C5A. Scout birds. .
Abird, various birds, or people who then turn into birds are sent to explore the earth (whether it is there, whether it is dry, if there are survivors, why smoke rises from the ground, and etc.) or with the task of bringing a piece of solid substance to create land.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Mkulva [the rivers overflowed; God ordered two people to bring a pair of each species of animals and plant seeds to the ship; after the flood, the man sent a pigeon to see if the earth had dried up; the dove returned; sent a kite (Habicht), which did not return because the earth was dry; people went out and released the animals]: Hamberger 1909, No. 8:304.
North Africa. The Berbers of Morocco [after the flood, Noah sent the Raven and the Dove to scout; the Dove brought olive branches, and the Raven said he began to peck at the animal's corpse; Noah blessed the Dove and made the Raven in black]: Thay Thay 2001, No. 79:93-94.
Western Asia. Babylonia (Akkadian version of Gilgamesh) [Utnapishtim escaped the flood; his ship landed on Mount Nitsir; on the seventh day, W. released a dove, then a swallow, both returned; released the crow, who saw the water fall, came back, "croaks, eats and craps"; W. sacrificed to the gods, "as the flies flew off, smelling; Ishtar took off her neck and picked up the large necklace that Ana had made for her, saying that no matter how much this necklace ("azure stone") forgets, he will not forget these days; let all the gods come except Enlil, who tried to destroy people by causing a flood]: Deacons 1961, Table 11, 145- 154:76-77; The Old Testament [after 40 days, Noah opened the window of the ark he had made and released a crow, which flew off and flew in while the land was drained of water; then released from himself pigeon to see if water had come down from the face of the earth; but the dove did not find rest for its feet and returned to it in the ark; and hesitated for another 7 days; and released the dove again from the ark; the dove returned to him in the evening; and behold, a fresh oil leaf in his mouth; and Noah found out that the water had come down from the ground; he hesitated for another seven days, and released a dove; and he never returned to him]: Gen. 8:6-12; Saudia [people in the waterless desert sent a crow, a dove, and a partridge to look for an oasis; the raven found and decided to keep everything alone; when he returned, he said that there was only one desert in the south; but the dove and the partridge also went there and brought good news; people came to the oasis and were convinced that the crow was lying; for this they painted it black; the pigeon was rewarded with red henna, and the partridge was surrounded with charcoal eyes]: Taibah, MacDonald 2016:1-2 (=Bushnaq 1987:218).
Australia. Murinbatu [it has rained, the sea has overflowed its banks, bird people have gathered on the mountain; other people rush there, turn into animals, snakes, etc., birds feed on them; Karan (stone curlew) sends other birds to search for land; everyone returns with nothing; after cutting off the boy's phalanx of his little finger, sprinkling blood on the water, sends two birds that feed on honey, they bring a branch and a piece of bark; K. takes off to the sky, sits next to the Month; when the waters came down, the birds scattered across the ground]: Robinson 1956:16-18.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Tonga: Permyakov 1970, No. 141 [Tangaloa Autolongolongo in the form of a seagull flies from the sky to search for land in the sea; notices a white stripe, returns; Tangaloa the Builder descends an avalanche of porous stones, the land of Eua appears; TA flies again to that strip, it turns into the mainland, into the Foremother Ata; Tangaloa Chief gives fruit, from which vegetation grows on the ground; a fragment of the vine has started the worm, TA tore it with its beak, and three people appeared from the fragment that stuck to the beak; they are the ancestors of invisible spirits]: 363-365; Collocot 1924 [there are five Tangaloa in the sky; one of them, T.- They send atulongolongo in the form of a snipe to visit the earth; he finds only the sea, but is stranded in one place; after seven nights he is sent again, stranded closer to the surface; he was told ask T.-Tufunga to throw down chips and chips from his workshop; they gave rise to earth and began to grow; T.-Eiki let him plant a vine seed, vegetation arose; T.-A. was told to tear off a piece of root, he rotted, with a larva in it; T.-A. tore it in half with his beak; the first three people appeared from the two halves and from the piece left in the beak: the elder Rahai, the middle Koau, the younger Momo ("fragment")]: 276- 277 (=Collocott 1919:236-238); Samoa [Tangaloa saw a rock floating in the ocean, took it to heaven, turned it into a woman, she gave birth to his daughter Tuli ("plover"); his father sent her to earth, Tuli came back, saying that there was only water below; Tangaloa either threw a stone from the sky on the water or fished it from the bottom; the stone grew to become earth; to have shade, Tangaloa threw a seed, a vine grew; Tuli said that there were no people on earth; her father advised her to tear out the vine; it rotted, larvae appeared, two of them became men; one injured himself while fishing and died; Tangaloa made his body feminine, revived him; because of this couples happen people; Tangaloa gave them tarot and other useful things]: Makemson 1941:59-60 (also briefly in Dixon 1916:18).
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [the rain flooded all of Sikkim; the survivors took refuge in mountains Tendong and Motnom; Motnom thought Tendong was going under water; she leaned down to see better (female mountain bow to the side male mountains also in other versions, but with different explanations); as a result, T. went under water; those who escaped to T. ask God for help; he sends a pigeon, he is watered chi; he drinks, feels thirsty, drinks flood waters; since then, Lepcha has sacrificed T. and the dove]: Kapp 1986:262; Tibetans (13th century manuscript) [by the time of the king, the egg had been pierced (by the first man), the bird had spread the land in breadth; the water demon had brought the waters of the sea to one place (Seezusammenströmung)]: Hermanns 1946-1949, No. I.1:276; Dimasa [at first the world is empty; Banglaraja and his wife Arikhidima lived in the sky; when A. conceived, B. sent the Golden Eagle to find land for his offspring; the eagle found land at the confluence of the Sangrima rivers and Talaobra; A. laid 7 eggs there; out of six, gods hatched, including the creator of Shivrai, and sedm hatched evil spirits; hills and rivers were their abode]: Danda 1978:83 in Mandal 2009:77; rengma [first there is water everywhere; God sent birds and animals to search for land, no one found it; the crab dived to the bottom, brought dirt on its claws; God placed dirt on the surface of the water, everyone began to compact it, but to no avail; when the wagtail did it, the ground hardened; the wagtail is still shaking its tail]: Mills 1937:267.
Burma - Indochina. Vieta [the saint tells a hundred workers to build a ship; sent the Raven to see if there is enough water in the river to lower it; the Raven began to eat shrimp and fish; sent the Rooster - the same; Pigeon - he wrote about what he saw on the sheet, sent it to the saint; the Raven decided to smear black paint so that the Saint would laugh and not punish him; the Rooster was the same, but half colored red; the Saint turned them into the black crow and the red-black rooster]: Landes 1886, No. 85:210-211; Thais [it rained, only brother and sister Ong and Yo escaped from the flood, hiding in a wooden drum; when he became to hit the sky, the creator ordered to find out what was going on; to prevent people from ending up in the sky, ordered to make a hole so that the waters would descend; once on earth, O. took a mortar, and J. took a lid, they did not fit each other to a friend; then they changed, the mortar and the lid came together; after that J. agreed to live with her brother as a husband, but there were no children for two years; the ancestor on the mountain explained that it was necessary to come together like a mortar with a lid; then J. gave birth to sons Kakeu, Toblu and Jito; the younger ones sent K. to find out if the land was big; he went nearby and returned, said that the land was small; then they sent a falcon; he said that the land was limitless; brothers they hit K. with a hammer, who in response ordered people to be mortal - this will solve the issue of overcrowding]: Coyaud 2009, No. 4:67-69.
South Asia. Tharu [the world is destroyed by a fiery drought, then by a flood; the lord of heaven and his wife copulate as birds, place a drop of blood on the water; after 15 months, a lotus leaf appears in the form of pumpkins are the first ancestor of Tharu Aklākal Gurubāba; the heavenly couple puts vitality into his head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, hair, lower body, he takes on a human form; from his nails creates a Pigeon, he flies over the waters, does not find land; G. cuts his thigh, Raini fish comes out of the cut; it disappears, the pigeon cannot find it, G. tells pigeons to be caught in snare, fried, eaten ; creates Crab from his nails to get the "immortal earth" from the lower world; he manages to overcome the Xeremphis spinosa thorn fence, get the ground; on the way back, he is grabbed by the shell demon, Crab loses land; G. orders crabs to be caught, baked, eaten; in the same way he creates 8 other crabs, all the same as the first; creates earthworms; the first three do not overcome prickly hedges, G. tells them to feed on earth and water; the fourth penetrates thorns, swallows the earth; on the way back, the demon cuts it into a thousand pieces, but the worm still delivers the earth, it gives it to the world resilience; the first to grow on earth is the sacred herb kus (Poa cynusorides), from which is the first perar tree (Xeremphis uliginosa); G. curses it, let people eat its fruits; creates a semar tree ( kapok, Bombax ceiba), addressing him as a woman, tells him to go find out how far the earth stretches; she does not return for so long that G. tells her to hold the sky and the lower world; the same with the pine tree, her Not longer, G. tells her to live in the mountains, where her resinous fumes will smell fragrant on Mount Kailash; G. cuts her thigh again, his daughter Dharmak Diyeri is born; to contain her, places four saints m āini around the edges of the world, retires to the forest himself as a hermit; D. wants to join him, tells the blacksmith to make her a belt, ring and iron shoes to overcome the barbed fence; but G. puts her on her way to him a rope for carrying weights, an oil press, a weapon, a pig bristle bridge; D. overcomes everything, marries G.; after that G. is called Mahādeo]: Krauskopff 1987:14-16; baiga [ in the beginning, it was just water, a lotus leaf swam on it, Bhagavan sat on it, rolled dirt from his hand, made a crow, his daughter Karicag, out of it, sent her to search for land; losing her strength, she fell on the back of a crow sitting on in the waters of the great Turtle, Kekramal Chhatri, with one leg at the bottom of the sea and the other reaching the sky; the crow calls the Turtle its older brother, the Turtle calls the Raven its younger sister; says that the earth stole the Gichnaraja worm, it's at the bottom of the sea; took the Raven to Logandi Raja; he called 12 Loharsur brothers, 13 Tamesur brothers, 14 Agyasur brothers, they made an iron cage, lowered the Turtle and the Raven in it to the bottom; the Turtle was frightened of the Worm, hid behind the Raven; the Worm itself frightened when the Raven promised to beat him, lied that Dano had the land, who would burn those who came; the emboldened Turtle grabbed the Worm by the neck, he regurgitated 21 times; each portion of the land is named differently, from mother earth to virgin land (white, red, good, trembling, rocky, etc.); the turtle pulled the chain Logundi Raja pulled out the cage, the Turtle tied the ground to the Raven's neck, who brought it to Bhagavan; he summoned the virgin, she knocked down the ground in a vessel of leaves for 8 days and 9 nights; B. threw the earth on the waters, she grew, became dry; at first the earth was wet and slippery; B. called Wind and Bhimsen; the wind dried the earth, but when they stood on one side, the other rose; Bhimsen walked and created mountains, valleys; Nanga Baigin (Nang Baiga's wife) drove four nails in the corners, the earth was established (but the earth itself is round, p.330)]: Elwin 1939:308-316; agaria [Bhagavan put a lotus leaf on the water, but he faded in the sun; created the world out of varnish, tried to climb it, but it crumbled; having rolled dirt off his chest, created a crow, gave him his milk, sent him to search for land; tired, the Raven fell on the Kakramal crab Kshattri; he dived, found Nal Raja and Nal Rani sleeping; the crab clenched NR's throat, forcing the ground to regurgitate, the Raven brought it to Bhagavan, who created land; to prevent Mother Earth from wobbling, the first agaria put 12 iron pillars on the four corners of the world]: Elwin 1949, No. 1:27-28; conds [Paramuschreela created the world, but the people in it began to do evil; he sent a flood; when the waters came down, P. sent the crow to find out Did any of the people stay; in one grove she noticed a plate made of leaf with leftover rice and brought P. a leaf {this plate?} ; then P. sent a woodpecker to tap the trees in case people hid in a hollow; one really was a man and a woman; P. ordered them to be brought to him; told everyone three times to talk about a friend who it is; each time a man called a woman a sister and she called him a brother; then P. sent smallpox on them; after recovering, they did not recognize each other and got married; at first people lived peacefully, the caste had not yet it was; but then evil tribes appeared; to avoid general corruption, P. told people to speak different languages]: Schulze 1922:4-5; Maria (Bison-Horn Maria) [rain flooded the ground; Gajabhimul put his brother and sister in the pumpkin, the pumpkin stuck to the rock; Mahapurub sent the crow to look for people; a banyan grew out of the rock, the crow sat on him, opened a pumpkin; the children climbed the tree, drank its juice, he when they were over, they began to cry; M. sent the crow to calm them down, but she wanted to kill the children in order to peck at their corpses, came back and lied that everything was fine; the same with the eagle; with the tiger; then sent a monkey; the hot rock burned her ass, arms and legs, the monkey smeared his face to black with charred hands; M. sent a wild boar, ordered her to be smeared in the clay on the turtle's back; the boar shook, clods and splashes of earth formed land; small pox was sent to brother and sister to prevent them from getting to know each other; after that they got married]: Elwin 1949, No. 4:30-31; gondas [Mahadeo swam on a lotus leaf; rolled on a ball of mud, made a crow out of it, sent him to search for land; she found Crab, they found Nal Raja and Nal Rani, named them uncle and aunt, asked for land to borrow; they gave them a drink, prepared to run away, carry the land away; but the Crab woke up, squeezed the earth out of them, gave them to the Raven; she brought M., he placed the earth in 7 cups of leaves, told the Spider to entangle the ocean with cobwebs, put the cups on the web, 7 species appeared lands: black, red, milky, barren, gravel, virgin, swampy; M. asked Bhimsen to check if the earth was hard; his feet began to get stuck, he lay down, lay down, mountains appeared]: Elwin 1949, No. 16:38; haria [Pronomosor sent a fiery rain to destroy people; sent birds to see if anyone survived; dhechua sat on a charred tree, turned black; kuhu sat on trees and then on the ground, became black and brown; lipi - to the ground, turned brown]: Elwin 1949:181; sora [Raja Ruhel lived in heaven; the man did not give his mother a seat in the bath, she cursed people, the world plunged into water; she decided to create a new land, rolled mud off her body, created a bird that flew for six months, sat on a crayfish claw; one cancer mustache reached the sky, the other was in the lower world with the king of crocodiles; the cancer agreed steal his land, give it to the bird; Raja Ruhe and his mother mixed the land with water, threw it on four sides, land arose]: Elwin 1954, No. 14:433; bondo [water flooded the earth; Mahaprabhu rubbed his hand (his arm), made a crow out of lumps of mud, she flew over the waters, did not know where to sit, saw a floating basket with her brother and sister in it, came back, said M.; he told her to get land; she brought M. an earthworm, who extracted land {from the bottom?} ; M. scattered the earth in all directions, land arose; he took his brother and sister out of the basket, who refused to marry; then he called Thakurani, she spread smallpox on them, the girl became a scythe, the young man fell ill with leprosy; when they met, they did not know each other and got married; their 12 sons and 12 daughters give birth to people]: Elwin 1954:423-424; kamar [god created man and woman, they had a son and daughter in old age; the jackal aroused God's anger, God sent a flood to destroy the jackal; parents hid their children in the hollow of the deck, gave supplies, closed the hole; 12 years later, God sent two birds see if the jackal was alive; they found only the deck, heard voices, the children said there was 3 days left to eat; God stopped the flood, took out the children, listened to their story, they got married, gave birth to all people cast]: Fraser 1985:98; bhunjya [Bhimsen destroyed the world with a flood, but the elderly couple managed to make a ship, put a son and daughter in it with food; Bhagavan collected dirt from their skin, did 12 of it were crows, sent for reconnaissance; they saw the ship, boarded it, it began to swing, they got scared, they came back, six drowned, six told Bhagavan that some people had escaped; he summoned Bhimsen, tried to open the ship, but only Bhimsen managed to crash it; brother and sister asked Bhagavan to give them a place to live; Bhimsen collected dirt from his body, created the world anew; converted For advice from Mahadeo, he ordered that separate dwellings be made for brother and sister, let them live separately; then sent the sister of black ants to the hut, forcing her to go out; the scorpion closer to his brother's hut; the cobra - climbed onto his bed; first they just hugged each other, then conceived children]: Elwin 1954:420-423.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Bataki: Pleyte 1897 [Batara guru's daughter saw from the sky that there is nothing below; BG sends Swallow to explore, she finds a rock in the sea, lies down to rest; Patija raja is sent after her; reproaches Swallow for hesitating to return, but the headwind also prevents this bird from rising; BG's daughter sends an insect whose eyes are under her wings; all three climb Mount Nanggar jati, which almost reached the sky ; Pr is almost reached, but can grab roots hanging from the sky; the princess gives him a ring containing cattle and seven chicken eggs with plants and trees inside; sends him back down; when eggs and the ring is open, the rock turns into land covered with plants and animals; BG's sister with the female bird Imbulu Man is lowered there, given them various women's accessories; IM gives birth to two girls, wearing them Swallow and Patija raja marry; gives birth to a son to an insect man; descendants got married, gave birth to people]: 103-107; Schmidt 1910 (Dairi) [pregnant wife of the supreme god Batara Guru wants meat; B. sent a crow for meat; the raven found nothing in the world of the gods; flew inside the cave that went down, first dropping a bamboo stick, found himself above the ocean, found a stick that had been dropped, sat on it; did not find holes in the sky to return; B. went to look for a crow, capturing a handful of earth, seven pieces of wood, a chisel, a goat, a bumblebee; he made a raft out of pieces of wood, shouting to eight sides, lit a fire; a goat and the bumblebee began to support the raft-earth; B. gave this world to the crow so he could live in it]: 7 in Dixon 1916:161-162, in Hatt 1949:33-34.
Taiwan - Philippines. Mansaka [Taganlang sat on a rock; sent the Oribig bird to fly to the end of the world to bring land; she brought it; T. placed it on a rock, created a land with vegetation on it; from kasili wood made the first man and woman]: Eugenio 1994, No. 38:94; bilaan [Melú and Fiuweígh men, women Dwata and Saweígh lived on tiny land the size of a hat; sent the Saswit bird bring land from across the sea; M. took what he had brought, made land, sowed seeds brought by the bird; made people out of wax, they melted by the fire; then out of mud; F. placed their noses upside down, M. imperceptibly corrected, the dent remains; M. and S. now live underground, D. and F. in the sky]: Cole 1913:136-137.
China - Korea. Miao [to destroy his younger brother, the Venerable Zhang, the Thunder makes a hole in the sky under a heavenly river, the rain causes a flood; the Thunder sends a Goose, then the Duck, the Rooster, to find out, drowned Lee C.; the first two say he is swimming in a pumpkin throat; the Thunder hit the Goose on the head (now a bump), flattened Duck's beak; the Rooster lies that C. drowned; the Thunder grabbed his beak, pulled him towards him, The rooster is still crowing]: Riftin 1993:314; Miao (Guizhou) [Jang Vang and God of Thunder are brothers; JAV has no ox, he asked Thunder for a loan, plowed the field, and then stabbed the ox and ate it; tail stuck it in the mud, said that the ox had failed; the thunder began to pull and fell into the mud; furiously he rose to heaven and sent rain and hail to drown JAV; he planted a gorlyanka pumpkin, it immediately grew up and brought fruit; the flood flooded the ground, the calebass {in which, obviously, JAV} rose to the sky; the thunder sent the goose to find out what it was; the goose came back, said that one mountain was still above the water; the thunder hit the goose, since then it had a bump on beak; sent a duck - the same, Thunder stepped on its beak, flattening it; sent a ram - the same, Thunder twisted its horns; the rooster did not dare to tell the truth, said that there was only the sea below; for this Thunder gave him a good beak that is convenient to peck grain; the waters have come down, JAV went to the ground, but alone; bamboo prompted him to marry his sister; JAV cut him to pieces in anger, promising to put them together if he was still on his sister marries; after a while decided to marry; made 9 iron cages, put thrushes in them, asked his sister to get them; the cage pinched her hand; promises to release if her sister agrees to become his wife; sister: go down a pair of millstones from two mountains, if they lie on top of each other, I'll marry my brother; the millstones lay down; my sister offered to ride horses, let JAV catch up with her; he jumped over the mountain on the other side and I met my sister; she disagrees here either; then he trapped her leg while her sister was breaking rice; she had to agree; she gave birth to a ball of meat, a ball with eyes, without arms, but on legs; JAV was furious chopped it into pieces, and many people came out of them, but they could not speak; the God of Earth came to Thunder, who was silent; and when he left, Thunder said to himself, "We must set fire to bamboo and when it is with split miserably, people will speak; the God of Earth overheard this and told JAV; he burned a bamboo grove, people from different tribes spoke their own tongues]: Bender et al. 2006:160-168.
The Balkans. Romanians, Bulgarians, Bosnians [the white Raven was released from the ark to see if the flood was over; did not return; was punished by God or Noah, becoming black, bloodthirsty, and doomed eat carrion]: Gura 1977:533
Central Europe. Western Ukrainians [the white Raven was released from the ark to see if the flood was over; did not return; was punished by God or Noah, becoming black, bloodthirsty, and doomed to feed on carrion]: Gura 1977:533; (cf. Russians (briefly and without reference to the source) [the raven was created white and gentle as a dove; released from the ark, rushed to the carrion and did not return to Noah with the news of the end of the flood; became black and bloodthirsty]: Sumtsov 1890a: 66).
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [Aldar has 7 wives, all barren; his brother promises to kill his wives after Aldar's death, take his cattle; Aldar drove the cattle over the fence, brought thorns to the fence, set fire, smoke rose to the sky; God sent the crow to find out what the smoke was, he began to bite manure and carrion; sent a falcon, which stayed with the crow; sent a tit; the snake asked her to show her tongue, pulled it out; sent a swallow, which flew to Aldar; Aldar told everything, said that he was now burning his cattle so that his brother would not get them; God sent Aldar an apple for his wives to eat; the youngest wife washed the plates, gave the dog; on the same evening 7 wives and the dog gave birth to a boy; the dog's son crawled up to the cow to suck milk; 3 days later, three boys survived: the elder Magomet, the youngest Syrdon and the Son of the Dog, Temirkhan; the brothers grew up and came to the house of three seven-headed giants; at night, the brothers sleep, T. guards instead of them, then in turn, cuts off the head of a black, red, white giant rider; every time his horse snores on the bridge, and the giant says that they have no rivals except T. the son of a dog, but his milk on his lips is not dry yet; T. takes a white horse for himself, gives black and red to his brothers; the wives of the giants agree; the eldest: let the murderer he will petrify, his salvation will be a white lamb; medium: during the heat I will become a cave; the youngest: I will become water; T. knows this, does not allow his brothers to enter the cave, cuts it, bleeds; does not let water drink; the village becomes stony when he has time to talk about the lamb; the father found the lamb, T. came to life; T. killed the hare, went to collect firewood, the hare came to life, says that he is the daughter of Aldar, offers to catch up with him; T. comes from one shepherd Aldara to another; Aldar grief: Chenda Aldar captured his two sons; T. killed him, returned his sons; T. received his youngest daughter Aldar; she teaches him to ask his father for a braid handle, a piece of leather, a plate; Aldar gives (leather: flying carpet, plate: magic tablecloth); I. and his wife flew home, chipped off chips from the braid handle, a house appeared; everything is fine]: Sokayeva 2012, No. 4:46-54; Terek Cossacks (v. Karabulak) [the ship on which Noah and his family escaped the flood brought him to Mount Ararat; Noah released a dove; he brought him a branch with fruit; Noah: "Well, it's time for us to get out of the ship - land dried up"]: Baranov 1899, No. 8:192; Armenians [Noah released a dove, and even earlier a crow; she pecked out the pigeon's tongue, but the dove broke off the green branch, brought N.; N. cursed the crow, blessed the dove]: Ganalanyan 1979, No. 277:111-112.
Baltoscandia. The Sami [a ship sailed to Adam during the flood; Devil tried to catch on A.'s wife's dress, A. knocked him down; after three years, God Yimmel sends the White Raven to search for land; he sits on a floating corpse, bites it; Y. tells the Raven to be black, always hungry; sends Olyapka, she finds a blade of grass that has taken root in the water, brings it; now she is called Yimmel chuzai , Jimmel the Bird]: Czarnoluski 1972:53-56.
Volga - Perm. The Udmurts [God sent a flood to destroy sinful people; when the rain stopped, Noah sent the Raven south to search for land; he flew west and did not return; N. sent the Dove to the east, he brought land; for his obedience, N. ordered him to live near buildings, eat cereal grains; ordered the crow to live in the distance, eat dead]: Vereshchagin 1996:135-136; Komi-Zyryans [Noah sends a crow and a dove find land; the raven, falling, returns black]: Fuchs 1921:221 in Ulyashev 2011:245; Marie [Oia (hell) persuades the old woman to give her husband a beer to tell him where he is all the time walks; the old man says that there will be a flood, that he is building a boat; when it rains, the old man invites the old woman into the boat; she sits down only after he curses; that's why Oia sat down; the mouse made a hole the bottom, the cat plugged the hole with its tail; the old man sent a crow, another bird to search for land, but only the dove returned with grass in its beak; the old man's boat stands on Mount Ararat]: Aktsorin 1991, No. 9:41-43.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [the messenger of the flood was a blue goat with iron horns (temir müüüstü kök teke); he ran around the earth for seven days and bleated violently; seven days were an earthquake, mountains burned for seven days, it rained for seven days, hail for seven days, it snowed for seven days, then frosts began; seven righteous brothers knew about the onset of the flood in advance; of them the eldest Erlik and the other Ulgen, his name was Namchi (scribe); they built a boat (kerep) in which they captured a couple of animals, birds, and reptiles; when the flood was over, Ulgen released a rooster (takaa), but he died from the cold; the second time he released the goose, which did not return to the boat; the third time Ulgen released the crow (couscun); the raven did not return either because he found the corpses and ate them; seven brothers disembarked ; W. through wisdom (us) began to create man; put anemone (kök chechek) in a golden cup; E. stole some of the flowers and cursed the creation, saying, "Let the people you created be black and girded with a black belt; let my white people spread to the east of the sun and your black people to the west"; the black people covered the circle with their skin and were the first to camlath; Ulgen created human bodies, sent The crow to Kudai to ask for their souls; he gave them, the Raven carried them in his beak; flew past the corpse of a camel, a horse, when he saw the corpse of a cow, shouted, Carr, what eyes! Souls fell into the coniferous forests, which became evergreen; at this time Erlik gave the dog guard a warm fur coat, breathed his soul into people's bodies, their bodies came to life]: Anokhin 1924:17-18 (retelling Katash 197:16-17); Khakas (Kachins and Sagais) [before the current generation, the people began to do bad things, the land became dirty; Khudai decided to destroy people by the flood; ordered one person to build a raft and assemble a couple of all animals and birds, plant seeds; Khan Kirede said that she would survive 40 days in flight, and the mammoth would swim for 40 days; when it rained, the tired birds sat on Khan Kirede's back, and the animals on the back of the mammoth; on the 40th day, Khan Kirede was tired and sat on the mammoth, both drowned; the raft caught on the top of the mountain; the birds were looking for land, did not find it; the raven found, brought a chip; the water came down, the birds and animals dispersed, seeds sprouted]: Mindibayeva et al. 2016, No. 3:81-83, 324-325 (comm.); Baikal Buryats [the world was created by a thousand heavenly Burkhans; in search of land, the Swan flew through the air, and the Raven was under water; they saw the Golden Turtle holding the ground in its paws; told Huhuday Mergen that he shot the Turtle, which capsized, formed a firmament on which the earth was created with vegetation; a thousand heavenly burkhans basked on the ground - Ulgen and in the sky - Under; Arhan Shuther began to ask for a part of the earth with a thin vine; stuck the vine into the ground, from the hole Many mosquitoes, flies, gnats and other harmful insects began to crawl out]: Jamtsarano, hand in Sharakshinova 1980:25.
Western Siberia. Mansi: Woskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951 [the earth is small, the wind drives it through the water; the old man sends a white crow to measure the earth; he first returns quickly, then three days later, then three days later years old; he ate the corpse and turned black; the old man told him to live separately]: 23-24; Rombandeeva 2005, No. 1 [(land mining - p. 33-35); Peat-and-husband-piece live in the house, there is water around, they have a white crow; c The iron Loon dives in the sky, for the third time there is a grain of earth in its beak, the loon flies to the sky; the iron Lula dives (now there is no such bird, it had a red crown and legs standing back); for the third time in a piece of earth with its beak, smeared its beak on Peat-Scrap, returned to heaven; in the morning the earth was the width of a foot, on the second day it grew; the husband sends the Raven three times to find out if the earth is big; by the evening of the third day he returns only in black evening, because he pecked at a dead man; his husband tells him to eat carrion from now on; the first cedar grows; the couple has a son, her husband calls him Taryg-Pes-Nimala Sov; he grows up He sees a bearded man in the ice-holes, then realizes that it is himself; his father tells him to get his wife himself, pull the leash in manure, T. pulls out the horse, leaves; the old woman says that while he was sleeping, Paraparsekh stole his wife; gives scissors, iron skin of a kite, hare, mouse, pike; T. comes to a woman, she says that P. will fly in the skin of a crow; T. chases an iron kite; then an iron hare after a hare, the same with an iron mouse, a pike; in the nostrils of the horse flies through the fire; hangs on an aspen, the grandmother flies in, takes it off; the giant almost pulls him into his nose, he cuts his nostrils with scissors; after many T. flies in goose skin to Mortym Equa and Mortym-Oika; sees ME cook teals, then throws the bones into the water, they come to life (p.59); returns his wife, flies to her parents (a brief retelling 1991:14)]: 33-61; Lukina 1990, No. 105 (northern Mansi) [an old woman and an old man of a tundra hill live, water is around; an iron loon dives from the sky, on the third attempt brings earth in its beak; when she breathed it, her throat has burst (there is now a reddish spot in this place); the iron crest (called the second loon) dives, her head bursts (there are reddish feathers there); the earth grows; the old woman and the old man send a white the crow finds out if the earth is big; the third time the raven bites the dead, returns black; the old man tells him to eat carrion; (then the old woman gives birth to Taryg-Pesch-Nimala Owls, aka Mir-Susne-Hum , "a man watching the world"; see motif A4; he visits distant worlds, gets wives; the old man is Torum, his wife is Kaltas)], 106 (zap. A. Balandin, 1937, p. Vejacors on the river. Ob) [water is everywhere; there is an old man and an old woman in the house; an iron loon flew in, dived, popped up, his neck burst, blood appeared under his neck, a piece of earth in his beak, stuck between the logs of the house, flew up; then but the second loon dives three times, blood on his neck, a piece of land stuck between the logs; the earth began to grow; the old man goes out three times, each time after three days; the third time there is land everywhere; the old man sends three times the white crow flies around the ground; he returns in 3, 5, 7 days; the third time is black, pecking a deceased person; the old man told him not to catch the beast from now on, only fish or take blood for himself when a person he will kill the beast and take meat; then see motive C6]: 258-259, 272-273; Mansi [an old man and an old woman lived on a swamp hummock island; the old man sent a white crow to find out if the land was big; first that returned while the fish cauldron was being cooked; the second time three days later, the third time three years later; turned black, looking at the man's corpse; the old man sent him to continue to eat carrion]: Chernetsov 1935:24-25; the Kets [after the flood, the Kets lived on their own land; swifts began to fly to them for tinoy; Bogdahan ordered to catch one, tie a thread to his leg; swimming along it, B.'s servants found the land of the Kets, forced pay tribute]: Anuchin 1914:15.
Eastern Siberia. Dolgans [the earth is covered with water; when the water was gone, God sent Swan to see where the earth had appeared; the Swan saw the island and sat down; his legs turned black with dirt; if he wanted to eat, his beak turned black; this it was not an island, but abaasa manure; Russian bosses disdain to eat a swan]: Popov 1937:40; Evenks of China [was only the creator of Purkan {from Burkhan}; tired of loneliness, he created a kite and sent it look for sand and clay; the kite returned with a small piece of clay-sand; P. flattened it, it stretched out and first became the size of an umalan rug, and then grew even more and became vast earth; but it is deserted; then P. makes trees grow on the ground, rivers, seas, birds and fish, wild and domestic animals appear]: Varlamova, Dyakonova, manuscript; Evens [the land was alone stones; The Creator tells the eagle to bring sand; it flies to the ends of the earth, brings it in feathers over the cat; the Creator scattered sand, hills have formed, and a forest has grown on them]: Chadaeva 1990:123.
Amur-Sakhalin. The Nanais [there were three people: Shanwei, Shankoa, Shanka; there were three dives and three swans; three people sent three dives and three swans to dive for land, stones and sand; the birds were under water for seven days; when they emerged, they carried land, stones, sand brought from the bottom in their beaks; where they flew, land, mountains, plains appeared; marked riverbeds; when they flew to the sea, it flowed Amur]: Laufer 1899:749-750; Orochi (recorded in 1914) [there was a big flood, people and animals died; only one mountain left brother, sister and animals; they wanted to know if there were other people, and sent a crow into the world, telling her to return after 7 years; waited 7 years, 10 years or longer, but the crow did not return; then they sent a crow into the world, also for 7 years; 7 years, 10 years passed, and he did not return, but then flew in and said that there were no people anywhere and only in in one place, there are many human corpses eaten by a crow sent earlier; brother and sister began to live as husband and wife and had a son and daughter; these children went to the same river and started there too son and daughter; that couple moved to another river, etc.; thus, one Oroch family appeared on each river]: Poniatowski 2009:132.
Japan. Ainu (Hokkaido) [from the Chamberlain collection; after finishing creation, God returned to heaven; sent a rooster to see if the world is good to intervene immediately if necessary; the world turned out to be so It's good that the rooster couldn't come back for a long time; God got angry and told him to stay on earth forever; that's why chickens don't fly]: Hitchcock 1892:484.
SV Asia. Tundra Yukaghirs (p. Kolymskoye, Nizhnekolymsky District) [Christ asks the Crow, the Bird and the Loon to bring land; Gagara did not bring anything, H. made sure that the loons now lay eggs only for water]: Gogolev et al. 1975: 239; Russian Mouth [Christ sent birds to search for land; The partridge did not return, stayed for the winter, H. ordered people to catch it with a noose; the duck flew home, burned with smoke, painted Turpan, She only managed to paint her eyes herself; Teal brought earth on his nose, since then he has a tubercle on his nose]: Azbelev, Meshchersky 1986, No. 72:213; Chukchi [Tirkermin became pregnant without her husband; father beat her, daughter fell from the star; there was only water on our planet; T. formed foam with her feet, stopped on the foam and gave birth to a crow, then a wolf, then a boy; began to think about what to feed him; the raven flew to watch, eat whether the earth; he flew away in one direction, a day passed, flew to four parts of the world, there was no land anywhere; during these days the boy grew up, found a sprout, gave it to the crow's beak, said to cut it, burn it, mix with foam, put it; the continents began to do this; the next morning they got up, the earth was already there; the boy was making continents, the raven brought seaweed, the woman asked the sun to light them, the father lit them; at night the mother cried out of clouds; the Raven made a crow, a she-wolf, a woman out of toy branches; they came to life; he flew away with a crow, the wolf left with his she-wolf, the boy stayed with his wife (Tatarkhtyna Maria, born in 1953, Chukotka Autonomous District, Chukotka district, s. Lorino, April 2001)]: Vukvukoi 2006
Subarctic. Koyukon [huge animals enter the sea, the land is flooded with water; the Great Raven tells the Raven to build a raft; animal people flee on a raft; the Raven and the Seagull fly in different directions, do not find land; many dive, but only the Muskrat pulls clay from the bottom, the Beaver helps to put it on the raft; when enough land has been piled up, the land has reappeared; vegetation appeared; the Raven drew channels, water it flowed in both directions at the same time; then decided that it would be too easy for people, let the rivers flow only downstream; made a man out of stone; decided that he would live forever and would not exist smart enough (his mind would not be right); then he made it out of clay; this man knew how to think, was able to reproduce his own kind; made a woman; at first people died and reborn, but Raven decided that people should only live once; he was going to marry, others tried to take this woman away from him; then the Raven brought a rotten willow, sprayed dust, it turned into mosquitoes (to bite them rivals); after that, animal people became animals]: Attla 1983:129-137 (=Ruppert, Bernet 2001:84-89; retelling in Smelcer 1992:124-125); Yellowknife [animal people climb into the sky to get warmth; A squirrel from the top of a spruce tree gnaws a hole in the sky, light illuminates the ground; The bear keeps wineskins on the island with rain, snow, good weather, storm, warmth; The deer swims to the island, takes away heat, goes down rope to the ground; The mouse gnaws a hole in the wineskin to make moccasins for his children; the heat spreads, the melted snow floods the ground; the Grandfather escapes in the boat; first the Eagle, then the Pigeon fly in search of land ; come back; next time they bring a spruce branch; Muskrat, Otter cannot dive to the bottom; Duck brings silt from the bottom; new land is made from it]: Petitot 1886, No. 5:373-378.
The Midwest. Ojibwa: Coleman et al 1971 (Minnesota, Font du Lac, 1958) [Nanabozho hunted with a wolf and his two sons; it freezes at night, wolves cover it with tails, then it's too hot; stayed with one of the young wolves, dreamed that he fell into the river in pursuit of game; the wolf was gone; the kingfisher said that there was someone near the shore, advised him to shoot not at the underwater puma itself, but at its shadow; N. pretended to be a stump, the animals could not recognize it; shot into the shadow of the cougar, ran; the shaman frog goes to heal the cougar; N. killed her, put on her skin, came to the wounded man, plunged the arrow deeper, killing him, took away the wolf's skin; it rained, the animals gathered on N.'s raft; the loon dived, emerged half-dead, N. revived it; the crane-necked toadstool, the beaver, the muskrat brought sand in its paws; N. blew on him, putting it on the water, land arose; N. sent a hawk, which returned black after 10 days; N. sent the muskrat again for sand, blew, sent a hawk again, the earth became very large]: 70-72; Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 9:12-16; Skinner 1911 (chippewa) [see B3A motif; Venebojo asks Loon, Otter, Beaver, Muskrat to dive; they emerge dead; V. finds silt on Muskrat's paws; throws it on water, earth grows; revives the Muskrat; sends birds to fly around the earth, making it wider; the big bird comes back, V. says it's not enough; the Eagle returns; Enough]: Barnouw 1977, No. 3:64 -69; Eastern Marsh Cree (Albany) [Wicágatcak catches a beaver, he scratches his ass, V. breaks the beaver dam, water floods the world; V. makes a raft; Muskrat is sent to get the ground from the bottom, sinks; Raven (a) - bring land from afar, returns with an empty beak; V. has some moss; he tells the Wolf to take it in his mouth, run around the raft; the earth emerges and grows; the Wolf runs away so far as more does not return; then see motif M53, "game dances around the hunter"]: 83; Cree, solto [people do not obey God, he sends a flood; a man escapes in a boat; sends a white crow to search the earth, which does not return, turns black as punishment; a person sends a dove, it brings clay on its paws; the person realizes that the earth has dried up]: Faraid 1864:387 in Rooth 1962:176; northern solto [see motif M60; Visekajac kills an underwater Puma; other Pumas cause a flood; Visekajak with animals escapes on a raft; animals dive to get the ground from the bottom; Beaver, Otter, The muskrat emerges dead; Visekajak finds clay on the clutches of the Muskrat, makes the earth; sends the Raven to find out if it is big; she returns twice; the first time the earth is small, then it grows; Visekajak sends the Wolf; he does not return, the earth is big]: Skinner 1911:173-175; Ojibwa: Blackwood 1929, No. 2 [the grandmother confesses to Manabazoo that his parents were killed by a snake living on the island; the water around is covered with resin; M. greases the boat, sails to the beach, pretends to be a stump; The serpent sends a smaller snake to squeeze the bear, injure the stump, but M. does not move; hits the Snake who has fallen asleep with arrows , returns home; the old woman goes to treat the wounded, M. removes her skin, puts her on herself; pierces the tip deeper, the Serpent dies; the rain floods the ground with a flood, M. and the animals escape on the raft; Beaver, Loon , Otter, Muskrat consistently dive, emerge dead, M. revives them, finds some land in Muskrat's paw; M. sends Muskrat for the second time, she brings more; M. creates land, blows on it, she expands, valleys and mountains appear; flowers blow gently, snowstorm; sends the Wolf to find out if the earth is big, he returns in 10 days, six months, does not return for the third time; sends the Eagle, Hawk, Dove, Crow to the east, west, south, north; as long as they fly, the earth will stretch; creates trees, rivers, lakes, man and woman; goes east, now looks at us]: 323- 328; Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 9 [Wolves give Nenabojo the young Wolf as a nephew; N. does not tell him to jump over the stream; he jumps when he finds himself in the river; Kingfisher tells N. that he was eaten Water Snakes, advises what to do; N. turns into a stump; when the Snakes crawl ashore to warm up, injures the one that killed his nephew; the Frog goes to heal the wounded; N. asks her, kills her, puts it on skin; kills the Snake, does not heal it; runs away, taking the Wolf's skin; water gushes after him; N. escapes on a raft, revives the Wolf; Beaver, Otter, Loon do not reach the bottom, Muskrat brings earth in its paws; N. throws the land on water, it grows; sends the Wolf to see if it is big; the first time he returns; the second time he dies before he runs around the earth; it is great]: 12-16; Radin 1914, No. 9 [Non-Evil paints Kingfisher's feathers; for this he reports that the water Pumas killed Brother N.; N. turns into a rotten stump; beats Pum who come out of the water to lie on the beach; the water chases N.; he climbs a tree, makes a raft; Otter, Beaver emerge without bringing sand; Muskrat brings in his paws and mouth; N. creates land; sends the Raven, he does not return; the Hawk, who reports that the Raven is biting corpses; for this N. orders He eats only stolen goods; sends Caribou; he says that the earth is not large enough; N. blows sand from the horn into the water again; tells the Ducks to dance with their eyes closed; see motif M53], 10 [Nenebojo and The Fox lived together; N. warns Lisa not to hunt at the lake shore; The fox is gone; N. found traces, water creatures dragged the Fox; N. pretended to be a stump on the shore; when the water creatures came ashore, fell asleep, N. shot them, but one wounded man fled into the water; the frog shaman cries, says that N. wounded the water spirit; N. kills her, wears her skin, comes under the guise of a Frog to heal the wounded; asks everyone to go out does not take out the arrow, but kills the wounded with it; runs away, the water follows him; he makes a raft on the mountain; tells the Otter to dive, she pops up half dead; then Muskrat, N. finds grains of earth on her paws; blows on them, they formed land; N. makes mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers with his rod]: 19-21, 22-23; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 4 [Manabozo injures Leo, blood floods the earth; M. makes a raft; sends The crow, the Falcon, the Eagle find out if the land is large; the Raven returns in seven days, the Falcon returns in a year, the Eagle does not return; so the land is great], 5 [M. lives with his grandmother; the Sea Lion lives on an island surrounded by with resin; M. covers the boat with fat, floats on resin; during the battle, Blue Jay advises M. to shoot at the little finger on the enemy's leg, M. kills the Sea Lion; takes the young Wolf as his comrades, warns not jump over streams; The wolf chases the moose, jumps across the stream, it turns into a turbulent stream, carries it away; then in (3), the Wolf instead of M., the Kingfisher instead of the Crane, the Minito - Snakes; water rises but falls; the episode with the Frog and the Minito Killing; Beaver, Otter, Loon, Muskrat dive; Raven, Dove are sent to find out if the land is big; The Raven returns four days later, the Dove is not returns; now M. lives in the east]: 62, 63-67, 67-70, 70-76; timagami ojibwa [see M60 motif; Nenebuk kills the queen of the Giant Lynxes; Lynxes send a flood; N. tells Beaver reach the ground, it does not dive to the bottom; the muskrat pops up dead with the ground in its paws; N. makes the ground; sends the white crow to see if it is big; he eats dead fish, turns black; the Seagull eats a little , her wings turn black; Owl eats fresh fish, does not return]: Speck 1915d, No. 1:34-38; Ottawa [girl lives with her grandmother; gives birth to two sons; the youngest is flint, kills her when she goes out to her across his side; the elder Na-nav-bo-ju and his dog (this is a wolf) chases him, chipping off pieces (the origin of flints); where he kills, a rock appears; the "god of the depths" knocks the Wolf down out of jealousy, water monsters gather for a holiday; N. pretends to be a stump, they pull it, can't move it, they believe it's a stump; he kills the "god of the depths"; the flood begins; the Beaver dives, pops up dead; Muskrat too but the ground is on its paws; N. sends the Raven to fly, the earth dries up]: Chamberlain 1891:204-205; Sauk, Fox [see B3A motif; underground Snakes cause a flood; Visakah escapes in a boat or on at the top of the pine tree; sends the Pigeon to bring a branch, tells the Muskrat to dive, get the earth from the bottom; both complete tasks, but fall or emerge dead; V. revives them; puts a branch of clay on the water, creates land]: Jones 1901:226-235; 1907, No. 17:363-365; potauatomi: Pokagon 1986 [the huge black was the hunting dog for Nenaw-bo-Zhoo wolf; aquatic deities lured him to the water, sending a deer, killed him and ate him; the fox told N.; when the aquatic creatures fell asleep on the beach, N. pierced Neben Manito with an arrow; the water poured in, flooded the ground, N. found himself in a boat with birds and animals; sent Beaver, who did not reach the bottom, surfaced dead, N. revived him; the same with Ondatra, but N. found some land on her paw; N. rolled her into a ball, tied it to her neck The crow, told him to fly over the waters; as the Raven flew, the earth dried up]: 242-243; kickapoo [Visaka confronts evil horned underground cougars; they're trying to freeze him; two The birds come to warn him one by one, but he continues to sleep in his house; the third comes to peck out his eyes, he drives her away; she tells the cougars that they cannot kill V.; they surround V. with water; he does the boat, tells the Turtle to dive to the bottom; when it floats up, it scrapes off the silt from its legs and belly; the dove brings branches; V. makes a lump of eyelids and dirt, puts it on the water, creates land; horned cougars remain hidden underground; Thunders help keep them there; when the world ends, horned cougars will come out and devour everyone]: Latorre, Latorre 1976:261-262; Steppe Cree [see B3A motif; Vesakaicak kills Pum who have come out of the water; the wounded rush into the water; the Toad goes to treat them; he kills the Toad, puts on its skin, finishes off the wounded; the remaining Pumas cause a flood; Otter, Beaver, Muskrat dive, emerge dead, he revives them; finds a tree leaf under Ontadra's claw; he dives again, brings clay from the bottom on his foot; Vesakaicak puts it on the water, makes the earth grow; sends the Wolf twice find out if it is big; the Wolf returns; sends the Raven, she doesn't return; the earth is big]: Ahenakew 1929:320-327; Steppe Cree [see J33 motif, K27 motif; Visakechak and his younger brother run away from their mother's severed head chasing them; the old man invites V. to the boat, takes them away; the younger brother is left alone, turns into a wolf; V. marries the old man's youngest daughter; the old man dies, V. kills his wife's mother-in-law and older sister; Water Pumas and Snakes eat Brother Wolf; V. injures the Pisces Chief; Frog goes to heal him; V. learns from her normal behavior, kills, takes her form; shoves an arrow deeper into the Leader's body, he dies; the flood begins; V. flees with animals in a boat; V. sends Loon, Otter and others to the bottom to reach the ground; only the Muskrat dives, brings earth on its paws; V. sends it four times, creates dry land; the Spirit creates two (?) pairs of people; sends the Raven (to measure the earth?) , he doesn't come back; sends Eagle]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 1:16-20.
Northeast. Montagnier: Greer 2000 (Paul Le Jeune 1634) [lynxes serve as hunting dogs for Mass; they enter the lake, stay there; the bird informs him about it; he goes to return them, water He floods everything out of the lake; M. sends the Raven to find the land, he does not find it; tells the Otter to dive, she does not have enough land; the Muskrat brought land from the bottom, M. creates land]: 29; Savard 1979, No. 7 [see motif C6; Mesh killed the stones that dragged the Wolf under water; the stones began to chase M., the water flooded the island, the animals gathered on a raft; M. tells me to dive, Kalan (loup-marin), Orlan (huard) do not dive; two Minks ( muskrats? - visons) dive, one brings earth in her mouth, M. blows into her anus, the earth falls out, becomes big; the Eagle flew from one end of the earth to the other; the second time did not reach the edge - the earth became big]: 28-32; Delaware [collected in the 18th century; survivors of the flood gathered on the Turtle's back; ask Loon to get the ground; he does not dive to the bottom, flies away, returns with the ground in its beak; indicates to the Turtle where sail; people land on the ground]: Bierhorst 1995, no. 9:30.
Plains. Sarsi: Curtis 1976 (18) [The old man gives Muskrat a piece of land, asks him to run around until he grows up; but he does not grow; then he tells him to dive; for the fourth time, the Muskrat brings clay from the bottom; The old man rolls it into a ball, tells Zuika (Charadrius vociferus) to run around, the earth grows; the Old Man creates terrestrial inhabitants; the crow makes from coal, for other materials have come out by then; Sarsi is the last to make, turning them into pellets of skin scales]: 180-182; Dzana-gu 1921, No. 3 [the flood flooded the world, the Old Man gathered birds and animals on a raft; sent birds to dive, only a small bottom reached the bottom a red-rimmed marsh bird around its eyes when it dived for the fourth time; surfaced dead, but the Old Man found grains of earth under his claws, revived the bird; told Zuika (Charadrius vociferus) to run in circles around a grain of land that began to grow; the old man told Zuyk to run all his life, and then his descendants fled; the land grew, animals and people descended from the raft to land]: 5; Simms 1904 [two young men from the upper world go down to people; the leader's two daughters fall in love with them; people go to make sisters go beyond two bright stars; kill young men; as punishment, the Creator sends a flood; an old man is saved on a raft, with him animals and birds; he sends animals to dive; Muskrat is the last to emerge, the old man scrapes off her legs some silt, blows, creates land; sends Zuika to find out if the earth is big; he returns aged, tired; the earth is big]: 180-182; iowa [zap. Rev. William Hamilton; Ictc ñ'ke swims in a boat; sends Muskrat to the bottom, which brings some clay in its paws; the bird flies away and returns with a branch; I. rips off its leaves, mixes it with clay, throws it all onto the waters, creating land]: Dorsey 1892:300 (mentioned in Boas 1940:439); arpaho [the first arapaho has no land; he sits on a mountain, cries; the Creator sends the Dove; that returns without finding land; The Creator tells the Turtle to dive; it brings silt in its mouth from the bottom; the Creator tells the waters to come off, the land rises]: Clark 1966:223-224; throw off the pawnee [Creator destroys a race of giants by the flood; sends the Raven to earth; he bites corpses, the Creator forbids him to return to heaven; sends a little bird; makes it his messenger]: Dorsey 1904b, No. 4:23-24.
Southeast USA. Caddo [the creator of Enicco sends a flood as punishment for wars; husband, wife and two children escape to a cave in a hill; every pair of animals is with them; they send a bird, it comes back with with a straw; they get on a raft, sail to find land; they sail to where the giant Toesha fish are; they are afraid and they cry, which is why the place is called "where they shed tears"; all Indians descend from this family; They gather on that hill every year for rituals]: Freeman 1806 in Swanton 1942:27; chitimacha [during the flood, two people escape in a clay vessel; a woodpecker clings to the sky, the end of the tail stays in muddy water, changes color; when the water begins to fall, he is sent to search for land, returns without finding it; the dove brings a grain of sand; it is put on water, land grows out of it]: Swanton 1911 (= Swanton 1907): 358; choctaw: Bushnell 1910, No. 4 [people flee in a boat; send a Raven and a Dove; a raven flies south, east, west; from the north brings a magnolia leaf, it turns into an island]: 528 -529; Mould 2004:73-75 [(Cushman 1899:303-305); it became dark, bison, deer came to people's homes; then the sun rose in the north; messengers came running with news of the impending flood; people began to do rafts, but bears gnawed the vine ropes, the rafts fell apart, people drowned; Penibki (the "boat builder") built a solid boat, escaped in it with his family; eagles, hawks and similar birds clung to their claws into the sky; after the flood they returned to earth; a crow appeared, P. sent it to search for land, but she did not pay attention to it; a dove flew in with a leaf in its beak, slowly flew west so that P. could follow him follow; they have sailed to the mountain]; teal [The swimming beetle finds no land anywhere; it dives, brings earth from the bottom; the vulture is sent to see if the earth is dry; mountains appear under the flapping of its wings]: Mooney 1900:239; Tuskegee [water is everywhere; some birds want land as well; Chief Eagle sends a Pigeon, who returns without finding land; the Shrimp dives, four days later brings in its claws with the bottom of the silt; the eagle makes an island; then a few, they merge into land]: Swanton 1924-1925:487 in Edmonds, Clark 1989:284; Seminoles [rain begins, man with woman and animals flee to ark; they see birds with green shoots in their beaks; this means that the land is somewhere; the water is gradually descending]: Greenlee 1945:141; catawba [during the flood, people flee to trees and on the island; they send a Dove, he brings a leaf for the first time, black corn to the second]: Speck 1934, No. 27:23.
California. Patvin [The falcon puts a cake of mud on the water, the flood ends; sends four pairs of birds in succession in four directions; a hawk, a marsh bird with a crooked beak, is flying (reports that water surrounds the world), another hawk (he is told to eat grass if he finds it), a dove (commanded to eat seeds); a bar. with biblical influence: a raven and a dove are sent; the raven eats corpses, the dove brings flowers]: Kroeber 1932a, No. 1:305; mountain mivok [after the flood Falcon sends a Dove; he reports that all people have died; sends Pigeon and Hummingbird to bring land; warns them not to eat grass or suck the juice of the flowers ( the consequences are unknown)]: Gifford 1917, No. 6:312; Wobonuch (Centrall Hills) [the world is covered with water; Tobacco flies through the air from east to west, flops into the water; next time Falcon and Raven ( Crow) place a net under the surface of the water, catch Tobacco; in the same way they catch a mortar, a pestle; a falcon pushes tobacco; placing a net in the air, catches Night (turns the net north, west, south; Night came from the east, Shing, Close your eyes! ); The Falcon rolled the Night into a ball, the Sun rose, it became light; he smeared the Raven at Night, which turned black, had previously been like a Falcon; wild ducks complain that there was nowhere to sit to rest; Falcon called the animals told the Ducks to dive; they came back, saying that there was land, trees, etc. under water; Duck's wife dived to get sand; Falcon and Raven stretched their net on the water to prevent it from trembling (it's not clear whether water or net) , fumigated with tobacco; The duck came up, losing consciousness, bringing sand under her fingernails; The Falcon brought her to life with tobacco; told everyone to leave when he returned 6 days later; put sand and dirt on her knee, the land began to grow from where the Duck dived; after another 6 days, the waters grew, the waters were draining; to watch the world grow, the Falcon flew north east, the Raven flew west; then flew south, near the waters saw a black man's hut, a dog; these people lived on the ground, did not fly; the Falcon taught them how to make porridge from acorns; the messenger (Falcon?) named those who will become shamans and fly away (with Falcon and Raven?) : Coyote, Puma, Wild Cat, Fox, Bear, Weasel; also Owl and Skunk; Condor and Eagle; they all became animals; Coyote and Dog stayed on earth]: Gayton, Newman 1940, No. 39:38-39; Yokutz: Kroeber 1907a , No. 15 [see motif B3A; only the mountain rises above the water; Ducks dive, float dead; under their fingernails, ears, mouth Dive finds some earth; mix with seeds, make earth; Eagle sends Wolf, he runs around the ground, reports that it is still soft; the Coyote runs on the ground ahead of time, gorges and mountains appear; the Eagle sends the Raven and the Falcon, who report that the earth has hardened; animal people diverge into in different directions, turning into people], 25 [The Eagle and the Coyote tell the turtle to dive; they find some land under their claw, put them on the water, the earth grows; they make six human pairs, send them to different sides; people have nothing to eat, they eat the land, some have already been eaten; the Eagle and the Coyote send a pigeon, which brings a seed; the ground is covered with plants with fruits and seeds]: 209-211, 218-219; salinan [Old Woman The sea wants to destroy the Eagle, brings the sea in the basket, pours out, the flood floods the ground, Mount Santa Lucia remains; the Eagle takes the Puma's mustache, makes a rope, throws a lasso over the basket, the old woman dies, the water stops rising; the dove brings clay, the Eagle makes it new land; turns three alder sticks into a woman and two men; they are lifeless; he revives them in the steam room]: Mason 1918:105.
Big Pool. During a flood, God sends birds from the mountain; the raven eats corpses. Eastern Shoshones (Wind River) [During the flood, the top of the mountain remains above the water; Our Father sends birds; the Raven eats corpses, returns, exuding stench; God makes him black, tells him to eat only from now on carrion; Chickady brings some clay; Our Father makes earth out of it]: Saint Clair 1909b, No. 10:272-273 (quail in Kongas 1960:152-153); southern Utah [rain causes a flood, a few people flee on a raft on the mountain; the sent Raven does not return, Norka returns, says that the Raven is biting the eyes of the dead; Norka is sent again, brings a leaf; next time the world will be destroyed by fire] : Lowie 1924, No. 2:4.
The Great Southwest. Western Apaches: Curtis 1907-1930 (1): 23-35 in Edmonds, Clark 1989 [a yellow and white disc appears in the dark, with the Creator (Living Above) on it; his gaze spread light; he wiped away his sweat from His faces, rubbed her hands, the Parentless Girl appeared on the cloud; asked where he came from; he replied that from the east, where is the light; asked Where is the earth, he asked Where is the sky; the Creator wiped his sweat twice more and rubbed his hands, The Sun God and Little Boy appeared; then created Tarantula, the constellation Ursa Major, the Wind, the Lightning Worker; all the gods wiped off their sweat, the Creator rubbed his hands, a ball the size of a bean fell, became earth ; The Creator, followed by the first three gods he created, kicked him, he grew up; Tarantula stretched four threads from the ground in different directions, stretched the ground; The Creator rubbed his chest, rubbed his fingers, created a Hummingbird, ordered fly four ways for exploration; the Hummingbird returned, saying that the earth was beautiful and the water was in the west; the earth continued to sway; to secure it, the Creator made four pillars (like the threads, they different colors: black, blue, yellow, white), put it under four cardinal points; the earth froze; the Creator sent the Lightning Doer, who found two girls and a boy in a turquoise shell, they did not have eyes of ears, mouths, noses, hair, teeth, fingers; they were placed in the steam room, sang witch doctor's spells, they became normal people; the Creator made the young man the leader of heaven, the girl the guardian of the land and the harvest ; named the second girl Pollen, responsible for treating people; the Creator sent a Dove, who returned four days later, said that the water on the other side of the earth would flood the earth; The Parentless Girl put everyone in a ball, 12 days later they came out; the flowing water created valleys and mountains; the Creator and his assistants waited out the flood in the sky; when the creation was finished, the gods rose to heaven in a column of smoke] ; Gould 1921 (Mojave Apache) [people in the lower world sent a bird to search for another world; it flew C, B, Y, Z, found nothing; people sent it up, weaved climbing plants, climbed them, got to upper world; looking down, they saw water rising; this flood was caused by the Frog woman below; people put the girl in a box, the box hit the sky four times; the girl went out to Mount Montezuma, the rest drowned; lay down under the waterfall, gave birth to a girl; she also lay down, gave birth to Jesus; his mother took an eagle; he learned about it from his grandmother; the man dug an underground passage for him under a lying bull, under his heart; I. plunged a hot knife into his heart; smeared himself with blood and brain, allowed the eagles to carry themselves to the mountain; asked the chicks where their mother and father were sitting, smeared the rock there with resin, killed adult eagles, threw off the chicks; the old bat began to drop them in her basket; he opened his eyes, she fell down; he cured her fractures]: 319-320; Russel 1898 [animal people rise from the underworld; earth covered in water; badger, turkey report that land is not visible; the wind drives away water]: 254; hicarilla: Mooney 1898a [people rise to the ground from the lower world; it is covered with water, four winds blow away water on four sides, forming four seas; The badger comes out, gets stuck; the Beaver builds a dam; when the Raven is sent, the earth is already dry, it bites dead fish, frogs, does not return, the Tornado is sent for him; punishment people make it gray black]: 199-200; Opler 1938, No. 3 [a mountain in the lower world stops growing when two girls climb it; Spider and Fly climb the web, throw people a rope out sunlight; the earth is covered with water; four abandoned hoops drive it away; people send four Ravens, who eat dead fish and aquatic animals, do not return; white Laska tells us what the Ravens are doing; The badger has stained its paws in the mud; the Beaver is building dams; because of this, rivers exist]: 16-25; lipan [people live in the dark under the ground, the ground is covered by water; the wind curls the water like a curtain; The Raven, the Beaver are sent to explore; one eats dead fish, the other builds dams, does not return; the Badger returns; four people are sent to create rivers, mountains; animals, birds, trees, and last people coming to earth]: Opler 1940, No. 1:13-15; (cf. Navajo [the first insect people (ants, beetles, dragonflies, locusts) live in the lower red world; adultery prevails, water floods the world, insect people fly to the sky, find a hole, penetrate into the blue world of swallows; there is nothing to eat, they fly into the yellow world of grasshoppers; there they are not allowed to drink, they fly into a black and white world; every time they send scouts to find out how far the earth stretches; only in the black and white world, scouts cannot reach the ends of the earth, that world is larger than the lower ones; {who are scouts is not explicitly said, but they fly, i.e. insects}]: Zolbrod 1995:35-48); Hopi: Stephens 1929, № 2 [in the lower world, people sat on cane leaves; during the day it grew, and every night a new joint formed; reeds reached the sky and entered the hole; before climbing this reed, people They sent the Dove to look for a hole in the sky; the dove found nothing, he was scolded, called a fool; they sent mochini (reminiscent of a mockingbird but does not sing), who found a hole]: 6-7; Voth 1905, No. 1 [first only water and two female characters named Hurúing Wuhti in the east and west; they made the waters come down; the Sun indicated to these women that the earth was not inhabited; a woman met, created wren and sent to look for living creatures; he found no one; then the women made many different birds and they scattered in all directions; then an oriental woman (hereinafter referred to as VJ) sculpted a man out of clay and a woman, revived them; a spider woman also created two people, but they were the ancestors of the Spaniards; she also made donkeys for them; made many such people; one woman constantly quarreled with one man, so and the Hopis are now quarreling; ZJ also made people; Westerners and people of the East quarreled, ZJ decided to go to sea; VJ is also gone]: 1-5; Eastern Ceres (Cochiti) [people make a boat, after the flood they stick to grief; they send the Dove, he comes back, says there are corpses everywhere; the White Raven is flying, biting corpses, turning black as punishment; The dove flies again, brings a flower]: Benedict 1931:3; tiva (Taos) ) [(without details); Quatlovuna sends a Coyote, that is, a carrion; a crow pecks out the dead's eyes; a Pigeon mourns the dead; the Swallow finds out that the earth has dried up and people have appeared]: Jeancon in Rooth 1962:201.
NW Mexico. Varigio: Gentry 1963 [Tata Dios pulls a handful of sand from the ocean floor, throws it across the water; sends the Pigeon to see if the land has hardened; when he returns for the fourth time, he replies Yes]: 133; Olmos Aguilera 2005 [first a huge lake, some say a lake of blood; tatá Dios o nonó ("the one who is the father") scattered silt from the bottom in four directions, peace has arisen; sent the birds to see if the earth was dry; the dove came back with nothing, the Hummingbird brought a flower; Jesus blew on figures sculpted from the silt, turned out to be Indians; those sprinkled with ash turned out to be creoles and others; after death, the Indian turns into clay, the European turns into ash; the Devil had the fire; the chureo bird flew, carried away the stones from which fire is made; the devil sent his servants, did not catch up]: 199-200; tarahumara [God in heaven, water below; God created the earth by shaking water (moviendo el agua) when it was hot; foam has surfaced, hardened, and turned into dry land; others believe that the earth is a disk on four pillars in the manner of a chicken coop; God sent two pigeons; they came back with the leaves of the chimali plant and said the earth was good for life; then God and his brother Atanasio descended to earth to create {what's on it}]: Mondragón et al. 1995:15-16; bark: Lumholtz 1902 (2) [a man clears a plot, the forest revives the next morning; an old woman does it; tells him to make a box, take a dog, woodpecker, the sandpiper, parrot; the flood begins; when the water comes down, a person sends a parrot to see if it is possible to walk on the ground; it comes back, the earth is still wet; a sent woodpecker struggles to pull his beak out of wet wood; the sandpiper does not fall into the mud, the ground is dry]: 193-194; Preuss 1912 [the vulture eats corpses, turns black as punishment, pigeon returns], No. 3:201; Horcasitas 1988 [forest cockerel, woodpecker fail, parrot brings land]: 212.
Mesoamerica Taraschi [a number of birds sent]: Horcasitas 1988:213; Huastecs: Alcorn 1984 [a person who escaped the flood is not told to eat fish (drowned fish have turned into fish); he roasts fish, smoke rises to heaven; the gods send seven messengers, they don't return, they are turned into birds; the gods turned a man into a raccoon by putting a fire drill in his mouth and taking him out of his ass]: 61; Oropeza Escóbar 2007 [there were people who did not eat; God was angry, sent rain, the flood flooded the ground; the rabbit ran away, came to the man who was clearing the field; when that was not the case, he told the herbs to be reborn; the man watched; The rabbit explained that there would be a flood, let a man make a box, go in with his family, take a parrot with him; he would warn him when the water reached the sky; after the flood, man made a fire; God sent a bird then the vulture find out who warned the people; they did not return; sent a hummingbird; he found out that the Rabbit, who took him to the sky, became the moon]: 180-181; Relatos Huastecos 1994 [the guns used to work themselves; the man sent them to clear the area; in the morning he saw that the vegetation had revived; he found the Rabbit, who explained that there would be a flood, ordered them to make a box, fit there with his family and food, and take him too, Rabbit; the box floated to the sky; The rabbit climbed into the sun out of curiosity, but it was too hot, then he climbed to the moon; could not return because during this time the water had come down, the box fell to the ground, Rabbit stayed on the moon; on earth, a man and his family made a fire, began to fry fish; the rising smoke colored the sky, turning it white blue; the creator of Huítom ínik sent a bird to find out what was going on; She also began to eat fish, was turned into a vulture, because in fact they were not fish, but the corpses of drowned people; the same with the eagle sent; then the hummingbird came back and reported; The Creator went down, put a man in the ass, turning him and his family into otters that eat dead fish; the head is the tail; the hummingbird is innocent and now feeds on flower nectar]: 93-99; northern Nahuat Puebla [rabbit; flood warns]: Taggart 1983:194; Nahuat (Huasteca, Hidalgo) [a man loves a forest on the site; finds a Rabbit reviving trees; he warns of a flood, tells us to build a houseboat; water rises to the sky, then descends; God sends the Vulture, two birds of prey, and other birds to find out the condition of the earth; they eat carrion, only the Hummingbird returns; God sees smoke, turns firefighters into monkeys]: Stiles 1985b: 22-25; Huasteca Nahuatl [The rabbit came down from the moon to warn of the flood; it rained; a man with his wife, son and two escaped daughters; the father sent the son to see if there was food; then sent daughters; the first, when he saw that her brother was eating carrion, became a chilcote bird; the second came back and told; the father made her a hummingbird, her son a vulture ; his children were raised by a girl who became pregnant from (western) cedar; Huasteca Indians are their descendants]: Stiles 1985a: 102, 113; mountain totonaki: Arenas 2000 [a person cuts wood on the site, the vegetation recovers by morning; he remains watching, sees the Rabbit telling the trees to rise; he asks him not to kill, says that he is acting on orders that there will be a flood, man must build an ark; he takes all animals into it; sends torcaza, which comes back, says that the water has begun to fall; sends Vultures, who peck corpses, man tells them to eat carrion from now on; after the flood, a person works on the site, finds food cooked in the evening; finds a woman shed her dog skin, sprinkles ash on her skin; the woman remains human, creates new people]: 164- 166; Totonaki (Río Necaxa) [a man cuts down the forest on the site, the vegetation recovers by morning; he stays watching, sees the Rabbit telling the trees to rise; he asks him not to kill, says there will be a flood, water will rise to heaven; let a man make a big coffin, get inside with his family; after the flood, a man made a fire, the fire rose to the sky; San Miguel sent to find out what was going on; he started eating on the ground, came back, said he ate nothing; he was caught lying, turned into a vulture]: Beck 2010:195-218; Ichon 1969 [a man cuts trees clearing a field ; at night, the Rabbit revives them; the man puts a resin doll, the Rabbit sticks to it; the man cuts off his tail, since then it has been short; the rabbit says that there will be a flood, tells him to make a box, take it with food, fire, parrot; a parrot hits its head against the sky (since then it has been red with blood), screams; so a person has time to hide his head; people turn into fish; after the flood they die; The rabbit offers fry fish; smoke is understood to the sky; the gods decide to punish people for it; it used to be enough to look up to die peacefully; now death is painful; the gods send Vulture to find out who bred fire; the Stew eats fish with man; the gods tell him to eat carrion from now on; they send the Hawk to take the man to heaven; the gods turn him into a monkey with his head to his ass; the Hawk gets the right to hunt pigeons option: the vulture, the hawk don't come back, the hummingbird returns]: 44-47; Oropeza 1947 [The dove returns with clay stuck to its feet]: 269-270; tepeua [after the flood There were no clouds in the sky; the people of the north saw smoke in the south; sent a man to those who produced the smoke; they asked him to fry and eat fish; the northern people sent another, he carried out his task; the leftover fish became a vulture and must now eat rotten fish, and the second person became an eagle; if not for him, there would be no clouds in the sky]: MacKay, Trechsel 2012:108-118; Veracruz Nahuatl [ man discovers that the trees cut down the day before are intact again; the Rabbit explains that this is a sign of an impending flood; after the flood is over, God sends Vulture to explore, who eats the corpses; then The hummingbird, he returns, is awarded the opportunity to eat flower nectar]: Williams García 1955:4-5 at Horcasitas 1978, No. A-18:184; Sayula Popoluka: Clark 1961 [esquibu bird not in able to return, the dove returns]: 119-120; mountain quarters: Foster 1945a, No. 43 [man clears the area, trees in place in the morning; sees the rabbit restore them; this is Jesus; he gives man has cedar seeds, trees will grow out of them in seven days, trees must be used to make an ark, take a couple of animals; it rains, the parrot clings to the ark, it hits the sky, since then the parrot's legs broken and crooked; after the flood, I. does not tell you to eat without permission; a man and his wife make a fire, fry fish; I. sends Vulture to find out why the fire is; he joins the meal; the Hawk is the says what he saw; Hummingbird confirms; I. puts the head of the man, his wife and children to the ass, and the ass to the neck, turns them into monkeys; the Vulture tells him to eat carrion], 44 [I. tells the man build an ark, take animals; after the flood, the survivors fry fish; I. sends Vulture, who also eats; the Hawk returns, says that people eat the former inhabitants of the earth; Hummingbird confirms; I. puts people upside down, makes them monkeys]: 235-236, 239; Nahuat (northern Puebla) [God sends Vulture, Eagle (Kite) to find out who has escaped and makes a fire; they eat carrion; The hummingbird returns, talks about the behavior of those sent earlier]: Taggart 1983:178, 195-196; mixteks [rain flooded the earth with a flood, all humans and animals drowned; God sent Vulture to find out Did people revive, he began to peck at the corpses; God sent the Raven, who came back, talked about the Vulture; God drove him away from him, ordered the corpses to bite; gave the crow fresh corn cobs to eat]; Dyk 1959: 7-9; zapotecs [vultures, heron fail, dove brings land]: Horcasitas 1988:212; tequistlatecs [God saved several people, after the flood sends them one by one to the ground; the first three fry dead fish without permission; the first head is put to the back, he has become a dog; the others have become vultures; dogs and vultures are allowed to eat all kinds of food]: Carrasco 1960: 112-113; Micah [before the flood, the animals came to the village, people killed them, began to cook them, but the pots burst, the animals ran away; God meets an old man who has gone for brushwood, tells them to announce the flood; over they laugh at him; God tells him to make a box, not to let others into it; an old man with his children, the Raven, the Fox, the Dove, escaped in the box; the rain flooded the ground with a flood; the dove is sent for reconnaissance, stains his paws with the blood of the dead, now they are red; when the waters have come down, there is no fertile land; the raven is flying, bringing land from the land of the devils three times (they shake off almost everything from it each time, a little remains); the earth grows; the fox He sends him to the owners of the fire, asks him to warm up, puts his tail into the fire, comes running; the tip of the tail is now black; the eldest son sees his father drunk and naked, tells the youngest; he beats his father, he no longer drinks; tells sons to swim early three in the morning; the youngest bathes, brightens, becomes master; the elder is lazy, his skin darkens, he must work]: Miller, Villa Rojas 1956, No. 5:104; chol: Gebhardt Dom ínguez 2001 [Ch'ujtat brought the earth out of his heart; at first it was like the wind, the wind became a cloud, a cloud of water, water with mud, dirt with earth; put three people in each of the four corners of the earth Chuntewinikes support her; these people feed only on the smell of flowers and fruits; after that, C. cut off the umbilical cord that connected his heart to the ground; the earth was covered with vegetation; C. created the first people smaller than the Chuntewinikes, but larger than the current ones, very smart; without needing anything, they forgot the creator; C. destroyed them with a flood, sent Vulture to see if anyone was left, told nothing touched, but he began to eat the corpses; C. punished him by telling him to eat carrion; sent Gorlinka, she saw that there was blood everywhere, but some were saved on rafts; having stained his feet with blood, she returned to C.; he turned survivors into monkeys; the foam of the flood turned into stones that did not exist before]: 49-51; Whittaker, Warkentin 1962, No. 12 [after the flood, God sends Vulture to find out what is happening on earth warns drowned people not to eat; Vulture eats corpses, God hits him with a stick, since then the vulture cannot walk normally]: 60-61; tsotsil: Guiteras-Holmes 1961 [the bird brings straws, reports that people died]: 156; Laughlin 1977, No. 70 [a man and a woman escaped from the flood on the mountain; the water came down, they sent a royal vulture, a sparrow, and many other birds, they did not return, stayed to eat carrion or grain; a man came down, injured his leg, came back; the Raven said that the earth was dry; they came down, the woman starved to death; the raven brought different varieties of corn; the man died, God turned his children are monkeys; those who did not respond remained human, settled down], 142 [about the same]: 255-259, 260-261; Laughlin, Karasik 1988:201-202; Vogt 1969 [vulture and others don't come back, one bird returns with an injured leg, the raven finds the ground and returns]: 308-313; tseltal [Angel (=God) warns people about the flood; only brother and sister build a tall house; one more person hides in a box; after the flood, the Angel sends Vulture to see if the ground is dry; he eats carrion; the Angel sends an Eagle, who brings a dry branch; the Angel places the Vulture's head in place of his ass and vice versa ; turns a survivor into a monkey; allows brother and sister to marry (and repopulate the land)]: Hermitte 1970:25-27; Chorti: Anónimo a.a. [before the flood, some people collected corn and other food to a certain place, survived the flood; God sent Vulture to find out how people were saved; he ate dead fish, could no longer fly to ask, returned; God punished him, telling her to eat carrion; Ambassador Swallow, she asked, returned, God gave her a good life among flowers; God cut off those people's heads (put them to the ass?) turning them into monkeys]; Hull 2016 [God destroyed people by the flood for their behavior, but some escaped in boats; God sent a vulture to find out how people survived; he saw people eat their horses; He began to eat rotten fish himself, did not ask people; when he returned, God told him to eat rotten fish all his life; sent hummingbirds; people answered him that they had survived because of themselves; God was offended, turned people into monkeys and hummingbirds told them to eat good food]: 10-11 (11-14: detailed version recorded by the author in 2002); Jacaltecs [only one house rises above the water in the flood; water begins to fall, the trumpeter bird is sent for exploration; returns quickly, says the water is still high; the Vulture finds and eats carrion; when it returns, other animals do not let it in because of the smell; now condemned to eat carrion forever, cleanse the world]: Montejo 1991:29-30; tojolabal [the gods decided to punish people; mountains spewed fire, fire and ash covered the ground; then the flood began, some escaped in boats; after the flood, the gods sent the Pigeon to find out what the land was; he remained pecking on the pebbles brought with water, became overweight, did not return; the Vulture sent after him also did not return, began to peck corpses; the hummingbird began to drink nectar, but remembered the errand, returned; the gods punished the pigeon, telling him to walk on the hot coals, his paws turned red; the Vulture was forced to walk longer, his paws were burned and eradicated; for eating corpses, he has saltó el buche (lost goiter?)] : Jiménez 1996:44; Maya Yucatana: Burns 1983 [Jesus decides to destroy the original world where incestuous hunchbacks live; tells Noah to build a boat; The Hunchbacks don't believe in flood; N. makes a boat out of limestone; animals and a little snake woman also climb into it; after the flood, the Vulture is sent to find out if the earth has dried up; brings cadaveric worms; God always tells him eat carrion; Cuckoo (Crotophaga sulcirostris) eats seeds; Dove brings corn]: 58; Redfield 1935 [four angels turn into pigeons after bathing, others eat corpses, become vultures]: 24-25; juice: Relatos Zoques 1997 [it rained, the flood flooded the ground; God sent vultures, pigeons and pheasants to learn how people die; vultures began to peck corpses, pigeons, and pheasants stained their paws with the blood of the dead; for this, God left their paws red]: 27; Sulvarán López 2007 [after the flood, God sent Vulture to see if the earth had dried up; he lingered because he was pecking corpse; God told him to feed on carrion from now on; sent the Dove, who quickly returned, God blessed him; in both cases, the earth was still viscous, mixed with the blood of dead people and animals; Vulture and The pigeon got its paws dirty, they turned reddish]: 44-45.
Honduras-Panama. Bocotta: Margery Peña 1994a, No. 4 [(=1990:37-38); the woman's two sons (Sun and Month) are covered in ulcers; she goes to dance, sees handsome men, does not know that they are her sons; returns before them, glad when they appear in all its splendor; opens a forbidden vessel, hot coals fall from there, it becomes dark, the world lights up; the Sun sends animals to bring rain; the first three do not obey orders, but eat and return; these are Toad (it is not said that she ate), Vulture (bites a dead cow and horse), Hummingbird (sucks flower nectar); Thunder promises to rain the Swallow, tells return without looking back; she looks around, sees a thunderstorm, hides under a stone; after a thunderstorm, the Swallow bites the Toad, she regurgitates the spark, the Swallow wants to extinguish it, the Toad explains that fire will be needed people and will remain in the volcano, in stones, in ceiba wood; the swallow has lived in burrows since then; The sun has gone to heaven, takes care of men, and the Month is about women], 5 [the first people have stone teeth; Chube decides to destroy them all except Huli, his wife and children; people do not believe H. that there will be a flood; the sea floods the land; after the flood, C. replaces H. and his family with corn kernels of stone teeth; people now more meek; C. sends the Vulture, then the Toad, then the Pigeon to find out if the earth is dry; the Vulture eats the corpses, its legs and head turn red; the Toad reaches the sea, returns; the Pigeon returns three times, his legs also turn red; the fourth time he brings a leaf; people are descendants of H.]: 66-71, 81-83.
The Northern Andes. Embera (katio) [Heron, Duck eat fresh, Raven eat rotten fish, Pigeon returns, tells us where the land is]: Pinto García 1978:225-226; Rochereau 1929 [Karagabí made a jaguar out of saliva, Tutruicá did the other; whose is smarter? were equal; K. went fishing in a boat by sea, T. covered it with a huge rock; K. turned into a string of algae or a piece of lead, got out days or years later; then K. covered T., who too got out, but faster; they began to boil each other on fire, both lived; the jaguar also tasted, cooked; since then, the clay, which was like metal, became soft; before the Jenené tree fell with its people hid on the top of the mountain; waited a year, sent the heron to see if the water had come down, it began to eat the fish, did not return; they sent a crow, which began to peck at the dead fish; then the pigeon, he came back, said that the earth good; since then, herons have been eating fresh fish, crows are dead; when they cut down tree H., K. placed four huge candles around to work at night; candles are still burning, they will cause a world fire; After the fire, the world will be a better place and K. will live in it with his people]: 89-91; Torrez de Arauz 1963 [Tatzitsetze ("father of everything") created Caragabí; K. defeated his father and seized power; there are 4 worlds behind ours and 4 in front; K. and Tutruica started making people; K. did not have good material, people only opened their eyes and laughed, and T. came to life; K. asked T. for a piece of good clay, made a man; After 10 years, he said that the piece broke, got another, made a woman; T. said that the people made by K. would be mortal, like everyone else in his world, and T. would be immortal; T. and K. competed, both visited fire and under water were equal; the Sun and Moon were people, K. turned them into stars as punishment; K. taught them how to plant corn, etc.; the woman Gensera keeps all the water in the cave; Caragabí cut turning the woman in half into a narrow-waisted black ant; the ant hid the water in the hollow trunk of a Genené tree (sacred to katio); K. and his men began to cut down the tree, the felling first overgrown; when cut down, the trunk remained hanging on the vines; the squirrel gnawed through the vine, the tree fell, the water flooded the ground; K. and his people escaped on the rock; K. sent the Heron, the Duck, the Raven - did not return, they were fishing; K. created The pigeon returned when he found land; the trunk formed the sea, the branches formed rivers, the buds were streams and swamps; the Genené trunk and the Monpahuará rock are still somewhere, surrounded by four lights; someday the mountain will open, a fiery river will flood the earth; then K. and his descendants will live on earth forever]: 23-26; Yupa [during the flood, twenty married couples (first-ancestor animals) escape to the mountain; Woodpecker flies to find out how far the water stretches; reports that the water is held by a dam of clay; Cayman throws wild boar, tapir, and other animals into the water to see if the water is deep; they all sink; Crab dives, returns four days later; Cayman dives with the Turtle and the Battleship; the Turtle digs from below, the Battleship from above; the dam is destroyed, the water rushes into the hole and leaves; on the battleship's back, turtles, caimana remains sand, visible to this day]: Wilbert 1974, No. 3:78; guajiro [The pigeon first comes back, then finds the ground]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 47:123
Guiana. Makushi [during the flood, Nuá made a boat, all the animals boarded it; the first ancestors turned into animals and birds; flee to the inaja treetop; Aguti throws bones during the long night fetuses into the water; first they hit his genitals, the hairs stick, now the fruits are covered with hairs; they descend when they begin to fall to dry ground; the sun rises; to see if it is dry land, N. sent an uruba, who was then a dove; he eats corpses, especially fish, turned black and turned into a vulture; the pigeon came back and told; the Eagle, Ibis, the Heron also did not return, ate fish, ants eat their feet]: Koch-Grünberg 1924:261-262; vapishana [Tominikare tells Noah that the world will die; people don't believe N.; it's raining, the water rises to the sky; it's dark; when it sang bindorinha, it was a little dawn; N. sent socó to find out if the earth had dried up, he did not return; the seagull found the ground, reported that it was dry; the blow on the bones of the dead, N. revived them]: Wirth 1950:170-171; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 44 [the shaman predicts darkness and the flood; this is because people copulated in public; turtles have entered the village; the child has turned into a caterpillar spirit, eaten by the mother; came other spirits and animals, all gathered on the mountain; the Cuckoo flew to see how far the water stretched, drowned; the same was the Kinoro bird; the Woodpecker, then the Pigeon flew to the shore, returned; a sacrifice was needed giant piranha; she refused to eat the perfume thrown into the water; ate the old man, but the flood did not stop; then they abandoned the girl, the boy, the young man; the water receded; the mountain was cramped, the bees had nowhere else Yes, bees of one species stick to vaginas, another to penises; Wërisana women came, made stairs for people to go down the mountain]: 149-154; Magaña 1987, No. 1 [woodpecker finds land]: 131; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 42 [Kuyuli asks people to move away, knocks down trees on the site with one blow; only one has moved away, the rest are crushed; K. revives them, but others do not know about it, they push he is killed in a mortar; later he is seen alive in the river; the woman wants to grab him, she is dragged into the water herself; K. returns to the village with the woman; his body is in ulcers, his wife goes to dance; K. sends his Sick's friend behind his genipa, heals ulcers, comes to dance handsome, his wife does not know him, dances with him all night; after dancing, he stomps his foot, water floods the ground; K. and his son escape first in a mortar, then on a tree; K. sends four species of birds to explore the area; two of them receive fruit from humans; throw it into the water, the flood ends; from the survivors, the Toad steals fish from the top; K. sends queues of two birds to guard, one finds a thief; K. comes to the old toad, finds out that she keeps the fire with her anus; K. sends two birds, but they fail to steal the fire; sends a jaguar to drive her away, steals the fire himself, but the Toad is so happy that he loses it; K. turns into fire himself, prepares manioc cakes from the pus of the boils that he has on his body; Sica refuses to eat it; K. asks him to himself bury; this is where a vegetable garden with all cultivated plants appears], 53 [see motif J16; a woman dies in a Jaguar village; her son turns into a turtle, turtle eggs give rise to two brothers and two sisters; they kill Jaguars; the flood begins; children flee in the tree; send a Parrot, then the Pigeon, to scout; they come to Grandma Toad, steal fruits from her garden; the Toad catches them; keeps the fire; children they send birds to steal it, the last one succeeds; the toad has been without fire since then]: 42, 45.
Ecuador. Kara (Otavalo district, Cayambe, north of Quito) [Velasco reports the story as belonging to a whale; the Kara allegedly borrowed their story with details; the first man's three sons named Pacha started shooting at a snake, pierced with arrows; it spewed water, the flood flooded everything except Mount Pichincha; P., his sons and various animals gathered there; P. sent the bird Ullaguanga (similar on the crow), she did not return, pecking on the corpses of animals; then another bird, she brought a green branch; P. and sons went down, settled the opening lands]: Verneau, Rivet 1912:15.
(Wed. Western Amazon. Napo [God sent a rain of fire; those who buried themselves in the ground became battleships; those stained became agouti, hidden in wood into worms, children became birds; those people were foolish ; the next time God sent rain, the flood flooded the earth; people were saved on rafts, after the flood each raft was far from the others, people scattered along the jungle; the third time God also flooded the mountains with a flood, except Mount Chota; Noah escaped on the raft with all kinds of animals; the raft pressed against the sky, people sat with their knees between their knees and ate their skin; after the flood, Noah sent the vulture to scout, he did not return, became there are corpses]: Foletti Castegnaro 1985, No. 2:25-26).
NW Amazon. Ufaina [four Imarikakana brothers want to kill an old sloth picking fruit from a tree; the youngest, Imárika Kayafikí, hit, but the old man grabbed the sun's rays and rose to the sky and overshadowed the sun; it rained (this is the old man's urine), flooded the ground with a flood; the brothers escaped on the tree fungus, turned into caterpillars to feed on rotten wood; the tree grew to the sky, the water rose, flooded the world; when the fruit fell into the water, it began to boil; IC cut the old man in two; one half became a "water sloth" (apparently a manatee), the other became woody; the sun shone again; where sunrise, brothers they cut through the runoff with clubs, the sea appeared; they began to conjure to cool the water; Opossum tried it, but scalded the tail, it became naked; the Lagothrix lagotricha monkey scalded, white stripes remained on face and neck; the howler monkey swam, turned red; some people came to virgen Ñamatu, ate her cassava and cheese; the brothers said they were corpses, told these people to become Vultures; sent the Dove to find land, he brings]: Hildebrand 1975, No. XI-XXVII: 345-359; letuama [boiling water floods the earth; four Ayas brothers climb a tree, send a Dove, a Possum, a Monkey -howler find out if the water is high; they scald the tails; the pigeon's tail turns white, the opossum's tail turns naked; the dove brought the earth, the brothers scattered it, the soil reappeared; descended from the tree, it turned into a mountain; they came to their aunt, she keeps rainwater in a large vessel; they cut down several giant trees; Apaporis with tributaries cultivated from one, Caquetá, etc.; branches and the leaves turned into fish]: Palma 1984:71-72; yagua [the water in the river began to rise, but only Iwaoi guessed to make a raft; the shaman Risacsun killed him with spells, took his widow and raft, loaded food, prevented other people from climbing; even the mountain peaks went under water; when the food ran out, R. killed birds on the raft; once the heron brought clay on its feet; R. led the raft to where it came from she flew in; built a house, then returned to its old place; after the flood, everything was covered with clay, including bird nests; the toucan's nest became a large pot, the herons became a vessel for making masato alcohol]: Fejos 1943:99-100.
Central Amazon. Maue [the land was destroyed twice by fire, then by the flood; the son of the god Noé (Marí) built a ship at the request of his father; all the animals in pairs came in; God sent the Vulture, who was a dove , bring a leaf; he returned after eating falls, Marí turned it into a Vulture; sent a Dove (paloma pintada), who brings a leaf, God said that he used to be the Vulture, now he will be the Dove; Marí sent criatura to bring a grain of land, he brought it; it was Adam, we are his descendants]: Ubbe 1991, No. 8:194; Munduruku [Karusakaibë was angry, destroyed the world with fire, the water evaporated; sent the vulture to see if the earth had cooled down, he began to eat the charred bodies; sent the bird sabiá, which found the burnt bones, did not return either; sent the Pigeon, who brought earth on its paws, which means it it cooled down; to clean the ground, K. sent a flood; then people came out of the ground]: Kruse 1951-1952:929.
Montagna - Jurua. Urarina [people almost kill a fisherman boy by burying him in the mud, his father sends a flood; people flee the flood on the Erythrina elei tree; during the long night they throw fruits down to find out whether the water has slept; the man sends down to explore first one son, who turns into a heron, then the second, who turns into a Caracara plantus bird, then descends himself; finds a hut in it cooked food; he hides in a hole, sees a boat descending from the sky; at the stern sits his "our goddess" dressed in a tapa, and her maid on her nose, she did not know how to make bast matter; she shouts that another one is intended for him, but he does not let her in; she {in the text is "he", but clearly talking about this woman} consistently tells a snake (pit viper, Bothrops piuctus), a spider, a giant ant ( Isula, Myrmca saevissima, the bite is very painful) bite him, but he does not let him out; so there are still people who do not even know how to make bast matter; and the intended wife flew away like a bird; they are not copulated, but only hugged; to make a child, the wife rolled a ball of cotton; when the husband returned from hunting, the cotton baby was already coming to meet him and calling him; the husband waited and saw his wife makes children; she said she wanted children to appear without suffering; if you do not abstain from having sex for 10 months after giving birth, the baby will get sick; but her husband got along with her, the baby fell ill, died; var. (p.39): the child asks me to write everything, the father is furious to cut him in half, he turns into a cricket]: Dean 1994:25-28; kanamari [rain flooded the earth with a flood, water rose to the sky; Tamakori and Kirak They built a big boat, those who did not escape in it turned into different animals; the water began to descend, K. sent a pigeon juriti to see if the earth was dry]: Carvalho 2002:272.
Bolivia - Guaporé. After the creation of the land, birds are sent in every direction to find out how big it is. Yurakare: Orbigny 1844:214; chimane [see B28 motif]: Daillant 1995 [Dohichi, Micha are brothers; their sister Dobose invites them to heaven to drink their third brother Tsun 'a (sun) to leave it at its zenith and keep people awake; it fails; D. and M. throw a balsa raft down, it grows, forms the ground; they cry, a vine emerges from their tears; D. descends, at M. the vine breaks, he falls, breaks; D. glues him together, but puts his head to the ass; D. and M. come to the frog women; D. took one, M. raped everyone at night, they urinate blood in the morning; M. digs a tunnel east to the edge of the world, now the dead are going there; D. pretended to be dead, covered with worms; the Frogs threw him into the river; he turned them into frogs, worms into fish; goes looking for M.; along the way turns people into animals - arachnids, howlers, capuchins; asks parrots for feathers, they give on the condition that he does not imitate their voices; D. violates the ban, parrots take feathers, he falls on a tree, it grows tall; the caterpillar lowers it, putting it on its back; when the ground is near, it makes it fall, it breaks its back; gets to the place where the sky hits the ground; inserting a log, she slips into Misha's world; steals one of his wives, she is pregnant; meets people on the way about to kill the one who kidnapped M.'s wife; D. turns them into arrow reeds, bamboo, palm trees for making onions and tips; they climb the Manika River; the wife gives birth, D. turns her and the baby into salt; wants to establish a village in the center of the world, sends birds to explore; those They come back, saying that the center is further in the mountains; D. founded a village in the Andes (Var.: La Paz); left a footprint on the stone, this is a sign that salt is here]: 163-164; Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 1 [Dohitt created the earth like a raft on the water; brought him to see Kiri (the moon), the wife of his brother, whose name is Mich; made a vine out of snot, went down to earth; K. climbed, the vine broke off, she fell; the next day returned to heaven; D. sent Hummingbird and another bird to scout where the end of the earth was; that bird returned quickly, the Hummingbird searched for a long time; D. marked the center of the earth's footprint, but the Hummingbird said that the center is in the mountains; then D. made a salt rock here, and the village in the mountains (var.: La Paz); where D. was walking, the Beni River formed there; turned the Inigua River; he was frightened, peed, and formed lake; walking on the ground, he turned evil people into animals; Cimane created from stone, carved the inhabitants of San Borja and others from balsa; since then people have spoken different languages; D. and M. come to women living without men; they lock them in the house; M. digs a tunnel to the end of the world; D. dies, women throw his wormy corpse into the river; he comes to life, turns them into frogs, their house into a rock; D. received feathers from birds, flew; feathers fell, he fell on a tree; the caterpillar lowered him; D. almost catches up with his brother; cuts a tree without noticing that M. was sitting on it; M. falls, breaking his neck; D. puts his head to his ass; D. took The eldest of her brother's two wives, she is pregnant; in Rio Pacena, he turned them into salt; asks people in the tree what they eat; they eat fruits, say they have their eggs; D. hit himself in the eggs with a stone, died; came to life, turned those people into monkeys; goes further, turned other humans into arachnids; created jaguars, agouti, wild pigs, birds, fish in the same way; jaguars ate almost all humans; D. turned jaguars into battleships, bakers, anteaters, but one escaped, the current ones; turned monstrous cannibal animals (huge duck, fish, snake, monkey, dog) into stone]: 60-63; guarazu [ Yaneramay came to the village, demanded a girl; she said he was old and ugly; when refused, I promised to triple the flood; water came from the ground; the girl's mother agreed, but I turned the girl into a deer; ready to follow him, I told him to climb into the hammocks under the roof of my house; two men, who were making a stone ax and a club from a chonta palm tree, flew to heaven; I told the birds to raise his house to heaven; for He widened the hole in the sky; he told those in the house to look down; they looked and turned into toads; told the rest to throw fruits down to see if the water had come down; the sound of falling could not be heard, the water did not come off; I sent a man to find out if the water had come down, forbidden anything to eat; he began to eat dead fish, and when he returned, lied that he did not eat; I made him a vulture, told him to eat carrion; the same with the second (turned thuyu into a stork), the third (yochi rodent, ate cusi fruits), four (torcaza bird, worms and pebbles bite along river banks), the fifth (carau bird, eats river mollusks); each time water smaller, the land is drier, there is more life on it; brother and sister are left, from which guarazu come; later Y. will destroy the earth again with wind and fire, stones and water from the sky]: Riester 1977, No. 6:232-235.
Chaco. Ayoreo [heron]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 61:109-110; chamacoco [people kill the Battleship Chief; after that, rain causes a flood; the chief orders in advance to build a large house, take refuge in it for people and pairs of animals; after the flood, releases animals and birds to see if the water has descended; establishes their habits according to the food they regurgitated when they returned; the Lesser Battleship was the first to be released, returns, regurgitates the grass, the water has not yet completely come down; then Vulture, he bites the corpses, the chief tells him to continue to eat carrion; the pigeon brings the seeds of cultivated plants, this is people's food; the leader separates outgoing people by peoples (European origin); The battleship swallows seeds of cultivated plants, distributes them among people; chamacocos arise from a dog collar with which the leader wiped off dog ass]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 34:111-114; mokowi [{not said about creating a new land from grains of sand brought}]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 64 [water flooded the world; Kotaá sent Find the Vulture, the Hawk, the Gorlinka, bring sand; The Vulture began to peck the corpses, climbed his head into the ass, hardly pulled out his head, became bald; the Hawk also pecked the corpses, ate, got overweight, could not fly ; Gorlinka found, brought grains of sand in her beak; K. told Vulture to stay bald, Hawk peck carrion, blessed Dove], 65 [as in (64); Hawk punished by flying low; sharpens all the time his knife (his scream from the point of knives); Gorlinka was awarded a beautiful song], 66 [as in (65), in short], 67 [only one person sheltered a black dog; he became a man, warned of the flood, ordered him to do it boat, stock up on food; rain flooded the ground with a flood; on the 16th day, a man sent a black vulture, he did not return, ate corpses; sent a Dove, who brought a blade of grass; the Vulture was punished, now he eats carrion ], 68 [only one family sheltered a dog, and that was God; God sent Vulture, who stayed to peck for the corpses; sent a Dove, who came back, talked about the Vulture; God told Vulture to fly for a long time now in search of food], 69 [people climbed a tree, made a boat with leather on a frame of branches; it rained, the flood flooded the ground; the white vultures were sent to the ground, they began to eat the corpses, turned black; The dove brought maize seeds; to wash the corpses, rain was sent again; people came down from the tree], 70 [the forest burned down; the man wanted water to flood the fire; they sent Vulture, he pecked the corpses horses and other animals, did not return; they sent Dove, she brought corn kernels; the family went down to earth]: 90-91, 91-92, 93, 94-96, 97-98, 98-99, 99-100.
SE Brazil. Sheta [rain floods the earth; a person asks birds to get a new one; sapakura (ibis) and sarakura birds bring some clay or soil in their beaks, throw it into the water; earth dries up; where the earth fell, mountains appeared; before the flood, the land was smooth; Ducks showed the man the lake where the girls were swimming; he grabbed one of them, married them; Sheta were their floods]: Borba 1904 in Koch -Grünberg 1921, No. 78:212.
The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches [hawk eats corpses, pigeon brings blades of grass]: Hernandez 1992:138; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 61:104.