D13F. Laughter and fire .
Laughter causes fire or sun to appear or spread. Usually, the owner of a fire or sun loses it after laughing.
Kamilaroi, Nungakhburrah, Wongaybon, Kabikabi, Wakawaka, Watjobaluk, Cape Grafton, Euahlayi, Chukchi, Koryaks (reindeer and coastal?) , shinkyon, waylaki, kato, yuki, coastal yuki, mattol, sanema, yanomam, yanomami, chikuna, matako, nivakle, angaite.
Australia. Kamilaroi [only the Raven owns fire, people eat raw food; notice that there is no blood on the Raven's face; invite him to dance; many dancers try in vain to make him laugh; Shingle-back and Sleepy-lizard (both Lizards?) they sing an obscene song and dance, relieving themselves on their feet; the crow was entertained, and then the Hawk stole his bag of fire; during the chase, the fire fell; the raven tried to extinguish it, burned his daughter, and white rings remained around his eyes]: Waterman 1987, No. 1975 (1): 70; Nungakhburrah [The crane opened the fire drill, his wife, the Kangaroo Rat, learned to fire; the Owl and the Parrot were sent to watch after them, they were invited to dance; they were not amused until Bralghas danced; at this time, the Hawk, who had pretended to be sick before, carried away the fire light; the grass was burning]: Waterman 1987, No. 1975 (2): 70; wongaybon [two old women, the Kangaroo Rat and the Turtledove, kept the fire in a nut; they were invited to dance to steal their fire; Black Kakadu danced, defecating, blood and crap flowed down his leg; the old women laughed, and the Hawk hid the nut in his bag and told Tornado to spread fire; he placed it in all the trees that make fire sticks; Kakadu has since been under his tail red spots and Hawk is rusty]: Waterman 1987, No. 1975 (3): 70; kabikabi, wakawaka [Viper owns fire; birds try to get it unsuccessfully; Little Hawk grimacing, Viper laughs, loses control of fire (hawk's ridiculous antics provoked the adder into loss of gravity and laughter)]: Waterman 1987, No. 1975 (4): 70; watjobaluk [Jackass kept fire in his mouth, He didn't give it to anyone; the Hawk tickled him until he opened his mouth and the fire spread across the ground; Jackass was angry at first, but then laughed at it]: Waterman 1987, #1980:71; Cape Grafton (Queensland) [there was no fire on the ground; Wren (Malarus sp.) flew, brought fire from the sky, hid it under its tail; indicated the types of wood from which to get fire by friction, but people only rubbed hands; one man turned around and burst out laughing when he saw a red spot on Wren's tail; he taught me how to get fire, the stain on the tail remained]: Roth 1903 in Maddock 1970:188, in Dixon 1916:283; eahlayi [The Blue Crane and the Kangaroo Rat opened fire by friction, hid it from others, said they also baked fish on a seolnchain; people spied, corrobori, Australian cranes (brolga) They danced so much that the Kangaroo Rat and the Blue Crane burst out laughing, others stole their firebag]: Parker 1953:39-42 in Maddock 1970:188.
SV Asia. Chukchi: Baboshina 1958, No. 19 [The swans agree to marry Kulik, reject the lazy Raven; he hides the Sun in his mouth; the Swan tickles him, laughs, he opens his mouth, releasing the sun; The Swan comes with him, on the way, kills with a sharp stick], 37 [Mitya has husbands Raven and Toporok, Kuikyneku's father, Inyanakvut's mother; Raven is lazy, thief, coward, Toporok is a good hunter; Raven is going to change the weather, but only eats the meat given to him; The axe shovels the snow with a shovel (in the sky), the blizzard ends; the raven hides the sun in its beak; the mother-in-law takes the form of M., caresses the Raven, he smiles, releases the sun; On the way home, his mother-in-law pierces him with a stake]: 50-51, 79-103; Koryaks [The Raven and the Little Bird marry Yinianyavgut, the daughter of the Big Raven; the Raven fails to stop the snowfall, and the Bird succeeds, he gets a wife; The Raven swallows the sun; Chanai marries the River Man, who is a shamanite, becomes a little lighter; J. comes to the Raven, tickles him, he laughs, regurgitates the sun; J. sleeps with him, then kills him; makes the sky clear out of his head]: Bogoras 1917, No. 1:12-23; coastal Koryaks (Kichiga) [the raven Velvimtilyn swallowed the sun; Emamkut sends a daughter to him Cranberry, V. does not want her; sends Inyanavyt's daughter; seeing her, V. laughs with joy, spits out the sun; I. pierces V. with a stick, hangs her on a stick]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 126:418-419.
California. The spider makes you laugh, dancing indecently in front of him, he releases fire. Synkyon [the baby cries, says he is afraid of fire; animal people learn that the Spider keeps fire in his body; they try to make him laugh; the Skunk dances with his tail lifted; everything, including Spider laughing; humans are ready to burn tar; eel-tail sets fire first; runners take fire away; Vulture flies in a zigzag over dry grass]: Kroeber 1919, No. 4:347; waylaki [(text difficult to understand; it is clear that the sun is being stolen from the original owners)]: Goddard 1923, No. 8:102-104; kato [an orphan notices fire in the distance; the chief sends runners to bring it; the Spider wrapped both hands around the fire; he starts laughing when Coyote, dancing in front of him, licks his genitals; Hummingbird grabs and blows away the fire]: Goddard 1909, No. 5:195-197; Yuki: Curtis 1976 (14) [started as Kroeber; Mouse and Skunk they dance, dragging their giblets across the floor; the Spider laughed, the fire blazed, the Pigeon put a stick into the fire, set fire to the grass, everyone ran away; on the burning grass The Spider could not chase them]: 170; Kroeber 1932b [people live in in the dark, eating meat raw; The spider owns fire while sitting on it; people drive the orphan Rabbit outside; he notices the gleams of fire; the Coyote leads his men to the Spider; they dance to make him laugh; the mouse scratches his ass; The Spider laughs, rises, the Pigeon puts rotten under him, blows away fire, sets fire to vegetation; the Spider burns in a world fire; people flee in the lake; many have been burned; since then, the Woodpecker red head, Coyote has yellowish hair, etc.]: 918-919; coastal yuki [little Salamander cries, parents throw him out of the house; Coyote distinguishes words in his cry, Fire is on the other side; people come to the Spider hiding fire in his body; everyone is dancing, moving ridiculously; finally, the Coyote does something very funny; The spider laughs, the fire falls out of his mouth, the Coyote grabs fire; this is how people find fire; parents take the child back]: Gifford 1937, No. 8:121; mattol [2 var.; Coyote leaves the child in the sun, he dies; Coyote goes to kill the Sun, it turns out in the sky, can't go down; the Spider starts to let him down three times, each time telling him not to open his eyes or laugh; the Coyote sees the Spider's ass, laughs; he throws it off; the Coyote crashes, two girls kick his bones, he comes to life]: Nomland 1938:119-120.
Southern Venezuela. Cayman makes him laugh, dancing indecently in front of him, he releases fire. Sanema: Barandiaran 1968 [Cayman Ibaramyo has a fire in his mouth, people eat meat raw; a boy finds a charred leaf in I.'s cave; the boy's father has a party; Tinama chicken, then the Dog defecate at the dancers, everyone laughs except I.; a bird as red as fire defecates into I.'s mouth; he laughs, throwing fire out of his mouth; his tongue is burned, now the caimans have no tongue; a black and white bird blows away fire in her beak, hides it in a tree; I.'s wife tries in vain to fill the tree with urine]: 4-7; Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 49 [(Colchester 1981:75-78); only Cayman owns fire, Quails eat caterpillars raw; A quail boy finds a charred leaf at Cayman's hammock; people are about to dance but Cayman doesn't laugh; The Bat just got out of the hammock with his classic mother Ant, his penis red and shiny; but Cayman did not laugh then; the Antthrush bird drenched the audience with its excrement, and then Cayman laughed; the tyrant bird caught the fire, Cayman's wife Frog could not fill it urine; fire placed in the cores of trees], 55 [(Borgman MS); only Cayman baked caterpillars on fire; the bird's son found a burnt leaf; people celebrated a party, but Cayman does not laugh; the bird excrement on Queues of everyone present; when he hits Cayman, he laughs too; the birds put fire in the trees], 59 [(Knobloch 197:151); Cayman kept the fire in his mouth; the bird's children found coal on the ground; people became dance, one of the birds defecated on Cayman, carried away the fire; now the fire in the core of the trees]: 111-115, 126-127, 132-133; Yanomam [(Albert MS); Cayman kept fire in his mouth so he had his short tongue and mouth are red; his wife is a Frog; Bird people find baked caterpillars near his house; they danced; Ant Thrush beat himself in the chest, but Cayman just smiled; Wren dances, Cayman laughs, the fire falls from his mouth; the frog fills most of the coals, but the Oropendoles have managed to carry the coals away, put the fire in the core of the trees; the frog curses people, says their children will burn]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 50:116-119; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 51 [(Finkers 1986:171-173); people ate raw food, only Iwariwë baked caterpillars; the old woman found under his grilled caterpillar's head with a hammock; people danced; Tohomamoriwë covered everyone with excrement; Cayman laughed; his wife tried to extinguish the fire with urine, but the fire was carried away and placed in trees; Cayman my wife jumped into the water and stayed there], 52 [(Finkers 1986:171-173, sic!) ; only Cayman Iwariwë baked caterpillars; while he and his wife were away, Pokorariyoma found a burnt leaf; people danced; Teshoriwë was the last to dance, Cayman laughed; the fire fell from his mouth, his put in trees; Cayman and his wife jumped into the water and stayed there], 53 [(Becher 1974:33-34); people ate meat raw, Cayman hid the fire in his mouth; the hummingbird began to fly in front of him and fool around; Cayman laughed, fire fell out of his mouth], 54 [(Cocco 1972:381-382); Cayman Ivarivö hides fire under his tongue; others eat meat raw; when he catches a cold, I. sneezes, the fire falls out of his tongue mouth; black bird Yorekitirami stands ready, blows fire, puts it in trees; one woman predicts that the fire will burn, jumps into the water, becomes a frog], 56 [(Lizot MS); Cayman held fire in his mouth, only he baked caterpillars; children find burnt caterpillars; people had fun, Antthrush bared his ass, covered Cayman with excrement, he laughed, the fire fell; Cayman's wife Prueheyoma tried to fill the fire with urine, but Oropendola saved the fire; P. cursed people, saying that this fire would burn corpses, grind leftovers (and eat them)], 57 [(Lizot MS); only Cayman baked caterpillars, others gave raw; the girl found a baked caterpillar; people began to dance, Antthrush drenched the audience with a stream of his excrement; Cayman laughed; his wife Prueheyoma tried to fill the fire with urine, but Oropendola saved the fire; P. cursed people, saying that corpses would be burned in this fire], 58 [(Knobloch 1967:151); Cayman Iwariwe kept fire in his mouth; but he and his wife Iwariome ate bloody meat; Y.'s enemies put down There was a burning barrel in front of him, he and his wife jumped into the water and became caimans]: 120-121, 122-123, 124, 124-126, 128-130, 130-131, 132.
NW Amazon. Tikuna [the old woman says she has no fire, she bakes cakes in the sun; hearing this, her friend Kozoda laughs, the flame splashes from his beak; people tear his beak (since then it has been wide), pulling it out fire]: Nimuendaju 1952:131.
Chaco. Fire erupts from the character's body and/or destroys the world (haunts people) after someone laughs nearby. Matako [fire erupts from the character's body and destroys the world after someone laughs nearby]: Barabas, Bartolomé 1979a [fire owner is Itoj Asla (note 1: via Metro and Palavecino , there are many owners of the fire, shamans come to them and say that there are no more forests left to burn the world); emitted fire from the anus; looked for honey from black bees; they always live in dry trunks in dry forests; sat by the hollow, smoked bees with fire and smoke; did not like anyone laughing in front of him, taking it personally; everyone gathered waiting for honey; the funny Hornero bird was driven away, but he came back; IA burned everything world; Ornero tried in vain to escape on a tree in his clay nest]: 126-128 (=1979b:71); Calífano 1974:47; Palavecino 1964:287-288; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 60 [(Metraux 1939:11) ; animal people visit fiery people; their children's fire flies out of their asses; seeing this, the Furarius rufus (ovenbird) bird violates the ban on laughing; children complain to parents, they burn the whole world; Nanda and Chunga saved]: 129-130; nivakle [Owl and Chunga (Chunga burmeisteri bird) spray hot fat on blind people, they fight with each other; Chunga laughs, blind people send fire]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 141 [the warriors raid another village; the Woodpecker comes to their camp, sings, people laugh at his singing; at night the Woodpecker blinds them; one does not laugh, remains sighted, leads them; the hive answers where he is, how much honey is in it; the lake is where it is, is there enough water in it; their bags catch eels themselves, which blind people grab with their hands and throw them ashore; Owl watches this, rips off baked eels, hot liquid splashes on the blind, they blame each other, fight; the owl laughs, says Chunga; he repeats the trick, but the blind hear him laugh, send fire at him; he hides under a termite mound, but his their legs are burnt; the blind have built a village on that site], 142 [a group of warriors stops for the night; the old shaman sings, others laugh at him, he promises to deprive them of their sight; in the morning they wake up blind; they easily get honey; they call water, water answers, they catch eels; the owl catches their eels, holds back their laughter; agrees to bring Chung there if he doesn't laugh; taking away eels, he laughs; the blind started fire, now the Chunga has red legs], 143 [people have gone to a new place, four blind are left; the young man has returned, led them; the beehives answer them themselves; the young man pours honey on the blind , they accuse each other, fight; the young man laughs silently; the eels from the lakes answer; the blind find the fattest ones, throw them into their bags, they open themselves; the blind fry eels; the owl picks them up from the tree, fat drips on the blind, they fight, blaming each other; the owl restrains laughter; at home, Chung asks him to be taken to that tree, repeats the trick; after running away, laughing, the blind set fire to the savannah; Chunka hides in termite mound, his beak and legs turned red; the owl in the tree suffered from smoke, turned gray (flesh-colored); the nivacles fled south from the fire beyond Rio Bermejo], 144 [the man smeared his face, told others they refused to do the same, he made them blind at night, except for one; he led them; honey, the lake answer their call themselves; they fry eels, the Owl stole eels, the Owl stole eels, sprayed hot fat on the blind; they accusing each other, fighting; his companion Chunga began to do the same, but laughed; the blind let fire after him, his legs turned red; the smoke ate Owl's eyes, he can't see well now], 145 [blind people fried eels, Chunga and Owl were sitting in a tree; Chunga picked up a hot piece, threw it at them, they accused each other, fought; the owl tells them not to laugh; Chunga runs away laughs; the blind throw coal after them, the savannah burns, Chunga hides in a termite mound, its legs are red; the owl on the tree is gray with smoke]: 315-319, 320-322, 323-329, 330-331, 332-333; angaite [The crane laughs at the blind, they make a fire that destroys everything around]: Cordeu 1973, No. 8:206.