D13C. The Trickster makes his brother's wife laugh. .43. (.45.) .
Two companions or brothers live together. The elder has a wife he hides. To discover her, the youngest, left alone in the house, makes her laugh.
The coast is the Plateau. Puget Sound [a girl or two sisters look for a groom, come to Thunder's house; a slave or slave warns not to laugh if a Skunk comes; he will marry the person who broke the ban; Skunk, grimacing and Sings funny]: Ballard 1927 [Skunk is Thunder's neighbor; the youngest sister laughs; Skunk marries one sister, lets her sister go to the other; sisters run away]: 63; 1929 [Skunk lives with Thunder; the girl does not laughs, marries Thunder]: 106; Okanagon [Skunk and Little Otter (Fisher) live together; grandmother sends two granddaughters named Chipmunk) and Tyrant Bird (King-bird, Tyrannus) to climb under the clean, Otter's tidy bed, Skunk's bed is dirty; Skunk came in first, the youngest giggled when he ruined the air, Skunk heard, made an indecent sound again, the girl laughed louder, the Skunk found girls in a chest under the Otter's bed; says that he is the head of the house, hides them in his chest; the Skunk replies to the Otter who comes that he is the chief, the Otter is forced, contrary to usual, to cook for himself; everyone puts food in their chest, Otter sees Skunk take out an empty plate; the next day he sends Skunk for the dead deer, finds girls, sets fire to the house, flies with them in a column of smoke on a rock above the river; the Skunk sees the reflection, lets his stream into the water, understands the mistake, lets it go up, hits the Otter's toe, he dies; the sisters pretend to be happy with the Skunk; he copulates with them all day long, falls asleep; they go back to their grandmother, telling the rocks to grow around the Skunk; there is a small hole left, the Skunk disassembles himself piece by piece, pushes them, the Raven takes his iron; the Skunk comes people playing ball with iron, grabs it, killing people with it]: Hill-Tout 1911:148-150.
(Wed. Northeast. Passamaquoddy [Wolverine's brother hides his wife in a box; her body is painted red; when she returns home, her brother notices Wolverine's red fingers; he denies the charges; someone says: You're lying, I'm lying was with you; Wolverine thinks it's his right leg, cuts it off; so does his left leg; says his penis; Wolverine hits himself, dies; his legs talk to each other like a man and a woman]: Leland 1968: 206-208).
Guiana. Wapixana [João hooks piranha, wants her to be his wife, piranha turns into a woman; his younger brother Pedro discovers that someone has made soup; gets naked, rocking her penis; the hidden woman laughs, he finds her; she tells her to pour fish poison into her nostrils first; he doesn't listen, his penis is bitten off; deer, tapir, agouti refuse, monkey agrees to change his penis with him, now her penis seems to have been bitten off by a piranha; P. brings blood-sucking insects with him to the festival, since then they have been biting people]: Wirth 1950:168-170.
NW Amazon. Tikuna [Dioy hides his wife; his brother Epi hears laughter at night; D. dances in absence, showing her genitals; the woman laughs, E. finds her inside the flute, copulates with her; she becomes pregnant, no longer fits into the flute; E. lubricates her penis with fruit juice; frozen latex falls off, D. understands the deception; tries unsuccessfully to get rid of E.; see the K1 motive]: Nimuendaju 1952:127 -128.
Central Amazon. Munduruku [women have a tapir lover, men kill him; women jump into the river, turn into fish; Karusakaibo fishes for fish, doesn't look over his shoulder, it turns back into his wife; makes a drink from cassava; Karusakaibo tells Daiir that his pet monkey made it; he doesn't believe it, he dances indecently; the woman looks out of the shelter, laughs, Daiiru discovers her; also goes fishing; looks around right away, the fish does not turn into a woman; Dairu copulates with fish, since then the variegated jacunda is inedible; the rest of the fish can't now turn into women]: Murphy 1958, #3:77.
Southern Amazon. Umotina [Asanot is the wife of the Sun Bakololó; found the dens of all commercial animals; B. goes to make arrows, hides A. under the roof; his friend Month comes, pushes his penis on a grain grater ; A. laughs, is forced to tell where the animal lairs are; The month only frightened the animals, finally shot two anteaters, A. did not want to take them, because the meat was tasteless; A. sent her husband on the road two tapirs, he killed them; told me what happened; A month came to B. to get a piece of tapir meat, but he made an angry face, drove the Month away for scaring the animals]: Schultz 1962, no. d: 232-233.