Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C8C. A son and a mother give birth to people.

After a global catastrophe, at the beginning of time, or when a new land is settled, a woman and her son give birth to people.

Majprat, Toto, Nikobars, Minahasa, Lee, Muiski.

Melanesia. Majprat [the spirit comes out of the water, tells the boy to have people celebrate in five days; at the festival, the boy recognizes the spirit, screams about it; the spirit fills everything with water in anger, the woman is saved with a child and a dog; the boy grew up, his mother got along with him, people come from them]: Elmberg 1968, No. 2:253-254.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Toto (the informant heard a story from a mother after his father's death) [at the beginning of time, only a wild chicken and her husband; {the characters of the narrative are first ancestors, humans and wild chickens at the same time}; the chicken demolished eggs and began to incubate them; it lasts a long time; the husband goes to the forest, once disappeared; finally, a boy came out of one egg; he grew up and his mother sent him to the forest to look for his father; but he found no one; then the mother said that since there is no one else, they should live as spouses; they have many children]: Majumdar 1991, No. 23:287-288.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Nicobars [the princess of the country in the east became pregnant by a servant; his father executed him, put his daughter in a box, let him go to sea; the box sailed to Car Nicobar Island; the princess gave birth to a boy, he grew up, from Nicobars come from her and her son]: Roy 2001, No. 19:44; Minahasa: Bezemer 1904 [when the earth is still soft, two women came out of it: an elderly shaman Karmah and a young Lumimuut; K. told L. stand up against the wind to become pregnant; she turned to the south, east, north wind, but became pregnant only from the west, gave birth to a son Toar; when her son grew up, K. told L. and T. to stand with their backs to each other to a friend and T. to go right and L. to the left; gave K. a shorter stick and L. longer; told K. that if the woman he met had a stick the same length as him, it would be his mother L., and if not, then she could be married; she said the same thing when she addressed L.; T. and L. met on the other side of the earth, L.'s stick was longer; they got married and had children: twice 9, three times 7, nine times 3 ; they inhabited the whole earth]: 316-337; Raats 1970 [Lumimuut was born from a stone burned by the heat of the sun; four winds gave birth to seven, then nine creatures; after the flood, she and her son escaped; both went to different parties looking for marriage partners, taking a stick of equal length; L.'s wand grew, so when they met, mother and son did not recognize each other and married]: 31; Isis 1998 [after a rock in the sea gave birth to a crane, sweat came out of it; the goddess Limuvat was born out of sweat; she learned from a crane about the existence of the "original land", brought a lump of land from there, placed it on a rock, planted it in it the seeds of trees and herbs, marking the beginning of peace; climbed a mountain, conceived from the western wind, gave birth to a boy; he was unsuccessfully looking for a wife; then L. handed him a staff the size of her height, told him to find a wife shorter; when they met, the mother and son did not recognize each other, and the staff grew and became taller than the mother; mother and son got married and gave birth to gods]: 152.

China - Korea. Li (Hainan, Sanya City) [heaven and earth were not separated; Heavenly Lord ruled the world; most of all he trusted the heavenly dog; the dog guarded the gates of his palace and handed over his decrees; heavenly the dog's maidens respected, the daughter of a heavenly lord named Unyu sympathized with him; the heavenly dog was secretly in love with her; a wasp (bee?) who lived in the heavenly palace decided to help; quietly bit Unyu's leg, the wound became inflamed and began to hurt badly; the wasp told Heavenly Lord that the heavenly dog had a wonderful cure; the Lord ordered the dog to heal W., promised any jewelry as a reward; the dog for the cure W. demanded her as a wife; Heavenly Lord became angry and drove the dog away; meanwhile, W.'s wound began to fester and Heavenly Lord accepted the condition; the dog licked the wound and W. recovered; she came to her father asking for marriage; Heavenly Lord was afraid that his daughter's marriage to his dog would discredit him, and therefore told them to live on earth; waved a magic whip, and the sky separated from lands; the heavenly lord on the cloud went up there, but the heavenly dog and Unyu remained on earth; the heavenly dog turned into a black dog, and he and W. had a son; when he grew up, he loved hunting; The black dog always accompanied him; when the black dog was old, he fell behind; one day in the mountains, his son got angry and killed him; at home, his mother asked where the dog had gone; when her son spoke, she began to cry: the black dog was your father; the mother told her son everything, they began to cry, but suddenly the wind rose, it rained, the flood began, all living things on earth died; only mother and son survived, who survived the wind blew her to the top of the mountain; one night, the mother heard the voice of the god of thunder, who commanded her to tattoo her face so that her son would not recognize her and marry him, otherwise humanity would die out; the next day, the mother ran to the mountains and covered her face with a tattoo; the son looked for her everywhere, but did not recognize her when he met her; thunder sounded; the god of thunder told the young man that he had taken his mother to his heavenly palace and sent him a heavenly maiden as his wife; mother and son married and gave birth to sons and daughters; did they go from them; daughters inherited from their mother the custom of covering their faces with tattoos; a similar story was published in an article 1934 g. "Li [Island] Hainan Tattoo Study"]: Zhou 2002, No. 14:18-20; Li (Hainan, Wu. Baisha) [the emperor fell ill with a rare disease, his leg began to rot; promised a daughter as a wife to someone who would cure him; a big black dog tore off the imperial decree from the wall, the dog was brought to the emperor; the dog licked his leg and the emperor recovered; the emperor did not allow the princess and her dog to live in the palace, ordered a boat to be built for them; in it, the princess and dog were sent to other parts with food, clothes and seeds; a boat reached Hainan, the princess settled there; the dog turned into a brave young man, began working in the field and going hunting in the mountains; one day he fell into the gorge and died; the princess gave birth to a son, Ya-li; he grew up; the princess told her son to find a wife; let him go east for three days, then go south for three days and another day to the west; then he would meet a woman with a tattoo on her face, she would marry him; I-li on the seventh day I met a woman with a tattoo on her face, brought her home; unable to find his mother at home, I looked for her everywhere; found her clothes on the river bank; the people went from the princess's marriage to her son; the mountain where the ancestor lived , was named Mother Li Mountain (Limushan); the custom of tattooing girls' faces has been preserved]: Zhou 2002, No. 14a: 20-21.

The Northern Andes. Muisky [at the beginning of time, the creator of Chiminigagua created light; sent black birds to spread it around the world; Bachue (aka Furachogua ("good woman") came out of the mountain lake, holding her hand a three-year-old boy; went down to the plain with him; when the boy grew up, married him, giving birth to many people; when she grew old, both returned to the lake in the form of snakes]: Simón 1882-1892, t.2, cap.2: 279-280.