Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

D12A. The heat of the sun is enough to cook.

People use the heat of the sun to cook because they are close to its source.

Ijo, Western and Eastern Toraja, Manuva, Bagobo.

West Africa. Ijo (kalabari) [Before the Dog brought fire from the spirits, people baked meat in the sun; the sun was close to the ground; when the fire appeared, the sky moved away, because the sun did not need to bake meat for people]: Talbot 1932:343.

Sudan - East Africa. Teda [Dungus Sayidmi wrote that "to the west of Ted, there are Yezei-uni-da people ("people who use the sun as fire") who do not use fire; they live in greater Guelta (Arabic) designation of the natural water tank), where the sun sets in the evenings; the water boils, they cook in it, eat it once a day"; about the same in Herodotus 4 and Pliny]: Kronenberg 1958:106, 127-128.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Western Toraja [people living in the east are burned to black by the heat of the sun when it enters the world through the east door; they use the sun's heat to bake bananas; if the sun delays sunrise, it is the people who hold it before they have time to bake the fruits; they eat them all day; the sun guards make sure that fish do not swallow it, so they feed them grasshoppers; the sun a shark tries to swallow, it is visible as the constellation Shark; to avoid falling into its mouth, the Sun deviates north and then south]: Kruyt 1938, No. 21:368-369; Eastern Toraja [The Sun enters to the world through the eastern gates, goes through the western gates; the eastern ones have dwarfs; they have neither food nor fire; at sunrise they buy unripe bananas from the Sun and give them to their children; they must have time for bananas in the sunny heat, otherwise they will be left without food all day; var.: Giants live at the eastern gate, whose babies are the size of an adult; once parents threw a baby into the forest, he grew up; a giant sea eagle sat down a tree; the young man sat on his spur, which brought it to the giants in the east; they kept it, he lived with their girl, became pregnant with her, she grew up, much bigger than him; The young man saw giants use the moment of sunrise to bake bananas]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 4:373-374.

Taiwan - Philippines. Manuva [when the sky was still close to the ground, people ate bark, cooked in the sun, made bamboo vessels; god Tumanod taught how to make ceramic vessels; the sky rose, food in the sun remained half-baked; then god Pamuligang taught how to get fire by rubbing and carving]: Eugenio 1994, No. 192:325-326; bagobo [people living where the sun rises ("at the door of the sun") are very black ; until noon, they hide in a hole to escape the heat of the sun, leaving vessels with rice ready for cooking; by noon, the rice is cooked, they get out, eat it, work]: Benedict 1913, No. 6:18-19.