Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C5B. The animals have been sent for reconnaissance.

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After a global catastrophe or when creating land, animals run around, making the earth big, reporting its condition, or sent to find out if the earth is big.

West Africa. Yoruba [water and swamp below the sky; the creator of Ol-orun gave the Great God Orisha Nla a snail shell filled with earth; he poured the earth into the swamp, the Dove and the five-toed Chicken became hers to scatter, land appeared; O. sent Chameleon to check; he said that the earth was large enough but still wet; the second time said that it was dry; the creation lasted four days; since then, the week is four working days, the fifth is devoted to honoring O.; the first people were created in heaven, sent to earth]: Parrinder 1967:20.

SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks (Kichiga village, western 1928) [It keeps raining; Kuikynnyaku makes a boat, drives all animals into it, harnesses mice in a boat, takes it to the sea; the boat swims to the island; K. sees a woman combing her hair there; rain comes because of her; K. feeds her fly agarics, she gets drunk, K. cuts off her hair on her head, eyelashes and eyebrows, rips off and buries her clothes, the rain stops; K. sends the mouse back across the sea to see did the sky clear; the mouse returned, said that it had cleared up; K. returned home, leaving the woman to freeze without clothes]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 124:399-400.

Subarctic. Kuchin [see motive C3; in the flood, Jateaquoynt escapes on a raft; sends the Raven and another bird, both returning without finding land; ties a rope to Beaver, asking him to dive; he emerges dead; the same with the other two Beavers; the Muskrat dives several times; the last time D. pulls her dead, finds the ground on her paws; creates land; revives the Muskrat; sends the Wolf and the Fox explore the land; The wolf does not return, the Fox reports that the earth is big]: McKennan 1965:104; helmet [during the flood, Jesus sends the Rat (Muskrat?) get the earth from the bottom; it sinks; the little Duck pulls out, the earth grows; I. sends the Wolf to see if it is big; the Wolf does not return, the earth is big]: Honigmann 1949:214; hea [Kunyan warns his sister-wife that there will be a flood; builds a raft; people do not believe, they drown; K. tells animals to dive; Muskrat does not dive, Beaver brings silt on his foot; K. makes land out of it; sends the Fox to run in circles, the earth grows]: Petitot 1886, No. 13:146-149; beaver: Goddard 1916 [the ground is covered with water; birds dive, only a little jackal manages to bring silt from the bottom under its claws; from it Land arises]: 256-257; Ridington 1981 [A person sitting in Heaven puts a cross on the water, tells various animals to dive to get the ground; The muskrat brings some earth under his fingernails; Sitting in Heaven puts the earth in the center of the cross, tells it to grow]: 354; 1988 [starting in 1981; The Creator sends the dog to find out if the earth is big; it returns with a human bone in its teeth; for this, the Creator turns her into a wolf; the wolf leaves and does not return]: 117-121; 1999 [everything is covered in water; God swims on the cross, tells animals to dive; the muskrat brings silt from the bottom, God creates land; sends the Dog to find out Is it big; the dog brings human bone; God sends the Wolf, he does not return] [everything is covered in water; God swims on the cross, tells animals to dive; the muskrat brings silt from the bottom, God creates land; sends the Dog to see if it is big; the Dog returns with a human bone in its teeth; for this, the Creator turns it into a wolf; the wolf leaves and does not return].

The Midwest. Chippewa [see motif B3A; Venebo asks Otter to dive, then Beaver; both emerge dead, V. revives them; Beaver says he saw earth; Muskrat brings earth in his mouth and paws; V. throws the land on the water, it grows; sends Caribou to see if it is big; Caribou returns is small; V. throws more land; this time Caribou is not returning]: Barnouw 1977, No. 1:38-41; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [see B3A motif; Kingfisher tells Visakajak how water monsters killed his brother Wolf; V. paints Kingfisher's throat red; hides on the beach, shoots monsters; The frog goes to treat them; V. kills her, puts on her skin, hurts M.'s heart, runs away; the flood begins; V. sends Beaver, Otter, Muskrat to the bottom to reach the ground; finds clay on the paws of the surfaced Muskrat; creates land; sends Wolverine to see if it is big; the third time Wolverine does not return, the earth is ready]: Ray, Stevens 1971:20-26; North Solto [see M60 motif; Visecajak kills underwater Puma; other Pumas cause a flood; Visekajak with animals flees on a raft; animals dive to get the ground from the bottom; Beaver, Otter, Muskrat emerge dead; Visekajak on the legs of the Muskrat finds clay, makes earth; sends the Raven to find out if it is big; she returns twice; the first time the earth is small, then it grows; Visekajak sends the Wolf; he does not return, the earth is big]: Skinner 1911:173-175; Ojibwa: Blackwood 1929, No. 2 [the grandmother confesses to Manabazoo that his parents were killed by a snake living on the island; the water around is covered with resin; M. greases the boat, sails to to the beach, pretends to be a stump; The serpent sends a smaller snake, squeeze the bear, injure the stump, but M. does not move; hits the fallen asleep Snake with arrows, returns home; the old woman goes to heal the wounded, M. takes off her skin, puts on herself; pierces the tip deeper, the Serpent dies; the rain floods the earth with a flood, M. and the animals escape on the raft; Beaver, Loon, Otter, Muskrat consistently dive, emerge dead, M. he revives them, finds some land in the claw of the Muskrat; M. sends the Muskrat for the second time, she brings more; M. creates land, blows on it, it expands, valleys and mountains appear; blows gently - flowers, strongly - snowstorm; sends the Wolf to find out if the earth is big, he returns in 10 days, six months, does not return for the third time; sends Eagle, Hawk, Dove, Raven to the east, west, south, north; how many will fly, this is how the earth will stretch; creates trees, rivers, lakes, man and woman; goes east, now looks at us]: 323-328; Radin 1914, No. 9 [Nenebozho paints Kingfisher's feathers; for it is he who reports that water Pumas killed Brother N.; N. turns into a rotten stump; beats Pum, who is released from the water to lie on the beach; the water chases N.; he climbs a tree, makes a raft; Otter, Beaver emerge, without bringing sand; Muskrat brings in his paws and mouth; N. creates land; sends the Raven, he does not return; the Hawk, who reports that the Raven is biting corpses; for this now eats only stolen goods; N. sends Caribou; he reports that the ground is not big enough; N. blows sand from the horn into the water again; tells the Ducks to dance with their eyes closed; see motif M53]: 19-21; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 2 (southeastern Ontario) [ Manabozho injures Minito Leo, the old frog goes to treat him; without recognizing M., says that Minito is going to catch M.; M. kills her, wears her skin when she comes to the minito, drives the arrow deeper into the wounded man's body, killing him; water rushes after M., he climbs a tree, makes a raft; tells Beaver, Otter, Muskrat to dive; they float up unconscious one by one; between the fingers Muskrat M. finds bits of land, makes land; sends Mink to find out if it is big; the first time he comes back, the second time he doesn't return, which means the land is big], 3 (western Ontario) [for now Vissekejak hunts, his younger brother M. disappears; V. gives the Crane a white stripe around his neck; he tells how the Minito Sea Lions killed M., hung his skin in his doorway; V. turns into a stump on the shore, where the minito go out to warm up, shoots into the shadow of a black minito, injuring him; the water rushes after V., he makes a boat; then (2); Fox instead of Mink; then an episode with the Healer Frog; V. runs away, carrying M.'s skin and the body of a murdered minito; hides in a groundhog hole]: 62, 63-67; Eastern Marsh Cree (Albany) [Wicágatcak catches a beaver, he scratches his ass, V. breaks the beaver dam, water floods the world; V. makes a raft; The muskrat is sent to get the earth from the bottom, sinks; the Raven (a) - to bring the earth from afar, returns with an empty beak; V. has some moss; he tells the Wolf to take it in his mouth, run around the raft; the earth emerges and grows; the Wolf runs so far that he never returns; then see the M53 motif, "game dances around the hunter"]: Skinner 1911:83; Western Swamp Cree (northern Manitoba) [Wesukechak and his brother Wolf live together; Wolf hunts successfully; animals ask the Sea Lion to eliminate the hunter; V. warns not to approach the water, not jump across a stream; Wolf drives a deer into the water, Sea Lions kill him; V. repairs Kingfisher's broken beak, gives him a white necklace; for this he says that Sea Lions play with their tail on Sea Lions Island Wolf; V. rafts to the island, turns into a stump; Sea Lions go ashore to sleep; V. hits them with a spear; the flood begins, the animals climb V.'s raft; the Muskrat, the Beaver dive, do not reach the bottom, the Otter dives, barely alive, V. pulls it out by the rope, there is some clay on his paw; V. rolls it into a ball, blows it, throws it, land appears; V. sends Wolverine to find out if the earth is big, it returns after 20 days; V. blows again, the earth expands, Wolverine runs away and does not return; since then he has been wandering forever; snakes have made riverbeds, the wolf pushed through the lake basins with his paws, forged the ground with his nose, stood up mountains; V. ordered vegetation to appear]: Clay 1978:14-23; Steppe Cree [see B3A motif; Vesakaicak kills Pum who have come out of the water; the wounded rush into the water; the Toad goes to heal them; he kills The toad puts on its skin, finishes off the wounded; the remaining Pumas cause a flood; Otter, Beaver, Muskrat dive, emerge dead, he revives them; finds a tree leaf under the claw of the Muskrat; he dives again, brings there is clay on his foot from the bottom; Vesakaicak puts it on the water, makes the earth grow; sends the Wolf twice to find out if it is big; the Wolf returns; sends the Raven, she does not return; the earth is big]: Ahenakew 1929:320-327; Steppe Cree [see motive F73; Visakecjak meets Wolves, makes the wolf cub his nephew; tells him not to approach the lake; he comes, disappears; the Sun talks V., that he was dragged away by underwater Lynx; V. turns into a stump, then into a tree on the shore, awaits the Lynx; the Sun tells him to shoot in the shadow of the White Lynx; the wounded Lynx hides in the lake; the old toad woman walks her heal; V. kills her, puts on her skin, comes to heal Lynx; instead kills her, runs away, carrying her nephew's skin, revives him; later the flood begins; V. asks Fish on a raft, then Beaver to get earth; they can't; The muskrat brings the earth from the bottom, pops up dead; V. revives it, blows to the ground, it grows; the Deer and other animals are running around; the Wolf is sent fourth; goes so far north that it's getting too old to return; the earth is big; V. sends his nephew to the Sun]: Skinner 1916, No. 1 (1): 341-346; steppe ojibwa [see motif B3A; Nanibozhu takes as companions young Wolf; Horned Snakes drag him under water; N. finds his trail, turns into a stump on the shore; wounds the three largest snakes with arrows; the old toad goes to heal them; N. recognizes her song, kills, wears her skin; cries when he sees the Wolf's hanging skin; kills snakes, driving arrows deeper into their wounds; grabbing the Wolf's skin, runs, the water follows him; the muskrat brings silt from the bottom; N. creates land; revives the Wolf, sends to find out if the earth is big; The wolf returns after reaching middle age; next time he is old; N. is happy, turns the Wolf into a wolf]: Skinner 1919, No. 6-8:283-288.

(Wed. Northeast. Delaware [(similar to a summary of versions and borrowings from Ojibwa folklore); Toad was the mistress of the water; Toad's battle with the Horned Serpent leads to a flood; Nanapush picks up animals, first climbs a tree, then swims on a raft; Loon, Otter, Beaver emerge dead, N. revives them; Muskrat brings silt in his mouth and paws; N. places it on the Turtle's back, the earth grows; N. sends Wolf to find out if the earth is big; he returns at increasingly long intervals, finally disappears altogether; the first man was born from the roots of a tree, the first woman from the top of his head when she leaned to the ground]: Hitakonanu'laxk 1994:49-51).

Plains. Sarsi [the man has a wife and two sons; he combs his wife, paints her face, but every time she goes for brushwood and comes back, her hair is tangled, the paint is blurred, the clothes are dirty; he watches, sees her approach a rotten tree, knocks, says that she has come, snakes crawl out, wrap around her body; the husband tells his sons about this, tells them to run, goes to the tree, calls the snakes in the same way with a signal, kills with a stick, throws her bodies into the ravine, one escaped, but lost her tail; the wife finds only one snake, comes back, her husband cuts off her head, she falls into a tipi, her body outside, her husband runs away to in the opposite direction than the sons; they ran to the river, asked the water monster to transport them; he invited them to eat its parasites; they were frogs; the brothers snapped the seeds from which they had necklaces, the monster is happy, lay down like a bridge, the brothers crossed to the other side; the mother's head chased, saw through the frog, spat in disgust, the monster invited her to cross the river, threw her head into the water drowned; the brothers saw the raft, put a board from there, offered to take food, the elder stepped, threw him on the fruit, sailed; he shouted to the youngest not to go anywhere, wait for him; he returned, but the brother turned into wolf; they hunt together; the wolf rushed after the deer into the river, something dragged him under the water; the old man brought his older brother to the river, where there are fish on the shore; they started shooting at them, injuring the leader; the shaman frog goes, saying that she was called to treat the wounded fish chief; the old man killed him, dressed like him, went down to the fish, found the wolf's skin, revived it, he returned to the shore; the old man told everyone to close their eyes until he was heal the leader, killed everyone, returned to the shore; other fish caused a flood; the old man on the raft tells the animals to dive; only the Muskrat dived, surfaced dead; the old man took grains of earth from under his claws and teeth revived the Muskrat; this is how she dived four times; the old man invited the animals to run around a lump of earth, only the Wolf and the Otter agreed; the earth grew, they came back old, the Old Man rejuvenated them; so three times, after the fourth they did not return, the earth is great]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 4:6-8; blacklegs [rain floods the earth with a flood, animals ask Napi ("The Old Man") for help, he makes a raft, tells them to dive underground; Loon, Otter, Beaver, Goose, Goose, Goose do not dive to the bottom; Muskrat pops up dead, N. revives her, she says she saw the ground; on the second attempt she gets some land, brings more for the third time; N. creates land, tells the Wolf to check if it is big; he returns six months later, N. says that the earth is small, continues to expand it; the second time the Wolf does not return, the earth is large; N. sculpts from clay, revives the first pair of Chippewa Indians]: Linderman 1995:16-21; (cf. from [four brothers are in the water, looking for land; three do not find, the youngest finds; they begin to live on earth, creating Moose and other animals]: Whitman 1938:175-176).

California. Oloni [during the flood, the Eagle, Hummingbird, and Coyote climbed to the top of Pico Blanco; when the water reached there, the Eagle carried the Hummingbird and Coyote to Sierra de Gabilan; the water descended and the Eagle sent the Coyote find out if the earth is dry; he came back and said it was dry; the Eagle tells Coyote to marry a girl; the Coyote asks how to conceive children; consistently suggests (inserting the penis) under the knee, under the elbow, in the eyebrow, in the back of the head; the Eagle disagrees every time; the hummingbird points to the lower abdomen; Coyote wants to kill the Hummingbird, but he hid under the Eagle's wing and Coyote did not find him; Coyote came to the girl, asks look in his head; she finds a tick, throws it away in fear; the Coyote tells her to see it, swallow it; she swallows it, becomes pregnant; runs in fear; the Coyote creates a good road for her, but she runs through the bush; the Coyote creates flowers along the edges of the road so that she stops picking them; she doesn't want to; he almost grabs her, but she runs to the sea, rushes into waves; turns into a shrimp or sand flea]: Kroeber 1907a, No. 1:199-200 (=Margolin 1978:134-135); Yokutz (Wobonuch, Centrall Hills): Gayton, Newman 1940, No. 40 [The wolf warns his younger brother Coyote not to touch a leather bag full of soil and water; the bag hung on the wall, the Coyote made a hole in it with a stick, the water flooded the world, the Coyote drowned; the wolf made a raft, a net, caught tobacco falling from above, chewed, revived the Coyote, ordered bring the Duck, Duck to dive; she emerged, saying that she had reached the bottom; the Wolf ordered silt to be brought, promising to revive the Duck if it lost consciousness; under the Duck's fingernails, the Wolf found grains of earth, revived the Duck, threw the earth around him, a little land arose; sent the Coyote to find out if the land was big; Coyote returned saying he was small; telling Coyote to close his eyes, scattered the land again; when he returned, Coyote said that the land is great; sent the Coyote to bring the Moose, then the Mountain Sheep; said where to live, first ordered them to make mountains in the west (the Moose went north, the Ram went south, then met); the wolf sent the Coyote to give to all elements of the name's landscape; called on the Eagle and went to rule the land of the dead; see further motif H34 (Eagle and Coyote argue about the fate of people)]: 39-40; Kroeber 1907a, No. 15 [see motif B3A; only mountain rises above the water; Ducks dive, float up dead; under their fingernails, ears, mouth The dive finds some earth; mix with seeds, makes the ground; the Eagle sends the Wolf, he runs around the ground, reports that it is still soft; the Coyote runs on the ground ahead of time, gorges and mountains appear; the Eagle sends the Raven and the Falcon, who report that the earth has hardened; animal people diverge in different directions, turn into humans], 25 [The Eagle and the Coyote tell the turtle to dive; they find some land under their claw, put it on the water, the earth grows; they make six human pairs, send them in different directions; people have nothing Yes, they eat the land, some have already been eaten; the Eagle and the Coyote send a pigeon, which brings a seed; the earth is covered with plants with fruits and seeds]: 209-211, 218-219.

Big Pool. Southern Utah [God sends birds from the mountain during the flood; the Raven eats corpses, doesn't return, Mink brings a leaf]: Lowie 1924, #2:4; Chemewevi [Ocean Woman, Puma, Wolf, Coyote swim in a basket boat on endless waters; JM exfoliates its skin, rolls the ball, throws it into the water; earth appears; it lies on its back with its arms spread, its head to the west, pushes and stretches; sends Wolf and Coyote to find out if the land is big; after several returns, the Coyote reports that it is large enough]: Laird 1976:148-149; (cf. Southern Payutes (Moapa) [land is an island in ocean; an old woman makes her grow; sends her daughter several times to find out if the land is big; makes it bigger every time]: Lowie 1924, No. 1:157-158).

The Great Southwest. Western Apaches [animal humans rise from the underworld; the ground is covered with water; badger, turkey report that land is not visible; Wind drives away water]: Russel 1898:254; hicarilla: Opler 1938, No. 3 [A mountain in the lower world stops growing when two girls climb it; the Spider and the Fly climb the web, throw people a rope from the sun's rays; the ground is covered with water; four abandoned hoops they drive it away; people send four Ravens, who eat dead fish and aquatic animals, do not return; white Laska tells us what the Ravens are doing; the Badger has stained its paws in the mud; the Beaver is building dams; because of this, rivers exist]: 16-25; Goddard 1911, No. 1 [scouts rise from the underworld; Tornado reports that the earth is covered with water; Beaver finds land, pours a dam to contain water; Badger returns with Beaver, says the earth is dry]: 193-194; Navajo: O'Bryan 1956 [first man sends Badger; he comes back wet and dirty]: 12; Zolbrod 1995:35-48 [first people- insects (ants, beetles, dragonflies, locusts) live in the lower red world; adultery prevails, the world is flooded with water, insect people fly to the sky, find a hole, penetrate the blue world of swallows; there there is nothing to eat, they fly into the yellow world of grasshoppers; there they are not allowed to drink, they fly into a black and white world; every time they send scouts to find out how far the earth stretches; only in a black and white world scouts cannot reach the ends of the earth, that world is larger than the lower ones; {it is not directly said who are scouts, but they fly, i.e. insects}], 73-83 [the black and white world is about to flood with water too; a couple of Squirrels are planting juniper and pignon pine, they don't grow tall enough; a pair of Lasky - fir and pine - grow taller but not enough; the young man poured sacred land, planted 32 reeds with 32 knees; they are right there grew up, merged into one giant reed with a hole in the east; people entered the reeds, the waters flooded, but the reeds grow and rest against the sky; the Black Feather attaches it to the sky with its pen, So the reeds have a feather on the top of their head; the Hawk scratched a hole in the sky, the Locusts widened, climbed to the other side, ended up on an island; there were four loons on different sides, pierced themselves with arrows, alive; Locusts also pierced, so there is a hole in the locust's body; Badger widened the hole, now people have been able to get to the ground; Badger's legs are stained with mud, still dark; Blue Body threw stones at four sides, they pierced holes in the rocks, the lake waters subsided; people crossed from the island to the mainland]; lipan [people live in the dark under the ground, the ground is covered by water; the wind turns the water off like curtain; Raven, Beaver sent out to explore; one eats dead fish, the other builds dams, doesn't come back; Badger returns; four people are sent to create rivers, mountains; animals, birds, trees and the last people go to earth]: Opler 1940, No. 1:13-15; papago: Bancroft 1875 [only Montezuma and Coyote are experiencing a flood in an empty cane; when the water was asleep, M. sent Coyote to four sides of the world to find out how much land there is; he quickly returns from the west and south, takes a long time to get to the east sea and does not find the sea in the north; the Great Spirit is populating the earth again]: 76; Olmos Aguilera 2005 [The Great Spirit created the ground, went down, took the clay, got up, threw it into the recess, Montezuma appeared; he helped create people, the wild Apaches, the last; first the sun is low, warm, everyone is happy; then the flood, M. and Coyote escaped; M. escaped in a boat, Coyote in an empty reed stalk; when the earth was dry, M. sent Coyote to find out if the land was big; from the west, south, east, he quickly returned, but did not find it in the north the ends of the earth; the Great Spirit created new people, ordered M. to lead them; he did it badly, rebelled, the Great Spirit, in punishment, raised the sun far from the earth to where it is now; M. ordered to build a tower to heaven, The Great Spirit smashed it with thunder; M. ordered the destruction of temples, in response the Great Spirit called on Europeans, they destroyed M.]: 153-155; pima [people flee from the flood on the mountain; send the dog to find out Is the water high; it reports that water is coming to the top; people turn into stones]: Russel 1908:212.

Guiana. Lokono (? Arawaks on the Essequibo River) [The Great Spirit sat on top of the balsa, cut off pieces of bark, threw them into the river, they turned into various animals; man was the last to be created; the creator put him to sleep; when he woke up with a woman next to him; the world was destroyed by the flood, one person escaped in the boat; sent a rat to see if the water had come down; she came back with an ear of corn]: Alexander 1832:70 in Rodríguez Alv árez 2009:255.

(Wed. Ecuador. In Santa Elena [in Anello Oliva's quasi-historical chronicle, the first person to land in Ecuador after the flood sends his loved ones in search of new lands; these people do not return; after his death, one of his two sons goes in search]: Oliva 1857 (1631), Chapter 3:26).

Eastern Amazon. Paracana [during the Wirapyna flood (he is Maíra's son) escaped on the only tree left, the bakaba palm; all the birds gathered here, the parrot pooped on his head, he became bald (so now paracana shaves their heads); when the waters came down, the deer, then the boar, then the tapir came to offer to climb to the ground; at first the earth was soft, when the tapir came for the third time, it hardened; while hunting, who was at home something cooks; he waited for two Wiratin women; grabbed a dark one, not fair-skinned, so the parakan has dark skin; their sons are ancestors of family groups; after the boy killed the same parrot, because of who was bald Wirapyna, everyone quarreled and parted]: Magalhães 1991:206-207.

The Central Andes. Peru's central coast [during a flood, people hide in a cave; they send dogs to see if the water has come down]: Gomara 1852 [1552]: 233.

(Wed. Chaco. Chamacoco [people kill the Chief of the Battleships; after that, the rain causes a flood; the chief orders in advance to build a large house, people and couples of animals to take refuge in it; after the flood, he releases animals and birds to see if the water has descended; establishes their habits according to the food they regurgitated when they returned; the Lesser Battleship is the first to be released, returns, regurgitates the grass, the water has not yet completely descended; then A vulture, he bites corpses, the leader tells him to continue to eat carrion; the pigeon brings seeds of cultivated plants, this is people's food; the leader divides people coming out by peoples (the origin of Europeans); The battleship swallows seeds of cultivated plants and distributes them to humans; chamacocos arise from a dog collar with which the chief rubbed the dog's ass]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 34:111-114).