Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

D13. Laugh.

The character loses valuables (gives them) and/or suffers damage/cure/changes if he laughs or hears laughter.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Sakata: Colldén 1979, No. 4 [the woman came to the cannibal Kenshune-nshune, he married her; there is a bed of people's skin and bones; her daughter came, her mother hid her under the roof, telling her not to laugh; throws pieces of meat there, says "You eat, I eat, the man does not eat, the nose is shaking"; the girl is silent, the mother explains that she threw food to the rats; K. left, the mother gave her daughter a lot of good things, she returned home; her sister She also went, but when she heard her mother speak, she laughed; K. ate her, her mother cried], 9 [the mother died, the daughters of Mbu and Mpia stayed to take care of the garden; Mbu went there and saw their dead mother cultivate them vegetable garden; her mother took her to the village of the dead; told her not to laugh if she saw termites dancing and people with their mouths on top of their heads; if her friends called her to swim, then swim in a bad place, not in a good place; Mbu I listened, received gifts, returned home]: 155-156, 161.

West Africa. Kono [during hunger, Orphan agrees not to kill Squirrel, who brings him to the village, forbiding him to laugh; residents do funny things around (such as: a hunter roasts meat, an antelope butts him, he falls into the fire); The orphan does not laugh, gets a lot of food; he tells the Parrot at home; he goes with the Squirrel, laughs, the inhabitants beat and chase them, the squirrel and the parrot stay in the forest forever]: Holas 1975: 303-305; Bambara [N'Gala created the earth, night the Sun and his wife the Moon; 13 months later she ran from her husband to her seven lovers; the Sun wanted to kill her, but the Earth prevented her; then the Sun was waiting her on the road and when she crossed it, the earth became dark; this was the first eclipse; people began to gripe, men parodied women, women men; the Sun burst out laughing, missed the Light, the Moon slipped through too; the Sun is still chasing the Moon, but the Earth covers it with darkness every time]: Hampâté Bâ 1994:139-142.

Sudan - East Africa. Zaghawa [a blacksmith with four sons hunts a lot of game; decides not to share it with fellow villagers, eat everything on the spot; they don't have fire, they don't want to go to the village for fire; youngest son sees a light, it turns out to be a devil's eyes; the father does not believe, comes, hits the line, he runs away, then comes to the parking lot; the blacksmith feeds him all the game, three sons, runs away with the youngest; sticks his head in a hollow for honey, at which time the devil appears, the blacksmith pulls his head out so quickly that he scalps off his scalp; in the village, one person's mother never laughed; her son promises a blacksmith a camel if he is hers will laugh; the blacksmith takes off his turban, the mother sees a naked skull, laughs; since then, the unfortunate blacksmith has lived begging]: Tubiana, Tubiana 1961, No. 23:96-98.

Australia. Nungakhburra (NSW) [there was no fire, people ate food raw or dried it in the sun; the Bootoolgah crane accidentally caught fire by friction, showed his wife the Goonur kangaroo rat; others were told that they baked fish in the sun; the Owl and the Parrot were sent to watch them; the fire owners were invited to dance; they were not amused until Bralghas (Brolga) danced; everything, including The crane began to laugh; at this time, the Hawk, who had pretended to be sick before, carried away the fire light; the grass was burning]: Parker 1896:24-26 (Russian translation to Parker 1965:56-60) in Dixon 1916:284 and Waterman 1987, No. 1975 (2): 70 (Waterman does not say that food was baked in the sun); Kamilaroi [everyone eats meat raw, there are traces of blood around his mouth; Raven explains that his face is clean because he cuts meat finely with a knife; to him they don't believe it, they invite you to Corroborie, Shingle-back and Sleepy-Lizard (both Lizards?) they dance, shouting the words of an obscene song and defecating, while jumping, excrement flies to the sides; the Raven is so enthusiastic that the Gur-gur hawk manages to grab his purse, in which the fire is, escape; The raven is chasing, the fire falls on the grass, it lights up; the raven is lying on the grass, trying in vain to extinguish the flame; it turns black, only white circles remain around the eyes]: Mathews 1908, No. 6:304-305 (quoted in Waterman 1987, no. 1975 (1): 70); vongaybon [two old women, the Kangaroo Rat and the Turtledove, kept the fire in a nut; they were invited to dance to steal their fire; Black Kakadu danced, defecating, blood and crap flowed down his leg; the old women laughed, and the Hawk hid the nut in his bag and told Tornado to spread fire; he placed it in all the trees that make fire sticks; The cockatoo has since red spots under its tail and the Hawk is rusty]: Waterman 1987, No. 1975 (3): 70; kabikabi, wakawaka [Viper owns the fire; birds try to get it unsuccessfully; Small The hawk grimacing, the Viper laughs, loses control of the fire]: Waterman 1987, No. 1975 (4): 70; Watjobaluk [Jackass kept fire in its mouth, did not give it to anyone; the Hawk tickled him until he He opened his mouth and the fire did not spread across the ground; Jackass was angry at first, but then laughed at it]: Waterman 1987, No. 1980:71; Kurnai, Oz. Tyers [the huge Frog swallows all the water; animals take obscene positions to make it laugh; this succeeds when the Eel wriggles on its tail; the Frog laughs, the water it pours out, the flood begins; Loon (or Pelican) made a boat and saved many; when they refused to give him a wife, he painted combat paint with clay, turning into a black and white pelican (or stone)]: Waterman 1987, No. 2400 (1): 79; Vurageri and neighboring tribes [the deceased takes a rope to heaven, where totems and ancestors live; he crawls through the hole like mythical creatures of the beginning times; the edges of the hole move continuously, opening a narrow slit from time to time; the dead sees two guards - a month-old man on one side, a Sunwoman on the other; the long penis of the Month is wrapped around his belts, the Sun's long clitoris are blocked by fire, which is a source of warmth and daylight; if the deceased is not afraid, he goes to where the two first ancestors Ngintungintsu and Gunababa they start asking him questions, but he must be silent; they dance, erecting their penises and trying to make him laugh with their song; he shouldn't even move an eyebrow; then women dance an erotic dance, but he again, he should not react in any way; (shamans talk about similar trials when visiting the heavenly world); then the deceased meets Bayami and his wife, whose body is like rock crystal]: Berndt, Berndt 1964:413; Euahlayi [The Blue Crane and the Kangaroo Rat opened fire by friction, hid it from others, said they also baked fish on the seolnchain; people spied, corrobori, Australian cranes (brolga) danced so much that the Kangaroo Rat and the Blue Crane burst out laughing, others stole their firebag]: Parker 1953:39-42 in Maddock 1970:188.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Rotuma [sisters Nujkau (Nk) and Nujmanga (Nm); caught the bird in a snare, Nm ate it; put it back on strength, caught the old woman and grandson; while the old woman was fishing, they ate the grandson; asked for a sprout the trees grew, it grew to the sky; they went up there, ripping off their bark to make the trunk slippery; in the sky they came to two blind twins connected with their backs; stealing yams from them; the twins raised legs began to grimace, the sisters laughed, they caught them; the sisters put bugs to their eyes, they saw the light, separated from each other; all four began to live well]: Polinskaya 1986, No. 15:77-80; Maori [to destroy the goddess of death Hine-Nui-te-Po, Maui must crawl into her mouth; warns the birds not to laugh; the wagtail laughed when she sees M.'s legs sticking out of H.'s mouth; H. closed her teeth, M. died]: Reed 1960:42-46; Tuvalu (Niutao): Koch 1966:71 [boys were catching birds; the Finemata spirit frightened the birds, they flew into the forest and then back to the sea; the boys ran into the forest, again to the shore, back to the forest and came across F., who had a baby; they managed to climb the tree; F. grimaced that to make the boys laugh and they would fall; they did not laugh; began to cut the tree with an ax; one of the boys every time he overgrown the felling; the axe became dull, F. ran after another, the boys went down and returned home], 72-73 [11 boys collected shells to play (they are put in a bowl); one found a good stone a bowl; the boys carried it with them, but it got heavier and then rolled into the forest; the boys behind her, there was the cannibal Taukinotoe; he went for firewood, the boys climbed the tree; T. noticed the boys when they saw them reflection in the water; grimaced to make them laugh, but they did not laugh; began to cut the tree with an ax, but one of the boys immediately overgrown the felling; the boys asked the birds to carry them away, they took them away, but for the youngest, the bird was too weak, could not lift it up; T. caught him, began to feed him at home; the boy asked for time off out of need, refusing to relieve himself in the house; T. tied him to him a rope, the boy tied it to a tree; a bird brought it home; parents are happy], 74-75 [~ (72-73)].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [there were two Sun Brothers, unbearable heat; a toad killed one with an arrow; the other was covered with a black veil, it became dark, people began to die; when the Bat, hanging upside down, shouted through his nose, the Sun looked out and smiled, the world lit up again]: Elwin 1949:54; best [Tlumtea brothers rejected; he himself helps the rat, the snake, they help his father-in-law fulfill his father-in-law's errands, Tl. Marries Vanchung; she says she has forgotten her comb and rod, Tl. Returns for them, tells them to sit in a tree, not laugh, not cry; Tonulawki sees V.'s shadow, takes them for her own, but is surprised that others necklaces and bracelets; V. laughs, T. tells her to go down to look in each other's head; T.'s lice are huge, V. pretends to bite through them, just snaps her teeth; then T. looks in V.'s head, swallows her, puts on her clothes; replies to Tl., who has returned, that her fingers are sharpened, pointing towards him, her eyes have narrowed looking for him; people meet Tl and his wife, but see that he brought T.; she regurgitates V.'s bracelet, the old woman tells me to put it in the pot for seven days; T. confused it, decided that for seven months; V. secretly leaves the pot, cooks for T., prepares reindeer manure for T.; T. waited her, lay down with her; T. came back, hears laughter; they killed her; a saichu tree grew out of her chest; her husband sent V. to wrap rice for leaves, told all residents to answer that they had no leaves (so that she could go around the village and everyone saw its beauty); V. tried to take the leaves of the saichu tree, could not tear it off, began to bite off, s. cut her tongue, she died]: Shakespear 1909:404-409.

Burma - Indochina. Karen [a young man brought a beautiful white wife from afar; a black maid changed her skin to take her place; his wife was sent in the guise of a maid to chase birds from the field; the birds did not bite themselves harvest; she sent the dove to bring fragrance oil from her mother's house; there the dove broke its wings, did not return for a long time; the wings recovered, the dove brought oil, the woman took on her true form; told her husband that the imaginary wife must have a black tongue; they try to make her laugh, she does not laugh; then she is suddenly beaten, she screams, showing her tongue; the husband kills her with a sword; to cleanse herself, the wife tells her husband to sit in the water for seven days and nights; after a day, the husband is barely alive from the cold; the wife allows him to go out, receives him, the spouses are happy]: Mason 1865:210-211; Vietnam's white tai [poor orphan cuts firewood for sale; sees seven heavenly maidens descend to the lake, take off their clothes and wings, bathe; hides the youngest's wings; takes her as his wife; a year later she gives birth to a son; in the absence of his wife, the father calms down a crying child, giving him his mother's wings to play; once the mother was left alone with the child, who cried and pointed to where the woodcutter hid his wings; the mother finds them, after a while she flies away, giving her son his ring and telling his father to come to her if they wanted; the husband put his son on his back, went to look for his wife; the way through the mouth in a rock that closes and opens; the fox advises throwing there acidic fruits, teeth hurt, mouth movement will stop for a while; father and son pass; on the way a river with nine channels, in which even iron dissolves; a dog with nine tails and nine heads promises to transport if riders do not laugh in the middle of the river; in the middle of each channel, the dog makes an indecent sound, father and son laugh, one head and one tail fall off; before the last crossing a man ties his mouth and his son with a handkerchief, they reach the shore; since then, all dogs have one head and one tail, before it was nine; the phoenix offers to spend the night under his wing, and in the morning he and his the mother will bring them to the place where they celebrate the princess's return from land; the phoenix's mother carries them to the river bordering the sky; the maids collect water to bathe the princess, the husband throws a ring into the kushvin; the wife finds out him, tells them to call those who come; her father suggests 1) tying each of the 300 buffaloes to the pole to which they are always tied; the firefly shows who to tie; 2) sow the seed and again collect it; the birds collected it, but the king noticed that several grains were missing; one bird swallowed them, the king twisted her neck, since then birds of this species have goiter on the back of their heads; 3) find a princess in the night a palace of one hundred thousand rooms; the rat promises to bring a dry leaf under the right door, but halfway it was eaten by a cat; then the firefly leads to the right room; the king arranges a wedding, then sends the young to a land where the son-in-law also becomes king]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 11:311-316; ahem (northern kammu) [brother and sister chased the bamboo rat in the hole, they began to dig it up; she reported in the upcoming flood, advised me to climb into the hollow tree trunk; people on rafts and boats with gold and silver drowned; brother went north to look for his wife, sister went south to look for her husband, found no one, returned; the cuckoo told them to marry; seven days later, the sister gave birth to a dead, dry pumpkin child; they left her behind the house, heard sounds; the brother burned a hole with an iron rod, from there lamets came out (close to Khmu, but the language is incomprehensible), then ahem, Thais, Europeans, Chinese; people did not speak; one person told everyone to sit on a dry poplar trunk placed across the ravine, it broke, that's it hit, laughed and spoke; learned to write; determined which ethnic group is more important (older); the other two versions are almost identical to this one; the second sister is 3 years pregnant, gave birth to a pumpkin]: Lindell et al. 1988 : 268-278; ahem [an orphan young man lived with an old man, hunted birds, saw bird girls going down to swim, fell in love with the youngest one who was the last to arrive; the old man advised him to hide her wings; he hid them in a quiver; at first he could not defeat the girl, found strength by chewing the old man's bethel, tied them with this old man with a rope; took the heavenly maiden as his second wife, she gave birth to a child; after looking up, saw her wings hidden under the roof, put them on, flew away, returned to the child, invited her aunt to fly, but she just jumped and fell; flew away altogether; the domestic monkey put the dog in the paw a wand to show the owner which way his wife flew; the dog had seven tails, she led the owner and the monkey to the river; the young man put his sword in the jets, the river parted, forming two channels; all of them seven; the dog told me to hold on to its tail, not laugh, otherwise the tail will come off; the young man and the monkey laugh every time the dog makes an indecent sound, the next tail comes off; when left alone the tail, the dog went home, but the young man and the monkey stayed; the last stream crossed the body of the river dragon lying across the body; they came to the foot of Heaven, where the door opens and closes; the monkey became throwing fruits from the tree, the young man threw them into the hole in the rock, the rock stopped; they climbed the cliff to the banyan (ficus), where the monkey said he did not know the road beyond, returned; the young man saw two big birds, one said to the other that she would fly to peck buffalo meat at the festival in honor of the return of the virgin bird; the young man carved the feather of one bird, hid in the hole with his child, birds flew to the field where buffalo bones were thrown away, the young man went out; there was a river, the women replied that they had come to bathe the bird girl for water; the young man threw bracelets and necklaces into the jug, asked to pour the jug on the girl's head; she recognized her things; at the party, the young man pinched the child, the wife recognized her son's scream; all three returned to earth, the house there was overgrown with vines during this time]: Wrigglesworth 1991, No. 8:294-298.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Batek [the Malays forced the batek shaman to revive the monkey he had killed; the Malays and other batek laughed at her; dressed her, handed her a dagger, made her dance; seeing this, the shaman retired top of the hill; a stream of water poured out of the ground, all those laughing drowned; same at Sungkai Senoi (southern Perak) in Evans 1923:202-204; at Orang Dusun in Borneo (Evans 1923:204n); Kelantan Malay: cats and dogs forced to dance, water flooded the area (Skeat 1901:65)]: Endicott 1979:65; vemale [sunny god Tuwale noticed traces of sawn teeth on the mango fruit; found sisters Dapie (moon) and Siloo; to make them laugh, he told an ant to bite his genitals, began to squirm, the girls laughed, T. saw that D. had sawn teeth; parents did not agree to marriage, because T. had cutaneous teeth illness, brought a pig instead of his daughter; T. dragged R. underground; the next day she appeared in the form of a moon; T. constantly pursues R. in the sky, and when she catches up and marries her, she happens solar eclipse]: Knappert 1977b, No. 12:193-194

Taiwan - Philippines. Apayao [you can't laugh when planting tubers; they too will laugh and their peel will burst]: Wilson 1947b:30.

China - Korea. Lisa (Yunnan, formerly Sichuan) [Gua-tzu ("Orphan") caught a clam, left it at home in a jar of water; someone cooks; G. followed, grabbed the girl, they got married, she creates on his farm cattle and poultry; Uncle G. has three daughters, he advises to drive away the mollusk, take its daughter; G. does so; the woman goes into the water, the cattle after her, the uncle does not give the daughter to the poor; Dog, Pheasant refuse to help; Frog drinks the river, tells me not to laugh; his wife sits at the bottom, weaves, G. laughs, the Frog too, regurgitates the water; next time G. does not laugh, stays with his wife, she is the daughter of the Dragon; he offers difficult tasks, defeated; see motive K27]: Cherkasova 1961:431-440

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Nogais [people, animals, birds do not know how to harvest; the old man advises the Khan to send for the Hedgehog, tells him not to laugh in front of him; young people laugh at the sight of the Hedgehog, he leaves; the old man says that the Hedgehog Angry, he speaks to himself; they send the Cat, who creeps up silently when the Hedgehog says how to make an iron sickle; he tells the Khan, people are harvesting]: Nogai 1979, No. 3:13-14.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [the boy walks with his old mother through the forest; despite her prohibition, he picks up a blue belt at the crossroads, girds himself, becomes a strongman; they come to the troll's house; the son hears how the mother agrees to the troll's offer to marry him by getting rid of her son; the troll wants to roll a stone on the young man, the young man rolls on him himself, injuring his thigh; the young man brings him home; the troll offers to feed the young man to lions; the mother pretends to be sick, asks for lion's milk; the troll sends the young man to the lion's pen, he kills one lion, the others obediently let themselves milk; the troll does not believe, the young man He throws him to the lion who comes, takes him away while he is still alive; sleepy apples in the garden of the troll brothers; if he eats them, falls asleep, the trolls will kill him; the mother pretends to be sick again, wants apples; the young man eats apples, He falls asleep, but obedient lions guard him; trolls come in the guise of cannibal horses, the lions have eaten them; the young man wakes up, meets an Arab princess kidnapped by trolls in the castle; before going with her to Arabia, visits her mother, invites her and the troll to move to the castle; when she learns the secret of the belt, her mother tears it off, wraps it around her hand; the young man burns his eyes, goes down the river in a boat; lions they pull him ashore; one sees a blind hare seeing the light after swimming in a stream; the owner is treated, he enters the castle, grabs his belt, kills his mother, burns the troll's eyes, lowers the boat; swims in Arabia; on the island, an egg is cut, with a chick the size of an elephant; a young man tells me to sail to Arabia, where he clings to a spruce, others hide in the sand; a bird raises an island, throws it on ships; when it attacks a young man , he kills her with a sword; the princess's father will give her to whoever finds her; the young man dresses as a polar bear, dances; if anyone laughs, tears her; the maid laughs, is killed by a bear; the king leads the bear through the castle there, where the princess is hidden so that he can dance for her too; he discovers himself; in the morning he finds a princess in the guise of a prince, gets married]: Dasent 1970:155-171.

Volga - Perm. Tatars [if Shuryale sees teeth in a person's mouth, he will tickle to death]: Koblov 1910:429; Marie [Humo tells all living beings what their characteristics and habits should be; collects everyone for advice; the hedgehog comes last, stumbles over the threshold, falls upside down; everyone laughs, the angry Hedgehog leaves; the animals send the Fox to eavesdrop on what he will say; The hedgehog mutters, Let rivers, roads, hedges, trees, streets in villages will be crooked, let the forest be crooked; that's how it works]: Aktsorin 1991, No. 1:26-30; marie (meadow) [old man Yangelde leans to the river to drink, Black Water grabs him by the beard, tells her youngest son to marry the old man's daughter Srebro-toothed Pampalcha; she paints over her silver teeth with resin, runs away; on the way she sees the Faithful Water on horseback in a luxurious outfit; Water Old Woman, carrying wine to the wedding, sings; P. laughs, resin bounces off her teeth, the old woman recognizes her; A. climbs a pine tree, the old woman cuts the trunk with an ax; the hare suggests chopping her instead, throws an ax into the lake; the old woman drinks it, cuts it again; the same episode with the Fox; with the Bear; when the pine tree falls, sister P. lowers her silk swing from the mountain; this older sister is already married to Vodyanoy; she puts the youngest in a bag, tells her husband to take it to her father as if there are cakes in a bag; when he sits down to try tortillas, the girl screams, I see; returns to her father], 153-158 [seven orphan sisters went out fire; sent the eldest to Wever-Kuva (them: V.-Kuva); the girl invites V. to their house; V. gives fire, says that the sisters have an angry dog, asks to hit her in the leg; going to the sisters, sings that her tow is what a calf, a spindle - like a rolling pin, a spinner - like a millstone; the dog barks, V. is afraid, leaves; so with all the sisters in turn (break every next leg of the dog, burn it, scatter the ashes); by invitation younger sister, V. comes, lay down on the stove, with her six sisters, except the youngest; at night, one after another, the skulls of those eaten fall to the floor; V. each time replies that the curtain, spindle, etc., fell; in the morning the youngest offers V. to open her mouth to jump into it; throws boots full of hot coals into V.'s mouth; runs, taking a comb, a bar, a canvas; an abandoned comb turns into a forest; the hare is called to cut, throws an ax into the lake; V. drinks it; a bar is a mountain; the same, the Fox supposedly cuts; the canvas is the river, V. drinks; the girl climbs the birch tree, V. cuts; the girl asks her older sister to let her down from the sky spindle; she replies that she sows, then pulls hemp, etc.; at the last moment she descends, the girl goes up to heaven; her sister hides her from her husband; he promises not to eat what has come; the girl stays with her sister] : Sabitova 1992, No. 87-93; Mordovians [the old man bends down to drink, Vedyava grabs his beard; he promises to give what he does not know at home; returns three years later, his daughter meets him; grows up, goes to V.; her front tooth is silver, it is covered with wax; her mother gives a comb and a brush, her father gives a whetstone; old men and old women ask if she has seen the girl's Silver Tooth; she laughs, the wax falls off, they chase her, she throws objects; the comb turns into a forest, a whetstone into a mountain, her pursuers gnaw through obstacles; the brush turns into a tree, she climbs it, asks the one who lives in the sky lower the thread; she consistently replies that she will plow the field, sow hemp, soak the tow, hide it; lowers the thread when old men and old women gnaw through the trunk; in the sky she hides her sister from her husband- A bear; he eats coals, does not find it hidden; her sister plants her chest, tells her to take it to her parents; The silver tooth from the chest says, I see every time the Bear wants to open the chest; the father finds daughter in the chest]: Samorodov 1978:262-268; Chuvash [Tour ă called birds and animals to come up with a way to cultivate the land; the Hedgehog was late, the Mouse was sent to pick him up; when he entered the dogs, he slipped, fell, people laughed at him; he was offended and left, but only he knew what to do; the Pig was sent after him; she overheard him say that he should have a plough, a harrow, a cart (etc.); a pig came back and told me; angry at the mice, the hedgehog eats them, offended by the hedgehog, the pig hates him]: Egorov 1995:130.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas: Katanov 1963, No. 437 [Chelbigen takes her seven goats from old Tardan, then takes her into a bag; on the way she falls asleep, she leaves stones in her bag, runs away; at home C. pours stones into the cauldron, they break through the bottom; next time T. leaves bark in the bag; in the third H. brings it home, goes to beat the animals; T. asks C.'s children to release her, promises to cook salamat for them; defecates; children take sewage for salamat, devour; T. cuts off their heads, covers them with a blanket, cooks their liver; C. devours it; chases T.; she pours the blood of children C., C. licks it three times, his tongue freezes; T. cuts his tongue twice, cuts off C.'s head the third time; laughs, her liver bursts, she dies], 582 [see motif H40; having created earth and man, God gives the moon and sun to Erlik Khan ; it gets dark; God gathers the birds, tells them not to laugh if the Corncrake comes; the head of the birds Stork laughed; the corncrake was offended and left; sent the Owl to overhear what the Corncrake was saying at home; Let Erlik Khan will catch the echo of the rocks, his shadow, the tramp of a hundred horses; E. is forced to return the sun and moon because he could not fulfill God's requests]: 135-136, 156-157; Ungvitskaya, Mainogasheva 1972 [Magpie was the khan of birds, forbade laughing at funny birds when they appeared at the bird council; the Heron came in jumping here eating mice; the Magpie laughed herself; for this, Khudai demoted her from the khans, told her to live near people] : 29; tubalars [Kudai created man; Ulgön's three daughters could not make fire; K. came to fire, stepped on his long beard, stumbled; the girls began to mock above him, he left; they hid in his way, heard him say, They themselves cannot find the sharpness of the stone and the hardness of iron; they make flint]: Radlov 1898:221; tofalars [man met people with horse hooves; they stabbed their daughter to feed him; he rode a horse; they chased, armed with iron hooks; they fell behind when he jumped over the swamp; a man came to people who ride hares; a sable killed one of them; a man killed a sable; for this they promised him living (eternal) water; the man returned home, told women to prepare to meet eternal people; When women saw them riding hares, they laughed; eternal men did not give water, but threw it on the cedar, if it was a pine tree; these trees became evergreen; people are mortal because those women laughed]: Katanov 1891:89-90; Tuvans [when dying, the mother tells her two sons named Ak-Sagysh and Kara-Sagysh to carry her corpse until the rope breaks, bury her there; K. refuses, A. carries, buries at stone stele (këje); at night a spirit fights with kyoje, says that if you hit him, a lan of silver will appear; A. brings këje, buys food with this silver; K. suggests cutting first cattle A., then refuses to slaughter their own; A. finds a hut, hides; Fox, Wolf, Bear come there; Fox: Karata Khan's daughter lost her bracelet, I hid it under larch, so the girl is sick; Wolf : I have muddied the spring, so drought; Bear: I feed on a cedar that does not run out of nuts; A. discovers the illness of Karata Khan's daughter, gets her as a wife and half of the khan's property; stops the drought; eats nuts from a tree; gives it to his brother, who breaks it to take all the gold, finds only stones; spends the night in a hut; animals talk about what happened, laugh, K. finds himself laughing, his torn to pieces]: Samdan 1994, No. 5:277-285; Shors [people asked Ulgen to teach them how to make fire; when he got down to the ground, he got entangled in his beard, fell; the children began to laugh; W.: Are people really so stupid that they can't find a piece of iron and stone; people heard, got fire]: Khlopina 1978:73; Buryats: Khangalov 1958a: 327 [Esege-Malan-Tengari married his son and took him to his bride on this occasion, but the son ran away, and every time his father drove him, he ran away from his fiancée; EMT wanted to consult Zarya-Azarg and sent for him; when ZA went up to heaven and entered the yurt, the children of heaven began to laugh over him, and the hedgehog went to the ground; then EMT sent three winged messengers to eavesdrop on what he would say FOR; goes FOR between the bulls and the bulls ran away when they saw the hedgehog, for which they were condemned to wear forever weights and be under the yoke; for comes to a herd of horses and horses, frightened, ran away; ZA ordered that the bridle should not be removed from their head, the collar from the neck, the saddle from the back and the legs of the fetters, they will carry man and heaviness; on the way, ZA reasoned out loud: "Why does EMT not bring the bride to her son, then the bride will not leave the groom, but the groom will always leave"; after learning the words FOR, the father of heaven began to teach the bulls to wear a yoke and carry weights, and horses to the bridle and saddle, and took his son's bride and brought him to his son; since then, the Buryats began to use bulls and horses for their needs, and the custom of taking the bride to the groom's house has been established , not vice versa], 328 (Kudins) [Esege-Malan-Tengari and the landlord became related through the marriage of their children; the owner of the land was visiting the sky Esege-Malan-Tengari; when leaving home, he asked gift from the sun to the moon; EMT could not refuse; it became dark on earth; EMT sent for Zarya-Azarg, the latter was offended by the ridicule of 9 sons and 9 daughters of EMT, who laughed that the hedgehog did not walk, because it has no legs (?) , but rides; ZA left, blurted out his thought on the way, which EMT used; he went to visit the owner of the land himself; What should you give? says the owner of the earth; the horse from the spring reflection and the arrow from the echo; the owner of the earth could not fulfill the request, took the sun and moon out of the box and handed it to the guest]; Khangalov 1903 in Sharakshinova 1980 [ High Heaven (Under Tengari) married the daughter of the Broad Earth (Ulgen Dalhey) for her son; the Earth demanded the Sun and Moon for her daughter, locked them in a box; the sky and earth became dark; Heaven cannot think of a way to get the Sun and Moon back; Zarya Azarga sent for the wise Hedgehog, ordered his 9 sons and 9 daughters not to laugh when he enters; ZA had no legs, rolled on the ground; sons and daughters, when they saw him, could not help laughing; ZA was angry, drove back; Heaven sent Hare, Deer, Ermine, Squirrel, Ferret to eavesdrop on what ZA would say; "Let the sons and daughters of the High Sky will descend to earth and become huts and ongons; in order to restore the Sun and Moon, we must ask the Broad Earth for Forest Echo and Water Flickering; it is unable to catch them , will be forced to give back the Sun and Moon"; the Hare overheard these words; as a result, the Sky received the lights back, and his children became gods who filled the Saiyans]: 34-36.

Western Siberia. Keta [The mouse fell into the water, the Merganser laughed, his bubble burst, the Mouse ate it; people are ill with an old woman, the Mouse promises to cure, asks to put the old woman in a bag with her; she ate her eyes, ears, killed, ran away]: Alekseenko 2001, No. 144:256-257.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgans: Popov 1937:28-33 [The fox convinces Myshelov's bird that the deer and the camp are strangers; he kills a deer from his own herd, kills his wife and children; later sees that the Fox does not have his children killed, only bit their ears; Mouselov lures Lisa onto thin ice; she fails, gets to the fish mother, promises to cure, acting as a shaman, tells her to put a stick to then get out up on the ice; says that the patient will scream; ate fish and ran away; sits on sledges to a woman, eats a bag of meat, replies that the area is called Polsumy, Donyshko; The bear wants to eat it, she promises to get fat after sleeping; both lie down on the edge of the mountain; at night, the Fox lies down on the other side of the Bear, asks him to move, he falls; tells the man that he eats his penis; he cuts off his own, dies; Fox comes to his two wives, hides his face; in the dark, they try to cut the Fox with an ax, but cut the pregnant woman's belly; tells Wolf that he gets fat by lowering his tail into the ice-hole; the wolf's tail freezes, is torn off; other Wolves say that a Fox came, breaking her tooth on a sharp deer stomach; a lot of Fox sits by the fire; the Wolf smeared his ass in ash, began to dance ridiculously; everyone laughed, one closed her mouth, her Wolf torn to pieces], 33-35 [The fox comes to an old man named Ukukuut-Chukukuut, asks for his child to be eaten; he gives the children one by one; Lisa offers to play with children, puts W. in the cradle, binds, puts them to sleep, pushes them into a ravine; W. calls ermines, arctic foxes, mice to gnaw their belts, gives them a vazhenka for this; pours ash into his pants, comes to the fox's house, where that Fox is camlaking; hits a tambourine, jumps, ash comes out of his pants, hears a fox laugh in the corner; roasts and beats Lisa, kills; (=Efremov 2000, No. 9:197-199)]; central Yakuts (2nd Siktyakh Nasleg of Kobyaysky Ulus, 1938) [The fox tells the Tyokei bird to drop an egg, threatens to push through the clearing, gnaw through the valley, cut down the willow; this is how he gets three eggs out of four; The chipmunk explains that the Fox will not be able to carry out the threat; Lisa invites the Chipmunk to swing in an iron cradle, ties him with wire; the Tyokei bird rubs it with its beak, saves the Chipmunk; the chipmunk comes to the meeting of foxes, dances, pouring it out from his bosom wood dust; Foxes laugh; one with shredded teeth covers her mouth; old Chipmunk hits her, foxes now have black hair; the wire mark is stripes on the chipmunk's fur]: Ergis 1964, No. 6:48-50; Northwestern Evenks: Pinegina et al. 1952 (Cyrene) [The fox tells the Bear that she is sick, asks her to carry it; slowly eats all the dried meat from his bag, runs away; the Bear puts it in his pants rotten, foxes collects, shamanite; when dizzy, rotten pants fell in different directions; The foxes laughed with their mouths open; the bear saw that one had broken teeth - against his meat; he hit her to blood , since then the fox is red]: 18-19; Vasiliev 1936, No. 5 (Ilimpic, Western 1907) [The fox and the bird Kovshichan went up the river; at night the Fox turns the shuttles, K. does not notice that they are now swimming down; they see the herd, K. does not understand that he is cutting his own deer; when he learns about this, Lures the Fox to the fragile ice; the fox sinks to the bottom to the ulcers, they say that their mother is sick; the fox undertakes to shamanize, treat, says that the disease will scream; eats eggs, runs away; is hired as a shepherd, kills deer; the old man shouts to his wife to beat the Fox; she hears poorly, the Fox explains that her husband tells her to tie a bubble of fat to the Fox's tail; runs away; tells the Wolves that he caught fat in the river with his tail down; wolf tails freeze, Wolves tear them off; Fox gnaws bones, breaks a tooth; Wolves in the plague will make people laugh, one hoots an owl, mutters a hare; the Fox covers his mouth, Wolves beat him; the Fox invites the Bear to lie on on a cliff ledge, closer to the wall; at night he lies between him and the wall, asks him to move, the Bear falls; the fox eats bear meat; the girls carry supplies, the Fox calls to show the way, eats everything on the way; hides on larch, girls make a fire; the Fox asks the Fire not to burn it to the end, becomes small as it is now]: 258-262 (quail in Bulatova 1985:154-160); Sym Evenks [man migrates, the daughter returns for forgotten toys, the Bear grabs her, wants to eat her; the fox frees; relatives do not transport the girl across the river, she tells the grief to slide down, crush them; the ostyak transports her in a wooden scoop; tells the bear that she has waded; he enters the water, drowns; tells his heels to become bars, his legs with sharpeners, his back is soft, his skull is a stone for rubbing paints, shoulder blades with a paint stone, blood with red paint, black feces; the girl goes beyond the ostyak, who makes her carry water and pours it out; she asks the birds to pick it up, only gasha (shamanic birds) give her feathers; she flies, falls at the door of an old woman whose sons want to eat her; she flies away again; Gurivul tells her to fall, marries her; gasha arrives, a woman with a child hides from them in a storage shed; gasha gnaw supports, G. comes, shoots, one gasha leaves his tooth; when he comes to gash, G. steps over the fire, the edge of the caftan lights up, everyone laughs; he sees who does not have a tooth, kills him, injecting him in the back of the head with this tooth]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 42:45-51; Osharov 1936a (Turukhanskiye; Podkamennaya Tunguska, western 1923) [The wolf invites Lisa to tie her legs to jump ridiculously and warm up; then the Fox ties the Wolf's legs, leaves; the white Crossbill unties the Wolf, who kills the moose, Crossbill has been smearing blood since then red breast; a fox broke her tooth on a frozen horse neck (?) ; The wolf found a tooth, came to the Foxes, began to beat his tail on the fire, the tail caught fire, the Foxes laughed, the Wolf identified the Fox without a tooth; invites her to look for lice from each other; leaning over the Fox, kills her]: 10- 11 (=1936b, #3:277).

Amur-Sakhalin. Negidals: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 62 [The fox steals the old woman's puppies; she hides, kills her with a stick, makes a hat out of her skin; another Fox offers to feed the old woman's puppies (apparently asks give her a hat for this time); takes away both the puppies and the hat; The bird comes to the Foxes to camla, they laugh, let her vilify the hat, she flies away, returns it to the old woman; she gives her a cutting knife; Fox grabs the bird; she tells me to ask Seweki's permission if it can be eaten; opens its mouth, the Bird supports the Fox's jaw with a knife, flies away], 63 [The fox invites the old woman to watch her puppies; steals and puppies, and a patterned hat; A bird flies into a house where Foxes dance and camla; asks the thief to dance, identifies, brings the old woman back her hat; the old woman sews multicolored wings on the bird's tail and wings scraps], 64 [The fox offers a person to help drag a sledge with fish; pretends to break his leg; asks to put it by bags of fish; replies that they have passed the Nachalnaya, Srednyaya, Konechnaya rivers; limping, goes to the taiga for firewood, throws an ax, spoiling it; a man finds a broken fox tooth in a bag; puts small birds and animals in his pants; shamanite foxes in the house, birds and animals flutter and jump out; everyone laughs; one Fox covers her mouth; asks the hunter to spare her, promises to bring him his wife; the old man drinks water from the ice-hole, the Fox bends his head to the water; lets him go for promising to give his daughter; brings her person]: 124-125, 126, 129-131; Cincius 1982, No. 28 [the older sister goes for firewood, the youngest stays at home; the devil comes in, saying that his legs are trouble, his head is a hammer, his hands are mites, his stomach is blacksmith's fur, the eyes are sparkles; she lets her breath on the bowls so that they split; the girl does not laugh, the hell does not find her; next time the older sister stays, laughs, the hell looks in her head, asks for permission to him put a louse on her tongue, pulls out her tongue and eyes; the youngest comes into the house a line, finds fresh tongue and eyes among the many hanging there; the sister hides her devil, tells her brother to go to bed in a mortar; girl pushes him there; he turns into mosquitoes, midges, wasps, gadflies]: 144-147; Orochi: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 56 [six sisters live in the sky, the seventh eldest in the house; sisters come to her, the youngest smears her ass with charcoal, the eldest laughs, others see a man on her teeth; run away on skis; the older sister chases them, kills everyone but the youngest, dies, turns into a gnat; cm . motive J35, L72]: 204-206; Bereznitsky 1999, No. 9 [The fox pretended to be dead, the hunter picked it up, put it on the sledges; she threw away all the fish and ran away; hides with the old people; the hunter dances ridiculously, Fox laughs; the hunter grabs her, takes her to the island; she tells the Nerps she wants to count them; runs away from the island over their heads], 19 [(=2002, No. 2:106; 2003, No. 23:448; 2005, No. 50:477-478); father dies; mother Before she dies, she tells six daughters to run away, because the seventh, the eldest, is a cannibal; the sisters dance to make her laugh; the seventh dances naked, the eldest laughs, they see human veins on her teeth; they run away on skis; five have mounts made of rags, ropes, elkskin, wire, iron plates; they tear, the cannibal eats them; the sixth, the youngest, has an iron chain attachment; she throws a comb, mirror; a forest, a lake appear; the eldest gnaws through the forest, drowns in the lake; the youngest comes to the young man, gets married]: 147, 151; Nanais: Chadaeva 1990 [the older sister is ready to go to look for a groom herself; the evil spirit of Hondori-Chaco comes; when she smiles, the youngest sees a human being on his teeth; the eldest does not see; at night the youngest sees and hears X. eating her sister; the youngest resorts to the lonely young man Mergen; followed by H.; M. invites him to lie down, he is eaten by snakes; M. marries his younger sister, returns the eldest from the world of the dead, and marries her]: 52-56; Shimkevich 1896 [two sisters live alone; the cannibal buseu comes to the eldest, she hides, does not laugh; when the youngest is left, she laughs when she sees B. talking to himself; b. searches in her head, offers to stick her tongue out so that put a louse on him, pulls out her tongue; when she finds the corpse, the older sister finds the ogre's house, finds a warm tongue among many others; sister B. invites him to go to bed in a large wooden ladle; both women push it into porridge; particles turn into stinging and blood-sucking insects]: 128-130; Bikin Nanai [older and younger sisters take turns buying firewood; a hammer head comes, legs- skewers, tick hands, chalcedony eyes, back is an ornamental board; the younger sister hid; the eldest laughed when the hell knocks with spoons and chopsticks; he looks in her head, tells her to stick out her tongue, to put a louse on him, pulls out his tongue, stuffed bird cherry chips in his mouth, put the phone in, left him standing; the younger sister found a barn with tongues; found a fresh sister, inserted it into her severed head (not it is said directly that the devil cut off his head); I came to the house where the man is sitting, he tells me to cook meat; the eldest's head rolls out, asks for it to be given to her; well done beats his younger sister, she leaves, her head is rolling then, asks to take her; she came to another young man, he marries both sisters (the eldest has recovered - as the head found the body, it is not said); the youngest has come to the sister a trait, she hides her; hell comes, goes to bed in a mortar; the sister of the devil and the one who comes push him, sift it through a sieve; the largest sifting is yellow spiders; then fewer and fewer: black spiders, mosquitoes, midges, small midges]: Sam 1976, No. 2 : 125; Udege people: Arseniev 1995:179-180 [seven girls refused to marry; the eldest went somewhere; the rest decided to make her laugh; the youngest took off her pants and threw them into the fire; the eldest smiled, everyone saw hair in her mouth; thought she was eating people; six sisters ran away, she caught up with them and ate them; gave birth to six Nengui, red wolves; this tale is told only during the day and consider the most terrible; (quail in Bereznitsky 2002, No. 3:107; in Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 109:476-477)], 180-181 [the same; the youngest throws chips into the fire, not pantaloons; to catch up with the younger ones sisters, the eldest tells the straps to break on their skis; the souls of the younger ones, and then the eldest, went to heaven, became stars (possibly the Pleiades; quail in Bereznitsky 2002, No. 4:107-108; in Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 110:477-478)]; Kormushin 1998, No. 1 [older sister goes for firewood; Dzangdalafu enters the house; head - marsh bump, hair with smoke, eyes - green beads, tick hands, fingers, legs- skewers, abdomen - blacksmith's bells, buttocks - shielded stones in the blacksmith's furnace, scrotum - bells, penis file; scoops up a bowl of ash, blows the winds, the hidden one does not laugh, D. leaves; the next day, the older sister stays, laughs; D. looks for lice from her, asks her to pick it up, pulls it out, puts a sewing in her hands, a tube in her mouth, takes her heart away; the youngest comes running to mother D., who gives her heart , she revives her sister; both return to D.'s mother, ask him to put her son to sleep in a leather; the girls crumple him, he sleeps; they run to the river, ask for a good man to transport him; he throws a bridge, the youngest hides in his pants, the eldest in the hallway; when D. crosses, well done, turns the bridge over, D. drowns; tells the intestines to become reaches, the testicles to scratch (?) , tibia bones (?) - drowns, ass - decay; well done, married sisters, the old woman became their mother], 30 [someone steals fish from the trap from the trap; he finds Badger, he teases him; throwing a jail, well done hits himself on the same leg; finds Badger's house, sets fire, kills Badger and cubs (badger fur with gray hair since then); Lisa says they will come in a jay (there is no such word), they will kill everyone; both train in shooting, Lisa pretends to be wounded, offers to leave on sledges, eats all the fat on the way, runs away; hides in the Zaitsev house; well done hides birds under his clothes, shamanite, releases, Hares, then the hidden Fox laughs; Lisa promises to bring the old man's daughter Kanda; leads; well done asks his wife to sew a dress for Lisa; Lisa tells the Roe deer that they should sleep on the ice, there will be a dress; Roe deer freeze, well done gets a lot of meat; the same with Raisins; the Bear's tail froze into the ice-hole, the tail has come off; the fox has changed clothes with the Tiger, since then the tiger has been striped and the fox is red]: 104-108, 148-164; Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 41 [the older sister went for brushwood, the youngest is at home; Dyangdalaf ý came; his head was a hammer, his belly was furs, his arms were ticks, his legs were skewers, his buttocks were a blacksmith's stone, an animal penis , the testicles ring like bells; releases gases - the girl does not laugh; next time the older sister stays, laughs, D. finds her, looks for her in her head, offers her louse to her tongue, pulls out her tongue, pulls out her tongue, leaves her to sit as if she is doing needlework; the youngest comes to mother D.; she suggests that D. lie in a leather jacket, she and the girl beat him, run away; the endyga sent them across the river, hid his grandmother under the pot, the girl under his robe; suggests D. to fix it, pierces his head, throws him into the water; a hummock grew out of his head, water grass from his intestines, and river thickets from his bones]: 281-285; Mozhaev 1955 [two girls they live in the taiga; while they are not at home, Zandarafu (head is a hammer, blacksmith's fur is belly, iron sticks are hands) comes, blows on cups, they break; the eldest hides, sees it; the youngest also wants see; laughs when Z. blows; he finds her, swallows her; the eldest comes to Z.'s house; an old woman at home, she hides her; Z. comes, falls asleep, the old woman and older sister cut his stomach, free him the youngest; the sisters and the old woman run, the blacksmith carries them on a raft across the river; when Z. carries them, he turns the raft over; Z. tells his limbs to turn into driftwood, his teeth into stones, block the river; with since then there are rifts and rubble on the river]: 43-47; Wilta [Buchugdy finds Lisa on the road; she lies that she broke her leg, asks to put her in a sledge; at rest she goes to buy firewood, during which time Lisa ate the whole jukola; B. finds the tooth she has lost; puts frogs and lizards under her arm; comes to the Hares, they shamanite; B. is also shamanite, frogs, lizards fall from her armpit, Hares laugh; B. hears Lisa's laughter; she asks Let her go, promises to find a wife; tells the fisherman to give his daughter, otherwise the fish will not be caught; the old man gives it, B. gets a wife]: Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951:371-272.

Japan. Ancient Japan [sun goddess Amatherasu suffers seven of the eight heavenly crimes committed by her brother Susanoo; the eighth time she weaves the clothes of the gods, S. throws a ragged stallion inside the weaving chambers; heavenly weavers in fear pricked themselves with shuttles to secret places, died, A. disappeared into the heavenly grotto, blocking the entrance with a rock; the world plunges into darkness, evil gods fill it like flies; goddess Ama-no-Uzume dances in front of the grotto, throwing out her breasts, lowering her skirt, kicking him into an empty cauldron; eight hundred myriads of gods laugh; A. looks out to find out that happens; she is shown a mirror; she comes out of the grotto door; the gods close the grotto behind her]: Kogoshui 1996:304-308; Kojiki 1994, ch. 12:55-57; Nihon Shoki 1997, scroll 1:135- 138; Japanese (everywhere, including Ryukyu) [elderly spouses find a bean, crush, make a bun, which rolls into a hole, the old man goes down to the lower world to the Buddha statue in a mountain temple; Buddha eats buns, tells him to hide on his head; cannibals gather, Buddha tells him to scream with a rooster, cannibals run away, the old man takes their treasures, returns home; the neighbor repeats everything, but laughs when the nose of one of the fleeing cannibals clings to the hook at the hearth; the cannibals come back, torturing the man; seeing him bloody from afar, his wife thinks he has new red clothes; hearing him screams, thinks he's singing]: Ikeda 1971, No. 480B: 123-124; Ainu: Etter 1949:65-67 [gods compete to see who to rule the world; 1) survive the frost; 2) sit on fire; 3) don't laugh while listening to funny stories; Kirumi wins; only smiles slightly when the gods imitate copulation, says that such a smile does not count; hides millet seeds in a cut under her skin, brings them to the ground; the dog says that K . is going to carry the seeds; K. throws ash into her mouth; dogs have not spoken since then], 68 [the gods celebrate in heaven; Deer and Fish accuse the Ainu of treating animals and fish badly; the goddess sings and dances; Deer and Fish close their eyes; open, laugh, agree not to punish the Ainu]; Kayano Shigeri 1985:116 in Sadokova 2001:191-192 [after learning about the beauty of the land of Ainu (Ainu Moshiri), Okikurumi decides go down there; the gods arrange tests; O. withstands the test of cold, heat; naked god and goddess perform doggy copulation; the gods laughed, O. only grunted, but he was considered a loser; everyone but he went down to the ground].

SV Asia. Chukchi: Baboshina 1958, No. 19 [The swans agree to marry Kulik, reject the lazy Raven; he hides the Sun in his mouth; the Swan tickles him, laughs, he opens his mouth, releasing the sun; The Swan comes with him, on the way, kills with a sharp stick], 37 [Mitya has husbands Raven and Toporok, Kuikyneku's father, Inyanakvut's mother; Raven is lazy, thief, coward, Toporok is a good hunter; Raven is going to change the weather, but only eats the meat given to him; The axe shovels the snow with a shovel (in the sky), the blizzard ends; the raven hides the sun in its beak; the mother-in-law takes the form of M., caresses the Raven, he smiles, releases the sun; on the way home, his mother-in-law pierces him with a stake], 44 [returning home, ten brothers find that someone is sewing clothes for them; one catches Lisa by surprise; she marries the elder, turns nine dolls into wives for the rest; forgets to make the dolls nails; first young, then the rest of the wives, then the brothers start laughing; Lisa runs away, women become dolls again]: 50-51, 79-103, 115-116; Bogoraz 1934 [Kelilga is eaten by a young man; his father tells K. to laugh, says that he is fat, that K. will eat him; K. laughs, opens his mouth wide, is forced to cover his jaws with his hands, during which time the man runs away, runs to the village; people kill K. who is pursuing him]: 5; Koryaks: Baboshina 1958, No. 79 [children laugh late at night, orphan warns that this is dangerous; Kele enters, everyone but an orphan, die; Kele offers to play hide and seek; the boy finds him, Kele does not find him (he hides in his fur on his feet); Kele offers to kill him, finishes himself off with a knife]: 198-199; Bogoras 1917, No. 1 [ The Raven and Little Bird marry Yinianyavgut, the daughter of the Big Raven; the Crow fails to stop the snowfall, and the Bird succeeds, he gets a wife; the Raven swallows the sun; Chanai marries the River Man, he shamanite, becomes a little brighter; J. comes to the Raven, tickles him, he laughs, regurgitates the sun; J. sleeps with him, then kills; makes a clear sky out of his head]: 12-23; coastal Koryaks [raven Velvimtilyn swallowed the sun; Emmkut sends his daughter Klyukenevyt to him, V. does not want her; sends daughter Inyanavyt; seeing her, V. laughs at joy, the sun spits out; I. pierces V. with a stick, hangs on a stick]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 126:418-419; Yukaghirs: Iokhelson 1900, No. 94 (forest, p. Corcodon) [the three sisters were left alone; they take turns buying firewood; they threw a mouse to each other, laughed, saw human meat on their elder sister's teeth; when she left, the sisters burned her wings, put on their own, flew, saw the eldest chew on their father's skull; the eldest threw a knife into the middle sheath, they pulled her to the ground, she ate it; the youngest married the old man's son, gave birth to a son; two the older sisters came, scratched the boy's cheeks; the mother took him, went up to the platform; the older ones began to gnaw on the platform supports; the youngest's husband jumped on a spear to the platform, told the elders to open their mouths, promised to throw sister there; threw a spear into one mouth, the other arrows, killed them]: 201-206; Zhukova, Prokopyeva 1991 (forest yukaghirs, p. The ridiculous Verkhnekolymsky ulus of Yakutia), No. 19 [three sisters lost their parents; the eldest began to go somewhere, stopped talking and smiling; the sisters decided to make her laugh; they caught a mouse, sewed up her eyes and let her go; the older sister smiled, the younger ones saw hair in her mouth; then they followed her and found out that she had become a cannibal - she went to her parents' graves and gnawed on their heads; the younger ones ran away from her, reached the seashore and flew away in ninbah (leather and fur cutting boards)], 16 [the grandfather caught fish and went home; on the way he saw a fox pretending to be dead; the grandfather put it on the sleigh; the fox collected all the fish and jumped; my grandfather came home, saw a broken tooth on the sleigh; found a place where foxes gathered; stuffed bark under his clothes and went into their hut; began to dance, and became out of the holes in her clothes dust fell; the foxes laughed; one of the foxes giggled and covered her mouth with her paw; grandfather grabbed her and took her]: 157, 157-158; Kurilov, Varlamova 1986 (probably tundra) [old man Samtenay was taking her to sledding a bowl of fat; the fox volunteered to help and, when the old man turned away, climbed the sledge and hurriedly gnawed fat; as a result, he broke off his front tooth; when the fat ran out, the fox left; the old man got home the old woman noticed that the fat was gone; the old man went to check his snare, pretended to be wounded and asked the fox that ran up to bring the shaman; arctic foxes and hares came to the old man's house, the hare shaman kamlal; the old man jumped up and said that he needed to wear shamanic clothes; came out of the plague, stuffed dry moss into his pants and stabbed them in several places; when he returned, he began to cry; moss fell out of his pants, all sitting loudly laughed; only one of the arctic foxes laughed, covering his mouth with his paw; the old man started beating him, he pretended to be dead and, when the old woman opened the door, jumped out]: 19-26; Sanghi 1989 (tundra) [old man Tyartekan loads fat on the sledge, the fox volunteers to help; eats fat, runs away; T. finds his tooth on a sledge; calls all the animals to him, shamanite, his pants fall, the fox along with everyone laughs, it is clear that his mouth is missing a tooth; T. beats him]: 427-428; Bogoras 1918, No. 11 (Russified {probably tundra} yukaghirs, p. Nizhnekolymsky District) [the youngest of the three sisters is hungry, the eldest advises her to eat dried fish, laughs, two sisters see meat on her teeth; find that she has dug and ate corpses their dead parents; ask geese to throw them feathers, fly away; the middle sister looks around, hearing the voice of the elder, falls into her open mouth; the youngest is saved, marries, gives birth to a son and daughter; the eldest comes, bites off children's lips, devours the girl; mother and boy hide in the box, make it iron; the father kills the monster, burns the remains]: 67-69; Nikolaeva 1989, No. 13 (forest, p. Ridiculous Verkhnekolymsky District) [the old man and the old woman had one bunny as a child; hunger came, decided to eat it; while the old man was walking for a spoon and trough, the bunny ran away from the old woman; the old woman swallowed a needle and a thimble; the old man thought that she ate the hare alone, ripped open her stomach; not finding a hare there, he was upset; the old woman came to life; the bunny was hiding with Fox's daughters; the old man made a hole in his pants, put yellow rotten things in there, began to dance, the rotten things fell down; the bunny laughed; the old man brought him home, he and the old woman ate it]: 51-53.

The Arctic. Polar Eskimos: Holtved 1951, No. 4 [husband beats his wife; she leaves, asks the Month to take her; he goes down after her in a sleigh; his house is visited by the Intrap; sings, I'll bring my food little dogs; there are people next to whom he pulled out his insides; grimacing ridiculously, but the woman covers her face with a hood when she is afraid that she will laugh; he leaves; she gets pregnant from the Month; cleaning the house, Finds a hole in the floor under the deer's shoulder blade; The month shows her relatives below; sends her to her former husband; sends her meat; a boy born from the Month becomes a good hunter]: 31-40; Kroeber 1899, No. 28 [the dead go to heaven; a relative of the Month dances in front of them, sings, I look at food for my favorite dogs; pulls out guts for laughed people, feeds dogs; The month warns people do not laugh]: 180-181; netsilic [star Akzhut lives near the house of the Month; when the Month brings the souls of the dead, it tries to make them laugh; eats the insides of those who laugh]: Rasmussen 1931: 526; igloolik [hunters who visit the house of the Month find good luck; the wife of the Month dances in front of them obscenely; whoever smiles a little bit pulls out his intestines; former victims stand around laughing loudly] : Rasmussen 1930a: 76; Baffin's Land [shaman visits the moon; this is the house where the Month, the Sunwoman, and the Wife of the Month live; the wife dances and grimaces in front of the shaman to make him laugh and pull out her insides; he doesn't laugh; sees she has a heart and lungs but no spine and intestines]: Boas 1888:598-599; West Greenland [on the way to the Month, there is a woman trying to make passers-by laugh; whoever laughs, she pulls out his insides]: Rink 1875:48; Angmassalik (East Greenland Eskimos) [traveling to Man's house on the moon meet a dangerous woman Nalizatek; she grimaces, trying to make them laugh; her genitals are covered by a live dog's head; during winter ritual games in the men's house, the masked man N. tries to make the audience laugh; laughing or smiling people are beaten]: Gessain 1958:583; 1984:87, fig.73.

Subarctic. Kuchin [Jateaquoint kills the daughter of the Bearman, hides in a tree; the Bear sees his reflection, tries in vain to kill him; D. laughs, the Bear notices him; goes to look for a long pole, D. runs away]: McKennan 1965:106.

NW coast. Tsimshian: Barbeau 1953 [children laugh on the shore at an unfamiliar woman with a plant protruding from her back; she is led by a tide, water floods the ground; some people flee on rafts, tribes are divided]: 184-185; Boas 1902 [Wolves invite Deer to visit, tell them to laugh; they are afraid when they see their teeth in the mouths of wolves laughing; finally they laugh; Wolves see that deer do not have sharp ones teeth eaten by Deer]: 83-84; quakiutl [Omeal (Raven) asks his brother Deer to dig a ditch, turns it into a river; his aunt Star Woman tells him to find the twin grave; he digs her up, revives the woman by sprinkling live water on her remains; takes her as his wife; in his absence, she puts her finger in a bucket of water, creating salmon; when the Deer laughs, the Raven notices salmon meat in his possession on her teeth; asks his wife to create more salmon; this and other versions end in the story of an offended Salmon Woman (she leaves, salmon can no longer be caught as easily as before)]: Boas 1916:667-668.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [two brothers hunt squirrels; every time a squirrel runs, their sister can't help laughing; dies; brothers come to the afterlife; see motive H12]: Jenness 1934, No. 1:99-100; cf. D4 motif. Puget Sound [fire owners live in the sky; the Raven tells you to make a chain of arrows; animal people rise up; only Beaver can pretend to be dead and not laugh when skinned; steals fire]; Puget Sound [a girl or two sisters look for a groom, come to Thunder's house; a slave or slave warns not to laugh if a Skunk comes; he will marry the person who broke the ban; Skunk, Grimacing and singing funny]: Ballard 1927 [Skunk is Thunder's neighbor; the youngest sister laughs; Skunk marries one sister, lets her sister go to the other; sisters run away]: 63; 1929 [Skunk lives with Thunder; girl doesn't laugh, goes beyond Thunder]: 106; upper chehalis [the old man was the first to menstruate; blood came out of his eyes; girls laughed at him; he wiped his eyes, threw blood at the girls ; if they didn't laugh, men would menstruate]: Adamson 1934:95; Okanagon [Skunk and Little Otter (Fisher) live together; grandmother sends two granddaughters named Chipmunk) and Tyrant Bird (King- bird, Tyrannus) get under Otter's clean, tidy bed, Skunk's bed is dirty; Skunk came in first, the youngest giggled when he spoiled the air, Skunk heard, made an indecent sound again, the girl laughed louder, Skunk found the girls in the chest under the Otter's bed; says that he is the head of the house, hides them in his chest; Skunk replies to the Otter that he is the chief, the Otter is forced, contrary to usual, cook their own meals; everyone puts food in their chest, Otter sees Skunk take out an empty plate; the next day he sends Skunk for the dead deer, finds girls sets fire to the house, flies with them to the rock above the river in a column of smoke; the Skunk sees the reflection, lets his stream into the water, understands the mistake, lets them go up, hits the Otter in the toe, he dies; the sisters do Looks like Skunk is happy; he copulates with them all day, falls asleep; they go back to their grandmother, telling the rocks to grow around the Skunk; there's a small hole left, the Skunk breaks himself apart, pushes them, the Raven takes his iron away; the Skunk comes to people playing ball with iron, grabs it, kills people with it]: Hill-Tout 1911:148-150; Lower Chinook [Chief Blue Jay marries his daughter a woman and a bear; she never laughs; promises to laugh if he gets on all fours in the forest; laughs and devours all men; her husband's legs below his knees disappear; she keeps him in a basket; does not tell two sons go down the river; they find the bones of people who their mother regurgitated; find a basket with their father; he says that their mother has become a monster; brothers turn her into a dog, put their father under water]: Boas 1894a, No. 1:19-20; quinalt [a young man is fishing, someone is cleaning the salmon he has caught; he hides, sees a woman coming out of the forest; takes her as his wife; she does not laugh or open her face; Blue Jay makes her laugh; she throws away the veil; she has the face of a monster, pieces of man between her teeth; those who hear her fall dead; she devours them, hides the genitals of her eaten husband in the basket; gives birth twin sons; they find their father's genitals, see an empty village; they set fire to their house, run away, climb a tree; the mother rushes in pursuit; they ask her to wrap her around the trunk, tell the bark to fall on her, mother killed; brothers travel further killing monsters]: Farrand 1902, No. 1:81-82; quileut [Kwety asks son to be bait; ties a sinker, pushes him overboard; when the Shark gathers swallow it, K. pulls his son back, plunges a prison into the Shark; at home, the Shark is looking for a shaman; K. promises to cure her if she gives him her two daughters; gets wives, extracts a prison invisible to Sharks ; with his wives comes to Woodpecker under the guise of an unknown leader; the woodpecker tells the boy to laugh; then first the wives, then K. himself, begin to laugh; the woodpecker sees that K. has no tooth, recognizes his slave; advises K.'s wives go home to their father]: Farrand, Mayer 1919:259-260; cous [young hunters roast a raccoon; laugh when the carcass writhes on fire; die; alone did not laugh, survived]: Jacobs 1940, No. 9: 147-148; kalapuya [Penis and Clitoris race; first The penis is in front, then looks around, sees the clitoris, laughs; loses strength; the clitoris overtakes it; so now the man must ask the woman about copulation, and she has the right to agree or refuse]: Jacobs 1945, No. 14:133.

The Midwest. Menominee: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II18 [the man has many sisters; another girl comes, recognized as a sister; the named brother warns her not to laugh if a stranger appears; that looks like the named brother himself; the girl does not laugh, but is still kidnapped; the brother kills the stranger and his mother, frees her sister and other women], II28 [Lynx wants to kill the Skunk Wife; she leaves a stone in his bed, hides; husband hits a stone; undresses, draws a spiral on his body, dances to make his wife laugh; makes a hole in his stomach, pulls out his intestines; he likes the sound, he continues to pull, falls; wife does not laugh, kills him with an ax]: 384, 403-404; Ojibwa: Speck 1915d, No. 6 (timagami) [Beaver calls everyone to the party; giving the audience food, produces every time indecent sound; The otter laughs, the Beaver is insulted; they don't take the Otter to the holiday anymore], 14 (timagami) [Lynx promises to kill his wives Rabbit and Marten if they don't get a beaver; wives dig a dig, hide; Lynx undresses, dances, his testicles swing; Marten laughs, he devours her; The rabbit doesn't laugh, he doesn't find it; takes out, roasts and eats his giblets; dies after eating his heart]: 53-54, 67-68; Jones 1917, No. 7 [Skunsikha is Lynx's wife, he wants to eat her; she leaves a log wrapped in a blanket on her bed, hides; Lynx hits the bed with a cutter, realizes that there is a stone; to make you laugh and So find his wife, paints her penis black, grimacing, exposing it; she laughs three times, but he does not have time to find her; continues to grimacing, but Skunsiha no longer laughs; he cuts the meat from herself from her thighs and stomach, roasts, eats; falls into the fire; she pulls it out, leaves; falling into the fire, the Lynx takes on its current appearance - yellow eyes, probably a wrinkled face (retelling in 1916, No. 1:368)]: 121-125; Swamp Cree (Albany) [The Big Skunk chases all animals; they are starving; only Beaver has a large supply of food; the Beaver spoils the air by trying to lift his bag of food; the Otter laughs, the offended Beaver does not gives food; if the animals then received it, they would eat grass and bark like beavers; the Skunk continues to chase; the old otter (not the one who laughed) pretends to be dead; the Skunk gropes it, takes it anus for a bullet wound, decides to pick up the carcass later; Wolverine grabs Skunk by the anus, preventing him from shooting; Otter pierces him with his tail like a spear; before death, Skunk manages to pour his liquid Wolverine's face; he is going to wash in the lake, he is asked not to do so, for the water will become salty; he goes to the sea, bumping into trees and asking for their names (Black Fir, Larch, White Fir; the penultimate is a stump on the shore, then ice; Wolverine washes, the sea becomes salty; (episode of the laughing Otter at p.97)]: Skinner 1911:96-98.

Plains. Blacklegs [The old man (trickster) crawls on carats among the buffalo; they laugh at the same time, one dies laughing; the old man cuts him]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 22:36-37; crowe [ Coyote teaches Fox to dance; Bisons look at him and laugh, two die laughing; Coyote and Fox eat meat]: Lowie 1918:22; Dakota [woman mourns her deceased daughter, wants to stab herself; a fool grimacing at her, she laughs, leaving thoughts of suicide]: McLaughlin 1990:48-49; iowa [see J4B motif; the youngest of ten brothers comes out of the steam room handsome; his ear pendants - live human heads; now his name is To-w-Who-Head Pendants (TPG); his friends Turtle and Hawk; Bears play lacrose with people on ice, kill losers; TPG runs, followed by the Bear; alone pendants make faces, sticks out her tongue; The bear laughs, loses; so the Bears lose, TPG and her friends kill them]: Skinner 1925, No. 6:456-458; arpaho [hunters one by one disappear; when they meet Laughter, they laugh to death with him; the bird advises to show Laughter the bison embryo; the person shows Laughter dies; since then, laughter has only caused abdominal cramps]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, #115:263; wichita [see motif K18; after winning challenges, the hero marries the chief's three eldest daughters; the youngest two are promised to the funniest dancer; Coyote dances, girls are not laughing; Opossum is dancing, splitting his penis as he will have two wives; girls are laughing]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 24:175-176.

Southeast USA. Chirokee [a woman's baby dies, she cries; people dance to make her laugh; a crane bends down, turns its back to her and defecates; a woman and everyone else laughs; a woman laughs every time she remembers it]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 4:402-403; natchez [two girls (daughters?) they don't know where a woman gets corn; they watch her, see her combing and shaking over the basket, corn and beans falling; girls decide that a woman feeds them excrement, refuse from eating; a woman asks to kill her, burn her; in summer, corn, beans, pumpkins grow in this place; first, hoes work themselves; girls spy and laugh, after which people have to work]: Swanton 1929, No. 7:230.

California. The spider keeps the fire; to get it, animal people dance obscenely, making it laugh. Synkyon [the baby cries, says he is afraid of fire; animal people learn that the Spider keeps fire in his body; they try to make him laugh; the Skunk dances with his tail lifted; everything, including Spider laughing; humans are ready to burn tar; eel-tail sets fire first; runners take fire away; Vulture flies in a zigzag over dry grass]: Kroeber 1919, No. 4:347; kato [orphan notices fire in the distance; The chief sends runners to bring it; the Spider wraps both hands around the fire; he starts laughing when Coyote, dancing in front of him, licks his genitals; the hummingbird grabs and carries the fire]: Goddard 1909, No. 5: 195-197; Yuki: Curtis 1976 (14) [started as Kroeber; Mouse and Skunk dance, dragging their giblets across the floor; the Spider laughed, the fire blazed, the Dove put a stick into the fire, set fire to the grass, everyone ran away; burning grass The Spider could not chase them]: 170; Kroeber 1932b [people live in the dark, eat meat raw; the Spider owns fire while sitting on it; people drive the orphan Rabbit out into the street; he notices the gleams of fire; The coyote leads his men to the Spider; they dance to make him laugh; The mouse scratches its ass; the Spider laughs, gets up, the Pigeon puts rotten under him, blows away the fire, sets fire to vegetation; The spider burns in world fire; people flee to the lake; many have been burned; since then the Woodpecker has a red head, the Coyote has a yellowish coat, etc.]: 918-919; coastal yucas [little Salamander cries, parents they throw him out of the house; the Coyote discerns words in his cry, the Fire is on the other side; people come to the Spider hiding the fire in his body; everyone is dancing, moving ridiculously; finally, the Coyote does something very funny; The spider laughs, the fire falls out of his mouth, the Coyote grabs the fire; this is how people find fire; parents take the child back]: Gifford 1937, No. 8:121; mattol [2 var.; Coyote leaves the child in the sun, he dies; the Coyote goes to kill the Sun, finds himself in the sky, cannot go down; the Spider begins to let him down three times, each time telling him not to open his eyes or laugh; Coyote sees Spider's ass, laughs; he throws him off; Coyote breaks, two girls kick his bones, he comes to life]: Nomland 1938:119-120; pomo [people chose Falcon to replace Pelican; Pelican puts on a bear's clothes, kills Falcon, then takes on his old form; cries with everyone when the corpse is cremated; the next day everyone laughs and jokes in the steam room, watches Pelican; he laughs, everyone they see meat on his teeth, they kill him; The Falcon is almost revived; the Skylark says he smells burnt; the Falcon disappears; that's why people don't come to life]: Barrett 1933, No. 98:370-372; Maidu [Heavenly The Chief (HB) sends the Turtle to the bottom; the second time it brings the ground under its claws; HB puts it on the water, the land grows; the Talking Through the Nose (GN) eats a piece of salmon placed in the river; the river dries up ; calls not two deer or badgers, but many at once, cannot catch any; HB calls salmon from a hollow tree, fills the basket; warns not to eat the first fish; GN eats, calls fish from the next tree, frogs and snakes fall from there; HB puts two sticks side by side, by morning they turn into a man and a woman; a woman tickles him, he doesn't laugh; GN brings ten sticks, HB eight of them takes away; the remaining two make two beauties; they tickle GN, he laughs, they become old women; NV creates a rejuvenating lake; Kuksu swims in it, becomes young and beautiful; GN said that people should die and hold commemorative ceremonies; NV sends a rattlesnake, the bitten son of the GN dies; GN regrets that death has been made irreversible; NV goes inside the mountain, meets the first deceased is the son of GN; sends back GN himself, for he is alive]: Curtis 1976 (14): 173-176; Konkov [Kó-doyam-peh and Hel'-lo-Kai-eh came from the east; K. promised to create man, H. did not believe; K. took two yellow sticks, put them to bed with him; in the morning they turned into a man and a woman; H. tried to do the same; in the morning he felt poked under his ribs twice, laughed; two women are normal and one-eyed; K.: this is because you laughed; K. sent the man he created to earth; fruits and game were abundant and easily accessible there; but K. forbade lighting a fire; H. advised to break the ban; the game and fruits immediately disappeared, only rhizomes, clover and earthworms remained; K. also made three seasons, rain, wind, etc.; diseases and death appeared; K. said those who behaved correctly will follow the right path when they die and those who are wrong will follow the left path]: Powell 1877:292-294; cahuilla [Tukwishhemish woman laughed without opening her mouth; once I opened it, three girls saw that she had three rows of upper teeth; they laughed; she rose to heaven out of shame, became a star; those three girls also turned into stars (apparently the Pleiades); until she went up to heaven, no one thought about marriage; Isilihnup (Coyote) and Holinach, two men, began looking for these girls; I. woke up at night, saw them in a smoke hole; put a stick in the hearth, threw them into the sky went up after her, became a star; ash has been pouring off the stick, and since then ash has fallen to frost]: Hooper 1920:365-366.

Big Pool. Goshiyute [spirits try to make a boy laugh by copulating man with man, woman with woman; he doesn't laugh]: Smith 1993:45; northern shoshones [two boys stop for the night; the Nineyune bird sits on a tree; young men shoot at her, she takes them east to an island in the middle of the sea; kills one, the other kills her with an obsidian knife; N.'s mother makes a boat out of her son's feathers; water boys kill the water monster Panzoavitz, who tried to swallow a young man; give him mocassins to cross a field of cacti, through the land of rattlesnakes; he passes a monstrous mouse; comes to the Owls, not those who have a mouth; they eat the smell of food; it cuts through their mouths, they eat]: Lowie 1909b, No. 25:283-285; chemeuevi [The Horned Toad asks the Bird to take it to the Giants; she warns not to laugh, puts flint arrowheads on her head; Giants dance, pederasty openly and show all other types of sex; when one of them puts his huge penis on a hot one a rock, the Toad laughs; The giant swallows it immediately, but the flints tickle his throat, he expectorates her back; since then, the toads have a flint necklace on their heads and mouth to ear]: Laird 1976:160-161; utah: Smith 1992:37 (Ancompagre Utah) [Animal people dance to make the Bald Eagle laugh; dress up Magpie; Eagle laughs when Magpie dances; people find out the Eagle's mouth smells bad], 42 ( uncompagre utah) [spirits try to make a person laugh; if he laughs, he will become a spirit], 89-90 (White River Utah) [as in p.37)].

The Great Southwest. If not otherwise: a fox or female coyote carries water in its children's mouth; the bird makes it laugh, it spills water. Hopi [coyoticha]: Voth 1905, No. 65 [wren dances and sings mixed], 70 [the eagle stands on one leg]: 193-194, 198-199; Western ceres (Akoma) [in drought, the fox carries water in its mouth to children; dove teases her with an old long-nosed fox, she laughs, water pours out]: Espinosa 1936a, No. 1:71-72; pima [Coyote looks into a hole in the ground; people go up like ants; he laughs, a hole shuts down, people stay underground]: Russel 1908:230.

Mesoamerica Tepehua [two dancers dress as an old man and an old woman, imitate copulation; Jesus (= sun), laughs, life goes on]: Williams García 1972:93-94; half-hearted, Veracruz Nahuatl [the dwarf Hunchuch has his feet facing back, penis over his shoulder; he tried to kill the Sun, marry the Moon; he dies if you laugh at him]: Münch 1983b:374; tricks [Puma grabs Rabbit and is about to eat it; he asks if he will eat it on a rock or under a tree; Puma laughs, Rabbit runs away]: Hollenbach 1980, no. 8. 17:460; tseltal [Grandma Moon lures birds and animals ravaging a cornfield; catches rabbit, deer, bakers by the tail; as soon as she laughs, they run away leaving their tails]: Slocum 1965:17; lacandons [hunter tickles the forest spirit, he laughs, the hunter runs away]: Boremanse 1986:173

Honduras-Panama. Kuna: Chapin 1989:40-41 [girl dances, urinates and blows winds in front of the house of an old man who owns medicinal plants; his warriors laugh; he leaves the house and starts laughing too; the hero kills him with a stone, picks up plants; the victim turns into wasps], 81 [birds dance in front of the mighty Olokisbaqualele (Iguana); while he laughs, Tad Ibe turns his children into various lizards ].

The Northern Andes. Bari [waib has a body like a rock; live under rocks; he hunted people alone; they got on all fours and showed him their ass, making him laugh; y. went into the house and fell asleep; people they covered the house with pepper, set it on fire; y. turned into a rock together with the house]: Villamañan 1975:15-16.

Southern Venezuela. An ugly dance with bare ass and excrement in front of Cayman to make him laugh and fire. Sanema: Barandiaran 1968 [Cayman Ibaramyo has a fire in his mouth, people eat meat raw; a boy finds a charred leaf in I.'s cave; the boy's father has a party; Tinama chicken, then the Dog defecate at the dancers, everyone laughs except I.; a bird as red as fire defecates into I.'s mouth; he laughs, throwing fire out of his mouth; his tongue is burned, now the caimans have no tongue; a black and white bird blows away fire in her beak, hides it in a tree; I.'s wife tries in vain to fill the tree with urine]: 4-7; Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 49 [(Colchester 1981:75-78); only Cayman owns fire, Quails eat caterpillars raw; A quail boy finds a charred leaf at Cayman's hammock; people are about to dance but Cayman doesn't laugh; The Bat just got out of the hammock with his classic mother Ant, his penis red and shiny; but Cayman did not laugh then; the Antthrush bird drenched the audience with its excrement, and then Cayman laughed; the tyrant bird caught the fire, Cayman's wife Frog could not fill it urine; fire placed in the cores of trees], 55 [(Borgman MS); only Cayman baked caterpillars on fire; the bird's son found a burnt leaf; people celebrated a party, but Cayman does not laugh; the bird is excrement Queues of everyone present; when he hits Cayman, he laughs too; the birds put fire in the trees], 59 [(Knobloch 197:151); Cayman kept the fire in his mouth; the bird's children found coal on the ground; people became dance, one of the birds defecated on Cayman, carried away the fire; now the fire in the core of the trees]: 111-115, 126-127, 132-133; Yanomam [(Albert MS); Cayman kept fire in his mouth so he had his short tongue and mouth are red; his wife is a Frog; Bird people find baked caterpillars near his house; they danced; Ant Thrush beat himself in the chest, but Cayman just smiled; Wren dances, Cayman laughs, the fire falls from his mouth; the frog fills most of the coals, but the Oropendoles have managed to carry the coals away, put the fire in the core of the trees; the frog curses people, says their children will burn]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 50:116-119; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 51 [(Finkers 1986:171-173); people ate raw food, only caiman Iwariwë baked caterpillars; the old woman found under his grilled caterpillar's head with a hammock; people danced; Tohomamoriwë covered everyone with excrement; Cayman laughed; his wife tried to extinguish the fire with urine, but the fire was carried away and placed in trees; Cayman my wife jumped into the water and stayed there], 52 [(Finkers 1986:171-173, sic!) ; only Cayman Iwariwë baked caterpillars; while he and his wife were away, Pokorariyoma found a burnt leaf; people danced; Teshoriwë was the last to dance, Cayman laughed; the fire fell from his mouth, his put in trees; Cayman and his wife jumped into the water and stayed there], 53 [(Becher 1974:33-34); people ate meat raw, Cayman hid the fire in his mouth; the hummingbird began to fly in front of him and fool around; Cayman laughed, fire fell out of his mouth], 54 [(Cocco 1972:381-382); Cayman Ivarivö hides fire under his tongue; others eat meat raw; when he catches a cold, I. sneezes, the fire falls out of his tongue mouth; black bird Yorekitirami stands ready, blows fire, puts it in trees; one woman predicts that the fire will burn, jumps into the water, becomes a frog], 56 [(Lizot MS); Cayman held fire in his mouth, only he baked caterpillars; children find burnt caterpillars; people had fun, Antthrush bared his ass, covered Cayman with excrement, he laughed, the fire fell; Cayman's wife Prueheyoma tried to fill the fire with urine, but Oropendola saved the fire; P. cursed people, saying that this fire would burn corpses, grind leftovers (and eat them)], 57 [(Lizot MS); only Cayman baked caterpillars, others gave raw; the girl found a baked caterpillar; people began to dance, Antthrush drenched the audience with a stream of his excrement; Cayman burst out laughing; his wife Prueheyoma tried to fill the fire with urine, but Oropendola saved the fire; P. cursed people, saying that corpses would be burned in this fire], 58 [(Knobloch 1967:151); Cayman Iwariwe kept fire in his mouth; but he and his wife Iwariome ate bloody meat; Y.'s enemies put There was a burning barrel in front of him, he and his wife jumped into the water and became caimans]: 120-121, 122-123, 124, 124-126, 128-130, 130-131, 132.

Guiana. Warrau [Nohi-Abassi climbs a tree to watch for animals at the watering hole; the cannibal Nakhokoboni comes; takes two fish out of the river, immediately eats one, puts the other in basket; next time NA's younger brother asks for permission to climb the tree and him; the cannibal sees its reflection, catches it in the water; her movements make her younger brother laugh; the cannibal sends ants the brothers have to go down; she kills the youngest, brings the oldest home; her two daughters like him, the youngest becomes his wife; she hides a crocodile or shark under the boat so that they can eat her mother; the spouses run away, the eldest daughter pursues them; they climb a tree, the pursuer manages to cut off ON her leg; the leg turns into the spirit of the Maam bird (Tinamu sp.) and into the Orion Belt; the wife in the Pleiades, the NA himself in Hyades]: Roth 1915, No. 210:263-265; Wilbert 1970, No. 188:431-433; curl [a group of people travels, gets to different creatures; in the Land of the Apes, the old leader tells us not to laugh; Monkeys commit all kinds of indecent acts; one person laughed, turned into a pot]: Roth 1915:222 (note); curl [people go to the party; three sisters are left alone; forest comes to them a spirit in human form; one gives him a jar of beer; laughs when he drops it; the spirit comes to her in the evening; eats her while making love to her; takes her head away; people burn perfume in their hollow]: Roth 1915, No. 59:146-147; carinha on Orinoco [two hunting brothers hide from the cannibal Tarunmio, climbing a tree above the pond; she grimacing, one of the brothers laughs; T. causes the wind, breaking branches; one brother falls with a seed, T. eats it; the other with a frog, T. brings it home; her daughter takes him as her husband; he creates piranhas by throwing pieces of bark into the water; T. enters the water to devour fish they devour her themselves; the head remains, it rises into the sky, turns into the Morning Star; the wife avenges the mother; the husband tells objects in the house not to chase him, forgets the spindle; the spindle and the wife catch up with him; the baby in the woman's belly wants a flower; she asks her husband to climb a tree to get a flower; at this time she cuts off his leg; he turns into Orion's Belt ("Someone without a leg"); woman turns into voletolo]: Civrieux 1974:87-89; vapishana [João hooks piranha, wants her to be his wife, piranha turns into a woman; his younger brother Pedro discovers that someone has made soup; gets naked, rocking her penis; the hidden woman laughs, he finds her; she tells her to pour fish poison into her nostrils first; he does not listen, his penis is bitten off; deer, tapir, agouti refuse, the monkey agrees to change his penis, now her penis seems to have been bitten off by piranha; P. brings blood-sucking insects with him to the festival, since then they have been biting people]: Wirth 1950:168-170; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 12 [a howler monkey lives in a lonely man's house; in his absence, he becomes a woman, cooks his food for him; he catches her by surprise, takes her as a wife; her relatives come to visit, dance, he laughs at them, they leave him on top of a tree as punishment; watankë creates a rope from its excrement, it does not reach the ground; a rope from the eagle's excrement is long enough, a man goes down], 67 [a man marries a howler monkey; the wife warns not to laugh when her relatives come to dance; he smiles; they leave it on a tree; two birds make ropes out of their excrement, he is afraid to go down them; the eagle gives it its wings; he goes down, kills monkeys, goes to live in an eagle village]: 36, 48.

Western Amazon. Siona [woman laughs at the Month, which is menstruating; it passes it on to women]: Chaves 1958:137; napo [hunters roast monkeys, laugh when carcasses writhe; forest spirits they take out the sleepers' eyes, the blind fall into the ditch and turn into frogs; one person did not laugh, the mistress of the spirit told him to hide; he survived]: Davila 1920:463-464; shuar [boy creates cultivated plants, naming them; a woman laughs at him, he turns into an insect pupa, plants into their wild counterparts]: Pelizzaro 1993:100-101.

NW Amazon. Letuama [the girl began swimming when she was in her first period; she was taken over by the Bat; was accepted by her son-in-law; killed his wife's brother while hunting, said he killed a jaguar; killed her second brother on a fish catching; never laughs; third brother tells sister to sit down and spread her legs; when he sees the vagina, the Bat laughs, everyone sees hair on his teeth; people burned a tree with bats; two children escaped , people took them home; the Bat girl sucked a child once; his mother threw her into the fire; the reeds that are used to make flutes have grown]: Palma 1984:157-161; macuna: Århem et al. 2004 [The Bat (Murciélago tigre) is married; his wife has three brothers; he goes hunting with one, kills, eats, says he was killed at night by an animal; the same with his second brother; the wife sits down with her legs spread, Bat The mouse laughs, the wife sees human hair in his throat and on his teeth; the last brother goes with him to the forest, feeds him with fish, the bone gets stuck in the Bat's throat; pulling it out, the brother sees the hair; beats the Bat The mouse with a stone that he used to kill others; the Bat turns into a bat; people wooded a tree with bats, burned it; two cubs remained, came to a woman with three adults sons and one baby; they were left to watch the baby, they sucked blood through his fingers, he died; the female was burned, her ashes grew flute reeds; the male turned into a terrible eagle, killed people killed with arrows]: 509-517; Trupp 1977 [a painted vessel at the fork shows the way; a girl laughs when she sees him and goes to the jaguars, where she dies]: 52; barasana [like a macuna; the girl's father tells the vessel to show the right way if the daughter comes crying, false if laughing]: Torres Laborde 1969:34; chikuna: Nimuendaju 1952:127-128 [Dioy hides his wife; his brother Epi hears laughter at night; in the absence of D. dances, showing off her genitals; the woman laughs, E. finds her inside the flute, copulates with her; she becomes pregnant, no longer fits into the flute; D. tries unsuccessfully get rid of E.; see motif K1], 130-131 [there were no cultivated plants; the old woman noticed leaf cutter ants carrying something white; she liked the smell; following the trail, she came to the river channel; on the shore there was a tree with yam, sweet potato on it; fruits in the form of sweet cassava tubers fell into the water; she baked cassava under her arm, then dried it in the sun; her grandchildren Dioy and Epi came to visit, she did not told them where the cassava came from; her friend Bacurào kept the fire in his beak; with him the old woman no longer baked food under her arm, but cooked on fire; answered the questioners that she was baking on in the sun; when he heard this answer, Bacurào laughed, the fire blazed from his beak; people forcibly opened his beak, since then it has been wide; people found the tree, knocked it down and uprooted it; the deer picked it up the shoots of cultivated plants, hid them in a basket; D. called the Deer to pick up the poisoned fish, said he was leaving, turned into a tree above the river himself; the Deer hung the basket on his branch, D. took it away; in the basket included tubers, shoots and seeds of all cultivated plants].

Central Amazon. Surui: Mindlin 1995, No. 7 [two warriors think of home, which is not allowed to campaign; both go missing, probably killed; the other laughs at an owl, says her face is like her wife's vagina; Owl asks The groundhog weans the mocker's leg; he eats away, leaving a sharp bone; warriors laugh when their friend waddles on one leg; he kills mockers with a sharp leg; one cuts it off with an ax; he turns into Santi, the owner of the forest, killing people but helping shamans], 9 [a man hides in a tree hunting birds; laughs when Nee-V swallows fruit; Nee-V makes him get down, takes him home in the basket, blows into his flute, killing prey; this is how many people disappear; one day he leaves the basket on the trail; the Vulture frees the man, takes him to the village; Nee-V finds houses in the basket is only rotten; people come to Ne-V, blow his flute, he and his mother fall dead, go up to heaven; sometimes Ni-V goes down and takes the children away], 22 [see motif J12; sisters Cabeud (elder) and Samsam marry Jaguar; S. gives birth to a son; K. is pregnant; Jaguar's mother asks her to take the thorn out of her leg, blows the wind, K. laughs; when she laughs again, Jaguariha devours it; saves the uterus to eat later; S. saves it, raises his sister's baby; tells his son how her aunt died; he rises to heaven, produces thunder, making himself and his brother adults; cannot hit Jaguariha with arrows; brothers burn her; together with S. go up to heaven (No. 25, p.82: turn into thunder), cut off the vine to prevent Jaguar from following them; Jaguar finds and turns the mother's corpse over; all blood-sucking insects fly out of the corpse]: 25-27, 32-36, 73-77; munduruku: Murphy 1958, No. 3 [see motive F34; women have a tapir lover, men kill him; women they jump into the river, turn into fish; Karusakaibo fishes for fish without looking over his shoulder, she turns into his wife again; makes a drink from cassava; K. says it was made by hand monkey; Dairu does not believe, dances indecently in K.'s house; woman looks out, laughs; D. also goes fishing; looks around right away, fish does not turn into a woman; D. copulates with fish, since then since the variegated jacunda is inedible; the rest of the fish can no longer turn into women, K. drives them down the river], 38 [a man marries a Monkey; they go to her father; he chews intoxicating leaves, singing; despite his wife's ban, a man laughs because his father-in-law looks like a monkey; monkeys leave his son-in-law in a tree; bees and wasps lower; he makes many arrows, shot monkeys, his pregnant wife escaped, from she is the current guariba monkeys]: 77, 118.

The Central Andes. Sukcha District, Prov. Aicha, dep. Ancash [Fox has a narrow mouth; he asks Huichachao (a gray bird with a long white tail and a long beak) to let him play her flute (=beak); does not give it up, continues to play; Skunks come out of their holes until then They dance in front of Fox until he laughs; his mouth becomes wide, he drops his flute, Huichachao takes it back]: Jimenez Borja 1937, No. 12 {without pagination}.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita [two options; people ask Kumpanam to kill the Wind; K. catches him in a hollow; Iguana wants to kill the Wind himself; K. releases the Wind, he takes Iguana away; K. turns Iguana into an iguana; now when people laugh at the iguana, the wind begins]: García Tomas 1994 (3): 80-83; machigenga [see motive J16; the mother of the Jaguars who killed a woman is a little lizard; seeing her, machigenga is banned laugh for fear that it will turn into a jaguar]: Baer 1984, No. 4:433

Bolivia - Guaporé. Guaraya (chapacura) [on the way to the world of the dead, the funny caiguazu monkey tickles the soul; if it laughs, the monkey eats it]: Pierini 1910:709; chacobo: Bossert, Villar 2002 [cultured plants and fire are owned by old Ashina; people eat meat raw or dry it in the sun; A. gives them only cooked corn, crushed cassava; tareche (parrot?) warns her when every thief is approaching, she puts a person in a basket, cooks, eats it; The cricket steals a seed, brings it to people, and grows out of it a huge stem with cobs of all kinds of corn, they are current; the tareche bird carries coal in its beak, the beak is burnt, it has become shorter; A. sends a storm with rain, but the fire did not go out; the old man gave fire to every family; A. cooked and ate every son; She left one, his name is Virika; he got married; A. ate her grandchildren who were born; V. tries to hit his mother with an ax, arrows, her body is like a stone; V. arranges a holiday, birds take him and his wife to heaven ; A. longs; people push her into a hole, she turns into an armadillo; those who laugh and scream have become birds and animals; colored uruku have red feathers and wool; the anteater made a tail out A.'s brooms; battleship's shell from her basket, turtles from the shard of the vessel; those who did not laugh dug up and took cassava A.]: 368-369; Kelm 1972, No. 3-4 [see H3C motif; two options; escaped after a world fire Nova Pashava, who climbed into the battleship's hole, returns home to his mother, meeting various animal people along the way; comes to Aguti and his wife; they give him chicha; he notices that the leaven is from their snot; Agouti leads him to his mother's house, tells him not to laugh; NP sees his genitals, laughs, Aguti leaves him; Woodpecker leads him to his mother's garden]: 223-229; wari [baskets they made women who brought corn cobs from the plots themselves, jumping awkwardly along the path; two women turn around and laugh at them; since then, the baskets have stopped moving (they have lost jam - soul, animacy); a person who saw an excavator in town, your ancestors were wise and did not laugh at things; so they continue to work on their own]: Vilaça 2005:456.

Southern Amazon. Kayabi [fleeing from the forest spirit, a man tied a vine to his belt; the spirit died laughing]: Pereira 1995, No. 67:113; Iranshe [see motif H12; mother, father, sister of three brothers die; Anaconda wants to swallow them; they shoot at her, she falls dead into the river, leaving her skin on the shore; brothers smoke it, take it to heaven into the world of the dead; two lost souls (man and woman) they make grimaces for their brothers; they don't laugh or lost souls would eat them; at night souls turn into snakes]: Pereira 1985, No. 8:68-77; paresi: Pereira 1987, No. 179 [en route to the land of the dead the soul crosses the river on the anaconda bridge; the Master of the Spiders tickles it (letters., runs along it); if the soul laughs, it will eat it; evil Yarev and fire block the way; the soul of a good person safely overcomes these obstacles], 239 [an old man who had meatballs washed himself with calebasa water, not in the river; the girl laughs at him, he angrily passes on menstruation to women]: 680, 724; umotina [ Asanot is the wife of the Sun Bakololó; found the dens of all commercial animals; B. goes to make arrows, hides A. under the roof; his friend Month comes, pushes his penis on a grain grater; A. betrays himself laughing, I have to tell you where the animal lairs are; The month only frightened the animals, finally shot two anteaters, A. did not want to take them, because the meat did not taste good; A. sent two tapirs on the road, he sent two tapirs on the road, he sent them killed; told me what happened; A month came to B. to get a piece of tapir meat, but he made an angry face, drove the Month away for scaring the animals]: Schultz 1962, no. d: 232-233; bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 98 [Adúgo Édu is married to Akiguródo; Akarúio Boróge met him hunting; he attacked him and demanded his daughter as his wife in exchange for his life; Adugo explained that when the girl will go to him, then first she will meet the little wolf Ókwe (each time she describes, warns not to take him for him, Adugo), then the marten Taira Ipočeréu, then the big wolf Ríe, then a cougar, then a leopard {apparently an ocelot}, only then Adugo {i.e. jaguar}; false contenders convince the girl that they are Adugo; after spending the night with the deceiver, she realizes in the morning what it is not a real groom, because he must bring tapirs, and these bring less valuable meat; finally comes to the real Adugo; he tells his wife not to laugh if an evil spirit makes her laugh; Marug&# caterpillar 243; du laughed, the woman laughed, and immediately fell dead; Adugo found two twins in his stomach, raised them; they once heard their father's mother cry; she explained what they would have to do difficult things; without telling my father, the brothers began to train; the elder Eigáwa Áre, the youngest Eigáwa Enawuréu; asked the father to give a bow and arrow; they hunted parrots, who ate people at the time ; the brothers told the rest to eat fruits; asked the father for a fishing net; fish bit people; the brothers caught many, told the rest to eat other fish; asked the father to give small arrows; they shot leaf cutters and wasps, they harmed people, told them to eat leaves and flowers; asked their father to make a club; the brothers began to chase Báče, got entangled in vines, they chased him killed, since then báče have been eating fish, not people; asked a thick rope to fight the cannibal eagle; EA wrapped a rope around his brother's head, the eagle pierced its claws into it, got stuck, EA killed him; told the eagles harpies should eat monkeys, not humans; the brothers scattered the eagle's fluff, the grandmother realized that the grandchildren were in danger; the brothers asked their father for a stick, came to Marugoda's house, pricked her on a stick, threw her into the fire; the father warned him to hide, but EA went out to see, the bone flew into his eye, his father told him to throw himself into the water, his eye recovered; the same with his younger brother; both skin and eyes became beautiful; still bororo dark eyes], 99 [approximately as in (98), Bakoróro and Itubóre brothers; marugoddo]: 174-179, 180-186.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo [Kuben-Nyepre are creatures with a human body, legs, and bat wings; one K. tickles a person when he comes to get water; this is the first laugh (the origin of laughter); takes him to the cave; K. continues to tickle the man, he loses consciousness; returns to the village; people set fire to dry leaves at the entrance to the cave; K. flee through another hole, people catch one Boy .; and now laughter and tickling are considered unworthy of a male warrior, it's up to children and women.]: Banner 1957:60-61 in Wilbert 1978, No. 135:329.

Chaco. Tereno [the first humans were dumb; spoke when they laughed]: Baldus 1950:215; matako: Barabas, Bartolomé 1979a [fire erupts from the character's body and destroys the world after that as someone laughs nearby]: 126-128; 1979b:71; Calífano 1974:47; Palavecino 1964:287-288; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 59 [Metraux 1939, No. 4:10-11; at the edge of the world, there are great lights that burn on their own; they have boilers with food, but you can't touch them; you can't mention tall grass in a conversation so that the fire does not hear or burn the world; once burned, a man and a woman survived, who dived to the bottom of the river; when they came up, everything was burned; the tapiatsón bird began to beat the tambourine at the palo zapallo stump like matakos are beaten when algarroba ripens; a few days later, the stump grew into a tree; then the forest grew, the world was revived], 60 [Metraux 1939, No. 5:11; humans were animals - nandu, chunya, little birds; they decided to go to a country where there are many people; they were larger than the current ones and made of fire; they were not allowed to make noise, talk or laugh; their children were sitting at the entrances to the huts; the hornero bird (Furnariui R. Rufus) laughed all the time; when those children sat down, a light blazed from their ass; ornero laughed, the children complained to their fathers, those people burned the world; the nandu and chunya ostrich were saved; the takiatsa bird (red with black spots) hid in the ground; when the fire went out, it came out and found ash from the algarrobe; She sang every day and three days later the ash became a tree; these birds still sing in the branches of the Algarrobe], 155 [The cougar does not know if the Deer has dangerous teeth; shows him his ass, the Deer is silent; shows his penis, The deer laughs; the Puma sees that the Deer has no teeth, kills and eats it]: 128-129, 129-130, 253; nivakle [Owl and Chunga (Chunga burmeisteri bird) spray hot fat on the blind, they fight with each other friend; Chunga laughs, blind people send fire]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 141 [warriors raid another village; Woodpecker approaches their camp, sings, people laugh at his singing; at night their Woodpecker comes to their camp, sings, people laugh at his singing; at night their Woodpecker dazzles; one did not laugh, remains sighted, leads them; the hive answers where he is, how much honey is in it; the lake is where it is, whether it has enough water; their bags catch eels themselves, which the blind grab their hands and they throw it ashore; the owl watches it, rips off the baked eels, hot liquid splashes on the blind, they blame each other, fight; the owl laughs, says Chunga; he repeats the trick, but the blind hear him laugh, send fire at him; he hides under a termite mound, but his legs are burned; the blind have built a village on that spot], 142 [a group of warriors stops for the night; the old shaman sings, others laugh at him, he promises to deprive them of their sight; in the morning they wake up blind; they easily get honey; they call water, water answers, they catch blackheads; an owl catches their eels, keeps them from laughing; agrees to bring Chung there if he does not laugh; taking away the eels, he laughs; the blind let the fire follow, now the Chunga has red legs], 143 [people have gone to a new place, leaving four blind; the young man came back, led them; the beehives answer them themselves; the young man pours honey on the blind, they blame each other, fight; the young man laughs silently; the eels from the lakes answer; the blind find the fattest, throw them in their bags, they open themselves; the blind fry eels; the owl picks them up from the tree, the fat drips on the blind, they fight, blaming each other; the owl restrains laughter; at home, Chung asks him to be taken to that tree repeats the trick; after running away, laughing, the blind set fire to the savannah; Chunka hides in a termite mound, his beak and legs turned red; the owl in the tree suffered from smoke, turned gray (flesh-colored); nivacle ran from fire south beyond Rio Bermejo], 144 [the man smeared his face, told others to do the same, they refused, he made them blind at night; he led them; honey, the lake answered their call; they fry eels, Owl stole eels, sprayed hot fat on the blind; they blame each other, fight; his companion Chunga did the same, but laughed; the blind let fire after him, his legs turned red; smoke Owl ate Owl's eyes, he can't see well now], 145 [blind people fried eels, Chunga and Owl were sitting in a tree; Chunga picked up a hot piece, threw it at them, they blame each other, fight; the Owl tells us not to laugh; Chunga runs away and laughs; the blind throw coal after him, the savannah burns, Chunga hides in a termite mound, his legs turn red; the owl on the tree is gray with smoke]: 315-319, 320-322, 323-329, 330-331, 332-333; chorote [two brothers hide in a tree hunting birds; they see naked and hairy cannibals; they are the owner of the forest and his wife; contrary to the prohibition, one of the brothers laughs when they pull out their pubic hair; Cannibals discover it and eat it]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 124:239-240; angaite [The crane laughs at the blind, they make a fire that destroys everything around them]: Cordeu 1973, No. 8:206.

Southern Brazil. Ofaye [Anaconda asks the boys to paint it; they climb it, she crawls into the lake with them; the man hears voices, sees the children in the water; they say they are happy with their new life, that fathers, but not mothers can come to the lake; one woman makes her penis out of wax, comes; penis melts in the sun, woman laughs; men turn into vultures, death becomes final]: Ribeiro 1951, No. 3:121-123.