Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

D13D. Make the hidden person laugh .

One character tries to make him laugh to find another hiding somewhere in the house.

Rotuma, Tuvalu, Tibetans (Amdo, Sikkim), Mari, Negidals, Udege, Wilta, Puget Sound, Menominee, Eastern and Western Ojibwa, Wapishana, Chikuna, Munduruku, Umotina.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Rotuma [sisters Nujkau (Nk) and Nujmanga (Nm); caught the bird in a snare, Nm ate it; put it back on strength, caught the old woman and grandson; while the old woman was fishing, they ate the grandson; asked for a sprout the trees grew, it grew to the sky; they went up there, ripping off their bark to make the trunk slippery; in the sky they came to two blind twins connected with their backs; stealing yams from them; the twins raised legs began to grimace, the sisters laughed, they caught them; the sisters put bugs to their eyes, they saw the light, separated from each other; all four began to live well]: Polinskaya 1986, No. 15:77-80; Tuvalu (Vaitupu) [Tulekaleka boy steals food from the half-blind cannibal Finemata; to discover him, F. dances with his skin pulled under his eyes, lifting his legs; when he lifts his skirt, T. giggles; F. agrees not to eat it so that he can play with her own son; T. snatched the child's liver, said that he cried because he threw a stone at the bird; let the liver bake under the guise of a shark, ran away, shouting that F. ate; climbed onto the pandanus, F. behind him, T. tells the branches to break so that F. falls, breaks her leg; the other; arms; T. tears and finished off F.]: Kenndedy 1931:223-226.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [mother goes to dig wild tubers, tells her three daughters not to unlock strangers; the cannibal eats her, takes her form; eldest daughter: the mother was not wearing black clothes; she comes to white; middle daughter: the mother was not wearing white clothes; the cannibal persuaded the youngest daughter to stick her hand in to take the tubers; grabbed her hand: if you don't tear it off, I'll tear off my hand; at night the cannibal lies down with the youngest; sisters they hear chomping, the cannibal replies that she drinks water, eats beans; the sisters felt the youngest's head torn off; persuaded them to let them pee (they refused to do it in the pot, into the hearth); the cannibal tied them ropes around their necks, they tied them to the chicken and the pig; the sisters ran to the top of the mountain, turned to the Pleiades; they lowered the iron staircase, the sisters climbed into heaven; the cannibal followed, the crossbar broke, she fell; during the day, the mother is looking for her older sister who became the sun, and at night the youngest, who became the moon]: Kajihama 2004, No. 9:33-37 (same text attributed as from Sikkim; error or entry from Sikkim refugees; Tibetans (Sikkim) [mother goes to dig tubers, tells her daughter not to open strangers; Rakshasa knocks, shows her paw; girl replies that mother's hands are smooth as oiled; rakshas asks for oil and fire, burns the hair on her hands, oils them, the girl opens them, hides under the ceiling; to find her, Rakshasa makes indecent sounds, she laughs; Rakshas asks how she got in ; Putting needles on top of each other; Cups; finally admits that buckets; Rakshas takes the girl away; the mother goes to look, shares the zamba with the crow, the fox, the wolf; the wolf drove the Rakshasa sheep, that rushed after her; saw a dead fox, a raven above her; ran to the fox, she jumped up, Rakshasa followed her; the mother and the wolf in the Rakshasa house took the girl out of the bag above the fire, put ice and thorns inside; the rakshas returned , water has flowed, he thinks that the girl is peeing; hits her, scratches her against thorns; realizes that she has been deceived; looks for a fox; she pretends to be a different fox every time; throws sand in his face; smears glue; offers learn to climb into the basket, descends from the mountain, he dies]: Krapivina 2001:51-65).

Volga - Perm. Marie (meadow) [the goat has three kids; when she comes up, she sings a song, they unlock; the bear overhears, sings, but has a rough voice; next time she sings in a thin voice; ate one kid; then second; third; every time the bear climbs onto the stove, shakes the dough, the hidden goats laugh, he finds them, eats one; the goat finds a bear, rips his stomach apart, the goats are out; the goat asks everyone, it is warmer in the bosom of a father or mother; one replied that the father stayed with the bear, the goat took two for herself]: Sabitova 1992:40-44.

Amur - Sakhalin. Negidals [the older sister goes for firewood, the youngest stays at home; the devil comes in, saying that his legs are trouble, his head is a hammer, his hands are ticks, his stomach is blacksmith's fur, his eyes are sparkles; lets her breath go on the bowls so that they split; the girl does not laugh, the hell does not find her; next time the older sister stays, laughs, the hell looks in her head, asks for permission to put a louse on her tongue, pulls out her tongue and eyes; the youngest comes into the house, finds fresh tongue and eyes among the many hanging there; the sister hides her, tells her brother to go to bed in a mortar; the girl pushes him there; he turns into mosquitoes, midges, wasps, gadflies]: Cincius 1982, No. 28:144-147; Udege people: Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 41 [older sister went for firewood, youngest at home; Dyangdalaf came ý; his head is a hammer, his stomach is furs, his arms are ticks, his legs are skewers, his buttocks are a blacksmith's stone, an animal penis, testicles are ringing like bells; releases gases - the girl does not laugh; next time the older sister stays, laughs, D. finds her, looks for her in her head, offers her louse in her tongue, pulls out her tongue, leaves her sit as if she is doing needlework; the youngest comes to mother D.; she suggests that D. lie in a leather jacket, she and the girl beat him, run away; the endyga sent them across the river, hid his grandmother under the pot, the girl under his robe; suggests D. fix him, pierces his head, throws into the water; a hummock grew out of his head, water grass from his intestines, river thickets from his bones]: 281-285; Mozhaev 1955 [two girls live in the taiga; while they are not at home, Zandarafu (head is a hammer, blacksmith's fur - belly, iron sticks - hands) comes, blows on cups, they break; the eldest hides, sees it; the youngest also wants to see it; laughs when Z. blows; he finds it, swallows it; the eldest Z. comes to Z.'s house; an old woman at home, she hides her; Z. comes, falls asleep, the old woman and older sister cut his belly, free his younger one; the sisters and the old woman run, the blacksmith carries them on a raft across the river; when Z. transports, he turns the raft over; Z. tells his limbs to turn into driftwood, his teeth into stones, block the river; since then there have been rifts and rubble on the river]: 43-47; Wilta [two younger the women went for firewood, the eldest was at home; the old woman was coming: her stomach was blacksmith's fur, her hands were forceps, her head was a hammer, her eyes were the size of a cup; the woman hid under the bunk; the old woman began to dance, dropping the lizard, frog; farted; woman laughed; old woman: come out, I'll look for lice from you; found one: where to crush? put it in my bag; old woman: does not fit; then the same thing: on my hand; on the hearth board; on the bed; on my back; on my head; into the fire; on the tongue; old woman: then stick out your tongue; the old woman pulled it out and left, woman fell dead; the sisters returned: the eldest died long ago; the middle sister stayed at home (all the same); when the youngest was left and the old woman farted, she attacked her with a dagger, cut off her arms and legs, drove her away, chopping; a lot of worms have come out of her, they cry; she caught up to the house in which the girl; says that the old woman killed her parents and raised her at home; there is a box in the house with the soul of an old woman in it; the woman found in a box of lizards and frogs, suppressed everyone, then the old woman died; she saw two tongues hanging, blood was dripping from them; she inserted her tongues into her sisters, they came to life; all four (three sisters and that girl) came to another old woman with a hammerhead; old woman: yesterday my sister was killed, one worm came to cry; she curses, and her husband pacifies her, tells the women to leave as soon as possible; they came to a house where shamanic idols or people (more the informant does not remember)]: Ikegami 2007, No. 15:54-62.

The coast is the Plateau. Puget Sound [a girl or two sisters look for a groom, come to Thunder's house; a slave or slave warns not to laugh if a Skunk comes; he will marry the person who broke the ban; Skunk, grimacing and Sings funny]: Ballard 1927 [Skunk is Thunder's neighbor; the youngest sister laughs; Skunk marries one sister, lets her sister go to the other; sisters run away]: 63; 1929 [Skunk lives with Thunder; the girl does not laughs, marries Thunder]: 106; Okanagon [Skunk and Little Otter (Fisher) live together; grandmother sends two granddaughters named Chipmunk) and Tyrant Bird (King-bird, Tyrannus) to climb under the clean, Otter's tidy bed, Skunk's bed is dirty; Skunk came in first, the youngest giggled when he ruined the air, Skunk heard, made an indecent sound again, the girl laughed louder, the Skunk found girls in a chest under the Otter's bed; says that he is the head of the house, hides them in his chest; the Skunk replies to the Otter who comes that he is the chief, the Otter is forced, contrary to usual, to cook for himself; everyone puts food in their chest, Otter sees Skunk take out an empty plate; the next day he sends Skunk for the dead deer, finds girls, sets fire to the house, flies with them in a column of smoke on a rock above the river; the Skunk sees the reflection, lets his stream into the water, understands the mistake, lets it go up, hits the Otter's toe, he dies; the sisters pretend to be happy with the Skunk; he copulates with them all day long, falls asleep; they go back to their grandmother, telling the rocks to grow around the Skunk; there is a small hole left, the Skunk disassembles himself piece by piece, pushes them, the Raven takes his iron; the Skunk comes people playing ball with iron, grabs it, killing people with it]: Hill-Tout 1911:148-150.

The Midwest. Menominee: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II18 [the man has many sisters; another girl comes, recognized as a sister; the named brother warns her not to laugh if a stranger appears; that looks like the named brother himself; the girl does not laugh, but is still kidnapped; the brother kills the stranger and his mother, frees her sister and other women], II28 [Lynx wants to kill the Skunk Wife; she leaves a stone in his bed, hides; husband hits a stone; undresses, draws a spiral on his body, dances to make his wife laugh; makes a hole in his stomach, pulls out his intestines; he likes the sound, he continues to pull, falls; wife does not laugh, kills him with an ax]: 384, 403-404; Eastern Ojibwa (timagami) [Lynx promises to kill his wives Rabbit and Marten if they don't get a beaver; wives dig digging, hiding; Lynx undresses, dancing, his testicles swing; Marten laughs, he devours her; The rabbit does not laugh, he does not find it; takes out, roasts and eats his giblets; dies after eating his heart]: Speck 1915d, No. 14:67-68; Western Ojibwa [Skunsiha is Lynx's wife, he wants to eat her; she leaves a log and stone wrapped in a blanket on her bed, hides; Lynx hits the bed with a cutter, realizes that there is a stone; to make him laugh and thus find his wife, she paints her penis black, grimacing, exposes it; she laughs three times, but he does not have time to find her; continues to gripe, but The skunker no longer laughs; he cuts the meat off his thighs and stomach, roasts, eats; falls into the fire; she pulls it out, leaves; when he falls into the fire, the Lynx takes on its current appearance - yellow eyes probably wrinkled face]: Jones 1917, No. 7:121-125 (retelling in 1916, No. 1:368).

Guiana. Wapixana [João hooks piranha, wants her to be his wife, piranha turns into a woman; his younger brother Pedro discovers that someone has made soup; gets naked, rocking her penis; the hidden woman laughs, he finds her; she tells her to pour fish poison into her nostrils first; he doesn't listen, his penis is bitten off; deer, tapir, agouti refuse, monkey agrees to change his penis with him, now her penis seems to have been bitten off by a piranha; P. brings blood-sucking insects with him to the festival, since then they have been biting people]: Wirth 1950:168-170.

NW Amazon. Chikuna [Dioi and his brother Epi went to their niece's initiation party; D. got the girl, E. wanted her for himself; in the yard outside the house, the girl turned into a fruit on an umari tree; D. did not allow to pluck it, E. waited for her to fall; D. let E. clean the dead birds, at which time the fruit fell, the girl took on a human form, D. reduced it, hid it in a flute, and secretly brought it to his hammock for 4 nights from E.; he hears laughter at night; in the absence of D. dances, showing her genitals; the woman laughs, E. finds her inside the flute, copulates with it; she becomes pregnant, no longer fits into the flute; E. lubricates his penis with fruit juice to simulate a long abstinence; frozen latex falls off, D. understands the deception; to make black paint and paint the boy, D. told E. to climb a tree for fruit genips; it began to grow, but E. began to descend; then orehla de pau grew along the perimeter of the trunk, but E. turned into an ant, crawled over the mushroom; D. ordered E. to grind the fruits of the genipa, E. herself; the woman painted the boy, threw the rest of the pasta into the water; fish, including Epi fish, arose from the pasta; D. began to catch fish with various baits; when the fish caught turned into stones in jaguars, urucuri husks in squirrels, tukuma husks in wild pigs, sweet cassava in chikuna Indians; however, he could not catch E.; let Techi-ari-Ngui catch, E. pecked, on the shore, becoming as a man, said that he visited the land of gold in the east and would return there, and let D. go west; D. told him to catch fish, but E. killed them before they turned into people; var: realizing how to catch, E. caught kokama and other tribes but not chikuna]: Nimuendaju 1952:127-129.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [women have a tapir lover, men kill him; women jump into the river, turn into fish; Karusakaibo fishes for fish, doesn't look over his shoulder, it turns back into his wife; makes a drink from cassava; Karusakaibo tells Daiir that his pet monkey made it; he doesn't believe it, he dances indecently; the woman looks out of the shelter, laughs, Daiiru discovers her; also goes fishing; looks around right away, the fish does not turn into a woman; Dairu copulates with fish, since then the variegated jacunda is inedible; the rest of the fish can't now turn into women]: Murphy 1958, #3:77.

Southern Amazon. Umotina [Asanot is the wife of the Sun Bakololó; found the dens of all commercial animals; B. goes to make arrows, hides A. under the roof; his friend Month comes, pushes his penis on a grain grater ; A. laughs, is forced to tell where the animal lairs are; The month only frightened the animals, finally shot two anteaters, A. did not want to take them, because the meat was tasteless; A. sent her husband on the road two tapirs, he killed them; told me what happened; A month came to B. to get a piece of tapir meat, but he made an angry face, drove the Month away for scaring the animals]: Schultz 1962, no. d: 232-233.