Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

D13E. Hunters laugh at the animal's carcass .24.43.61.

Hunters die because they laughed at a killed (and animated) animal.

Semangs, Senoi, Muslim Malays, Dusun, Kus, Napo.

Malaysiaâ€"Indonesia. Semangs (batek) [the Malays forced the batek shaman to revive the monkey he had killed; the Malays and other bateks laughed at her; they dressed her, handed her a dagger, made her dance; seeing this, the shaman retired to the top of the hill; a stream of water poured out of the ground, all the laughing drowned; the same at Sungkai senoi (southern Perak) in Evans 1923:202-204; Orang dusun in Borneo (Evans 1923:204n); y Malays in Kelantan: cats and dogs were forced to dance, water flooded the area (Skeat 1901:65)]: Endicott 1979:65.

The coast is the Plateau. Cous [young hunters roast a raccoon; laugh when the carcass writhes on fire; die; one didn't laugh, survived]: Jacobs 1940, No. 9:147-148.

Western Amazon. Napo [hunters fry monkeys, laugh when carcasses writhe; forest spirits are taken out from sleeping eyes, blind people fall into a ditch and turn into frogs; one person did not laugh, the mistress of the spirits told he should hide; he is alive]: Davila 1920:463-464.