Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

d13i. A broken tooth.

The character makes the audience laugh to identify the deceiver and thief by a broken tooth. He laughs and gives himself away.

Songhai, Dolgans, Central Yakuts, Western Evenks (Khatanga, Ilimpic, Podkameno-Tunguska, Kirensky), Sym Evenks, Baikal Evenks, Evenks, Evens, Negidals, Nanais, Orochi, Udege, Wilta, Tundra Yukaghirs.

West Africa. Songhai [Mohammed the Jackal and the lion Great Evil met; the lion coughs, the jackal promises to cure him; tells him to lift the cow; made belts out of the skin, tied the lion tightly to the tree; began to fry meat; told the lion to open his mouth, hit him with a stick; left; ants and termites agreed to gnaw through the belts if the lion did not eat them; when free, the lion licked the termites; found jackals; Jackal-M. has no tooth, he made an imaginary tooth out of the peel of a tuber; laughed, the imaginary tooth fell out, the lion chased the jackal, who whizzed into the hole, the lion grabbed his leg; jackal: why did he grab the root? the lion let go of the jackal's leg; the lion tells the hyena to dig out the jackal; but she bit off the lion's genitals and ran away; the jackal promised the lion to return it; went to the hyena and began to say that he had a daughter's wedding, lots of food; halfway through he said he was tired; the hyena agreed to carry it, even gave stirrups; each hyenyat enters the house, where the meat, the lion's eye notices, comes out quickly; when the hyena itself enters, the lion gutted it, filled him with ash and covered his ass with a piece of lung; they ran, the younger hyeno pulled out the plug, and everything fell out of the hyena]: Calame-Griaule 2002:197-202.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgans [The fox convinces Myselov's bird (i.e. the owl) that the deer and the camp are strangers; he kills a deer from his own herd, kills his wife and children; later sees that the Fox did not kill her children, just bit their ears; Mouselov lures Lisa onto thin ice; she fails, gets to the fish mother, promises to cure, acting as a shaman, tells her to put a stick, then get upstairs on ice; says that the patient will scream; ate fish and ran away; sits on a woman's sledges, eats a bag of meat, replies that the area is called Polsumy, Donyshko; The bear wants to eat it, she promises get fat after sleeping; both lie down on the edge of the mountain; at night, the Fox lies down on the other side of the Bear, asks him to move, he falls; tells the man that he eats his penis; he cuts off his own, dies; the fox comes to his two wives, hides his face; in the dark, they try to cut the Fox with an ax, but cut the pregnant woman's belly; tells Wolf that he gets fat by lowering his tail into the ice-hole; the wolf's tail freezes, is torn off; others Wolves say that Lisa came, breaking her tooth on a sharp deer stomach; a lot of Fox sits by the fire; the Wolf smeared his ass in ash, began to dance ridiculously; everyone laughed, closed her mouth alone, the Wolf tore her to pieces ]: Popov 1937:28-33; dolgans [old man Ukukuut-Chukukuut has many children; Lisa consistently demands to give them away, eats them; offers UU to play children, puts UU in the cradle, binds them, collides into the ravine; animals gnaw through his belts; UU comes to the meeting of foxes, hits a tambourine, jumps, ashes fall from his pants, the Foxes laugh, he recognizes the one who ate his children, kills]: Ergis 1967, No. 9:163; central Yakuts: Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 3 (1938, Kobyaysky District) [The fox tells the Tyuyonen bird to throw an egg, otherwise it will chew a meadow, a valley, knock down a willow; when one of the four eggs remains, The chipmunk advises to ask Lisa to carry out the threat; the fox only broke her teeth; invites the Chipmunk to swing in the iron cradle; first swings herself; when the Chipmunk lies down, the fox ties him with an iron with a rope; the bird T. rubbed the rope with its beak; the chipmunk comes to the fox collection, stored dust falls out of it, the foxes laugh, he sees her teeth broken, beats; since then, the fox has dark fur; where the rope dug into the Chipmunk's body, there is wool of a different color {stripes}]: 119-123; Ergis 1964-1967 (1), No. 6 (2nd Siktyakh Nasleg of Kobyay Ulus, 1938) [as in Illarionov et al., but the name of the bird is Chokei, since then the chipmunk has been striped]: 48-50; Cyrene Evenks [The fox tells the Bear that she is sick, asks her to carry it; slowly eats all the dried meat from it bags, runs away; The bear puts rotten things in his pants, collects foxes, shamanite; when dizzy, rotten pants fell in different directions; Foxes laughed with their mouths open; The bear saw that one was broken teeth are on his meat; he beats her to blood, since then the fox has been red]: Pinegina et al. 1952:18-19; Turukhan Evenks (Podkamennaya Tunguska, western 1923) [The wolf invites Lisa to tie her legs to jump ridiculously and warm up; then the Fox ties the Wolf's legs, leaves; the white Crossbill unties the Wolf, who kills the moose, Crossbill has been smearing blood since then red breast; a fox broke her tooth on a frozen horse neck (?) ; The wolf found a tooth, came to the Foxes, began to beat his tail on the fire, the tail caught fire, the Foxes laughed, the Wolf identified the Fox without a tooth; invites her to look for lice from each other; leaning over the Fox, kills her]: Osharov 1936a: 10-11 (=1936b, No. 3:277); Ilimpic Evenks (p. Tura, western 1980) [The wolf has prepared fish, the fox steals from his storage, he throws a stick at it, finds a broken fox tooth; at the festival, the animals dance, laugh, the Wolf notices a fox with a broken tooth, does not believe that she has broken a tooth against deer horn, kills; foxes have been avoiding wolves ever since]: Yermakov 1988:16-17; Ilimpic Evenks (Western 1907) [The fox and the bird Kovshichan went up the river; at night the Fox turns the shuttles, K. does not notice that they are now swimming down; they see the herd, K. does not understand that he is cutting his own deer; when he learns about this, Lures the Fox to the fragile ice; the fox sinks to the bottom to the ulcers, they say that their mother is sick; the fox undertakes to shamanize, treat, says that the disease will scream; eats eggs, runs away; is hired as a shepherd, kills deer; the old man shouts to his wife to beat the Fox; she hears poorly, the Fox explains that her husband tells her to tie a bubble of fat to the Fox's tail; runs away; tells the Wolves that he caught fat in the river with his tail down; wolf tails freeze, Wolves tear them off; Fox gnaws bones, breaks a tooth; Wolves in the plague will make people laugh, one hoots an owl, mutters a hare; the Fox covers his mouth, Wolves beat him; the Fox invites the Bear to lie on on a cliff ledge, closer to the wall; at night he lies between him and the wall, asks him to move, the Bear falls; the fox eats bear meat; the girls carry supplies, the Fox calls to show the way, eats everything on the way; hides on larch, girls make a fire; the Fox asks the Fire not to burn it to the end, becomes small as it is now]: Vasiliev 1936, No. 5:258-262 (quail in Bulatova 1985:154-160); Khatanga Evenks [The fox kills the old man's deer, collects bone fat, tells the Wolves he got it by lowering its tail into the water; Wolf tails are frozen in the ice-hole; the fox gnaws on deer antlers, breaks a tooth; Wolves jump over a fire, their tail and belly flashes; everyone laughs, Wolves see that the Fox is missing a tooth, they beat him; (then the Fox meets the Bear)]: Vasiliev 1909 in Vasilevich 1936, No. 5:260; Yerbogachen Evenki [the fox offers the wolf to herd his deer, come in a month; ate everyone, broke her tooth; ran to the wolf's house, ordered her to tie fat around her neck, a bell on her tail, ran away with a tied one; went to to his relatives; the wolf came, jumped over the fire, burned his tail, the foxes began to laugh, the wolf saw a broken tooth, offered to look for lice, stabbed the fox, the other foxes ran away]: Vasilevich 1934:11; Sym Evenks: Vasilevich 1936, No. 42 (Chirombu) [younger sister forgot her grandmother toys when migrating; older sister, younger brother said they worked and did not know where the toys were; Ostyak said that he poured out behind; the girl saddled a deer, took the dog, came to the old place, there is a Bear; he asked the names of the deer and the dog, tied the girl and dog to a tree; the girl tells the Bear three times that her the deceased parents did not take a litter from urine and feces, going to fresh the vazhenka (i.e. you have to cook everything away); the Bear goes away to cut away; the crossbills cannot untie the girl's fetters, their beaks are bent; The fox released her, for which the girl promised to paint her tail; the Bear wants to eat the Fox instead of the girl; she suggests that he put her on his lap, cut her with an ax; the fox dodged, the Bear cut her her legs, began to eat her own bone marrow; since then, the tip of the fox tail is white, the bear has no bone marrow; the girl went to the river, called her father, mother, uncle; everyone refuses to transport, they say the girl is a crybaby; she tells the rock to slide down, crush them all; the ostyak carves the scoop, carries the girl in a scoop; the bear asks how the girl crossed; she sings "lower, taller"; the bear enters the water, sinks; orders his heels to become bars, his legs with sharpeners, his back with a soft stone, his skull with a stone for rubbing paints, his shoulder blades as a paint stone, his blood with red paint, his feces with black paint; now it's all in mountains; the girl became the wife of Ostyak; carries water, he pours out every time, says that she wears feces and urine; the girl asks the birds to carry her away; cranes, swans refuse shamanic birds gasha give her feathers fly with them; the ostyak tells her to fall, promises to make a dress, a bib, an occipital ornament, a hat, a fringe on her belt; she says she does not need it, does not fall; she sits at the old woman's door; she asks where to hide her from her sons; she refuses to hide in the fringes on her belt ("smelly"), hides in a needle; her sons smell it, promise to eat the girl at sunrise, then at sunset; she flies away gasha catches up, they swear that their mother let her out, shoot her, injure her wing shoulder; Gurivul asks her to fall, promises a storage shed, speaks on how many stands; when on 10 stands, a girl goes down; they have a son; G. is hunting, gasha came; the woman pretends that the child is dirty, goes out with him, hides in the storage shed; gasha gnaws on the stands; they managed to gnaw three, the woman sang three times, the third time G. came, killed two gash, the third ran, leaving a fang; G. comes to people, steps over the fire, everyone laughs; he looks - people have intact teeth; when through the third fire, he sees a toothless man; asks take out his lice, stab gash with his own tooth to death in the back of his head, tells others that his grandfather fell asleep, leaves]: 45-51; Lukina 2004, No. 3.23 [the hunter is gone, gushiashal (werewolves) came; the woman said that the child needed to change her litter, hid with the child in the storage shed; they began to gnaw the poles; the hunter heard his wife's voice, killed two years with arrows, the third broke his tooth, ran away; the shaman went to look; jumped over a fire, the hem caught fire, everyone laughed; one laughs with his mouth closed; the shaman offered to look for lice, killed G. with his own tooth; tells others that he fell asleep; put him to sleep on his pillow, ran away]: 82; Western Evenks (Podkamennaya Tunguska) [the fox jumps on the ice, the wolf is afraid; the fox: if you tie it, it's okay; tied it with twigs and ran away; the wolf asks the white-breasted woodpecker to untie it; he calls other woodpeckers, those untied; the wolf killed the wolf, gave it to the woodpeckers; they smeared their white breasts, turned red; the wolf came to the fire where the foxes were sitting; set fire to his tail, the foxes began to laugh, the wolf recognized the one who tied him, her tooth is broken; torn to shreds]:? 57-58; Western Evenks (Angarsk, Kamenka River) [The Fox and the Wolf agree to tie each other one by one and feed them elk; the Wolf kills the elk, binds the Fox, feeds; the Fox connects the Wolf, eats everything, leaves him tied; the Raven refused, the crossbills were hardly untied, his beaks bent; the fox gnawed the bone, broke his tooth, the Wolf found it; he came to the fox yurts, burned his tail at the fire, the Foxes laughed; he looks, everything has teeth; the following yurts have one toothless; he offered to look for lice, stabbed that Fox with a tooth]: Petrova 1936, No. 8:154-155; Baikal Evenks (northern Transbaikalia) [the fox tells the bear that sick, he agrees to carry it, tells her to hold on to the bag; asks what kind of river it is; the fox: untying; then: pre-hoop; empty; offers to spend the night; promises to bring firewood, and ran away herself; the bear put rotten things in his pants, the fox met him; he does not know if it is one or the other; he tells you to gather all the foxes, he will teach you how to catch mice; he began to shamanize ridiculously, rotten fell out of his pants, the foxes laughed, but one covers her mouth with her paws because she is toothless; the bear guessed what meat she broke her teeth about; beat to blood, since then the foxes are red]: Pinegina 2019:30-31; Evens: Bolshakova, Chaiko 2015 [fox invites the old man to herd his deer; before migrating, the old man tells his wife to feed the fox, and he goes after the deer; there are only skins full of moss; the old people themselves dragged the sledge of fish along the ice of the river; the fox volunteered to help, pretends to twist her leg, put her on a sledge, she is slowly eating fish; says that the gorge is called Half; the next is the End; the old people have come to the place - no fox, no fish, just a broken fox tooth; the old man tells the old woman to sew his pants and call all the animals to say goodbye as if he were dying; there were holes in his pants, dust inside, old man; the old man jumped, dust fell down, everyone laughs, and one fox covers her mouth; the old woman grabbed the fox by the tail; she tells her to hold it by the tip of its tail, otherwise the sun will hide it; the fox has escaped, only a piece of hair remains, since then the tip of the fox's tail is white]: 41-45; Danilov, Danilova 1991 [Omcheni goes to the sea to catch chum salmon, his younger brother foxes promises to herd deer; tells O. and his wife Hatak how fat the deer are; O. tells them to bring a reindeer; fox three times brings one old one, the other is fat; O. goes by himself, sees that all the deer are killed and eaten; the fox runs away, invites the Yakut to push his sleigh on the ice of the river; asks what the tracts are called, the Yakut answers; the fox pretends to break his leg; the Yakut put it in his bag, the fox threw away all the food stored there, ate it, broke his tooth, the tooth remained in the bag; the fox says that his leg has recovered, goes to prepare firewood, throws it away an ax, runs away; the Yakut stuffed a rotten man into his pants, came to the fox house, began to shamanize, the dust fell down, everyone laughed, the guilty fox was afraid to open his mouth so as not to show a broken tooth; the Yakut grabbed him and beat him ]: 23-26; Novikova 1987:8-17 [the fox demands that the cedar throw its eggs, threatens to cut down the tree; the Garandya bird explains that the fox cannot do it; the fox tries to grab Garandya, she takes her to the island; the fox tells the seals that it is going to count who is bigger; let the seals line up first, the fox runs ashore on their backs; invites the old man to herd his deer; eats them, fills their skins with grass, leaves standing; the old man sees the deception, shouts to the old woman to hold the fox, she explains that the old man tells her to feed her yucola, berries and nuts; yet the old woman grabs the fox by the tail; the fox says she grabs the burned place, runs away; the fox says that she is another fox, invites the old man to drag the sledge; says she is tired, sits on a sledge, the old man drags it; the fox eats the dried berries, leaves it his tooth; says he will go for firewood, throws away an ax; the old man tells his wife to sew hairy pants, call all the animals to the yurt; dances ridiculously, everyone laughs, he sees a toothless fox; the exit is closed, the old man tells the fox to beat, and the old woman hits everyone; since then, the hare's ears are black, the ermine has a black end of its tail; the fox asks her not to hit - it will come in handy; invites the moose to race, pushes them to the shore, they fall, drown; the old man offers to hunt wolves, the fox tells the wolf that he has caught fish on its tail, the wolf's tails freeze, the old man killed them, ripped off their skins; the fox leads the bear to the old man, who hurts him from onions; the fox promises to cure, pulls out the liver, the bear dies; the fox offers the old man to tie it, feed it; then binds the old man, leaves; the wolf, the bear refuse to untie it - the fox did not order; the mouse untied; the fox was caught by an old man's crossbow], 17-21 [the hare has 10 bunnies; the fox demands to give one cub every day; the hare complains to the eagle; he advises asking the fox to fight first with tree; she butts, her horns of their grass are broken; the fox asks who taught the hare to answer this way; when she learns that the eagle grabs him sleeping; the eagle broke the fox's leg, threw it on the island; she cries, burbot asks what is going on; the fox asks all the burbot to come to the surface, she will count them; believing that she crossed their backs to the shore; asks the old man to give her a ride in a sledge; he asks what are the names rivers; Elementary; Middle; Final; the fox took an ax, went for firewood; threw the ax, ran away; the food bag was empty, it had two fox teeth; the old man called birds and four-legged animals, stuffed it in his pants rotten and moss, lit it, smoke came through the holes, everyone laughed, the old man recognized the toothless fox, began to beat it; she asked not to beat her, promised to marry Kagankan's daughter; entered K.'s yurt, ordered him not to beat her, promised to marry Kagankan's daughter; entered K. daughter, otherwise she will make K. unable to sleep and walk; brought the girl to the old man as his wife; hired to herd the old man's deer; when the old man comes to see, the deer has only bones; the old man screams to his wife to caught the fox by the tail; the fox explains that he asks to tie a piece of fat to its tail; the bear says he is afraid of hazel grouses, the fox is afraid of crossbow; the bear went in front, the arrow hit his stomach; the fox volunteered to treat, pulled out her intestines, the bear died; once she was caught by a crossbow herself].

Amur - Sakhalin. Negidals [The fox offers a person to help drag a sledge with fish; pretends to break his leg; asks to put it by bags of fish; replies that they have passed the Nachalnaya, Srednyaya, Konechnaya rivers ; limping, goes to the taiga for firewood, throws an ax, spoiling it; in a bag a man finds a broken fox tooth; puts small birds and animals in his pants; shamanite foxes in the house, birds and animals flutter out and they jump out; everyone laughs; one Fox covers her mouth; asks the hunter to spare her, promises to bring him a wife; the old man drinks water from the ice-hole, the Fox bends his head to the water; lets him go for promising to give his daughter; brings it to a person]: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 64:129-131; (cf. Orochi [The fox pretended to be dead, the hunter picked it up, put it on the sledges; she threw away all the fish and ran away; hides with the old people; the hunter dances ridiculously, the Fox laughs; the hunter grabs her, takes her to island; she tells the Nerps she wants to count them; runs away from the island over their heads]: Bereznitsky 1999, No. 9:147); Nanais [Lisa suggests that the Mergen put her in a sledge; says her leg hit a crack, asks to put on a sledge between the tues, eats moose and fish oil, breaking a tooth, runs away; mergen finds a tooth; puts a squirrel, raccoon, hare, ferret in his legs; comes to the house, begins shamanic dance, animals fall out, everyone laughs, Mergen recognizes a fox by a broken tooth, grabs; she asks her to let her go, promises to get a pig that old Ka has been feeding for seven years; hires to carry food the pig, eats it; Ka kills the fox, takes off the skin, throws the carcass away; the fox causes rain, snow, hail, comes to life; borrows an ax, makes three skewers, sticks where the bear rolls down the mountain, that dies; asks the mergen to give a ride to the carcass; shares the meat with the mergen with the ax, and gives the mergen and the sledge what is stuck between his teeth; he skins it, cuts the carcass into pieces, the Fox does not come to life]: Kile 1996, No. 5:77-85; Udege people [someone steals fish from a trap from a trap; he finds Badger teasing him; throwing a jail, well done, hits his leg; finds a Badger's house, sets fire, kills Badger and cubs (badger fur with gray hair since then); Lisa says they will come in a jay (there is no such word), they will kill everyone; both train in shooting, Lisa pretends to be injured, suggests drive away on sledges, eats all the fat on the way, runs away; hides in Zaitsev's house; well done hides birds under his clothes, shamanite, releases, Hares, followed by the Fox, laugh; Fox promises to bring her daughter old man Kanda; leads; well done asks his wife to sew a dress for Lisa; Lisa tells the Roe Deer that they should sleep on the ice, there will be a dress; Roe deer freeze, well done gets a lot of meat; the same with Raisins; the Bear has a tail froze into the ice-hole, the tail came off; the fox changed clothes with the Tiger, since then the tiger has been striped and the fox is red]: Kormushin 1998, No. 30:148-164; Wilta [Buchugdy finds Lisa on the road; she lies that broke her leg, asks to put her in a sledge; at rest she goes for firewood, during which time the Fox ate all the jukola; B. finds her lost tooth; puts frogs and lizards under her arm; comes to the Hares, they shamanize; B. also shamanite, frogs and lizards fall from his armpit, Hares laugh; B. hears Lisa's laughter; she asks her to let her go, promises to find a wife; tells the fisherman to give his daughter, otherwise the fish will not be caught; the old man gives, B. gets a wife]: Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951:371-272.

SV Asia. Tundra Yukaghirs: Kurilov, Varlamova 1986 (probably tundra) [old man Samtenay sledded a bowl of fat; the fox volunteered to help and, when the old man turned away, climbed the sledge and hurried gnawed fat; as a result, he broke off his front tooth; when the fat was over, the fox left; the old man got home, the old woman noticed that the fat was gone; the old man went to check his snare, pretended to be wounded and asked a fox who ran up to bring a shaman; arctic foxes and hares came to the old man's house, a hare shaman kamlal; the old man jumped up and said he needed to wear shamanic clothes; came out of the plague, stuffed dry moss into his pants and into He stabbed them in several places; when he returned, he began to cry; moss fell out of his pants, everyone sitting laughed loudly; only one of the arctic foxes laughed, covering his mouth with his paw; the old man began to beat him, he pretended to be dead and, when the old woman opened the door, he jumped out]: 19-26; Sangi 1989 [old man Tyartekan loads fat on the sledge, the fox volunteered to help; eats fat, runs away; on a sledge T. finds his tooth; he calls all the animals to him, shamanite, his pants fall, the fox laughs with everyone, it is clear that his mouth is missing a tooth; T. beats him]: 427-428.