Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

D13B. Menstruation passes to women. (.43.61.68.)

Menstruation passes from men to women after women laugh at an old man.

The coast is the Plateau. Upper chehalis [the old man was the first to menstruate; blood came out of his eyes; the girls laughed at him; he wiped his eyes, threw blood at the girls; if they hadn't laughed, men would menstruate] :Adamson 1934:95.

Western Amazon. Siona [woman laughs at the Month, which is menstruating; it passes it on to women]: Chaves 1958:137.

Southern Amazon. Paresi [an old man who had meatballs washed himself with calebasa water rather than in the river; a girl laughs at him, he angrily passes on menstruation to women]: Pereira 1987, No. 239:724.