Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

D3. The invention of fire.

The first fire is obtained by rubbing or carving; a character gives fire or shows how to get it, teaches how to cook on fire; fire comes from lightning. {The section is incomplete, there is much more data. There is hardly a definite story about the invention of fire. Abduction and invention variants are often intertwined in the same narrative}.

The fire was obtained by carving.

Chinese (Hebei, Sichuan), ami, Chuvash, Shors, Trans-Baikal Buryats, Snohomish, (hupa), Yokutz, Navajo, Makushi, Napo, Uitoto, Okaina, Ancash (Caruas), Sakirap, Chamacoko, Southern tehuelche, yagans.

The fire was obtained by friction

The Chinese (Hubei, Sichuan), Ainu, Chalkomel (Kowichan), Lkungen, Upper Chehalis, Snohomish, Ne Perse, Sheena, Yuchi, Choctaw, Chitimacha, yurok, viyot, karok, shasta, hoopa, patvin, mojave, cahuilla, cupeño, yuma, pima, seri, huichol, masateki, quiche, kogi, yupa, guajiro, yaruro, kuiwa, yanomami, akawai, shuar, baniwa, desana, chikuna, ashawa ninka, guarazu, cuikuro, kayabi, iranshe, paresi, nambikwara, bororo, kayapo, ayoreo, chamacoko, nivakle, angaite, sanapana, matako, toba, mokovi, ofaye, kaigua, nandeva, mbia

Taiwan - The Philippines. Amy (Kivit) [after the flood, brother and sister married, gave birth to new people; they received fire by rubbing a vine and a piece of wood, it was hard; they sent a tatachu bird for fire, she dropped it into the sea; then she did not carry the larva either; then brother and sister learned to carve fire out of stone]: Ho 1967, No. 158:319.

China - Korea. Chinese (Hubei, wu. Dangyang) [Lee knew how to drill a log to start a fire; when he held the fire in his hands, the wind and rain could not put it out; now people began to cook food on the fire, use it for lighting, warming, scaring away mosquitoes with smoke; once Father Lee took the whole clan to live in distant lands; Lee realized that it was impossible to carry the source of fire, all that remained was to drill the tree with a sharp stone; Lee's parking lot for a long time he drilled, but did not get fire; then he grabbed the stone, exerted force, the stone broke, sparkles appeared on the wreckage; holding two stones over the dry grass, Lee began to beat them against each other, fanned the fire; Huangdi with The Central Plains appointed him an official to watch the fire, awarded him the title Zhurong ("Fire Priest)"; the leader of a tribe named Chi Yow led people from the south to ravage the Central Plain; H. ordered C. repel the attack; what was nine to 81 brothers, each in animal skin, a helmet with cow horns on his head, smoke from his mouth; C. ordered everything around him to be set on fire, CHO's warriors fled from the fire; C. chased followed them to Yellow River, then to the Changjiang River, defeated them at Mount Lishan; H. wanted C. to stay on Mount Hengshan and protect the southern territories; people began to honor C. as a "red deity" (Chidi); he lived in the south for more than a hundred years and was buried at one of the peaks of Mount Hengshan; became a fiery deity, the spirit of the planet Mars]: Hubei 2007:8; Chinese (Sichuan, Wu. Ba, Guangyang City; Western 1988; 39-year-old peasant, primary education) [there was a man nicknamed the "Fireman" (note: according to legend, he invented a method of extracting fire by drilling wood and taught people how to fry food); he went hunting in the mountains every day; one day a flash flashed, there was a loud "crak" sound, and fire began on a pile of boulders in front of the mountain; man: is the god of thunder really there Did you start a fire? He immediately flew to the god of thunder, grabbed him, and demanded fire from him; God did not agree, they went to the Jade Emperor to judge them; he decided in favor of man, called people to bring them Prince of the Fire Dragon; at first he did not want to give fire, but eventually gave the man one dragon mustache; the Jade Emperor: "A dragon's mustache cannot cause fire by itself, we must contact the prince To the Fire Dragon to explain what to do"; he gave a spell to summon fire, but did not give a spell to extinguish the fire; the whole mountain turned into Flaming Mountain; the fire reached Xuanzang, when he was on a pilgrimage to India, and the Monkey King took a palm leaf and extinguished it]: Sichuan 1998:58.

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi: Mesarosh 2000 (northern, village. (Pysăk Karachora, Cheboksary Uyezd, Kazan Gubernia, 1906-1908) [before, people did not know how to plow, did not know fire; old people gathered and began to think about how to cultivate the land; no one could think of; called a hedgehog to ask him; a hedgehog, coming to the house where the old people had gathered, I wanted to go in, but could not, because the threshold was high; when he climbed, strained and released gases; the old people ridiculed him; the hedgehog was angry and shamed them: "You can laugh, but you can't plow"; nevertheless told them: iron must be attached to the broken end of a bent tree and first harness a horse between two poles; he also taught them how to make fire: they must hit a piece of iron with flint until will start to sparkle, and put tinder under the flint]: 60-61.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Shors: Verbitsky (?) in Kalisheva 2004 [there was no fire; people asked the birds to get it; the birds came back with nothing; the crane said, "Isn't there a mushroom on the birch tree, isn't there a stone in the rock, and you have the strength?" ; people carved sparks with stones, they fell on a birch mushroom, the fire caught fire]: 3; Khlopina 1978 [1) people ate raw food, turned to Ulgen, who said that the devil tart kush bird could make fire, ordered Bird Chief Crane to find her; only after visiting the third messenger did she arrive; the crane began to beat her legs, his beak turned red, the devil tart kush has been limping ever since; offended, flew away; the Crane sent a Kite to her, who heard her say, You can get fire by hitting two stones against each other; the birds got fire; 2) people asked Ulgen to teach them how to make fire; when they got down to the ground, he got entangled in his beard, fell; the children began to laugh; W.: Are people so stupid that they can't find a piece of iron and a stone; people heard and got fire]: 73; Trans-Baikal Buryats ( Selengin: atagans) [people could not warm up; at the Tengri meeting, one of those present remembered the hedgehog (zara), who was considered smart and inventive; they sent for the hedgehog, he appeared; his greeted with honor; women who made dresses and shirts were also present at the meeting; the hedgehog, climbing over the threshold, capsized and fell curled up; the women laughed and said: "This just not enough for advice"; the hedgehog was offended and said before leaving: "Although you sew dresses, you will wear long ones for centuries and get tangled in them, wear clothes with fitted sleeves and floors, and not from solid matter, but made up of pieces"; one of those present at the meeting was instructed to go to the hedgehog to ask him to appear a second time; sent, going to the hedgehog's house, overheard that he told his family: "And these stupid "tengri" who do not know how to get fire, and this is a very simple matter, you just need to take a piece of steel and a stone, and tear off the sponge (parasitic mushrooms) from the birch tree, put it on rub stone and steel, so fire will turn out"; the messenger spoke about what he heard; this is how they learned to make fire; the hedgehog is still highly respected; he is considered not only the inventor of fire, but also bringing happiness at trial]: Smolev 1902b, No. 5:56-57.

Japan. Ainu [The creator receives fire by friction, first from poplar then from elm]: Munro 1963:159.

(Wed. The Arctic. Chugach [people ask the Raven to get fire; he hits tree trunks with a rotten salmon tail and a seal's stomach filled with fat; wood has been burning ever since; teaches how to make a fire drill]: Birket-Smith 1953:164).

The coast is the Plateau. Fire drill. Halkomel (covichan) [people eat meat raw or dry it in the sun; the red-tailed bird tells them to bring dry land; rejects many who are not virtuous enough; gives fire to a good woman]: Harris 1901:10-12 in Clark 1960:23; lkungen (lummi) [people cook under the sun; girls sing all day long, Cook fast! ; Shelas (converter) teaches how to produce fire by friction]: Clark 1953:147-148; Stern 1934:108-109; Upper Chehalis: Adamson 1934:173-177 [Geese do not command xWαnä'xwαne look down at people if he wants to fly with them; S. sees a man, scolds him, Geese leave S. on the mountain, take their wings; he kills an owl, descends on its wings; meets a monster woman, she carries camas tubers, he exchanges the tubers for a bead, but it is not a bead, but a stick; he runs ahead several times and repeats the trick, says that their five brothers look the same; a woman puts them in the basket bees, leaves on the stump, tells the stump to close when S. gets there; the stump closes, the bees dazzle him; the woodpecker cut the hole, S. got out, made imaginary eyes out of dandelion flowers, came to The snail pretends to measure her house; that she sees unusually far away; the Snail agreed to change eyes; when the dandelions withered, she became completely blind; S. caught salmon, baked it, turned milk into two girls ; S. tries to get along with the girls, they run away; the old woman shakes the baby on the swing; the girls kidnap him with a rotten deck; his mother conceived him from a blue stone, he is the Month; she squeezes his diapers, makes the Sun out of his brother's urine; Blue Jay goes west, finds the Month; the Month is the husband of the women who kidnapped him; they gave birth to him bushes and trees, the youngest is the mother of all fish; the Month says goodbye to its fish children; on the way to earth turns the wrong world into a real one; The raven put hundreds of people across the river as a living top; the Month turned the Raven into a crow, ordered carrion to eat, taught them how to do it stick tops; a man hits himself on the head with a hammer, flattening a piece of bark; The Month has taught him to do this using a stone rather than his head as an anvil; Partridges dance on pieces of meat to make him cook; The Month shows how to make a fire drill; then the Month destroys monsters; S. gave him his hat, the Month put it on, then the Sun and the Month became cross-eyed; the Month rises to heaven, to shine during the day, but too hot; the weak Brother Sun should have shone at night, but is afraid of ghosts, gives too little light at night; the Month becomes a month, the Sun becomes the sun], 178 [Partridge People they dance around food, the heat of their dance warms it; the month-converter says that no one else will cook food like this; carves a vessel out of wood, throws hot stones inside]; snohomish (?) [the deity teaches some tribes to make fire by carving, others by friction]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 4:378; ne perse [Coyote's son puts a stump with his foot; every time he hits fire from there; he invents fire drill]: Clark 1966:40.

Plains. Shayena [Thunder gives people a fire drill]: Grinnell 1907-1908:171.

Southeast USA. Yuchi [people invent a fire drill]: Swanton 1929, No. 90:85; choctaw [like yuchi; after the flood]: Bushnell 1910, No. 4:529; chitimacha [The creator teaches people to make bows and arrows, leather clothes, fire drill]: Swanton 1911:356-357.

California. Yurok [food was cooked on stones under the sun; to be able to cook at night, people create a woman and a man - chopsticks for making fire; first they make a woman from cedar root, a man from Xerophyllum stem, the process is long; then from the willow root - fast]: Kroeber 1976, No. P2:363; villot: Kroeber 1906a, No. 1 [creator invents a fire drill], 17 [The dog does not give the Puma his fire drill] : 95, 102; karok [The frog is the last in the chain of runners to steal fire; swallows it and dives; she is going to cut her stomach, she teaches how to make a fire drill]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. F 11:63; shasta [The Coyote and his men steal fire; then Coyote also teaches how to make a fire drill]: Farrand 1915, No. 2:210; hupa [an old man overseas tries to carve fire unsuccessfully; invents a fire drill]: Goddard 1904, No. 12:197; patvin [after the flood, Coyote and Falcon produce fire by friction]: Kroeber 1932a, No. 1:305; yokutz (dumna) [children accidentally carved a fire, people lit it, but it started raining, the fire goes out; two see the fire in the east, it is owned by the cannibal Wainus; the eagle chief sends the Puma, V. wakes up, catches up with him, takes away the fire; the same Coyote and others; The rabbit does not take smut, but coals, hides in ears, paws, anus (now black hair is there); V. caught up with him, but did not find coal in his anus; The eagle and his men placed fire in the buckeye tree and some stones]: Gayton, Newman 1940, No. 21:28-29.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [gods give flints to carve fire]: Klah 1960:8; Hopi [trickster teaches the hero how to use fire and what to do with wood]: Stephens 1929, No. 20:55; Zunyi [ twin heroes produce fire by friction]: Stevenson 1904:25; mojave [produce by friction to light the deceased creator's funeral pyre]: Bourke 1889 [like yume; Blue Fly produces by friction] : 188; Densmore 1932a [woodworm]: 98-99; Kroeber 1948, No. 7 [fly woman (like a fly with her paws)]: 53; 1972, No. 9 [frog woman rubbing her hands against her hips], 13, 16F [as in No. 7]: 6, 45-46, 88; cahuilla [like Mojave; Fly]: Hooper 1920 [with paws]: 324-325; Strong 1929 [with a fire drill]: 140-141; cupeño [two men produce fire for the fire of the deceased creator, the embodiment of a fire drill]: Strong 1929:269; yuma [two female flies make a fire drill to light a dead deity's funeral pyre]: Harrington 1908:338; pima [The rattlesnake was defenseless, the Rabbit often scratched her; Big Brother agreed to give her poison; she bit the Rabbit, he died; this is the world's first death; to prevent Coyote from eating the corpse, they decided to burn the Rabbit's body; they sent the Coyote to the Sun behind the fire for the funeral fire , while Mucha made a fire drill; when he saw the fire, Coyote came back, jumped over the circle around the fire, grabbed Rabbit's heart; burned his mouth, it's now black]: Russel 1908:215-217 ( quail in Judson 1994:175-177); series [Fly got the fire when she rubbed her paws against each other; she does so now]: Kroeber 1931, No. 4:13; Moser 1968 [when the Fly breeds this way now fire, smoke serve as a signal to vulture birds that flock to the fall]: 364-365.

NW Mexico. Huichol [foremother invents a fire drill]: Furst, Auguiano 1976:114

Mesoamerica Masateki {this is not a myth about finding fire; the main story is stealing fire, see motif D4A} [first the earth is soft, opossum is the ruler of the world; the earth has agreed to harden and agreed to have it they were dirty (maltraten), but people had to return to it as a payment; the stones were also soft; it took a special kind of wood to make the earth harden from the smoke, if it burned; everyone was looking, but only the opossum found it, dug it; they got the fire by friction using Mexican black cherry (capulín)]: Portal 1986:45; quiche [while wandering, three Quiche peoples suffered from the cold and decided to light it fire; they started rubbing wood and rocks and the first to light the fire were Balam Kiche, Balam Ahab, and Mahukutah]: Popol-Vuh 1959:136-137.

Honduras vs Panama. Stove [thunder gives people fire by lighting a tree with lightning]: Flores, Griffin 1991:36.

The Northern Andes. By friction. Kogi [Irvuisha invents a fire drill]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 29:74; yupa [fire master gives flints, teaches how to use them]: Wilbert 1974, No. 5:79; guajiro [people see a cicada drilling wood]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 55:145.

Llanos. By friction. Yaruro [toad woman creates the first coals; teaches training how to make fire]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 14:37; kuiwa [the inventor of the fire drill hides it from humans]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991, No. 21 [Woodpecker invents], 52 [creator invents; after his fire is stolen, teaches people]: 42, 103; Sicuani: Ortiz 1982:146-148; Woodpecker owned fire, others ate raw food; fish baked on rocks in the sun; the man sent the Pigeon to steal the fire; the Dove carried the coal, but the Woodpecker caused rain, it poured for 10 days, the fire went out again; the man dreams of a water snake {obviously an anaconda}; contrary his wife's advice, goes to the lake; reeds and cassava come out of the water; Anaconda falls from a tree, calls the man brother-in-law, asks him to be brought to the shore; warns that his sisters stink, but must praise the aroma; Anaconda father is happy, teaches to make fire by friction, gives arrow reeds, bananas, cassava, tells them to plant it all, not to give it to others; but others stole what they brought from Anaconda; he gave a few more times, then stopped giving: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 42:188-189.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 60 [Horonami asked Poré to fire; he taught me how to make a fire drill], 61 [Pariwa taught Horonami how to make a fire drill]: 133-134

Guiana. Akawai [see motif B37; after a flood, a man makes fire by friction; a Penelope marail turkey swallows a spark, flies away, his throat remains red; people think Cayman has swallowed fire, pulls out his tongue; since then, the caiman has been the enemy of all animals]: Im Thurn 1966:379-381; macushi [The sun owns fish ponds; the caiman steals fish, the Sun catches it; cut all the skin, now it is in the notches; in exchange for life Cayman promises to give his daughter; he does not have a daughter, he makes a girl out of a tree - a wild plum; the woodpecker hollowed out her vagina; the sun is gone, told her to follow him later; (the source is brief retelling); she enters the house of a Toad woman, dies biting through poisonous lice, boys are found in her womb, these are Pia and Makunaima; P. kills Jaguar, finds pieces of her mother's body inside, revives her; Toad hides from the twins that he owns fire; and M. likes to swallow coals, decides to leave; digs a canal, swims along it with his brother and mother; from the Crane they learn how to make fire by carving (he hits his beak on stone); the brothers blocked the river with stones, detained fish; now there are rapids in these places; the crane began to steal fish from them; P. quarreled with him, he grabbed M., took him to Spanish Guiana; mother was tired, P. left her at the top of Roraima; he went to teach people and also stayed on Roraima with his mother]: Roth 1915, No. 39-41:135.

Western Amazon. Napo [a deity creates flints to carve fire]: Mercier 1979:17; shuar: Pelizzaro 1961, No. 1 [people see jembe produce fire by friction, learn to do it]: 1.

NW Amazon. Baniwa [hero invents fire drill]: Saake 1968:273; yukuna [hero and his cousin invent fire (no details)]: Jacopin 1981:161; desana [Sun's daughter teaches culture, including teaching people to get fire by friction using two sticks]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1968:24 (=197:35); uitoto [God taught to carve fire with black stones]: San Roman 1986:118; Wavrin 1932:135; Okaina [young man, before becoming the sun]: Girard 1958 [makes the first fire playing with a crab shell]: 138, 140; Wavrin 1932 [teaches how to carve fire]: 144; chikuna [Dyoy depicts a fire drill (no details)]: Nimuendaju 1952:130.

Eastern Amazon. Sizzling [teaches a corpse eagle]: Nimuendaju 1920:1015

Central Andes. Caruas (dep. Ancash) [the chihuaco (Turdus sp. thrush) lost his teeth from stone for people; in return, he taught him how to carve fire out of stone]: Yauri Montero: 196:75.

Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka (river camps): Anderson 1985 [monkeys are caught by friction after an unsuccessful attempt to steal from an old toad]: 181: Fernandez 1983 [squirrel extracts by friction, firefly carves]: 93; Weiss 1975 [squirrel produces by friction]: 356.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Guarazu [vulture by friction]: Riester 1977, No. 2:225; saquirap [two brothers; carved]: Maldi 1991:260

Southern Amazon. How to mine by friction. Kuikuro [the hero kidnaps from the royal vulture; then he teaches the hero himself]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:109; kayabi [like Kuikuro, but the hero himself then teaches people]: Pereira 1995, No. 15: 71; Iranish [younger brother teaches people]: Moura 1960:49; nambikwara [see motive D4]: Pereira 1983, No. 5:23; paresi [hero obtains]: Pereira 1986, No. 2 [after the stolen goods go out fire], 6:94, 128; bororo [two var.; Monkey and Guinea Pig are swimming in a boat; Pig gnaws corn, accidentally holes in the bottom; it was eaten by fish, the Monkey swam out, caught fish; appeared The Jaguar sent the fish to the sun behind the fire, caught the fire herself by friction; hid in a tree; the Jaguar caused the wind, the monkey fell, he swallowed it, she cut it from the inside with a knife, the Jaguar died]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 65, 96:127-129, 168-169.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo [(Lukesh 1968:131-132); people baked meat in the sun, tortillas between two sun-heated stones; Bebgoroti went down to the ground, went to relatives in the village, brought fire, two grow a piece of wood (fire drill), seeds of cultivated plants; returned to heaven; liked roasted meat only the third time, and women even later]: Wilbert 1978, No. 65:190.

Chaco. How to mine by friction. Ayoreo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 150-152 [bird (cardinal; waterfowl; owl with fire in his eyes) gives fire to people], 153-154 [produce spouses (embodiment of fishing sticks fire)], 155-156 [found in a tree], 157-158 [hunted by two cultural heroes], 159-160 [catches a night bird]: 212-220; Chamacoco: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 52-53 [hawk tries unsuccessfully steal fire from an owl; an owl teaches him how to make fire by friction], 56 [a hawk shaman owns stones to carve fire; a bat shaman kills him; gives stones to people]: 175-176, 179; nivakle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 74 [Fitsakaích invents a fire drill], 75 [some man invents a fire drill]: 194-195; angaite [a bird steals a fire drill from a fire owner, teaches them use]: Cordeu 1973, No. 11:209-210; sanapana [like an angaite]: Cordeu 1973, No. 28:227; matako [invents and teaches how to use a fire drill]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 40 [trickster ], 50 [hero to smoke bees]: 103; Toba [hero teaches how to use a fire drill]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 70, 76:157, 163-165; mokowi [people invent a fire drill]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 23:49.

Southern Brazil. Ofaye [Jaguar's mother owned the fire; the Battleship was the first to try to steal, came to warm up; when the old woman fell asleep, took away the coal; she whistled, the Jaguar Son caught up with the Battleship, took the coal; the same with Guinea Pig, Tapir, Monkeys; the last one is prea (Agouti?) , who was ignored; ran away, swam across the river, convinced Jaguar that it was better for him to eat raw meat; he taught Agouti to make fire by friction]: Ribeiro 1951, No. 4:124; caigua, nandeva, mbia [a deity teaches people how to produce fire by friction]: Schaden 1955:219-220.

The Southern Cone. The South Tehuelches [Elal gets fire by carving; Cold, Snow, Ice are trying to destroy it; make peace in exchange for E. not teaching birds how to make fire]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 65 : 108; yagans [the youngest of two brothers gets fire by carving]: Gusinde 1937:1160-1161 (translated into Wilbert 1977, No. 10:31-32).