Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

D11. The food was warmed on the body .

Before fire became known, food was cooked by warming it with your body (usually under your arm); the fire is kept under the character's arm.

Bushmen, Hottentots (namas), Huli, Banks Islands, Yap, Koos, Yurok, Karok, Tubatulabal, Kawaisu, Kekchi and Mopan, Guatuso, Paez, Shuar, Aguaruna, Barasana, Macuna, Whitoto, Chikuna, mezhinacu, varua.

SW Africa. Bushmen! kung: Biesele 1975, No. 21 in Kotlyar 1983, No. 131! kung [(also paraphrased in Kotlyar 2009, No. 271:149-160); the fat Bustard had fire, he hid it under his arms; Gara invited Bustard to stretch out his wing, saw smoke and fat, grabbed and carried away fat (and fire?) , fried and ate; grabbed Bustard, began to cook, drink its fat; he carried him, he ran from the cauldron to the bushes; The bustard got out of the cauldron, flew away]: 258-259; Lebzelter 1934:35 to Kotlyar 2009, No. 274 [(=Kotlyar 1983, No. 7: 28); the fire was under the ostrich's wing; while playing with Ostrich and Owl, Hayseb invited Straich to wave his wing, the head fell, H. grabbed it, threw it on the fig tree; since then people have fire]: 160-161; nama hottentots []: Schmidt 2001:24 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 275:161.

Melanesia. Huli (South Mountains) [the first was Honabe, cooked with the heat of her genitals; gave birth to five sons with Timbu, including Ni, and daughter Hana; Ni watched Hana rub against a tree in the forest; inserted into the trunk was a sharp stone, he cut through Hana's vagina; she told Ni; he saw her vagina, met his sister; ashamed of their mother Honabe, Ni and Hana took to heaven, Hana became the Sun, Ni the Month]: Glasse 1965:33-34; Banks Islands (Gaua) [there was no fire; two boys shot fish with a bow and ate them with their grandfather; he warns not to go beyond a certain place - you can stumble upon them to their ancestors; they did go; an old woman came out of the cave; asked for fish to her, put it under her arms; took out and gave the boys baked fish; the boy was brought to his grandfather; he ordered them to steal the fire from the old woman; She rushed into the forest, but the boy caught up with her and threw coconut husks in her face; the old woman ran away, but the husk caught fire; turned into stone, it is still there; the boys brought fire to their grandfather, he stayed with people; and the old woman rushed to the mountain, now there is a volcano]: http://alex.francois.free.fr/AFtxt_select_e.htm.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap: Christian 1899 [people baked yams in the sun; asked the heavenly god Yalafath for help; Dessra thunder fell from the sky, stuck in a breadtree; Guaretin was just baking yam, rescued D.; he taught her how to make fire by friction, make and burn clay pots; to make fire, I put tupuk wood sticks under my arms, they are filled with heat, now they are used to produce fire]: 320; Mü ller 1918, No. 75 [there was no fire, a Deneman woman baked a tarot in the sun; a thunder in the form of a dog fell to the top of the pandanus; asked the woman to lower it, he was afraid of scratching himself against thorns; saw her tarot, asked, she gave it raw, he put it under his arms, returned the baked goods; he also dried pieces of wood under his arms, made a fire drill; then taught him how to sculpt and burn clay vessels on fire; a woman with With her two children, she hid the fire from people, using it only at night; people followed the woman, took the fire; paid her for pots but not for the fire]: 604-607 (quoted in Frazer 1930:90-91).

The coast is the Plateau. Kus: Frachtenberg 1913, No. 4 [there was no fire or water; to bake food, the young put it under their arms, the old people sat on it; people came to the owner of the fire and water; the visitor testified that his the cradle is older, so it is older; put abalone shells in his eyes, let the larvae eat himself; pointed himself at another snake, which began to eat it, he was afraid {descriptions of shamanic tricks}; people grabbed fire and water, ran away, threw fire into the willow; if they threw water, it rained]: 39-43; Jacobs 1940, No. 29 [young people cooked food under their arms, old people sat on it]: 212.

California. Yurok: Kroeber 1976, No. D1x [people ate tar instead of acorns, alder bark instead of salmon; there was no river; constant night, no fire, food was cooked in their armpits; Earthquake, Thunder, sandpiper bird, The ant was just playing shinney; the dwarf found out that the sky was light; Wohpekumeu turns into a woman, comes to the owners of the fire; carries baskets with day and fire; birds and animals carry baskets in baton; The frog is given last; it puts them in its mouth, dives; the pursuers go; it spits fire into the willows (fire drill material)], G1 [Wohpekumeu [wanted the river to flow in both directions so that the baskets they carried the cargo themselves, people ate resin instead of acorns, but it was too difficult to do so; there was no fire, people cooked under their arms, so the hair was hot; the worm (Inchworm) comes to the owner of the fire, swallows fire, brings it to others; since then his body has been glowing], Z1 [there was no fire, people cooked by warming food with their bodies; acorns were made of resin; one person saw that the Sun in the sky had fire, but The sun refused to give it away; the raven grabs, passes the baton to other animal people; the last turtle dives, puts fire in the willow roots]: 237-242, 297-298, 441-442; Karok: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. A10 [two blind female moles cook meat under their arms; Anhush comes, steals meat, they cry; he opens their eyes, makes a fire for them], III38 [two blind women cook meat under their arms; Laska comes, opens their eyes, makes a fire for them]: 16-17, 252; tubatulabal [a woman rubs her acorns, her daughter cries; a woman says: Take her, Ihaval (mountain spirit); the spirit takes away child; feeds quails roasted under his arms and her snot; she grows up; he returns it to her relatives; she violates the ban on saying where she was, dies]: Voeglin 1935, No. 7:207; kawaiisu [woman makes acorn porridge; her little girl is naughty, her mother goes home alone; when she returns, the girl is gone; she was taken away by Yawera (associated with a partridge, lives in the underground world); he feeds her partridges, which he cooks under his arm; in a year she grows up to become his wife; her brother meets her in the hills; I send a dead deer to the mother-in-law; sends his wife home, tells her three For a day not to talk about where she was; she gives birth to partridges, she can't catch them because she broke the ban; I kill her people by throwing stones at them]: Zigmond 1980, No. 54A: 181-182.

Mesoamerica Kekci, a mopan [old man T'actani has a daughter X't'actani; she is a weaver and a spinner; Kin killed an antelope, filled the scarecrow with ash and grass, and carried Sh past the house every evening; T. advised his daughter to pour on the water path; K. slipped, the scarecrow burst; then K. asked the hummingbird for his skin, giving him cotton wool in return so that it would not freeze; S. asked his father to shoot the hummingbird, who stunned him; at night in Sh. K. became a man; asked S. to get her father's magic stone mirror and wind tube, covered the mirror with soot, poured pepper into the tube; K. did not smoke one place in the mirror, T. saw K. and S. in the boat; not was able to shoot, almost suffocated; asked his Uncle Chac (Thunder) to kill the fugitives; K. turned into a turtle, S. turned into a crab, both dived to the bottom; after being hit, K. swam out, saw S.'s blood on the water; told the fish to collect it, but they began to eat flesh and drink blood; then he told the dragonflies, they collected them in 13 wooden decks; K. left them to the woman, promising to return in 13 days; opening the decks, K. found them in them various poisonous snakes (in the 1st), non-venomous snakes (2nd and 3rd), mosquitoes (4), sand fleas (5), green hornets (6), yellow wasps (7), small black wasps (8), the same but with white wings (9), white caterpillars with with poisonous hairs (10), flies (11 and 12), S. (13); K. sent a man to throw the first 12 decks into the sea; he heard a noise, discovered it out of curiosity, the creatures broke into the world; S. does not have a vagina; on the advice of old woman K. put S. between two hills, told a small deer to run, the trail was too small; the big one was just right; when he met S., K. decided that it was too tempting for people, told the Rat to write in vagina; since then, sex has been followed by disgust; K. found out that S. was cheating on him with his brother Shulab; he asked the turkey and another bird to give him their bile, asked the old woman for pepper, tinted everything with uruku, told the old woman to make a cake out of it, baked it in his armpit, gave it to her lovers; they began to spit, could not quench their thirst, S. ran to the river for a drink, agreed when Vulture offered to pick it up; see K30 motif]: Thompson 1930:126-131.

Honduras-Panama. Guatuso [first women cooked meat, corn, and everything else under their arms; later people got fire]: Constela Umaña 1993, No. 3:130-131.

The Northern Andes. Paes: Nachtigall 1955, No. 18 [1) the old woman had a fire; the little girl asked for smut, the old woman gave only a sliver, it went out on the way; the girl snatched a burning branch from the old woman's fire, ran; the old woman was chasing her, the girl threw a branch into a pile of straw; so people took possession of the fire; 2) the old woman gave the fire, they were tired of it; then the old woman turned off all the lights in the people, rushed to run away with smut; people chased her, she threw herself into the water, sticking a branch by the road; people found fire in the smoke, divided it between everyone; 3) the old woman gave fire, pulling it out of her armpits; the missionaries came they wanted to take the fire and sanctify it; the old woman ran, she was engulfed in flames, she threw herself into the water]: 310; Bernal Villa 1953, No. 17 [var.1-3 the same as in Nachtigall; 4) María Santíssima gave fire to a girl, taking it out of her armpits]: 302-304.

Western Amazon. Shuar: Barrueco 1988 [people cooked in the sun or under their arms; Takea had the fire; his wife finds a frozen Hummingbird, brings him to warm up; he carries the fire on his tail, puts it in trees]: 33; Karsten 1935 [meat was baked under the arm, cassava under the jaw]: 516; Pelizzaro 1990 (=1993) [there was no fire, food was heated under the arm, which caused ulcers; Takea owned the fire; dead shuar they turned into birds, tried to steal the fire from his cave, but its door opened and closed constantly and quickly; the Jempe hummingbird got wet, flew in to warm up and dry, T.'s children picked it up; he set it on fire its tail, flew out of the cave, spread fire on the trees; now the tail of this species is black and forked, burnt out inside]: 41-42; Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2), No. 3-4 [fire and there were no cultivated plants except cassava; people collected vine seeds, warmed them under their arms, ate half-baked, and poisoned with raw cassava; the Hummingbird agreed with Gorlinka that he would get fire and she would get the seeds cultivated plants; both must get wet, stay on the trail to be picked up; let Gorlinka swallow the whole seeds; Martin (the arachnid monkey) at this time promised to steal the vessel at night; the wet ones were picked up by the spouses, the owners of fire and seeds; M. came, found a vessel at night; the hummingbird set fire to its tail, flew away, burned, the tail became uneven; Gorlinka flew away, gave people seeds; (obviously, M. broke vessel of darkness)]: 80-90; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 83 [forest demon Iwa trapped humans like people put on pigeons; the world is dark; Machín (spider monkey) ordered The dove and the Hummingbird pretended to be dead on I.'s path; he picked them up, brought them home; M. came and said he was eating pumpkins, beans and other cultivated plants; corrected the bodies of Pigeon and Hummingbird lying by the fire, so that the feathers wet from the rain dry; took a vessel from under the roof at night; the hummingbird lit its tail, flew away, placed the fire in the trees; The dove pecked the seeds of cultivated plants, also flew away; M. broke the vessel with at night; I. wiped a little bit of darkness with cotton wool, and when dawn, day and night began to alternate; children used to eat cassava, warming it between their legs (en sus entrepriernas)]: 661-665; Guallart 1948 [meat, cassava]: 88; Wavrin 1932 [people ate wild vine fruits, warmed them under their arms, children fell ill; a woman saw a cassava bush in the stream, went upstream, where the woman peeled cassava, gave it to her, sent a girl with her to ask for anything; at home, the woman asked for masato and cassava, fed her husband; once she called the devils, they took the girl away, but the cassava stayed]: 121-122.

NW Amazon. Barasana [husband dies, telling a woman to come to the station after the funeral; she takes their baby with her; he tells her to close her eyes, they enter the world of the dead; her dead mother-in-law releases fire from her anus ; bakes tubers for the baby under his arms and under his knees, but they are not tubers, but worms; the husband asks his wife to look for earth in his head; her tear falls on his knees, he is furious; the woman swims down the river, goes to Aguchi; te soup is peppered with shrimp; an Aguchi woman takes an earthly woman to her mother's property, where the Aguchi steal food; a woman was shampered but her child died]: C.Hugh-Jones 1979:110-111; macuna [when he dies, the husband does not tell his wife to cry, he tells her to come, taking their little son, to their property; she sees him there, he tells her to close her eyes, she finds herself by the river, where the dead take water; mother-in-law approaches her in the form of a bee, a lizard, her daughter-in-law drives them away, she thinks that her daughter-in-law does not want her; the husband explains that the daughter-in-law is alive, the mother-in-law appears human; it is constantly dark for the living; jaguars (this is the dead) bring snakes (these are fish for them); it is cold; what seemed like fire is the anus of the dead; the deceased sends the living for yams, she finds only snakes and worms, takes the snake, it turns into a yam, dead bakes it under his arm; they send him alive for water, but they give a basket; he sees smoke alive, he is in Agouti's house; because she goes to the site of people, she has fire; leads to the Anteater; he does not carries men, a woman disguises her son as a girl; Agouti brings a woman to her (woman) mother's precinct; thanks to this woman, we know about the world of the dead]: Århem et al. 2004:234-236; uitoto [see G5 motif; cassava used to be baked under her arms, under the knee and in the sun; the girl rejects suitors; Sikire Buneima (B. - aquatic mythical creatures) imperceptibly fertilizes her when she sits on troughs; she gives birth to a boy who turns into a huge tree; all cultivated plants are on its branches, the roots are edible; the woman bakes them under her arms and under her knees, brings them to her parents; people stop eat crushed stones, white clay and rotten wood; cut down a tree; a night bird, the mistress of the fire (Dormilón, apparently a nightjar), tells the children to collect firewood, sets it on fire, spewing fire from her mouth; baked cakes and left, taking the fire; so several times; the children answered their parents that they had baked them themselves in the sun; then one boy hid the coals in a pot, people got fire; now the mistress of the fire lives in hot hearth coals]: Preuss 1921, No. 2:57 [summary], 188-199; chikuna [no cultivated plants; the old woman noticed leaf cutter ants carrying something white; she liked the smell; walking along On the trail, she came to the river channel; on the bank there was a tree with yam and sweet potato; fruits in the form of sweet cassava tubers fell into the water; she baked cassava under her arm, then dried it in the sun; her grandchildren Dioy and Epi came to visit, she did not tell them where the cassava came from; her friend Bacurào kept the fire in his beak; with him, the old woman no longer baked food under her arm, but cooked on fire; the questioners answered that she was baking in the sun; when he heard this answer, Bacurào laughed, the fire blazed from his beak; people forcibly opened his beak, since then it has been wide; people found a tree, knocked down and uprooted it; The deer picked up the shoots of cultivated plants, hid it in a basket; D. called the Deer to pick up the poisoned fish, said he was leaving, turned into a tree above the river; the Deer hung the basket on his branch, D. took it away; the basket contained the tubers, shoots and seeds of all cultivated plants]: Nimuendaju 1952:130-131.

Southern Amazon. Mejinac [men lived without women, masturbated in the hand, did not have weapons, clothes, jewelry, slept on the ground, grabbed fish with their teeth like otters, cooked it while warming it under their arms; women lived in a separate village, owned the whole culture, a manhood and sacred flutes, their leader was Iripyulakumanju]: Gregor, Tuzin 2001:315; vaura [Fox had fire, people were cooking, warming it under her arms; the Sun became a fish, and his brother Month became a river oyster; let the Fox catch themselves; he made a fire to fry them, the Sun set fire to the leaves of the buriti palm tree, took away the fire; the Fox had only a false fire that lights up and goes out immediately; and people can fry fish ever since]: Coelho 1992:55.