Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C8B. The brother and sister did not recognize each other. 23.-.26.38.39.

Brother and sister (or mother and son) find themselves alone, without marital partners. Both of them (or only brother, son) refuse to marry, but enter after they accept each other (or brother takes sister, son mother) for a stranger. They create new people.

Oraons, Bondo, Didayas, Marias, Kondas, Minahasa, Sazek, Paiwan, Atayal, Lee, Chinese (Henan), Japanese, Chukchi.

South Asia. Oraons [first the ocean, a lotus in the water, where Mahapurub lived; a boy and a girl were born from his womb; they played, disturbed M., they killed them; their flesh became earth, bones became stones, blood - water, hair with grass; this is how the world was created; a boy and a girl were born again from M.'s womb; they closed their eyes because they thought it was a sin to look at each other; M. hit them, they opened their eyes, but refused marry; M. directed them in different directions; after 12 years they met again, didn't get to know each other, got married, M. gave them the whole world]: Elwin 1949, No. 23:42; Bondo: Elwin 1950:135-136 (= Elwin 1949, #8:32-33; the main motive is also in No. 9:33-34) [Raja's daughter threw a pumpkin seed; her brother took the core out of the pumpkin; it rained, flooded the ground, brother and sister escaped in the pumpkin; Mahaprabhu sent a wild boar to the lower world to steal land from Kermo; he also took the seeds of seven tree species (mango, tamarind, mahua, sago palm, dumal, pipal, banyan) from K.; when the boar emerged, shook off the dirt, drops mud fell on the water, became earth; M. took brother and sister out of the pumpkin, changed their appearance by sending smallpox on them, they did not recognize each other and got married; people descended from them], 136-137 [pregnant Olenikha hears , as Belka tells her son that there will be a flood; fears a man at a watering hole; her son reminds her from the womb that there will still be a flood; a man hears, asks Olenikha to explain what is going on; from Olenikha's womb says Mahaprabhu, telling them to put the children in the pumpkin; the rain flooded the ground with a flood; M. wanted to know if there were any people left; collected dirt from the body, made the Crow, threw a tree trunk into the water so that she could sit down; opened the crab, there was no land, found soil in the worm's stomach; the pumpkin settled on the ground, brother and sister came out; M. gave them smallpox, they did not recognize each other, got married; M. gave the girl a remedy that caused them she is monthly]; 1954 [water flooded the ground; Mahaprabhu rubbed his arm, made a crow out of lumps of mud, she flew over the waters, did not know where to sit, saw a floating basket in which her brother and sister, came back, said M.; he told her to get land; she brought M. an earthworm, who extracted land {from the bottom?} ; M. scattered the earth in all directions, land arose; he took his brother and sister out of the basket, who refused to marry; then he called Thakurani, she spread smallpox on them, the girl became a scythe, the young man fell ill with leprosy; when they met, they did not recognize each other and got married; their 12 sons and 12 daughters gave birth to people]: 423-424; didayas [Rumrok flooded the ground with a flood, but planted a brother with let his sister swim in the trough from which the pigs are fed; created a new land, the trough docked; when asked, the young man replied three times that the girl was his sister, and his sister was her brother; R. lodged them separately; told God Kinchak to change their appearance; the young man's face turned black, the girl's face turned speckled brown; they replied that they did not know each other, were married; three sons were born; from them Different castes occur depending on who did what (slaughtering a cow, riding a horse, etc.)]: Elwin 1954:424-425; maria (Bison-Horn Maria) [rain flooded the ground; Gajabhimul placed into brother and sister's pumpkin, the pumpkin stuck to the rock; Mahapurub sent the crow to look for people; a banyan grew out of the rock, the crow sat on it, opened a pumpkin; the children climbed the tree, drank its juice, it ran out, they began to cry; M. sent the crow to calm them down, but she wanted to kill the children to peck at their corpses, came back and lied that it was all right; the same with the eagle; with the tiger; then sent a monkey; hot rock burned her ass, arms and legs, the monkey smeared her face to black with charred hands; M. sent a wild boar, ordered her to be smeared in the clay on the turtle's back; the boar shook, clods and splashes of earth formed land; small pox was sent to brother and sister to prevent them from getting to know each other; after that they got married, had 12 sons and 12 daughters]: Elwin 1949, No. 4:30-31; cond [the rock fell from heaven into the oceans, bushes grew on it, brother and sister came out of the cliff; they ate the sap of the bush; Burha Pinnu saw that people could eat like this, made the juice bitter; they parted trying to find marriages partners, fell ill with smallpox, came back, didn't know each other, got married, gave birth to people]: Elwin 1949, No. 82:288.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Minahasa: Bezemer 1904 [When the earth was still soft, two women came out of it: an elderly shaman Karmah and a young Lumimuut; K. told L. to stand against the wind to become pregnant; she turned to the south, east, north wind, but became pregnant only from the west, gave birth to a son Toar; when he grew up, K. told L. and T. to stand with their backs to each other and walk T. to the right and L. to the left; gave K. a stick shorter, and L. was longer; K. said that if the woman he met had a stick the same length as him, it would be his mother L., and if not, she could be married; she said the same when she turned to L.; T. and L. met on the other side of the earth, L.'s stick was longer; they got married, had children: twice 9, three times 7, nine times 3; they inhabited the whole earth]: 316-337; Raats 1970 [ Lumimuut was born from a stone burned by the heat of the sun; four winds gave birth to seven, then nine creatures; after the flood, she and her son escaped; both went in different directions in search of marriage partners, taking on a stick of equal length; L.'s wand grew, so when they met, the mother and son did not recognize each other and married]: 31; Isis 1998 [after a rock in the sea gave birth to a crane, sweat came out of it; the goddess Limuvat was born out of sweat; she learned about the existence of the "original land" from the crane, brought a lump of land from there, placed seeds of trees and herbs in it, marking the beginning of peace; went up the mountain, conceived from the west wind, gave birth to a boy; he was unsuccessfully looking for a wife; then L. handed him a staff the size of her height, told him to find a wife taller; when they met, mother and son did not got to know each other, and the staff grew, taller than the mother; mother and son got married and gave birth to gods]: 152.

Taiwan - Philippines. Sazek (same as paywan) [a man and a woman came out of the stone; when they saw flies copulating, they came together, gave birth to a son, then a daughter; the sister told her brother that she would go find a wife for him, ordered me to come to the cliff at the foot of the mountain; on the appointed day, my brother went down the mountain, found a woman by the cliff, did not recognize her sister because she smeared soot on her face]: Matsumoto 1928:119-120; atayal [ The Pinspkan stone split, three came out, one decided to go back; the remaining man and woman lived together, but the man was afraid to approach the woman; then she left, covered her face with black paint and came back disguised as a stranger; they got married and had children; it is believed that this episode dates back to the custom of girls painting black faces]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wki/Atayal_people; (cf. . sedek (Taroko) [the chief has an ugly daughter; he put her and her dog in a boat, let her go to sea; the boat landed on the shores of Taroko; for several years the dog brought meat and fish to the girl; said he would leave now, so how she does not give him what he needs; the girl said she would go look for a wife with a tattooed face; returned a few days later, her face was covered with a tattoo; she married a dog, gave birth Taroko ancestors]: Ho 1967, No. 83:256).

China - Korea. Lee [{apparently two sources recount the beginning and end of the same text}]: Yoshiyuki Kojima 1993 in Matsumura 2011 [the cannibal crab sent wind and waves, ate the dead; the Master of Thunder expelled his heavenly warriors against him, but they were defeated; then the Master of Thunder himself rushed at the crab, crushed it with iron; dying, the Crab regurgitated the yellow water, causing a flood; only brother and sister escaped in a pumpkin]; Ho Ting-jui 1967, No. 102 [brother and sister were saved after the flood; the god of Thunder allowed them to marry; they refused anyway; then, in his brother's absence, Thunder painted his sister's face black, brother did not recognize her, he married her]: 276; li (Hainan, wu. Ledong) [Under Mount Wuzhi (Five Fingers) lived a crab spirit; it was larger than the mountain itself; it moved once a year, the earth shook, and floods occurred; the ancestors of the people turned to the god of thunder for help; but he himself was afraid of the crab; one day the crab moved again and the whole island was flooded with waves; young Ahmao and girl Na-zhi remained; they prayed to the wind god; he caused a hurricane, the crab spirit was carried into the sea; above two mountains rose by water; A-mao grabbed a log to the top of Chongjiuling, and Na-zhi, holding a bamboo branch, swam to the top of Baoxiulin; when the water came down, A-mao carried Na-zhi through a stream, and they sat under a tree and sang, turning to each other one (the song tells about what happened); they got married, were born and raised a boy Afa and a girl Na-hei; their parents sent them to looking for spouses; A-fa went east and Na-hei went west; unable to find people, they returned; then the father secretly told Afa to tie her hair in front, and the mother covered Na-hei's face with a tattoo;. told her daughter that If he met a young man with his hair tied in front, he could marry him; the father told his son that if he met a girl with patterns on her face, he would be able to marry her; they sent Afa again and Na-hey in different directions in search of spouses; one day Afa went to the foot of the mountain and lay down to rest under a tree; after resting, he found a girl under the tree with patterns on her face; both called themselves by the names by which Father and mother told them to identify themselves; got married; 8 boys and 8 girls were born; following their parents' example, they began to give boys different hairstyles and dress them in different clothes, and girls became cover their faces with a tattoo; then they told the children to go in different directions in search of spouses and live where they would marry; they descend from them, qi, xiao, meifu, te zhiqiang, luohu, baoyu; brother and sister the eighth couple were still too young; they arrived with their parents in Qianjia; when they got married, my sister did not tattoo her face, it is a Sanxing people]: Zhou 2002, No. 5:6-8; li ( Hainan, Sanya) [heaven and earth were not separated; the heavenly lord ruled the world; most of all he trusted the heavenly dog; the dog guarded the gates of his palace and handed down his decrees; the dog's heavenly maidens respected, Unyu, the daughter of a heavenly lord, sympathized with him; the heavenly dog was secretly in love with her; a wasp (bee?) living in the heavenly palace decided to help; quietly bit Unyu's leg, the wound became inflamed and began to hurt badly; the wasp told Heavenly Lord that the heavenly dog had a wonderful cure; the Lord ordered the dog to heal W., promised any jewelry as a reward; the dog for the cure W. demanded her as a wife; Heavenly Lord became angry and drove the dog away; meanwhile, W.'s wound began to fester and Heavenly Lord accepted the condition; the dog licked the wound and W. recovered; she came to her father asking for marriage; Heavenly Lord was afraid that his daughter's marriage to his dog would discredit him, and therefore told them to live on earth; waved a magic whip, and the sky separated from lands; the heavenly lord on the cloud went up there, but the heavenly dog and Unyu remained on earth; the heavenly dog turned into a black dog, and he and W. had a son; when he grew up, he loved hunting; The black dog always accompanied him; when the black dog was old, he fell behind; one day in the mountains, his son got angry and killed him; at home, his mother asked where the dog had gone; when her son spoke, she began to cry: the black dog was your father; the mother told her son everything, they began to cry, but suddenly the wind rose, it rained, the flood began, all living things on earth died; only mother and son survived, who survived the wind blew her to the top of the mountain; one night, the mother heard the voice of the god of thunder, who commanded her to tattoo her face so that her son would not recognize her and marry him, otherwise humanity would die out; the next day, the mother ran to the mountains and covered her face with a tattoo; the son looked for her everywhere, but did not recognize her when he met her; thunder sounded; the god of thunder told the young man that he had taken his mother to his heavenly palace and sent him a heavenly maiden as his wife; mother and son married and gave birth to sons and daughters; did they go from them; daughters inherited from their mother the custom of covering their faces with tattoos; a similar story was published in an article 1934 g. "Li [Island] Hainan Tattoo Study"]: Zhou 2002, No. 14:18-20; Li (Hainan, Wu. Baisha) [the emperor fell ill with a rare disease, his leg began to rot; promised a daughter as a wife to someone who would cure him; a big black dog tore off the imperial decree from the wall, the dog was brought to the emperor; the dog licked his leg and the emperor recovered; the emperor did not allow the princess and her dog to live in the palace, ordered a boat to be built for them; in it, the princess and dog were sent to other parts with food, clothes and seeds; a boat reached Hainan, the princess settled there; the dog turned into a brave young man, began working in the field and going hunting in the mountains; one day he fell into the gorge and died; the princess gave birth to a son, Ya-li; he grew up; the princess told her son to find a wife; let him go east for three days, then go south for three days and another day to the west; then he would meet a woman with a tattoo on her face, she would marry him; I-li on the seventh day I met a woman with a tattoo on her face, brought her home; unable to find his mother at home, I looked for her everywhere; found her clothes on the river bank; the people went from the princess's marriage to her son; the mountain where the ancestor lived , called Mother Li Mountain (Limushan); the custom of tattooing girls' faces has been preserved]: Zhou 2002, No. 14a: 20-21; Chinese (Henan, Wu. Tongbo) [The Lord of Heaven had two servants, the Golden Boy and the Jade Maiden. ZO had an ax, and ND had a sword. They cut down the brushwood that was used in the Sky Palace to make the immortality pill. They got bored, ZO offered to go somewhere, and ND objected that there was nowhere to go around the thickets. They cut down trees with an ax and sword, but they immediately grew in the same place, and the faster they cut them down, the faster they grew. ZO: trees are afraid of saliva; I will go ahead to cut them down, and let ND follow and cover them with saliva. After that, the trees stopped growing, ZO and ND cut through the passage to the cloudy sea. They saddled the clouds and began to ride them, and met a big ball. We went to him and as a result descended to the tops of two mountains: ZO to the top of Father Pangu's eastern mountain, and ND to Mother Pangu's western mountain. After that, they fell asleep and dreamed of the Lord of Heaven, who said that they had left their post without permission and were now deprived of the right to return to the Heavenly Palace. They must stay on their mountains and improve themselves, and then they will be able to live on earth. They've been improving themselves for 300 years. During this time, each of the large stones made flat discs. Over the next 360 years, they turned these stones into stones and lowered millstones from the mountains to pave the way for them. The millstones met and joined together, and the young man and maiden who followed them saw each other but did not recognize each other. The virgin asked the young man who he was, and he replied that he had been sitting on the eastern mountain since ancient times (gu), and therefore he could be called a Pangu man. When the young man asked the maiden who she was, she replied that she had been sitting on the western mountain since ancient times, and therefore she could be called a Pangu woman. ZO said that since they are both Pangu, they can be called older brother and younger sister. At this time, a piece of yellow paper stamped by the Lord of Heaven came down from heaven, which said that the Golden Boy and the Jade Maiden, who became known as Pangu, should not be brother and sister, but husband and wife, because their union corresponds to the will of heaven, as evidenced by the meeting of the millstones they made. As soon as they finished reading, the leaf flew to the top of the western mountain, descended on a tree and turned into a large nest. The boy and the virgin began to live in it, got married and gave birth to sons and daughters. This is how people came into the world. The descendants nicknamed them Grandparents Pangu, and on the top of the mountain where they got married, they built the Pangu Temple, where celebrations take place every year on the third day of the third lunar month]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001b, No. 3:5-6.

Japan. The Japanese (Fr. Hachijō, Hachidzë) [during the flood, all the inhabitants of the island died; after grabbing a tree, a pregnant woman Tana-ba escaped; gave birth to a son; having changed their face, they got together with their grown son, they gave birth to new people)]: Matsumoto 1928:120; (Ishida 1998 [Tanaba - "first-grandmother"]: 146).

SV Asia. The Chukchi [the seaside people are starving, the girl and her younger brother remain; she offers marriage, he refuses; she lies as if she saw an unfamiliar girl; she builds a house in a new place, puts on new clothes; brother does not recognize her; when he goes back to his sister, she turns into a lemming, resorts to their old home before him; asks not to visit her again; descendants of her children from marriage to they reinhabit the country with their brother]: Bogoras 1928, No. 11:312-316.