Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

D1a1. The old fire woman takes the child .35.37.

For the fact that a woman offended the fire, its mistress takes her child away from her.

Kets, Northern and Eastern Khanty, Forest Nenets, Northern Selkups, Evens.

Western Siberia. Kety: Alekseenko 2001, No. 81 [in the evening sparks crack in the fire, Bokam (Bok-am, "fire-mother") tells the old man that he feeds him; the old man spits into the fire, says he feeds her; the fire goes out; to which an old man will come to people, and they go out; the fire told him to kill his son, give her his liver; he did so, his fire caught fire again; he began to teach people not to tease the fire]: 159; Davletshin, Duvakin 2009 [ Marya Maksimovna Irikova, August 2009; in one plague, children dabbled in fire, flooded it; the fire went out, other women refused to give fire to the mother of these children; a voice rang out of the fire, the Fire grabbed a woman's baby, took to heaven]: personal report; Nikolaeva 2006 (said Serkova, born in 1900) [the woman was breastfeeding the baby, the spark burned it, the woman cut the fire with an ax, filled it with water; it went out; whatever house she enters, it goes out there; her grandmother comes to her in the plague, sees a little woman , she complains that a woman has offended her; promises to return the fire if a woman gives her son to her; the woman gives it; you can't move the fire with iron, you must feed it with pieces of fat, sugar; you can't throw it in fire garbage]: 65-67; northern Khanty (Sonya River, Western 2002) [the woman became angry, began to screw with a poker in the stove, damaged the Fire's eye; the fire went out throughout the village, she could not bring it from other villages, goes out; the shaman pointed to the woman, ordered her daughter to be given to Fire, she gave it back; when they break her guns, I must say, "Mother Fire, take care of your eyes"]: Ulyashev 2011:83-84; Eastern Khanty: Karjalainen 1996 (3) [You can't spit on the fire, you can't disturb it with iron objects, then the daughter of fire hurts; in a fairy tale on Conda, angry at mistreatment, the fire refused to burn on a cold rainy day; the husband noticed fire in the distance, went, there was a wounded girl sitting on a rock; she agreed to return only after receiving the man's son; the boy was put on a stone next to the girl, the fire lit up brightly, the girl and the boy disappeared; in In a fairy tale from Vasyugan, angry with mistreatment, the daughter of fire destroyed the house with its inhabitants; only a child from another family in the house, whose mother treated the fire respectfully, was not injured; Each stove has its own fire daughter]: 51; Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 195 (b. Wah) [husband and wife try unsuccessfully to start a fire; the husband began to cut him with an ax; they go on, the fire does not light up anywhere; they return to their original place; there is a woman in a red scarf crying, her face is covered in blood; says that the husband will not make a fire until he gives her his daughter; the husband put the cradle with the baby in the fire, the fire caught fire], 196 (b. Yugan) [in the morning, a spark fell on her husband's hand, he cut the fire with an ax; the next night the fire does not light up; a small light says that her husband cut her hand, let him give her daughter now, let her be good she will put on; the man was put in the fire, the girl laughs, then got lost somewhere]: 176; Lukina 1990, No. 54 (b. Wah) [the husband tries unsuccessfully to make a fire, cuts him angrily with an ax; he goes on with his wife, cannot make a fire; returning to her original place, he sees a woman in a red scarf with a wounded face; she demands to give her daughter, otherwise she will not burn; the husband put the cradle with the child in the fire, the fire caught fire]: 180; the northern Selkups [fire is an old woman, "grandmother of fire and flame"; the child was burned by a spark, the mother cut the fire with an ax, filled the fire; the fire went out in all the plague of the camp, the women and children froze; the culprit's mother-in-law knelt down, saw the mistress of the fire down in the dark; she promised return the fire if the offender gives her son to her; the fire rose and took the child away]: Prokofieva 1977:79 (quoted in Golovnev 1995:522b retelling in Stepanova 2008:67); Forest Nenets (western 1989) [Tu Kota - Fire Old Woman; the girl dabbled in fire and gouged out his eye with a needle; the fire stopped burning; the old woman cut off the girl's finger and threw it into the fire, the fire broke out; one day a woman poked a knife into the fire, the fire went out; That Cat: you gouged out my eye, give your son, then I'll burn; the woman gave her son to the fire, it flared up]: Golovnev 1995:484.

Eastern Siberia. Evens: Robbeck 2005 [a woman saw a spark from the hearth fall on her child's chest, cursed the fire, hit her husband with an ax, threw logs out of the house; no more fire; when a woman I came to other homes for the fire, it went out there too; an old woman came, put food in the fire, from there the shadow of an old fire appeared, said that she would give fire, but she would take the child as punishment; when she went out and then when she returned to the house, the woman saw an old woman carry a child; since then people know that you can't cut a fire with an ax, etc.]: 242-243.