Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

D2. The birth of the sun/fire .

A woman gives birth to a son who is very hot.

Finns, Garo, Sora, Ancient Japan, Kogi, Ashaninka, Machigenga, Takana, Paresi, Nivakle.

Baltoscandia. The Finns [Höyhenys (from höyhi, feather, snowflake; she is urged to let snow cool burns) from among Panutars (daughters of Panu, fire, son of the sun; he is urged to put out the fire) wore for 9 months the child, then went waist-deep into the sea, gave birth; she could not touch her child, it was fire; the unhappy girl rocked him in a copper boat, in an iron yalik; so she brought the child to baptize]: Abercromby 1893, No. 42d: 33-34.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Garo [goddess Noreknak Norekdim gave birth to various gods and various living things except humans; among them are son Salgra (sun) and daughter Misi Susime (moon); when they were children, they quarreled about their future partners and sprayed duct wax on each other; Salgra washed himself immediately, and MS decided to wait for her mother to show how her brother treated her; her mother came and told me to go wash immediately; but the wax could not be washed off, it remained (on the face of the moon); NN gave birth to various animals, then plants; MS invited her to give birth to fire as well; NN went to the goddess of death and stepped there on something prepared for the funeral fire; then conceived a fire; gave birth to it, died; the MC became angry and threw the fire far into the lower world; sent a servant to the seventh tier of the lower world bring a mat to the world; the deceased was put on a mat for the first time; two roosters were tied to the toes; now it is the Dohsutot constellation; feathers are also stuck at the head - now comets; two beauties have come, MS turned them into Castor and Pollux; we must light a funeral fire; MS sent a crocodile for fire; swimming across the sea, the crocodile could not withstand the heat and dived, the fire returned to the lower world; the crocodile remained live in water, burns on its back remained; then the squirrel carried fire on its tail, lowered its tail into the water, the fire returned again, the squirrel's tail turned red; the MC sent its younger brother for fire; the fire still did not went, but explained how to extract it by friction or carving - then his servant would appear; the funeral fire was set on fire, now it is the constellation of Pegasus; Cassiopeia is the body carried to the fire; they led the sacrificial bull ; he was afraid of the noise and ran away; his hooves were the Milky Way; the raven cleaned the dishes at the end of the ceremonies, got dirty and turned black; everyone with black faces was then smeared with soot; the bat penetrated the Sun's wife Moon and smeared her too; the Sun chased him until he disappeared into the cave where his descendants now live; the Sun made animals, birds, insects, reptiles speechless, so as not to complained and did not beg not to kill them]: Rongmuthu 1960:205-212.

South Asia. Sora (Ghajapati District): 1) (Sreenivas Gomango informant, Christian, d. Nuagada) [There were brother and sister. God told them that there would be a flood and they needed to build a boat. They didn't have the tools to cut wood, so they chewed on the tree with their teeth. Everyone drowned during the flood. After 140 days, the waters came down. Brother and sister saw that there was no one but them. The brother told his sister to give birth to everything on earth again. She did this. She was the last to give birth to fire, as a result of which she burned herself and the boat burned down], 2) informant Enam Gomango, Christian, d. Serango) [All living things had one Mother. It gives birth to everything on earth, and the last thing is fire. Because if she gives birth to fire first, she'll die, and she won't be able to give birth to everything else. After giving birth to fire, the ancestor dies. Sometimes, when they see a large boulder, they think that it is part of the body of the ancestor mother]: Krylova, Renkovskaya 2017, field materials (briefly in Renkovskaya et al. 2018): Vitebsky 2017 ["But look around you: everything you see, animals, trees, mountains, sky - they all came out of God's vagina. Why do you think the world stays the same now, and no new kinds of things are born? Because her very last offspring was fire, and it scorched her clitoris. 'U gai! ' she yelped, 'I'm not giving birth to anything more! '"] : 190.

Japan. Ancient Japan: Kojiki 1994, ch. 6 [At the beginning of time, seven generations of gods appear, the first two are alone, the rest are in pairs, brother and sister; the last pair is Izanagi and his Izanami's younger sister; they stand on the Sky Floating Bridge (probably a rainbow), an island emerges from a drop of water that falls from their spear; they build a pole and chambers; Izanagi: How does your body work? - I grew up, did not grow in one place; - Mine has grown too much in one place; you have to put what I grew up in where you did not grow up, have children; Izanami walks around the pole on the right, Izanagi on the left; when he meets Izanami, the first one says: What a handsome young man; Izanagi replies: What a beautiful girl; they give birth to a leech child; The heavenly gods recommend repeating the wedding ceremony so that Izanagi is the first to say; now they give birth to the islands of Japan, gods and goddesses (wind, rivers, sea, trees, mountains, plains, food, etc.); Giving birth to the fire god, Izanami dies]: 38-45; Nihon Shoki 1997 (1), scroll 1, 4.6 - 5.6 [{general content of several versions of the original}; Izanaki and Izanami got married; Izanaki began giving birth various objects and creatures; the placenta is the islands of Apadi no Sima and Apa no Sima; the Piruco leech child; the sea, rivers, mountains, the ancestor of trees, the ancestor of herbs; Sky Earth has not yet been divorced and were located not far from each other; after giving birth to sun girls, a man, the moon, Izanaki-Izanami sent them to heaven; the leech god was planted on a Sky Ship made of stone camphor and allowed to sail at the will of the wind; giving birth to Susanovo- but mikoto, drove him to Stana Korney, because he cried and angry, causing the people to die and the mountains dried up; when Izanami gave birth to the fire deity Kagutuchi, her bosom scorched and she died; during her agony vomiting, urine, and bowel movements became goddesses; Izanagi cut K. into three parts with his sword in anger; the blood from the blade turned into a pile of sacred stones; blood from other parts of the sword also became deities; Izanaki after Izans, he reached the country of Yomotukuni; I-mi says she has already touched the hearth where the food is being cooked, asking her not to look at it; but I-gi took out the forbidden comb and broke off the extreme tooth of the Male The pillar looked closely, holding it like a torch, saw that I-mi was covered with purulent boils and worms; so people avoid lighting only one lamp at night and throwing away the comb; I-ki ran, and I-mi ran sent eight witches from Yo's country for him; I-ki threw his black ivy headdress, which turned into grapes, the witches began to collect it, then rushed in pursuit; I-ki threw the comb, it turned into bamboo sprouts, the witches began to eat them; when they chased again, I-ki had already reached the slope of Yomo-tu-pirasaka; one book says that I-ki started a stream, it turned into a river while the witches across they crossed it, it reached the slope of Yomo-tu-Pirasaka]: 121-125.

The Northern Andes. Kogi: Chaves 1947, No. 22 [Magri gave birth to the Sun, it was dawn; Sintana and Fire-Gotsé are also her children; S. asked G. more than once for fire; he shot in four directions, now there is fire everywhere; G. - man, still lives]: 499; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 23 [Sintana lived on the seashore, did not have fire; asked Mother to give it; she said fire was dangerous, she gave reluctantly, giving birth to Guxtsé (" fire"); S. went into the forest, did not find fire; G. descended from the sky, where he would step, burns there; fired arrows in four directions, caught fire everywhere; went up to his mother, stayed with her]: 64-65.

Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka: Shaver 1975 (nomatsigenga) [dies from burns during childbirth]: 51; Varese 1969-1970 (Pajonal district campa) [there were no cultivated plants, people ate land; father left daughter in a cave on the period of the first menstruation; Manchákori (Month) came in the dark; at this time the girl chewed plants to regulate menstruation, spat on the visitor, stains remained on the face of the Month; M. gave forest fruits; when the girl's parents return, let them take them in order; but they mixed them up, now everything in the forest is mixed up; when the Month appeared, people ran and turned into earthworms; others into animals (in in particular in a marten); the girl's mother, father, younger brother remained; when the girl began to give birth, the Month told her to grab a tree that was blooming in early summer; she grabbed another tree, burned down, giving birth hot Sun; the Sun had a tail, the Month cut it off, made it out of pieces of people; from the smallest one, an Ashaninka; the month told the girl's father to take the Sun; if it burned, throw it on the ground; that threw it into the water, so mists appeared; Maonte became a black-backed bird; the Month itself also rose to heaven]: 167-169; Weiss 1975 (river camps) []: 268; machigenga [first death]: Baer 1984, No. 1 [people eat the ground; the girl has her first period; her mother leaves her in the hut, tells her not to go out, goes to bring edible land, calling her cassava; at this time, the Month comes to the girl, gives a real cassava ; accepted into the family, cultivates a vegetable garden with cassava, as well as corn, bananas, Sachpapa, Dale-Dale; wife of the Month gives birth to a Sun Son; when pregnant again, dies during childbirth; mother-in-law gives birth to a furious blood in the face of her son-in-law, since then stains in the month; The month promises that the deceased will be reborn, but she does not believe, tells him to eat her daughter, since he killed her; he cuts the tapir (= wife or her soul); takes his son to heaven, it becomes the Sun (which son is not entirely clear); first the Sun is motionless, rivers dry up, children die; shamans ask it to move, and the alternation of day and night begins]: 423-424; Garcí a 1942 [no cultivated plants; people ate pottery; having no teeth, pecking it like chickens; girl sitting in a menstrual hut, Month (Kashiri) brings her cooked cassava, teaches her to chew; parents happy son-in-law; The month does not give cassava to another girl who also has her period; she throws blood in his face, the spots are still visible; A month leads his wife to swim in the river, she is touched by a fish, she becomes pregnant, He successively gives birth to four sons; these are Pariáchiri (Sun), Sarípoto (Venus), Kientiámpa (the sun of the lower world, shining weakly), Koriénti (Kiénti, Tábanti), the sun itself the upper world, illuminating and warming celestials; stars take their shine from it; by the birth of every Month he plants pumpkins; during the last pregnancy they dry up; the baby is hot, the wife dies of burns; The woman's mother, in anger, said that after the Month killed her daughter, he could only eat the corpse; the Month resurrected his wife, but she (her soul) decided to go to the lower world, leaving her body on earth; then the Month reluctantly ate the corpse and painted his face red, establishing a funeral custom (endocannibalism); he liked the man; now, through the fault of the old woman, Month has become a corpse eater and decided to retire from people; his third son began to live in the lower world; this sun is evil and weak; it sends rains when it is necessary to burn the vegetation on the site; with other sons The month has risen to heaven; the last was too hot, rocks cracked on the ground because of the heat; so the Month placed it so high that it is impossible to see from the ground; only our Sun and Venus live with the Month; the Month has set a peak on the River, for corpses to fall into it (machigenga throws the dead into the river); the toad watches the top and as soon as the corpse hits it, reports the Month; he comes running, kills (so!) the corpse hits a club, cuts off, roasts and eats limbs; the rest turns into a tapir; only daughters of the month are left on the ground - cultivated plants (cassava, sweet potato, corn, bananas, etc.; if people they scatter peels, do not clean the tubers well, etc., the manioc girl cries and complains to her father; if cassava is eaten without everything or with only hot pepper, the manioc girl is angry: she is left alone or burned; if eaten with meat or fish, the daughter of the Month is happy; especially happy when cassava is made into beer; the same applies to other daughter plants of the Month; if they are mistreated, the Month will take them to itself and people we'll have to eat earth again]: 230-233; Pereira 1988a [our first son becomes our sun; the last one is too hot, sent to the upper heavenly tier]: 23-24.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana (kaviña) [a woman marries the Sun, her newborn baby is hot]: Nordenskiöld 1924:286-287.

Southern Amazon. Paresi [a woman conceives from coal, gives birth to hot coal - first fire]: Pereira 1986, No. 2:93.

Chaco. Nivacle [a woman conceives from hot coal, gives birth to a son whose body burns and glows]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 151:351-352