Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

D13G. The meat on the teeth .

When a character starts laughing, people see his or her scary mouth (lots of teeth, a man on his teeth); they kill a monster or run away.

Rai, Ket, Orochi, Udege, Nanai, Forest and Tundra Yukaghirs, Quinolt, Upper Chehalis, Pomo, Cahuilla, Letuama, Macuna.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Rai (Camling) [(No. 1a); the woman's name is Naïna, the man is Paruh; the wind Kurima suggests that P. bring them together, if he fails, let him break his wing; seeing P., N. says that he is ugly , refuses to marry; P. breaks K.'s wing, drought occurs; N. sends Woodpecker, Owl, Grasshopper and cicalemma bird to look for water; Woodpecker and Grasshopper drink the water they find; Woodpecker was pulled out for this the tongue was inserted back crooked, the Grasshopper's legs were pierced; the bird shows where to drink, but this is P.'s urine; N. drinks, gives birth to a Tiger, a Man, a Bear and a Dog; N. warns the Tiger that Man will outsmart him ; The man left his scarecrow under the tree, killed the Tiger with an arrow; N. revived the Tiger, and he said that she had a louse on her throat, tore her throat; the man told the Bear to carry the body and he ate it; replied that buried him; then he was told to laugh, his mother's hair was noticed on his teeth; the man sent the Bear to the forest, was going to kill the Dog, but he asked him to keep him with him]: Ebert, Gaenszle 2008, No. 1a: 53-65 .

(Wed. Burma - Indochina. Karen [a young man brought a beautiful white wife from afar; a black maid changed her skin to take her place; his wife, in the guise of a maid, was sent to chase birds from the field; the birds did not bite themselves harvest; she sent the dove to bring fragrance oil from her mother's house; there the dove broke its wings, did not return for a long time; the wings recovered, the dove brought oil, the woman took on her true form; told her husband that the imaginary wife must have a black tongue; they try to make her laugh, she does not laugh; then she is suddenly beaten, she screams, showing her tongue; the husband kills her with a sword; to cleanse herself, the wife tells her the husband should sit in the water for seven days and nights; after a day the husband is barely alive from the cold; the wife allows him to go out, accepts him, the couple are happy]: Mason 1865:210-211).

Western Siberia. The Kets [two brothers are hunting, cannot get into the squirrel; decided that it was a squirrel; they spent the night, his wife came to the fire of his younger brother, but was silent; the elder pinched her, she smiled, the eldest saw fangs in his mouth; said that he would go to bring firewood; heard a scream, realized that her brother was dead; smeared a palm tree with dog feces, so he killed a dootam bam, and she could not be killed with clean iron; earlier There were a lot of them]: Alekseyenko 2001, No. 90:164.

Amur-Sakhalin. Orochi: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 56 [six sisters live in heaven, the seventh eldest in the house; sisters come to her, the youngest smears her ass with coal, camlates; the eldest laughs, others see her human teeth; they run away on skis; the older sister chases them, kills everyone but the youngest, dies, turns into a gnat; see motif J35, L72]: 204-206; Bereznitsky 1999, No. 19 [(=2002, No. 2:106; 2003, No. 23:448; 2005, No. 50:477-478); father dies; mother tells six daughters to run away before she dies, because the seventh, the eldest is a cannibal; sisters dance to make her laugh; the seventh dances naked, the eldest laughs, they see human veins on her teeth; they run away on skis; five have mounts made of rags, ropes, elkskin, wire, iron plates; they tear, the cannibal eats them; the sixth, the youngest iron chain mounts; she throws a comb, a mirror; a forest, a lake appear; the eldest gnaws through the forest, drowns in the lake; the youngest comes to a young man, gets married]: 151; Udege people: Arsenyev 1995:179 -180 [seven girls refused to marry; the eldest was going somewhere; the others decided to make her laugh; the youngest took off her pants, threw them into the fire; the eldest smiled, everyone saw her hair in her mouth; decided that she was eating people; six sisters ran away, she caught up with them and ate them; gave birth to six Nengui, red wolves; this fairy tale is told only during the day and is considered the most terrible; (quail in Bereznitsky 2002, No. 3:107; in Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 109:476-477)], 180-181 [the same; the youngest throws chips into the fire, not pantaloons; to catch up with the younger sisters, the eldest tells the straps to break on their skiing; the souls of the younger ones, and then the eldest, went to heaven, became stars (possibly the Pleiades; quail in Bereznitsky 2002, No. 4:107-108; to Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 110:477-478)]; Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010 [evil the spirit flies into the mouth of Ege, the eldest of seven sisters; the sisters create figures that jump and grimacing; when E. laughs, the sisters see a man on her teeth; the sisters run away, E. tells the ski belts to break , catches up, swallows the sisters; the youngest escapes, she had fasteners with an iron chain; throws a sharpener (mountain), a comb (thicket), ash (fog; it takes E. a year to overcome each obstacle); the old woman lets the girl cross the bridge, hides the bridge; E. demands it, the old woman puts it, in the middle he collapsed, E. fell into the rapids; says that her hair will become mud, her teeth will become boulders, bones - with tree creases, blood with mosquitoes and midges]: 156-157; Nanais [the older sister is ready to go looking for the groom herself; the evil spirit of Hondori-Chaco comes; when she smiles, the youngest sees him a man's teeth; the eldest does not see; at night the youngest sees and hears X. eating her sister; the youngest runs to a lonely young man Mergen; after her H.; M. invites him to lie down, he is eaten by snakes; M. marries her younger sister, returns the eldest from the world of the dead, and marries her]: Chadaeva 1990:52-56.

SV Asia. Yukaghirs: Johelson 1900, No. 94 (forest, p. Corcodon) [the three sisters were left alone; they take turns buying firewood; they threw a mouse to each other, laughed, saw human meat on their elder sister's teeth; when she left, the sisters burned her wings, put on their own, flew, saw the eldest chew on their father's skull; the eldest threw a knife into the middle sheath, they pulled her to the ground, she ate it; the youngest married the old man's son, gave birth to a son; two the older sisters came, scratched the boy's cheeks; the mother took him, went up to the platform; the older ones began to gnaw on the platform supports; the youngest's husband jumped on a spear to the platform, told the elders to open their mouths, promised to throw my sister there; one threw a spear in his mouth, the other arrows, killed them]: 201-206 (reprinted in Kurilov 2005:201-206); Zhukova, Prokopyeva 1991 (Forest Yukaghirs, p. The ridiculous Verkhnekolymsky ulus of Yakutia), No. 19 [three sisters lost their parents; the eldest began to go somewhere, stopped talking and smiling; the sisters decided to make her laugh; they caught a mouse and sewed her eyes up and released; the older sister smiled, the younger ones saw hair in her mouth; then they followed her and found out that she had become a cannibal - she went to her parents' graves and gnawed on their heads; the younger ones ran from her, reached the seashore and flew away in ninbah (leather and fur cutting boards)], 16 [the grandfather caught fish and went home; on the way he saw a fox pretending to be dead; the grandfather put it on the sleigh; the fox collected all the fish and jumped; my grandfather came home, saw a broken tooth on the sleigh; found a place where foxes gathered; stuffed bark under his clothes and went into their hut; began to dance, and became out of the holes in her clothes dust fell; the foxes laughed; one of the foxes giggled and covered her mouth with her paw; the grandfather grabbed her and took her]: 157, 157-158; Bogoras 1918, No. 11 (Russified {probably tundra} yukaghirs, p. Nizhnekolymsky District) [the youngest of the three sisters is hungry, the eldest advises her to eat dried fish, laughs, two sisters see meat on her teeth; find that she has dug and ate corpses their dead parents; ask geese to throw them feathers, fly away; the middle sister looks around, hearing the voice of the elder, falls into her open mouth; the youngest is saved, marries, gives birth to a son and daughter; the eldest comes, bites off children's lips, devours a girl; mother and boy hide in a box, make it iron; father kills a monster, burns the remains]: 67-69.

The coast is the Plateau. Quinalt [a young man is fishing, someone is cleaning the salmon he has caught; he hides, sees a woman coming out of the forest; takes her as his wife; she does not laugh or open her face; Blue Jay makes her laugh; she throws away the veil; she has the face of a monster, pieces of man between her teeth; those who hear her laugh fall dead; she devours them, hides the genitals of her eaten husband in the basket; gives birth to twin sons; they they find their father's genitals, see an empty village; they set fire to their house, run away, climb a tree; the mother rushes in pursuit; they ask her to wrap her around the trunk, tell the bark to fall on her, the mother is killed; brothers travel further killing monsters]: Farrand 1902, No. 1:81-82; upper chehalis [the girl has her first period; her parents did not tell her to swim in a specific place on the lake, but she went; came a one-legged man took her clothes, grabbed her, began to point to different parts of her body, asking what it was; every time she says "my neck", "my chest", etc., he repeats ("my chest, my wife"); when she reaches the genitals, the girl stumbles, the one-legged takes her away; at night she copulates with her, inserting her big toe into her vagina; each of her 5 brothers goes in search; finds a sister, and on the other hand the one-legged man catches up with him to supposedly give him skin, swallows him; when he returned, after eating the fourth, began to laugh, his wife saw hair in his teeth; by this time she had given birth to a son and a daughter; a woman took her daughter, and burned down the house in which the one-legged and son remained with them; playing with other children, the one-legged daughter pulled out the eye of another child; the woman's mother and uncle put her in a bucket, threw her into the river; she was picked up in another village, where she also pulled out the child's eye, she was thrown into the river again; so three more times; she sailed to a giant, who raised her, made her a wife]: Adamson 1934, No. 58:121-124.

California. Pomo: Barrett 1933, No. 98 [People chose Falcon to replace Pelican; Pelican wears bear clothes, kills Falcon, then takes on its former form; cries with everyone when the corpse is dead they cremate; the next day everyone laughs and jokes in the steam room, watches Pelican; he laughs, everyone sees meat on his teeth, kills him; Falcon is almost revived; Skylark says he smells burnt ; The Falcon disappears; that's why people don't come to life]: 370-372; Williams 1954 [The Coyote made his men out of canes, the Wolf made his own people, they came to play ball with the Coyote's men; The Wolf ambushed the Bear ; when Moonhawk rushed to get the ball, it bit it, it died; the bear kept her mouth closed, but when she laughed, Coyote saw meat on her teeth; ambushed two rattlesnakes, two people The wolf died; the Coyote mixed the ashes of LA's burnt body, mixed it with water and pine juice, revived it, brought him into the house; the Lark said he smelled burnt; when he heard this, LA ran away so that others would not understand that he is the spirit of the deceased; Coyote created a geyser, washed off the coals from LA's body with water]: 65-67; cahuilla [Tukwishhemish woman laughed without opening her mouth; once she opened it, three girls saw that she had three rows of upper teeth; began to laugh; she rose to heaven out of shame, became a star; those three girls also turned into stars (apparently the Pleiades); until she rose to heaven, no one thought about marriage; Isilihnup (Coyote) and Holinach, two men, began looking for these girls; I. woke up at night, saw them in a smoke hole; put a stick in the hearth, threw them into the sky, followed her, became a star; off a stick ash has been pouring, since then ash has fallen to frost]: Hooper 1920:365-366.

NW Amazon. Letuama [the girl began swimming when she was in her first period; she was taken over by the Bat; was accepted by her son-in-law; killed his wife's brother while hunting, said he killed a jaguar; killed her second brother on a fish catching; never laughs; third brother tells sister to sit down and spread her legs; when he sees the vagina, the Bat laughs, everyone sees hair on his teeth; people burned a tree with bats; two children escaped , people took them home; the Bat girl sucked a child once; his mother threw her into the fire; the reeds that are used to make flutes have grown]: Palma 1984:157-161; macuna [Bat (Murcié lago tigre) married; his wife has three brothers; he goes hunting with one, kills, eats, says that he was killed at night by an animal; the same with his second brother; the wife sits down with her legs apart, the Bat laughs, the wife He sees human hair in his throat and on his teeth; his last brother goes with him to the forest, feeds him with fish, the bone gets stuck in the Bat's throat; pulling it out, his brother sees his hair; hits the Bat with a stone, with which he killed others; the bat turns into a bat; people wooded a tree with bats, burned it; two cubs remained, came to a woman with three adult sons and one baby; they were left to watch the baby, they sucked blood through his fingers, he died; the female was burned, flute reeds grew from her ashes; the male turned into a terrible eagle, killed people, he was killed with arrows]: Århem et al. 2004:509-517.