Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C8. Brother and sister give birth to people. 11.13.17.-.19.21.-.26. (.30.) .31.37.-.

At the beginning of time or after the death of other people, brother and sister (mother and son, father and daughter) remain. They get married, they're descended from people.

Kaka, (ekoi), malgashi (bara), Old Testament, jauan (Arnemland), Majprat, Kukukuku, Kire, Lakher, Qiang, Lhota, Mishmi, Tagin, Lepcha, Toto, Anong, Dulong, Kachin, Karen, Sedang, banar, mine, ahem, wa, zhuang, thais, viets (?) , muongi, bhilas, bharela bhilala, varli, korku, oraons, (kol), asur, bondo, didaya, sora, bhuya, maria, muria, kondas, kamar, bhunjya, Telugu, Senoi, Nikobars, Aceh, Minahasa, Murut, Solor, Mangarai, ngada , Timor, atoni, yami, ami, paywan, saisha, bontok, nabaloi, igorot, mangyan, ifugao, isneg, mandaya, miao, meo, yao, man, namuzi, lolo, lisu, lahu, asi, sleigh, jino, Koreans, Ancient China, Chinese (Shaanxi , Gansu, Sichuan, Shanxi, Henan, Hunan, Zhejiang, Shandong), (Tsagan Lyuli), Eastern Sami, Nanai, Udege, Orochi, Nivhi, Manchus, Hachijo Islands, Fr. Izu, Ryukyu (Fr. Hateruma from the Yaeyama group), Ainu, Itelmen, Chukchi, Kodiak, Central Yupik, Dogrib, Slevi, Bellacula, Santi, Viyot, Shinkion, Kitanemuk, Tseltal, Miskito, Yaruro, Sanema, Waorani, Bora, Yagua, Guarazu, chiriguano, frame camecra.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Kaka [(written in 1966 from a student in Yaoundé); a little girl and her brother were alone at home; the girl rubbed the grain into flour; the goat came up, ate, she drove him away; he came up again, she let him get enough; the goat said there would be a flood, told him to flee; the village was flooded; the goat said that brother and sister could marry if the bottom of the vessel was knocked out and hung on a pointed one the top of the roof of the house, attaching the handle of the hoe; since then, in the case of related marriages, they have done the same]: Kähler-Meyer 1988:251; (cf. Ekoi [the first man Etim 'Ne ("old man") and a woman (Ejaw "wild cat") descended to earth from heaven; after being on earth, EN returned and asked Obassi Osaw for water that was not on earth; he gave a calebasu with 7 pebbles; when EN took out and put one pebble on the ground, water flowed and filled the lake; the wife gave birth to 7 boys and 7 girls, EN told them to get married; they have many children; each The young man put his stone on the ground, water flowed; elsewhere he laid the next one, a new river; but one poured all the pebbles together, the flood began; EN on the mountain turned to the NGO, then the waters descended]: Talbot 1912:366-369).

Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi (bara) {it seems that; this is the only Malgash text on such a story} [a man has three sons and a daughter; the second son asks God to marry him in order to have offspring; God gave him a piece wood and ordered him to keep it with him at all times; the man left him at home, his sister lay down on him; when he returned, the man called his sister his wife and she agreed; God allows marriage after the cleansing ceremony; so the institution of marriage appeared]: Haring 1982, № 1.1.46:90-91.

Western Asia. The Old Testament [And Lot came out of Sigor and lived in grief, and his two daughters were with him, for he was afraid to live in Sigora. And he lived in a cave with his two daughters. And the eldest said to the youngest: Our father is old, and there is no man on earth who would come to us according to the custom of the whole earth; so let us drink wine to our father, and sleep with him, and raise up our father's tribe. And they gave their father wine that night; and the eldest came in and slept with her father; but he did not know when she lay down or when she got up. The next day, the eldest said to the youngest, "Well, I slept with my father yesterday; we will give him wine that night as well; and you come in, sleep with him, and we will raise our tribe from our father. And they also gave their father wine that night; and the youngest came in and slept with him; and he did not know when she lay down or when she got up. And both of Lot's daughters became pregnant with their father, and the eldest son gave birth to him, and named him Moab. He is still the father of the Moabites. And the youngest also gave birth to a son, and named him Ben Ammy. He is the father of the Ammonites to this day]: Gen. 19, 30-38.

Australia. Jauan [brother and sister played far from the camp; Munjarra (Morning Star) came down, killed everyone; the children went to another country, the brother married his sister, their children separated, talked to different languages; one day at the camp, the brother/husband looked for his spear; the sister/wife found it, said they were copulating at this place; the husband hissed not to talk about it, or else he would kill her]: Robinson 1956:64.

Melanesia. Majprat [the spirit comes out of the water, tells the boy that people celebrate in five days; at the festival, the boy recognizes the spirit, screams about it; the spirit fills everything with water in anger, the woman is saved with a child and a dog; the boy grew up, his mother got along with him, people come from them]: Elmberg 1968, No. 2:253-254; Manki [enemies killed everyone, left the little girl and her younger brother; when grew up, married, had a son and a daughter; they also got married, a woman had another daughter, her daughter had a son, they married each other, people multiplied]: Blackwood 1939:217-218; Kire [ friends quarreled, hit each other, he went to the garden, swallowed all his shell jewelry, became a boar, began to eat tarot and yams; the old woman saw him, called the men, the boar was wounded with spears, the pole was brought to the village; the next day everyone went hunting, the girl with her little brother was left; the boar became a man, ordered not to eat his meat when the wild boar was killed; next time he ordered him to take his stomach, there were ornaments; the children warned not to eat the boar, no one listened; the children cut their stomach, took out jewelry; the man's parents looked for their son, found his finger, returned to their homes, the husband made a hole, told his wife to urinate there, the flood began, filled everything; the sister and brother escaped in the tree; to see if the water had come down, they threw a coconut, then a yam tuber, both fell into the soft mud; then they threw the chicken, it ate the corpses; then they threw the fire, it dried the ground; they threw coconut and yam again, they split; they threw the leaf, it turned into a bird; brother and sister went down, the bird told them become husband and wife; the wife began to give birth to sons and daughters, new people from them; at first they all lived in a hole; then the first couple went out, began to build a house, the children went out and built too; on the occasion animals and birds came to the construction; a drum could be heard from under the ground; the husband began to dig, many people came out of the ground; the woman gave them a drink of hot water, they spoke different languages; animals ran away, only chickens and some rats left]: Höltker 1962:99-104.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Qiang [9 suns are scorching the ground; older brother and younger sister escaped in the cypress hollow; when the disaster was over, they decided to lower two millstones from the slopes - if they lie on top of each other, they can marry; sister gave birth to a monster, brother cut him to pieces, scattered them; around the house in the morning, people]: LaPolla, Huang 1996:252; lhota (northern) [all girls like Ariloa; other men they are jealous; they hollow out a trough by the river, invite everyone to lie down to see who is more beautiful; when A. goes to bed, he is shoved; his friend catches his nail in the river, that's all that's left; mother A. invites children's holiday; asks if they see holes in the walls of the house; when all the holes are closed, she sets fire to the house, rises herself along a thread thrown from the sky; (in the southern lhota, she hides in a porcupine hole; later it was dug and killed); people blame each other for what happened, kill each other; two orphans remain - brother and sister; they give birth to people born even from fingers and toes]: Mills 1922:193-195; Mishmi: Elwin 1958a, No. 18 [at first one water; the god Techimdum surfaced, looked around, erected a pillar; white ants crawled along it, carrying particles of land from the bottom, put them on the water, land appeared; T. put On another pole in four corners of the world, ants climbed along them, land appeared; where they laid more land - mountains; a river flowed from the mountain, filled the lake, it overflowed; brother and sister escaped at the top of the hill; God Drakob got fire for them by friction, set fire to the forest; the water dried up, but now everything was burning; brother and sister escaped from the fire behind a wall of banana leaves; married, gave birth to people, the wife brought it, planted the seeds of all plants]: 21-22; Pandey 1999 (taraon) [brother and sister Jim and Chaneya remained after the world fire; brother advised her sister to find someone as a husband; she took the Three yan bird, not conceived; Ta-yan gave birth only to eggs; J. has a long penis, he carries it behind his back in a basket; at night he crawled into his sister's rooms, she got scared, cut it off with a weaving sword, the end rotted, the penis became regular length; she married Tu-huiya (wren), Wren babler), who cooked deliciously; she watched him cook, dipping his dirty dusty feathers into the food; left him; two priests told her brother sister to marry; they sent a storm, her sister was frightened, the wind threw her at her brother, they got together; she gave birth to a meat ball; 8 years later, her brother cut it into pieces, scattered it, different people came out of them; people agreed to share benefits and knowledge; aruachal lingered, he got nothing]: 37-40; tagin [Abo-Teni marries 1) Luki-Pipi bird, she is lazy, he chases her away, she tells her to start sowing when pipi pipi will scream; 2) Blue Jay (Pejek); she cooks delicious, AT watched, saw that she defecated in the prepared food, he drives her away; 3) Yurne-Tami tree; she brings a lot of fish, AT spies on her urinating into the river, stunning the fish; he drives it, she teaches her to make fish poison from its bark, fruits, leaves; 4) dry leaf; the wife has no breasts, the child born can only suck blood, he is a leech; 5) AT decided to marry his sister Chine-Yapi, only she is human, but went to ask for advice from Dori-Wiyu, who lives between earth and sky; he ordered to put YACH in his genitals egg: if you break, you can get married, if not, you can't; the egg broke; AT and CHY have 6 children and people come from them]: Elwin 1958b, No. 13:191-193; lepcha [having created everything, Ram took two lumps of snow from the tops of the mountain; he sculpted a boy out of his right hand, a girl into the forest; they grew up; Ram called them brother and sister, forbid marriage; placed his brother on the mountain and his sister under the mountain; sister she made a ladder, began to visit her brother; her sister became pregnant; angry Ram exiled the couple to the ground to live in fear of death; the brother threw away the first 7 children, but did not allow the eighth sister to throw away; after This is why they had 12 sons and daughters; they got married and gave birth to lepcha]: Shrestha 2019:532-533; toto [at the beginning of time, only a wild chicken and her husband; {the heroes of the narrative are the first ancestors, humans and wild chickens at the same time}; the chicken laid eggs and began to hatch them; it lasts a long time; the husband goes to the forest, once disappeared; finally, a boy came out of one egg; he grew up and his mother sent him to the forest look for a father; but he did not find anyone; then the mother said that since there was no one else, they should live as spouses; they have many children]: Majumdar 1991, No. 23:287-288; Lakher [people did not die, they multiplied, behaved badly; Khazangpa told the dog to swallow the sun (Nateu has two dogs, they swallow the sun and a month during eclipses); it has become dark; everything that died, except for the la ritual, has come to life , tigers and bears began to kill people, deer ran out of the forest; some people turned into stars, some into monkeys; rotten and dried trees turned green; baskets and other utensils turned into small animals and insects; only those scorched by fire remained the same; only the bones of animals that had passed through the la rite could be burned in fires; they soon ran out and the lights went out; people stayed alive as long as they kept their eyes open, but no one was awake for more than seven days, everyone died; only brother and sister hid under the pig feeder, and the predators did not find them; when The Nateu dog relieved the need and the sun came out again, brother and sister got married, became the ancestors of people; to avoid sending a new disaster, K. made people mortal]: Parry 1932:488-489 (short retelling in Elwin 1948:26-26); anong [brother and sister remained after the flood, married, gave birth to 9 boys and 9 girls; anong ancestor was born first, Trung was second, and the rest went apart sides, becoming ancestors of Han, Tibetans, Bai, Fox, and Naxi]: Sun, Liu 2009:3; dulong [Nishan had a tail and wings; took people's food, ate in a tree; took girls there; people offered him go down to the roof, hang his tail, grabbed the tail, killed, the tail was thrown into the river, N.'s body swam, the river dammed, the flood began; brother and sister were picking mushrooms at that time, walked higher and higher to the mountain, where there were more mushrooms; only brother and sister, as well as two snakes, survived; brother and sister wanted to throw them into the water, but the snakes warned that then they would die themselves; therefore, snakes exist; the water came down after 9 days and nights; brother and sister went in different directions but found no people; there was no fire, sister baked meat in the sun, and brother ate raw; when they went to bed, brother and sister left a cup of water between them; but the cup moved by itself; they decided to get married if 9 rivers flowed (flowed) in the morning; they gave birth to 9 boys and 9 girls, who got married; their father told them to shoot an archery; the first was the eldest, this couple went to China became the ancestors of the Chinese, the second to the Tibetans, the third to the Dulong; they shared the songs, the Chinese and Tibetans carried them in bags, but the Dulong did not know how to sing; Dulong said that his horse was a stick, so the dulong did not have horses]: LaPolla 2001:28-35; Kachin: Gilhodes 1908 [Ningkong wa decides to build a bridge over Ayeyarwady; his 9 brothers are jealous, they say that his brother, then sister, mother, etc. have died; he continues to work; when he hears about the death of his father, cries, leaves; finds everyone at home in good health; promises to flood the earth with a flood and burn it with 9 suns; puts an orphan brother and sister in a drum; every day they release a rooster, throw a vessel and a needle; 8 times they understand by the sound of a fall that there is water below; on the ninth day, the vessel and needle fall to the ground, the rooster crows; both come to nata (nata are mythological creatures), hear that he wants to eat them; run away to another; he hides them under the roof, tells the first one to come in 4 days when the beer is ready; a hot iron rod is thrown into his mouth; he rushes under the waterfall, his roar is still heard; brother and sister give birth to a child, bothers the owner with crying; he kills the child, feeds his parents his heart, cuts the body to pieces, turns into pieces Chinese, Shan, Kachin, Burmese, etc.]: 683-886; Latham 1859a (1) [before the flood, God told brother and sister to hide inside the hill, taking roosters and 9 bamboo sticks with them; every day they were supposed to stick the stick so that its end goes out; when the ninth was stuck, the roosters saw the light, the roosters sang; brother and sister went out, came to Rakshasi for fire; she attacked them, they ran to ninth heaven; kachin they sacrifice roosters and pigs]: 134; Ou Kuanbo 1983 {in Chinese}: 7 in Riftin 1987b (Yunnan) [to determine whether they should marry, brother and sister roll down the mountains, fall to each other to a friend]: 390.

Burma - Indochina. Wa [among the stories recorded by the author is the myth of the flood (surviving brother and sister marry)]: Obayashi 1964a: 205; Tay Pong, Tay, Hmong, Yao (Tuyen Quang), San Chay (San Chi, Cao Lan), Pu Peo, Giay [(summary table; brother and sister marriage after the flood results in the birth of a shapeless piece of flesh, sometimes in the shape of a pumpkin; he cut to pieces, people come out of everyone)]: Dang Nghiem Van 1993:328-333; sedang [people bred, rice and fish themselves got into the house and cooked, men and women randomly copulated; Yabg ("Sky") sent Bok Glaih to destroy people with thunderstorms and showers, everyone drowned; a woman and a dog escaped on the mountain; after the flood, the woman worked in the field, the dog urinated where before a woman who gave birth to a boy; he asks about his father, his mother is silent; one day she tells his father to take food to the site; there is only a dog, says that he is the father, the boy does not believe him, kills him; when he grows up, marries a mother; or a woman gives birth to a son and daughter, sends her spouses to look for themselves, they meet each other in the dark, copulate; a mother (or sister) has given birth to many children; they are married, from each couple your people; from the eldest - Vieta, from the second - Lao, from the third - Cham, from the fourth - Tmoi (ethnic minorities of the Central Mountains)]: Dang Nghiem Van 1993:324-326; banar [kite (kite) and crab got into a fight, the kite pecked the crab's shell, disappeared into the clouds; then the crab lifted the waters of the sea and rivers to the sky; brother and sister escaped from the flood in the large box, gave birth to new people]: Maître, Kes Jungkes Moï, p.417 in Matsumoto 1928:121 (end) and in Matsumura 2011 (beginning); my {=banar?} [The kite pecked the Crab in the shell, which raised a sea wave, flooded the ground, people died, brother and sister escaped in the pumpkin; the brother asked the Turtle, Bamboo if they could marry; both answered in the affirmative , my brother broke them, but they grew together (marks on the shell, on the bamboo); the spirit gives the girl eight beans, she happily swallows them at once, gives birth to eight children, people come from them]: Baudesson s.a. on Walk 1949 : 63; khmu (tsa khmu) [brother and sister caught a rat in the forest; she asked her to let her go, reported on the impending flood, advised her to climb into a hollow tree trunk; after the flood, brother and sister went to different parties look for marriage partners; met only each other twice; the bird advised them to marry; the sister carried the fetus for three years, gave birth to two pumpkins; bringing down rice, dropped a pestle, one pumpkin split, tai, ly, lao, etc. came out of it; she carefully pierced the other pumpkin with a heated piece of iron, but the khma in it rushed straight out, got dirty in the coal, so dark; the fragments pumpkins turned into rocks near Ban Tau Pung village ("pumpkin village")]: Roux 1928:177-179 (=1953:295-300; retelling in Chesnov 1980c: 163; more concise in Walk 1949:64-65); ahem (northern kammu) [brother and the sister chased the bamboo rat in the hole, they began to dig it up; she reported the impending flood, advised me to climb into the hollow tree trunk; people on rafts and boats with gold and silver drowned; the brother went north to look for a wife, the sister went south to look for a husband, found no one, returned; the cuckoo told them to marry; seven days later, the sister gave birth to a dead, dry pumpkin child; they left her behind the house, heard sounds; her brother burned a hole with an iron rod, lamets came out from there (close to Khmu, but the language is incomprehensible), then ahem, Thais, Europeans, Chinese; people did not speak; one person told everyone to sit on a dry poplar trunk laid across the ravine, it broke, everyone hit, laughed and spoke; learned to write; determined which ethnicity was more important (older); the other two versions were almost identical to this one; the second sister is 3 years pregnant, gave birth to a pumpkin]: Lindell et al. 1988:268-278; Zhuang (Yunnan) [the sky was close to the ground, since then the tops of bamboo have been crooked, as they rested on sky; the thunder god emitted lightning, blinking his eyes, creating gusts of wind with his wings, kicking with thunder, an ax and a chisel in his hands, destroying everything with them; came to visit a man named Bubo; eating and drinking, decided that he should collect a tax from farmers; B. offered him a choice of tops and roots; he said that he was a celestial, so he chose tops; B. planted a tarot, the thunderman got rotten leaves and dry stems; the following year he chose roots and B. planted rice; the following year, the thunder promised to pick up both the tops and the roots, but B. planted corn and took the cobs; the thunder told his General Lumeng no longer send rain; B. ordered people to open the locks of the heavenly river, the water irrigated the fields; then the thunder raised the sky higher, leaving only the sun and moon tree for communication; B. led the people take water from the underground dragon, but he was the thunder's brother and refused; then B. grabbed his horns and told him to pluck his beard; the dragon gave water; but in the third year there was drought again; the thunder sent the general Lumang repair the locks; B. climbed a tree into the sky, pushed L. into the river; one of the warriors, Qigao, warned that the thunder was going to kill people by drought; B. put his sword to the thunder's throat, forcing let it rain; the thunder came down to take revenge, slipped on wet mats, was caught and tied; B. went to get salt to kill the thunder and pickle his meat; tells his children not to let him go, not to let him drink, not to give the ax; the thunder persuaded them (they gave him water with indigo paint, so he turned blue), gained strength, flew out; gave his tooth, telling him to plant it: only Fuyi and his sister would be saved during the flood; the thunder opened the locks of the heavenly river, and the dragon released the waters of the underground lake; B. swam in an inverted umbrella; the thunder wanted to hack him with an ax, but B. cut off his legs himself; the thunder was afraid that by the waters of the flood, B. would be in the sky, discharged the water; B. fell with his umbrella on the mountain, broke, his heart bounced to the sky and became Venus; F. and his sister escaped in a pumpkin (which grew out of a thunder's tooth); went out, when the waters have come down; turtle, bamboo: you must get married; brother and sister: if you live, we will get married; killed a turtle, cut bamboo, they are reborn; Venus B. also told them to marry: light fires on two mountains, if the columns of smoke merge, then it is possible; the sister gave birth to a piece of meat; they cut it and scattered it, people came out of the pieces; the thunder attached cock feet to his feet instead of severed feet claws; after the dragon's beard is pulled out, two pieces are left: his carp children have them; Qugao has become an earthworm; when he crawls out, the thunder tries to cut it in half; if the worms crawl out, it means a thunderstorm; shamans began to know the future by turtle shells and bamboo stems]: Miller 1994:137-150; Thais [it rained, only brother and sister Ong and Yo escaped the flood, hiding in a wooden drum; when it began to hit the sky, the creator ordered to find out what was going on; to prevent people from being in the sky, ordered a hole to make the waters descend; when on the ground, O. took a mortar, and J. - the lid, they did not fit together; then they changed, the mortar and the lid came together; after that Y. agreed to live with her brother as her husband, but there were no children for two years; the ancestor on the mountain explained what was necessary come together like a mortar with a lid; then J. gave birth to sons Kakeu, Toblu and Jito; the younger ones sent K. to find out if the earth was big; he went nearby and returned, said that the land was small; then they sent a falcon; he said that the land is limitless; the brothers hit K. with a hammer, who in response ordered people to be mortal - this will solve the issue of overcrowding]: Coyaud 2009, No. 4:67-69; (cf. Thais (Thailand) [during the flood, a young man and a girl escaped in a pumpkin; gave birth to seven sons; one went to heaven for fire; at the heavenly gate his torch went out; so three times, he returned to earth; for They sent the Serpent (left to catch frogs) and the Owl (catches mice) in vain; then the seven brothers sent Gadfly, who asked for the right to bite buffaloes; his eyes were under his wings; he told Heaven that He sees through the walls of the jug, but not the basket; he placed it in the basket, told him to close his eyes on his head, made the fire by friction; on the way to the ground, the torch went out, but the Gadfly told me how to make fire]: Bourlet 1907:921-924 in Frazer 1930:101-103); muongi [at first an undivided lump of earth and sky; after a terrible drought, clouds swirled, rain poured in, lightning struck, the sky separated from the ground, and between water appeared with them; ficus (Cây Si, Ficus benjamina) grew and then collapsed; large and small branches became Muong villages, crumbling leaves became birds, roots became fish, and a couple of birds arose from the stump- the first ancestors Chim Ây and Cáy a; they laid thousands of eggs, from which various animals and humans arose; in the latter (or the last two), two brothers and sister, they are the ancestors of the Muongs; the youngest brother became the first ruler of the Muong; he tried to marry the daughter of the Lord of Heaven; then the daughter of the lord of the underwater world; then married his sister; because they broke heavenly law, all children turned out to be freaks: without arms, legs, deaf, dumb; the old man advised his brother to go east and his wife to the west; when they meet, let them not recognize each other; let the woman eat in the chicken coop for now, and the man to pigsty, because these are chickens and pigs do not know the ban on incest; after that, you must perform the right marriage ceremony]: Grigoreva 2019:54-57; Viets [(after the flood?) Aw Ko, wife of Lac Laung Kuen's first ancestor, gave birth to a bag; it burst, containing a hundred eggs, each with a son; 50 went with L. to the sea, 50 with E. to the mountains]: Nikulin 1982c: 675).

South Asia. Barela-bhilala: Stiglmayr 1970 [Pini meher decided to make land, rolled dirt off his chest, created a dove, gave him a letter, sent him to the Ocean (Dhuda sanat), who was sleeping, the dove buried the letter in the sand a plant with six or seven branches grew, it is a woman, a wasp became her husband, 5 fruits appeared; including 1) grains (seeds), 2) wild and domestic animals, 3) metals, 4) Kala nag (black snake), 5) Welu bai (Earth); Bhagwan told her to mold the ground on a potter's wheel; two frogs hit her tooth to make an ax and a shovel, she dug up the ore to make the circle itself, the bird helped make it, but broke its beak; Duli raja made six or seven pellets of earth, the wasp carried them away; he made a snare out of his hair, the wasp got caught, so she had a narrow waist; but let go, giving them five pellets for Welu bai; she made the earth and the earth grew; Kala nag could not hold it, the bull could not either, so Bhagwan put the ground on 6 pillars; Ram and Lakshman swung the pillars, the ground staggered; then Welu bai placed fish below; cancer on the fish's tail, sometimes bites him; during the famine, the ocean dried up, the fish were naked; people cut off pieces from it; only brother and sister were against eating fish alive; the fish told them to sit in the basket and sent the flood; all drowned, brother and sister to grief man (they rose above the waters with the mountain woman, but the male mountain was taller); he asked who they were, they said brother and sister; turned them in opposite directions , asked again, they replied that husband and wife; their excrement, urine and saliva became a multitude of people of all castes]: 161-163; Kapp 1986 [6 versions; during the flood, Pawan dungar mountains remain above the water and Mata phenai, they are husband and wife; brother and sister escape in the basket; P. saves her, asks the rescued who they are; first they answer that brother and sister, then turn to each other, say that the husband and wife]: 266-269; bhilas: Koppers, Jungblut 1976:199-201 [by Konrad; when approaching the river, a laundress girl always threw rice to the fish; the fish reports that Bhagwan would cause a flood, tells her to sit down with her brother in a box, take a pumpkin seed and water; for revealing a secret, B. cuts off the fish's tongue, the fish fall silent forever, the tongue turns into a leech; B. tells brother and sister to turn away from each other, then turn towards each other to a friend with a face; the girl replies that the young man is her husband, the boy is his wife; people come from this couple; var.: the girl first replies that the young man is her brother; B. beats her, she replies that the young man is human; (=Walk 1949, Var.A: 60-61)], 167 [according to Jungle Tribes of Malwa 1909; a man from the laundress caste was told by a fish to make a box, take his sister and a rooster; after the flood, Rama turned the man to the north, east, and to the West, every time he asked who this girl was; he replied that she was a sister; when facing south, he said that he was a wife; they gave birth to 7 sons and 7 daughters, they were descended from them; (=Walk 1949, Var.B: 61-62)]; varley [Mahadeva and Ganga Gauri created the world; M. called the gods, no one came, then he flooded the earth with a flood for 12 years; then asked Naranadeva and Brahmadeva {then Barham is the same?} bring land from the world of Gunderideva (ghunderi is a fly that collects clay and makes it a nest on the corner of the house; they brought clay, painted on it, made cakes, they began to grow, they made heaven and land; only Bhimabali was able to lift the sky off the ground; the earth was unstable; to secure it, Mahadeva ordered Naran and Barham to bring stones from the world of patheri (a species of small rat, always at her hole many stones); hills and mountains were made of stones; to create vegetation, M. sent N. and B. to the world of squirrels and ants for seeds; they brought them, but not enough; he sent them to King Lakhapati to bring more; M. and The Gauri dug a hole to get water at the foot of the date palm tree, got drunk; G.: let no one do that; M. created dense forests, G. created trees in savannas; two children survived the flood in the tree; M. : Who are you? - Brother and sister; the gods separated them, brought them together - the same thing; so 7 times, but then did not recognize each other and said that husband and wife; people from them; gods created animals; animals and plants multiplied, the earth could not bear such a burden; she turned to her brother King Pandu ("white" in Sanskrit and Marathi), but he picked it up and threw it; M. and G. returned, the land complained to them, they called gods; M. punished Panda, making him the master of the lower world; a bull in this world told the cow: Now our world will be the kingdom of death; Jum Joshi (the god of death) sent his messengers to P., but P. put them in prison; he fled himself; JJ sent him poisoned berries and he died; after that, people began to die and the earth felt better ; before that, people were like snakes - they changed their skin and renewed themselves]: Dalmia 1988: 25-30; Oraons: Elwin 1949:25 [Dharmes filled the ground with fiery rain; Parvati (probably D.'s wife here) asked him to sprinkle some rain, but he poured out a whole bowl; everyone died, but P. hid his brother with his sister in a crab hole; gave half a grain, they ate it for seven days; D. said he was hungry, people needed to grow rice and feed it; sent dogs to find the survivors, D. taught them how to process lands; introduced a seven-day week], 42 [first the ocean, lotus in the water, Mahapurub lived on it; a boy and a girl were born from his womb; they played, disturbed M., they killed them; their flesh became earth, bones with stones, blood with water, hair with grass; this is how the world was created; a boy and a girl were born again from M.'s womb; they closed their eyes because they thought it was a sin to look at each other; M. hit them, they opened eyes but refused to marry; M. directed them in different directions; 12 years later they met again, did not know each other, got married, M. gave them the whole world]; (cf. Hahn 1906, No. 45 [the huge dragon looked like a rock; people entered its mouth believing they were entering the cave, did not return; God came in the wild, killed the dragon with a spear; the carcass began to decay, God sent the rain of fire to burn it; told the monkey to hit the drum when it should stop raining; the monkey ate the fruit of the ebony tree, hit the drum only when its face, arms and legs turned black and her hair on the head turned ash-colored; the ebony wood also turned black; only a boy and a girl were left hiding in a crab hole; God brought them out, gave them plant seeds; they slept on opposite sides of the log; when the boy grew up, he lay down with his girlfriend]: 84); (cf. stake (Yernga) [at first there is water everywhere, Sun and Moon in the sky, aka Singbonga and Chando, husband and wife; they scraped off the dirt from their bodies, S. made a boy, C. a girl, threw them into the water; they became to copulate; S. sent a fiery rain in anger, but the children were hidden by the goddess of water Nagera, and the waters from the fire dried up, the young man and the girl went ashore; S. decided that there was no sin on them, created vegetation on earth , humans descended from the first couple]: Elwin 1949, No. 33:50); asur [Mahadeo hunted with two hounds, who pulled the first people, brother and sister, out of the crab hole; his wife Parvati raised them; first they slept with a piece of wood together; M. taught them how to make beer; when drunk, they forgot their relationship, got married, gave birth to people]: Leuva 1963:131-132; bondo: Elwin 1950:135-136 (= Elwin 1949, #8:32-33; the main motive is also in No. 9:33-34) [Raja's daughter threw a pumpkin seed; her brother took the core out of the pumpkin; it rained, flooded the ground, brother and sister escaped in the pumpkin; Mahaprabhu sent a wild boar to the lower world to steal land from Kermo; he also took the seeds of seven tree species (mango, tamarind, mahua, sago palm, dumal, pipal, banyan) from K.; when the boar emerged, shook off the dirt, drops mud fell on the water, became earth; M. took brother and sister out of the pumpkin, changed their appearance by sending smallpox on them, they did not recognize each other and got married; people descended from them], 136-137 [pregnant Olenikha hears , as Belka tells her son that there will be a flood; fears a man at a watering hole; her son reminds her from the womb that there will still be a flood; a man hears, asks Olenikha to explain what is going on; from Olenikha's womb says Mahaprabhu, telling them to put the children in a pumpkin; the rain flooded the ground with a flood; M. wanted to know if there were any people left; he collected dirt from the body, made the Crow, threw a tree trunk into the water so that she could sit down; opened the crab, there was no land, found soil in the worm's stomach; the pumpkin settled on the ground, brother and sister came out; M. gave them smallpox, they did not recognize each other, got married; M. gave the girl a remedy that caused them she is monthly]; 1954 [water flooded the ground; Mahaprabhu rubbed his arm, made a crow out of lumps of mud, she flew over the waters, did not know where to sit, saw a floating basket in which her brother and sister, came back, said M.; he told her to get land; she brought M. an earthworm, who extracted land {from the bottom?} ; M. scattered the earth in all directions, land arose; he took his brother and sister out of the basket, who refused to marry; then he called Thakurani, she spread smallpox on them, the girl became a scythe, the young man fell ill with leprosy; when they met, they did not know each other and got married; their 12 sons and 12 daughters gave birth to people]: 423-424; sora (Ghajapati district): [Informant Enam Gomango, Christian, d. Serango. It rained, flooded the ground with a flood, and brother and sister survived, who climbed into a huge clay pot; the pot floated on the water; all people were their descendants; brother's name was Kurraitung mar (kurrai - clay pot, tung - god, mar - man: "man, clay pot god"; 2) Informant Srinivas Gomango, Christian, d. Nouagada. There were brother and sister. God told them that there would be a flood and a boat needed to be built. But there was nothing to cut down a tree, so they chewed on the tree with their teeth. Everyone drowned during the flood. After 140 days, the waters came down. Brother and sister saw that there was no one but them. The brother told his sister to give birth to everything on earth again. She did this. She was the last to give birth to fire, as a result of which she burned herself and the boat burned down]: Krylova, Renkovskaya 2017, field materials; crust [Mula and his sister Mulai are the first man and woman; Mula went Looking for a wife, Mulai turned into a donkey, pinched the grass; Mula threw a golden bridle over her, took possession of it; she escaped, ran away; in the guise of a woman, returned; Mula saw his bridle, Mulai in shame hid; Mahadeo said it's a shame so I'll have to marry now]: Elwin 1949, #83:288; didayas [Rumrok flooded the ground with a flood but put brother and sister in a trough from which they feed pigs, let them swim; created a new land, the trough docked; when asked, the young man answered three times that the girl was his sister, and his sister was her brother; R. settled them separately; told God Kinchak change their appearance; the young man's face turned black, the girls turned brown speckled; they replied that they did not know each other, got married; three sons were born; they descended from different castes depending on from whoever could do what (slaughtering a cow, riding a horse, etc.)]: Elwin 1954:424-425; bhuya [there were 14 parts water and 7 parts clay, all mixed; Dharam Deota came out of the water; collecting dirt from on the right side of his body, he sculpted a female doll, on the left side a male doll; he revived it, it was Boram and his wife; at first they were brother and sister, but DD changed their features by sending smallpox, they met and did not got to know each other; their son is Parihar; the gods created the tiger and sent him to grab P.; the tiger poured ash on the sleeping P. and ran away in horror; P. found the sleeping tiger, also poured ash and ran away; the gods told the tiger attack when P. goes swimming and leaves his weapon on the shore; the tiger killed P.; his blood spilled to the ground, the ground became hard and reddish; his legs turned into large trees, his arms into small trees, his hair into small trees, his hair into grass, bones into rocks and stones, the head became the sun, the chest became the moon; the moon shows the print of a tiger's paw; B. began to lament the loss of his son, but DD gave him many other children (named)]: Elwin 1949, No. 3:29 -30; Maria (Bison-Horn Maria) [rain flooded the ground; Gajabhimul put his brother and sister in the pumpkin, the pumpkin stuck to the rock; Mahapurub sent the crow to look for people; a banyan grew out of the rock, a crow on him sat down, opened a pumpkin; the children climbed the tree, drank its juice, it ran out, they began to cry; M. sent the crow to calm them down, but she wanted to kill the children in order to peck at their corpses, came back and lied that that's it OK; the same with the eagle; with the tiger; then he sent a monkey; a hot rock burned her ass, arms and legs, the monkey smeared his face to black with charred hands; M. sent a wild boar, ordered her to be smeared in clay, which is on the turtle's back; the boar shook, clods and splashes of earth formed land; smallpox was sent to brother and sister so that they would not recognize each other; then they got married, had 12 sons and 12 daughters]: Elwin 1949, No. 4:30-31; Muria (Raja Muria) [brother and sister swam in the pumpkin among the waters; the pumpkin hit the Terminalia tormentosa tree; Mahapurub killed brother and sister, their bodies arose earth; kicked halves of a pumpkin, a boy reappeared in one, a girl in the other; people descended from them]: Elwin 1949, No. 31:48; conds: Elwin 1949, No. 20 [boy guards the field, sees a pregnant woman a deer, wants to shoot; a deer is pregnant with the sun, the sun from its womb warns of a flood, you must sit in a banyan deck with his sister and food; the boy's mother does not believe even when the earth capsized into the water, dies along with other people; the deck stuck to a fig tree growing out of the water; there were 7 suns, the water dried up quickly, but the heat was terrible; the moon pretended to eat her children smeared her mouth red; then the Sun ate her brothers; at night, the Moon brought her child stars], 21 [the world went under water, Dakpaska's brother and sister Dakadidi escaped in an empty log of a banyan tree (these names have options); a log sailed to the hill; brother and sister gave birth to Gogerenga and Jagarenga, who had a daughter; Mother Earth told them to sacrifice a girl, they killed their granddaughter, the water came down; so that the land would not trembled, stakes were driven from the prickly shoots], 82 [the rock fell from the sky into the oceans, bushes grew on it, brother and sister came out of the cliff; ate the sap of the bush; Burha Pinnu saw that people could do this eat, made this juice bitter; they separated trying to find marriage partners, fell ill with smallpox, came back, didn't know each other, got married, gave birth to people]: 41, 41-42, 288; Schulze 1922 [ Paramuschreela created the world, but the people in it began to do evil; he sent a flood; when the waters came down, P. sent the crow to see if any of the people were left; in one grove she noticed a plate made of leaf with leftover freshly cooked rice and brought P. a sheet {this plate?} ; then P. sent a woodpecker to tap the trees in case people hid in a hollow; one really was a man and a woman; P. ordered them to be brought to him; told everyone three times to talk about a friend who it is; each time a man called a woman a sister and she called him a brother; then P. sent smallpox on them; after recovering, they did not recognize each other and got married; at first people lived peacefully, the caste had not yet it was; but then evil tribes appeared; to avoid general corruption, P. told people to speak different languages]: 4-5; kamar [God created man and woman, they had a son in old age and daughter; the jackal aroused God's anger, God sent a flood to destroy the jackal; the parents hid the children in the hollow of the deck, gave them supplies, closed the hole; 12 years later, God sent two birds to see if the jackal was alive; those only found the deck, heard voices, the children said there was 3 days left to eat; God stopped the flood, took out the children, listened to their story, they got married, gave birth to people of all castes]: Fraser 1985:98; bhunjya [Bhimsen destroyed the world with a flood, but the elderly couple managed to make a ship, put a son and daughter in it with food; Bhagavan collected dirt from their skin, made it 12 crows, sent it to reconnaissance; they saw the ship, boarded it, it began to swing, they got scared, they came back, six drowned, six told Bhagavan that some people had escaped; he called Bhimsen, tried to open the ship, but only Bhimsen managed to crash it; brother and sister asked Bhagavan for a place to live; Bhimsen collected dirt from his body, created the world anew; sought advice from Mahadeo, who ordered that separate dwellings be made for brother and sister, let them live separately; then sent the sister of black ants to the hut, forcing her to go out; the scorpion closer to his brother's hut; the cobra climbed onto his bed; first they just hugged, then conceived children]: Elwin 1954:420-423.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Nicobars [the princess of the country in the east became pregnant by a servant; his father executed him, put his daughter in a box, let him go to sea; the box sailed to Car Nicobar Island; the princess gave birth to a boy, he grew up, from She and her son are Nicobars]: Roy 2001, No. 19:44; Senoi (Sakai) [a huge bird has destroyed all people; brother and sister remain; sister agreed to marry a brother if he kills a bird; Going up to the cave where the bird lived, the young man put out his knife; the bird that arrived ran into him and died; his brother and sister's children repopulated the country]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:235-236; aceh [princess, who had a skin disease, was expelled to Nias; she was only with a dog; here she found the root that cures the disease; she got together with her dog and had a son; he grew up, but there are no people on the island except his mother; his mother gave him a ring: let him marry whoever it suits; after walking around the island, he met his mother again and the ring suited her; Nias descended from this marriage]: Hurgronje 1906:20; Minahasa: Bezemer 1904 [when the land was still soft, two women came out of it: an elderly shaman Karmah and a young Lumimuut; K. told L. to stand up against the wind to become pregnant; she turned to the south, east, north in the wind, but became pregnant only from the west, gave birth to a son Toar; when he grew up, K. told L. and T. to stand with their backs to each other and walk T. to the right and L. to the left; gave K. a shorter stick and L. longer; said K. that if the woman he meets has a stick as long as he does, it is his mother L., and if not, she can be married; L. said the same thing; T. and L. met on another on the edge of the earth, L.'s stick was longer; they got married and had children: 9 times, three times 7, nine times 3; they inhabited the whole earth]: 316-337; Raats 1970 [Lumimuut was born from a stone burned in the heat of the sun; from the four winds she gave birth to seven, then nine creatures; after the flood, she and her son escaped; both went in different directions in search of marriage partners, taking a stick of equal length; L. grew up, so when mother and son met, did not recognize each other, they married]: 31; Isis 1998 [after a rock in the sea gave birth to a crane, sweat came out of her; the goddess Limuvat was born out of sweat; from the crane learned about the existence of the "original land", brought a lump of land from there, placed it on a rock, planted seeds of trees and herbs in it, marking the beginning of peace; climbed the mountain, conceived from the western wind, gave birth to a boy; he was unsuccessfully looking for a wife; then L. handed him a staff the size of her height, told him to find a wife taller; when they met, the mother and son did not recognize each other, and the staff grew and became taller than mother; mother and son married, gave birth to gods]: 152; murut: Wooley 1928, No. 3 [brother and sister escaped after the flood; brother saw rats or squirrels copulate, got together with sister; she gave birth dog; she brought everything she needed to get fire by friction, showed what to do, the young man lit the fire; the sister gave birth to a chicken, then a son and a daughter; they gave birth to new people; the chicken finds rice, the dog teaches agriculture], 13 [during a storm, people mock a dog, a bird, tying burning guns to them; water floods the ground; a woman escapes in a tree; when the waters have come down, she meets a young man and a girl; this is a brother and sister; they see mantok (local squirrels) copulate; later, the brother kills the female, finds a cub inside; after guessing how to produce offspring, brother and sister marry]: 261-263, 361-364; Solor: Arndt 1938:2-3 [first there were two mountains, one pond, another spring; there was a Masan Wahane man and a Péni Masan Dai woman; they gave birth to a boy and girl with the same names; grows up coconut palm, raises brother and sister; water gushes out of the ground, floods everything, only brother and sister remain on top of the palm tree; snake and deer make sure that the palm tree does not fall, the crocodile does not attack children; when the ground dried, brother and sister came down, saw grasshoppers mating, then they also got married; gave birth to Demon and Padzi twins, then two girls; D. wanted to take both for themselves, P. did not allowed; D. and P. and their sister wives gave birth to two hostile fratria demon and padji], 3-4 [brother and sister escaped during the coconut palm flood; every day they threw fruit down; on the eighth day, a nut fell to dry ground and split; a snake, an iguana, and a deer guarded the children; brother and sister saw grasshoppers and snakes mate; got married and had two sons and two daughters; they became progenitors Fratria demon and padzi], 5-6 [during the flood Radja Masan Doni and her sister escaped on a coconut palm tree; the crocodile held its base, the seven-headed snake wrapped around the trunk, preventing it from falling; after 7 R. threw coconut into the water; after another 7 days he fell to the ground; brother and sister went down, gave birth to sons Léwa Sira Padzi and Léwa Sira Demon; both wanted to suck their mother's right breast, got into a fight, D. won; brothers separated to live in different parts of the island]; Dos Santos 1967 [during the flood, brother and sister escaped by climbing coconut and areca palms; as the waters rose, then became the same; after the flood, mountains and valleys appeared; brother and sister got married, their seven sons and seven daughters became human ancestors]: 33-40; mangaray (West Flores) [brother and sister went into the forest, a wild pig warns them of the flood, adults do not believe children; everyone has died, children have been taken to the sky; there Tuwan ("Lord") Allah gives them a handful of ash, they pour it on water, water goes away; they scatter ash again on the ground, animals and plants appear]: Hagspiel 1925 on Walk 1949:94; ngada (central Flores) [the first ngada, brother and sister, came out of the earth like earthlings worms, but then they had faces, arms and legs; the heat of the sun made their bodies strong and at first soft; at first they were deaf and dumb and did not know how to do anything; they came to the village, they had mouths and eyes appeared]: Arndt 1937:347; Timor: Pascoal 1967 (Lautém) [first a sea of mud; God sculpted man, others descended from him; they were destroyed by storm, rain; God populated the earth dwarfs; men wrapped their beards around their necks, women their hair around their waist; God punished this race with a flood; brother and sister were saved on coconut and arek palms; when the waters came down, mountains formed, valleys; brother and sister had seven sons]: 50-51; Athoni [Rote Island was part of Timor; fish (dans-vis) began to dance, perforated the surface of the earth, Rote broke away with all the inhabitants; Lis Lahuru Nai La'at killed fish; later, because of this damage, water flooded the area; Besi and his sister escaped on a coconut palm tree; brother asked his sister for a pin stuck in her hair; said if the pin will come to the ground, then they will escape; a pin thrown into the water swam to the ground; brother and sister went down, walked through shallow water, reached the ground, gave birth to four sons]: Middelkoop 1971:447-449.

Taiwan - Philippines. Yami [after the flood, there were his ancestor grandfather, whom the supreme god threw from heaven to earth at the beginning of time, and his grandson and granddaughter; first there were two suns, their heat was enough for cooking; All that was left was left, brother and sister started looking for fire; along the way they found various animals and plants, then saw spirits on the reef; one cooked a clam on fire, taught them how to use fire]: Benedek 1991; ami: Ho Ting-jui 1964 [during the flood, brother Rarakan and sister Roche escaped in a wooden mortar; married but gave birth to snakes and frogs; the Sun sent gods to teach the couple religious ceremonies; After that, the couple gave birth to normal ancestral people]: 39-40; 1967, No. 94:268-269; Matsumoto 1928:122-123 [during the flood, brother and sister escaped in a mortar; they first gave birth to a snake, threw it into the bushes, then the frog was thrown away outside the house; smelling a strange smell from the ground, the Sun goddess sent her sons to find out what was going on; they reassured brother and sister, told their mother what was going on; she sent the land of two messengers who brought bamboo; there was a pig inside; it was sacrificed to heaven, gods, and young spouses, then everyone danced; after that, brother and sister gave birth to normal children-daughter, son, daughter again, etc.], 123 [brother and sister escaped from the flood of boiling water, asked the Sun for permission to marry; after receiving permission, they gave birth to monsters, one became crab, the other became fish; then they asked the moon; She replied that brother and sister are not allowed to converge, and to circumvent this ban, they must have sex through a mat; after that, the sister gave birth to a white stone, it grew up and contained four babies in it]; Mabuchi 1969 [a couple of first ancestors with their son and daughter descended from the sky; they were covered by a huge wave; parents managed to climb the stairs into the sky; the children sailed to the top of the mountain in a mortar in the shape of a boat; married, they descended from them; sister's ears were swollen, and millet seeds appeared]: 34-35; Walk 1949 [(retelling the same text as Matsumoto: 123; Shinji Isjii manuscript with reference to Fraser); because of the earthquake, hot waters flooded the ground; brother and sister escaped in a wooden mortar; after the flood, the brother asked the Sun if it was possible to marry his wife, received consent; first there were two miscarriages; one threw it up the river, the ancestor of the fish appeared; the second was downstream, the ancestor of crabs appeared; after that, the brother asked the Month if it was possible to marry, he strictly forbid; but finding no one else, brother with sister copulated through a mat; the wife gave birth to a stone, which was swollen, two pairs of children came out of it, one barefoot (ancestors), the other wearing shoes (Chinese ancestors)]: 96; paywan: Egli 1989 [Sun an egg was laid, the first man hatched; after the flood, only brother and sister escaped, got married, they have two children with eyes on their feet; the children got married, their children have eyes on their knees; they also got married , their children have eyes, where now]: 31; Ho 1967, No. 93 [brother and sister escaped during the flood, clinging to the grass; excrement fell from the worm cut in half and formed a mountain; brother and sister got married but their first children were blind, freaks; the next ones became less ugly and the latter were born healthy and normal; so incest is now banned]: 267-268; Whitehorn, Earle 2003, No. 23 [ the earth dissolved into water, leaving only one mountain; people drowned and only brother and sister clung to the tree branches on the mountain; when the water came down, they started a fire, making a fire drill; the first children were blind, lame or scrofula; scrofula were sent to live on the plain, the lame and the blind were sent east to the paywan, they left the healthy], 53 [everything was flooded during the flood; little brother and sister were saved, clinging to the grass; there was half a worm; every time the worm defecated, a hill would appear; there was no fire; a lizard (?) brought a burning head with it in her mouth; brother and sister grew up; found sweet potatoes, tarot and millet; finding no other partners, they got married; the first child was blind, without arms or legs, the second better, the third is normal; so now brother and sister are not marrying]: 135, 239-240; Saisya: Walk 1949:97 [Ino 1908:220; water flooded the earth, brother and sister escaped on the mountain; after the flood they folded parts of the bodies that drowned in the deck (in hohle Hölzer) were filled with water, the children came out, went in four directions], 98 [Alvárez 1930:415f; only the older sister and younger brother survived the flood on top of the mountain; after the flood, they gave birth to a boy and a girl, cut them apart, and new men and women emerged]; (cf. atayal: Norbeck 1950, No. 1 [a big rock splits, two men and a woman come out of it; one man does not like it on earth, he returns to the stone; the one left with the woman thinks how to breed; first the woman puts her genitals in the wind; nothing happens; then they try to copulate, consistently using the sphincter, nostrils, ears, mouth; the fly sits on the woman's hips; she understands this as an instruction from the gods to use the vagina; gets pregnant, gives birth to atayal ancestors]: 13-14 (=Ho 1967, No. 52:238-239); http://en.wikipedia.org/wki/Atayal_people [the Pinspkan stone split, from three of him came out, one decided to go back; the remaining man and woman lived together, but the man was afraid to approach the woman; then she left, painted black paint on her face and returned disguised strangers; they got married, had children; this episode is believed to date back to the custom that girls paint their faces black]); bontok [a stranger with a boa constrictor on a leash tells his brother with sister ask his parents to perform a ceremony in his honor in the house; otherwise his boa constrictor will close the hole in the north into which the rivers rush, a flood will begin; parents laugh; brother and sister flee to grief; a dog and a cat bring fire for them to drive away wild animals; an old man with a giant crab on a leash says he will send a crab to remove the water barrier; tells brother and sister to marry , making them forget about their relationship]: Eugenio 1994, No. 128c: 227-229; nabaloi [garbage and logs blocked the riverbed of the river flowing out of the sea, the water flooded the ground; brother and sister escaped in the box; after The earthquake cleared the riverbed; brother and sister got married and repopulated the land]: Eugenio 1994, No. 131:233 (=Ho Ting-jui 1967, No. 98:273); kankanai [Kabunian destroyed people by the flood, remained Lumawig and Bangan's brother and sister; K. told them to marry, they didn't want to; he said that if he could make them laugh, they would marry, if not, they would remain brother and sister; (apparently they laughed); gave birth four children; they also give rise to games that are supposed to organize cañaos ritual celebrations; they also give rise to tumungaws (spirits of diseases) and mangmangkiks living in stones and trees]: Bello 1967:328; Igorot: Cole 1916 [two sons of supreme god Lumawig are unhappy that the earth is flat, so there are no mountains and no one to hunt; they made the land flooded with water, after which mountains rose; the brothers took a basket for severed heads and made it a trap; many wild boars, deer and people fell into it; Lumavig saw that his brother had escaped on the only remaining piece of land and sister; L. told his dog and the deer to bring them fire; they did not return for a long time, L. found them and told them to hurry; but as they swam through the water, they lost fire; they would have done it a second time, but L. himself had time Grab the fire carried by the dog and lit a fire for brother and sister; the water evaporated, brother and sister got married, gave birth to people]: 102-104; Eugenio 1994, No. 132b [the earth was flat; the man cursed the water because she took everything away; the flood began; God saved that man on the mountain, and his sister was saved in a wooden deck; after the flood, God wanted brother and sister to marry and have sons and daughters] 132c [When God learned that people did not multiply, God told the eel to close the water drain; brother and sister saved the tree; God sent the crab to pinch the eel, which discovered the water; when the water ran off, the water created a crossed relief; brother and the sister refused to marry; then God touched her brother's navel, the men came out; the sister's navel was female]: 235, 236; ifugao: Rybkin 1975, No. 31 [a handful of rice could be fed family, rivers full of fish, syrup flows from cane stalks; it's raining; Brother Wigan and Sister Bugan escaped the flood on two mountains; got married, gave birth to people]: 64-66; Eugenio 1994, No. 129 [=Ho Ting-jui 1967 , No. 97:271-273); the rainy season does not begin, the river has dried up; people began to dig a well in the dry channel; from there a stream poured in, flooded the ground; Brother Wigan and sister Bugan escaped on two neighboring mountains; the water came down, having formed a rugged terrain; brother and sister began to live in the same house; brother did not find other people, got together with his sister; she became pregnant, crying; god Maknongan, in the form of an old man, gave permission for their marriage; their four sons married their four daughters, inhabited the land; the fifth son did not have a wife]: 229-230; isneg [brother and sister survived the flood on the mountain; gave birth to new people]: Ho Ting-jui 1967, No. 99:274; mangian (alangan) [at first people did not have genitals; they crossed their legs, children conceived legs in their calves; tools worked themselves; people lived on earth and in heaven; stairs to heaven led to the tops of the mountain; Balyawon was born from a flower bud, taught people sex, children began to be carried in their stomachs; returning from a holiday in heaven, the father committed incest with his daughter; the flood began, brother and sister escaped Alitao and Diaga; their eldest son went to the mountains, became the ancestor of spirits; the second was the Mangyan, the third was the Plains, the fourth was the Europeans; the gods told the tools not to work themselves]: Yang 2009:89-90; Mandaya [a pregnant woman escaped after the flood; gave birth to a son, got along with him, giving birth to new people]: Ho Ting-jui 1976, No. 100:274-275.

China - Korea. Ancient China (Li Rong, Description of the Unique and Strange, Tang Time) [When the universe was just created, Nuiwa lived with her brother on Mount Kunlun, but there were no people in China yet it was. They decided to become husband and wife, but they were ashamed. Then my brother took his sister to the top of Kunlun and cast a spell: "If heaven wants us to get married, let the smoke rush up; if not, let the smoke clear." The smoke rose like a pole. Then the sister approached her brother, weaving a fan out of the grass to cover her face. This is how the current custom that requires the bride to hold a fan at the wedding]: Yuan Ke 1987:38-39; Chinese (Gansu, Hui Autonomous Wu. Zhangjiachuan) [In ancient times, there was a flood that washed away everything in the world. There were only brother and sister who climbed into the rotten tree trunk and swam in it for 7 days and nights. When the flood receded, they found themselves on a rocky mountain. They were hungry and began to eat everything they could see. After 49 days, they came to their senses and started looking for survivors. They've been looking for years but haven't found anyone. Their clothes decayed and barely covered up their disgrace. My brother said that in order for humanity to continue to exist, they must marry. The sister was shy, covered her face with her hands and said that it had never happened that brother and sister married. Later they saw stone millstones, and their sister offered to take them, climb different mountains, lower the millstones down into the gorge with a wave of her hand, and if they joined, marry. The brother agreed and they did as the sister suggested. The millstones joined together, brother and sister knelt down, bowed to the sky, earth and millstones, and married. This is how people reappeared in the world]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001, No. 10:10-11; Chinese (Gansu, St. Tianshui) [In ancient times, there was only one old woman in the world, as well as wolves, insects, tigers, and leopards. One day, an old woman saw a huge trail larger than chi (33.3 cm) in the bend of the river. She thought people had two legs and was surprised why there was only one footprint. She stood on it with both feet and there was still room left. Suddenly her eyes turned dark, her heart felt heavy, and she fainted. When she recovered, she felt worse and worse, and within a few months her stomach grew bigger. Ten months later, she gave birth to a boy and a girl, and the old woman was very happy. The boy was born earlier and the girl was born later. More than ten years later, the old woman died, and her children grew up. At that time, there were no people yet, and my brother could not find a wife and my sister could not find a husband. The sister understood this before her brother and invited him to marry. The brother objected that they are relatives and heaven might not approve such a marriage. At that time, they went up the mountain and saw two grains there, and my brother offered to roll them off different slopes - he himself from the west and his sister from the east - and if they met at the foot, it would mean that heaven approves marriage. The sister agreed, they did as the brother suggested, and the millstones met. Brother and sister became spouses, gave birth to many children, from whom humanity came. Fusi's brother was Fusi's grandfather, and her sister was Nuiva's grandmother. It is said that the mountain from which they rolled the millstones is present-day Guataishan. Until now, when our husband or wife dies, they are called brother or sister during mourning, and this custom dates back to that time]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001, No. 10a: 11; Chinese (Gansu, Wu. Huixian) [In ancient times, elderly spouses lived at the foot of the mountain in front of the river, and there was a vegetable garden planted with pumpkins next to the house. They lived well, but they were sad that they did not have children. One day, a gray-bearded old man came and praised pumpkins, gave his grandfather magic seeds and said that the pumpkin that grows from them cannot be plucked, because when it is ripe, it will fall by itself. The old man planted the seeds and they sprouted a few days later. The old man looked after him diligently, and he quickly had a fetus. In autumn, he collected all the pumpkins except the one that grew from magic seeds, although they had already reached the size of a seed. One evening they heard a strange sound in the garden, went out to see what had happened, and a huge pumpkin rolled at their feet, split in two, and a boy and a girl jumped out, knelt down they began to bow and call the old people mother and father. The old people realized that this was a gift from the heavenly gods, fell to their knees and thanked the sky, and then took the children to their home. Ten years later, when the children grew up, it rained heavily in autumn, the river overflowed its banks, flooded the garden with pumpkins, and then the house itself. The old people put the children in the pumpkin shell from which they came, and they began to swim in it like a boat, and the old people drowned. After 49 days, it stopped raining and the water receded, leaving only these brothers and sister. After a while they reached marriageable age, the brother invited her sister to marry, she initially refused, but then realized that there were no other options. Then she suggested doing the following: a brother would take a thread and she would take a needle, they would stand on the tops of two mountains, throw a thread and a needle, and if the thread went through the eye of the needle, they would marry . The brother agreed, they did as the sister said, and the thread fell into the eye of the needle. The sister offered another challenge: to climb different mountains and roll millstones from there, and if they met, brother and sister would marry. The brother agreed, they did again as the sister suggested, the millstones met, and then the brother and sister married. A year later, the sister gave birth to a large, ugly and smelly ball of meat, and offered to cut it into a hundred pieces and hang it on trees to scare away wild animals. The brother did as she said, but the next day these 100 pieces of meat turned into 100 boys and girls. The brother and sister decided to name them after the trees on which they were hung: those hanging on the poplar were given the name Yang (poplar), the name Liu (willow) on the willow, and so on. Each of them gave birth to their own children, and this is how a hundred surnames appeared]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001, No. 10b:11; Chinese (Shaanxi, Wu. Lantan) [Even before Nuiwa, there was a woman named Huaxu. She lived in a cave near Huaxu Plain in Huaxu Parish, Lantian County. One day she saw huge footprints near the cave. She followed them and went into the overgrown ravine. Then two rainbows appeared in the sky, Huaxu got scared and ran away. After that, Huaxu became pregnant and gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. They were Fusi and Nuiva. After Huaxu died, they were the only two left in the world. Fusi offered to marry Nuiva, but although she wanted to, she was shy, so she offered to go up to the top of the hill and roll stone millstones from there, and if they joined, it would be a sign that their union has been approved by heaven. Fuxi agreed, they went up to the place where the Temple of the People's Ancestors (Renzongmiao) now stands, rolled millstones into the ravine, and they joined together. Fuxi and Nuiwa became husband and wife, and those millstones still lie in the Millstone Ravine (Shimozigou) in Lintong County. After getting married, Fusi went hunting, and Nuiva raised her children at home. The children grew up and asked how they were born. Nuive was uncomfortable to say that they came from the union of brother and sister, but at the same time did not want them to refuse to marry each other later and humanity was under threat extinctions, so she said she sculpted ten of them out of clay. At this time, Fusi returned home carrying a stone mortar on his head. One child asked who it was and Nuiva couldn't answer. Fusi felt awkward, took off his mortar from his head, left and never came back. When Tsangjie created the hieroglyphs, he created the "uncle" sign (jiu, the "stupa" element above, the "man" element below) based on this story. Since then, Nuiwa's offspring have multiplied and eventually formed a large tribe, which became the village of Washicun ("The [Nu] Wa Family Village") in Huaxu Parish, Lantian County. In memory of Huaxu, Nuiwa named her tribe the "Huaxu State", and this name has been preserved to this day]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 4:6-7; Chinese (Shaanxi, Wu. Mianxian) [The Jade Emperor was busy and forgot to send rain. The sun had been burning on the ground for more than 300 days. Rivers and wells dried up, plants, animals and people were dying from the heat. Sun Wukong decided to go down to earth, saw what was going on there, and reported to the Jade Emperor. He sent SU to Mother Wanma for a pitcher of clean water. She warned SU that if you pour out a drop, it would rain a little, two drops would rain heavily and three drops would rain, and you should not pour out more than three drops. However, SU thought the drought was too severe, so he poured five or six at once. The rain lasted 81 days, and the water flooded the plains and reached the mountain peaks. People, cereals and livestock died. But brother and sister lived at the top of the mountain. Their mother and father worked at the foot of the mountain and were washed away by the flood. The baby's crying reached the ear of Taibo (Venus), a star living at the Southern Gate of Heaven. She looked down, saw the flood and the last people and animals that had taken refuge on that mountain, took two gorlyons from her bosom and blew on them. The pumpkins grew in size and swam to the mountain. Birds and animals climbed into one pumpkin, and brother and sister climbed into the other, taking cereals, as well as chickens, ducks, dogs and pigs with them. After the flood, the pumpkins descended to the top of the mountain, and people and animals sitting there came out of them. Brother and sister have grown up. One day, chickens and ducks started talking and began to convince brother and sister to marry. The brother thought this was Heaven's will, and the sister was embarrassed. She invited her brother to go to the east mountain and plant a pueraria there. She herself will go to the western mountain and plant another pueraria. If the shoots of these plants meet in six months, then marriage is really pleasing to Heaven. Five months later, the shoots of the planted plants descended from the mountains and intertwined with each other. The brother asked his sister again, but she could not make up her mind. After a few days, pigs and dogs began to convince them to marry again, and the sister offered to go up to the southern and northern mountains and lower them down the millstone. If they meet, it means that the marriage is pleasing to heaven. The millstones joined together, brother and sister got married, and two years later the sister gave birth to a lump of meat. She got angry and cut it into many pieces, carried some to the mountains and threw it to bulls and horses, brought some to the river bank and threw it to fish and prawns, and some hung peaches and plums on the trees, and some of them were brought back home and left to pigs and dogs. These pieces of meat have become people. To distinguish them, brother and sister gave each a name: those who were abandoned in the mountains, gave the names Niu (Cow) and Ma (Horse), those who were in the water Yui (Fish) and Xia (Shrimp), and those who were on the trees are Tao (Peach) and Lee (Plum), and those who were brought back home were Zhu (Pig) and Gow (Dog). This is how a hundred surnames appeared]: Zhou Yang et al. 1996, No. 11:13-14; the Chinese (Sichuan) [Fuxi and his sister Nuiwa were virtuous; one of the immortals found out that the Jade Sovereign would send a shower, will flood the earth with a flood; descended under the guise of a beggar, F. and N. sheltered him; he gave them a basket to sit in when the flood occurred; only they were saved; decided to mold new people out of clay; Mother Earth asked not to dig a hole in her, told them to marry; N. agreed if F. caught up with her, ran around the mountain seven times, F. did not catch up; the Turtle advised me to run not after her sister, but towards her; N. in her shell broke her with anger, F. glued it together, the stitches remained; N. said that she would marry F. if they lowered the millstone from the mountain and his millstone lay on her; the millstone lay down, N. became pregnant, gave birth to a piece of meat; F. cut a hundred pieces of it, each became human; they ran away, F. and N. gave them names depending on who went where (if to the river, He, if he climbed a peach, Tao, etc.]: Riftin 1987b: 358-359 (= 2011, No. 1:16-17); Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Sichun) [A long time ago, there were no people on earth, only birds and animals. Dragons have been kings among marine animals for generations. One day, a pair of dragons, brother and sister, accompanied by turtles, secretly went to land to play. After seeing the beauty of nature and the free life of birds and animals, they decided not to return to the sea. On earth, they became young men and women, built a house, began gathering and hunting, and lived very well. One day, while laying stone millstones, they started talking about procreation and became shy. My brother thought that his sister was the only girl in the world, and he consulted the turtle and she agreed to become a matchmaker. She asked them to race to push the millstones: if the brother caught up with her sister, they would get married, and if not, they would both return to sea. The sister ran very fast and his brother was desperate to catch her, but then the turtle bit him on the heel, he turned around, ran into his sister and grabbed her. Since then, they have become husband and wife, and all of humanity has come from them. Inadvertently, they stepped on the turtle, and its shell cracked and all its teeth fell out. To thank the matchmaker, they put her shell back together, but since then she has no teeth and her shell has cracks and can live on land]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 27b: 50; Chinese (Sichuan, y. Santai) [A long time ago, brother and sister lived at the foot of the mountain, and brother's name was Fusi. One day, a magpie brought them pumpkin seed and told them to sow it. The pumpkin soon grew to be the size of a basket. At this time, an earthly son of a Coriary tree, ten thousand Zhang tall, climbed to the Chambers of Heaven, knocked over a vase on the Jade Lord's table, and a flood began in China. Brother and sister climbed into the pumpkin. When the flood was over, they came out of it and saw that all the other people on earth had died. The brother wanted to marry his sister, but she did not agree and offered to roll millstones down the mountain and marry only if they closed. This happened, but the sister still disagreed and offered to run around the seed and marry only if her brother caught her. They ran and her brother couldn't catch her. Then the turtle told him to run in the opposite direction. He took advice and caught his sister right away. The sister stepped on the turtle in annoyance, and its shell cracked. Fuxi felt sorry for the turtle that helped him, he urinated on her, and she came to life]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 27a: 49-50; Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Jianyang) [In ancient times, Fuxi and his sister played at the top of the mountain, a bird flew in, put a seed next to them, they buried it, and soon a big pumpkin grew. It started raining for 49 days and flooded the whole land. Brother and sister cut the pumpkin into two halves, and each sat in one of them. When the flood receded, all the people on earth died. Then brother and sister made many little men out of yellow clay: brother men and sister women. In the evening, the little men drank dew and came to life, paired up and began to rejoice. When the clay ran out, they went up the mountain to get the clay from there, but they were noticed by an immortal guarding the mountain and asked when they would return the stolen clay to him. Fusi said that when people die, they would be taken to the mountain to the beat of gongs and drums. Since then, the dead have been taken to the mountain, thus returning clay to the immortal guarding mountain]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 27:49; Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Sichun) [A long time ago, a family lived in a deep gorge: husband and wife and their son and daughter. One day, a divine bird sat on a tree in front of their house and sang something that looked like the phrase "planting a throat pumpkin is better than weaving". Everyone was surprised but didn't take it seriously. But the bird began to fly in every day and sing the same words. Then they planted a gorlyanka pumpkin in front of the house, and the bird has not arrived since then. Soon the pumpkin grew to a huge size, and my father cut it off and put it in front of the gate to dry in the sun. On the same day, a terrible downpour began and a flood occurred. Then the whole family took refuge inside a pumpkin that began to swim on the waves. After a while, the flood receded, and they came out of the pumpkin and realized that they were the only people left in the world. A few years later, the father and mother died, leaving only brother and sister. They became lonely and decided to become husband and wife and have children. However, the sister decided that pregnancy would take a long time and suggested making people out of clay. The brother agreed, and they got down to business: the brother sculpted the girl and the sister sculpted the boy. They immediately became living people. The sister said that the boy looked like his brother, and the brother said that the girl looked like her sister. This is how people came back to earth. However, my sister decided that there were still few people, and they started sculpting new people every day. After making another batch, they took them to the mountains and plains. Soon, people were everywhere. There were many people, but they would come to their brother and sister for food, clothes and shelter, and then they told them to settle all over the world. When people settled in, they needed names, and then brother and sister said that their last names would be places where they became people. Thus, those who came to life in the yellow thorns began to bear the name Huang (yellow); those who came to life under the Coriaria tree (Masan) began to bear the name Ma; those who came to life on a stone began to bear the name Shih (stone), etc. This is how people got surnames]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 29:52-53; Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Shuangliu) [After Pangu separated the sky from the ground, monkeys lived everywhere. Pangu was worried that they were covered in wool, walking on four legs, jumping on trees and being ugly. Soon two spirits appeared among the monkeys. They had no hair and covered the scum with leaves. They could walk on two legs, and they gestured with their hands, and all the monkeys marveled at them. Pangu was delighted to see this. He called the young man, named him Fusi, and told him and his sister to marry and have offspring unlike monkeys. Fusi told his sister about Pangu's command, but she did not agree and decided to test: each of them would descend the mountain on a stone seed, and if they joined, they would become husband and wife. They climbed the mountain and made millstones for 81 days; after that they polished them for 81 days, then rolled them down the mountain at the same time, and they joined together. However, my sister still did not agree to marry and decided to try again. They climbed the mountain again and made millstones again for 81 days, and the flying sparks lit two fires; the sister wanted to see if the smoke from them would come together, and that's what happened. Then my sister agreed to marry. On their wedding day, Pangu came to congratulate them and wished them to have a hundred children - fifty boys and fifty girls - so that fifty couples would come out. They did give birth to 100 children, but they included fifty-one boys and forty-nine girls. They went to Pang to ask him what to do, but he was drunk, didn't hear it, and muttered: they'll figure it out somehow! So two extra boys became single boys. Since then, men have always been single; women have always been married. Many years have passed, and because Nuiva patched the sky, people got sun and four seasons. At fires lit by sparks, people began to cook food. Over time, there were more and more people, and there were not enough wild fruits in the mountains, and then people began to hunt. When the animals weren't enough, they started harvesting grains and cooking them. However, their shell was inedible, and then people went to look for the millstones that were being lowered from Mount Fuxi and his sister. They carved an image of eight trigrams left by an immortal passing by and began to use them to exfoliate the grain shell; they are still used today. And the monkeys have not changed since then, decided that they were yielding to humans, and went to live in mountains and forests, leaving plains to humanity]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 30:54-54; Chinese (Sichuan, wu. Dujiangyan) [In ancient times, there was a great flood on earth, and all people, animals and insects drowned. Fusi and his sister lived in the sky, saw what a disaster had happened on earth, and secretly went down. There was nothing to eat, nothing to wear and no place to live on earth, but my brother and sister began to live in a cave, drink spring water, and so gradually grew up. One day, my brother invited his sister to marry, but refused, saying that incest would hit the sky with five thunders. One day they climbed a mountain and found two flat round stones - millstones. The brother offered to bring them down the mountain, and if they joined together, it would mean that the sky was pleasing to their union. The sister agreed and they rolled the millstones down. They joined together, but then separated again. Then Fusi offered to light two fires, and if the smoke from them came together, they would become husband and wife. That's what happened and they got married. However, they had no children, and her sister went up the mountain to ask for help from heaven. Each time she brought a stone with her and left it at the top of the mountain. Over time, there were a lot of stones there, and she grew old. She began to cry, and her tears hit the rocks, and they became colorful. After a while, the stones began to glow, and my sister began to look at them every day. One day the sky shone, the ground sparkled, they collided, and the rocks exploded and scattered everywhere. Some fell into the water and turned into fish, some fell into grass and turned into insects, some fell on trees and turned into monkeys, and some flew to the sky and turned into birds. My sister started playing with animals, and one day the monkey threw the fruit off the tree, and the sister peeled it and began to eat it. The monkeys saw how this was done and soon ate all the fruit on the trees. The monkeys followed them to the top, but the trees broke and the monkeys fell to the ground and lost their tails. The cold came and the monkeys began to freeze. My sister also froze and made a cape out of the leaves. The monkeys saw this and followed suit. I got hungry, my sister started eating fish and insects, and the monkeys began to do the same. Her sister began to stone the birds, and the monkeys began to imitate her again. The stones collided with sparks, and so bonfires appeared, around which monkeys began to bask. Fish and shrimp fell into the fire and then tasted better. This is how monkeys learned how to fry food. On rainy days, the monkeys had nothing to do and made pottery. One day, pottery fell into the fire and baked. The burnt dishes did not allow water to pass through, it could be boiled on fire, and so it became possible to eat boiled food. In bad weather, the monkeys had nowhere to hide, and then they began to build dwellings from tree branches and leaves]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 31:54-55; Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Min) [The sun and moon were once sister and brother. Once the celestials became angry, a great downpour occurred in China, followed by a great flood, in which all living things died. One month invited the sun to marry to revive humanity, but the sun refused, and for a month stopped drinking and eating, and cried all day long. The sun saw that the eyes of the month were swollen like peaches, and he was losing weight day by day, and set a condition: they would climb the nearby mountains, carrying them across the cauldron, push them down, and if the boilers if they meet, they will become husband and wife. The next morning they did this and the boilers met. Then the sun offered to roll millstones off the mountain, and if they joined, they would be husband and wife, and the millstones joined together. Then the sun offered to take the rooster and chicken and bring them down the mountain, and if they met beak to their beak, then they would marry. This is what happened, and then the sun, not wanting to admit defeat, offered to take a thread and a needle, bring them down the mountain, and if the thread ran through the eye of the needle, they would marry. A thread in your ear, and the sun finally got married for a month. The following year, the sun became pregnant, but did not relieve the burden on time, and began to worry for a month. Three years and seven months later, the sun gave birth to a blood clot. For a month, angry, cut it into small pieces, blood spread across the ground, and people appeared from its drops]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998b, No. 32:55-56; Chinese (Shanxi, Wu. Pingdin) [Pangu separated the sky from the ground; the sky was held on the four legs of a sea turtle, and the earth rested on the back of the carp; immortals lived in the sky, and there was no one on earth; the Jade Lord sent Nuiwu on earth to create life; the first day is the Day of the Tree, N. created for flowers, herbs, trees; the second is Water Day, N. populated rivers and lakes with fish, turtles, crayfish; the third is Metal Day, N. populated mountains with wild animals and birds; the fourth is the day of Fire, N. populated the plains with cattle; the fifth is the day of Earth; N. began to crumple a ball of clay; the Golden Boy appeared in front of her; said that Mother Vanma sent him, she she is afraid that N. will become lazy; N. said, so she does not know what to do next; he promised to report to Mother; N., got angry and sculpted a figure of Youth, 50 of them out of clay; on the sixth day, the day of the Moon, N. wanted to lie down, but the Jade Maiden called her a lazy person; N. got angry again, sculpted 50 Virgo figures; laid out male and female figures in pairs and fell asleep; on the seventh day, the day of the Sun, she wanted return to the Sky Palace, I saw that the figures came to life; gave names to everyone, and called the couple who looked most like those Boy and Virgo Fusi brother and sister; they asked what to eat, what to eat, what dress where to live; N.: wild herbs and animals, dress in leaves and skins, live in caves; N. returned to heaven; wolves, tigers and leopards and ate 10 pairs of siblings; supportive the ground is carp, part of the earth collapsed, and with it 10 more pairs; the turtle supporting the sky was tired, jerked its foot, the NW corner of the sky collapsed, 10 more pairs died under the rubble; Wangmu found out, told N. to return to the earth to help people; N. tied the carp with dragon veins, smelted five-colored stones on Mount Fushan and patched the sky, cut off the turtle's paws and made supports for the sky, drove wild birds and animals away, returned to heaven; but wild animals and birds returned, ate 5 more pairs; the carp blinked an eye, the ground staggered, the mountains shook, volcanoes woke, 5 more pairs died; the turtle that had lost its paws began to cry pain, her tears turned into ice and snow, rains and glaciers killed 5 more pairs; it kept raining, the snow cover was getting thicker, the carp was getting heavier; the ground sank, the turtle's legs trembled, the sky and the land staggered, the ice and snow melted, the seas overflowed; N. sent Vanmu again; she threw her hairpin into the water, it turned into a boat, only Brother and Sister Fusi escaped; the flood was over, but the land is empty; Mount Fushan, where N. melted stones, was the highest, N. took her brother and sister there - let them multiply; they were embarrassed; N. gave everyone a millstone, ordered them to roll down the mountain; when the millstones rolled down, they lay on top of each other; the eastern and western Millstones in the Changshigou ravine are those millstones; shame will pass, and if you want to call each other brother and sister, please; newlyweds are still called that]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 9:12-14; Chinese (Shanxi, Wu. Linfen) [his parents died, the boy lived with his older sister; when he fell asleep in the cave, he heard a voice: the sky would collapse and the earth would split, he must take food and return to the cave; the boy took food and brought it with him sister; when the dust cleared, brother and sister saw a light, came to the old woman, who was knocking a thread; she put a jug of water on the fire, put half a date and a few grains of rice in it; a jug full of porridge; in the morning neither the old woman nor the hut, but next to a piece of paper with Mother Wanmu's command to marry; the matchmakers will be millstones: the brother must stand on the eastern mountain, the sister on the western mountain, the millstones will unite; when brother and sister got married, Mother Wangmu came down to help recreate humanity; she cooked porridge, boiled it, and the couple sculpted clay into men and women, old and young, tall and low, sitting, lying down, walking and running; once they didn't have time to hide them from the rain, some broke; so there are cripples]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 9a: 14-15; Chinese (Shanxi, y. Jixian) [a family lived near the pine forest, and a pair of stone lions stood in front of their gate; the wife became pregnant, but the boy and girl were born only a few hundred years later; the couple were happy and died from laughter; the children were raised by a pair of stone lions; once a lion warned of a flood; the rain lasted 49 days; the children sailed on lions to a high mountain; the lions told me to go to the pine tree and disappeared; the brother suggested get married; the sister agrees only if they pass the tests; took a needle and stood at one end of the hole, and the brother took the thread and stood at the other end; the brother's thread went into the sister's needle; then they rolled two mountains of millstones fell one on top of the other; then the sister offered to find matching marks on the body; the sister had a mole in the right ulnar fossa, the brother in the left; they got married; the sister had children 49 months and gave birth to 100 children, 49 of them girls; the father gave everyone last names; two boys stayed with their parents; named the mountain a mountain of the Ancestors of Humanity, and the area Jizhou (Happy Area)]: Zhou Yang et al. 1999, No. 10:15-17 (approximately the same No. 10a: 17-18, y. Shouyang); Chinese (Henan, Wu. Tongbo) [When heaven and earth collapsed, all people died, leaving brother and sister, who have the common name Pangu. Because they were kind, they were covered in their belly by a stone lion. When heaven and earth were back to normal, the lion told them to go out and get married. P. did not agree, but the lion offered to roll two grains down the mountain. If they join at the foot, brother and sister will marry. The millstones joined together. Then my brother took one of them and threw it to Mount Sida in Shaanxi Province. The other one is now in the village of Damo ("The Big Zorn", in y. Miyan). After getting married, P. gave birth to a child. Frightened that children would not be enough, they began sculpting little men out of clay and pairing them: they combined the good with the good, the bad with the bad. They were all children of Brother and Sister Pangu and called them Grandpa P. and Grandma P. Their own son was curious and asked where he came from. Grandma P. was embarrassed and went to Mount Sida in Shaanxi Province. It is also said that she went to Nanzhao County, Lushan, or Shimen Parish, Songxian County. The latter has a large seed, just like the one in Damo village. Residents there specially went to Damo to compare millstones, and they turned out to be the same]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 2:4-5; Chinese (Henan, wu. Tongbo) [The Lord of Heaven had two servants, the Golden Boy and the Jade Maiden. ZO had an ax, and ND had a sword. They cut down the brushwood that was used in the Sky Palace to make the immortality pill. They got bored, ZO offered to go somewhere, and ND objected that there was nowhere to go around the thickets. They cut down trees with an ax and sword, but they immediately grew in the same place, and the faster they cut them down, the faster they grew. ZO: trees are afraid of saliva; I will go ahead to cut them down, and let ND follow and cover them with saliva. After that, the trees stopped growing, ZO and ND cut through the passage to the cloudy sea. They saddled the clouds and began to ride them, and met a big ball. We went to him and as a result descended to the tops of two mountains: ZO to the top of Father Pangu's eastern mountain, and ND to Mother Pangu's western mountain. After that, they fell asleep and dreamed of the Lord of Heaven, who said that they had left their post without permission and were now deprived of the right to return to the Heavenly Palace. They must stay on their mountains and improve themselves, and then they will be able to live on earth. They've been improving themselves for 300 years. During this time, each of the large stones made flat discs. Over the next 360 years, they turned these stones into stones and lowered millstones from the mountains to pave the way for them. The millstones met and joined together, and the young man and maiden who followed them saw each other but did not recognize each other. The virgin asked the young man who he was, and he replied that he had been sitting on the eastern mountain since ancient times (gu), and therefore he could be called a Pangu man. When the young man asked the maiden who she was, she replied that she had been sitting on the western mountain since ancient times, and therefore she could be called a Pangu woman. ZO said that since they are both Pangu, they can be called older brother and younger sister. At this time, a piece of yellow paper stamped by the Lord of Heaven came down from heaven, which said that the Golden Boy and the Jade Maiden, who became known as Pangu, should not be brother and sister, but husband and wife, because their union corresponds to the will of heaven, as evidenced by the meeting of the millstones they made. As soon as they finished reading, the leaf flew to the top of the western mountain, descended on a tree and turned into a large nest. The boy and the virgin began to live in it, got married and gave birth to sons and daughters. This is how people came into the world. The descendants nicknamed them Grandparents Pangu, and on the top of the mountain where they got married, they built the Pangu Temple, where celebrations take place every year on the third day of the third lunar month]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 3:5-6; Chinese (Henan, Wu. Miyan) [there was a flood, all the people drowned, and Pangu and his sister stayed. To revive mankind, the Lord of Heaven commanded them to marry. They refused, and he sent them a heavenly spirit, who commanded them to climb the mountain and roll down the millstones from there. The millstones at the foot of the mountain joined together, and then brother and sister married. That's why we still call our husband and wife brother and sister. Grandma Pangu could not get pregnant in any way. Then the Lord of Heaven sent two turtles to earth to show the couple how to mate. After that, Grandma Pangu finally became pregnant, but gave birth to a lump of meat. Grandpa Pangu carried him to the northern mountain and buried him in the ground. After a while, Grandma Pangu became pregnant again (same). This time, Grandpa Pangu took a knife, cut a lump, and many girls jumped out, laughing, talking and calling them father and mother. Grandpa Pangu counted them - it turned out to be exactly a hundred. Grandpa Pangu remembered the first lump of meat, dug it up, cut it, and a lot of boys jumped out of there, also a hundred. He thought that the boys survived because they were guarded by a hundred deities, and to thank them, he built a temple of the Hundred Deities on the northern mountain. This place is now called the village of the Temple of the Hundred Deities. When the children grew up and Pangu's grandparents married them, the number of people began to increase. Option (y. Fengqiu). An older sister and younger brother were in Tongxu County, the parents died, and the children were taken by a foster family. One day, on their way to school, they were about to cross the river, but the bridge collapsed. A turtle crawled out of the river, told her to bring her bread every day, and she would transport them across the river for it. A hundred days later, the sky fell, the ground cracked, and the turtle told her to hide in her stomach. When the children, living in the turtle's belly, ate all the cakes they had, the disasters stopped. The kids got outside and went to the mountain. Man, neither man nor woman, commanded them to marry. They didn't agree. He ordered that stone millstones be rolled down the mountain. The millstones joined at the foot of the mountain, when brother and sister married. My sister went pregnant for three years, gave birth to a meat egg, and my brother buried it. Three years later, she gave birth to the meat egg again, and her brother was about to bury it again, but heard screams coming from inside. He cut the egg, and a hundred boys came from there. Seeing this, my sister dug up the first egg, cut it, and a hundred girls appeared from there. Because in three years this egg became rotten and began to stink, descendants began to call girls "smelly girls." Brother and sister raised children, divided them into pairs, and each was given a surname. This is how a hundred surnames appeared]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 4:6-7; Chinese (Henan, Wu. Tongbo) [The Lord of Heaven had two servants, the Golden Boy and the Jade Maiden. ZO had an ax, and ND had a sword. They cut down the brushwood that was used in the Sky Palace to make the immortality pill. They got bored, ZO offered to go somewhere, and ND objected that there was nowhere to go around the thickets. They cut down trees with an ax and sword, but they immediately grew in the same place, and the faster they cut them down, the faster they grew. ZO: trees are afraid of saliva; I will go ahead to cut them down, and let ND follow and cover them with saliva. After that, the trees stopped growing, ZO and ND cut through the passage to the cloudy sea. They saddled the clouds and began to ride them, and met a big ball. We went to him and as a result descended to the tops of two mountains: ZO to the top of Father Pangu's eastern mountain, and ND to Mother Pangu's western mountain. After that, they fell asleep and dreamed of the Lord of Heaven, who said that they had left their post without permission and were now deprived of the right to return to the Heavenly Palace. They must stay on their mountains and improve themselves, and then they will be able to live on earth. They've been improving themselves for 300 years. During this time, each of the large stones made flat discs. Over the next 360 years, they turned these stones into stones and lowered millstones from the mountains to pave the way for them. The millstones met and joined together, and the young man and maiden who followed them saw each other but did not recognize each other. The virgin asked the young man who he was, and he replied that he had been sitting on the eastern mountain since ancient times (gu), and therefore he could be called a Pangu man. When the young man asked the maiden who she was, she replied that she had been sitting on the western mountain since ancient times, and therefore she could be called a Pangu woman. ZO said that since they are both Pangu, they can be called older brother and younger sister. At this time, a piece of yellow paper stamped by the Lord of Heaven came down from heaven, which said that the Golden Boy and the Jade Maiden, who became known as Pangu, should not be brother and sister, but husband and wife, because their union corresponds to the will of heaven, as evidenced by the meeting of the millstones they made. As soon as they finished reading, the leaf flew to the top of the western mountain, descended on a tree and turned into a large nest. The boy and the virgin began to live in it, got married and gave birth to sons and daughters. This is how people came into the world. The descendants nicknamed them Grandparents Pangu, and on the top of the mountain where they got married, they built the Pangu Temple, where celebrations take place every year on the third day of the third lunar month]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 3:5-6; Chinese (Henan, Wu. Miyan) [there was a flood, all the people drowned, and Pangu and his sister stayed. To revive mankind, the Lord of Heaven commanded them to marry. They refused, and he sent them a heavenly spirit, who commanded them to climb the mountain and roll down the millstones from there. The millstones at the foot of the mountain joined together, and then brother and sister married. That's why we still call our husband and wife brother and sister. Grandma Pangu could not get pregnant in any way. Then the Lord of Heaven sent two turtles to earth to show the couple how to mate. After that, Grandma Pangu finally became pregnant, but gave birth to a lump of meat. Grandpa Pangu carried him to the northern mountain and buried him in the ground. After a while, Grandma Pangu became pregnant again (same). This time, Grandpa Pangu took a knife, cut a lump, and many girls jumped out, laughing, talking and calling them father and mother. Grandpa Pangu counted them - it turned out to be exactly a hundred. Grandpa Pangu remembered the first lump of meat, dug it up, cut it, and a lot of boys jumped out of there, also a hundred. He thought that the boys survived because they were guarded by a hundred deities, and to thank them, he built a temple of the Hundred Deities on the northern mountain. This place is now called the village of the Temple of the Hundred Deities. When the children grew up and Pangu's grandparents married them, the number of people began to increase. Option (y. Fengqiu). An older sister and younger brother were in Tongxu County, the parents died, and the children were taken by a foster family. One day, on their way to school, they were about to cross the river, but the bridge collapsed. A turtle crawled out of the river, told her to bring her bread every day, and she would transport them across the river for it. A hundred days later, the sky fell, the ground cracked, and the turtle told her to hide in her stomach. When the children, living in the turtle's belly, ate all the cakes they had, the disasters stopped. The kids got outside and went to the mountain. Man, neither man nor woman, commanded them to marry. They didn't agree. He ordered that stone millstones be rolled down the mountain. The millstones joined at the foot of the mountain, when brother and sister married. My sister went pregnant for three years, gave birth to a meat egg, and my brother buried it. Three years later, she gave birth to the meat egg again, and her brother was about to bury it again, but heard screams coming from inside. He cut the egg, and a hundred boys came from there. Seeing this, my sister dug up the first egg, cut it, and a hundred girls appeared from there. Because in three years this egg became rotten and began to stink, descendants began to call girls "smelly girls." Brother and sister raised children, divided them into pairs, and each was given a surname. This is how a hundred surnames appeared]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 4:6-7; Chinese (Henan, Wu. Shenqiu) [there was a mountain on the bank of the Yellow River, a cave in it, and people lived in the cave, including Brother Fuxi and Sister Nuiwa. They went to the mountains for berries and firewood and grazed cows and sheep. One day, a large turtle rose from the depths of the Yellow River and turned into an old man who came ashore. Fusi and Nuiva wanted to run away, but the old man stopped them and said that the sky would soon collapse, the earth would crack and a flood would begin. It can only save two people. To do this, Fusi and Nuiva must bring him a cake every day and throw him into the water, and when they have 999 cakes, let them wait on the beach. When there were 999 cakes, the ground shook, the sky darkened, a downpour began and a flood occurred. An old man appeared, turned into a turtle, opened his mouth and told F. and N. to go inside, sit there for three years and eat bread. They lived in the turtle's belly for two years, 11 months, and 28 days; Nuiva asked the turtle to release them. She let me go outside. Brother and sister went up the mountain. At this time, the flood waters were flowing south and east, and there were still cracks and holes in the sky. Nuiva collected five-colored stones, stood on Fusi's shoulders and stoned holes in the sky, and then sewed up the cracks with a bone needle. This is how stars and the Milky Way appeared. In the northeast, the sky wasn't strong enough, but Nuiva didn't notice it, so now as soon as the wind starts blowing from the northeast, it gets cold. After repairing the sky, Nuiva and his brother lived in a cave. The mountain in which this cave was located was named the Secret Turtle Mountain, and the cave itself was named the Secret Turtle Cave (Xuan-yuan). This turtle was also called the Secret Warrior (Xuan-wu). They later became known as Mount Xuan-Yuan and Xuan-Yuan (Yellow Emperor) Cave. Brother and sister grew up, Nuiva got married. Fusi refused, but Nuiva convinced him that there were no other people left and their marriage would meet heaven's wishes. After getting married, they began sculpting people out of yellow clay, teaching them fishing, hunting and cattle breeding. After F. and N. died, yellow clay men elected the Yellow Emperor as the new leader. He was called the Yellow Emperor of the Secret Turtle (Xuan-yuan), that is, the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan. Yellow clay people began to call F. and N. The ancestor of people and the Innermost Mother and say that they themselves come from the Innermost Warrior. Later, the Lord of Heaven found out that the turtle had saved people, and also gave Fuxi eight trigrams and helped Yu calm the flood. For this, he made her a heavenly spirit named the True Warlike Emperor, commanding the North to rule. This is the current Secret Warrior star (Xuanwu). Therefore, in temples, an image of a turtle is placed next to the statue of the True Warlike Emperor]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 7:9-10; Chinese (Henan, wu. Xinyang) [After the flood, only Nuiva and her younger brother were left. The brother offered to marry, but N. got angry and walked away. Her brother ran after her and she said she would hide and if her brother found her, they would get married. She hid behind a mountain and her brother could not find her, but on the way he met a turtle who told her where her sister was. When he found it, she asked him how he found it, and he talked about the turtle. The sister hated the turtle but said she didn't believe her brother and wanted to ask the turtle. When they found her, her sister did not ask her anything, but only kicked her, so that the shell split into 45 pieces. After that, the sister said she would hide again, and if her brother found her, they would marry. When she ran away, her brother folded the pieces of the turtle shell, so it still has the pattern on it. He went back to look for his sister, but he couldn't find it, and the turtle helped him again. His sister asked him again how he found it, and he again talked about the turtle. My sister said she didn't believe it because the turtle died, but her brother said she was still alive and offered to show it. The sister saw that the split shell had grown together, kicked the turtle, which fell on a rock, causing its abdominal shell to split in two. There are still turtles on Mount Jigong with such a split abdominal shell in two, called "clamp turtles". These turtles fight snakes and kill them by clamping them between the two halves of the shell. After that, the sister said that her brother did not find it himself, but with the help of a turtle, which doesn't count. So she offered him this method: he would light a fire on the east mountain and she would light a fire on the western mountain, and if the flames of two fires met, they would become husband and wife. They did, as she said, the flame met, but the sister still did not agree to marry and offered to lower the mountains and two grains, and if the millstones met below, they would become husband and wife. They did, as she said, the millstones met. The sister decided that this was heaven's will and agreed to marry her brother. After getting married, they started sculpting clay men. Nuiva made hundreds of girls and her brother made hundreds of boys, and they breathed life into them. Men and women have begun to marry, and there are many people in the world]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 9b: 15-17; Chinese (Hunan, Zhejiang) [brother and sister are alone in the world; the oracle asks, follows whether they marry; millstones roll down two mountains: they lie on top of each other; sister gives birth to a piece of meat or pumpkin; brother cuts it, people appear]: Eberhard 1937, No. 48:88-89; Chinese (Shandong, y. Layan) [there were few people in the world; it rained heavily, it rained for 49 days, the flood began, and all the people drowned; there were two teenagers left - an older sister and her younger brother, named Gao; when the flood receded, they found that there were no other people in the world; when brother and sister were more than twenty years old, the brother invited the sister to go looking for people again, and if they met a man, sister will marry him, and if a woman, her brother will marry her; one day at the end of the world they met again and began to cry; at night they had the same dream about getting married; the same dream the next night; In the morning, a magpie flew to them and sang: "Heaven is eternal, Earth is eternal, and flowers are not eternal, bloom and wither"; their brother did not say that their marriage was predetermined by heaven; there was a rumble, a boulder lying nearby split, two grains rolled out of the crack and stopped at their feet; the sister offered to take a grain, bring them down the mountain and see if they joined; the millstones joined; the forty reappeared and began to sing: "Gao's husband and wife, brother and sister's marriage pleases the sky"; a light-flooded cave appeared in the mountain; the millstones turned into a stone gate, and many wild flowers and herbs grew at the entrance to the cave, Many magpies flew in, and they all sang: "Gao's husband and wife, brother and sister marriage pleases heaven"; brother and sister hand in hand passed through the stone gate; hence the expression "cave chambers" (room newlyweds); all living people are descended from this couple]: Zhou Yang et al. 2007, No. 9:9-10; Miao: Bender et al. 2006 (Guizhou) [Jang Vang and God of Thunder are brothers; JAV has no ox, he asked him from The thunder borrowed, plowed the field, and then stabbed the ox and ate it; the tail stuck in the mud, said that the ox had failed; the thunder began to pull and fell into the mud; furiously he rose to heaven and sent rain and hail to drown JAV ; he planted a gorlyanka pumpkin, it immediately grew and bore fruit; the flood flooded the ground, the calebas {in which, obviously, JAV} rose to the sky; the thunder sent the goose to find out what it was; the goose came back, said that one the mountain is still above the water; Thunder hit the goose, since then it has a bump on its beak; sent a duck - the same thing, Thunder stepped on its beak, flattening it; sent a ram - the same, Thunder twisted its horns; the rooster did not dare to tell the truth, said that there was only the sea below; for this Thunder gave him a good beak that is convenient for pecking grain; the waters came down, JAV went to the ground, but alone; bamboo prompted him to marry his sister; JAV was angry cut him to pieces, promising to put them together if he did marry his sister; after a while he decided to marry; made 9 iron cages, put thrushes in them, asked his sister to get them; a cage pinched her hand; promises to release her if her sister agrees to marry him; sister: go down a pair of millstones from two mountains, if they lie on top of each other, I will marry my brother; the millstones lay down; sister offered to ride on horseback, let JAV catch up with her; he jumped the mountain from the other side and met his sister; she disagrees here either; then he trapped her leg while her sister was breaking rice; she had to agree; she gave birth a ball of meat, a ball with eyes, without arms, but on legs; JAV furiously chopped it into pieces, many people arose from them, but they could not speak; the God of Earth came to Thunder, he was silent; and when he came out, Thunder I said to myself: bamboo should be set on fire, and when it splits miserably, people will speak; the God of Earth overheard this and handed it to JAV; he burned the bamboo grove, people of different tribes spoke to their own languages]: 160-168; Geddes 1976:22-23 (Tonkin) [by Savina; after the creation of heaven and man, people have lived on earth for 9,000 years; two brothers notice that during the night all traces of their field work disappear; find an old man covering plowed furrows; the eldest wants to kill him, the youngest asks; this is the Master of Heaven, warns of a flood, tells his older brother to make an iron boat, the youngest a wooden boat, take sister with her, a couple of animals, seeds; it has been raining for seven months, the older brother's boat sinks, the younger one floats to the sky; the Master of Heaven sends the Rainbow Dragon to dry the earth; the sister first refuses get together with his brother, but after a series of tests proving that this is the will of the higher forces, agrees; gives birth to something like an egg; it is opened, cut into pieces, every piece turns into a child, these children populate the land], 23 (Ch'uang Miao, Sichuan) [by Grah'am; two brothers plow the land, at night Ye Seo eliminates all traces of their work; the eldest wants to beat him, the youngest asks; YS tells the elder make an iron barrel for the youngest village; the iron one drowned, the younger brother escaped with his sister in a wooden one; tests showed that the higher forces want brother and sister to marry, the sister agreed; gives birth to something- it's like a piece of wood; it was cut, people came out of pieces], 23-24 (Meto, Thailand) [Joser's spirit of heaven sent two spirits to warn people about the flood; those who worked in the field saw weeds in the morning grew up again; one man wanted to kill these spirits, another asked; they told them to make drums; only one man did it, put his son and daughter in it in the flood; Joser poked the ground with a long sixth, for the water to come down, so there are valleys and mountains; told brother and sister to marry; sister gave birth like a bone marrow lump; Joser ordered it to be cut into pieces, scattered in different directions; from these pieces Chinese, Tai, Miao and other peoples (or various Miao clans) occurred; var.: 1) the man and sister himself, and not his children, escaped in the drum; 2) at the direction of Joser, the four spirits holding the land did drains to the waters]; Werner 1922 [A Zie and his sister escaped after the flood in a swimming pumpkin; sister agreed to marry her brother if the two millstones they had lowered from the two mountains lay on top of each other; then if the swords thrown from two mountains are in the same sheath; the brother laid the other two millstones one on top of the other in advance, sheathed the other swords; married his sister; she gave birth to a child without arms or legs; A Z cut it apart and scattered it; people appeared from these pieces in the morning]: 407-408; Chuan Miao: Graham 1954:179-181 [two brothers dig up the field with a hoe, see virgin lands again every morning; at night they find an old man destroying traces of their work; the younger brother does not tell him to be killed; the old man predicts a flood; the older brother makes a boat (the same word for a barrel, drum, etc.) out of iron, sinks; the younger poor, fleeing (apparently with his sister) in a wooden boat; brother and sister rolled stones from different sides of the mountain, stones lay on top of each other; brother threw thread, sister needle, thread went into their ear; they got married, sister gave birth to a freak without a head and bodily holes; brother and sister cut him, threw pieces on trees of different species; people are busy around the hearths in the morning], 181 [two brothers dig up the field, Ye at night Seo restores virgin lands; brothers find him, elder wants to kill, younger wants to listen; YS warns of a flood; older brother makes an iron barrel, sinks, younger and sister escape in a wooden one; YS takes them to heaven; after the flood, a mare rises there, asks brother and sister to go down; the sister agrees to marry her brother when the round stones they have lowered from opposite sides of the ravine lay down At each other, and the thread thrown into the eye of the thrown needle]; Ho Ting-jui 1964 [brother and sister escaped after the flood; stones rolled from different sides of the mountain, the stones fell on top of each other; brother threw a thread, sister a needle, a thread went into the ear; got married, a sister gave birth to a freak; cut it apart, threw it away, various plants and people arose from them]: 40; Miao (southern China) [brother and sister escaped after the flood; they rolled a stone into two mountains, the stones fell on top of each other; the brother from one mountain threw a thread, on the other, the sister threw a needle, the thread went into the needle; the sister gave birth to a piece of wood; they cut it, threw pieces on different ones trees; in the morning people are busy everywhere at the hearths]: Ho Ting-jui 1967, No. 103:276-277; he miao: Schotter 1908 [after the flood, brother and sister rolled millstones from different mountains, they lay down on each other friend; when she met her brother, the sister gave birth to a piece of meat from which three pairs of people descended; but they were dumb; local Noah gathered people and for the first time caught fire by hitting the flint; the shocked people cried out saying the word "fire" each in his own language]: 424; 1911 [Tchang-kou-lao climbed into heaven to his brother Gromovnik, threw a bag of bees through his window; the Thunder took revenge by sending a flood; brother and sister; they lowered two grain graters from different mountain slopes, they lay down on each other; so brother and sister got married]: 327; meo (North Vietnam): Karpov, Tkachev 1958 [two brothers plowed the field, but by morning it had hardened again; in the middle of the night we saw an old man trampling the ground; he said that there should be no work, because there would be a flood; tells one brother to make a drum out of wood, the other from copper to take seeds and pets; rain flooded the ground with a flood, the copper drum drowned; younger brother and sister escaped in a wooden one; God told nine dragons to dry the land; the water came down, but was still viscous; Eagle carried his brother and sister to a dry place; tore off a piece from them and gave them food, and they cut the Eagle off a piece by piece; brother and sister threw two rafts, two needles, two coins into the sky; God put them together, brother with They got married as a sister; the sister gave birth to an egg, it contained meat; it was cut into pieces, they turned into people]: 256; Nikulin 1982e (Vietnam) [Ndo Chi created heaven and earth, 10 Suns (female), 9 Months (male), myriads of stars; Suns, moons and stars were meant to drain and illuminate the earth; 7 years was no night; the earth dried out, NT created trees and herbs, animals, sculpted animals man, breathed his soul into his stomach, gave him tongue and breath; people got hot, they made onions from huge trees, knocked down extra suns and moons; after the flood, brother and sister who escaped in a wooden drum at the behest of the NT, they married, continued their human race; the meo went north, where the ice and the night were 6 months, later gradually returned]: 206; 1990 [two brothers caught an old man trampling the shoots on their field; it was the god Ti Lau, warned of the flood, told his older brother to sit with his wife in the iron, the youngest and his older sister into a wooden drum, take cereal seeds; the iron drowned, the younger brother with his wife rose to heaven on the waters; Ti Lau told the dragon to drink excess water; he became a rainbow for this purpose; the drum fell to the ground; the young man almost got stuck in wet clay; the kite picked up the drum and brother with as a sister, wore until the ground was dry; to reward the kite, brother and sister cut off three pieces of meat from the body; since then people have the back of their heads, armpits and ankles; the brother insisted on marriage; he and his sister threw two whetstones into the air, they rolled down the mountain, lay down side by side; two needles fell side by side; two coins in one place; the sister agreed to the marriage; gave birth to an egg, they broke it, pieces of shell became children]: 11-13; Symonds 2004 (NW Thailand) [brother and sister remained after the flood; Puj and Yawm Saub told them to marry; wife gave birth to a piece of meat; S. ordered to cut it into pieces, they became by various people, including Hmongs]: 31; yao (Vietnam; in Ho Ting-jui 1964:40, link also to an entry in a Shanghai publication, apparently referring to Chinese yao) [Chang Lo Co built a house, Thunder in the image of a rooster went down to destroy it, slipped, was caught, put in a cage; Phuc Hy (this is Shang Luo Ko's son) gave him wine, he regained his strength, broke the cage, gave the boy a tooth, told him to plant it, grew up pumpkin; PI and his sister climbed into the pumpkin during the flood, waxed the hole, took food and a couple of pets with them; Shang Lo Ko got on a raft, but the water suddenly slept, it crashed; the turtle advised PI marry her sister; he broke her shell with a stone in anger, he grew together, but the traces remained; same advice and episode with bamboo (knife marks); brother and sister went to bed on different river banks; from their bellies Two trees grew and intertwined; after three years, three months and three days, my sister gave birth to a pumpkin; my brother told me to sow seeds everywhere; when we came to the mountain, there were only three seeds left, so there were few highlanders]: Dang Nghiem Van 1993:326-327; yao (Guangxi, Wu. Yongxian City Luocheng; by Chang Zhenxia, "A study of images on stone sarcophagi from Shapinba", magazine. "Showen Yuekan", vol. 1, No. 10-11. Lu Zhenyu. Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Shigan, 1962) [before the storm, a boy and a girl watched their father start repairing the roof; the father became angry with the thunder god Lei-gong and placed an iron cage under the roof eaves; L., holding a wooden axe, he went down, flapping his wings; the man stuffed it with his horn into the cage and told the children not to let him drink; L. begged the children to give him a few drops of water; breaking the cage, He pulled out his tooth and ordered it to be planted, and flew away; when he learned of what had happened, his father began to make an iron boat, and the planted tooth grew a gourd pumpkin; when the pumpkin was opened, countless teeth were inside; the children threw them away and climbed inside themselves; a downpour poured in, the water covered the ground; the father sailed in a boat to the iron gate and began to knock; the spirit of heaven ordered the spirit of the waters to drive away the waters; they immediately subsided, the boat fell, crashed, the man crashed too; the children in the pumpkin escaped; the boy's name was Fuxi, the same as Paosi ("pumpkin brother"); the children grew up, the brother invited his sister to marry; she offered to catch up with her; but F. ran the other way and ran out to meet his sister; they got married; the wife gave birth to a lump of meat; they cut it into pieces, began to go up to the heavenly gate; the wind blew, unfolded the bundle, pieces of meat fell and became human; the person who fell on a leaf received the surname E ("leaf"), on a tree - Mu ("tree"), etc.]: Yuan Ke 1987:39-43; yao (Vietnam) [during the flood, Fu-si's brother and sister (Fu-i) escaped in swimming pumpkin; decided to marry if the smoke from the smoke lit by everyone and the bamboo planted by everyone join; and it happened; the sister gave birth to a leather bag containing 10 boys, 9 girls; from them new people]: Ho Ting-jui 1967, No. 101:275 (=Isis 1998:148); yao (Thailand) [brother and sister survived the pumpkin flood; the turtle advised them to marry, the brother in anger broke her shell by 12 parts, they grew together; brother and sister repented; the old man also ordered to marry, someone said that this old man was a bird; brother and sister slept separately, but columns of smoke from their fires, then planted by them the bamboo came together, then they lay down together; the sister gave birth to a pumpkin, the goddess ordered it to be cut, the seeds to the plain, the peel into the mountains; the brother was in a hurry, fell, threw the seeds into the mountains, the peel on the plain; from Highlanders arose from seeds, inhabitants of the plains from the peel; var.: 6 pairs of people arose from seeds and peels, from which different peoples arose]: Kacha-Ananda 1997:270-171; man (North Vietnam, border with China): Karpov, Tkachev 1958 [Lightning spirit Leung Kung went down to set fire to Tiang Lo Ko's banana leaf spirit house; TLK caught him, turned him into a rooster, put him in a cage; if you give the Rooster even a drop of water, he will become a thunder again; LC gave its beak for water, TLK poured water for it, LC flew to the sky; the beak became a tree with one fruit; to catch up with the LK in the sky, TLC blocked the river, caused a flood; on the advice of birds young Fu Hai and his sister sat in the fruit, escaped; LC destroyed the dam, the fetus from FH descended to the mountain; Turtle, Bamboo advise brother and sister to marry; FH hits them, now they have stitches; FH still marries sister, she gives birth to a fetus; people grew out of seeds; after the flood, 12 suns, moons and stars appeared, God told them to dry the earth; Luong Wung shot the stars, leaving one sun and one moon]: 260-262; namuzi [the children of a heavenly maiden and a young man on earth (see motive K24) angered their mother's heavenly parents with their behavior, they sent a flood, all but their younger brother and younger sister; sister offers to marry; brother hesitates, agrees, if the two halves of the millstone, lowered from two slopes, reach the bottom of the valley, fold together; they add up; after 11 months, not 9 months, sister gave birth to a yellow mass like cow manure; my sister told me to go scatter it; in the morning, families of people in those places; where the brother threw it on the tree, those had the name "tree", where on the stone, those "stone"; people again multiplied]: Lakhi 2009 (1): 153-165; lolo: Graham 1961 [two brothers cultivate the site, virgin land again in the morning; they stay guarded, see the old man restore at midnight an untouched field; he tells them that there will be a flood; the older brother made a metal boat, drowned, the youngest made a wooden boat, escaped in it with his sister; the sister agreed to marry her brother if descended from mountains two halves of the grater will converge; so happened the same hero tamed the god of Thunder darkness; and 8 suns and 8 moons]: 84-85; Liétard 1913 [Sky destroyed people with a flood for their atrocities; brother and sister they avoided sin, they were told to climb into the calebasa, waxing the hole; after the flood, they were ordered to marry; they had 10 children, ancestors of the Chinese and other peoples of China; var: sister became pregnant by brother swimming in the river when brother was swimming upstream; this meant that Heaven wanted to populate the earth again through it]: 140-142 on Walk 1949:72; lolo (northern Vietnam) [Mán-zi and Thais brutally they fought each other; brother and sister took refuge in the temple; the sky told them to hide in a huge pumpkin, sent a flood; after the flood they went to find a mate; the turtle told them to meet each other; they killed her, they guessed the shell, the same thing came out; bamboo told them to meet next to him; they gave birth to four sons, four daughters, who gave birth to different groups of lolo and tai]: Bonifacy 1908:551; fox: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:226-227 [people became vicious, Vusa sent rain, the flood flooded the ground; Ahap'a's immaculate brother and sister W. told Ahapa to hide in a toupie, they took a dog with them; when the waters were they got down, they sent the dog to heaven to V., who put seeds of cultivated plants in her ears, sent it back; one pumpkin grew to a gigantic size; V. gave the sword to open the pumpkin; five came out of it: ancestors three groups of foxes, ancestors of the nose and ancestors of spirits], 228-229 [people are vicious; Vusa placed virtuous brother and sister in a toupie, raised them to heaven; first burned the earth, then flooded; when the waters got down, lowered brother and sister to the ground, ordered them to marry; they did not dare; then V. ordered to plant pumpkins on different banks of Salwen - the shoots were combined; the same was bamboo shoots; brother and sister gave birth to the ancestors of all people]; Heine-Geldern 1976 [The Lord of Heaven was angry with people; gave one person pumpkin seeds, a huge pumpkin grew; during the flood, a man swam in it with his younger sister; water went down, they went out; to find out if they could get married, brother and sister lowered two millstones from the mountain, which lay on top of each other; 9 sons were born; 7 became the ancestors of people, and two lived in the mountains; the eldest married a monkey, the youngest accidentally killed her; the eldest married another monkey, the youngest and killed her; the mountain spirit sent two girls, beautiful and ugly; the younger brother smeared the beauty's face with mud and that I chose the ugly one; when he understood the deception, took the beautiful one, and threw his brother into failure, he found himself in the lower world; there were tigers, the young man shot them; the flying squirrel agreed to take him to the ground if he did not She laughed at; she had 9 tails; the young man grabbed her tail, laughed, her tail came off; so consistently with all her tails until he was alone]: 87-88; Miller 1994, No. 3 [brother and sister - orphans; two birds told them that there would be a flood; told them to sit in a pumpkin and go out when they heard their voices; brother sister tried to warn people, but they did not believe them; for 99 days the sun hung above the ground, it rained it was not, the earth began to burn, the foliage crumbled; then a thunderstorm began, the flood flooded the ground; when the waters came down, the pumpkin was on the mountain; when the birds heard the voices of the birds, brother and sister went out]: 78-80; lahu: Coyaud 2009, No. 3 (northern Thailand) [G'ui-sha planted a pumpkin, it brought fruit; the owl frightened the deer, the deer kicked the bull, the pumpkin fell and rolled; G. first looks for the culprit (hit the owl in the face, it has become flat), then asks many different plants if they have seen a pumpkin; depending on the answers, punishes or rewards them by determining characteristics; same with bees; black bees they say that a pumpkin fell into the sea; two goats, an eagle can't reach it, two crabs pull it out; people's voices can be heard from the inside; a sparrow with a long beak began to bite, spoiled its beak; a couple of rats gnawed for many days, after making two holes; boy Ca Ti and girl Na Ti came out of it; G. awarded sparrow and rats by allowing them to eat rice; children grew up; CT hunted; made musical instruments; G. offered young get married, but they replied that they were brother and sister; G. explained how a mortar and pestle, a sieve and a hand winnower work, but the answer was the same; G. made a honey drink, sent one bee around the sun with him, and the other around the moon; the brother went to the sun, the sister went to the moon, but did not taste the drink; then G. put it in the lip organ and they tasted it; they began to eat it with a spoon; they came together; they were seen by a hawk; they asked not to tell G., for this he would be allowed to steal chickens; a tiger saw: you would be allowed to steal piglets; a wild cat would steal chickens]: 18-27; Kühn 1936 [Ghusha brought out 7 suns and 7 moons (C.B. Antisdel, Journal of the Burma Res. Soc., Rangoon, Vol. I, 1911, P. I, p. 67); first G. hid the Sun and Moon to destroy people, but two people escaped; then he sent 7 suns and 7 moons, from the heat of which the water evaporated, the earth caught fire; on the water was the vessel, in which brother and sister, and new people came from them (Antisdel, 1. c., p. 68-69]: 80; asi: Vakhtin, Eats 1956 [the first couple has five sons and five daughters; brothers join sisters in marriage; four older couples cultivate the land, find the field intact every morning; see Silver and Gold spirits descend from the sky, restore turf; rush to beat them; younger siblings recognize spirits, tell them to let them go; they report that there will be a flood; older couples make chests of gold, silver, bronze, iron; the youngest is wooden; rain floods the earth with a flood, a wooden chest pops up, others sink; Golden and Silver spirits pierce the waters with arrows; when descending, the ark lingers on pine, chestnut, bamboo; at the direction of the gods, brother and sister lower a sieve and sieve from the mountain , two millstones; both times they fall on top of each other; brother and sister marry; wife gives birth to pumpkin, brother-husband cuts it, ancestors of different peoples come out from there, disperse on the ground]: 33-44; Hudspeth 1971 [y the first couple has five sons and five daughters; brothers marry sisters; four older couples cultivate the land, find the field intact in the morning; guard, see how it descends from the sky a gray-bearded old man in a gold and silver hat revives virgin lands; younger brother and sister tell him to let go of the spirit, who report that there will be a flood; older couples make chests of gold, silver, bronze, iron ; the younger brother runs to the mountain from which the Sun rises; there God tells him to make a chest out of wood; rain floods the earth, a wooden chest with his younger brother and sister pops up, others drown; when water rises to the sky, God tells the spirits to fire arrows, punching holes in the ground to drain water; when descending, the chest, at the request of his brother and sister, lingers on pine, pear, bamboo (bamboo is not allows the chest to go into a hole in the ground); at the direction of God, brother and sister lower a sieve and a flat basket from the mountain to sift grain, they fall on top of each other; brother and sister marry; wife gives birth pumpkin, brother-husband cuts it, many people come out of there - Chinese, Miao, Ashi, all with their tools, disperse on the ground]: 109-118; sleigh [three brothers and sister plow the meadow, in the morning there are no signs of work seen; an old man restores the untouched land; this is the spirit of Apish's thunder; says that there will be a flood, gives gold, silver, wooden chests; the younger brother chooses a wooden one, agrees to take his sister; the old man tells you to open the chests when the chicken hatches out of the egg; each brother opens, the older and middle drown, the youngest in the wooden one swims further; the donkey chest settled on the mountain, caught on bamboo and sycamore; A. gives seeds, bulls and cows appear from beans, buffalo peas; the sister agrees to marry if her brother's thread enters her needle; if the millstones fall together; the sister gives birth to a fetus, cuts into pieces, from which men and women emerge]: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959:99-102; jino [{the source text refers to Bulang/Jinuo/Dai (i.e. bulang, jino, liu); because Jino (Tibeto-Burmese Ngwi branches) declared as first-ancestor couples who preserved their language, they are most likely to belong to the myth}; husband and wife lived on the mountain; when the flood began, they placed their son and daughter in a piece of wood cut down from a whole piece of wood the drum, giving them a supply of food; after 9 days the water came down, brother and sister went to the ground; saw a pumpkin from which human heads were heard; the pumpkin grew; when brother and sister decided to marry, they they heated the iron pin and pierced the hole; people began to come out of the pumpkin; the bulang was the first to come out, and because it was smeared on the charred peel, the dark-skinned bulang; the bulang did not know how to speak and my sister advised they listen to the murmur of water; therefore, the bulang's speech resembles the murmur of water; then above jino (Tibeto-Burmese) tripped over a chestnut stump, which is neither dark nor light; since then, jino has skin dark, but not like bulang; Jino spoke the same language as brother and sister, they did not have to learn another; then liu (dai) came out, tripped over a banana stump, so liu is fair-skinned; liu they learned the Bulang and Jino languages, which made their own language; the supreme god gave each nation his own culture, including writing; bulang signs were written on a flat cake, Jino on ox skin, and liu on banana leaves; when they went to their villages, people crossed the river and everything got wet; while they were drying, bulang and jino were hungry and ate cakes and skins; and pigeon droppings, writing, fell on banana leaves liu survived]: Oppitz 2008:7-9; jino [Mahei and Maniu are twin brother and sister; before the flood began, their parents placed them in a hollowed out tree trunk, gave them seeds of cultivated plants, and bell, they told me to leave only when the earth was dry and the bell rang; they began to cultivate the land, began to grow old; the brother offered to continue the family, the sister doubted, decided to go ask the sacred tree; brother hid behind the tree and answered for it, allowing the marriage; however, the aged sister was barren; all the pumpkins on the grown vine dried up, and one became large; voices can be heard from her; brother with their sister tried to burn the hole, but each time exhaust their voices asking them not to burn them; only old Apierer offered to burn a button on her stomach, the place where the pumpkin joined the stem; from People began to come out the holes; Apo, the ancestor of the Konge people, was the first to come out; he was smeared with coal; then the Chinese came out, the last to Jino, he stayed where the pumpkin lay, the other seats were already occupied]: Miller 1994:68-73; Lee (Hainan, w. Qiongzhong) [a gorlyanka pumpkin grew on the ground; the mountain became larger; the immortal spirit made a hole in it and placed two clay-sculpted men, brother and sister, as well as clay buffaloes, inside. bulls, pigs, dogs, cats, lizards, mantis and others like them - each creature in pairs; at this time the great flood began, the gorlyanka squash began to swing on the waves; when the flood receded, five appeared in the sky suns and five moons that quickly dried all the water; thanks to the sun and water, the little men and animals in the pumpkin came to life and jumped out; the suns were burning like fire, and in the evening, when the moons came out, it was so bright that I could not open my eyes; then the immortal spirit asked who could get rid of excess suns and moons; the wild boar replied that he had long fangs and could eat them; brother and sister became asked him to do this, but the boar replied that they should then feed him rice sprouts; brother and sister agreed and told him to eat four of the five suns; the boar ate four suns and four moons gnawed, their pieces turned into stars; when he returned, there were no rice sprouts to give him, but his brother and sister allowed him to eat all the rice he saw; so wild boars they often eat rice sown by people; brother and sister went to wander around the world, but could not find people and cried; the heavenly god of thunder heard their crying, came down and asked why they were crying; told them to get married; brother and sister said that they were relatives and if they married, they would be punished by the god of thunder; he replied that he did not intend to punish them; brother and sister did not believe it, and then he decided to show theirs strength; there were peals of thunder, the ground shuddered, rivers overflowed, trees split; the god of thunder laughed if they believed him now, and then they obeyed and married; they a son was born, they could not get enough of him; the god of thunder came again and told him to give the child to him; brother and sister said that the child had not yet been born, but the god of thunder replied that he already knew everything; he promised that he would turn the child into a multitude of people, and then brother and sister would not be sad that there were no people in the world; brother and sister disagreed, and the god of thunder took the boy by force; he cut it into pieces, began to sift them through a sieve; the sifted pieces of meat turned into four boys and four girls; the god of thunder gave them clothes; the first was a shirt and pants, he became Han; for the second cloth it was not enough, the god of thunder gave him two pieces, tied them in front and back to his waist, and he got so-called bag-shaped pants; this boy became a tsisky; the third young man got even less cloth; the god of thunder made a triangular loincloth for him, this young man became Xiaomi Li; the latter got the smallest piece of cloth, this young man became Bende Li; boys married girls, humanity became live from generation to generation]: Zhou 2002, No. 2:3-4; whether [{apparently two sources tell the beginning and end of the same text}]: Yoshiyuki Kojima 1993 in Matsumura 2011 [the cannibal crab sent the wind and waves, ate the dead; the Master of Thunder sent his heavenly warriors against him, but they were defeated; then the Thunder Master himself rushed at the crab, pressed it with iron; dying, the Crab regurgitated yellow water, causing a flood; only brother and sister escaped in a pumpkin]; Ho Ting-jui 1967, No. 102 [brother and sister were saved after the flood; the god of Thunder allowed them to marry; they refused anyway; then in absence Brother Thunder painted his sister's face black, brother did not recognize her, married her]: 276; li (Hainan, wu. Qiongzhong) [there were only flood waters and burning mountains; a gorlyanka pumpkin swam along the waves; when the flood receded and the fires went out, a man and a woman got out of the pumpkin; they became husband and wife, ate wild fruits, they made clothes from bark; they had a boy and a girl; when they grew up, brother and sister began to live separately in caves on the tops of two mountains; soon each went in search of parents; for 20 years they found no one; when they met, they did not know each other, they got married; they gave birth to a boneless lump of meat; they cut it into 10 pieces; sister threw it into the river; when they reached the seaside plains, these the pieces turned into people from whom the Han people descended; the other 5 brothers took to the mountains; one piece was eaten by dogs, one piece was pecked by birds, and the remaining three became ancestors; therefore, there are many or few Han Chinese]: Zhou 2002, No. 7:11; li (Hainan, wu. Changjiang) [husband and wife were fishing; they made an aloe fire by the river; fragrant smoke reached the sky; the god of thunder came down to find out what was going on; the couple replied that they had no children, life was boring, They made a fire to keep them warm; the god of thunder brought them five bananas from the sky; let the wife eat one every three years, then she would have children; but she ate them all at once; for three years she had 5 children; finally, told her husband to cut her belly; the eldest in the womb heard this, told the brothers that they needed to go outside, and soon the brothers were born; when the children were 10 years old, parents sent them to work in the fields, but they can't do anything; when the god of thunder came down again, the couple complained about the children; he ordered the children to be named Bajiao (Legs with eight joints); Kanbafan ( Looking at eight sides of the world, he is keen); Tingjiuzhou (Hearing [everything that happens] in 9 areas); Sipisi (Hard temper); Baishoutong (Communicating with hundreds of animals, understanding their language); mother in the morning answered her sons that today they would eat dragon liver; the elder told the second to see what river the dragon was in; the second saw a dragon in the river under the mountain; the elder caught him; the brothers killed the dragon, they cooked the liver, served it; this dragon was a friend of the god of thunder; he sent wind and rain; the elder told the third to listen to what was going on in heaven; third, the god of thunder was about to kill them; the fourth offered climb into the river, get green moss from the bottom and build a hut where you can hide from the god of thunder; when the god of thunder came down to the ground, he stepped on the hut, slipped, fell, and The brothers ran out and grabbed him; they locked him in a hut, cut off his meat with a knife and sprinkled salt on his wounds; children from all over the village ran to scream; when the five brothers left, the dragon told the children that if They want to hear him scream, they must take an awl and bring him a gourd of clean water; among the children were brother and sister who did as the dragon commanded; the god of thunder pulled out his tooth and gave it to them commanding him to plant him in the ground, wait for sprouts to appear, leaves grow, flowers bloom and fruit, and then bring him a ripe throat pumpkin; the god of thunder planted brother and sister inside, and he ran away from the hut, digging; going up to the sky, sent wind and rain, flooded the ground, people drowned; the eldest of the five brothers, who was walking for salt, came back, saw the flood, cut down a tree with an ax and made a boat out of the trunk; it sailed to heaven and began to fight the god of thunder; three days later he killed him; the wind subsided, the rain stopped, the water receded; brother and sister came out of the pumpkin; the god of thunder went down into the world and told them to marry; they refused: the god of thunder would punish them; the god of thunder named himself and told them not to be afraid; after the wedding, the sister gave birth to a grindstone; the god of thunder ordered to break it into pieces; let the sister throw half of the pieces on the mountain and the brother the other half on the plain; in the morning there are many miao and li on the mountain; they cut down trees and built houses, planted dry rice; and on the Han Plain they built stone houses, sowed and plowed]: Zhou 2002, No. 8:12-13; li (Hainan, wu. Baisha) [the emperor fell ill with a rare disease, his leg began to rot; promised a daughter as a wife to someone who would cure him; a big black dog tore off the imperial decree from the wall, the dog was brought to the emperor; the dog licked his leg and the emperor recovered; the emperor did not allow the princess and her dog to live in the palace, ordered a boat to be built for them; in it, the princess and dog were sent to other parts with food, clothes and seeds; a boat reached Hainan, the princess settled there; the dog turned into a brave young man, began working in the field and going hunting in the mountains; one day he fell into the gorge and died; the princess gave birth to a son, Ya-li; he grew up; the princess told her son to find a wife; let him go east for three days, then go south for three days and another day to the west; then he would meet a woman with a tattoo on her face, she would marry him; I-li on the seventh day I met a woman with a tattoo on her face, brought her home; unable to find his mother at home, I looked for her everywhere; found her clothes on the river bank; the people went from the princess's marriage to her son; the mountain where the ancestor lived , named Mother Lee Mountain (Limushan); the custom of tattooing girls' faces has been preserved]: Zhou 2002, No. 14a: 20-21; Koreans: Choi 1979, No. 725.1 [Brother and sister escaped to the mountain; after the flood climbed different mountains, each rolled a millstone; his brother's millstone lay on his sister's millstone; then they decided to marry], 725.2 [during the invasion of Korea by Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1592-1598), all people died Brother and sister remained; after climbing two mountains, each set fire to a pine tree; the smoke mixed, brother and sister decided to marry]: 316; Park 1991 [brother and sister escaped after the flood on the mountain; asked Heavenly Vlayku, what to do; he kept silent; they understood that they should get married; people come from them]: 15; (cf. Cho 2001, No. 79 [the cinnamon tree grew to the moon; the mooners decided to drag it towards them; they raised it in three years and three months; the remaining hole on the ground is a lake in the Paikdu Mountains; now the tree has been obscured moonlight, the night is very dark; God sent a storm, it tore out a tree on the moon, killing all its inhabitants; moonspots are the footprint where it grew; when the tree was back on earth, God sent an angel girl to guard He from the stars; from the spirit of the tree she gave birth to a boy; God told him to protect the tree himself now, and his mother brought him back to heaven; the rain flooded the earth with a flood; the father tree told his son to climb on it and swim on it; asks the father if it is possible to save ants; mosquitoes; the father replies yes; categorically returns when the son wants to save a young man like him, but he saved; the tree is on the mountain; both young men come to a hut, there is an old woman and her two daughters; when she dies, she must choose her husband; the rescued person lies that the son of a tree can quickly clean and collect millet scattered in the sand (ants perform); the old woman says that will give his own daughter to the one who guesses what room she is in; the mosquito whispers to the son of the tree in the east; the son of a tree marries his own daughter, the rescued man marries the adopted room; people come from these couples]: 122-126 (all, except for the beginning, from the episode of conception from a tree also in Ząng 1952, No. 8:16-18; the same about two girls, Cho has only one; apparently these are two close but different options).

(Wed. Iran - Central Asia. Lyuli gypsies {the story certainly came from South Asia} [the poor man and his wife had a son named Liu and a daughter named Lee; the mighty king (Tamerlane) invaded, people fled, the children lost their parents, and they went to look for them; they did not find their parents, but after a few years they met and, without getting to know each other, married; the mullahs cursed them and all their offspring; these people were called lyuli, are surrounded by contempt; they are prohibited from owning land and farming]: Oranskaya 1998:484-485).

Baltoscandia. The Eastern Sami [Ubmel (Ibmel) turned the earth upside down, the water from the lakes and rivers spread, people drowned; Yu took two children, brother and sister, to the Holy Mountain (Passe-Varra); after the flood they went in different directions to look for people; three years later they met, got to know each other, separated; the same three years later; three years later they did not recognize, they got married, people went from them]: Kharuzin 1890:195- 196.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Manchus [Brother Dou and Sister Eyun lived at the foot of the mountains; the sister is older; the father is gone, the mother is collecting firewood; one day E. and D. climbed the mountain for brushwood, tired, fell asleep, leaning against a stone sculpture of a lion; when they woke up, they found that the food was gone; the same the next day; one day a stone lion appeared to them in a dream: "Wake up soon, misfortune will happen soon! Take everything you can carry and go away"; she and her mother came to the mountain; E. warned her fellow villagers, but they laughed at her; but birds and animals also climbed the mountain; lion: come in; birds, animals, and brother with sister, entered the lion's mouth, but the mother did not have time - her mouth slammed shut; E. and D. found food in the lion's womb; seven days and seven nights later, the lion reopened its mouth, the animals and birds saw the light and ran and flew outside; E. and D. after them; gave each animal and bird a grain to sow them on high mountains that humans cannot reach; the land is green; brother invited sister to marry; sister: "I will take a needle and I'll wait at the top of the mountain, and you take the red thread and stand on the opposite mountain; if you get a thread in a needle, we'll be husband and wife." My brother picked up the thread and thought, "The eye of the needle is so small, and we'll be so far apart, how can I get into it?" Ants, bees, and little birds promised to help; the birds took a thread in their beaks and flew to E., the bees were afraid she would see them helping her brother and circled randomly in front of her, and ants thread a red thread through the eye of the needle; sister: "This is not enough; there are millstones on the mountain; tomorrow you will lower the upper seed from the mountain, and I will lower it, and if they roll down the mountain and join together, we will become husband and wife"; wolves, tigers and leopards promised to help; one seed rolled to the wolf and he pushed him forward, saying, "I almost hit me!" Another seed rolled to the tiger, and the tiger pushed him forward, saying, "I almost crushed me!" Whichever animal the millstones rolled to, everyone pushed them down, and so they found themselves at the foot of the mountain, where a snake wrapped around them and placed their brother's seeds right on top of their sister's grain. Brother: "We should be husband and wife now." The sister said, "Let it be as heaven wants!" ; E. gave birth to ten children, but there were still too few people in the world, so she decided to make them out of clay; now there were too many people to remember everyone, and then they gave them names based on their appearance. When the little men were ready, they put them to dry in the yard, but one day it started raining and the couple hurriedly ran to clean them up. But it started raining too fast, and some figures lost their noses, eyes and ears, and some had broken arms and legs. The world has been crippled ever since. Everyone in the world is said to have existed ever since]: Chen, Wang 1989:21-24; (cf. Manchus (Hebei, Tumenyu County, d. Hao, 1985) [few people were left after the flood; the inhabitants of the sky ate the elixir of immortality and sweet dew; seven sisters lived in the Sky Palace; when they flew out of the Palace, they saw that the world was destroyed, abandoned, and unpleasant; the older sister suggested making people more; rejecting the possibility of creating people from stars, from pieces of the moon; the youngest suggests making them out of a three-legged sun-dwelling three-legged crow; the raven heard it, the fairy was carried away by a whirlwind, she fell in the forest and was left without a dress; without a dress, she could not return to heaven; she found her dress by the lake; a red transparent fruit rolled out of it; she was his ate and became pregnant - it was a particle of the vitality of a three-legged crow (its seed?) smelted in the shape of a fetus ; three years later, the fairy gave birth to a boy and a girl, called them Niuzhen ("chastity"); they gave birth to the "Nyuzhen people" (Jurchen), the ancestors of the Manchus; later, the three-legged raven flew a lot, erased one leg, his the voice became rough, it turned into a crow; the Manchus are descendants of the sun and fairies, respect crows]: Tong Yunchao 2007:3-5); Nanai [younger brother, older sister, they have a dog; sister dressed up brother, ordered go find a bride; put on her other clothes herself, flew her dog up the river where her brother was supposed to go, made a home; the brother came, did not recognize her sister, sat, left; the sister returned on her dog; When she found out that her brother had just sat, she said that he would not find the bride in this way; she sent her down the river; this time her brother stayed; they have a son and a daughter; the bird tells the boy that his parents are brother and sister; the boy told his father; he hooked the children's feet, dragged her through the taiga; the girl fell off, the bear fed her with chum salmon, became her father; tells her to marry someone who is not afraid of him; well done killed a bear and married on a girl; one day the girl's father came and turned into a musk deer; and his sister became a bear; brother and sister are descended from Namunkan people who settled along the seashore; according to their custom, the sister cannot eat meat a bear killed by her brother]: Sem, Sem 2020, No. 58:277-280; Udege people: Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 58 [(418: mentions the grater is probably borrowed from the Manchus); the old man tells the girl with the youngest go to the singm as a brother (a water monster that looks like a snake or crocodile swallows people); the wind starts, they sit on the singma's back, then hide in his mouth; when they go out, they're on an island, there is the sea around; the sister offers to marry; the old man tells them to push the upper and lower millstones off the mountain in different directions; if they join, they can marry; brother's millstone lay on his sister's millstone; they have many children; a bird was flying above the water, saw an old woman standing on one leg on a small island; the bird sat down, the old woman drove her away; the bird grabbed the ground in its paws, flew, threw, land was formed; the descendants of the brother and their sisters settled them]: 323-327; Podmaskin 1991, No. 3 [two suns were shining, it was very hot; the man Gangta had a son, Namik, he grew up, killed the second sun by hitting it thirty-third with an arrow; the moon appeared in the place of the victim; the sky rose; people bred; the flood began; only N. and his sister escaped to the mountain; N. agreed to marry his sister if she was threaded seven times needle eye, throwing a needle; sister got there; they gave birth to ancestors of twelve Udege families]: 118; Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010 [brother and sister survived the flood in the whale's mouth; went ashore; an old man came, told them to marry if two millstones descended from the mountain fell on top of each other; threw millstones three times, they lay on top of each other, brother and sister got married; the brother sculpted many figures of people, and the rain mutilated them; brother fixed, dried, burned on fire; they turned into people]: 26; Orochi (recorded in 1914) [there was a big flood, people and animals died; only one mountain left brother, sister and animals; they wanted to know if there were other people, and sent a crow into the world, telling her to return after 7 years; waited 7 years, 10 years or longer, but the crow did not return; then they sent a crow into the world, also for 7 years; 7 years, 10 years passed, and he did not return, but then flew in and said that there were no people anywhere and only in in one place, there are many human corpses eaten by a crow sent earlier; brother and sister began to live as husband and wife and had a son and daughter; these children went to the same river and started there too son and daughter; that couple moved to another river, etc.; thus, one Oroch family appeared on each river]: Poniatowski 2009:132; nivhi [during the flood, brother and sister escaped on the floating a piece of peaty shore; he was stranded, land was formed; brother and sister married, a daughter was born; after the death of his sister, a man married her; a son and daughter were born, and people descended from them]: Krejnovich 1973:256-257.

Japan. The Japanese (Fr. Hachijō, Hachidzë): Matsumoto 1928 [during the flood, all the inhabitants of the island died; grabbing a tree, a pregnant woman Tana-ba escaped; gave birth to a son; changing her face, she came together with As a grown son, they gave birth to new people]: 120; Isis 1998 [the tsunami washed everyone away, only Tanaba grabbed a tree trunk; she was pregnant, gave birth to a boy, their descendants live to this day; var.: Rokanomi-në ku escaped by grabbing the stern of the boat]: 146; Izu Islands [Tanaba is "first-grandmother"; her three graves are related to stories of her copulation with her son]: Ishida 1998:146; Ryukyu (Hateruma Island from Yaeyama groups) [cramped to eat and live, people became oni (devils), killed and ate each other; the gods sent a rain of burning oil; brother and sister at this time collected shells on the shore and escaped; got married; first gave birth to a venomous snake, then a centipede, then a gecko, finally a human child]: Maruyama 2009:34 (brief retelling in Matsumoto 1928:119: the island is named Pateruma; people are destroyed fiery rain; surviving brother and sister give birth to new people); Ainu (southern Hokkaido) [a girl sails to the shore in Hidatsa; the dog hides her in a cave, brings food from the sea and from the mountains; they are born son and daughter; they marry each other, they are descended from Ainu]: Sarashina 1971 at Fitzburgh, Dubreult 1999:275 (Russian translation in Sarasina 2014, No. 4:59-60 instead of a dog is a wolf).

SV Asia. Itelmen: Krasheninnikov 1994 (1) [Kuthu's first children on earth were son Tyzhil-Kutkh and daughter Siduku, who married each other and also gave birth to a son and daughter; people descended from them]: 72; Orlova 1975 [Kutkh and his sister Mita came to Kamchatka from the sea, from the south-west; successively stayed at the mouths of large rivers, gave birth to children, populating Kamchatka; left again at sea]: 129; Chukchi [the seaside people are starving, the girl and her younger brother remain; she offers marriage, he refuses; she lies as if she saw an unfamiliar girl; builds a house on a new place, puts on new clothes; brother does not recognize her; when he goes back to his sister, she turns into a lemming, runs to their old home before him; asks not to visit her again; the descendants of her children from marriages with brother repopulate the country]: Bogoras 1928, No. 11:312-316.

The Arctic. Kodiak [recorded in the mid-19th century; The Creator sent brother and sister to earth, forbiding them to eat grass. The sister broke the ban, after which the world became bright, but brother and sister were ashamed of each other and separated. They met again on the steps to heaven and got married, but their children were first born dead. It wasn't until the Creator came to them and sang the song that the children stopped dying, brother and sister returned to earth and gave birth to people]: Holmberg 1985:61; central yupik [the first person comes with another sides of the big water; marries the Wolf; she gives birth to pairs of twins, sends them all over; various tribes descend from them]: Nelson 1899:482-483.

Subarctic. Dogrib, slevi [the young man asks the whale to swallow it; suffers from the heat inside the whale; asks his sister to throw him her moccasin; grabs him, she pulls it out; the whale produces in anger waves flooding the earth with a flood; only brother and sister are saved]: Petitot 1886, No. 4:319-320.

NW Coast. Bellacula: Boas 1898 [a girl steps into bear droppings, scolds bears; a man comes up, tells her to relieve herself; she puts copper jewelry under her; he does not believe, demands for real, says that her excrement smells worse than any animal; marries her; he is the son of a Black Bears chief; gives her lamb, then says it was human; winter passes like one night; in spring, the husband says that his wife's brother will shoot him, tells him to make a blanket out of his skin; the brother goes in front, the sister volunteers to carry the skin, becomes a bear if desired; in the village asks for bone needles, every time she says that the old one is broken; the younger sister sees that she inserts needles into her skin's jaw instead of her teeth; a woman turns into a bear, kills her mother, tortures her sister {something sexy, Latin); takes out her heart and lungs, hides it in his palms; brother comes, younger sister tells the Bear to shoot in the palm of her hand, she falls dead; brother and sister run, put the log over deep ravine; The bear comes to life, chases, falls off a log; brother and sister come to the village; Toadstool and Loon send a boat for the Bear, tell crayfish and worms to bite her, she falls into the river, crayfish and worms eat it; brother tells her sister to take one road, he goes the other, if the roads come together, they will get married; so it happened]: 111-114; McIlwraith 1948 (1) [girl picks berries, steps in bear droppings, swears; the Bear takes her away; she turns into a monstrous Bear, kills everyone in the village except her younger sister and brother; her brother brings a partridge, the Bear demands to show how he is got it, otherwise he promises to kill her; her brother shoots, hits the target; the younger sister finds out that the Bear's palm is vulnerable; her brother throws an arrow in her palm, kills the Bear; the brother and younger sister are married, they are the ancestors of the Atapaskan quarry]: 680-682.

Plains. Santi [the water monster Unktehi caused a flood; turned into stone, the blood of the dead painted other stones red; the eagle raised one girl to the top of a tree on a rock; she gave birth to him a son and daughter, they got married after the flood, people come from them]: Erdoes, Ortiz 1984:93-95.

California. Villot: Curtis 1976 (13) [water first; "The Old Man Above" created land, then vegetation, humans; they were bad, they quarreled, he washed them away by the tidal wave; Shatash (Condor) and his sister they wove the basket in advance, swam in it on the waves; when the water came down, S. went to look for food, came back and asked if his sister was at home; she replied that she was at home, but did not add "brother"; next time he "wife" addressed her; she laughed, they gave birth to new people]: 190-191; Reichard 1925, No. 19 [The creator decides to destroy the first people, sends a flood; Condor knows about it, weaves a basket, escapes to her and her sister; marries her sister, they give birth to new people]: 175; Teeter 1964, No. 16 [the flood flooded everything but the top of Banker Hill; brother and sister escaped in a basket that was swimming; the water came down, in only the racuna survived; the basket was leaking and the brother asked where; the sister was silent; when he called her his wife, she answered; but he did not like it, he left her and she went in search; to cross the river, she threw a handful of sand, the water spread, it crossed dry; the big tipi has a vessel with bones in it; she put them in her basket, moved on; she crossed the river again, throwing a handful of sand; the basket became heavy, she looked - her brother was alive in it; brother: I will stay here, and you will move on; we will not meet again]: 153-155; synkion [during the flood, brother saved himself in the round basket and sister; the basket docked at Mount Buttes; Nagaicho told them to marry]: Nomland 1935:170; Kitanemuk [The creator creates the earth, sky and first people by blowing on clay figures; these are the ancestors of today birds and animals; five siblings are more important than others; during the flood, everyone dies or turns into animals, only these siblings remain; Hickaht visits sister Zukkit, she gives birth Hummingbird; H. is punished by making his limbs boneless; C. then gives birth to many people - current ancestors; teaches them everything]: Blackburn, Bean 1978:568.

Mesoamerica Tseltal [Angel (=God) warns people about the flood; only brother and sister build a tall house; another person hides in a box; after the flood, the Angel sends Vulture to see if the earth has dried up; he eats carrion; the Angel sends an Eagle, who brings a dry branch; the Angel puts the Vulture's head in place of his ass and vice versa; turns the escaped person into a monkey; allows brother and sister to join marriage (and repopulate the land)]: Hermitte 1970:25-27.

Honduras - Panama. Miskito [a hurricane began, the sea flooded the ground; the young man escaped in a tree, pulled a girl by his hair, she turned out to be his sister; after the flood, they see people in the distance, but they are pelicans; understand that they must marry; they bequeath descendants not to marry their sisters anymore]: Viner 1928, No. 1:166-167.

Llanos. Yaruro [brother and sister fleeing the flood in a tree, man with his aunt on the hill; these four got married]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991c, No. 7:26-27.

Southern Venezuela. Sanema [when the ground was already full and could not accommodate more people, the Red Parrot (Ara Macao) Wasulumani descended to the ground; he lived in fourth heaven, the sky of old people who are forever they freeze, and he warms them with his red fire; all the fire on the ground and in the sky is his property; when they were animals, V. entrusted part of his fire to the caiman; if you shoot him, all his body will spill the fire in the sky and on earth in the pooloi trees will burn down; V. descends rarely and so bright that it is impossible to look at him point-blank; once neither the sun nor the moon gave light, they were people; the world was illuminated by V., all objects were white or black; there could be no other colors, because V. would be offended to see them; now V. is no longer angry, but it is better not to dress up in flashy colors; one day people shot a lot of bright birds, hung them up while performing ritual dances; V. came down from the sky, asked him to chew tobacco, flew, spewing fire from his mouth and ass, the world burned down; in a hole The battleship was saved by Pootilí and his wife Waipilishomá, because P. did not kill colorful birds; when P. and his wife went out, around the stuffiness and stench; the electric eel Sahelí made a thunder, the rivers overflowed their banks and flooded the ground; P. made a raft, and V. hid in the hollow of a sacred tree that did not burn down in the fire and covered the hole with clay; the leaves of this tree are forever green and do not fall; the top of the tree sat down pauhil (Mitu tomentosa; the bird's ancestor is the last person to sit on the shaman's chest during the camlania); when the water has risen so much that the pauhil's tail is in the water, he is his he took it out and the water began to fall; the pauchil began to fly over the mountains that appeared from the water; everyone began to sing, forests, fruits and animals reappeared; P. and his raft found himself on the top of the mountain at the foot of the mountain at the foot of the mountain sacred tree; heard the voice of a wife from the tree; this couple has a son and daughter, who were given the names of their first brothers and sisters who lived before the flood - Sorekei and Kablokumá; they got married, inhabited the land; if the brother and sister will get married again, flood and fire will destroy the world again]: Barandiaran 1968:10-14.

Western Amazon. Waorani [brother and sister flee the flood on a floating hollow tree]: Rival 1996:115; Wavrin 1932 [brother and sister hollow out a hollow out a hollow out in a tree stump, swim to a dry place; from them waorani occur]: 146.

NW Amazon. Bora [a person eats a bird, breaks a bone, water gushes out of it, floods the whole earth; someone has built a dam to prevent water from flowing down; a hummingbird breaks a dam; in the form of a hummingbird allows himself catch a builder's daughter; she plants a bird to warm up by the fire; he blows away the fire; marries his sister Aumekouhemegua; they descend from people]: Wavrin 1932:141-142; yagua [people live on in the sky, they exterminate all the game; a man sees a mountain below and game on it; his wife is weaving a rope, his son and daughter go down; the rope is broken, all people in heaven are starving; people on earth are descendants of his sister and brother]: Fejos 1943:98-99.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Guarazu [Yaneramay came to the village, demanded a girl; she said he was old and ugly; when refused, I promised to triple the flood; water was clogged out of the ground; the girl's mother agreed, but I. I turned the girl into a deer; ready to follow him, I told him to climb into the hammocks under the roof of my house; two men, who were making a stone ax and a club out of a chonta palm tree, flew to them into the sky; I told the birds raise his house to the sky; to do this, he widened the hole in the sky; forbidden those in the house to look down, they looked and turned into toads; told the rest to throw the fruit down to see if the water had come down; The sound of a fall was not heard, the water did not come off; I sent a man to see if the water had come down, forbidden anything to eat; he began to eat dead fish, and when he returned, lied that he hadn't eaten; I made him a vulture, told him eat carrion; the same with the second (turned tuyuya into a stork), the third (yochi rodent, ate cusi fruits), four (torcaza bird, worms and pebbles bite along river banks), the fifth (carau bird, eats river birds mollusks); each time there is less water, the earth is drier, there is more life on it; brother and sister are left, guarazu come from them; later I will destroy the earth again with wind and fire, stones and water from the sky]: Riester 1977, No. 6:232-235; chiriguano: Cipolletti 1978 [siblings in calebas]: 58-59; Metraux 1932 [two pairs of siblings in a vessel: Indians and whites]: 170-171; Nordenskiöld 1912, No. 1 [two brothers and sister ; the youngest marries his sister, the eldest turns a pumpkin into a woman], 2 [the young man saw a girl's reflection in a puddle in the forest, followed her, stayed with her for a month; the mother decided he was dead; he came back, said that got married, his mother asked me to bring his wife, promised to prepare a holiday; at the festival, the wife became ugly, she was told about it, she left, ordering a boy and a girl (brother and sister) to be put in a vessel, take corn, bean and pumpkin seeds, close the hole; it rained, everyone drowned; after the flood, the boy and the girl came out of the vessel; the sown ripened in half a month; the fire of the bird (screams on the river bank; Another option, from a vulture; Nordenskiöld believes that one option may belong to a vat, the second to a chiriguano); The frog approached the fire to warm up, took a coal in his mouth, carried it away, gave it to his brother and sister; they got married, from them]: 251-253, 253-254.

Eastern Brazil. Ramkokamekra [a ball of cotton descends from the sky to the village square; people whistle to each other, gather, enter the cotton ball; it begins to rotate, takes them to the sky; before that, three ( var.: four) the brothers went hunting, telling their three sisters to go to the garden; the sisters heard a whistle, but did not return to the village; when they came with their brothers, they found only an old man who said that he would also come in in a cotton ball if she were young; the older sister invites the sisters to marry brothers, since there are no other men; they did so]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 20:50-52.