D13H. A dead man should not laugh .
A person who enters the world of the dead should not laugh.
Vurageri, Polar Eskimos, Netsilic, Igloolik, Baffin Land, West Greenland, Angmassalik, Guaraya, Iranche, Paresi.
Australia. Vurageri and neighboring tribes [the deceased takes a rope to heaven, where totems and ancestors live; crawls through the hole like mythical creatures of the beginning of time; the edges of the hole they move continuously, opening a narrow slit from time to time; the dead sees two guards - a month-old man on one side, a Sunwoman on the other; the long penis of the Month is wrapped around his waist, long The Sun's clitoris is blocked by fire, which is a source of heat and daylight; if the deceased is not afraid, it goes to where the two first ancestors Ngintungintsu and Gunababa begin it ask questions, but he must keep quiet; they dance, erect their penises and try to make him laugh with their song; he shouldn't even move an eyebrow; then women dance an erotic dance, he shouldn't again there is no way to react; (shamans talk about similar trials when visiting the heavenly world); then the deceased meets Bayami and his wife, whose body is like rock crystal]: Berndt, Berndt 1964:413.
The Arctic. Polar Eskimos: Holtved 1951, No. 4 [husband beats his wife; she leaves, asks the Month to take her; he goes down after her in a sleigh; his house is visited by the Intrap; sings, I'll bring my food little dogs; there are people next to whom he pulled out his insides; grimacing ridiculously, but the woman covers her face with a hood when she is afraid that she will laugh; he leaves; she gets pregnant from the Month; cleaning the house, Finds a hole in the floor under the deer's shoulder blade; The month shows her relatives below; sends her to her former husband; sends her meat; a boy born from the Month becomes a good hunter]: 31-40; Kroeber 1899, No. 28 [the dead go to heaven; a relative of the Month dances in front of them, sings, I look at food for my favorite dogs; pulls out guts for laughed people, feeds dogs; The month warns people do not laugh]: 180-181; netsilic [star Akzhut lives near the house of the Month; when the Month brings the souls of the dead, it tries to make them laugh; eats the insides of those who laugh]: Rasmussen 1931: 526; igloolik [hunters who visit the house of the Month find good luck; the wife of the Month dances in front of them obscenely; whoever smiles a little bit pulls out his intestines; former victims stand around laughing loudly] : Rasmussen 1930a: 76; Baffin's Land [shaman visits the moon; this is the house where the Month, the Sunwoman, and the Wife of the Month live; the wife dances and grimaces in front of the shaman to make him laugh and pull out her insides; he doesn't laugh; sees she has a heart and lungs but no spine and intestines]: Boas 1888:598-599; West Greenland [on the way to the Month, there is a woman trying make passers-by laugh; whoever laughs, she pulls out her insides]: Rink 1875:48; angmassalik [traveling to Man's house on the moon meet a dangerous woman Nalicatek; she grimacing, trying to make them laugh; her genitals are covered by a live dog's head; during winter ritual games in the men's house, the man wearing the mask N. tries to make the audience laugh; laughing or smiling people are beaten]: Gessain 1958:583; 1984:87, fig.73; "the whole Arctic and Greenland" [husband and wife who died in an avalanche climb the mountain on their way to another world; there is an Erdlaverssissoq woman with with a big ass, between which sea scorpions, sings "I have a big ass", licks herself between her legs; the man laughs, she pulls out, eats his insides, throws her body down on the rocks; the woman does not laugh, thrives in the world of the dead]: Millman 2004:92.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Guaray [after the Franciscan José Cardús, 1886; at the fork, the soul of the deceased turns to a narrow left path; the wide right path is for Europeans, nothing is known about it; the first river is soul swims across the caiman, playing the flute; if it plays poorly, the caiman will drown and eat it; on the opposite bank of the second river there is a tree with a box on top; it bends to this bank and then straightens ; the soul jumps into the box; if it misses, it drowns; further on the path lies the Izoiramoi worm; to a good person he seems gigantic, and as he approaches it decreases to a tiny worm; bad it seems small, and then grabs it between his legs, bites it in half, eats it; then the area of darkness, the soul lights a bunch of straw, passes; this torch must be kept behind your back; if in front, they will attack bats; when approaching the Tuanandior bottle tree, the soul kicks the root, making itself felt; the soul washes, drinks chicha, goes around the tree, hummingbirds flutter at its flowers; the soul wounds them with arrows, picks up feathers as a gift to Grandfather, he lets go of the hummingbirds; then the path between the two Itacuru rocks; when they disperse, the soul screams, the rocks stop for a moment, the soul slips; if you do not know what to shout, crushed, eaten by insects; swims across the next river on a raft; if a person was a bad person, the raft turns over in the middle, the soul sinks; then at the fork, the Vulture looks, and the person who has come jewelry in the lower lip, nose, ears; if not, indicates the wrong way where the soul dies; then a huge monkey grabs the soul, tickles; if the soul laughs, the monkey will eat it (guaraya try not to laugh; women often giggle so they won't get to Grandpa); further to the left of the path is a deceptive Iguirar-oriyo tree; voices, screams, colorful plants, it's easy to lose your way; you have to go closing his eyes by and closing his ear, otherwise the tree will be carried away; then the road becomes flat, flowers are around; the long-bearded Grandfather gently greets the soul, washes, making him handsome, gives his wife; man lives a normal life in Village of the Dead]: Grubb 1924:187-193; Pierini 1910:707-709.
Southern Amazon. Iranshe [mother, father, sister of three brothers die; Anaconda wants to swallow them; they shoot her, she falls dead into the river, leaving her skin on the shore; the brothers smoke it, climb it on it heaven into the world of the dead; their dead nephews have fun going down the tree upside down; thunder sounds; an old woman who was a deer during her lifetime offers them chicha; chicha is brewed from excrement, brothers are not they drink; two lost souls (a man and a woman) make grimaces for the brothers; they do not laugh, otherwise lost souls would eat them; at night souls turn into snakes; brothers talk to the mother's spirit; she asks to find the comb and ball of thread she has forgotten; the brothers go down to the ground; the brothers find a comb and a ball; this is a scolopendra and a spider, they bite one of the brothers, he dies, his soul rises into the world dead]: Pereira 1985, No. 8:68-77; paresi [on the way to the land of the dead, souls cross the river along the anaconda bridge; the Spider Master tickles it (letters., runs along it); if the soul laughs, it will eat it; angry Yarev and fire block the way; a good person's soul successfully overcomes these obstacles]: Pereira 1987, No. 179:680.