Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

D10. A fire drill has a couple of people .

A couple of people are the embodiment of a tool for making fire.

Melanesia. Marind-anim [Waba brought the girl Oualihuamb to eat at the party, but she ran away; Waba caught up with her and got along with her, could not separate; Aramembe tugged him and twirl, friction caused fire; savanna formed on the site of the burnt forest, the crab turned red, many of their hair scorched, so there are many bald people among the descendants of the local demo]: Wirtz, Neverman 1981, No. 17:57-59 (quoted in Frazer 1930:45).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachins [people ate raw food; Wun Lawa Makam had a fire across the river, in which even a raw tree burned; he did not give fire to the messenger, but taught the man Tu and the woman Thu to call, who had obtained fire by friction]: Gilhodes 1908:689-690.

Western Siberia. Nganasana [{in some places the text is complex and dark}; first water, a stone in the middle; on it two diamadas ("with a throat") were arguing about which of them would get the land; a bird flew in, the nose was long, red breast (sandpiper?) ; the diamada did not dive to the bottom, the bird brought grass, moss, earth from the bottom; the Sun came, the bird flew away, the sun was gone, in five days the earth was covered with ice; the bird came back, said that now everyone has The diamada will have five fingers; therefore, it is cold for five days; the Mother Sun has melted the ice; the bird is flying, throwing grass, roots; Mother Earth has become alive; worms have crawled out of it, covered with hair like bears; then the hair fell off, they became like humans, gave birth to children, carved fire out of the flint; they looked like deer; the mother fire began to heat the children (these are stones), they burst; they looked up - the sky was completely rose; how the skin became separated; another says: this is the road to my mother; she threw her eyes, he returned from Mother Moon, said that she told me to collect hair from her head, hair, tie the children, throw it the sides, where they fell, will live; a voice from heaven is for them: we leave you only half of your arms and half of your legs so that only half of the people can destroy; one stone has become the stone that fire gives, the other becomes a stone, what does iron give for fire; one will be Mother Fire, the other will be Fire Father, you will give birth to fire together; a man will get meat, a woman will keep fire]: Simchenko 1996 (1): 18-20 (=1996 (2): 14-17).

Japan. Ainu: Kindati 1941 [there are Elder and Younger gods in heaven; the eldest has six daughters; starting with the eldest, these are the Morning Star, the Evening Star, the Midnight Star, the Moon, the Sun (the sixth is not named); the elder god tells the Creator God to make the earth; sends Princess Chikisani (Chikisani-hime, she is an elm from which fire is made by friction); the younger god of heaven falls in love and visits her at night; so the earth has fallen on fire; others notice fire, envy, the gods begin to fight each other; the younger god of heaven is nicknamed "burning the earth"; T. gives birth to Okikurumi, the creator of Ainu culture]: 56-57; Munro 1963 [Moshiri-kara kamui first grew poplar and made it a fire drill, but as a result, evil deities arose from active and passive parts; then made it from elm; from the lower passive part Kamuifuch arose, and from the upper one was the guardian of the Kotan Koresu Kamui Ekashi village community]: 159.

(Wed. SV Asia. The Chukchi [two men come to the reindeer herder; they have wooden heads, no legs; you have to drill a fire in their eye cavities to wake them up]: Bogoras 1928, No. 7:306-307.)

California. Yurok [food was cooked on stones under the sun; to be able to cook at night, people create a woman and a man - chopsticks for making fire; first they make a woman from cedar root, a man from Xerophyllum stem, the process is long; then fast from the willow root]: Kroeber 1976, No. P2:363; screw [an arrow was stolen from the great hunter; he complains to his sister; she and her husband are fire sticks; they produce fire (this is their son), the world burns]: Curtin 1898:5-11; cahuilla [The night woman and the immensity man created Múkat, then, at his request, Témayawut; M. told him he was his younger brother, T. responded with the same words; they argue for a long time about who is older, who will create what, T. repeating Mukata's words every time; everyone creates tobacco and a pipe; M. wants them both to create the same world, and T. so that everyone is different; M. creates earth from a handful of black sand, T, gray; M. wants to create people as they are now, and T. wants to create people with two faces, feet back and forth (to see and go both ways) webbed on their fingers to swim; both created 12 pairs of their men; M. asked their father Huge to give them Sister Moon; M. created the sun, it shines more in the south, where half M.; offended M. with his people he went north and then down; at the same time, mountains appeared on earth, many people died; M. created new ones; M. began to come to his sister at night; she recognized and rose to heaven; before that she created bow and arrow; M. created a rattlesnake; people decided to kill him; Yasheritsa saw where he was relieving himself, and the Frog swallowed his excrement, carried him to the lower world; M. dies, spits, Coyote every time swallows his phlegm, wants to kill him faster; M. died; the woman lay down, the Fly man began to rotate the spindle on her, first blood splashed, then the fire lit; the woman turned into a board for kindling a fire, a man in a fly (and now he is turning something with his paws); the Coyote was sent away, but he saw smoke, came back, jumped over the short Badger, took and ate his heart]: Curtis 1976 (15): 110-121; cupeño [the fire for the deceased creator's fire is produced by two men, the embodiment of a fire drill]: Strong 1929:269.

Chaco. Ayoreo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 153 [Dikitadí pati did not want anyone to touch it, did not want to lose the fire it contained; there was also Dikitadí kaniyé; both wives; the first is stingy, did not make fire, the second and his wife easily produced; abandoned his human form, but asked him to remember it], 154 [Dikitadé kaniyé and her husband tried something; she became his pinch, it turned out to be fire; Dikitadí is a man who lies at the base; Dikitadé is a woman, a wand that turns fire]: 215-216, 216.