D13B. Menstruation passes to women. (.43.61.68.)
Menstruation passes from men to women after women laugh at an old man.
The coast is the Plateau. Upper chehalis [the old man was the first to menstruate; blood came out of his eyes; the girls laughed at him; he wiped his eyes, threw blood at the girls; if they hadn't laughed, men would menstruate] :Adamson 1934:95.
Western Amazon. Siona [woman laughs at the Month, which is menstruating; it passes it on to women]: Chaves 1958:137.
Southern Amazon. Paresi [an old man who had meatballs washed himself with calebasa water rather than in the river; a girl laughs at him, he angrily passes on menstruation to women]: Pereira 1987, No. 239:724.