C6E. Diver - crayfish, shrimp. 21.23.47.
Acrustacean pulls the earth from under the water or from the lower world.
Rengma, sora, gondas, agaria, shoni, yuchi, taskegee, alabama, koasati, chitimacha.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Rengma [water is everywhere first; God sent birds and animals to search for land, no one found it; the crab dived to the bottom, brought dirt on its claws; God placed dirt on the surface of the water, everyone started it compact, but to no avail; when the wagtail did it, the ground hardened; the wagtail is still shaking its tail]: Mills 1937:267.
South Asia. Sora [Raja Ruhel lived in heaven; the man did not give his mother a seat in the bath, she cursed people, the world plunged into water; she decided to create a new land, rolled mud off her body, creating a bird that flew for six months, sat on the crayfish claw; one cancer mustache reached the sky, the other was in the lower world with the king of crocodiles; the cancer agreed to steal his land, gave it to the bird; Raja Ruhe and his mother were mixed land with water, thrown on four sides, land arose]: Elwin 1954, No. 14:433; gondas [water is everywhere, God was born from lotus; rubbed his hand, made the Raven out of worn mud, ordered the land to be brought; The crow saw Crab protruding from the water, leaning against the bottom; sat on Crab's back, the mark remained; because God made his body hard, the Crab agreed to dive, brought an earthworm, which regurgitated the earth; God scattered it across the sea, land arose; Mahadeva and Parvati came out of the abscess on his hand; vegetables grew out of M.'s urine, P. ate them, gave birth to gondas]: S. Hyslop in Zograf 1971: 7; agaria [Bhagavan put a lotus leaf on the water, but it withered in the sun; created the world from lac (?) , but he broke; having rolled the dirt off his chest, created a crow, gave him his milk, sent him to look for land; tired, the Raven fell on the Kakramal Kshattri crab; he dived, found Nal Raja and Nal Rani sleeping; the crab squeezed NR's throat, forcing the earth to regurgitate, brought it to Bhagavan, who created land; to prevent Mother Earth from wobbling, the first agaria placed 12 iron pillars at the four corners of the world]: Elwin 1949, No. 1:27-28; ( cf. tharu [the world is destroyed by a fiery drought, then by a flood; the lord of heaven and his wife copulate as birds, place a drop of blood on the water; 15 months later, a pumpkin appears on a lotus leaf the first ancestor of Tharu Akl훮kal Gurub훮ba; the heavenly couple puts vitality into his head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, hair, lower body, he takes on a human form; from his nails creates a Pigeon, he flies over the waters, does not find land; G. cuts his thigh, Raini fish comes out of the cut; it disappears, the pigeon cannot find it, G. tells pigeons to be caught in snare, fried, eaten ; creates Crab from his nails to get the "immortal earth" from the lower world; he manages to overcome the Xeremphis spinosa thorn fence, get the ground; on the way back, he is grabbed by the shell demon, Crab loses land; G. orders crabs to be caught, baked, eaten; in the same way he creates 8 other crabs, all the same as the first; creates earthworms; the first three do not overcome prickly hedges, G. tells them to feed on earth and water; the fourth penetrates thorns, swallows the earth; on the way back, the demon cuts it into a thousand pieces, but the worm still delivers the earth, it gives it to the world stability; the first to grow on earth is the sacred herb kus (Poa cynusorides), from which is the first perar tree (Xeremphis uliginosa); G. curses it, let people eat its fruits; creates a semar tree ( kapok, Bombax ceiba), addressing him as a woman, tells him to go find out how far the earth stretches; she does not return for so long that G. tells her to hold the sky and the lower world; the same with the pine tree, her Not longer, G. tells her to live in the mountains, where her resinous fumes will smell fragrant on Mount Kailash; G. cuts her thigh again, his daughter Dharmak Diyeri is born; to contain her, places four saints m 훮ini around the edges of the world, retires to the forest himself as a hermit; D. wants to join him, tells the blacksmith to make her a belt, ring and iron shoes to overcome the barbed fence; but G. puts her on her way to him a rope for carrying weights, an oil press, a weapon, a pig bristle bridge; D. overcomes everything, marries G.; after that G. is called Mah훮deo]: Krauskopff 1987:14-16; birkhor [At first, there was water everywhere, there was a lotus on the water, the great Sing-bonga spirit came to the surface at the core of the stem, told the Turtle to bring clay from the bottom; turtle: where will I leave the house? S.: take it with you (this is its shell); the water washed away the clay from the turtle's shell; The crab also could not bring it; the leech took it out by swallowing clay; S. squeezed out the clay from it, threw it in four directions, creating land; the land was moist and uneven, S. began to level it, but mountains remained in some places; threw seeds, forests appeared; then S. created a winged horse, and then sculpted the human figure and left it to dry; the horse came and trampled on it, fearing that the man would harness it; then S. made a dog and a new human figure; when the horse came again at night to trample on the man, the dog barked away; the figure dried up and S. her revived, but joints did not bend; S. took his life and made a new man with bent joints]: Roy 1925:398-402; munda [at the beginning there is water everywhere; Sun god Sing-bonga sent Turtle, Crab, Leech bring clay from the bottom; the Turtle and the Crab could not, the Leech brought it, S. created land out of it; the Swan laid an egg, a boy and a girl, the ancestors of people, hatched from it; the SB taught them how to make beer; after drinking, they got together; gave birth to three sons, who went across the country]: Roy 1912: v-vi).
Southeast USA. Shawnee: Trowbridge 1939 [After the Flood, the Great Spirit tells the Shrimp to dive; it brings some clay from the bottom; the Great Spirit makes the earth]: 60; Voegelin 1936 [1) Eastern Shawnee: Our Grandmother's Grandson pierces the belly of the Big Man with a knife; from there water flows out, floods the ground; grandson and Grandmother escape to the tree; Grandma sends the Shrimp, which brings silt from the bottom; Grandma makes new land; sends Vulture fly and dry the ground with flapping its wings; 2) shoni absinthe: the same, but the grandson violates Grandma's ban on going west; pierces the belly of the Monstrous Fish; Grandma and grandson escape in the boat]: 9-10; yuchi : Gatschet 1893 [Loon dives, does not reach the bottom; the necklace around her neck is pressed into her skin, still visible; The beaver pops up dead; The shrimp brings clay from the bottom in its claws; the Creator sprinkles it on the water, makes the ground; Vulture flies above the still soft ground, flapping its wings; mountains appear]: 279-280; Speck 1909, No. 1 [water everywhere; flying and floating creatures send the Shrimp to get the ground from the bottom; on fourth day The Shrimp pops up; the earth becomes big; the Vulture is sent to make it flat; he gets tired, flaps his wings frantically, creating mountains]: 103-104; taskegee [water everywhere; some birds want so that there is also land; Chief Eagle sends the Pigeon, he returns without finding land; the Shrimp dives, four days later brings silt from the bottom in its claws; the Eagle makes an island; then a few, they merge into land]: Swanton 1924-1925:487 in Edmonds, Clark 1989:284; alamaba, koasati [water is everywhere at first; birds and animals swim on a raft; Chief Horned Owl suggests diving; Beaver doesn't dive; The frog returned, frightened by the Garfish; the cancer reached the bottom (Sargan thought it was not a real prey); rakes clay with its tail, making it a pillar that rose above the water; the earth grows; the Vulture flies above it; when he raised his wings, mountains appeared when he lowered it, valleys, when he soared, plains]: Martin 1977:2-3; chitimacha [at the beginning of time, the Creator tells the Shrimp to dive, it brings it from the bottom some land]: Swanton 1911:356.