Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

C8D. Having had smallpox, they did not recognize each other. (.23.)

Brother and sister escaped the flood. After suffering from smallpox, they did not recognize each other and got married.

Konda, maria, bondo, bhuya.

South Asia. Conda [Paramuschreela created the world, but the people in it began to do evil; he sent a flood; when the waters came down, P. sent a crow to see if any of the people were left; she noticed in one grove a plate made from leaf with leftover freshly cooked rice and brought P. sheet {this plate?} ; then P. sent a woodpecker to tap the trees in case people hid in a hollow; one really was a man and a woman; P. ordered them to be brought to him; told everyone three times to talk about a friend who it is; each time a man called a woman a sister and she called him a brother; then P. sent smallpox on them; after recovering, they did not recognize each other and got married; at first people lived peacefully, the caste had not yet it was; but then evil tribes appeared; to avoid general corruption, P. told people to speak different languages]: Schulze 1922:4-5; Maria (Bison-Horn Maria) [rain flooded the ground; Gajabhimul put his brother and sister in the pumpkin, the pumpkin stuck to the rock; Mahapurub sent the crow to look for people; a banyan grew out of the rock, the crow sat on him, opened a pumpkin; the children climbed the tree, drank its juice, he when they were over, they began to cry; M. sent the crow to calm them down, but she wanted to kill the children in order to peck at their corpses, came back and lied that everything was fine; the same with the eagle; with the tiger; then sent a monkey; the hot rock burned her ass, arms and legs, the monkey smeared his face to black with charred hands; M. sent a wild boar, ordered her to be smeared in the clay on the turtle's back; the boar shook, clods and splashes of earth formed land; small pox was sent to brother and sister to prevent them from getting to know each other; after that they got married]: Elwin 1949, No. 4:30-31; bondo: Elwin 1950:135-136 [Raja's daughter left pumpkin seed; her brother took the core out of the pumpkin; it rained, flooded the ground, brother and sister escaped in the pumpkin; Mahaprabhu sent a wild boar to the lower world to steal land from Kermo; he also took the seeds of seven from K. tree species (mango, tamarind, mahua, sago palm, dumal, pipal, banyan); when the boar emerged, the boar shook off the dirt, drops of mud fell on the water, became earth; M. took his brother and sister out of the pumpkin, changed them appearance, by sending smallpox on them, they did not recognize each other and got married; people descended from them; (=Elwin 1949, No. 8:32-33)]; Elwin 1954 [water flooded the earth; Mahaprabhu rubbed his hand (his arm), made him out of lumps of mud the crow, who flew over the waters, did not know where to sit, saw a floating basket containing her brother and sister, came back, said M.; he told her to get land; she brought M. an earthworm, that extracted land {from the bottom?} ; M. scattered the earth in all directions, land arose; he took his brother and sister out of the basket, who refused to marry; then he called Thakurani, she spread smallpox on them, the girl became a scythe, the young man fell ill with leprosy; when they met, they did not know each other and got married; their 12 sons and 12 daughters gave birth to people]: 423-424; bhuya [there were 14 parts of water and 7 parts of clay, all mixed; Dharam Deota came out of the water; after collecting dirt on the right side of his body, he sculpted a female doll, on the left side a male doll; he revived it, it was Boram and his wife; first they are brother and sister, but DD changed their features by sending smallpox, they met and did not recognize each other; they have a son Parihar; the gods created a tiger and sent him to grab P.; the tiger poured ash on P. who had slept and ran away in horror; P. found him sleeping the tiger also poured ash and ran away; the gods told the tiger to attack when P. went swimming and left his weapon on the shore; the tiger killed P.; his blood spilled to the ground, the ground became hard and reddish; his legs turned into big trees, hands into small hands, hair into grass, bones into rocks and stones, head became sun, chest became moon; tiger paw print is visible on the moon; B. lamented the loss of his son, but DD gave him lots of other kids (named)]: Elwin 1949, No. 3:29-30.