Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C7. Flood: a broken barrier.


Initially or after a flood, an earthen or stone barrier, the body of a character or creature prevent water from flowing. This barrier was later removed or destroyed.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Gallong [the ground is covered with water; the Shrimp has collected the floating debris, the Crab has dug a hole, the water has subsided, the garbage has turned into mountains; the Sun and Moon have dried the earth; Yuk in the sky has exposed its genitals, Lightning cut through the sky; her husband Puk hit a water pipe, thunder was heard, it rained, the ground turned green]: Elwin 1958a, No. 6:14; lepcha [water is everywhere at first; the Creator placed ceramic on it the vessel that swam became dry; the Creator planted bamboo, created the Himalayas, bamboo at their foot; created the Pudung-thing man and the Nazong-gnyu woman, people come from them; the serpent king Paril-bu dammed the rivers, water flooded the earth, rose to the sky; only two people escaped at the highest peak of the Himalayas; Tashey-thing sent a hero to earth, he cut the snake apart, the waters came down, the Blue Mountains petrified pieces his bodies; Tt sent two rivers down from the Himalayas, led by snakes and quail; sent a couple of Lepcha's ancestors, their grandparents]: Stocks 1925, No. VI: 358-359.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Timor [the sea covered all the land except Tata-Maí-Lau; two men Bato-Bere and Súir-Bere dug an outlet to the waters, the waters descended]: Pascoal 1967:111.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tsou [the fish dammed the sea, the sea flooded the ground to the mountain peaks; the crab cut the fish with claws, the waters came down]: Tu 1959, No. 7:540; bontok [a stranger with a leashed boa constrictor tells his brother with sister tell his parents to perform a ceremony in his honor at home; otherwise his boa constrictor will close the hole in the north into which the rivers rush, a flood will begin; parents laugh; brother and sister flee to grief; a dog and a cat bring fire for them to drive away wild animals; an old man with a giant crab on a leash says he will send a crab to remove the water barrier; told brother and sister to marry , making them forget about their relationship]: Eugenio 1994, No. 128c: 227-229; nabaloi [a woman clearing the riverbed of a river flowing out of the sea fell asleep, garbage and logs blocked the current, the water flooded the ground; Brother and sister escaped the box; after the earthquake, the riverbed was cleared; brother and sister married and repopulated the land]: Moss 1924, No. 2:233-235 (quail in Eugenio 1994, No. 131:233); mansaka [ the Manaul bird makes sure that the fin does not block the waters from entering the sea; while he is away, the fin blocked the water, the flood begins, a pregnant woman escaped on the mountain; Manaul returned, began to shovel the logs, broke his leg; his mother saved him, cleared the rubble, the waters came down; the three sons of the escaped woman married their three sisters, inhabited the land]: Eugenio 1994, No. 138:249; igorot [hunters loudly shouted, Lumawig was furious about it, told the crab to close the runoff to the waters, saved a man and a woman from the flood; then told the crab to release the water; when draining, the waters formed a rugged terrain]: Eugenio 1994, No. 132a: 234; ifugao [(many versions)]: Barton 1956, No. 3 [Wigan and Bugan are the son and daughter of the heavenly deity Kabigat and his wife; he sent them to dig tubers, told the rain to wash the children from heaven to earth, followed by rain wash off their house, rice, pottery, dogs, chickens, pigs, cats, etc.; V. hunts, cannot catch game out of the blue; makes the house as high as a mountain, dams the river, causing a flood; breaks the dam that has come down the water has formed a rugged terrain; at night she secretly comes to her sister; the sister smears her chest with lime, sees a mark on her brother in the morning; K. in the sky gives permission for children to marry so that people can breed]: 96-97 (Quail in Eugenio 1994, No. 166a: 283-285); Beyer 1913:100 in Dixon 1916 [Kabigat, Wigan's first son, descended from heaven to earth to hunt; dissatisfied that the barking of dogs does not echo in the gorges; shut up with a rag, they flooded the ground; Bongabong told him to bring the Cloud and the Fog; sent those to Baiyuhibi, who told his sons to send rain for three days; Wigan told his son to take out the plug, the water subsided, creating a rugged terrain]: 178-179.

China - Korea. The ancient Chinese [Gun poured earth dams to protect him from the flood, this did not help; Yao (or Shun) executed him on Mount Yushan (Mountain of Bird Feathers); Shun ordered Gong Yu's son to pacify the flood; Yu did not fill dams, but dug canals; the water descended, Shun ceded the throne to Yu, and the Xia Dynasty came from him]: Yuan Ke 1987, ch. VII: 165; Chinese (Sichuan) [divine maiden Yao-ji kills 12 heavenly dragons; when they fell to the ground, they turned into stone, dammed the Yangtze; Yu, in the form of a bear, and his assistant ox could not break through the waters; Y. sends an army of heaven, it paves the channel with lightning Yangtze]: Riftin 1987a: 368-369; Chinese [Yun Wai's maid ate a peach that fell from a mountain, became pregnant by a dragon; she was kicked out, she raised a son; the Black Dragon's wife gave his robe to her lover White Dragon; Black blocked the mouth of the Ershui River, caused flooding; SE's son asked to forge a copper dragon's head, iron fists, knives, throw cakes into the water if it turns yellow, and iron bread , if it turns black; puts on a copper head, turns into a Yellow Dragon, fights black; people throw cakes into his mouth, Black - iron bread; Black swallows Yellow, he cuts it from the inside; refuses to go out through the ass, nose, arm, foot, goes out through the eye; Black becomes one-eyed, runs, cutting through the dam, the water descends; Yellow remains a dragon forever]: Cherkasova 196:355-359; miao (Meto, Thailand) [the spirit of heaven Joser sent two spirits to warn people about the flood; those who worked in the field saw weeds grow again in the morning; one man wanted to kill these spirits, the other asked; they told me to make drums; only one man did, put his son and daughter in it during the flood; Joser poked the ground with a long pole so that the water would come down, so there were valleys and mountains; told his brother with get married as a sister; the sister gave birth to a bone marrow lump; Joser ordered it to be cut into pieces, scattered in different directions; from these pieces came the Chinese, Tai, Miao and other peoples (or various clans) miao); var.: 1) the man and his sister himself, not his children, escaped in the drum; 2) at Joser's direction, four spirits holding the ground drained the waters]: Geddes 1976:23-24; asi [first married couple gives birth to five sons and five daughters; brothers marry sisters; four older couples cultivate the land, find the field intact every morning; see Silver and Gold spirits descend from the sky, restore the turf; rush to beat them; the younger brother and sister recognize the spirits, tell them to let them go; they report that there will be a flood; older couples make a chest of gold, silver, bronze, iron; the youngest wooden; rain floods the earth with a flood, a wooden chest floats up, others sink; Gold and Silver spirits pierce the drains with arrows; when descending, the ark lingers on pine, chestnut, bamboo; At the direction of the gods, brother and sister lower a sieve and a sieve from the mountain, two millstones; both times they fall on top of each other; brother and sister marry; wife gives birth to a pumpkin, brother-husband cuts it, people come out from there different peoples, disperse across the earth]: Vakhtin, Eats 1956:33-44; lolo [Tse-gu-dzih sent a messenger to the people demanding the blood and flesh of the mortal; they refused; then he closed the locks, the waters rose to sky; otters, ducks, lampreys were saved, the first ancestor Du-mu escaped in a hollowed out log; Chinese and Lolo, civilized people who can write, come from his four sons; D. made the ancestors of the rest from pieces of wood]: Henry 1903:105.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Georgians [Alazani Valley and all of inner Kakheti were under water, water was arriving; 1) the slaves of St. George was attached diamonds to the bull's horns, brought him to fight Gveleshapi ("whale"); under the onslaught of a bull, Gveleshapi hit Shirak Mountain, breaking through the waters; 2) the coal miner ordered a bag of coal to be thrown into the water, he I sailed to the place where the gorge was to be built; people cut the way out to the waters]: Janashvili 1901:82.

(Wed. Plains. Osage (fratria vazhaje) [The moon tells its children from the Sun (sometimes stars) to go to live on earth; they go down, everything is covered with water; the Moose asks the Winds for help, they blow the water into the fog; Elk rolls on the ground, its fur turns into different types of plants; people meet members of other Osage units, decide to live with them]: Fletcher, La Flesche 1911:62-64 at DeMallie, Park 2001:1066 ).

California. Pomo [rain floods the earth, children flee to the mountain; ask the old man for help; he digs a deep hole at night; the waters come down, the ground is covered with green grass]: Barrett 1933, No. 25/2:132-133.

The Great Southwest. Hopi [twins cut through water drains with arrows]: Cushing 1923, No. 1-8 [the lower world cave is full, everyone's garbage stains the rest; two twins have grown to the ceiling, made a hole; they raised reeds, people took it to the second world, then to the third world; here the twins got fire, lit torches, built houses; here women abandoned their children, confused their husbands, occupied kivas; men carried their babies there to feed them; then the men got out to the fourth world; it's also dark here, it's also wet; people made a deerskin shield, decorated it with turquoise, sent it east, he became the sun; the cape became the moon; the Coyote opened the vessel, stars flew out of it, burned its face; the Vulture drove the water away with its wings, mountains appeared; the twins laid canals, and water gushed through them]: 163-166 ; Stephens 1929, No. 1, 19:6, 51

NW Mexico. The crust [first the earth is covered with water; after the flood, while the earth is soft, God sends the old Bat to make it less flat; he drains the water; at first the valleys were so deep, that it was impossible to walk, then he made them less deep]: Lumholtz 1903 (1) :513.

Mesoamerica Zotzil: Gossen 1980 [the land was evenly flooded with water, people were drowning in a huge lake; the Sun Father consulted with the four Lords of the Earth, who agreed that riverbeds be laid; the waters have descended; the Sun evaporates the East Sea when it rises, and the West Sea goes down, but the Great River constantly fills them (flows east during the day, west at night)]: 139-144; Guiteras-Holmes 196:156 and 232 [god lays drains with her rod], 216 [mother corn kills a monster that blocks the water outlet].

Honduras-Panama. Guatuso [female deity (La de la Cebecera del Aoré) persuades his husband (El de la Cebecera del Nharíne) to destroy people for their misdeeds; God reluctantly agrees after how his wife promises to revive everything; throws stones, filling rivers with them and causing a flood in which people and animals die; a rescued man dives to remove stones; gods help him return, a flood ends]: Constela Umaña 1993, No. 7:51, 148-149.

The Northern Andes. Yupa [during the flood, twenty couples (first-ancestor animals) flee to the mountain; the woodpecker flies to find out how far the water stretches; reports that the water is held by a dam of clay; Cayman throws wild boar, tapir, and other animals into the water to see if the water is deep, they all sink; Crab dives, returns after four days; Cayman dives with the Turtle and Battleship; Turtle digs from below, Battleship from above; the dam is destroyed, the water rushes into the hole and leaves; sand remains on the back of the battleship, turtle, caiman, visible to this day]: Wilbert 1974, No. 3:78; muiski: Fernadez de Piedrahita 1942 [1676] (1), lib.1, ch. 3 [Uytaka (= Chia, = Yubecaiguaya, =Moon) acts against Bochica's will (=Sun); floods Bogota's plain; Bochica breaks through mountains with his rod, creating the Tekendama waterfall, turns Chiyu into the moon]: 33-34; Simón 1882-1892 (2) [1627], ch. 4 [Chibchachum floods the earth; Bochica appears on the rainbow, paves going out to the waters with his golden rod, creating the Tekendama waterfall; punishes C. to support the land; his movements cause earthquakes]: 289-290; guambia [a lake forms on the site of the village; animal people cut water runoff through a log (= stone, =woman's body, =snake)]: Franco 1991:16-18.

Llanos. Yaruro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 9 [rain flooded the earth with a flood, people gathered on the mountain; the world serpent Poaná created mountains and riverbeds with his tongue], 10 9 [first the earth is flat; during the flood Po Aná wriggled, creating irregularities in the terrain; the waters descended]: 30, 30-31.

Western Amazon. Napo [the sewage in the ground covered by the landslide cleared themselves]: Davila 1920:467.

NW Amazon. The creator goddess opens and closes the water drain. Barasana [opens, causing a flood]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 1A: 263; tatuyo [closes to cause a flood, then opens]: Bidou 1972:67:1983:39-40; ufaina [four brothers Imarikakana want to kill an old sloth who was picking fruits from a tree; the youngest, Imárika Kayafikí, hit, but the old man grabbed the sun's rays, rose to the sky and overshadowed the sun; it rained (this is old man's urine), flooded the ground with a flood; the brothers escaped from the tree fungus, turned into caterpillars to feed on rotten wood; the tree grew to the sky, the water rose, flooded the world; when the fruit fell into the water, it began to boil; IC cut the old man in two; one half became a "water sloth" (apparently a manatee), the other became woody; the sun shone again; where sunrise, the brothers cut through the waters with clubs, the sea arose; they began to magic to cool the water; Opossum tried, but scalded the tail, which became naked; the Lagothrix lagotricha monkey scalded, leaving white stripes on the face and neck; the howler monkey swam, turned red; some people came to virgen Ñamatu, ate her cassava and cheese; the brothers said they were corpses, told the+these people to become Vultures; sent Pigeon to find land, that brings]: Hildebrand 1975, No. XI-XXVII: 345-359; bora [man eats a bird, breaks a bone, water gushes out of it, floods the whole earth; someone has built a dam to prevent water from flowing; the hummingbird breaks dam; in the form of a hummingbird, she lets herself be caught by the builder's daughter; she plants a bird to warm up by the fire; he carries away the fire; people come from the Hummingbird and his sister]: Wavrin 1932:141; 1937:636; andock [The source of abundance (aka the Middle Heron, the Good Ruler) went underground when his wife Yellow-Leaf (aka "Cassava for Making a Cassava Drink") did not make him cassava; the sons were offended for her father, she also left; the youngest licked the pot in which the cassava drink was made, the eldest did not feel hungry; a coca grows up, through her father says that a flood of fire will come from the east; Hummingbird egg (born from an egg laid by a woman who had sex with a snake) brought the dead pauhil to the brothers, ordered them not to suck on the bones because they contain a lot of water; contrary to the warning of his older brother, the younger brother the bone breaks, water gushes out of it, it rains, the flood floods the ground; the brothers grew a tree from a seed on a hill in advance; Canoa-de-Opaí (Merganetta armata duck, approx. 79) in a boat from leaves and the Hummingbird Egg went to the mouth of the river (east) to get fire; the girl picked up the Hummingbird Egg; told her parents it was a chick; they replied that it was a Hummingbird Egg, it was already old, but she was still planted him to warm up by the hearth; his parents closed the door tightly, hung a net in the back of the maloka; the Hummingbird Egg grabbed the coal, burned the net, flew away; returned to the upper reaches, where Pauchil grabbed and swallowed coal, but the fire came out with excrement, it was swallowed by the fish, it came out again, turned into flint to carve fire; the fish swam, broke the dam, the water began to fall; as it came out of the pod seeds fell (turning into different types of wild chickens?) , it was dawn; the flood was both watery and fiery; the eagle dammed the waters, but the real flood began when the brothers broke the pauhil bone]: Landaburu, Pineda 1981:66-71 {destroyed barrier, p.70}, 80 (=1984:73-77).

The Central Andes. Huanca (prov. Jauja, dep. Junin) [the land of the Huanca was covered with water, God kills two monsters Amara, the bubbling waters break the dam]: Arguedas, Izquirdo Rios 1947:65-66.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo [to let the flood waters escape, people pave the Ucayali riverbed]: Waisbard 1959:65; ashaninka (river campa) [a shaman turns into an otter, dives and breaks the crab's claw, which kept the waters from submerging]: Anderson 1985:147 (this and another text in Zolezzi 2014, No. 27 (versions 2, 3): 223-227; long texts with many motifs).