Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C6B. A diver is a muskrat, nutria, a beaver. 41.-.46.49.55.

The desired object comes from the bottom of a muskrat, beaver or nutria. See motive C6.

NW Coast. Bellacula [(review of parallels to the myth of the flood among the Indians of the Great Lakes region); "I discovered a story with Ondatra bringing silt from the bottom, molal, chinook and bellacula"]: Boas 1940:440.

Subarctic. Koyukon [1) The muskrat pulls clay from the bottom, the Beaver helps create land; 2) The muskrat does not dive; the Beaver brings silt]; the upper pieces; the heaps [Beavers do not dive, Muskrat brings land]; Khan [Beaver does not dive, Muskrat brings land]; hea [Muskrat does not dive; Beaver brings silt]; dohmushroom, sleepy [Otter, Beaver, Duck do not dive; Muskrat brings earth]; beaver [Muskrat brings earth].

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry; Puget Sound; Upper Chehalis; Cowlitz; Catlamet [Beaver causes a flood; when the Muskrat dives to the bottom, the earth dries up]; tillamook [Beaver hides the sun, Muskrat dives and pulls it out].

The Midwest. Menominee; Western marsh crees [Beaver, Otter sink, Muskrat brings moss from which new land is created; Muskrat, Beaver don't dive, Otter brings a piece of clay]; oriental swamp crees (Albany) [The muskrat is sent to get the earth from the bottom, sinks; the Raven (a) - to bring land from afar, returns with an empty beak; Wic√°gatcak has some moss; he tells the Wolf to take it to mouth, run around the raft; the earth arises and grows]; the eastern Cree [Muskrat, Otter dive, bring little; land comes from the land brought by Beaver]; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Beaver, Otter, Muskrat dive one by one, emerge dead; clay on Muskrat's paws; Visakajak revives animals, creates land; sends Wolverine to see if it is big]; northern solto [like Cree]; ojibwa [Beaver, Otter, Loon do not dive to the bottom, Muskdatra pops up unconscious with the ground in its paws]; timagami ojibwa [The beaver does not dive to the bottom; the muskrat pops up dead with the ground in paws]; chippewa [Beaver does not dive, Muskrat (pops up dead but) brings earth]; Ottawa [Beaver; Beaver pops up dead, Muskrat brings]; potauatomi [Muskrat; then earth Beaver also brings]; sauk, fox; steppe crees [1) Beaver, Otter, Muskrat float dead; clay on Muskrat's paws; 2) like steppe ojibwa]; steppe crees [like steppe cree ojibwa]; steppe ojibwa [Muskrat brings earth but dives back with it; Beaver brings again]; steppe ojibwa [Beaver, Otter, Loon do not dive to the bottom, Muskrat pops up unconscious with with earth in its paws; the muskrat dives four times].

Northeast. Nascapi and probably Montagnier; Hurons [1) Beaver; 2) Muskrat]; Seneca; Mohawki; Onondaga [Muskrat emerges dead, Beaver pulls earth out of her mouth]; Tuscarora [Beaver]; delaware.

Plains. Sarsi; blacklegs [Otter, Beaver, Muskrat, Duck (?) consistently sent to bring earth from the bottom, pop up dead, but the Old Man finds some clay on the Ducks's paws]; assiniboine; santi [1) Muskrat; 2) Beaver dives deepest]; iowa [Muskrat]; kuapo? [Beaver].

Big Pool. Bannock [Muskrat brings land].

The Northern Andes. Embera [was a river whose upper reaches were in the sea, and the mouth was high on the bank; to change this, God sent a downpour, a flood flooded the earth; one man went where God was; ordered put balsa logs under houses to make houses float; people did not believe it, continued to drink chicha; God left Mount Muharra above the water; man's house swam, he collected cultivated plants in it; swordfish began sawing the mountain; Cormorant, Raven, and Nutria began to dive to kill the fish; Raven, Cormorant did not dive; Nutria grabbed the fish, brought it upstairs; God praised it, let the fish always eat; the water began to descend The iguana stuck her head out; when the water fell to the level of the iguana's tail, God told the boys to jump into the water; some jumped, others were scared, stayed on the mountain; after the flood, the estuary of the river became where now]: Wassen 1933:111-112.