a tree with all the cultivated plants on the branches; the brothers cut it down; A. tells the trunk to be firm on the side where E. cuts; the tree falls, the brothers collect the fruit on the mat; water from the trunk floods the world, A. tells the sun to go out; the brothers climb two Maurutia flexuosa palm trees, throw seeds into the water; a new land emerges from them; A. tells the sun to shine again]: 83-84; Koch-Grünberg 1924 [During the flood, Nuá made a boat, all the animals boarded it; the first ancestors turned into animals and birds; flee at the top of the inaja tree; during the long night, Agouti throws fruit seeds into the water; first they hit his genitals, his hairs stick, now the fruits are covered with hairs; they descend when they begin to fall to dry ground; the sun rises; to find out if the earth is dry, N. sent The urubu, who was then a dove; he ate corpses, especially fish, turned black and turned into a vulture; the pigeon came back and spoke; the Eagle, Ibis, and the Heron did not return either, they ate fish, the ants ate their legs]: 261-262; wapishana [from the mountain: rocks]: Farabee 1918 [Tuminikar (tum = create, make) creates people; Dweed brings them food every day; people look after animals, find a tree with all cultivated plants on its branches; no longer needs D.'s services; T. cuts down the tree, its stump is the Avayapiapu rock (=seiba); some plants have not learned to grow, they are gone; water from the trunk floods the ground; people make a boat out of the upper jaw of a musk duck; they sail to Cerriri; throw stones to the north to see if the water is deep; they have formed a hill; ducks wear their beak around their necks like an amulet]: 110-113; Ogilvie 1940 [Tuminikar and Dweed brothers; every day D. brings people edible crops; two girls watch Agouti, find a tree with all the cultivated plants on branches and roots; now people do not need D.'s services; T. tells to cut down a tree; stump - Roraima; water from a trunk floods the world; man turns a pendant from a musk duck's beak into an ark; takes it with him plants; sticks to the mountain; people throw stones into the water to see if the water has come down; after the flood, many bananas grow on this mountain]: 67; kalinya [Abraham (his Indians are saved during the flood) called Nova); climbs a tree with a dog and a parrot; throws fruits down to see if the water is deep; after the flood he works his own housework; once finds food cooked; finds two women , both raped; the Caribbean descended from the beautiful Parrot and the Arawaks from an ugly Dog]: Magaña 1985:25-26; Galibi [the rain flooded the ground, the hunter and the dog climbed the tree, threw it down fruits find out if the water came down; when it came down, went down; when he returned from hunting, the kashiri is ready; the hunter waited for the girl, threw the dog's skin into the fire, got married]: Renault-Lescure et al. 1987, No. 1:11; oyana [Kuyuli asks people to move away, knocks down trees on the site with one blow; only one has moved away, the others are crushed; K. revives them, but others do not know about it, they push him to death in a mortar; later him they see him alive in the river; the woman wants to grab him, she is dragged into the water; together with the woman K. returns to the village; his body is sores, his wife goes dancing; K. sends his friend Sica for a genip, heals ulcers, comes to dance handsome, his wife does not know him, dances with him all night; after dancing, he stomps his foot, water floods the ground; K. and his son escape first in a mortar, then in a tree; K. sends birds four species to explore the surroundings; two of them receive fruit from humans; throw it into the water, the flood ends; Toad steals fish from the top from the survivors; K. sends two birds in turn to guard, one finds a thief; K. comes to the Old Toad, finds out that she keeps the fire on her anus; K. sends two birds, but they fail to steal the fire; sends a jaguar to drive her away, steals the fire himself, but the Toad arranges it that he is losing it; K. turns into fire himself, prepares cassava cakes from the pus of the abscesses that he has on his body; Sica refuses to eat it; K. asks him to bury himself; at this point he appears vegetable garden with all cultivated plants]: Magaña 1987, No. 42:42; oyampi [during the flood, a man escaped at the top of the caumou tree; threw fruits down to see if the water had come down; after the flood, the fire was at vultures; Prionites momota set fire to its tail, carried away the fire, but it went out; the partridge (penelope) carries the fire in its beak, since then it has a red throat, the fire has gone out again; another bird brings fire]: Grenand 1982, No. 9:113-117; emerillon [after the flood, people gathered on the caumou palm tree, no ground can be seen from the top; they regularly threw palm seeds, listening to whether they fall into the water or on ground; when the seeds began to fall to the ground, people tied leaves to their heads, arms and legs, descended to the ground, but became jaguars, bakers and other animals; only one man remained human; in the village found a capuchin monkey (Cetus apella) tied to an empty pot; brought cassava; when he returned next time, kashiri was ready; the man pretended to leave, found, married a girl; she gave birth a child the size of a small capuchin; asked her uncle, howler monkeys (Atouatta seniculus) and ateles (arachnids, Ateles panicus), not to kill her; when her husband killed a howler, the child became a monkey ran away into the forest, his wife also disappeared; Wilakalo came down from the sky, ordered three hammocks to be hung, killed the anaconda, cut it into as many pieces as there were peoples on earth, put the pieces in hammocks, and left for a few days; the meat wormed; when a person lay down in a hammock, the worms became human; W. ordered everyone to dive into boiling water, people were scared, did not, W. bought the spider; the white man swam, turned white; followed by an Indian, the last black man - turned black with dirty water; W. gave the Indian shoes, he did not take it, took the European, sailed on the ship; W. taught Indian shamans how to make a shaman maraka rattle; W. ordered the snake to bite a tree, that bit a man, he hit her with a stick; the same with a mosquito, a jaguar; a man threw ash on agami, her back turned white; atele painted her face red uruku, capuchin painted her body, the howler rubbed its roots, turned yellow ; men poured sperm into calebasses to have children; women did not have genitals; cul jaune pierced the woman, her beak turned red; W. attached a piece of wood to the man, he met with the woman]: Renault-Lescure et al. 1987, No. 1:129-141.
Western Amazon. Napo [during the flood, two Monkey men climbed a wito tree (apparently a genipa); ate fruits, so these monkeys have a black face; they shed their fruit once a month; the third fell into the mud, the fourth - to the dry ground; when the men came down, they met the Woodpecker, he brought them to his house, gave his two daughters to the survivors; we come from this marriage]: Mercier 1979:155-156; Canelo [two brothers in a snake is found in the forest; a tree is burned; the youngest ate baked meat, became thirsty; drank, burst, the flood began; the elder climbed a tree, threw seeds down, to find out if the water was deep; found the youngest, he turned into a snake; first hand, then ate his eldest son; he wanted to kill the snake, was swallowed; cut his heart with a knife and went out; he went bald, died soon]: Coloma et al. 1986:77-79; shuar: Karsten 1919:328-330; 1935, No. 10:534; Pelizzaro 1961, No. 6:4; 1993:142-146 [the hunter sees the tapir whistling, calling Tsunki, a water woman; she comes out of a lake or river, tapir combines with her; the hunter himself summons the woman, becomes her husband; returns to earth, carrying T.-Snake in the basket; in his absence, the earthly Jena found the basket and began to burn the snake with smut; Father C. sent a flood ; all people were eaten by the caimans, a man and daughter escaped in a tree; threw fruits, felt the water fall by the sound; married a daughter, people descended from them], 152; Wavrin 1932:129; achuar: Mowitz 1978:21 [during the flood and a long night, a man climbed a genipu tree, threw fruits down, a harpy eagle screamed, dawned, the water came down; three types of parrots flew in, became women, began to chew cassava to make masato (alcoholic drink); woodpecker knocks on wood, sparks fly, man gets fire; man catches that Parrot that is less beautiful, so people are not as beautiful as they could To be; the descendants of man and Parrots gave birth to people], 27-29 [the same, two, not three Parrots], 33-39 [the man freed the anaconda from the nets; at night a woman approaches him, says that her father is calling him; after being in the underwater world, a man and his wife return to earth; at night, a woman, a snake, a snake in the afternoon, the husband hides it in a basket; the man's mother finds an anaconda, hits her with a stick; the flood begins, the man climbs on a tree, throws fruits down, water comes down; out of three parrot women, a man wanted to grab the one that was more beautiful, but grabbed the other two, one of them darker; from the remaining uncaught come Europeans]; murato [young man hooks caiman; caiman mother sends a flood, it gets dark; a young man climbs a peach palm tree; throws fruits down; on the ninth day they fall not into the water, but on the ninth day they fall not into the water, but on the ground; he goes down, cuts off, buries a piece of his meat, a woman grows up, he takes her as his wife]: Hassel 1905:68-70 in Coriat 1943:87, in Stirling 1938:122-123; kandoshi [boy threw into the water fish poison, dived, took out fish, let him bake, ate; evil children envied him, threw sand into his eyes; one man scolded children for mocking God's son, washed the boy's eyes; he flew away to heaven to my father, creating a genip tree (huito) and telling that man to climb it; the wind began, the flood began; the man and his wife climbed the tree, it kept growing, the others drowned; the woman in the middle of the trunk turned into a nest of ants (comejen); man ate fruits, threw seeds down; first they fell into deep water, then into shallow water; he began to descend; the bone fell back into deep water, but it was only a pond at the foot of a tree; the spirit directed a man to the recently burned area, the same house; when he returns from fishing, a person sees a fire in the hearth, a masato drink prepared; the man hides, sees a man, a woman and two daughters; a man grabbed a less beautiful one, and the girls' parents became parrots and flew away; they came to help again, the man's wife grabbed his sister, but she escaped; more parrots did not return; the wife gave birth to many children, they came from different places on her body - legs, head; separated to become people of different races]: Page 1975:1-8.
NW Amazon. Tariana [heroes create night and river to exterminate monkey men; they throw fruit from the tree to see if there is water below]: Brüzzi 1994:231; maipure [some people flee the flood at the top of a Mauritian palm tree; fruits are thrown down, new people emerge from them (without details)]: Lévi-Strauss 1966, No. 344b: 387 (note 3); andoque [Source of Plenty (aka Middle Herons, Good The ruler) went underground when his wife Yellow Leaf (aka "Cassava for making cassava drink") did not make him cassava; the sons were offended for their father, she also left; the youngest licked the pot, in who was made a drink from cassava, the eldest did not feel hungry; coca grows up, through which the father says that a flood of fire will come from the east; Hummingbird egg (born from an egg laid by a woman who copulated with a snake) brought the dead pauchil to the brothers, ordered them not to suck on the bones, because they contain a lot of water; contrary to the warning of his older brother, the younger brother breaks the bone, water gushes out of it, it rained, the flood floods the ground; the brothers raised a tree from a seed on a hill in advance, sat on it; Canoa-de-Opaí (Merganetta armata duck, note at p. 79) in a leaf boat and the Hummingbird Egg went to the mouth rivers (east) get fire; the girl picked up the Hummingbird Egg; told her parents it was a chick; they replied that it was a Hummingbird Egg, it was already old, but she still planted it to warm up by the hearth; parents the door was closed tightly, a net was hung in the back of the Maloki; the Hummingbird Egg grabbed the coal, burned the net, flew away; returned to the upper reaches, where Pauhil grabbed, swallowed the coal, but the fire came out from him with excrement, swallowed by fish, he came out again, turned into flint to carve fire; the fish swam, broke the dam, the water began to fall; as the seeds fell from the pod, turning into different species of forest chickens, it was dawn; the flood was both water and fire; the eagle dammed the waters, but the real flood began when the brothers broke the pauchil bone]: Landaburu, Pineda 1981:66-71, 80 (=1984:73-77); yagua [see J4A motif; Orphan turns the basket into a human; tells the Basket to wash the meat in the river but not bend down, otherwise the sábalo fish will tear out his eye; it happened; they caught many fish, but no eyes were found; because of this, it rained, the flood began; the orphan planted a seed, grew a tree, raising the house; from the sky Orphan took manioc bread and ate; the crumbs fell on the Basket; the orphan said that he eats his own crap, the basket believed, began to eat his own; to find out if the water has come down, Orphan throws down the pods; the first falls into the water, turns into majás, he swims away; the second falls on the earth, turns into agouti, he runs away; the orphan goes down, the basket is afraid, turns into a nest of bees; The orphan leaves some heavenly cassava to the bees, indicates what the bees will eat]: Powlison 1993, No. 12-14:92-95.
Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [a man leads his wife and younger brother to the harpy eagle nest, climbs a tree; something got into his brother's hair, the woman began to clean it, the husband decided that they were having an affair, he got off, tells his younger brother to climb to the nest, throws away the stairs, leaves with his wife; the young man finds one chick in the nest; the parent eagles give him the monkeys they brought, call the other eagles, they all sing, turning a young man in an eagle; he marries the daughter of eagles; in the form of an eagle he flies to the village, where his older brother is preparing to dance at the festival; the older brother shoots, misses three times, the youngest is an ordinary eagle becomes huge, lifts his brother into the air, his eagles have torn him to pieces, his bones fall to the ground; in the image of a man he comes to his parents; takes them to the eagles, inviting other people to go with him, but they refused; the young man and parents took off; it rained at night, the village was flooded with a flood, some people escaped on the uassi palm tree, shed their fruits to see if the water had come down, but every time there was a splash; people began to talk like toads, turned into toads]: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 7:292-294; tupinamba [Toupan burned the ground; then Tamindonare quarreled with his brother Aricoute and stamped his foot so much that water poured in and flooded the ground; T. and his wife escaped on the pindo palm tree, and A. and his wife escaped on the genip tree; A. threw the fruit to see if the water had come down; the water had not yet descended (obviously continued to throw until the fruit fell to the ground); these two brothers are descended from Tupinamba and Tonajas]: Dénis 1851:87-91.
Montagna - Jurua. Urarina [people almost kill a fisherman boy by burying him in the mud, his father sends a flood; people flee the flood on the Erythrina elei tree; during the long night they throw fruits down to find out whether the water has slept; the man sends down to explore first one son, who turns into a heron, then the second, who turns into a Caracara plantus bird, then descends himself; finds a hut in it cooked food; he hides in a hole, sees a boat descending from the sky; at the stern sits his "our goddess" dressed in a tapa, and her maid on her nose, she did not know how to make bast matter; she shouts that another one is intended for him, but he does not let her in; she {in the text is "he", but clearly talking about this woman} consistently tells a snake (pit viper, Bothrops piuctus), a spider, a giant ant ( Isula, Myrmca saevissima, the bite is very painful) bite him, but he does not let him out; so there are still people who do not even know how to make bast matter; and the intended wife flew away like a bird; they are not copulated, but only hugged; to make a child, the wife rolled a ball of cotton; when the husband returned from hunting, the cotton baby was already coming to meet him and calling him; the husband waited and saw his wife makes children; she said she wanted children to appear without suffering; if you do not abstain from having sex for 10 months after giving birth, the baby will get sick; but her husband got along with her, the baby fell ill, died; var. (p.39): the child asks me to write everything, the father is furious to cut him in half, he turns into a cricket]: Dean 1994:25-28; chayahuita: García Tomas 1994 (3) [Kumpanama was fishing with poison, people picked her downstream; others pushed him into the river to get all the fish; two brothers saved him; he tells them to climb the Sapote tree; sends a flood at midnight; pauhil, montete (genus parrot) and sushi (yurabarba) also sit on the branches; a week later, the brothers drop the fruit, realize that the water begins to fall; the third fruit spanks to the ground; after the fourth, the birds sing, the tree dawns takes normal size (grew up during the flood); brothers find a hut with everything they needed]: 224-225; Ochoa Siguas 1992:165-167 [everyone died during the flood; Konpanama climbed the sapote tree; in took the fruit in the dark, but it was unripe; the next time the fruit was half-baked; K. began to throw fruit to see if the water had come down; finally, the fruit fell to the ground; at this time the pouchil and then the other birds sang; dawn; it turned out that the tail of the pauhil is tapada por la mitad; therefore, it is said that its tail is a sign of a flood; (then it turns out that we are talking about two brothers); when they return from hunting, someone cooks and weaves in the house; the youngest came back and found two women, spoke to them; they turn into parrots, fly away; the eldest tells the youngest to open the vessel; from there a spider jumps onto the younger's testicles, the penis turns into a vagina; the elder marries this woman], 170-173 [Konpanama sent a flood, only one man escaped by climbing the Sapote tree; as the water rose, the tree grew higher; and the mountain on which the tree was there, it also grew; it became dark; (hereinafter: there are many people on the tree; they ate fruits); different birds gathered on the same tree; every time the fruit ripens and falls, the water level drops ; when they came down to earth, God sent them two parrots; while the men were hunting, they became girls and spun cotton; one of the brothers came back, saw parrots become girls; he spoke to them, they turned into parrots again and flew away; the brother who missed the parrots opened the vessel, a lump of clay falls on his genitals, they became feminine; God taught: when a woman is menstruating, her genitals you have to put flowers, in 9 months he will give birth to a child; but the monkey taught me how to copulate; God: it will be difficult to give birth now]; Shlyakhtinsky, Arozero 2008 [Kumpanama carved a canoe, threw chips into the river , a lot of fish appeared; invited people to poison it with the juice of the Barbasco vine; someone pushed K. into the river, everyone laughed at him; when he almost drowned, two people took pity on him and pulled him out of the river; K. told them to climb the tall tacon tree, taking their baked tubers with them; flooding began; when the flood hid all the other trees, the tacon tree grew by Yusa's will; night fell, the sun was gone, all people died except those two; they climbed the tacon tree while its fruits were still green; a long time passed, the fruits were ripe, one night they tasted them , and they began to eat, then threw the seeds down; the sound seemed unusual, there was too much water around them; after a while they picked the fruits again and ate them, then the water began to decrease; they plucked tacon, threw the seeds down, sounded to determine how the water was leaving; then the bones fell again, and they fell to the damp ground; then to the dry ground; at that moment the chinsha shouted; compose and I'sa also shouted, foreshadowing a good day; taya' and the rest of the birds also sang, so the day really should have been clear, it was dawn; the survivors built a house for themselves; when they returned from the forest, they found cooked food; on the third day they also saw woven loincloth; one of the two brothers hid, and two loro parrots called sha'uo flew in and turned into women , the man grabbed one of them, the other flew away; the woman turned into a worm, and the man, frightened, dropped it from his hands; the woman turned into sha'wo again and, flying away, said that because men hurried, they will not see them again; told my brother, suddenly turned into a woman; she became pregnant, gave birth to a girl; all people descended from her; therefore, some women are tall and others are short; if people descended from Sha'uo, all women would be short]; shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 1 [a boy comes, shoots fish, they become big; people are jealous, they bury a boy with his property on the river bank; a man with his wife and two children finds him, tears him off; he causes a flood, tells a man to climb a genip tree; the rest of the people die; the wife turns into a nest of termites; the sun hides; a man and his children grope for food prepared for them in the dark; a man throws fruits down, on the sixth day the fruit falls to the ground, not into the water; a man descends, his children turn into huancay birds; a man finds food cooked in the house; waits for two women who have arrived in a boat; she grabs a maid sitting on her nose; the daughter of the sun sitting aft swims away, marries a Spaniard; a conibo shipibo is the descendants of a maid]: 347-349; Roe 1982, No. 1 [as in Gebhaert-Sayer; after the flood, a person does not know where the beer vessel comes from; hides, sees two women swimming in the boat; before the boat appears, a parrot arrives and flies away; grabs a maid, not a noble one]: 49-50; netsebo [a person suppresses the fish with poison; sees an unfamiliar boy picking it up; he says that his father sent him; a man buries a boy on the shore in clay; another man finds him, saves him; he tells him to climb a tall genipa, which has many fruits - his father will punish people with darkness and a flood; a person warns others, they do not believe him, arrange a holiday; rain floods the earth; when a tree is climbed, a man with his wife and children see others turn into palm trees (palmera), tuquituquis birds; survivors find a vessel with food supplies on a tree; a person throws fruits down to see if the water has descended; as the water level drops, the last fruit falls into the mud, dawns; son a man turns into a huancahui bird, flies away; the wife is afraid to get off, turns into a termite nest; a man descends, wanders in search of people, every time he returns to a tree, finds him next to him a vessel with a drink; hides in a hole, sees a boat coming from the upper reaches of the river, in which one woman aft, the other on the bow; the first to descend, the man grabs her; she says that his father is Inca sent him the one at the stern; tells various poisonous insects to bite him, but he does not let her out; so the maid remained with the man; two days later she gave birth to a boy, three days later a girl, they immediately grew up; for the third time, the husband spies, so the baby dies; the wife says people will now die]: Bardales Rodriguez 1979:42-47; pyro [Kochmaloto girl has a child with the Snake; going behind the brushwood, she left it to her mother; she fell asleep when she woke up, saw that she was holding a snake in her arms, threw it into the fire, then into the pool; the son came out of the water to his mother, gave a genipa seed (a large tree with coloring fruits), ordered to plant, hit the stem to grow faster, arrange a platform on the branches; sent a flood; the mother of the snake and his wife were on the platform, the rest of the people drowned, the crabs were smashed boats; fruits were falling from the tree, by the sound of their fall, the women realized that the water had come down; they went down]: Matteson 1951, No. III: 57-58 (=1954:71); apurina [there was a boiling pot in the sun; storks collect different rot, they throw it at it; Mayuruberu throws a stone, boiling water gushes over the edge, floods the ground; the Sloth escapes to the tree, throws seeds down; as they fall into the water, the Sun appears again; first it is tiny, then it grows; M. gives Sloth seeds of cultivated plants; after the flood, people grow them; whoever does not work, M. eats]: Ehrenreich 1891:71-72; kulina [two The brothers escape the flood in the tree; they throw one amulet down, it goes with the flow; they throw another, he makes a hole in the ground, the waters go through it, the earth dries up; first the brothers bake bananas and meat in the sun; then Grandpa Owl brings fire]: Adams 1962, No. 18:139-142; Character: Calífano 1983 [the flood floods the earth, it's a long night; people have climbed a huge tree; his gave birth to a girl to whom a parrot placed a seed in her bosom; the frog threw chips into the water; people came down, went apart]: 744, 759-760, 762-763, 768; Gray 1996 [a sea of fire is approaching; the parrot brings the fetus throws a virgin into the vagina; a huge Vanamei tree grows; a young man climbs on it, saves his sister; when he wants to pull another girl's hand, she has already burned down; he meets his sister and so we are now mortal; after three months it dawns; it is clear that B. leaves are birds; people throw branches down to see if the earth has hardened; first the branches sink in the ground, then remain on the surface; but further from the trunk, the earth is still soft; those who descend fail, only brother and sister remain; V. also goes underground, will rise at the end of time]: 26-28.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [brother and sister flee the flood on a palm tree; throw fruits down to see if the water is high; people come from them]: Ottaviano 1980:71-76; guarazu [Yaneramay came from the west to the village, demanded the girl; she said that it was old and ugly; when refused, I promised to triple the flood; water filled the ground; the girl's mother agreed, but I turned the girl into a deer; ready to follow I told him to climb into the hammocks under the roof of his house; two men who were making a stone ax and a club from a chonta palm tree flew to heaven; I told the birds to take his house to heaven; to do this, I expanded a hole in the sky; he told those in the house to look down, they looked, turned into toads; told the rest to throw the fruits down to see if the water had come down; the sound of falling could not be heard, the water did not come off; I. sent a man to find out if the water had come down, forbid him to eat anything; he began to eat dead fish, when he returned, lied that he did not eat; I made him a vulture, told him to eat carrion; the same with the second (turned him into tuyuyu stork), third (yochi rodent, ate cusi fruits), four (torcaza bird, worms and pebbles bite along river banks), fifth (carau, eats river mollusks); each time there is less water, the land is drier, there is more life on it; brother and sister are left, they are descended from them; later Y. will destroy the earth again with wind and fire, stones and water from the sky]: Riester 1977, No. 6:232-235; synta larga [Bepuixi asked his daughter for her husband to get him a white pen for the arrow; she gave her father a black pen; he got angry, went to another daughter, who gave him white; B. caused rain, a flood, the daughter who gave the white feather escaped, she climbed onto a buriti palm tree; threw fruits down, determining by sound whether the fruit had fallen into the water or already in a dry place; when the water came down, came down, new people came from it; the old ones turned into fish; Stork (martin- fisherman) dried the water to eat fish; now you can hear people in the lake crushing corn in a mortar]: Leonel Queiroz et al. 1988:25-26.
Southern Amazon. Rickbacza [the old man dreamed that it would rain and flood; so it happened; two men climbed acai trees, two women climbed pashiuba palm trees; together four trees formed a cross; men and women dropped their nuts to see if the water came down; after the flood, the older man and the older woman got married; the younger ones were relatives, but the older man told them to get together too; from these couples people]: Pereira 1994, No. 57:226; Bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 29 [Meríri Poro did not go fishing with everyone; people give his son a fish called his mother's genitals; avenging the insult, MP comes to the river, but finds only a water spirit there, wounds it with an arrow; the river overflows, MP (var.: another character) escapes to the mountain, makes a fire, throws hot stones into the water, the flood ends; MP marries a deer, their descendants from generation to generation look more like humans, repopulating the country], 30 [Jokurugwa shot the spirit that stole fish from its top; he caused a flood; J. warned people, but they did not believe him, he escaped alone on the mountain; J. heated the stones, threw them into the water, the flood ended; J. married a deer, their descendants settled the country]: 71-73, 73-74.
(Wed. Araguaya. Tapirape [the world is destroyed once by a flood and once by fire; a man and a woman flee a flood in a tree; a man spears fish and snakes, as the water falls; now people they imitate the circles around the eyes of those snakes; two pairs of birds (male Jacou, women parakite parrot and mutum) hid underground from the world fire; they are the descendants of today's men and women]: Wagley 1940:254 (same in 1977:176).
Southern Brazil. Ache: Clastres 1972 [during a flood, a man and a woman flee on a palm tree; throw fruits into the water; when they hear that the fruit has hit a stone, they get off; the rest of the people turn into capybaras]: 55; Metraux, Baldus 1946 [during a flood, people flee on a pindo palm tree (Butia capitata); throw fruits, water falls]: 444; Shokleng [informant heard from mother; a storm has begun, a downpour has flooded the ground by the flood; one man climbed the mountain, then the coconut tree that grew on the mountain; as the water rose, the palm tree grew higher; it was dark; the man stayed on the palm tree for a long time, eating nuts; from time to time threw nuts down to see if the water had come down; once I didn't hear a splash, I went down; met people throwing rocks; that's why there are mountains, valleys, caves]: Popó 2015:30- 31.