Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

D4A. Fire theft, A1415. .10.-.

The fire was stolen from the original owner, returned to people from the kidnapper, or (the motive for the kidnapping is not expressed) was hardly brought from a remote location.

SW Africa. The Bushmen: Kotlyar 1983, No. 7 (! kung) [the ostrich had a head under its wing; the ostrich thought that the owl had horns, was afraid of it; when she fell asleep, blew, saw that they were just feathers; woke it up, offered to continue playing; Hayseb suggested wave the ostrich's wing; the head fell, H. threw it on the fig tree; people got fire (also retelling in Kotlyar 2009, No. 274:160-161)], 8 [the fire was owned by a leopard; a man killed a baboon, leopards ran away, the man took away the fire at that time; then learned to carve it], 123 [Tsashe-zunini owns fire, Kauha eats raw food; comes to T.'s children, hides in a tree, sees T. getting fire by friction; at home, K. makes a jani toy (like a shuttlecock), she flies to a tree with dry branches, K. throws brushwood all over the ground, now everyone has fire], 131 (! kung) [Biesele 1975, No. 21; retelling also in Kotlyar 2009, No. 271:149-160); fat Bustard had fire, he hid it under his arms; Gara invited Bustard to stretch out his wing, saw smoke and fat, grabbed and carried away fat (and fire?) , fried and ate; grabbed Bustard, began to cook, drink his fat; he carried him away, he ran from the cauldron to the bushes; the Bustard got out of the cauldron, flew away]: 28, 29, 251-253, 258-259; damara [Leo had fire; man came, sat down like a guest; grabbed a smut, pushing Leo's child into the fire; while Leo and Lioness were saving the children, the man ran across the river, placed fire in the wood]: Vedder 1923:20-21 (Quail in Frazer 1930: 111-112); nama hottentots [people ate raw or dried food; a man noticed smoke from the cave, came in, there was a lion, a man threw firewood into the fire, threw a gun at the lion, grabbed the second one, ran across the river; People have been on fire since then, and lions don't cross the river]: Schmidt 2001:11-12 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 273:160.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Tsonga (hlengwe) [Chief Tschauke and his men did not have fire, they ate raw food; C. took his wife from the sono group; his son stole smoldering coal from the sono, bringing it in the sink; his name is Lilalahumba means "who brought coal in the shell"; when tired, the Hlengwe defeated the sono]: Baumann 1936:358; Frazer 1930:112; silt [The wasp volunteered to bring fire from the sky, a vulture, an osprey, a crow flew with it; the bones of these three later fell to the ground; the wasp received fire from God, was appointed head of birds and insects]: Smith, Dale 1920, No. 1:345-346 (retelling in Parrinder 1967:26, in Radin 1952, No. 15:67-68, in Kotlyar 2009, No. 289:165-166); Sakata: Colldén 1979, No. 87 [there is no fire in the village, the man went to Ikonsha to get it; on the way he met and took with him Elephant, Spider, Mukha, termites, etc.; Mucha, etc.; Mucha, etc. overhears what the icon is saying, tells the person; they demand 1) to knock down the tree with one blow (the termites gnawed), 2) drain the lake (the Elephant drew water, the Spider weaved a web over the dry lake), 3) guess what kind of calebass is hidden (the man chose a crap smeared one); the icon decides to set fire to the guest house by pressing down the doors from the outside; The mole digs the exit to the river in advance, the Spider weaves a bridge over it; the expedition returns, brings fire], 88 [the chief finds out that there is fire somewhere, sent to get it; the fly overhears what the fire owners are saying, telling others; they demand 1) 1) to drain the Nshiri rivers (Mole, but apparently, the water spirit also) drains; 2) knock down the tree with one blow (woodworm gnawed); 3) cut off the grass (the rats cut off); 4) guess which calebass the fire is hidden in (they chose the one in soot, not brilliant); the fire owners decide to set fire to the guest house by pressing down the doors from the outside; The mole digs an exit to the river in advance, the Spider weaves a bridge across it; the expedition returns, brings fire]: 253-255, 255-256; fioti [The spider weaved long threads, the wind carried them into the sky; the woodpecker climbed them, punched star holes in the sky; then a man climbed in, brought fire from the sky]: Pechuël-Loesche 1907:135 (=Fraser 1930: 117); (cf. Congo [there was no fire, the man sent the Jackal to get fire at sunset, who then lived in villages; at sunset, the Jackal found so many good things that he did not return to man]: Weeks 1914:203); aunt [dog Fo brings people burning smut; var.: dead father sends son and daughter a dog that teaches them how to cook, make fires and make dishes]: Baumann 1936:361; kusu [hunter's dog steals fire from God, brings it to its owner]: Baumann 1936:361; diamonds [people baked food in the sun; a man met a spirit with a smoking pipe, he brought him to the spirit village; man received fire, brought it to people, they were frightened at first, but chose man as chief]: Tessmann 1923:89 f in Baumann 1936:358-359; gogo [there is no fire on earth; man has risen to fourth heaven to God; by the way laughed at the strange inhabitants of the three heavens (half people, etc.), chose a good vessel, it contained ash and cooled coals; the woman went, did not laugh, chose a bad vessel, brought it in it fire]: Baumann 1936:357; zezuru [The hare asked the Spider to make a rope to climb into heaven; began to live in the heavenly leader's house; sees the leader's daughters take the sun and moon out of their vessels every day creating night and day; secretly opens a vessel with the sun, breaks off a piece, runs away; when she discovers the theft, the chief's wife asks her daughters to tell the animals on the ground to catch up with the Hare; they almost catch up, he hits a piece of sun on the ground, a thicket appears; next time it hits a stone, it starts to rain; by the river does not know how to cross; turns into a stick; animals think that the Hare managed to cross, into a stick is thrown after hearts, it falls to the other side; the hare brings a piece of sun to people, it's fire]: Frobenius 1931:217-219; upoto [Mokquike owns the fire; Libanza made it rain a lot days, he looked like a wet boy, asked him to let him warm up; when M. went out, stopped raining, put his head in his mouth, brought his grandmother to the village; having seized the fire, he subdued the surrounding villages]: Baumann 1936:359 (retelling in Kotlyar 2009, No. 280:162-163.

West Africa. Tenda [the fire was owned by Ayid's spirit; others bought from him; the Calao (Toctus nasutus) bird volunteered to steal the fire; said A. that she had come to buy fire; she quietly set fire to a long bunch of straw; flew away, setting fire to the savannah]: Ferry 1983, No. 1:29-30; bedik, basari [fire from Ayid, people are forced to buy fire from him; Calao promises to steal fire; ties straw to its tail; comes to A., sets her on fire, says he will return to buy fire later, flies away, setting fire to the savannah]: Ferry 1983, No. 1:29-30; ecoi [the fire was in the sky of the creator of Obassi Osaw; chief Etim 'Ne went up to heaven, asked for fire, received a rude refusal; the boy promised to bring fire; gained confidence in O., began to work for him; O.'s wives asked him to light a lamp, he hid the smut in the forest at night went down with her to the ground; for stealing fire, O. deprived him of the ability to walk, he is Lame Boy]: Talbot 1912:370-371 (retelling in Scheub 2000:195-196); anyi [a man chained down from heaven in brass a vessel covered with white sheep skin and a dog that stole fire]: Parrinder 1949:193 in Abrahamsson 1951:112; catch-up: Griaule 1938 in Kotlyar 2009, No. 265 [the first of eight ancestors was a blacksmith; as he descended from heaven to earth, he took blacksmith tools with him; he did not have fire, he stole a piece of sun in the form of hot coals and white iron from Nommo's forge of heavenly blacksmiths; when he became to go down, first a woman Nommo, then a man threw a gun at him; these guns became objects of female and male worship; when landing, a hammer and anvil held by a blacksmith, his arms and legs were interrupted; this is how his joints appeared; bending his arms could work]: 157-158; another retelling in Parrinder 1967 [Amma came down to the ground, giving rise to half-human half-serpent heavenly blacksmiths Nummo twins of different sexes; a man stole a piece of sun from them to make a fire, covered himself from a zipper with leather furs, slipped to the ground over the rainbow, breaking their limbs; before that, they bent like Nummo, and now joints have appeared]: 23; background [Mawu placed fire between earth and sky, forbade the inhabitants of earth and sky to use it; put Agbakankan as a watchman, who left two guardian chachué birds (they eat only cooked food); Leo went after the fire, took the coals, the birds raised the alarm, A. threw a stick at Leo, he dropped the coals, A. returned them; the same Elephant, Leopard, Antelope; The turtle said that straw must be extracted first; M. hid the straw under a tree under the protection of Gedé; the man by the tree signaled G. with a flute that the kidnappers were approaching, G. beat them (everyone tried it, from Elephant to the Mole); The chameleon took straw, hid in a tree, G. ran to the flute signal, did not find the Chameleon; then to another tree; brought straw; the turtle lit the straw, hid it under the shell, A. did not I found fire in her, let her go; from a distance I saw fire in her, said M., she sent rain, but the Turtle brought fire under her shell]: Herskovits, Herskovits 1968, No. 17:159-162; eve [the fire was owned by a giant; Daga-Segbo sent animals to steal it; the lion came first, but the bird raised the alarm; the same with the monkey, the elephant, etc.; the turtle stole the fire, hid it under its shell, the giant did not find it; the turtle still pulls its head under its shell to warm the coals]: Scheub 2000:141; ijo (kalabari) [The turtle constantly deceives the Dog into giving it meat; says that enemies will come at night, they will kill everyone; Hearing the strange sounds made by the Turtle, the Dog and her family flee to the land of the dead; the turtle comes after him, sings an offensive song; the spirits drive both away; throw burning smut after the Dog, she brings one to the human world; people used to bake meat in the sun; the sun was close to the ground; when fire appeared, the sky moved away, for the sun no longer needed to bake meat for people]: Talbot 1932:338-343; ashanti [Does the dog bring fire from the "sacred grave" (the lower world?)] : Baumann 1936:361; quotto [God gives fire to everyone, but only the Dog did not lose it, but brought it to people by becoming their friend]: Baumann 1936:361; nzema [brings the first fire to one of the clans dog; they change their clan name to Twea ("dog")]: Grottanelli 1967:34.

Sudan-East Africa. Pygmies efe [the man got lost, went to Tore's house, his mother was sleeping, the man took the fire; the mother woke up from the cold, T. caught up with the man, took away the fire; the other put on Raven's feathers, flew to heaven, took the fire away, T. did not catch up with it; T.'s mother died of cold, T. made people mortal as punishment]: Trilles 1945:171 (also Schebesta in Abrahamsson 1951:113); Mbuti pygmies [pygmies kidnapped three times fire in God's village, which caught him three times; surrounded the village with a vine fence; the pygmy jumped over it, brought fire]: Parrinder 1967:27; Schebesta 1938 [chimpanzees were human, growing bananas in the forest, owned fire; the pygmy went to them, ate bananas, warmed himself by the fire; then came in the afternoon when there were only children at home; sat by the fire, the end of his bast loincloth, which seemed to have accidentally descended to the ground, caught fire; Pygmies ran to their village; the chimanzees came and began to reproach the Pygmies for stealing fire and bananas from them; upset at all, they went into the forest forever]: 78-79; Dinka: Teghaeus 1950 [(Artin Pacha) 1909, No. 15:33-34); there was no fire, people were baking fish in the sun; the first couple of people sent a dog to scout, he saw the snake's fire; lit its tail, ran away, vegetation caught fire along the way, people saw fire, collected hot coals]: 130; Katznelson 1968 [there was no fire; the dog came to the Juok village (spirits), asked permission to warm up; lit his tail, ran away; all the trees that caught fire along the way and the grasses have gone out, and the fire is still extracted from the abolo tree by friction]: 133 (quail. Kushka 1988:18-19); nuera [there was no fire; people pushed durra into powder, moistened it with water and left it in the sun; the dog went to look for fire; snakes came to the village, which cooked food; dog asked permission to sit by the fire, picked up the smut with its tail and started running; the snake did not catch up with her; the dog handed fire to people]: Huffman 1970:88-89; shilluk [there was no fire, people baked food on in the sun; men ate what was baked on top, but the women were left raw; one day a dog brought a piece of roasted meat from the gods; people liked it, they tied straw to the dog's tail; the dog waved with its tail over the coals, the straw caught fire, the dog brought fire to people on their tails]: Hofmayr 1925:366 (retelling in Baumann 1936:361; Frazer 1930:121-122); anuak [there was no fire, people warmed porridge on in the sun; in the rain, only one woman let the dog dry out, although her daughter did not want to let her in; the dog told her to put dry grass in front of her, urinated on the grass, the grass flashed; said that if others will ask for fire, let them give a woman a low bead; people start giving, everyone got fire]: Pritchard, Beaton 1940, No. 2:57-58 (=Scheub 2000:88); nuers [people ate durra grains raw; their dog went to look for fire, saw a snake, it had fire, the dog picked up the smut with its tail, brought it to people]: Teghaeus 1950:130-131; murle [there was no fire, people cooked meat, cutting it in thin layers and putting it under the sun; the grain was crushed and soaked; one day the dog saw a rainbow, ran after it to a cave with a narrow entrance; inside the rainbow lay, curled up in rings around the fire like a huge boa constrictor; the dog unnoticed attached a burning smut to its tail, ran, crossed the river; the rainbow did not catch up with it; the dog handed fire to all the trees, from which it is now obtained by friction]: Lewis 1947:135 (in Lewis in brief 1971:128; Tegnaeus 1950:135 has a retelling of this text, where it is referred to diding); mehen [people came to a new place where there was no fire; the dog swam back across the river, set fire to its tail, came back, holding its tail above the water; once lying in ash and snoring; another dog told the chief that she was only eating and snoring; the chief stabbed the ox, gave the dog a bowl of blood; she knocked it over; the chief hit her in the face, with dogs don't talk since then]: Jensen 1959, No. 2:413; joluo [there was no fire; the dog came to the village where Juok (the creator god) lived, found him in the forge; pretended to be cold, approached fire, tail caught fire, dog ran, fire hit trees and grasses along the way; told people to look for fire in the abolo tree (it's used to make fire sticks)]: Scheub 2000:89; Zande [Ture (spider) came to his maternal relatives, sat down by the fire, let his bast clothes catch fire, ran to set fire; this is how people got fire]: Arewa, Shreve 1975, No. 3:195; sandave [first people The dog took the fire out of the termite mound]: Baumann 1936:361.

Southern Europe. The Sardinians (Logudoro) [there was no fire; people asked St. Antonia, who was a shepherd, to get it; he came to hell with his pig; asked him to let him warm up; the devil refused, but the pig crawled under the door and raged; to calm him down, hell let St. Antonia; grabbed his staff, made of fennel {"dill", but here is clearly a larger umbrella), wanted to throw it into the fire, but the pig began to rage again; he had to return the staff; St. Antony caught a spark in his hollow staff, came back, gave fire to people}]: Calvino 1984, No. 197:701-703 (=2017:902-904).

Western Europe. The French (Haute-Brittany) [Malinovka brought fire, but her feathers were burned; all the birds pened her, but the Owl refused; since then, if the Owl flies out during the day, the little birds gather around and scream, especially Malinovka reproaches her for her pride; Becherel near Rennes says that Malinovka flew to hell for fire]: Sébillot 1882 in Rouzel 1996:152; French: Dähnhardt 1910 : 94-95 (Normandy) [At the request of people, Sylvia troglodytes flew to heaven for fire, brought it to the ground, was badly burned; all the birds gave him their feathers; the owl did not, and since then it has been hiding from others birds], 95 [1) Normandy; Wren brought fire from the sky, burned; all the birds gave him their feathers; the Cuckoo did not give it and is now despised; when Wren brought fire, Malinovka came close to him, hers the breast was also burnt; 2) Normandy; only the Wren decided to fly to heaven for fire; God warned him that he could get burned; when he brought fire to the ground, all his feathers burned; the birds gave him a pen, so it is colorful; the bat did not give, the birds rushed at it, she now decides to fly out only at night; 3) dep. Loiret (south of Paris); Wren carried fire from the sky, handed to Malinovka, that Lark, so the fire hit people; 4) Démuin; fire brought people from the sky Wren, burned, the birds gave him a pen; only The owl did not give, since then it hides from other birds, flies out at night; 5) Bayeux; Wren brought fire from the sky, burned], 96 [Fr. Guernsey; Wren brought fire, the breast was burned, turned red]; Rouzel 1996 [1) Normandy; Korolek brought the fire; 2) The robin flew to the sky for the fire, the wren lit it]: 153 (all data also in S ébillot 1906:156-157); the Flemish people [since the wren flew above everyone else, he was sent to heaven to bring fire; he returned with fire carrying it on his chest, so his breast turned red]: Van den Berg 2000, No. 96:114; walloons [the fire was in heaven; God asked the birds to carry it to the ground; The swallow carried a fire on its tail, it burned the middle of its tail, it threw the fire, returned to heaven; Wren carried it on feathers, did not throw it, but burned naked; all the birds penned him, so he is colorful; only the Owl did not give it, so he hides from other birds, flies out only at night]: Dähnhardt 1910:95-96 (=Sé billot 1906:159); Scots [giant Gimradh embodies winter, Samradh embodies summer; fighting, G. defeated S.; wren began to warm his heart, and robin flew for fire; found fire in a house in to the forest, she brought coal; since then, where the robin pressed the coal to her chest, her feathers are red]: Loseva et al. 1959 [fox to the wolf: the ox has his name written on its hind legs, I cannot read it because of illiteracy; the wolf leaned over to see, the ox killed him with a hoof blow; the fox caught the rabbit and was glad that there was no need to share it with the wolf now]: 51-53.

Australia. Kamilaroi [everyone eats meat raw, there are traces of blood around his mouth; Raven explains that his face is clean because he cuts meat finely with a knife; they don't believe him, he is invited to corrobori, Shingle-back and Sleepy-lizard (both Lizards?) they dance, shouting the words of an obscene song and defecating, while jumping, excrement flies to the sides; the Raven is so enthusiastic that the Gur-gur hawk manages to grab his purse, in which the fire is, escape; The raven is chasing, the fire falls on the grass, it lights up; the raven is lying on the grass, trying in vain to extinguish the flame; it turns black, only white circles remain around the eyes]: Mathews 1908, No. 6:304-305 (quoted in Waterman 1987, No. 1975 (1): 70); Nungakhburrah (NSW) [there was no fire, people ate raw food or dried it in the sun; the Bootoolgah crane accidentally caught the fire by friction, showed it to his wife Goonur the kangaroo rat; others were told they baked fish in the sun; the Owl and the Parrot were sent to watch them; the fire owners were invited to dance; they were not amused until Bralghas danced; in this time Hawk, who pretended to be sick before, took away the fire light; the grass was burning]: Parker 1896:24-26 in Dixon 1916:284 and Waterman 1987, No. 1975 (2): 70; vongaybon [two old Kangaroo Rat and the Turtledove kept the fire in a nut; to steal their fire, they were invited to dance; Black Kakadu danced defecating, blood and crap flowed down his leg; the old women laughed, and the Hawk hid the nut in his a bag and told Tornado to spread fire; he placed it in all the trees that make fire sticks; Kakadu has red spots under his tail ever since, and the Hawk has rusty]: Waterman 1987, No. 1975 (3): 70; kabikabi, wakawaka [Viper owns the fire; birds try to get it unsuccessfully; Little Hawk grimacing, Viper laughs, loses control of the fire]: Waterman 1987, No. 1975 (4): 70; Forest River, Oenpelli tribes [The crocodile was making a hole in the bottom, about to take fire with him; the Blue Parrot carried the firesticks; the sorcerer saw them sitting by the fire Blue Parrots, stole their sticks, birds flew away dropping fire]: Kaberry 1935:435 (=Waterman 1987, № 2005 (1): 71); dalabon [the crocodile owned the fire, the rest eat raw, rainbow bird takes away his firewands]: Maddock 1970:176; oenpelli [only Crocodile and Zuek owned firesticks; when going hunting, the Crocodile told Zuik to light a fire at his returning; he fell asleep, did not light them; The crocodile became angry, grabbed his fingers, ran to the river to drown them; the plover snatched them out, ran to the mountains; since then he has been living in the mountains, the crocodile in the water, thanks to the plover, people eat food cooked on fire]: Mountford 1956:215 in Maddock 1970:176; Drysdale tribes [Crocodile owned the chopsticks; the parrot took them away, gave them to "sorcerers" and humans]: Waterman 1987, No. 2005 (2): 71; the raven [wonjina (spirit) kindled the fire to eat fish; Parrots began to rotate the fire sticks, the fire fell near the Crocodile, he took it away; The parrot took away his fire, his the wings turned red; the fish was fried]: Waterman 1987, No. 2005 (3): 71; ngulugwongga (b. Daley) [Little Hawk, Big Hawk, and Dog unsuccessfully try to get fire by friction; The dog tries to steal fire from women, they notice and drive it; Little Hawk carries the coal; the dog did not wait and ate it yam tubers are raw; since then, the dog has not talked, eats raw]: Berndt, Berndt 1964:334-335; Cape Grafton (Queensland) [there was no fire on the ground; Wren (Malarus sp.) flew, brought fire from the sky , hid it under his tail; indicated the types of wood from which to get fire by friction, but people only rubbed their hands; one man turned around and laughed when he saw a red spot on Wren's tail; he taught getting fire, a stain on the tail left]: Roth 1903 in Maddock 1970:188, in Dixon 1916:283; wilman [women are tired of keeping the fire they burn against Jannock's evil spirits; they became insult the spirits; the men tried to keep the fire themselves, but it went out; for a long time the meat either baked in the sun or ate raw; two men went looking for J., throwing boomerangs and watching not did they smell smoke; J. came to the fire; there were no spirits at that time, people left the game for them to roast; the spirits were happy; picking up a spark that fell into the bushes, the men lit the torches, ran away, blocking the passage with stones so that the spirits would not chase them; they brought fire]: Hassel 1934, No. 7:244-247; Gippsland (East Victoria) [1) see further in Frazer 1930:5-6; living on the clouds Bowkan got angry at people, took the fire; the Chaffinch stole it, gave it back to the people, it had a red speck on its tail; 2) the women did not share the fish with Bowkan, he took the fire; the crow threw a black snake at him, out of fear, he dropped the fire, the women took it again]: Smyth 1878:472, 478-479 in Maddock 1970:192; southeast Victoria [the fire was owned by two women; one man (this is a bird with a red speck on the tail) pretended to be fascinated by them; took his head and handed the fire to the people]: Frazer 1930:5-6; Melbourne District [the fire was owned by a Pleiades woman, kept her digger in the tip; Crow hid snakes in an anthill, advised the woman to kill them with a stick, the fire blazed out of it, the Raven took it away; he also did not want to share the fire, but the heavenly spirit called people together, told the Raven to fire them]: Smyth 1878:459 in Maddock 1970:193; the buandique [owned the fire in the Kakadu in the east, hid it in a tuft on his head; he was given the skin of a killed kangaroo, Prite (a bird?) watched him get the fire; Malinovka took off the fire, burned her breast; Kakadu identified her by this stain, wanted to beat her, but she flew up a tree and stayed there]: Thomas 1906:246-247.

Melanesia. Inanvatan-Berau [1) there was no fire; a sick man sent the bird Tétéré to bring the fire of the Sun; when it flew back, her legs were burnt and have been short ever since; 2) birds steals the fire of the sun; at that moment a woman cuts off her legs in the sun; 3) the Téteré man brings fire from the sun; gives it to others when they send women to him]: Miedema 1997, No. 5.1:16; Savi [brothers Tumo Hapkon and Adiri Hapkon got fire for people; the dog carried it across the river; first they tied the smut to the neck, the fire went out; then the dog brought it to the tail; the brothers taught me how to make hearths, showed which trees to use for firewood]: Yost 1988:78; monumbo [the fire was on the volcanic island of Manam; the dog tried three times to bring it across the strait, but the fire went out; gave it to the bird bethel nut, she agreed to help, endured the fire]: Höltker 1965, No. 14:93; kiwai [Meuri ate raw fish while warming in the sun; noticed smoke in the distance; two trees rubbed together; he sent kapia to the bird, which brought fire; since then it has a red hook]: Riley, Ray 1931, No. 2:325; melpa [there was no fire; the man and boy decided it would be good to fry the wild game; when they heard this, them the dog gnawed through the leash, ran to its mother and brought fire from her; when she found out, the dog's mother beat her with a stick; people gave her a pig, but the fire did not return]: Vicedom 1977, No. 31:40-41; Masingar [there was no fire, people baked fish in the sun; the Rat, then Iguana, the Serpent was sent for fire, they did not return; Iguana ingua brought fire in her mouth from Tudo Island]: Frazer 1930:35; keraki [the sky was low, the ground was covered in clouds; Kambel noticed fire on one of the neighboring islands; sent a large Mamagungu lizard, which on the way back got lost in the fog and returned without fire (var.: fire went out when she carried it on her back); K. slapped her, since then she has a white stripe on her stomach; the same with the smaller Motar lizard (and has a white stripe); the little lizard Jenijen found fire under the pandanus with a palm tree (var.: stingaree and eel guarded him), she went around them, brought fire under her paw; since then she has scarlet spots (from parasites) under her arm]: Williams 1969:302-303; orokaiva [people ate food damp; smoke was noticed from the shore on the island; The dog swam there, swam back with its head in its teeth, the water flooded it; so all the dogs; the lousy puppy tied the smut to its tail, swam; Bandicoot tried to steal , the puppy took it away, gave it to the owners; since then, dogs love to sit by the fire and on warm ash]: Frazer 1930:38-39; mukawa [The dog brought fire from Fr. Goodinaf; the place where he landed and set fire to the grass is called Dog's Hill]: Frazer 1930:40; vagawaga [people warmed their food in the sun, the fire was owned by old Goga; when cooking for ten young men, not used fire, and when for herself, she took fire out of her vagina; the youngest young man found a piece of boiled tarot, followed; someone who could jump over the fallen tree trunk was chosen to steal the fire; the youngest jumped over, but dropped the smut, the grass caught fire, the old woman sent rain; the tail of a snake that had crawled into the hollow caught fire; after the rain, it was found, the fire was distributed to people]: Seligman 1910, No. 2:379-380 (retelling in Dixon 1916:114-115; in Frazer 1930:43-44); motu [people ate raw food or baked in the sun; saw smoke in the ocean; only the Dog swam, grabbed the woman's burning head, swam back; the Snake, Bandicoot, Kangaroos who did not dare to swim attacked the Dog, but she drove them to where they are now (a snake in an earthen hole, etc.)]: Lawes 1879:371 (quail in Ho 1976, No. 159:319-320); Eastern Islands Torres Strait: Haddon 1908, No. 16a [people had a sixth finger between the index finger and the thumb; the Serkar woman held a fire in it; the lizard came, bit it off, swam across, made a fire; the sixth no more finger], 16b [the fire was owned by a Sarkar woman, it was between her thumb and forefinger; the lizard came to her, slept when he left, asked for her right hand to shake hands, cut it off, swam across it; some trees gathered for the first fire (those from which fire was made by friction)]: 29-30, 30; Torres Strait Islands (western) [there were people who had fire between thumb and forefinger; the bat brought their fire to the people]: Haddon 1904, No. 5:17; Vedau [the birds were dancing in their village, did not notice how the fire went out; their leader Rooster volunteered him bring; flew for a long time, flew to the girl, she asked him to stay, but he took the fire, flew away; the girl is inconsolable, asks her parents to take her to her lover; they load coconuts to lure the Rooster, they sail to the village of birds; in the morning everyone goes out sequentially, the girl answers her father each time that this is not her lover; the penultimate is the Bird of Paradise; finally, the Rooster; the girl asks him to come take coconuts, cover them with a basket, take them away; since then, chickens have lived with people; the rest of the birds have left their village, each living according to their current habits]: Ker 1910:77-80; D'Entrecasteau [Dogs were fishing on Wagifa Island, but there was no fire; one named Galualua saw smoke on Kukuya Island; there a woman was cooking something on fire; tied her head to his tail, the next time to his back; when he I swam, the water flooded the fire; I brought it across the strait when the woman tied her head to her head; the fire of the Dogs turned to stone, and they themselves disappeared into the cave, but Vaqif now has fire]: Jenness, Ballantyne 1920:156-157; Murua [the fire was owned by an old woman, others ate tarot raw; her son stole fire, brought it to people; she threw the remains into the sky; from most of the sun came, from the lesser moon]: Haddon 1894:318 (retelling in Dixon 1916:112); Admiralty Islands [people warmed their food in the sun; a woman sent Osprey and Starling to heaven for fire; Osprey took it out, carried it, handed it halfway through to Starling; he was burnt, smaller than Osprey; brought fire]: Meier 1907, No. 12:659-660; Dobu [there was no fire; the old woman baked yams for herself, extracting fire between her legs, giving others raw tubers; men found a piece of baked yam, followed, one lit a torch, set fire to the grass, the old woman fell dead; the rain extinguished the fire; the hot coals have been preserved under the lying snake; since then this snake species has a black belly]: Bromilow 1911 in Frazer 1930:44-45; New Britain [the fire was in the initiated men; the dog left them, came to the women, told how to get fire by friction; the woman said he could marry her; a man bewitched the Dog to make him speechless]: Kleintitschen 1924 in Frazer 1930:51-52; Bougainville [in Buin (south Bougainville) ate raw food, fire was on Alu Island; people don't believe to the bird that it would get fire; she flew to Alu, watched the fire get by friction, came back, said]: Thurnwald 1912:394 in Frazer 1930:50-51; Loyalty Islands (Lifou) [snail, crab and The grasshopper (locust) went to ask Thunder for fire; he reluctantly gave the snail, warning him not to burn down the house, but it burned down and burned down itself; the same happened to the crab; the grasshopper defeated Thunder, sent him to live in heaven, got fire]: Hadfield 1920:114-115.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [there was no fire, a Deneman woman was baking a tarot in the sun; a thunder in the form of a dog fell to the top of the pandanus; asked the woman to lower it, he was afraid of scratching himself against the thorns; saw her tarot, asked, she gave it raw, he put it under his arms, returned the baked goods; he also dried pieces of wood under his arms, made a fire drill; then taught him how to sculpt and burn clay vessels on fire; a woman with With her two children, she hid the fire from people, using it only at night; people followed the woman, took the fire; they paid her for pots but not for the fire]: Müller 1918, No. 75:604-607 (retelling in Frazer 1930:90-91); Gilbert Islands [a woman conceives from sunlight; gives birth to five sons and a daughter; four are dead, the Sun has placed her daughter in a stone house in the east; Bue's remaining son decides swim to his father; when the Sun begins to rise, B. throws six stones and fruits given by his mother, breaking his rays and cooling him; tied him with a coconut leaf; the Sun gave him ritual knowledge; on the way back B . captured his sister, they followed the boat, committed incest; the Sun angrily told the dolphin to turn their boat over; B. and his sister went down to the bottom, B. swam west, overheard spells to summon the winds that the Sun gave old woman Nei Bairaro; stole wood from old woman Nei Nemaing to make a fire drill; she chased, carrying a storm and wind; B. blew the winds against her using knowledge gained from her father, from the NB, from herself; the latter stopped her, B. brought a tree]: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 4:70-74; Tokelau: Burrows 1923 [Lu, Iikiiki's son came to old man Mafuike, who slept near a smoldering log; grabbed a log, M. rushed at it, he defeated it; M. told how to produce fire by friction]: 164; Frazer 1930 [the mistress of the fire, Mafuike, lived in the lower world; Talanga went down to forced her to fire under threat of death, brought her to the ground; she used to eat raw food]: 74; Tuvalu: Kennedy 1931 (Waitupu) [when Kaulealia, Tapakea's son, became a young man, his father had an abscess on his forehead; T. squeezed a lizard out of him, left it in the basket, the lizard turned into a Naleau boy; no one knows who he is; he defeats his brother K. in throwing darts; when K. throws a dart, N. finds himself in the sky; spits at kites made by local people, snakes fall; goes fishing with others, turns into fish himself, is driven into a stone trap; he drills a hole down; becoming a spider, he hides under the roof of a house in which there are four women; goes down to each of them like a spider, sitting next to her calls her by name; this is how N. finds out their names; in the image of a man, he declares that his house is his; women do not know his name, and N. knows their names, women have to give the house to him; N. made friends with the leader, must compete in preparing the holiday; steals other people's coconuts, the snipe shouts about it, N. turns his tongue, continues steal; filled his vessel from below with crap, disguised as food, swapped with the chief, he vomited; N. was asked to climb into the hole to hold the pole from the house, covered it with earth; he made a hole in the pole, went out; his sent lightning to the mistress for fire; N. deliberately calls her loudly, wakes her son Thunder up, broke his arm; the hostess ordered him to take fire from the stone house; when N. went inside, the exit was closed; he drilled a hole , came out with smoke, came to his father T. in the smoke; the owner of the lower world Pakeva asked T. to come with his son; K. refused to go, N. agreed; N. killed all the guards (sharks, whales), returned; T. and P. agreed to exchange sons; P. sent the Turtle, T. sent his fire son Te Afi; he is restless, noisy; then T. placed him in all the trees; people come from K., spirits come from N.]: 190-195; Maori [Maui, the youngest of five brothers, gets his grandmother's jaw in the underworld; tells the brothers to send their wives for flax, weave strong ropes, make a trap; catches the Sun that moved too much quickly; hits him with his jaw, the Sun loses its former strength and has been moving more slowly since then; people do not know how to make fire; M. turns off the lights to get a new one; descends to the lower world to the mistress of the fire old Mahuika; she gives his nail, a flame hits it; M. extinguishes it, says he accidentally dropped it, gets a second nail; when he comes for the tenth, the old woman throws a nail at him, the flame chases M., he flies in shape hawk (since then, the hawk has scorched feathers on its wings); the gods pour rain into the flames, Mawick threw the remnants into the trees, now the fire is pulled out of them by friction; sitting in a boat with her brothers, M. makes the sea endless, pulls new land out of his grandmother's jaw (the hook caught on the door of the house of Tonganui, the son of the sea god); the brothers began to divide the land, stripping it with teslas; the earth wandered, so it appeared mountainous terrain]: Reed 1960:32-41 (about the same in Frazer 1930:55-57); Moriori [Maui went to Mahuika (who is more male than female) for fire; Mahuika gives him a finger, there's fire in it, Maui intentionally extinguishes it; so all fingers; Mahuika throws his last little finger in anger, trees, rocks burn (fire is now being extracted from them); Maui asks to send rain, it's raining, he's saved]: Shand 1911:20 in Frazer 1930:58-59; Samoa [the earthquake god Mafuie in the lower world owned fire; Talanga approached the rock, told it to open, descend, cultivate his plot in M.'s world; son T. Ti'iti'i followed him, followed him; contrary to his father's warning, went to take the fire from M.; M. fired and then scattered the Talangi stove; Tiitii tore off his arm, agreed to return him to the fire; placed him in all the trees; when the ground shudders, Tiitiya is praised - if M. had two arms, earthquakes would be stronger]: Frazer 1930:72-73; Tonga [all Maui lived in the lower world of Lolofonua; Maui-atalanga took his son Maui-Kishikishi and went out to live with him on the land; the father went down to work on the site secretly from his son; the son watched, threw away the reeds that blocked the road and secretly followed his father; climbed at the tree and watches the father weed the plot; bit the fruit and threw it at the father's feet; he recognized the son's teeth marks, but did not see him; the same was the second fruit; the son himself called out to the father; lied that when he went down, closed the descent behind him; his father asked him to weed, forbid him to turn around; he turned around and the grass grew again; he had to weed again; so twice; then the father sent his son to his father Maui-Motua for fire; the son does not know what fire is; the grandfather and grandson do not know about their relationship; after receiving fire, the grandson leaves and intentionally extinguishes it; so twice; the last log is left, only someone from the Maui family can raise it; grandson He picked him up, his grandfather offered to fight, his grandson killed him; when he found out, the father also killed his son with a stick; covered his body with grass, now it grows everywhere; the father came to his grandfather, he came to life and ordered another to revive his grandson grass; it grows only in heaven and in the lower world; when father and son went back to earth, the son secretly took fire, the father noticed, but the son hid the smoldering fire in his loincloth; on the ground, the father called it rained, but the son hid the fire in the trees; before that, people ate raw food; the sky was low, people walked bent; for the woman to let him drink, Maui-kishikishi pushed the sky to its current height; {more about Maui's father and son's struggle against cannibals and monsters}]: Polinskaya 1986, No. 87:204-213 (=Collocott 1932:45-48); Frazer 1930 [there was no fire, people ate raw food; Maui Atalonga (MA) went to Bulotu (the afterworld of chiefs), brought cooked food from there; his son Maui Kijikiji (MK) secretly followed him to the cave, walked along it; bit the fruit, threw it at his father; he ordered him to weed the garden, not look around; MK looked around, the herbs grew; MA ordered to bring fire from his father Maui Motua (MM); MM gave, MK put it in the sink, intentionally extinguished it to come back again; MM offered to pick up the whole the entire smoldering tree trunk; MK took it, MM offered to fight, MK threw it on the ground, breaking all bones; now, when he moves, earthquakes occur; MA has forbidden MK to take fire to the ground, but he brought it in a sash]: 59-61; Niue [Maui is surprised that his father has soft food; he advises keeping the food in the sun; this does not help; M. pretends to be sleeping; when his father gets up in the morning, comes to a hole in the ground, goes down to the lower world, M. follows him; there is fire; the father attacks him, M. runs, carrying fire; the father sends a downpour, but the fire on the banyan has not been extinguished; therefore, from his wood they make a firemaker; Father M. cursed three types of fruit that became bitter and a red banana that became not straight, but saggy]: Loeb 1926b: 212-213; Rarotonga [Tongoifare - daughter Tangaroa; her husband Manuahifare; they have three sons Maui and a daughter Inaika ("Ina Fish"); younger Maui noticed that his father disappears in the morning, returns after dark; he put an end to his father's belt under himself to wake up when his father gets up; sees his father telling the pillar of the house to open so that he can go down to the lower world; during the day he does the same; meets a blind old woman; she takes her out of the fire with forceps coals, thinking it's food and the food burns; she replies that her name is Inaporari (Blind Ina), she is Maui's grandmother; there are four trees nearby; Maui knocks on each one; the old woman says every time that this tree belongs to Maui the elder, then the middle, Inaika, finally Maui the Younger; he replies that he is Maui the Younger; immediately fruits appear on the tree; after biting off a piece, Maui catches them in the eye to the old woman, she sees the light; says that the fire is owned by Maui's grandfather Tangaroa-tuimata ("T. with a tattooed face"); after admitting his grandson, the grandfather gives him smut, Maui leaves, extinguishes it; so four times; on the fifth Tangaroa fires with two sticks, holding one by Maui; blows out the fire; then the tern holds one; Maui understands how to make a fire; pulls out his grandfather's upper stick; the tern's lower stick, for this purpose burns him above his eyes, spots remain; the tern flies away; Maui invites Tangaroa to fly away through the same hole; takes off wearing his rainbow belt; Maui pushes him, Tangaroa falls, crashes; Maui puts his bones in a coconut, opens it, Tangaroa comes to life; tells parents who have descended to the lower world to visit Tangaroa only on the third day; he returns to the upper world, reveals a secret to his brothers and sister getting fire; shows them the lower world]: Gill 1876:63-70 (retelling in Frazer 1930:79-82); Mangaia [in the lower world Avaiki lived fire god Mauike, sun god Ra, sky support Ru, his wife Buataranga, guarding the way to the invisible world; R. and B. have Maui's son, sent upstairs to the human world; they eat raw food; visiting his son, B. hides the contents of his basket; M. spies on there baked food; overhears what words B. speaks in front of the rock, she opens; M. asks Tane for a red pigeon, he reluctantly gives it back whole; M. inside a pigeon (or in the form of a dragonfly on pigeon's back) follows B. to the lower world; two demon guards manage to tear off the pigeon's tail; B. admits that behind the fire he sends her husband to the owner of the fire Mauike; M. goes to him, gets a smut, four times extinguishes; Mahuike in anger offers to fight, M. puts on his belt, becomes huge, easily throws Mahuika; he agrees to give chopsticks to light the fire; after receiving them, M. burns the lower world, flies away himself red dove; the fire raging in the lower world comes to earth, but the gods extinguish it; people took the fire, it went out; Maui, taking pity on people, said that there is fire in hibiscus (Urtica argentea) and banyan ( Ficus indicus) taught how to use a fire drill]: Gill 1876:51-58 (paraphrased in Frazer 1930:74-79); The Marquises [Mahuike owned fire, the rest ate raw food; Mahuike Maui's great-grandson came to him, asked for fire; he gave fire from his foot, Maui left, extinguished it, came back again; this time he received fire from his knee; etc.; last time from his chest; Mahuike refused to fire from his head; Maui began to fight him, hit his head against the rock, the fire splashed from it into all the trees and stones; Maui showed how to get fire by friction]: Handy 1930:12-13; Hawaii [Hina finds a man on the beach a loincloth, puts it on himself, gives birth to it Maui; the fire is owned by chickens (mud hens), they hide it when M. approaches; he grabs the smallest one, who first says that fire should be obtained by friction from the tarot, from ti leaves (M. tries, there are holes in the leaves of these plants); indicates correctly, M. makes fire, punishes the chicken, leaving a red stripe on its head; the sun moves too much quickly; M. steals bananas one by one, which his blind grandmother bakes; she recognizes him, agrees to help; sitting on a tree, M. throws a noose over the rays of the rising sun; the Sun agrees to move slower, especially in summer; together with his brothers, M. catches land in the forest; tells his brothers not to look back, one violates the ban, forests break off, so the land mass is divided into islands]: Beckwith 1970: 229-330; Rennell [Honey Eater) and the Flycatcher (Fantail) decided to go to heaven and take fire from the people there. They got there and started dancing; while the inhabitants of the sky were watching, the flycatcher stole the fire; they went down the trees with fire so that the wood was burning now]: Kirtley, Elbert 1973:246.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Ao [Fire and Water fought, Fire ran, hid in stones and bamboo; only the Grasshopper saw it, said to the Monkey, who extracted fire from bamboo; man watched, stole her fire; warming up by fire, lost their hair, monkeys still have hair; someday Fire will take revenge, defeat Water, and after a global fire, the flood will finally destroy the world]: Mills 1925:100-101 (retelling in Frazer 1930: 106-107); sherdukpen [Sirinpus are demons living beyond the Himalayas, in the same place as the country of women; they owned fire, baked birds, people ate raw meat; the bat brought baked poultry from there to people liked it; the bat volunteered to bring fire; the fire was like a balloon, she stole it, gave it to people; the pursuers said she was their father-in-law, the Sirinpa stopped pursuing]: Elwin 1958b, No. 11:256-257; garo [goddess Noreknak Norekdim gave birth to various gods and various living things besides humans; among them are son Salgra (sun) and daughter Misi Susime (moon); when they were still children, they quarreled about their future partners and sprayed duct wax on each other; Salgra washed himself immediately, and MS decided to wait for her mother to show how her brother treated her; her mother came and told me to go wash immediately; but the wax could not be washed off, it remained (on the face of the moon); NN gave birth to various animals, then plants; MS invited her to give birth to fire as well; NN went to the goddess of death and stepped there on something prepared for the funeral fire; then conceived a fire; gave birth to it, died; the MC became angry and threw the fire far into the lower world; sent a servant to the seventh tier of the lower world bring a mat to the world; the deceased was put on a mat for the first time; two roosters were tied to the toes; now it is the Dohsutot constellation; feathers are also stuck at the head - now comets; two beauties have come, MS turned them into Castor and Pollux; we must light a funeral fire; MS sent a crocodile for fire; swimming across the sea, the crocodile could not withstand the heat and dived, the fire returned to the lower world; the crocodile remained live in water, burns on its back remained; then the squirrel carried fire on its tail, lowered its tail into the water, the fire returned again, the squirrel's tail turned red; the MC sent its younger brother for fire; the fire still did not went, but explained how to extract it by friction or carving - then his servant would appear; the funeral fire was set on fire, now it is the constellation of Pegasus; Cassiopeia is the body carried to the fire; they led the sacrificial bull ; he was afraid of the noise and ran away; his hooves were the Milky Way; the raven cleaned the dishes at the end of the ceremonies, got dirty and turned black; everyone with black faces was then smeared with soot; the bat penetrated the Sun's wife Moon and smeared her too; the Sun chased him until he disappeared into the cave where his descendants now live; the Sun made animals, birds, insects, reptiles speechless, so as not to complained and did not beg not to kill them]: Rongmuthu 1960:205-212.

Burma - Indochina. Muongi: Nikulin 1980s [the gadfly stole fire after deceiving the deity to learn from the deity the secret of getting fire by friction; a similar myth in ede and thai]: 256; Grigoreva 2019 [fire in heaven; first The ruler of Tá Can sent a bat for him; when it grabbed the hot coals, evil spirits sprayed them with water; then the ruler sent a gadfly; the spirits filled the coals with water again, but the gadfly saw how to receive fire with chopsticks made of split bamboo and taught people; got the right to bite cattle and people]: 58; Thais (Thailand) [during the flood, a young man and a girl escaped in a pumpkin; gave birth to seven sons; one went to heaven for fire; at the heavenly gate his torch went out; so three times, he returned to earth; for fire they sent the Serpent (left to catch frogs) and the Owl (catches mice) in vain; then seven brothers They sent Gadfly, who asked for the right to bite buffaloes; his eyes were under his wings; told Heaven that he saw through the walls of the jug, but not the basket; he placed him in the basket, told him to close his eyes to head, got fire by friction; on the way to earth, the torch went out, but Gadfly told me how to make fire]: Bourlet 1907:921-924 in Frazer 1930:101-103; Vietnam's thai [at first all the fruits, rice were huge size, people did not work much, ate a lot, violated the laws of Po Fã and Po Thén; PT sent rain that flooded the earth with a flood; only Ba kap and Y ké escaped in the dry fruit; PT lit 9 suns, they dried water, the rooster's feathers have scorched, now it is red; there is no water, no fire; The horsefly flew to the PT, he fired, on the way he goes out three times from the rain; The horsefly replies that his eyes are on his head, but they are at the ends wings; spies on how the PT receives fire by friction, shows people; PT gave rice and corn seeds to the Rat; as a reward she is allowed to eat grain; Horsefly is allowed to bite people]: Degeorge 1922, No. 2: 135-140; ma, sre [Bung is the son of two giants; the family was attacked by tigers, parents and B. fled to the island at sea; the tigers built a bridge, but the birds helped burn it; when the giants returned to the continent, B. stole fire and cultivated plants from the underworld from the god Ngu; this caused a terrible fire, the sea rose to fill it; the fire took refuge in bamboo, from which fire is now obtained friction]: Chesnov 1980d: 195; ahem [the young man is allowed to clear the site only on the graves of his father and mother; he does this; there is no fire, and people threw rubbish at his site; drongo bird is called to bring fire from the "foot of heaven" (a pillar supporting the sky, full of fire, from which the sun receives its heat); the fire burned its tail, now it is forked, the drongo did not bring fire; then the bird munia (finch-like finch, Lonchura maja) has attached pieces of iron to the body (since then white under the tail); as a reward, she gets the right to peck rice sown on termite mounds (they are difficult to process, but rice especially good on termite mounds); munia brought fire in his beak, the young man burned what was on his site, harvested a good harvest; the spirit boy (ancestor) suggests fighting, who wins, takes another servant; the ruler gives the young man seven magic straws, with their help the young man wins, the spirit now serves him; the spirit tells him to sell the gong to the woman, take her three hairs as payment; the young man makes them into the forest; from the first, the second prey breaks when it bites for the third time, the spirit dives; the young man thinks he has drowned, but he brings the Mother of Gold living in the river to the young man's house; she eats raw rice, defecates in silver, eats tarot - with gold; the spirit wants to return to the cemetery, the young man does not let him in; he throws pərlook leaves and ash; while the young man picks them up, the spirit returns to the grave; the young man tied the Mother of Gold to the pole with his hair; a woman came and told me to tie it with a thick rope; then Mother of Gold died]: Lindell et al. 1977, No. 4:34-38.

South Asia. Binjwar [the woman went to the woods and stayed with Dano; his whole body was glowing; she sprinkled poplar fluff on herself, asked him to open her mouth, the fire blazed, the fluff caught fire, she threw it into the forest, so fire spread in the world]: Elwin 1949, No. 4:109-110; gondas [people ate raw food; the fire was owned by a huge shaggy Dano, the fire was in his stomach; the man came for fire; given wanted it eat, but gave a coal when he learned that there were many other people in the village; he gave the man a seed pod, followed a seed trail; people killed with arrows, took out fire]: Elwin 1949, No. 10:112-113; Ceylon [a blue-black flycatcher with a swallow-shaped tail (Kawudu panikka) brought fire to people from the sky; the crow splashes water on it out of jealousy; now these birds are at odds]: Dä hnhardt 1910:109 (quoted in Frazer 1930:106-107).

Malaysia-Indonesia. The Andamans: Man 1932 [Puluga (supreme deity, thunderstorm) sent a flood; two pairs of people were in boats at that time, escaped; they had no fire; a small kingfisher flew to heaven to P. grabbed a burning smut, couldn't hold it, dropped it on P.; he threw it away, it fell at the feet of people on the ground]: 98-99; Nippold 1963 [people stopped listening to the instructions of the creator of Puluga, he sent a flood; two men and two women who were in boats at that time escaped; P. created the animals again after the flood; all the fire went out; the deceased in the form of a bird flew to the sky, grabbed a burning branch, but dropped it on P.; he threw it at a bird, a branch fell from the sky to the ground, people got fire]: 123; Radcliff-Brown 1933 [(=Brown 1909:263); the fire was owned by Bilika (the same word for a spider); when she slept, The kingfisher took the fire; B. threw a sharp shell at him, cut off its wings and tail; he gave fire to the Dove, the Dove to the others; 201-205: similar versions about stealing fire]: 202-203; Semangs (Menrik) [ The Malays lit the fire; the deer took the smut, hid it at home so that the fire would not be stolen while he was working on the site; the woodpecker stole the fire, brought it to the semangs; the deer came to pick it up again, but into it they stabbed two spears; they became deer antlers, which used to be without horns]: Schebesta 1931:274-275 (quoted in Evans 1937:243-244; in Frazer 1930:100); semangs [The monkey stole fire from the thunder Karei, brought grass from the sky, set fire to grass; those who fled to the mountains and burned became semangs; those who rafted down the river became Malays]: Schebesta, p.89 in Frazer 1930:101; Toraja: Frazer 1930:93-94 [( Kruijt 1894:340f); The creator carved human figures out of stone, blew life into them with the wind; gave fire but did not teach it to receive, the fire went out; the sky was close to the ground; people sent to heaven for fire tambooya insect (tambooya; in versions from other areas dali - horsefly, gadfly); the gods promised to fire, but ordered to close his eyes with his hands; T. had eyes under his arms, he saw how to make fire; brought people , taught me to receive], 94 [a man sent a bird to heaven for fire; she brought fire, for which she is allowed to steal rice from the fields]; Teselkin 1959 [Ala Tala created people, went down to the ground to look at them; they ate meat and fruits raw; AT offers to go to him for fire, agrees Tamboli-horsefly; AT gives coal, but does not tell him to watch how to make fire; T. closes his eyes with his hands, but he still has under his wings one pair of eyes; after learning that T. had taught people how to make fire, AT took his eyes from under his wings]: 41-43; Nias [Sadawa is the concubine of the heavenly deity Balugu Luomewona; she wanted her son Bela found himself on the land where Sirao sent all the first inhabitants; the chain broke B. fell and began to live on trees; now only priests see Spirit-B., and all people had seen them before; only Bela could receive fire with friction; the man came to Woman-B for the fire; she covered the man with a cloth so that he would not see how she would get fire; the man replied that he could see through the cloth, offered to cover him with a basket; peeked; offended spirits have since become invisible]: Frobenius 1909:394-395 (briefly in Frazer 1930:96-97).

Taiwan - Philippines. Ilokan [giants' fire; Lam-ang and animals go to steal it; animals make noise, giants jump out of the house, L. takes the coal, passes the baton; the last is the Frog, giants grab her tail, she jumps towards people; left without a tail and eyes bulging with fear]: Eugenio 1994, No. 192a: 324-325 (translated into Rybkin 1971, No. 80:202-203); bontok [two sons supreme god Lumawig is unhappy that the land is flat, so there are no mountains and no one to hunt; they made the land flooded with water, and then mountains rose; the brothers took a basket for severed heads and they made a trap out of it; many wild boars, deer, and people fell into it; Lumavig saw that brother and sister had escaped on the only remaining piece of land in Pokis; L. told the dog and deer to bring them fire; they did not return for a long time, L. found them and told them to hurry; but as they swam through the water, they lost fire; they would have done so for the second time, but L. himself managed to catch the fire carried by the dog and lit a fire for his brother and sisters; water evaporated, brother and sister got married, gave birth to people]: Cole 1916:102-104 (in Dixon 1916:182 same text referring to Beyer 1913:96 and Seidenadel 1909:485); tsuvo [during the flood people escaped on the mountain; saw light on another mountain; the Goat volunteered to swim, bring fire; on the way back it went out; taoron swam, brought fire; now this animal is so thin body with shiny skin]: Frazer 1930:96-97; saaroa (Paitsiana) [people on one mountain got fire by friction when they saw a fly rub its paws; people on another mountain sent a Goat for fire, but Her horns warmed up, she dipped her head in the water, the fire went out; the Dwarf Deer brought fire]: Ho 1967, No. 155:317; sleeves (Talamakau) [the hole in the bottom of the sea is clogged, the water flooded the earth; people on one Grief got fire by friction when they saw a fly rub its paws; people on another mountain sent the Dwarf Deer for fire, he brought fire]: Ho 1967, No. 156:318; kanakanabu (Taganuwa) [people gathered on one mountain and the fire on another; only the Goat could swim and bring fire]: Ho 1967, No. 154:317; Bunun (Katongian) [people gathered on the mountain; sent Toad for fire, but he dived, the fire went out; then the salinittad bird, its fire also went out on the way home; the kaipis bird brought; so people don't kill it and toads]: Ho 1967, No. 153:316; paywan: Egli 1989, No. 14 [during the flood, people and the animals escaped on the mountain; found themselves without fire; the roe deer tried to swim to another mountain with fire, but its horns were too heavy; then the deer exchanged horns with it; it swam to people on another mountain; they showed how to make fire with stones and dry bark; the roe deer brought it to the people who sent it; after the flood, everyone returned to the plain]: 40-41; Ho 1967, No. 157 (Makazayazaya) [sea all it flooded, except for two mountains; people on one mountain saw fire on the other, the Dwarf Deer brought it on his back]: 318-319; Whitehorn, Earle 1983, No. 68 [the Taruvar monster on the plain, everyone fell into its mouth water; when this mouth was closed, water began to arrive, flooding the low mountains; only three high mountains remained above the water; the people gathered on Mount Yumapalapalai had no fire; they sent a deer- munjaka to Mount Palasidang; he swam back and forth and brought fire; when Taruwara's mouth opened again (was unblocked), the water subsided; worms remained on the trees, and the leaders began to feed them; worm excrement formed the soil; therefore, there is soil, and the land is owned by the chiefs - after all, they fed the worms]: 302; ami (Kivit) [after the flood, brother and sister married and gave birth new people; they received fire by rubbing a vine and a piece of wood, it was hard; they sent a tatachu bird for fire, it dropped it into the sea; then she did not report the larva either; then brother and sister learned get fire by carving sparks on a rock]: Ho 1967, No. 158:319.

China - Korea. Lahu (northern Thailand) [the people did not have fire, but had wings with which they covered or put under them; G'ui-sha put a piece of his heart on the mountain, where the fire was burning; the flying fox ("rat") took out fire; another rat suggested that people change their wings for the fire of a flying fox; she agreed; the fire caught fire in the forest, people did not know what to do; G. made black and white silk dark clouds and white clouds; at first they stood still; Ca Law et Na Law (the first couple, the creator's assistants) descended from heaven to earth, dressed in cloud clothes made of black and fine silk and came back; the clouds started to move, it rained]: Coyaud 2009, No. 5:34-37.

Ancient Greece [Prometheus cut the bull's carcass; put meat and giblets wrapped in leather and covered in a bovine's stomach on one side, white bones on the other, covered in fat; invited Zeus to make a choice; Zeus chose fat, then saw bones under it and became angry; since then people have burned only bones on altars for the gods; after Zeus decided not for anything to give people fire, Prometheus stole it, "hiding it with a floor in the narfex"; when Zeus saw people's fire, he became angry and ordered Hephaestus and Athena to create "the likeness of a shy virgin" {Pandora, whose name is Theogony is not directly named}; this maiden is descended from women living on earth; Zeus chained Prometheus to the "middle column" and sent an eagle to him; he ate Prometheus's liver every day, during the night she grew up again; Hercules later killed this eagle and freed Prometheus]: Hes. Theog. 521-616; [the tragedy "Prometheus Chained", attributed to Aeschylus and staged no later than 430 BC: Prometheus steals fire from the gods, gives it to people; Hephaestus, by order of Zeus, chains Prometheus to the rock; Hermes warns Prometheus that an eagle will fly to him every day to peck out his liver]: Aesch. Prom.; ["Argonautics" by Apollonius of Rhodes (first half of the 3rd century BC): "Pontus's gyrus was floating in the distance, /And the high steeps of the Caucasus Mountains gradually began to grow. There, Prometheus was screwed to the indestructible cliffs/Copper ties, and he fed a large bird with his own /Cookie. The eagle flew incessantly. /In the evening, the heroes suddenly saw the eagle in fear. /It flew high above the ship to the clouds. But still /The sail began to swing with the wind of its wide wings./The bird looks so different from the eagle of heaven, /It waves its wings quickly, like oars. /Prometheus's loud moan was then heard by the heroes; /The eagle devoured the liver, pulling out pieces. Scream/The whole Ether shuddered. And soon the eagle returned /In the same way, and they saw the bloodbird again" (trans. N.A. Chistyakova)]: Apoll. Rhod. II. 1238-1251; ["This flower grew because it fell to the ground/Drops of the divine blood of that Prometheus the sufferer, /whose body was torn to pieces by a raw eagle. /A flower grows to the elbow along the slopes Caucasian, /Corician saffron similar in color brightness" (trans. N.A. Chistyakova)]: Apoll. Rhod. III. 846-850; ["Historical Library" by Diodorus of Sicily (1st century BC): "Zeus, who gave fire to people, chained and sent an eagle to devour his liver. Hercules, seeing that Prometheus was punished for his blessings to people, killed the eagle with an arrow and, convincing Zeus to calm his anger, saved the benefactor of all mankind" (trans. O.P. Tsybenko)]: Diod. Sic. IV. 15. 2; ["Prometheus mixed the earth with water and sculpted people and gave them fire secretly from Zeus, hiding it in a hollow reed stalk. When Zeus found out about this, he ordered Hephaestus to nail Prometheus's body to the Caucasus Range. This ridge is located in Scythia. There, chained to a rock, Prometheus had been bound for many years, and every day the eagle arrived and pecked out his liver blades, which grew back overnight. Prometheus suffered this punishment for stealing fire until Hercules later released it, as we will discuss in the chapter on Hercules" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]: Apollod. Bibl. I. 7.1; [Hercules "in the Caucasus shot an eagle pecking Prometheus's liver with a bow: this eagle was the product of Echidna and Typhon. Hercules freed Prometheus, laid an olive wreath instead of his shackles removed, and provided Zeus with Chiron, who agreed to become mortal instead of Prometheus" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]: Apollod. Bibl. II. 5. 11; [Myths attributed to Guy Julius Gigin, who lived at the turn of the eras, but most likely date back to the 1st and 2nd centuries: "Nereid Thetis was predicted that her son would be stronger than his father. No one but Prometheus knew this, and Jupiter wanted to lie down with her, and Prometheus promised Jupiter that he would warn him if he freed him from his shackles. He promised, and Prometheus advised him not to join Thetis, lest the strongest be born and overthrow Jupiter from the kingdom as he did to Saturn himself. Then Thetis was married to Peleus, the son of Eak, and Hercules was sent to kill the eagle that tormented Prometheus's heart, and when the eagle was killed, Prometheus <каüни> was released thirty thousand years later from Caucasus Mountains" (per. D.O. Torshilova)]: Hyg. Fab. 54; ["People used to ask for fire from immortals and did not know how to keep it for long. Then Prometheus brought it to the ground in a fennel stalk and showed people how to keep it covered with ash. For this, Mercury, on Jupiter's orders, chained him with iron nails to a cliff on Mount Caucasus and put an eagle to him, which ate his heart - as much as he ate during the day, grew so much at night. This eagle was killed by Hercules thirty thousand years later and Prometheus released" (trans. D.O. Torshilova)]: Hyg. Fab. 144.

Central Europe. Ukrainians: Chubinsky 1872:45 (Kiev County) [the fire was invented by Damn, guarded it; God sent Archangel Gabriel with an iron stick; he put it into the fire, the stick heated, he ran, the hell after him ; God ordered to throw a stick, sparks flew from hitting a stone; people learned to make fire], 46 (Volyn Gubernia, Lutsk County) [God walked with St. Peter on the ground, saw fire in the forest; to take it with him, he began to heat a stick in it; Damn appeared, indignant that God was stealing his fire; God wanted to hit him, but the blow fell on a stone]; Belarusians (Brest) [the bullfinch, the only one of all the birds sent by God in search of fire, scorched his breast; therefore, he is considered a bird of God]: Belova et al. 2019:380.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays, Balkarians [sledges used to light a fire by bringing a dry tree to the sun or knocking down a star from the sky; once the fire went out, the emegenes raised a snowstorm to prevent them from getting fire from the sky ; Sosuruk came to the cave of one-eyed emegen, grabbed a coal, emegen woke up; not recognizing S., asks what games S. is playing; easily hits the stones with his head; enters the lake, S. freezes him; emegen says that only his sword will cut off his head; S. does not take the sword with his hand, but touches it with a stick, he cuts off the pole; S. cuts off the head of emegen; stretching his spinal cord, puts it on a tree, the tree is cut; only then does he gird himself; brings fire to the sledge]: Aliyeva 1994, No. 35:367-369 (No. 36-38:369-374; about the same, but the loss of fire is only briefly mentioned, it does not say that there was no fire at all); Adygs: Lipkin 1951 [after going on a hike, the sledges find out that they have no fire; Sosruko knocks down a star from the sky, but it immediately goes out; then he jumps to the one-eyed giant (snow), he sleeps, S. takes away coal; others wake up, puts S. in his mouth, but he cuts his gums with a sword; not knowing that S. is in front of him, the other agrees to subject himself to the tests that S. supposedly puts himself through; beats his head falling stones, chewing arrows, sitting in molten lead, enters the sea, which is then frozen; the other man cannot free himself; asks S. to decapitate him with his own sword, and then gird himself alive, stretched out of his neck; S. refuses; brings fire to the sledges]: 76-89; Huth 1987 [a snowstorm caught the sledges on the way; Sausoroko saw smoke in the distance, came to the frost; he did not recognize him, asks how S. heals headache, heals; S. suggests breaking a rolling wheel with his head, swimming in boiling water; snowy performs; enter the river, the water is frozen; the frost advises to take his sword, S. grabs the sword with ticks, cuts off the frost head]: 20-21; Abkhazians: Inal-ipa et al. 1988, No. 21 [the Sasirkva brothers do not take him on a hike; S. asks Sataney Guasha to cook a hot island, puts her fingers in there, forcing him to say who his father is ; she admits that S. was born a rock; rain and hail extinguish the fire of brothers S., they freeze; S. catches up with them, knocks a star down from the sky; her fire is cold; S. tries to carry away the fire of a sleeping giant, but the giant wakes up; S. pretends to be a servant, talks about S.'s exploits; the giant repeats them; 1) gets under falling stones; 2) drinks hot iron; 3) freezes into the ice; cannot get up; asks him to cut down his head with a sword, get a vein out of his neck; S. cuts down; throws a vein over a linden tree, it is cut; brings fire to his brothers]: 122-130; Morina 1939 [(apparently the same series of episodes); on the advice of Sasirkua, adau puts in his mouth is a hot plow; says it can warm him up; S. gives some similar advice; cuts off the giant's head when he was knee-deep in water that turned to ice]: 35; Salakaya 1978, No. 5 [Sasirkva asks his mother to give him a hot chorek, holds it in her hand; Satanay-Guasha is forced to say that his father is a sart shepherd; S. goes for the brothers who have gone camping; they do not have fire; S. comes to Adau to the giant lying around the fire; tries to carry the fire, the giant grabs it; without recognizing S., asks about his exploits; breaks stones with his head, drinks boiling broth; lets himself freeze into the ice, S. cuts off his head; a belt made from the skin of the giant's back cuts a tree; S. brings fire to his brothers], 8 and 9 [about the same as in (5)]: 176-177, 186-188, 188-192; Kumyks [Baltatesh ("axe on his chest") guarded trees so that people would not take tinder and make a fire; some bird also did not let them enter the trees; in winter, when he wanted to warm up, B. himself let the people who were pecking the bird make tinder he could not; one person stole tinder; for this, the bird pecked his eye and liver]: Khalidova 2012, No. 58:78; Avars (Machada village) [if you stand on the edge of a certain rock, look at the gorge, and then the sky, you can see a rider with a sword in his hand, on whose blade a fire is burning; he rushes across the sky in silver robe on a white horse with golden hooves; this rider has obtained fire for people and with his fiery continues to protect them from evil forces with a sword]: Khalidova 1989:154; Lezgins [people worked in the field, a spark fell from the sky, the haystack caught fire; people who did not see the fire ran away in horror; only when Azhdaha took the fire for himself, people realized that Allah sent them the spark; Shahlavan Sharvili and the heroes destroyed all Azhdah, brought fire to people]: Khalidova 2012, No. 59:79; Megrelians [God Amirani: You will break the pin , you will be a winner; A. could not break; left, saw shepherds freezing in the snow; asked God for fire; he replied that fire was not for everyone; then A. took away God's fire; for this he tied him to the icy grief]: Fähnrich 1997:84-85.

Baltoscandia. Kalevala. Rune 47:527-535. The sun and the month descend from the sky to the trees to listen to Väinämöinen play the kantel; Pohjela's mistress grabs them, hides them in the mountain, steals fire from the hearths of Kalevala; Supreme God Ukko carves them out fire for the new moon and sun; fire falls to the ground, V. and Ilmarinen are looking for it; the daughter of the air reports that the fire fell into Lake Alue, where it was swallowed by fish; V. and I. cannot catch fish with a wet net. Rune 48:535-544. People fish with flax nets, find fire in her belly, but it slips out and burns Ilmarinen's face and cheeks; spreads, devastates a lot of land; V. catches him in a hollow, takes him to Kalevala's houses ; I. recovers from burns; Estonians [The spider brings fire from Hell; the fly steals his smut, attributes the feat to himself, for which he receives permission to eat with the king; since then, the Spider has been deadly Enemy of Flies]: Kippar 1986, No. 283 I*: 174; Livs [3 var.; like Estonians]: Loorits 2000 (4): 172-173; Latvians: Alksnite et al. 1958 [the king of the world promises a reward to whoever gets fire; Spider goes down the rope to Inferno, pulls out his head, returns to the ground, falls asleep; the fly takes his head, gets the king to eat and drink at any table; when the Spider wakes up, tries in vain to prove that he got the fire; since then, spiders have been catching flies]: 93-95; Ancelane 1962 [Devil had the fire, his servant was a sparrow; they sent a swallow for fire, she grabbed the fire, the Sparrow rushed after him, grabbed the the tip of his tail, tore out a tuft, but could not take away the fire; from a rapid flight, the fire broke out in the wind, scorched the Swallow's neck, it is now red]: 21; Pogodin 1895 [the fire was at the Devil; God sent Swallow, she overheard how to make fire, told God; Damn managed to throw smut at her, cut her tail and hit the back of her head]: 434; Lithuanians: Kerbelite 2001:52 [The dove carried fire across the sea, burned it the beak, so the pigeon's beak is red], 53 and 60-61 [The stork flew to hell for fire, but the devils noticed it; the devil hit him on the back with a resin shovel/put it in a tar barrel; The swallow flew to hell and boasted that she has fire; hell asked if she got it out of stone; she burned her goiter when she carried fire, so there is a red speck on the swallow's goiter; hell threw a hammer, split its tail]; Dähnhardt 1910 [1) The spider stole Devil's fire; while sleeping, the Swallow took it and brought it to people; 2) The fly stole Devil's fire, so he has the right to try all dishes]: 109.

(Wed. Volga - Perm. Komi [the fire went out, parents send for fire to the Kama River (the spirit of Kama?) daughter, mother gives her a zoo (comb?) and a bread shawl; her boy brother calls to go instead of her, takes a zoo and a handkerchief; meets a pot, rakes, crowds, other items; K. asks what these items are; boy: the pot is your head , donnez - eyes, tortaez - ears, sherdyn - back, villager - stomach, crowds - legs, rakes - hands; K. laughs, goes out, boy takes away smut, throws zoo (turns into forest), rag (river); parents at home have already died; brother and sister climb into the sky on a pea stalk; they steal flour from blind Baba Yaga, come back; so several times; once, looking at the cat, the brother laughed; B. tells the hut to be about three, two, one coal, catches children; fattens under the floor, they give a splint instead of a finger; the boy offers B. to show how to enter the oven, burns; his sister does not tell him to eat her fat, he eats, wants to drink, drinks mutton hooves, turns into a lamb; he disappears; the bird, an old woman, sends his sister to the Kama; she kills him by pulling the smut out of the oven; the brother becomes a boy again]: Novikov 1938, No. 37:132-139; Chuvash [three brothers go to the forest, forget the fire; each takes turns going far east; the old man demands a fairy tale for the fire; the older ones do not know, the youngest fool says that the old man screams what it is not true, I have to fire]: Chuvash tales 1937:41-45).

Turkestan. Donggang (Guizhou) [there was no fire, people ate raw food; many animals died after the volcanic eruption; people tasted grilled meat, wanted fire; a man named Adang went to look for fire; in exchange for permission to nest under the roofs of houses, the swallow explained that it was necessary to go to Mount of Fire at the foot of the Western Sky; the wild horse allowed me to ride it in exchange for a promise to take care of horses when they become pets; there is a river in front of the mountain, they swam, the water is hot, A. began to eat boiled fish; the horse explains that you can cross the river with an ax at it in the water a dry passage forms; an ax in the cave where the dragon is; you have to lure the dragon out, run away from him in a circle, he will get confused, at this time take the ax; when he sees the thunder ax in A.'s hands, the dragon was frightened, explained that there is a recess in the butt, it is necessary to hide the fire in it; A. ran dry, grabbed the coals, returned, the river flowed again; A. brought coals to people; this ax is the same sickle with flint liners; coals are cream]: Shujang Li, Luckert 1994:97-101.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Shors: Dyrenkova 1940, No. 54 [(=Arbachakova 2010, No. 15:301); Kudai created a mountain-water, a bird beast, a man; there was no fire; the crane came to Ulgen, who refused to fire; when W. fell asleep, A crane stole coal and brought it to people]: 285; Verbitsky (?) in Kalisheva 2004 [there was no fire; people asked the birds to get it; the birds came back with nothing; the crane said, "Isn't there a mushroom on the birch tree, isn't there a stone in the rock, and you have the strength?" ; people carved sparks with stones, they fell on a birch mushroom, the fire caught fire]: 3; Khlopina 1978 [1) people ate raw food, turned to Ulgen, who said that the devil tart kush bird could make fire, ordered Bird Chief Crane to find her; only after visiting the third messenger did she arrive; the crane began to beat her legs, his beak turned red, the devil tart kush has been limping ever since; offended, flew away; the Crane sent a Kite to her, who heard her say, You can get fire by hitting two stones against each other; the birds got fire; 2) people asked Ulgen to teach them how to make fire; when they got down to the ground, he got entangled in his beard, fell; the children began to laugh; W.: Are people so stupid that they can't find a piece of iron and a stone; people heard and got fire]: 73; Khakas: Mindibayeva et al. 2016 , No. 19 (Sagai people; Abakan, 1946) [there was no burning fire on the ground; they quietly heard that old man Ilhan had a fire; on the land of the Ainu; birds after forty chose flamingos as their khan; man, a flamingo bird probably not who saw it; only her voice seems to be heard; they made her a new singing bird; a happy man hears her voice as if; now the flamingo bird sends a swallow; old man Ilhan has a fire steal; the swallow of all birds on this earth is the fastest flying bird; the swallow flew to Ilkhan's land; old man Ilkhan, noticing when the swallow stole the coal, flew under the sky, shot from guns; the bullet divided its tail in two; the swallow carried the coal to the ground; when its paws began to burn, threw it on the tops of the taskhyls; it turned into flint, they began to carve fire out of it; now from flint is carved with smoke, the pipe is lit]: 131-133, 335-336 (comm.); Buryats: Barannikova et al. 1976:387 in Barannikova et al. 2000 [The swallow stole fire from the Burkhan creator; that shot after her, the arrow pierced the tail; The swallow brought fire to people, built a nest near the chimney in a man's yurt; since then, swallows have been living with people]: 13; Uboniev 1926 [Esege malan Tengri sent Swallow to steal fire from Gal Normo Khan (King of Fire); while he was sleeping, Swallow carried away the fire; G. shot her, her tail turned black and split; her breast turned red with fire]: 75; Sandschejew 1928 (Alar) [people did not have fire, were starving and freezing; the Swallow stole fire for them from Tengri (Sky); he shot her, but only pulled the feathers out of the middle of her tail; the swallow cannot be killed; Alternatively, fire from lightning sent by the Sky]: 970; Oirats [(starting on the missing page; apparently like the Shors)]; Swift and other birds were sent to listen to the Corncrake muttering to himself, but he pauses when they approach; the owl flies up silently, hears the Corncrake talking - fools laugh, and do not know that you can get fire by hitting a stone on a stone; an owl tells the birds how to breed fire]: Popov, Basangov 1936:30-31; (cf. The Mongols [the inhabitants of the sky owned the fire; sent the Swallow, she grabbed the fire from the hearth, the hostess managed to hit her tail with coal tongs, the tail remained forked, the Swallow brought fire to Earth; residents of the Lower World sent a moth to earth for fire; he pinched off blue fire from smoldering coals, since then the inhabitants of the Lower World have blue fire; {based on the materials of the Russian State University for the Humanities expedition under led by S.Yu. Neklyudov, the Mongols do not have this story and have no idea about the "inhabitants of the sky"; perhaps the recording was made in Mongolia, but not among the Mongols}]: Skorodumova 2003:34-35).

Eastern Siberia. Evenki (Katanga District, Irkutsk Oblast) [the rich older brother owned fire, the poor younger's men did not have fire, were covered with wool; the younger asked the elder to give him land from the skin of a bull; cut his belts, took half of his older brother's land; invited the elder to sit on the horse, which took him away; took fire, rode off on his horse, hitting trees, stones and the ground with fire; now there is fire; after receiving fire, people lost their hair]: Voskoboynikov 1960b, No. 19:93-94; Evens [people are expelled from heaven for disobedience, have begun to freeze on the cold ground; a hero flies on a deer, pulls fire from the sun, brings it to earth]: Robbeck 1986:80.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Manchus (Liaoning) [in ancient times people did not know how to use fire, ate raw meat and drank animal blood, dressed in skins, and escaped the cold in caves in winter; they heard that in the sky there was true fire, but they could not reach it, and when they met a forest fire, they did not dare to approach; every year in the middle of autumn, Vladyka Abukai, led eight heavenly armies, descended to earth to inspect , brought fireseeds and gave people the opportunity to have fun for one day; on this day, the heavenly fire illuminated the earth, people lit torches, cooked food on the fire and were very happy; returning to heaven, A. took fireseeds with him, saying that people do not know how to handle fire and could endanger the whole world; one day on A.'s visit, a boy Toa was born; grew up smart and brave, owned martial arts, was a great archery; A. called him to heaven to manage the warehouse of heavenly fire; Toa dreamed of sharing fire with his relatives, for this purpose he studied methods of handling it and methods cooking; one day Toa was supposed to accompany A. to the ground, decided to take a fireseed pumpkin with him and stay among people to teach them how to use fire; after the holiday, everything the deities went to heaven after A., but Toa hid at the top of an elm tree and descended only after they were all gone; gave people fire seeds; at this time there was a mouse on earth that dreamed go up to heaven; when she saw that Toa had stolen fireseeds, she climbed the mountain and shouted three times: "Lord Abukai! Toa stole your heavenly fire and gave it to people!" A. sent his henchmen to check her words; sent a heavenly army to confiscate all the fireseeds; Toa was taken to heaven and tied upside down to the top of the celestial tree; a mouse in gratitude appointed head of the celestial fire warehouse; the people asked A. to release Toa; at this time, a couple of forty, white and black, flew in from the south; they promised to find Toa; nine days and nine nights later they reached heaven, They could not find the Toa; they flew south of the southern sky, but were tired and stopped to rest on the branches of the magic tree, where Toa was found; he asked for the red fruits of the tree growing in the south; when A . created people, he put such a red fruit in everyone's stomach, and then they came to life; people's hearts are the very red fruits; if you eat one, you will live a long time and get rid of adversity; When they flew up to the tree, the magpies saw two golden eagles guarding it; one of them hid in a crevice, the other flew to the tree for fruit; when the golden eagles chased the white eagles, the black one stole the fruit, rushed to north; the golden eagles caught up with the white magpie, killed her and returned to their tree; the black one bore the red fruits of Toa, he ate them and immediately freed himself; when he learned that one of the forty had sacrificed her life for it, he became to mourn her as a person and promised to make sacrifices to her; this is how a close connection between people and magpies appeared; after eating the fruits, Toa was able to become invisible and fly; with the black magpie flew to the warehouse of heavenly fire and while the mouse was sleeping, stole the pumpkin of heavenly fire again and returned to the people; to prevent A. from knowing it, they used fire only in caves; guarding the fire the mouse found that one gorlyanka pumpkin with fire was missing, reported A.; angry, he gave her 9 days to find the loss; the mouse went to the ground, but could not find the fire; wanted to look into the cave, but was afraid that she would be killed there, so she pretended to freeze and asked the people sitting in the cave to warm it up; Toa took pity and let her warm up to the fire; the next day she went to heaven; A. became angry; the golden eagles reported that the magpie stole the red fruit and brought it to Toa; A. ordered that all the fire from the cave be returned to heaven, and Toa was thrown into the Huerhan River and covered with melted ones in the heavenly fire with stones; people lost fire for the second time and Toa; the black magpie went to look for Toa; one day she sat on an old willow by the Huerhan River and met a crucian carp; he said that Toa was hidden under a stone dome in the NW corner; the raven found a stone dome and heard water splashing inside; called Toa, who responded; said that in order to be released he needed an iron bull guarding the Tianqiaolin (Sky Bridge) rib; he He could pierce anything with his horns; agreed to help, punched a hole in the dome, Toa went outside, the bull offered to take him to heaven so he could talk to A.; if he didn't listen, the bull he would pierce the sky with horns; A. was afraid of the bull, agreed to forgive Toa and leave him in the sky to crush stones to build a heavenly palace, but forbid him to take heavenly fire from now on; Toa became everyone a day to crush stones, and soon noticed that some white stones could be drilled and put anything inside; decided that these stones could be placed heavenly fire and thrown down, and then people will be able to get the fire out of there; he stole a gorlyanka pumpkin with heavenly fire again, and every day, crushing stones, he found one white one and hid some fire inside; at which time A. told Toa to send the stones people to build a marching palace, who sent them stones filled with fire and told them that there was fire inside them; people realized that if they took a white stone and hit them hard on another, sparks would fall; so people began to use fire again; Toa returned the empty pumpkin to the heavenly fire warehouse, the mouse did not notice the loss; A. saw that people were using fire, but did not understand where they came from They take sparks; over time, he noticed that people used fire well and left them alone; and Toa is still doing hard labor in the sky]: Chen, Wang 1989 (31): 67-73.

The Arctic. Central Yupik (Hooper Bay) [evil people take fire away from people; Little Owl flying silently is sent to bring it back; at night it grabs smoldering smut, brings people]: Gillham 1943:44-50; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatak) [only one person owns fire; the old man shows the young man the direction in which he lives; the young man walks for three years; approaches the fire owner's house as a squirrel, then with a piece of duck down; again a young man, puts two dolls given by his parents on the window; they dance; the owner looks at them, the young man steals fire from his knees; runs, jumping from stone to stone, crosses the river; the owner can't jump like this, tells the young man to share the fire with others; he does so]: Hall 1975, No. PM47:230-232.

Subarctic. Inhalic [only one person owns fire, hides all sparks; the "winter bird" finds a spark, hides it under his chin, carries it away, drops, people get fire; there is a black spot on the bird's breast]: Osgood 1959:147; koyukon (Nulato) [Redpoll Linnet flew to the fire owners' house, grabbed a coal, carried it to people; since then it has a pink breast and a dark burnt speck on its head]: Nelson in Vanstone 1978:60-61; Upper Tanana [The raven flies to the owners of the fire, carries a burning stick in its beak; passes the baton to two more birds; they all have burnt beaks and are now black]: Rooth 1971:292; southern tutchoni [fire on a volcanic island; The Raven asks the Owl to bring a hot pebble; for the first time, the Owl can't withstand the heat, drops a pebble; the second brings it, but it the long beak is burnt; the raven makes it a new one out of fir bark]: Workman 2000:116; Tagish: McClelland 2007, No. 34f [fire somewhere on the island; the raven sends birds to bring it; the one she brought is burnt beak, turned short], 59 [only the Bear owned a flint to carve fire; it was stolen while passing the baton; Chickady was the first to fly, the Fox was the last to run, threw flint on the rock, it crumbled into many flint; threw a dry rhubarb stalk into the water so that people (don't die); the bear threw a stone, it drowned, so people are mortal], 73d [fire somewhere in the sea, the Raven sends a little scoop, she brings coal, burns its beak, drops the coal, the Raven puts it where it should be], 73f [only the Bear owned flint to make the fire high; the birds allegedly peck insects at him, carry flint along the baton, pass the Fox ]: 206, 310-311, 362-363, 365; helmet [only the Bear owns a flint; a little bird asks for permission to warm up; pecks insects from the Bear, carries away flint; birds and animals transmit fire on relay race; Bear stops chasing; Fox breaks flint on the mountain; since then, fire in flints and wood]: Teit 1917a, No. 4:443; taltan [stone people own fire; Raven promises to kill Tu'tcasada ( long-billed bird, mb pelican), if it does not bring fire; T. arrives to warm up; carries the fire in its beak; The stones cannot overcome the water barrier, stop chasing; the bird's beak is burnt, has become shorter; The raven throws fire at trees]: Teit 1919, No. 23:218-219; tsetsot [The bear wears flints to light the fire instead of pendants in his ears, does not give it to anyone; the bird pecks insects on him, carries away flints, gives people; the bear sees in the dark]: Boas 1896-1897, No. 6:262.

NW coast. Tlingits: Veniaminov 1940 [the fire was on an island in the sea; El flew there in the skin of a magpie; when the coal was carrying back, his nose was burnt; threw fire on trees and stones]: 48; Kamensky 1906 [El stole fire from the island into the sea; while flying, half of its beak burned down; threw smut, sparks hit rocks and trees]: 78 (English per. Kamenskii 1985:62)]; Boas 1895, No. XXV/1 [The raven knows that the Snow Owl owns fire; only the Deer manages to steal it; he comes to dance by the fire, sets fire to its long tail, runs away; now the tail short]: 314; Golder 1907c [The raven takes the form of a magpie, sees fire in the distance; sends a Hawk after him; he brings fire in his beak; the beak burns, becomes shorter; the Raven puts fire in cedars and stones]: 293; Swanton 1909, No. 1, 31 [The raven sees fire in the distance in the sea; sends a Hawk after him; he brings fire in his beak; the beak burns, becomes shorter; the raven puts fire in cedars and stones]: 11, 83; Smelcer 1992: 9 [The raven wants to get fire for people; the Seagull notices fire in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, reports to the Raven; the owl agrees to bring fire, for she has a long beak; while she carried the smut, her beak is burnt, became short, his voice became hoarse with smoke, the feathers were burned, now owls can't fly far], 10 [The raven notices the fire floating in the water; gathers the birds, chooses the long-billed Hawk to bring fire; that brought fire, but his beak was burned and short]; Hyda (Highgate) [The raven comes to the owner of the fire, asks him to borrow him a deer skin, puts it on, smears his tail with tar, dances in front of the fire, sets fire to its tail, flies away, carrying hot coals; since then, the deer's tail is short and the crow's beak has been burned]: Swanton 1905:135; Tsimshian [like Hyde; Ice (?) owns fire; the raven runs, hitting tree trunks with its tail]: Boas 1902:31-32; bellacula [The deer comes to dance in heaven at the house of the supreme deity of the Sun; carries burning branches on its horns, brings fire to the world]: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 303; Heiltzuk [Noakawa ties resinous branches to the Deer's tail, cuts the meat off its legs to make it run faster; The deer comes to the owners fire, sets fire to his tail, puts fire in trees while running]: Boas 1928b: 9-11; quakiutl: Boas 1895, No. XVIII.4 (neveti group, tlatlasicoala subgroup) [Kutena sent Lelekoista to bring fire from Natlibikaq (perhaps from the word "wolverine"); he grabbed coal, but N. hit him in the face, the coal fell out; then Ambassador Deer; he runs, throws fat, he turns into a lake on the path of the pursuer; hair - forest; stones - mountains; Deer gave fire to K.; N. asks for at least half of the fire to be returned to him, but K. gave fire to people]: 187; Boas 1935 [Kalan or Nalibiki owns fire; Deer comes dance into his house, puts his dance hat (or head with brushwood attached to it) into the fire, takes the fire away]: 138; Wallace, Whitaker 1981 [The deer puts brushwood behind his ears, comes to dance to to fire owners; tilts, setting fire to brushwood, then wool under his knees; since then, this place on deer skin has been dark and smells of burnt resin]: 104-105; chickpeas: Boas 1895, No. XIII.2 [chief owns with fire and eternal life; animals came to his house, began to dance; The deer tied a bast to his leg; the Otter blew the wind, it ignited, the Deer ran, slightly burned, people got fire; the bear jumped After breaking the ceiling beam, Ky'äimi'mit saw a box with eternal life there, but the leader managed to grab it and took it away, and took the salmon; so people are mortal]: 102-103 (=2002:253); 1916, No. 3 [like Hyde; Woodpecker, the leader of the Wolves, owns fire; another leader sends the Deer to steal it; gives him oil in a bottle, a comb, a stone; ties a bast to his elbows; a deer comes to dance at the Wolves' house, sets fire to the bast, jumps out the smoke hole, runs, throws objects; the stone turns into a mountain, the crest into a thicket, oil into a lake; hides the fire in the sink; Wolves ask the Shell where the Deer ran; that he is silent because there is fire in his mouth; Wolves lose track, fire is spreading in the world]: 894-896; Clutesi 1967 [Wolves own fire, no one can steal it; Deer's young son wears bast jewelry, comes to dance, jumps between sharp bones sticking out of the ground around the fire; catches a spark, blows away the fire; now deer have dark charred hair under their knees]: 17-27.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [The Grizzly owns the fire; the Fox lights the torch from it, runs away; the Wolf takes the baton, then the Muskrat, who throws fire at the trees; (origin of the Fox coat of arms)]: Jenness 1934, No. 54:239; chilcotin [The raven ties resinous chips to his head; comes with friends to dance into the fire owner's house; when he falls asleep, leans over the fire, runs away, spreading the fire on the ground; the rabbit has burned its paws, since then they have black spots; the fire remains in the trees]: Farrand 1900, No. 3:15; shuswap [Fish own fire; at night Animals carry it away; some fish raise the alarm, but their voice hardly heard]: Teit 1909a, No. 11:669; Thompson: Teit 1898, No. XII [The Beaver and the Eagle (or two brothers turned into them) come to the fire owners; the Beaver lets himself be caught, refreshed; the Eagle distracts attention, throws Beaver's sink; he floods the dugout with water, blows away the fire in the sink under his arm; puts him in trees]: 56-57; 1917b, No. 2 [Coyote sees fire in the south; his excrement responds that it is fire; the Fox, the Wolf, the Antelope and other runners go with it to the owners of the fire to dance; the Coyote puts his headdress covered with resinous chips into the fire, runs away, passes the flame on the baton; the fire owners catch up and kill everyone in turn; the Coyote puts fire in the tree, turns into a pile of crap himself; the fire owners set fire to the grass to burn the Coyote; he sends rain, the flood; now the fire in trees, grass burns]: 2; lillouette: Teit 1912b, No. 4 [Beaver and Eagle's sister asks for fire; they go to the fire owners; the Beaver lets himself be shot; while the Eagle distracts, takes the fire away, hiding it in sink under his arm], 6 [The seagull keeps light (or the sun) in the box; the raven deliberately steps on the thorns; asks the Seagull to pull them out; breaks the box; Pisces own the fire; the raven steals their little a girl; her mother causes rain (var.: these are her tears); The raven returns the child, receiving fire in return; Pisces teach him to make fire by friction; he sells his knowledge to many people in exchange for his wives]: 299-303; comox [the old man owns fire, the door of his house opens and closes, killing those who enter; The deer puts a chip in his hair, jumps into the house when the door opens, sits by the fire to dry; a sliver lights up, he runs away, brings fire to people]: Boas 1895, No. 8:80-81; halkomel (lower reaches of the Fraser River) [Salmon owns the fire; Beaver pretends to be dead, lets himself be picked up; while Woodpecker distracts Salmon's attention, Beaver carries away fire; throws cedar bark into rivers, creating salmon; gives fire to the Spirits; Mink brings buckets of water into the Spirit leader's house, pretends to stumble, floods the hearth; as well as - second; cuts off the chief's head in the dark, runs away; returns the head to the Spirits in exchange for a fire drill; since then people have fire]: Boas 1895, No. 8:42-44; halkomel (snanaimuk) [two var.; chief ( spirits of the dead) owns fire; Norka kidnaps his child; gives it in exchange for a fire drill]: Boas 1895, No. V.1:54-55; Clallam: Gunther 1925:142 [Kekayash kidnaps the children of fire owners; returns in exchange for a fire drill; this is how the clallam finds fire], 145-148 [2 var.; K. comes to the river; spirits transport him into their world; K. kidnaps Chief Yolmush's child; returns in exchange for good weather, fire, food]; skagit [fire owners live in the sky; Woodpecker makes a ladder out of arrows; only a Beaver can pretend to be dead and not laugh when his skin is taken off; takes away fire ; heavy bears tear the stairs; The spider lowers animal people to the ground]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 11:389-391; the snohomish [the boatmaker knocks at night; the chief in the sky tells him to pick him up, tie him to for a year the roof of the house; to get it back, people make a chain of arrows (the little bird succeeds); Winter and Summer Robins find the boatmaker tied; Beaver pretends to be dead, swims to the salmon top ; the little girl notices that the dead man smiles but is not believed; the Beaver grabs the fire, descends; four Shaman bears are camlaing, the chain of arrows breaks; the Beaver and others fall but are not injured; The Snake and the Lizard only stayed hanging and descending in spring; since then people don't make boats at night; the Milky Way is the heavenly leader's river]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 21:411-412; snookually [The Fox and the Blue Jay climb on a rope to heaven; the fox turns into a beaver, falls into the trap of the Month; it refreshes it; while the Month sleeps, the beaver comes to life, takes fire and sun away from his house, takes small pines and cedars with it; turns back into a Fox, brings the stolen goods to the ground; when the Month climbs after him, the rope breaks, the Month breaks, turns into Mount Xi]: Hunt, Kaylor 1917:515-516 in Clark 1953:38-39; catlamet [five SW winds blow continuously; Blue Jay tells people to sing, the sky goes down and is tied to the ground; people climb into the sky; Blue Jay and Stingray duel; Stingray turns sideways, Jay wounded by an arrow; Beaver goes to steal fire; he is caught, scorched, he comes to life, carries away the fire; Malinovka is sent to scout the entrance to the celestial house; she remains basking by the fire, her breast turns red; Skunk did not scout , came back in fear; Mice and Rats gnawed through bow bowstrings, ties on enemies' women's clothes; Eagle, Owl, Golden Eagle, Turkey, Hawk grab five Winds; four are killed, the youngest slipped away; people return to earth, Blue Jay cuts off the rope, the sky rises again; Stingray stayed there, turned into a constellation]: Boas 1901a, No. 9:67-71; quinolt [see K19B motif; two sisters want a star husbands, find themselves in heaven; the girls' father organizes a campaign for them; the cougar fails, the Wren makes a chain of arrows; animal people climb into the sky; it's cold there; the flycatcher is sent for fire, she stays warm up; The Beaver allows himself to be trapped; brings fire to the expedition members; Mice gnaw through the bowstrings of celestials, the expedition members attack them, return with the girls to the ground; Stingray and The marten remains in the sky; the stingray turns into the Big Dipper; The marten causes eclipses by biting the moon and the sun]: Clark 1953:158-160; Farrand 1902, No. 5:107-109; Quileout: Andrade 1931, No. 26 [ the younger sister wants a dim star, the older sister wants a bright one; the youngest wakes up with the old one, the older one with the young husband; the girls' father makes a bow; Whale, Bear, Elk can't pull it, Wren shoots, does a chain of arrows; only the Snail sees an arrow that has pierced the sky; Osprey borrows her eyes, does not return it; animal people climb into the sky; the Spider lowers her younger sister on a rope, she hangs between the sky and earth, turns into a star; in the sky, a Thrush (Snowbird), then the Dog is sent for fire; both stay warm, do not return; the Rabbit steals and brings fire; Rats spoil the weapons and clothes of the Stars; in Many Stars are killed in battle; animal people descend to earth, the chain of arrows breaks; those who remain in the sky become stars]: 71-83; Clark 1953 [man hides the sun in a bag, rises to the sky; Wren suggests making a chain of arrows; first Shark, then Puma, Kingfisher, Hawk and others shoot successfully; the sky is cold; the wren rushes to the sun to warm up; while some treat a person with baked roots, others take the sun away; raise it to illuminate the whole world; the Eagle and Hawk take the Snail's keen eyes; the Stingray turns into Little Bear; stretched (on stakes?) Bear Skin - Ursa Major]: 151-152; Farrand, Mayer 1919, No. 10 [sisters sleep outside; one wants a red star as her husband, the other a blue star; Stars take them to heaven; red is an old man with sore eyes, blue is young; sisters want to go home, Stars send them to earth; earthly people decide to fight against heaven; (episodes in Wren and Snail as in Andrade); climbing to heaven, Raven and Stingray duel; Stingray turns sideways and Raven is wounded by a spear; a little bird asks the fire owners to let them warm up; her breast turns red; (the Beaver episode is like in Andrade); heavenly people win the earthly hurry back, the stairs break; the rest turn into stars, including Stingray]: 264-266; Puget Sound [The old woman fire goes out; the Beaver comes to the owners of the fire, pretends to be dead, carries fire, places it in the roots of trees]: Ballard 1929:51, 52-54 [the owners of the fire live in the sky; the raven orders to make a chain of arrows; the little bird can do it; only the Beaver can pretend to be dead and don't laugh when his skin is taken off]; Lyman at Clark 1953 [The Grey Eagle owns the sun, moon, stars, fresh water, fire; the raven is snowy white, the Eagle's daughter invites him to her father's house; he steals all valuables; strengthens the stars in the sky; splashes water, creating lakes and rivers; the smoke from the smut in his beak makes his feathers black; he drops it, the fire stays with the stones]: 150-151; tututni [The Sun owns the fire; the Coyote comes to him; the Sun falls asleep before the Coyote, thereby losing fire; the Sun's people chase the Coyote; he gives it to Beaver, who throws fire into the cedar]: Farrand 1915, No. 21:242; the upper coquil [Noise-under-ground and Big Fat talk about the ocean overflowing; people sit in boats, but boats and oars turn into snakes; to prevent this from happening It happened that they should have been smeared with crap; at the top of the mountain, a young man, a girl, an old man, his wife, daughter and son, comes in the boat; Red Btlka brings fire to the back of her head, so she has a red head; after a while, the waters came down, the survivors got married, repopulated the land; the Coyote comes to the woman, tells her daughter to bring water; she is afraid that Cancer (crawfish) drags those who come for water; insists, the girl is coming, Cancer grabs her, the Coyote turns Cancer into cancer, it has been cooked and eaten; two blind women are pushing acorns; the Coyote slowly picks up a handful; the blind feel it; he cuts through their eyes , turns into partridges, tells you not to grind acorns, but to give a voice while sitting on a branch; a person says that they don't go across the river, there Ostrog kills people; Coyote turns it into a fishing jail salmon; River Oyster woman lies on her back, offers to copulate, bites off men's penises; Coyote turns her into a river oyster; Deer tries to hook Coyote, Coyote tells him to be deer, deer hunted]: Jacobs 2007:132-135; sanpual [fire in the upper world; Woodpecker or Chickady shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows; The bear is the last to climb, breaks the chain; returning to the ground is burning, animal people are falling; arrows pierce fish, they now have lots of bones]: Clark 1953 [in different versions of Chickady, Little Woodpecker, Great Woodpecker, Flycatcher makes a chain of arrows; Eagle Chief sends the Dog and the Frog to scout, they are lazy, they do not find fire; the Beaver pretends to be dead, hides the coal under his claw, puts fire in the trees on the ground]: 189-192; Ray 1933, No. 11 [the fire was in the sky; chief gathers animal people, tells them to shoot at the sky, make a ladder out of arrows; arrows do not reach the sky; the woodpecker does not participate, makes a bow from the rib of an elk, arrows from the branches of the Canadian irgi (Amelanchier arborea, serviceberry); tells the Golden Eagle that the Bald Eagle says nasty things about him and vice versa; Eagles fight, feathers fly, Woodpecker uses them to feather arrows; to make tips, grandmother sends him to the Flint and the Hard Stone; the Woodpecker tells everyone that the other speaks ill of him; The stones fight, the fragments fly, the Woodpecker uses them; when the chief again tells them to shoot at the sky, the Woodpecker hits him the arrows form a chain; everyone climbed into the sky, the Golden Eagle was ahead, the Grizzly was the last; he took a heavy bag of food, the lower arrows broke off, the Grizzly remained on the ground; everyone found fire in the sky; the owners chased, those who came saw that the chain of arrows was broken; the eagle ordered each bird to put an animal on its back and lower it; the woodpecker (Sphyrapicus varins, Sapsucker) did not fly off, but jumped , broke his nose, since then he has been flat; the fish slipped off Magpie's back; he had arrows with him, they pierced his body, so the fish had a lot of bones; the chief and the Grizzly shared the fire, gave Firefly and Hummingbirds, they smashed around the world], 12 [Grandma scolds Woodpecker that he does not hunt or fish; he goes hunting, finds a recently killed elk or deer; he needs a knife to fresh the carcass; Wolf suggests cutting the carcass if the Woodpecker brings his nephews; he goes, hits them, says he hasn't found them; The wolf goes by himself; the woodpecker takes the meat to the cave on the rock; throws Volka and his five tribesmen hot stones instead of meat; they die; the woodpecker skins them, makes arrows, fills each skin with arrows; kills snakes, their skins are wrapped in their skins by a bow made of an elk's rib, some arrows, his own hands; the Coyote wants to barter for arrows, the Woodpecker gives him those wrapped in snakeskin; the snake bites the Coyote, he falls off a cliff, breaks; the fox revives him; the woodpecker makes a chain of arrows; first for fire to heaven Excrement climbs; dogs eat it in the sky; then Beaver is sent; he pretends to be dead, his skin is ripped off; people see the Eagle, they rush after him, the Beaver comes to life, grabs coal; the Grizzly tried to climb cut off the stairs; those in the sky jump down; Pisces bones pierced their flesh; fire owners urinate to extinguish the fire; it's raining, but people make clothes out of willow bark; the fire is preserved], 13 [Coyote does not believe that Chickady, who made a bow out of an elk's rib, will be able to make a chain of arrows; offers to shoot him; Chickady tells him to go far, but still shoots him to death; The fox revived him; the Coyote insists that Chickady play with him, wins a bow, arrows, clothes against him; comes to the Partridges; asks about their parents, they mumble something; he bakes them in coals, leaves them on sticks; Chickady revives them for promising the Partridges to return to him what the Coyote took; Partridge parents suddenly soar in front of the Coyote, who falls off a cliff; the Fox revives him; Chickady regains his property; only he shoots to the sky and makes a chain of arrows; everyone has climbed into heaven; the Grizzly is heavy, breaks the chain; everyone jumped off, becoming bumps or stones; the Coyote has become a leaf; Beaver, the Woodpecker, remains in the sky, Excrement and Dog, Dog ate Excrement; Beaver pretended to be dead, they began to rip him off; Woodpecker flew in, everyone rushed after him, Beaver climbed into his skin again, hid the fire under his fingernails, dived; then all the lights went out, but Magpie hid the coal in the sink; the old woman married her daughter to Woodpecker; lit a smoky fire; the woodpecker covered her head with his hands, she remained bright red]: 152-153, 153-157, 157-160; okanagon : Teit 1917c, No. 5 [Earth's inhabitants decide to go to war against the inhabitants of the sky; only Chickady (Wren?) you manage to plunge an arrow into the sky, then shoot arrows one at the other's tail to make a chain; Black Bear and Grizzly quarrel, the chain breaks to half; the Earth's inhabitants are defeated, start to descend, see that the chain does not reach the ground; fall, break or maim; fish are particularly affected, Sucker has broken all his bones]: 85; Hill-Tout 1911 [people decide to get fire with sky; only the Tsiskakena bird manages to make a chain of arrows; when the Snake climbed, he was asked where the Frog was, he pointed to his stomach; the Beaver lets himself be caught; when it starts to fresh, the Eagle flies by, distracting the attention of the inhabitants of the sky, the Beaver blows away the fire; when they climbed down, the chain broke; the catfish fell, crushing its jaw; Sucker smashed his head to pieces, all the animals hit him to the bone to fix the head]: 146; clickitat [fire owners live in the sky; animal people make a chain of arrows; Sapsucker woodpecker manages to plunge his arrow into the sky; young chief Beaver pretends to be dead swims along the river to the top; when his skin is taken off, his friends frighten the heavenly inhabitants, Borr hides the fire under his arm, runs; everyone returns to earth, destroying the stairs; heavenly inhabitants send rain; the flood begins; the Beaver hides fire in the trees]: Jacobs 1929, No. 1:179-181; yakima [the inhabitants of the sky own fire; the eagle flies for exploration; the Coyote proposes to make a chain of arrows to the sky; only Wren succeeds; everyone agrees that Beaver will let himself be trapped; when it is fried, the Eagle will distract attention, the Beaver will take the fire away; that's what happened]: Hines 1992, No. 6:33-40; ne perse [fire in the sky in black bags; when they hit, they produce lightning; an unknown boy shoots in a bag, his burning arrow falls down on the abalone shell; people get fire, shell becomes iridescent]: Clark 1966:41-42; Packard 1891 [Pine trees own fire; Beaver hides nearby, carries coal away; pines chase; the Grande Ronde River follows him and is therefore winding; he sends fire to willows, birches]: 327-328; modoc [people eat raw food, fire is owned by 10 Nebax brothers (diseases) in the east and 10 Subbas brothers (suns) in the west; Woose ( black-brown fox) lines up runners on the way to the east, comes to N.'s house himself; he is guarded by two squirrels, V. paints their faces, tells them to look at their reflection, carries away the fire, passes the baton; N. does they can catch up with the runners, but decide to stay in this world (there were no diseases before); V. goes to steal fire from S., intends to kill them; Woos-Kumush warns not to kill everyone, otherwise it will become dark; the watchman V. promises the crane beads, for which he hides it; S. dig up the roots and return to the house one by one; V. cuts off the head of five in turn; the fifth cries out, the rest pursue V. and the Crane in vain, taking away fire and roots; V. suggests that there be 10 cold months in the year; other animal people suggest five, two; V. insists; council members decide to ask the oldest, this is the smallest bird, hear, Danwacuk (three months); V. is forced to agree; soon the participants turn into real animals, real people come to the world; five brothers S. and now live in their home on West]: Curtin 1912:51-59; Kalapuya [The cougar sends the Copper-headed Serpent to steal fire; she escapes her pursuers, hiding in a hole; carries fire in her teeth across the sea, burning her mouth; brings fire]: Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 2:221; cous: Frachtenberg 1913, No. 4 [there was no fire and water; young people put it under their arms to bake food, old people sat on it; people came to the owner of fire and water; the visitor showed that his cradle was older, so he was older; put abalone shells in his eyes, let the larvae eat himself; pointed it at another snake, which began to eat it, he was frightened {shamanic descriptions tricks}; people grabbed fire and water, ran away, threw fire into the willow; threw water, it started raining]: 39-43; Jacobs 1940, No. 29 [The deer carries fire away from its owners, throws it into willows; Malinovka throws it into cedars]: 212; tolova [all people and animals die from the flood, only men and women flee to the mountain; the souls of their dead children become animals and insects; fire is owned by people on the moon; Spiders rise to in the sky on a light ball with a rope tied to it; moonpeople are also called to play; the snake grabs fire, descends a rope to the ground, puts fire in rocks and trees]: Powell 1877:70-71 (=Judson 1994:68-69); upper coquil [Coyote selects a hundred of the best people, throws a handful of sand on the water, a road crosses the sea; they come to a large village; Coyote invites God to play, let him will put fire, fish, berries on the line; they play for 10 days, the Coyote puts a star in his eye to think he is awake all the time; God begins to nap; the Coyote grabs everything they need, the fish follows water, they come back; the last time the Turtle had fire, she says she put it in the roots of the willow; they catch fire, cook fish; now there are various berries; (more about the 10 sons of the Coyote she gave birth to the girl he captured)]: Jacobs 2007:151-158.

The Midwest. Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 68 [The creator raises the Earth from the depths, which has a human appearance, humans are Earth's grandchildren; she has a daughter; the Creator wants animals; the old woman does not tell her daughter, leaving the house, turns north; she turns around, the wind penetrates her bosom, she gives birth to Menapus (the "big rabbit"), then all birds and animals; Flint is the last to come out, kills mother at birth; an old woman buries her; her fire goes out; she tells M. that the owners of the fire live overseas; M. swims across the sea in a dolblenka, turns into a rabbit, picked up by two daughters of a blind owner fire; they plant him by the fire to warm up, he runs away, carrying the fire, the owner chases; Big Hairy Fish with horns carries him across the sea; he brings fire home], 69 [girl turns to the side forbidden by the mother gives birth to M. and his younger brother Flint; he kills his mother; the fire goes out; first M. is a rabbit, then a man asks his grandmother about his father; she says that he is evil and cannot be killed; M. sails to him, the water turns like glue, M. greases the boat; his father gives him a porcelain knife, M. cuts his throat with it; asks his grandmother about his younger brother, she sends him south; M. breaks Flint, throws shards; turns into a rabbit, the fireman's daughter picks him up; he takes the burning smut, brings the fire home]: 137-147, 147-153; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 2 [see motif K50; with fire the old man owns; Myanyabush turns into a wet rabbit, lets the old man's daughters catch himself, warms himself by the fire; a spark falls on him, runs away with it, is carried across the lake in the form of a feather]: 243-247; Ojibwa: Barnouw 1977, No. 8 (chippewa) [a woman picks up a moose blood clot; it turns into Venebojo; V. comes overseas, turns into a rabbit, an old man's daughter picks it up; V. takes the fire]: 85; Coleman et al 1971 (Minnesota, Font du Lac, 1958) [Nokomis smoked meat over the fire; the wind knocked over the rice basket, a rabbit jumped out from under it; N. found out in his grandson Nanabozho; people in a distant land owned fire; Rabbit. went there, a spark fell on his back, chased him, but did not catch up]: 62; Jones 1917, No. 1-3 [the old woman does not tell her daughter to sit on the street, facing west; she sits down, gets pregnant; the youngest twin wants to be born first, the twins quarrel, tear the mother apart; the grandmother finds a blood clot, covers it with bark, it turns into Nanabusha ; he freezes the sea, turns into a hare, runs across the ice to where the fireman lives with his two daughters; the youngest picks up the bunny, puts it to dry; the father warns that this may be beckoning; the hare sets fire to his hair, brings fire to his grandmother; since then, the hares are dark in the summer; the grandmother admits that N.'s mother killed his brother; the brothers shoot at each other; Laska tells N. to mark in hair knot, N. kills the enemy, makes him the lord of the dead; (about stealing fire No. 2:7-15)]: 3-23; Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 7 [the old woman's daughter hears a voice prohibiting her from sitting facing north, west, east or south; she sits facing south, getting pregnant; the children in her womb are arguing who will come out first; she explodes; her mother finds a blood clot that turns into a white rabbit; he goes across the water to the owners of the fire; the girl picks it up, her sister warns that it may be a newly born Nenabojo; the rabbit grabs the fire, leaves the pursuers, running across the surface of the water, brings fire to his grandmother; after spending time in the steam room, grows]: 5-7; Western Marsh Cree (northern Manitoba) [the old man keeps the fire, the birds are happy; the old man is sick, the Bear hates fire, tramples on it; Malinovka blows a sparkle, her feathers burn, she blows fire; her breast turns red]: Cresswell 1923:406.

Plains. Arikara [The Swallow, then the Raven is sent for fire to the Sun, but only burned (the raven used to be white); the third bird brings fire]: Grinnell 1893b:126; Kiova-Apache [the world is dark; The coyote comes to the owners of the fire, dances with them, sticks his tail into the fire, runs away; passes the torch on the baton to the Rabbit, Partridge, Hawk, Turtle; the owners cannot open its shell, throw it into the water; The coyote pulls coals from under his shell; puts fire in stones; makes the sun]: McAllister 1947, No. 3:22-25; tonkawa [The month owns fire; the chief sends a Coyote to steal fire; he throws ash in his eyes a watchman, carries coals on her tail, dry grass lights up; Coyote is married to the most beautiful girl]: Hoijer 1972, No. 14:47-48.

Southeast USA. Yuchi [people ate raw food; Rabbit swims across the sea, dances with fire owners; blows fire away, puts it in trees]: Speck 1909, No. 6 [decorates the headdress with leaves, throws coal there], 7 [ it starts to rain, it hides the fire in the stump]: 144; teals: Duncan 1998 [the fire must be stolen, brought from afar; the Vulture carries coals on its head, the feathers on its neck burn, he sticks his head into the water, extinguishes fire; The snake carries on its back, turns black, also dives; The spider brings fire in a clay vessel]: 53-55; Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 1 [Thunders keep fire in the hollow sycamore growing on the island; birds and animals take turns trying to steal it, but only burn it (color origin); The water meter spider brings coal]: 386-387; Mooney 1900, No. 2 [as in Kilpatrick; The water meter brings coals in a vessel]: 240- 242; chitimacha [a blind man owns fire; a man grabs fire; a blind man hits it; some fire hits a log; a man pulls it out]: Swanton 1911:358; catawba [they own fire Vultures; Rabbit asks to warm up; puts a burning chip between his toes, brings fire to people]: Speck 1934, No. 9a, b: 9-10; hichiti [The rabbit comes to dance to the fire owners; smears his head with resin; sets it on fire, runs away; fire owners cause rain, Rabbit hides in a hollow]: Swanton 1929, No. 24, 25:102-104; screams [like hichiti; fire owners live in the east]: Swanton 1929, No. 43 [ smears her hands with resin, she lights up], 44 [sets fire to his hat, swims across the pond]: 45-46; koasati [fire owners live overseas; man promises daughter to whoever brings fire; Rabbit says one wife is not enough for him; the ogre agrees to one, jumps into the sea, does not return; the owner of the daughters has to promise the Rabbit all; he throws his shirt on the water, puts a board on top of which they receive fire with friction, this is where the sea swims; fire grabs, smears her head with resin, swims across the sea with a flaming head; lies among the promised girls, they grab it, take it outside, are going to beat it; he slips out of his shirt (skin), runs away; the Ogre does not believe him that he is happy with his wives]: Swanton 1929, No. 53:203-204 (in detail, translated and in original language, in Kimball 2010:5-9); Seminoles [ The rabbit comes to dance to the fire owners; smears his head with resin; sets it on fire, runs away, swimming across the pond; since then, the rabbit's neck has a dark burn spot]: Greenlee 1945:143; choctaw [when the first people come out of the ground, they're like they're wearing cocoons; the Great Spirit sends someone to turn them around, straighten their dicks; someone in the east owns the fire; the possum comes, sets fire to its fluffy tail; they catch him, the tail becomes naked; the same is with Vulture; he put coals on his head, bald, his skin turned red; the Raven tried on by the fire for a long time, turned black, hoarsened with smoke; The spider grandmother brought fire in clay vascular; The bear wanted to take it for himself, burned his paws; people took the fire, began to decorate their homes with ornaments denoting spider legs and fire]: Cushman? (http://www/earthbow/com/native/choctaw/spider.htm).

California. Yurok: Kroeber 1976, No. D1x [people ate tar instead of acorns, alder bark instead of salmon; there was no river; constant night, no fire, food was cooked in their armpits; Earthquake, Thunder, sandpiper bird, The ant was just playing shinney; the dwarf found out that the sky was light; Wohpekumeu turns into a woman, comes to the owners of the fire; carries baskets with day and fire; birds and animals carry baskets in baton; The frog is given last; it puts them in its mouth, dives; the pursuers go; it spits fire into the willows (fire drill material)], G1 [Wohpekumeu [wanted the river to flow in both directions so that the baskets they carried the cargo themselves, people ate resin instead of acorns, but it was too difficult to do so; there was no fire, people cooked under their arms, so the hair was hot; the worm (Inchworm) comes to the owner of the fire, swallows fire, brings it to others; his body has been glowing ever since], X11 [fire owners live overseas; the eagle comes to make a fire; the Coyote grabs the spark; passes the baton to the Deer, Otter (Fisher), Duck] Z1 [there was no fire, people cooked, warming their food with their bodies; the acorns were made of resin; one person saw that the Sun in the sky had fire, but the Sun refused to give it away; the raven grabbed, passed on the baton other animal people; the last turtle dives, puts fire in the willow roots]: 237-242, 297-298, 428-429, 441-442; Karok: Bancroft 1875 (Powers' Pomo MS) [=Powell 1877:38-39; two old women own with fire; the Coyote arranges various animals on the way from them to the house; comes to the old women, asks permission to warm up; runs away with burning smut; passes it on to the Puma, the Bear, the Squirrel; the last is the Frog, women almost grab her, she swallows coal, she dives; her tail burns, now it's only on tadpoles; she spits fire into pieces of wood from which it is obtained by friction]: 115-117 (also in Judson 1994:81-82); Kroeber, Gifford 1980 [Coyote runs away with burning bark between his toes; passes the baton to various animals and birds; the frog is the last, swallows fire, dives; spits out in alder, willow; teaches you how to make a fire drill], No. A7 and II43 [hornets in the upper reaches of the river have fire; Coyote promises to decorate them, asks you to close your eyes], F11, II7 [the old woman owns fire]: 11-12, 62-64, 152-153, 196-197; shasta [Coyote comes to fire owners when only children are at home; takes away a lit stick or blanket; birds take the baton, then the Turtle; she dives, hiding the fire under her arms, brings people]: Dixon 1910a, No. 3 [Pain and its men own fire; Hawk, Eagle, Partridge are fleeing; Coyote first thinks that the Turtle dived and extinguished the fire]: 13-14; Farrand 1915, No. 2 [Eagle, Vulture flee; having stolen fire, Coyote also teaches you how to make a fire drill]: 209-210; Holsinger 1982 [=Dixon]: 31-32; chimarico [some animal people fail to steal fire; Coyote comes when fire owners have only children; carries smut; the fire master runs after him; the Coyote throws smut, the ground lights up; the fox is burned and turned red]: Dixon 1910b, No. 4:304, 353; synkion [the baby cries, says he is afraid of fire ; animal people learn that the Spider keeps fire in his body; they try to make him laugh; the Skunk dances with its tail lifted; everyone, including the Spider, laughs; people are ready to set fire to tar; eel-tail sets fire first; runners carry fire; Vulture flies in a zigzag over dry grass]: Kroeber 1919, No. 4:347; Wailaki [(the text is difficult to understand; it is clear that the sun is being stolen from the original owners)]: Goddard 1923, No. 8:102-104; kato [an orphan notices fire in the distance; the chief sends runners to bring it; the Spider wraps both hands around the fire; he starts laughing when Coyote, dancing in front of him, licks his genitals; Hummingbird grabs and blows away fire]: Goddard 1909, No. 5:195-197; Yuki: Curtis 1976 (14) [started as Kroeber; Mouse and Skunk dance, dragging their giblets across the floor; The spider laughed , the fire blazed, the Dove put a stick into the fire, set fire to the grass, everyone ran away; on the burning grass The Spider could not chase them]: 170; Kroeber 1932b [people live in the dark, eat meat raw; The spider owns fire while sitting on it; people drive the orphan Rabbit outside; he notices the gleams of fire; the Coyote leads his men to the Spider; they dance to make him laugh; The mouse scratches its ass; the Spider laughs, gets up, the Dove sticks rotten under it, blows away fire, sets fire to vegetation; The spider burns in a world fire; people escape to the lake; many are burned; since then, the Woodpecker has a red head, the Coyote has yellowish hair, etc.]: 918- 919; coastal yuki [little Salamander cries, parents throw him out of the house; Coyote discerns words in his cry, Fire is on the other side; people come to the Spider hiding the fire in his body; everyone is dancing, moving ridiculously; finally, the Coyote does something very funny; The spider laughs, the fire falls out of his mouth, the Coyote grabs the fire; this is how people find fire; the child's parents take back]: Gifford 1937, No. 8:121; achomavi: Dixon 1908, No. 4 [the evil Hawk causes rain, all lights go out; animal people send the Owl to the top of the mountain to see which side there is fire; The dog carries the fire in his ear; others run away carrying burning torches; the owners of the fire cause rain; the torches go out, only the Dog brings fire]: 165; Powell 1877 [The Coyote scraped the ground out of nothing, but the Eagle said there are no mountains on which he could sit; the Coyote made hills, but they are low for the Eagle; he himself began to scrape the ground, made high peaks; when he flew, his feathers fell, and trees and bushes arose from them; The Coyote and the Fox began to argue about what people should be; Coyote: must die forever; Fox: let them be reborn; Coyote won; the fire was in the west, the Coyote ran there, brought fire, putting it in ears]: 273; atsugevi [Dog climbs onto the roof of Fiery Woman's dugout, catches a spark with his ear; Blue Jay causes rain; Dog brings coal in his ear]: Dixon 1908, No. 12:175; yana [fire seen with mountain peaks]: Curtin 1898 [The wolf and the bird see fire in the south; the wolf steals coals, puts the Wolf, the Dog in his ears; only the Dog carries the coal home]: 365-370; Sapir 1910, No. 2 [fire on the south side; Fox and the bird steals the fire; they give it to the Coyote; he drops it, the ground lights up], 13 [fire across the river; three people cross the bridge, steal the fire, hide it in their ears; two lose on the way home, the old woman brings]: 31-35, 170-173; Message: Barrett 1933, No. 83.II [while people watch the Caterpillar take the birds off the cliff, all the lights go out; the Bat notices the fire in the east; the Rabbit kidnaps the owner smoldering bark, brings people]: 309-311; Clark, Williams 1954:31-32 [the world is dark; the raven (Crow) is white, flies east, brings the sun from there; burned, turned black], 35-47 [Coyote has grandchildren Moon Hawk (LA) and Sun Hawk (SA); LA is the lord of the world, he is served; Xia is the youngest, hunts; Coyote gives Xia a sling, a stone from which kills many waterfowl, returns to the hunter; warns not to touch anything in the Fireman's home; Xia comes there in the absence of the owner, kills watchmen - rattlesnakes, kills the dragon by throwing a stone into its mouth (the dragon suffocated); carries away shell money, puts ash into bags instead; Fire sends fire; Coyote puts his wife Frog, LA and his wife Partridge into a boat, hides underground in it, tells the ocean to extinguish the world fire; Xia remains to fly above the waters; after 8 days, having lost his last strength, sits on the back of the Dive, rests; The dive dives, brings drowned trees from the bottom, creates a house; Xia cannot eat raw fish; Dive dives to the Skunk Brothers, who have fire; they give fire, tell them not to look back; The dive looks around three times, fearing that either the water has extinguished the fire or the fire will burn his back; for the fourth time he brings fire for XIA; the water is gradually coming down, but the world is dark; Xia finds the Coyote; they find the Pigeon Brothers; the elder throws a stone from his sling to the east four times to no avail; the younger throws, pierces the sky, the Sunny Sisters return to the world, the light is becoming; the Coyote replies Xia that people will die and go to another world forever; XIA shows it]; screw: Curtin 1898 [fire in a woman; the creator sends a bird that cannot enter the house; Osprey crawls under the wall, blows away the spark]: 29; DubOis, Demetracopoulou 1931 [people in the East own daylight, fire and other valuables], No. 11 and 12 [when the kidnapper arrives, the owners dance; the kidnapper asks the child what is in the baskets along the walls; carries valuables] (No. 11: The Blue Jay kidnapper; in baskets 1) early evening, 2) darkness, 3) dawn; kidnapper takes dawn; owners run on their heels; he opens the basket; No. 12: Gopher steals fire, daylight, acorns, pine nuts, obsidian)], 14 [animal people discover a dugout in which two women who own fire live; the Coyote pretends to be cold, the women let him warm up; he steals the smut, passes it to the Frog; women tear off the Frog's tail; the Frog puts fire into a rotten stump]: 300-302, 304-305; nomlaki [Coyote people come to the owners of the fire; Coyote himself digs his leg; only the prickly manzanita replies that he will cut the abscess; the Coyote jumps on thorns, loses consciousness in pain, but recovers; at a dance, his two wives, dancing with young men, find it difficult to recognize him; two female sisters (apparently not his former wives) fall in love with the Coyote, they take them to the dugout; those who come dance until the owners fall asleep; steal the fire; the Coyote asks for it and carry it; carries it in his hands, hides it in his ear, gets tired, drops, the world lights up; the Coyote is tired of carrying his wives, they burn; a hill, a rock, a cave, water, cedar, pine tree respond that they will burn or heat, they will not be able to cover it; fir hides at its top; when he goes down, he eats tadpoles, faints; Jay bites his eye; he wakes up, says he will now be called "Fire Who Brought Into the World"]: Goldschmidt 1951:395-396; Maidu: Dixon 1902, No. 5 [Thunder deprives animal people of fire; to cook, those make the red-eyed bird look at it; The lizard brothers notice smoke in the west; the Mouse, the Deer, the Dog, the Coyote go to steal the fire; while the daughters of Thunder are sleeping, the Mouse puts coals in its flute; The dog puts fire in his ear; Thunder chases kidnappers, Skunk kills him]: 65-67; 1912, No. 8 [Thunder asks his relative Komar where he pumped blood; The mosquito replies that trees and humans are better not touch; chiefs hire Toyesköm to look at the meat; this makes it slightly black; the Coyote wants to get real fire; the Lizard's two brothers notice smoke on the side of the Shoreline; they Thunder owns; The mouse gnaws on the ties on the aprons of Thunder's daughters, hides the coal in the flute, runs away; The thunder with two daughters rushes in pursuit, but the girls' aprons fall; The dog throws fire into the bush, A deer on a chestnut; Thunder decides to live in the sky]: 151-173 (the episode with the Mosquito on pp.151-161); Nisenan: Powell 1877 [fire only in the west; the bat offered the lizard to get it; she stole the coal but on the way back I came across cranes that chased her; the lizard had to throw the coal, the grass caught fire; when the bat saw the roaring fire, she was frightened and asked the lizard to cover her eyes with resin, burned her tail and head, asked the wind to clear her eyes, but some of the resin remained; therefore, the bat can't see well and looks burnt]: 343-344; Uldall, Shipley 1966, No. 1 [geese and other birds live in the west, wield fire; Blue Jay sends the Mouse, the Deer to steal it; The mouse bites the flight feathers of sleeping birds, takes the fire away, puts it in the trees]: 17; lake mivok [after the flood Only people in the south own fire; the Coyote sends two mouse brothers; two crows sit in the fireowners' house; when they croak, sparks fly out of their beaks; mice put dry wood under sparks, move away from chases]: Angulo, Freeland 1928, No. 1:234-235; Merriam 1993:149-151; northern mountain miks: Merriam 1993:33 [Malinovka steals fire from a remote location; her breast lies on it, warming up blushes; gives fire to people, makes it sun, puts some in trees from which fire is made], 49-50 [mountain people do not have fire; Coyote sends the Mouse to the people of the valley who have fire in the community house; The mouse puts them to sleep by playing the flute, puts fire in it, carries them away; Malinovka tried to keep the fire and lay down on it; Coyote wants to take fire, it explodes, rises to the sky, becoming the sun; the remaining people placed in two trees]; central mountain mitks: Merriam 1993 [people eat raw food; A lizard notices smoke in the valley; a mouse comes to the people of the valley, puts them to sleep playing the flute, hides the flute inside the flute coals, carries away; people chase Hail and Rain; The mouse throws one coal into the tree, the other into the water, the pursuers find nothing; The mouse takes fire from wood, brings it to people; those sitting from the fire they froze further, began to speak inarticulately; since then, the languages living north, east, south and west of the miwks are incomprehensible]: 61-64; Wilson 1922 [Coyote and Frog (male) have been rafting to the east; Coyote told the Frog to dive and get the earth from the bottom; he took it out, the Coyote created land; the Coyote wanted to make people in his own likeness, but the Lizard (man) did not agree: let them have fingers like hers; they sent the mouse stole fire from the people of the Valley; when it was chased, the mouse hid the fire in the horse chestnut trees and cedars; from there the fire blazed into the sky, becoming the sun, and some remained in the trees, from where it they are mined by friction; the Coyote went and stuck two sticks where he wanted people to be, naming these areas; told the Lizard and the others to turn into animals; the coyote still catches lizards, for then the lizard argued with him; a female star who loved abalone shells turned into stars; and so all the ancestors]: 91-94; mountain mivok: Gifford 1917 [The lizard is the first to notice fire far in valley; The mouse comes to the owners of the fire, hides the embers in its flute, runs away; Wind, Hail, Rain can not extinguish the fire; tribes living in the middle of the earth have the most fire; because the Coyote shouted at the Flutist (Mouse), people in the east, north, south and west got less fire, speak other languages, fight each other], No. 1, 12:284-286, 332-333; Kroeber 1907a, No. 8 [The turtle owns with fire, sits on it; Coyote pushes her, takes the fire away]: 202-203; miwok (lower reaches of Sacramento) [Coyote tells his grandson Falcon to go east to steal fire from female stars; he brings fire , his feathers under his beak turned red; the fire is placed in a tree]: Merriam 1993:89-90; coastal mik: Kelly 1978, No. 8 [Coyote sent Hummingbird to bring fire, he grabbed the coal, brought it, his throat blushed; everything around him caught fire; Coyote threw gliu at whoever was chasing Hummingbird; made a deal with him]: 30-31; Merriam 1993:90 [as in the lower reaches of Sacramento, short version], [orphan Wren forever begs for food; he is not allowed; he promises to shoot the sun and hits it with an arrow; it goes dark; the Coyote sends the Hummingbird east to steal the fire; the hummingbird brings fire, people have light again]; Chukchansi Yokutz: Rogers, Gayton 1944, No. 1 [world in darkness; Turtle owns fire (=Morning Star, Sun) while sitting on it; Coyote sticks a hollow log to the fire, climbs into a hole, carries fire/light], 2 [The eagle wants light; his nephew Coyote notices the light in the east; the Morning Star is hidden under the basket, sitting on it a big Frog; the Coyote turns into a branch, thrown next to the fire, puts the fire owners to sleep, takes the Morning Star; dawns]: 192-195; yokutz (dumna) [children accidentally carved a fire, people lit it, but it has rained, the fire has gone out; two see the fire in the east, owned by the Wainus cannibal; the eagle chief sends The cougar, V. wakes up, catches up with him, takes away the fire; the same Coyote and others; The rabbit does not take smut, but coals, hides it in his ears, paws, anus (now there is black hair); V. caught up with him, but did not find coal in the anus; The eagle and his men placed fire in the buckeye tree and some stones]: Gayton, Newman 1940, No. 21:28-29; Yokutz: Stewart 1906 [Coyote sends his brother Wolf to the mountains for fire; Wolf comes to to a large lake, fights with the fire owners; takes a part, makes it a moon, then the sun]: 322; 1908 [The Eagle Chief sends the Raven to find out which side the fire owners live in; then tells him to bring fire ; The Coyote goes too; stealing fire, it hits the baby, he cries; people wake up, chase; Coyote runs winding, so the riverbed is winding]: 237-238; Kroeber 1907a, No. 16 [The eagle sends Roadrunner and Fox get fire; Coyote offers to send Raven, Eagle agrees; Coyote goes too; Raven sees fire in the west; when fire owners fall asleep, kidnappers put fire in the net, carry it away; Coyote kills a baby; Mist (?) and the Duck is chasing him; the Coyote winds, so the San Joaquin Riverbed is winding], 26 [the man in the West owns fire; the Antelope is the first to steal it; on the way back, the rain floods the fire; the last fire kidnaps the Rabbit; hides in a hole, covers the fire with his body, his paws have turned black; people find fire]: 211-212, 219; salinan: Mason 1918:83 [there was no fire; Opossum ran to him to the owners, set fire to his fluffy tail, brought fire; the tail remained naked], 107 [Falcon's mother-in-law wants to destroy him, brings the sea; it starts to rain, it gets dark; the Falcon asks Martin to fly higher, he sees fire in the distance; the Opossum goes there, sets fire to his tail, runs, the fire goes out; the plantain cuckoo (Roadrunner) brings fire by the cheek, but eats it; Martin brings fire in his beak]; kawaiisu [four options; other people (Panamint or Western Shoshones) own fire; the chief (obviously the Coyote) orders it to be obtained; the Bat (or Woodpecker with the help of the Raven) kidnaps it; covers with wings from the rain]: Zigmond 1980, No. 7:43-44.

The Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Judson 1994 (Kern River, California) [1) lightning strikes the ground, fills the flint with fire (the origin of fire); 2) The beaver brought fire from the east on its wide flat tail; c since then, hair does not grow on the beaver's tail]: 48-49; Mooney 1896 [first water is everywhere; the top of Mount Grant was the first above the water; at the top there is fire, water overwhelms it, sage-hen (Centrocercus urophasianus) made a nest there, drove away the water with flapping her wings; the feathers on her chest were burned and remained black; then the Rabbit ("he is like a god") helped to get fire from the mountain; Our Father came from the south, followed by Ours Mother; they have two sons and two daughters, children got married, couples fell out, some became ancestors of Lake Walker Payut, others Bannock; Our Father and Our Mother went to heaven]: 1050-1051; Lowie 1924, No. 11 [two birds notice a distant fire; the Wolf sends a Rabbit and a Wild Cat for fire; the cat grabs the coal, the Rabbit brings it under its tail; animal people turn into animals]: 228-229; Steward 1936 (Owens Valley) [ ash flies from the east; the Coyote turns into a seed, flies to the fire owners, steals the fire], No. 8 [carries the fire on the tail, passes it on to the Deer], 9 [people cook meat on hot black ones from the sun rocks; Coyote sees ash flying in the air; tries to jump high, falls; Eagle, Hawk can't fly high enough; Raven takes off, sees fire behind the mountain in the west; Coyote takes shape girls, comes to dance with the fire owners; lets their hair catch fire, runs away; the Eagle, the Hawk, the Rat take the baton; the Rat gives it to people]: 369-370, 370-371; Palmer 1946 [Shinob said that the fire was owned by people across the mountain, sent a beaver to bring it; he had a fluffy tail; all the animals went; the owners of the fire refused to sell it; the animals offered to organize a race, but the owners of the fire left guards by the fire; the beaver began to show its wonderful tail; one of their guards decided to take the tail and chased the beaver; it jumped over the fire, the tail caught fire, the beaver rushed home, followed by a trail of burning grass; the tail was burned, the beaver jumped into the water, and since then he has only been out at night, ashamed of his charred tail]: 37-41; panamint [coal falls from the sky; Coyote tells everyone jump higher to see which direction the fire is in; the hummingbird reports that it is in the west; the Coyote comes to dance with the fire masters; he is thrown into the fire; the rope with which he wrapped his head lights up, he runs; the fire goes out several times before it can be carried away; the pursuers kill the Coyote, but manages to hand it over to the Turtle, she to the Lizard, etc.; the Rat hides the fire last, distributes it to everyone]: Zigmond 1980, No. 68:221-223; Western Shoshones: Smith 1993 [The fire is owned by people in the south; the Coyote comes to them to dance, his bark wig lights up; he is caught up and killed; the Rat grabs and spreads fire]: 166-167; Steward 1936, No. 45 [people on the SV own fire; the fox comes to them to dance, sets fire to his tinder, runs away, passing fire further down the relay; the rat hides the fire under the rock; since then fire in rocks and bushes]: 434-435; 1943 [(two options); The lizard notices ash coming from the south; the hummingbird takes off, sees the owners of the fire; the Coyote comes to them to dance, his bark wig lights up; he passes fire on the relay race; the rabbit calls hail to stop the pursuers, sends fire to the Rat; the pursuers die]: 253-255; the northern shoshones [Coyote from the mountain notices distant fire; It is owned by the Crane; the Coyote comes to dance with his people; the Coyote's hat lights up; he is caught up and killed; the Rabbit picks up fire, spreads it, revives the Coyote and other animal people, killed during the chase]: Clark 1966:177-179; Lowie 1909b, No. 3:244-246; gosiute [Coyote smells smoke from the east; Chickadee, Woodpecker, Blue Jay are back, Hummingbird finds fire; Coyote comes to the fire to dance, sets fire to his hair, runs away, hides in a cave, eats a rabbit and a rat]: Smith 1993:4-5; southern payutes [Coyote notices ash flying through the air; covers his body with bark, she lights up, he runs away]: Lowie 1924, No. 8 (shivwitz) [fire seen at a far peak; Coyote passes it on to others; Roadrunner (Geococcyx Californianus) carries fire across Colorado river; the fire goes out, but the Rabbit keeps the coal; the Coyote kills and roasts most of those who helped him steal the fire], 1 (Moapa): 117-119, 159; Sapir 1930, No. 7 (kaibab) [people eat raw food; from the sky Ash falls; the Coyote sends the Hawk, then the Raven, all the birds; everyone comes back; the flying fish is the last to arrive, it has seen fire far to the west; the Coyote leads its people there; on the way, the Fish takes off above the Hummingbird, sees fire; Coyote plays a hand-game with the fire owners, leans over the fire at dawn, runs away, tells Blue Jay (he is killed, turned into a blue jay), then Road-runner (then same); pursuers send rain; the Coyote asks the bushes which of them is burning wet; it's just sagebruch; the Coyote makes a fire out of it; the fire is now in all the bushes]: 390-393; Utah: Givó n 2013, No. 4 (southern Utah) [the sun has gone down, complete darkness; Sinawav {in other publications S. - wolf} tells his people to steal fire from enemies; hummingbirds flew, snatched hot coals from the fire, brought, the fire was lit, it became possible to see]: 27-30; Lowie 1924 (southern Utah) [first ancestors notice reflections from the west; come to dance; the hummingbird grabs the fire, passes it on to other birds; fire owners send rain; Rabbit, then the Rat keep the fire; God throws both into the fire, says both will become food], #3:6-7; Smith 1992 (White River Utah) [a spark flies from the west; the Blue Jays own fire; the Blue Jays are in possession of fire; Magpie, Raven, Eagle and others can't reach the fire; Hummingbird reaches; Coyote wins fire; smears his head with tar; resin lights up, he runs away; sends fire to Magpie, then Hummingbird]: 94-96; Kroeber 1901 (Wintah), No. 1 [the wind brings coal; the Coyote sends birds to explore; only the Hummingbird flies so far that it sees the owners of the fire; the Coyote leads his people to dance; dancing, sets fire to his wig from bark; when running away, transfers fire to various birds; carries it again himself; The rabbit advises him to hide in a hole; the owners of the fire send rain and snow; the Coyote brings fire]: 252-260.

The Great Southwest. If not otherwise: fire steals the Coyote. Hicarilla: Goddard 1911 [from fireflies], No. 15 [and distributes], 16 [Duck, Pigeon carry away, Kingfisher spreads]: 208-209; Opler 1938 [Fireflies live on a rock, own fire; Puma Chief, Deer, Antelopes, Woodpecker dance with them; the Coyote gives the children beads, who explain to ask the fir to bend down and lift the person who comes to the top of the cliff; the Coyote ties the bark to the tail, comes to dance, sets fire bark, runs away, puts fire in all trees]: 269-272; Russel 1898 [Geese give feathers to Fox; warn him not to open his eyes during the flight; he flies over the village of Svetlyakov, opens his eyes because of sparks, falls; asks Svetlyakov how to get over the wall surrounding the village; they show the cedar; the fox invites them to dance, hits the drum he invented; puts his tail into the fire, runs away; tells the cedar bend down and throw it over the wall; hands fire to the Hawk, that Crane; the Fireflies say that the Fox himself will not use it as punishment for stealing fire]: 261-262; Western Apaches (San- Carlos) [at the Martens; Hawk, roadrunner, Vulture is carried away; Hummingbird spreads]: Goddard 1918:41-43; Chiricahua: Hoijer 1928, No. 10 [only Flies own fire; arrange a ceremony, Coyote comes dance there; sets fire to his tail, runs away; flies tell the earth and stones to heat up; Coyote jumps into the pond, cooked, but the fire was caught]: 17-18; Opler 1942, No. 28 [1) birds live on a rock, own fire; The coyote gives arrows to the boys, they explain to ask the pine tree to bend down and pick up the person who comes to the top of the cliff; the Coyote ties the bark to the tail, comes to dance, sets fire to the bark, runs away; the birds ask the Wasp or Hawk to send rain; the Bumblebee hides the fire in the crevices of the tree; 2) people ate raw meat, the Gophers owned the fire; the Coyote comes to dance, runs away, sends fire to the Fly; Gophers ask for rain; The fly sends fire to the Bee, who hides it in the yucca (it is made of a fire drill); 3) The Coyote steals fire from the Flies, reports the Hummingbird to the Vulture (or Eagle)]: 51-53; lipan [Coyote steals fire from the Fireflies]: Opler 1940, No. 1 [flies with geese falls to the village of Svetlyakov, steals fire], 2 [two options; Fireflies live on a high cliff; the visitor must ask the juniper to bend down and lift it to the rock; The coyote learns this secret by bribing boys with a bunch of shells or arrows; ties bark to his tail, dances by the fire, sets fire to the bark, runs away; Strvyatnik, Hawk, Swallow, Turtle transmit fire on relay race; Fireflies cause rain; lightning strikes the Turtle, leaving marks on the shell, but keeps fire under its shell], 3 [as in (2); Fireflies chase Fire, someone saves the Coyote]: 108-114; Navajo: Bierhorst 1985 [colored sand drawing: Coyote steals fire from the Fire God, brings the First Man and First Woman to the hearth]: 10-11; Klah 1960 [Coyote steals fire from Mucha and the Fire God ]: 6; pima [fire goes out; roadrunner (Geococcyx Californianus) comes to Thunder; it does not give fire; it carries away a burning branch]: Shaw 1968:95-96; teva (San Juan) [fire goes out, people go to Tekeowingle to dance; old Coyote sticks his tail into the fire, runs away; pursuers catch up, a bird with a yellow spot on his back intercepts the fire, then returns the Coyote; another bird carries fire across the river; Coyote brings fire]: Parsons 1926, No. 50:155-157; keres (Sia) [humans feed on grass; Ti-Amoni sends Coyote to bring fire from the underworld from the Sussistinnako spider ; The Snake, Puma, Bear and others guard the fire, but Coyote finds them asleep; sets fire to a cedar branch tied to its tail, runs away, brings fire to people]: Stevenson 1894:72 (Quail in Judson 1994: 83-84); Hopi [people suffer without fire, notice smoke far to the east; The owl tries to bring fire, goes blind, loses it; Gopher brings fire, making his way underground, the hole is filled with smoke, he throws fire; the Coyote was burned (his skin has been yellowish since then), threw fire; the Vulture brought it, smoked all, the feathers on his head have burned completely, since then he has been bald; grateful people allow Vulture to pick up scum]: Malotki 1998:78-81.

NW Mexico. Varigio [first a huge lake, some say it's a lake of blood; tatá Dios o nonó ("who is the father") scattered silt from the bottom in four directions, peace has arisen; sent birds to find out whether the earth dried up; the dove returned with nothing, the Hummingbird brought a flower; Jesus blew on figures sculpted from the silt, turned out to be Indians; those sprinkled with ash turned out to be creoles and others; after death The Indian turns into clay, the European turns into ash; the Devil had the fire; the chureo bird flew, carried away the stones from which the fire was made; the Devil sent his servants, did not catch up]: Olmos Aguilera 2005:199-200; northern tepehuans [there was no fire, people ate raw food, got sick; The Bat noticed the fire, flew through two worlds, there are many people dancing; when everyone is drunk, Nutria and Skunk stole the fire; the first ancestors turned into birds and animals; the world drowned three times and has since remained as it is]: Olmos Aguilara 2005:289-290; yaki [fire overseas; Toad kidnaps it, passes it on to other toads; on the shore the fire is taken by a dog, a crow, a roadrunner; the owner of the fire strikes them with lightning, but the fire spreads]: Giddings 1959:18, 63; Huichol: Cunningham 1978 [world in cold and dark; The White Eagle is flying, finds the sleeping Fire; animal people build a temple for it, bring firewood; Snakes decide to steal it; the red Snake has turned black; the Fire has woken up, disappeared into the cave; Scorpion, Vulture, Jaguar, Raccoon and others they try to get it back, they are burned (black spots on their bodies); the Deer manages to persuade the Fire to return; it teaches people to organize holidays, make arrows, burn vegetable gardens, etc.]: 23-26; Furst 1968 [Opossum steals fire from the underworld]: 40; Furst, Auguiano 1976 [Opossum]: 113-114; Zingg 1982:187; bark [Iguana man owned fire; brought little meat from hunting, so his wife (daughter) Suns) and his mother-in-law (Earth) drove him away; he rose to heaven, became the Morning Star, carried away the fire; the first ancestors sent the Raven, then the Hummingbird, they did not get fire; Opossum stole the fire while the Star was sleeping, threw it on the ground; the Star nailed it with a stick, but the Opossum came to life; the grass caught fire, a world fire broke out; the goddess of Earth filled it with her milk, the fire became tame]: Preuss 1912:271-272 (retelling Munn 1984:29-30).

Mesoamerica Opossum, if not otherwise. Tepehua [the Jews tried to fast to the girl without success; the carpenter suggested that they take sticks so that leaves could bloom; they could not, but he bloomed, he married a woman; they came to a dirty house where animals were; spent the night under a tree; in the morning the owner of the house sees a beautiful dwelling under the tree; he died (from the cold); animals gathered at the beautiful house, there is no fire; the opossum ran to a woman whose fire set fire on her tail, brought fire on her tail; since then, the possum has a bald tail; the Jews chased the young man and crucified him; put him on guard, but he managed to ascend to heaven by the Sun; people turned to the stars, they cut off his ring finger, all plants came out of his blood]: Oropeza Escobar 2007:193-194 (=Williams García 1972:68); tepeua [little bird]: Williams García 1972:67; mountain totonaki: Ichon 1969:83; Totonaki: Arenas 2000 [to keep baby Jesus warm, Opossum stole fire from an old woman, bringing it on his tail; for this, to him allowed to eat chickens and carry the young not in the stomach, but in a bag on her stomach]: 145; Williams García, García Ramos 2001 (El Tajin) [The Holy Virgin carried the baby, froze, asked the Opossum to bring fire; he came to the old woman who owned the fire, put his tail into the fire, the old woman hit him, the Opossum ran to the Holy Virgin; she rewarded him with seven lives and a bag to carry children; the tail remained white burnt]: 24; the Nahuatl of southern Veracruz [the old man had fire, he did not give it to anyone; once he did not notice an opossum (zorrillo) enter the open door, set fire to his tail, brought fire to people]: Oropeza Escóbar 2007:237; Nahuat (northern Puebla): Reynoso Rábago 2003, No R20 [there was no fire, it was owned by an old devil (amokualilamatsin); didn't give it to anyone; people asked for an opossum bring fire; to do this, pour water and ask permission to dry by the fire, then bring fire on the tail; when the devil dozed off, the opossum set fire to its tail and ran back; this is how he appeared on the ground fire and the opossum's tail has been naked ever since]: 211-212; Taggart 1983 [our Little Mother told her father that his clothes got dirty and went to the river to wash them; St. Joseph invited her to go with her and leave St. Peter, who has a very big beard; she agreed, but first went to deliver her washed clothes to her father; our Little Mother and St. Joseph set off and had a baby; they were not allowed into the house, it was very cold; St. Joseph asked the opossum to get fire; a woman who lived far away had fire; the opossum came and asked for permission to warm up; wrapped his tail around the hot coal and brought it to Jesus; since then, the tail of the opossum had been bald; our Little Mother asked the opossum to bring more chicken; he brought it; but when she sent it again, the opossum was caught and killed]: 103-104; cuicateques [the old woman found two eggs, put it in a vessel, from the Sun and Moon were born; every day she went to feed the deer corn porridge, told the twins to stay at home; called the deer the father of twins; when she returned, the house was a mess; once sent them feed your father yourself - call him, Kundo, Kundo! ; they called, the deer came, they killed him, the Moon took her right eye, the Sun took his left eye; fire was needed to cook the meat; they sent a fox to the old woman; she set fire to her tail, ran away; so that the tail would not burn, the fox placed fire in the stone {obviously in the flint}, the twins cut fire out of it; brought the old woman roasted venison, and made a scarecrow out of the skin, filling it with wasps and other stinging insects; old woman she ate, and frogs by the river told her that she ate deer liver; the twins told the old woman to pour sand on the frog's ass, so it was rough; the black vulture also told the old woman that she ate deer; she accused the twins of killing their father; went to check it out for herself; the deer did not respond; she went to the scarecrow and hit him with a stick - why she did not answer; insects bit her; she returned home and promised the twins call their uncle; this is a jaguar; they dug a trap hole, the jaguar fell into it; then the old woman called the twins' aunt, an eagle with two heads; they made a cage, the eagle sat on top, they grabbed her by paws (and killed); the old woman called another uncle; this is an aquatic animal with a shell, but big; the twins ran, met Thunder, asked them to hide them behind her cheek; Thunder replied to the beast that his teeth hurt and his cheek swollen; the beast tried to get into Thunder's mouth, but the Sun asked to hit, Thunder smashed the beast to pieces; while Thunder was working, the twins opened three vessels in his house: water, wind and hail; The soaked Thunder came back, closed the vessels and drove the twins away: that's why your aunt kicked you out; they found honey, the Sun ate a little, and told the moon to eat more, she was thirsty; the Sun gave water only after how they changed their eyes; the Sun did not tell them to drink everything, but the Moon drank everything; the Sun told them to regurgitate some of the water, otherwise it would not be on earth; the moon regurgitated, but the dirty water stained her face, so she was wearing it stains; the woman has a chest; the Sun gave her ripe cherimoyi and said that there are many of them in the forest; she left, and he asked the rat to gnaw through the chest; the woman hears and asks, Sun: don't worry; the same with the woodpecker; agouti gnawed, a wheel with a rope in the chest, the Sun and the Moon rose to heaven, agouti followed; asks what to do; Sun: cut the rope above you; Aguti fell, buried in the ground; the woman managed spanking the moon; so when the moon looks like a sickle, women are menstruating; woman to the Sun: remember me when I cover your face with my underskirt]: Weitlaner 197:56-62 (=Bartolomé 1984:6-9); Masateki: Incháustegui 1977 [the old woman keeps the fire that has fallen from the stars; Opossum promises to get fire on the condition that people do not eat its meat; she comes to warm up, sticks her tail into the fire, runs away; since then, the possum has a bare tail]: 67-68; Portal 1986:56-57 [the cannibal woman had a fire; all the animals came to her party, only the rabbit refused; the month was more stupid than the sun and at his festival ate; the dog stole the bones, gave it to the sun; the head of the month was in a pot; the animals tried to force the woman to dance, but she did not want to, was afraid that the month would be stolen from her; but the opossum amused her so much that she started dancing and the dog took the pot away from months; and the possum reached the fire and carried away the fire on its tail; since then his tail is bald; the month and the sun are brothers; the sun has revived months, but a piece the bones are gone, so the moon is pale; the month used to be brighter than the sun, but now the sun is brighter; the cannibal chases the sun to take a month; sometimes she catches, but the sun is slowly getting out of it], 57 [ when the fire first fell from a star, a woman hid it; everyone came to her to ask for fire, but she did not give it; the opossum went to get the fire if others did not eat its meat; no one believed it; in the evening he came to that woman and asked permission to warm up by the fire - it was very cold; he slowly began to move towards the fire, stuck his tail and carried away the fire on her tail; since then, the tail of the opossum naked]; chatino [the gods did not have fire, and there were sounds of fun from the demon house; the opossum promised to get what the demons owned; he came to the demons, sat in the corner; they decided to give the poor old man a drink; he replied that he would not get drunk quickly, and did not feed himself, but poured the mezcal into his bag, put the cigars they gave him there; when he left, he pretended that the dead were drunk, began to stagger and fell into the fire and then ran away; on the way he left fire in a dry tree; since then, the opossum has had bare ears and tail; since then, the fire has been burning at the holidays, the crowd has been drinking and treating those who come with cigars and with alcohol]: Bartolomé 1979:28; tricks: García Alcaraz 1973 in Bartolomé 1984:17; Hollenbach 1980, No. 8.31 [see motive J25; twins kill Deer - their stepgrandmother's husband; they need fire to fry meat; they send Grandma Fox to steal the fire, she fails; Porcupine's fire goes out along the way, his needles are traces of falling sparks; the bird tells the Opossum to dive into the water first; he asks let the old woman dry by the fire, puts her tail in the fire, brings fire to the twins; the Opossum's tail is burnt and is now naked and black, and the tip is white as ash (or like light)]: 465; mixteks [parents The Sun and the Month did not like them, they threw them into the river; an old woman picked them up; asks them to take their food to their "father" in the forest; this is a deer, his brothers kill him; they ask another old woman to fry meat; she does not give it; they they send the Opossum; he has been soaked in the river, asked for permission to dry; carried away the fire on his tail; since then, the tail of the opossum has been naked; the old teacher hits the Deer with a stone when he does not answer her; the wasps fly out, chase her]: Cruz 1946:217-218; the Zapotecs [the gods celebrated the feast, but there was no fire; the "demons" had fire; Opossum went to drink mezcal to them, but poured it into the bag, supposedly drunk, falls into the fire, ran away, carrying a fire on his tail; the tail was burned]: Bartolomé, Barabas in Munn 1984:54; Micah [before the flood, animals came to the village, people killed them, began to cook them, but the pots burst, the animals They ran away; God meets an old man who has gone for brushwood, tells them to announce a flood; they laugh at him; God tells them not to let others into it; an old man with children, the Raven, the Fox, the Dove, escaped in the box; rain flooded the earth with a flood; the Dove is sent for exploration, stains the paws with the blood of the dead, now they are red; when the waters have come down, there is no fertile land; the raven flies, brings land three times from the land of the devils (they shake off almost everything from it every time, a little remains); the earth grows; the fox goes to the owners of the fire, asks for permission to warm up, puts its tail into the fire, comes running; the tip of the tail is now black; the eldest son sees his father drunk and naked, tells the youngest; he beats his father, the father no longer drinks; tells his sons to swim early three in the morning; the youngest bathes, brightens, becomes master; the eldest is lazy, his the skin is getting dark, it must work]: Miller, Villa Rojas 1956, No. 5:104; kekchi, mopan [the fire was on the edge of the earth for people across the river; they did not let others; sent a dog; she swam across the river with with a black wax candle, quietly lit it back; since then, people have a fire in the port]: Thompson 1930:151; quiche [all tribes sacrifice to Tokhil, receive fire from him; the Kakchikels have a god Chamalkan, Die Fledermaus; they steal fire]: Popol-Vuh 1959:90; kakchikeli [hummingbirds]: Petrich 1985a: 287; mocho [people eat meat raw; send a dove, it doesn't find fire; hummingbirds finds, burns his beak, tells the King; the King promises him that he will not eat honey; asks Thunder to bring fire; Thunder replies that the hummingbird saw fire in his house (in the mountain), Thunder; breaks the mountain; people they take hot coals, find fire]: Petrich 1985a: 283-285; 1985b: 284-200.

Honduras-Panama. Guatuso [old Nhácará Curíja wields fire; when she falls asleep, the Toad swallows the coals; the old woman steps on her stomach, the coals are regurgitated; the third time one coal remains in the toad; NC swam in the river, got young; didn't want people to get so young either; and fire and boiling water would burn]: Constela Umaña 1993, No. 4:132-136; Eastern Panama (kuna?) [lizard steals from jaguars]: Casimir de Brizuela 1972:61; kuna: Chapin 1989 [Iguana suggests that Jaguar watch the fire while the Jaguar sleeps; carries the coal, filling the rest with urine; Jaguar cannot swim across the river, chasing a thief; since then, eating meat raw, people find fire]: 93-94; Wassen 1934b, No. 4 [Jaguar owned the fire, the rest ate raw meat; sent a small Iguana to Jaguar; she came in time rain, offered to watch the fire; when the Jaguar fell asleep, Iguana began to fill the fire with urine, replied that the fire was going out because of the cold; the Jaguar fell asleep again, Iguana hid a spark in the crest, filled fire, ran across the river; the Jaguar was left without fire, people got fire]: 8-9.

The Northern Andes. Ambera [god turns into Brycon sp. fish; fire owner catches it, puts it on fire; god grabs fire, runs away]: Arango Bueno 1963 [owner - crocodile]: 185; Isacsson 1993 [owner - chameleon]: 52; Reichel-Dolmatoff 1953 (chami) [owner - iguana]: 162-164 in Blixen 1994:20; Nordenskiöld 1929 [owner - crocodile]: 141; Wassen 1933, No. 3 [the Crocodile (lagarto) had fire; God asked, he did not give fire; L. went fishing with a net; God turned into a mad fish, L. caught it, gutted it, brought it home, hung it over the fire; the fish's eyes were bright, L. understood that it was God; God jumped out, grabbed a stick, hit L. in the face; he jumped into the water and became a crocodile; God took fire, but there were not enough bananas; God took a thing and it turned into a banana plant]: 109-110; chimila [people cooked food on a rock in the sun; enemies across the river had fire; the shaman turned into a toad, swam across the river, swallowed the fire, swam back, spit it out, remained a toad; toads should not be killed]: Reichel- Dolmatoff 1945, No. 6:8; guajiro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 55 [dung beetle], 57 [people]: 143-145, 148-149; paes: Nachtigall 1955, No. 18 [1) the old woman had a fire; a little girl asked for smut, the old woman gave only a sliver, it went out on the way; the girl snatched a burning branch from the old woman's fire, ran; the old woman chased her, the girl threw a branch into a pile of straw; so people they took possession of the fire; 2) the old woman gave the fire, they were tired of it; then the old woman turned off all the lights in the people, ran away with the smut herself; people chased her, she threw herself into the water, sticking a branch by the road; people they found fire on the smoke, divided it between everyone; 3) the old woman fired, pulling it out of her armpits; missionaries came and wanted to take the fire and sanctify it; the old woman rushed to run, she was engulfed in flames, she threw herself into the water]: 310; Bernal Villa 1953, No. 17 [var.1-3 same as in Nachtigall; 4) María Santíssima fired on a girl, taking it out of her armpits]: 302-304; kamsa [Weasel woman dances in front of the man who owns the fire, then steals the fire, carries it away on the tail]: McDowell 1989:108-109.

Llanos. Yaruro [fire stolen from some people]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 2 [(=Petrullo 1939:238-239); first there was only Kuma, followed by Itciai, Puaná Kiberoh; K. wanted get pregnant in the toe, but P. said that there would be too many people in this way; this is how Hachawa was born; P. created land, I. created water in rivers; H. found a hole in the ground, sees people below, lowers the rope; an equal number of men and women come out; when a pregnant woman climbs, the rope breaks; therefore, there are few people; at first it is dark and cold; in the center of the earth, where K., the fire was burning; H. threw a fish into the fire, it became fight with coals scattered, people dismantled them], 12 [fish thrown into the fire throws coals, Indians grab them], 13 [toad grabs coals], 14 [= (12); toad throws fish into the fire, swims with fire across the sea], 15 [ = (14); hero throws fish into fire]: 20, 33, 38; kuiva [except (21): the fire drill was owned by the creator (usually Namun); people ate meat raw or dried it in the sun; Woodpecker failed to carry the fire, The dove succeeded]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991, No. 19 [the fire drill was owned by the creator of Namun; people ate raw food, dried it in the sun; the dove stole fire from N.; fire was the son of N.], 21 [Namonä created people; they they ate meat raw; Jätsoro made a fire drill, didn't give it to others; The dove stole his fire and killed him, he became a woodpecker], 48 [the fire was Namun's son, he didn't give it, people ate raw meat, theirs nauseous; the woodpecker could not carry the fire, the Dove succeeded], 49 [Namun owned the fire; he did not give it to others, for Fire was his son; people ate raw meat and fish, tried to dry in the sun; the woodpecker was the first to take it away fire, N. caught it and took the fire; the dove took it away again, hid in the hollow, then brought it to the village; N. ordered people to feed their son-in-law well], 50 [as in (48)], 51 [Namun owned the fire, people dried the meat in the sun; the woodpecker failed to carry the fire drill, the Pigeon succeeded], 52 [the children cried when they ate raw meat dried in the sun; the woodpecker failed to carry the fire drill, the Pigeon succeeded, he hid from the chase in a hollow], 53 [Namon owned fire; people ate meat raw or dried it in the sun; N. did not want to give up the fire drill, considering it his son; as follows: (52)], 54 [Nakuanü owned the fire ; caught a Woodpecker trying to carry the fire; the pigeon managed to carry away]: 40-41, 42-43, 90-95, 96-98, 98-100, 100-102, 102-103, 104-105, 106; Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 41 [people baked meat at the sun or spruce raw; the man notices that the old man has fire; he does not allow him to come close to his fire; people send the Woodpecker to steal the fire; the woodpecker asks for permission to warm up, took away the smut; the old man He caught up with him, turned him into a woodpecker; the same with the Parrot, Mako, Capybara, Paka, the Mouse; the Winter Parrot (flies very fast) took the fire, the old man did not catch up with him; then the old man taught people to make fire; speaks to himself that there will be a flood, we need to make rafts, load supplies; The rabbit overhears, tells people that they do not believe him; only the family who stole the fire makes a raft; rain, thunderstorm for several days, those who did not believe drowned ; those who escaped the flood were cold, so they spoke different languages; that old man was Nakuënni, God], 42 [Ortiz 1982:146-148; the woodpecker owned the fire, the rest ate raw food; the fish baked on rocks in the sun; the man sent the Dove to steal the fire; the pigeon carried the coal, but the Woodpecker caused rain, it poured for 10 days, the fire went out again; the man dreams of a water snake {obviously an anaconda}; contrary to his wife's advice , goes to the lake; reeds and cassava come out of the water; Anaconda falls from a tree, calls the man brother-in-law, asks him to be brought to the shore; warns that his sisters stink, but we must praise aroma; Anaconda father is happy, teaches to make fire by friction, gives arrow reeds, bananas, cassava, tells them to plant it all, not to give it to others; but others stole what they brought from Anaconda; he gave more several times, then stopped giving]: 182-187, 188-189.

Southern Venezuela. Cayman keeps a fire in his mouth; birds lure him out of him, making him laugh. Sanema: Barandiaran 1968 [Cayman Ibaramyo has a fire in his mouth, people eat meat raw; a boy finds a charred leaf in I.'s cave; the boy's father has a party; Tinama chicken, then the Dog defecate at the dancers, everyone laughs except I.; a bird as red as fire defecates into I.'s mouth; he laughs, throwing fire out of his mouth; his tongue is burned, now the caimans have no tongue; a black and white bird blows away fire in her beak, hides it in a tree; I.'s wife tries in vain to fill the tree with urine]: 4-7; Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 49 [(Colchester 1981:75-78); only Cayman owns fire, Quails eat caterpillars raw; A quail boy finds a charred leaf at Cayman's hammock; people are about to dance but Cayman doesn't laugh; The Bat just got out of the hammock with his classic mother Ant, his penis red and shiny; but Cayman did not laugh then; the Antthrush bird drenched the audience with its excrement, and then Cayman laughed; the tyrant bird caught the fire, Cayman's wife Frog could not fill it urine; fire placed in the cores of trees], 55 [(Borgman MS); only Cayman baked caterpillars on fire; the bird's son found a burnt leaf; people celebrated a party, but Cayman does not laugh; the bird is excrement Queues of everyone present; when he hits Cayman, he laughs too; the birds put fire in the trees], 59 [(Knobloch 197:151); Cayman kept the fire in his mouth; the bird's children found coal on the ground; people became dance, one of the birds defecated on Cayman, carried away the fire; now the fire in the core of the trees]: 111-115, 126-127, 132-133; Yanomam [(Albert MS); Cayman kept fire in his mouth so he had his short tongue and mouth are red; his wife is a Frog; Bird people find baked caterpillars near his house; they danced; Ant Thrush beat himself in the chest, but Cayman just smiled; Wren dances, Cayman laughs, the fire falls from his mouth; the frog fills most of the coals, but the Oropendoles have managed to carry the coals away, put the fire in the core of the trees; the frog curses people, says their children will burn]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 50:116-119; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 51 [(Finkers 1986:171-173); people ate raw food, only caiman Iwariwë baked caterpillars; the old woman found under his grilled caterpillar's head with a hammock; people danced; Tohomamoriwë covered everyone with excrement; Cayman laughed; his wife tried to extinguish the fire with urine, but the fire was carried away and placed in trees; Cayman my wife jumped into the water and stayed there], 52 [(Finkers 1986:171-173, sic!) ; only Cayman Iwariwë baked caterpillars; while he and his wife were away, Pokorariyoma found a burnt leaf; people danced; Teshoriwë was the last to dance, Cayman laughed; the fire fell from his mouth, his put in trees; Cayman and his wife jumped into the water and stayed there], 53 [(Becher 1974:33-34); people ate meat raw, Cayman hid the fire in his mouth; the hummingbird began to fly in front of him and fool around; Cayman laughed, fire fell out of his mouth], 54 [(Cocco 1972:381-382); Cayman Ivarivö hides fire under his tongue; others eat meat raw; when he catches a cold, I. sneezes, the fire falls out of his tongue mouth; black bird Yorekitirami stands ready, blows fire, puts it in trees; one woman predicts that the fire will burn, jumps into the water, becomes a frog], 56 [(Lizot MS); Cayman held fire in his mouth, only he baked caterpillars; children find burnt caterpillars; people had fun, Antthrush bared his ass, covered Cayman with excrement, he laughed, the fire fell; Cayman's wife Prueheyoma tried to fill the fire with urine, but Oropendola saved the fire; P. cursed people, saying that this fire would burn corpses, grind leftovers (and eat them)], 57 [(Lizot MS); only Cayman baked caterpillars, others gave raw; the girl found a baked caterpillar; people began to dance, Antthrush drenched the audience with a stream of his excrement; Cayman burst out laughing; his wife Prueheyoma tried to fill the fire with urine, but Oropendola saved the fire; P. cursed people, saying that corpses would be burned in this fire], 58 [(Knobloch 1967:151); Cayman Iwariwe kept fire in his mouth; but he and his wife Iwariome ate bloody meat; Y.'s enemies put down There was a burning barrel in front of him, he and his wife jumped into the water and became caimans]: 120-121, 122-123, 124, 124-126, 128-130, 130-131, 132.

Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 20 [people lived in the sky; the hunter's arrow pierced a hole, fell to the ground; he went down the rope, liked the ground, but there was no fire, he was cooking under with the sun, which was hotter than the present one; sent a parrot to bring fire from the Toad; he pecked her, but only burned its beak; the man climbed a tree, threw fruit on the Toad, it began to smoke; threw off another, he threw it off crushed, fire all over the earth; the man returned to heaven, called the others to go down to the ground; when his pregnant wife climbed, she got stuck in a hole; people behind her began to beat her, push her, fell out gut, now visible is the Morning Star]: 90-91; Osborn 1958 [The toad is the mistress of the fire, lured the woman into her house, she died; the Toad raised her two sons; they threw fruit from the tree; the Toad ordered warn before dropping; the fruit fell on her shoulders, immediately became soft baked, because there was fire in the Toad's body; brothers hunt birds; the bird asks to pull out an arrow that hit it, for which he advises throw off the fruit without warning; a toad exploded, a column of fire burst out; one young man later became a star, another turned into a snake; humans have had fire ever since]: 168-170; Wilbert 1970, No. 190 [people cook in the sun, only the Toad owns fire; swallows it; the parrot carries the coal, it goes out along the way; a woman with two sons follows her father; the mother promises her to close the Toad's path; the Toad opens its path , closes the father's path; because of the fire of the Toad, the trail is getting hotter, so the woman puts the twins in her stomach; the Toad asks the woman to clean her of fleas, tells her not to bite through them; she bites, falls dead ; two jaguars living with the Toad devour it; the Toad brings up twins found in the mother's womb; they throw fruit from the tree, the Toad picks it up; the Lizard advises to abandon the fetus unexpectedly; the Toad does not have time get ready, explodes, fire spreads in the world; one brother turns into a star, the other into a snake]: 440-442; arekuna [(the story is inserted into the story of cutting a tree with cultivated plants on branches, motif G5); people ate raw food; the fire was owned by the green bird Prionites momota; Makunaima tied a rope to its tail; found its nest on a rope; took fire with his brothers]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 1:33; oyana [from an old toad woman; unsuccessful]: Magaña 1987, No. 16 [everyone goes to dance, left in the village covered with ulcers; the monkey gives him a drink of genipa fruit, the ulcers disappear, his the body is covered with drawings; at the dance, the wife does not recognize him; the monkey sits down with him and his son in a stupa, causes a flood; they wait for him in a tree, then descend on a rope of wakalimë; there is no fire, they cook fish in the sun; an old toad steals fish, owns fire, keeps it in its ass; an owl steals a coal, it goes out; the bird says that the Jaguar killed them (who?) mother; they invite the Jaguars to dance, knock down the roof of the house on them; one escapes], 53 [see motif J16; a woman dies in a Jaguar village; her son turns into a turtle, turtle eggs give rise to two brothers and two sisters; they kill the Jaguars; the flood begins; the children flee in the tree; they send a Parrot, then the Pigeon, to scout; they come to Grandma Toad, steal fruits from her garden; the Toad catches them; keeps fire; children send birds to steal it, the last one succeeds; the toad has been without fire since then], 97 [boys; then she gives them fire herself]: 37, 45, 54; aparai [Kujuli got fire from an old frog woman; she taught him how to handle it]: Rauschert 1967, No. 6:183; oyampy [during the flood, a man escaped at the top of the caumou tree; threw fruits down to see if the water had come down; after the flood, the vultures had fire; Prionites momota set fire to its tail, carried away the fire, but it went out; the partridge (penelope) carries the fire in its beak, since then it has a red throat, the fire has gone out again; another bird brings fire]: Grenand 1982, No. 9:113-117.

Ecuador. Colorado [old women own fire; Vulture bathes, sits down to the fire to dry, does not return; the bull bird tries to steal the fire, the old woman throws sparks in his eye, since then these the birds are black; the hummingbird bathes, arrives to dry, blows away the fire on its tail, puts it in dry reeds]: Aguavil, Aguavil 1985:228-232.

Western Amazon. Mayhuna [the Sky Jaguar sister asked her husband to kill white birds on the fruit tree and made the Sky Jaguars eat him; her son Maineno asks how he was born; she replies that found it under tree bark; sends birds to shoot on the same tree; on the way te (father's spirit?) sits on his shoulders, tells him how it happened; M. waits under a tree where jaguars descend from the sky; his father tells him to wait until the one who ate him comes down; he descends, M. tears it apart, they fall, crushing the Toad; now it is flat; M. tells her to smear her back with poison and be a toad; the mother fills the fire with urine, leaves; Father M. says the Lizard has fire, but that swallowed fire, burned her throat; M. takes the fire drill from the Otter]: Bellier 1991b, No. 3:173-179; canelo [the owner of the fire does not give it to others; the hummingbird is wet, women from the village where the fire is his picked it up, put it by the fire; it dried up, on the fourth attempt he carried away the fire on the tail]: Coloma, Cotacachi, Quintero 1986:23-25; shuar: Barrueco 1988 [people cooked in the sun or under their arms; Takea had the fire; his wife finds a chilly Hummingbird, brings him to warm up; he carries the fire on his tail, puts it in the trees]: 33;

Karsten 1919:333-334; 1935, No. 2:516-518; Pelizzaro 1961, No. 1:1; 1990 (=1993) [there was no fire, the food was warmed under the arm, that's why there was no fire there ulcers appeared; Takea owned the fire; dead shuars turned into birds, tried to steal fire from his cave, but its door opened and closed constantly and quickly; the Jempe hummingbird got wet and flew in to warm up and dry, T.'s children picked him up; he set fire to his tail, flew out of the cave, spread fire on the trees; now the tail of a hummingbird of this species is black and forked, burnt out inside]: 41-42; Rueda 1983, No. 18 [the cannibal Takea had fire, people ate raw food; Jempe hummingbird asked to dry and warm up; set fire to its tail, flew away; since then, there have been glades in the forest, these are burnt out places]: 107-108; Wavrin 1932:129- 130; Aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (2), No. 2 [first eternal day, people work all the time; the Sun put darkness in a vessel, sent it to earth, where eternal night became; Martin (arachnid monkey) climbed to heaven on a rope, found a vessel; agreed with Hummingbird and Gorlinka that they would pretend to be wet for the fire owners to pick them up; the Hummingbird dried up by the fire, set fire to its tail, Gorlinka swallowed the seeds of cultivated plants; M. found the vessel at night, broke it, it dawned on the ground; The sun wiped a little darkness with cotton wool, put it back in the vessel, so the night persisted, but began to alternate with day; The hummingbird flew away, put fire in the trees], 3-4 [there was no fire and no cultivated plants except cassava; people collected vine seeds, warmed them under their arms, ate half-baked, poisoned with raw cassava; Hummingbirds agreed with Gorlinka that he would get fire and she would get the seeds of cultivated plants; both should get wet, stay on the trail to be picked up; let Gorlinka swallow the whole seeds; Martin ( arachnid monkey) at that time promised to steal the vessel at night; the wet ones were picked up by the spouses - the owners of fire and seeds; M. came, found the vessel at night; the hummingbird set fire to the tail, flew away, burned, the tail became uneven; Gorlinka flew away, gave people seeds; (apparently M. broke a vessel of darkness)]: 72-75, 80-90; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, No. 83 [forest demon Iwa trapped humans like humans they put them on pigeons; the world is dark; Machín (spider monkey) told the Dove and the Hummingbird to pretend to be dead on I.'s path; he picked them up, brought them home; M. came and said he ate pumpkins, beans and other cultivated plants; corrected the bodies of the Pigeon and Hummingbird lying by the fire so that the feathers soaked in the rain would dry; took a vessel from under the roof at night; the hummingbird lit its tail, flew away, placed the fire in the trees; The dove pecked the seeds of cultivated plants, also flew away; M. broke the vessel at night; I. wiped the slightly dark with cotton wool, and when dawn, day and night began to alternate; children used to eat cassava, warming between his legs (en sus entrepriernas)]: 661-665; Guallart 1948:88; Wavrin 1932:121; achuar [like Canelo; owner: Woodpecker]: Mowitz 1978:89.

NW Amazon. Baniva [wild pig (mother of fire) keeps fire in her stomach; hero sets fire to the bark by bringing it to the pig's mouth, runs away; caiman swallows fire; hero asks frogs to croak; caiman opens his mouth to swallow frogs; the hero brings bark to the caiman's mouth; some of the fire remains in his eyes]: Saake 1968:272; vacuenai [Made from bone went with his men for fire to the fire master Yáwali; he reluctantly gave, the Squirrel placed fire in the vessel; Cayman opened it, swallowed it, disappeared into the water; when the vessel was reopened, so only smoke, it's called "protein fire"; the UK found Cayman (and, apparently forced him to return the fire); Cayman stopped talking, the fire burned his tongue]: Hill 2009:80-82; kabiyari [all the water and fish were in the hollow of the Itshuna tree, owned by old Kamatana; bathed and she caught fish, then plugged the hole; the youngest of the Mujnuyi brothers (he is a shaman) became a hummingbird, spied; the brothers did not have manioc flour, and K. took it out of her husband Mapitare's body (he is a white worm) during copulation (this is his sperm; var.: he copulated with a clay pot, K. took sperm from there); the brothers refused to eat it; they burned coca leaves over the worm mink, he died; they met a howler monkey; he told them to paint black, come to the little jaguar Jejechu, where the holiday is; daughter J. hid one of Muhnuya in her mouth; the brothers began to cut down the tree of old woman K., but the felling overgrown; carry the chips away; the Squirrel cut from above, the chips flying from him were drizzling rain; chips fell on Muhnuya's head, since then people have had a headache; the tree fell along with the Kumaka vine, from which a river was formed; from the branches - channels, lakes; the root - the mouth of the Apaporis River; an ant woman (is she K.?) locked her brothers in an anthill; they turned into mosquitoes, five days later, when the exit was open, they flew away; they came to Thunder while he was sleeping, replaced his lightning with feathers from the parrot's tail (they became parrots Thunder's daughter let them in); they came back to K., asked them to cook fish; while K. was collecting fuel, one of Muhnuya stole coal; on a Cayman boat he sailed across the river, Cayman went under water, took the fire; Muhnuyi turns into a frog, lures Cayman ashore; his brothers cut his belly, the Wasp finds fire inside; masks have been made from his vertebrae and intestines - they're like fire]: Correa 1989:43-50; barasana [like a Kabiyari; an old woman keeps fire between her legs]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 2C: 268-269; andoque [The Source of Plenty (aka the Middle Heron, Good Ruler) went underground when his wife is Yellow Leaf (she But "Cassava for making cassava drink") did not make him cassava; the sons were offended by his father, she also left; the youngest licked the pot in which the cassava drink was made, the eldest did not feel hunger; a coca grows up, through which the father says that a flood of fire will come from the east; a Hummingbird egg (born from an egg laid by a woman who had sex with a snake) brought the killed Pauhil to the brothers, ordered do not suck on the bones, because they have a lot of water; contrary to the warning of the older brother, the younger brother breaks the bone, water gushes out of it, it rains, the flood floods the ground; the brothers grew up on a hill in advance a tree from a seed; Canoa-de-Opaí (Merganetta armata duck, approx. 79) in a leaf boat and a Hummingbird Egg went to the mouth of the river (east) to get fire; the girl picked up a Hummingbird Egg; said parents that it was a chick; they replied that it was a Hummingbird Egg, it was already old, but she still planted it to warm up by the hearth; the parents closed the door tightly, hung a net in the back of the little one; the Hummingbird Egg grabbed the coal, burned the net, flew away; returned to the upper reaches, where Paul grabbed, swallowed the coal, but the fire came out with excrement, it was swallowed by the fish, he went out again, turned into flint for carving a fire; the fish swam, broke the dam, the water began to fall; as the seeds fell from the pod (turning into different types of forest chickens?) , it was dawn; the flood was both watery and fiery; the eagle dammed the waters, but the real flood began when the brothers broke the pauhil bone]: Landaburu, Pineda 1981:66-71, 80 (=1984:73-77); utoto : Pereira 1980 (2): 481 [The bat steals fire from the Star, brings it in her mouth], 482 [Old Bacurau (Kozoda), the mistress of the fire, ordered to make cassava cakes; the fire was in her mouth; the mother gave a boy of cotton wool, who went up to the old woman, set fire to cotton wool, brought him to his mother; the woman taught people how to fry meat], 490-491 [the twins find out that their mother killed Gaimo, kill him; when they learn that their mother lived with G., they decided her burn; the fire was owned by a man and his daughter; one of the two brothers turned into a hummingbird, took the fire away; the daughter screams that the hummingbird stole the fire; the father replies that it will go out, but their fire does not go out]; Rodrí guez de Montes 1981, No. 23 [like andoque]: 202; Preuss 1921, No. 2 [see G5 motif; cassava used to be baked under the arms, under the knee and in the sun; girl rejects grooms; Sikire Buneim (B. - aquatic mythical creatures) imperceptibly fertilizes her when she is sitting on a trough; she gives birth to a boy who turns into a huge tree; all cultivated plants and roots are edible on its branches; the woman bakes them under the arms and under the knees, brings to parents; people stop eating crushed stones, white clay and rotten wood; they cut down a tree; the night bird is the mistress of the fire (Dormilón, apparently, a nightjar) tells the children to collect firewood, sets it on fire, spewing fire from their mouths; baked cakes and left, taking the fire; so several times; the children answered their parents that they baked them themselves in the sun; then one boy hid the coals in a pot, people got fire; now the owner of the fire lives in the hot coals of the hearth]: 57 [retelling], 188-199; bora [man eats a bird, breaks a bone, water gushes out of it, floods everything ground; someone has built a dam to prevent water from flowing; a hummingbird breaks the dam; in the form of a hummingbird, he allows himself to be caught by the builder's daughter; she plants a bird to warm up by the fire; he carries away the fire; from the Hummingbird and his sisters happen people]: Wavrin 1932:141; 1937:636; okaina [Hummingbird flies to fire owners, pretends to be sick, takes coal]: Wavrin 1932:144; 1937:640; chikuna [at Topetine, Grandmas Dioy, was Bechi-Nati's adopted son ("Father of Warts"), covered in warts; D. laughed at him; then T. took B., went with him to heaven on a log with notches, taking the fire; D. followed him, took shape B., pretended to be frozen, asked T. to let him warm up by the fire; when T. left, D. ran away, bringing fire to the ground; trying to stop it, T. cut off the stairs; var.: D. destroyed the stairs himself so that people did not go to heaven]: Nimuendaju 1952:130.

Central Amazon. Maue [Fire lived with his nephew in paradise; his nephew had a toy, the first spindle; when Fire went for food, the Thief (he's like God's Saint) came, asked for a toy, ran; the Fire caught up with him, took the toy; the next time the Thief threw himself into the water, then ran for a long time, disappeared into the hollow of a tree; there the Fire burned him; God will burn us too at the end of the world]: Ugge 1991:33, No. 9:196-199; manao? (recorded in lingua geral; the exact location of the recording is probably not known, probably the Rio Negro basin) [only Tupana had fire; the rest ate fish, because (raw) it is easier to chew; the caiman saw T. leave, leaving the fire; swallowed it and disappeared into the river; T. sent an otter that did not dare to approach the ferocious crocodile; sent Tukunaré fish (a delicious big cichlid fish; on the tail "peacock" eye", on the bottom of the body and tail there is an orange backlight resembling the silhouette of flame); the caiman came to the dabukuri, drank kashiri and swam back; T. sent the toad chief; the toad ordered a drink for the feast macoari (a perennial herb) called green oropendole, told the caiman that the women were waiting for him; he came, intoxicated, he was pushed against poisoned arrows; the fire was found inside the ear canal, gave it to the toad; the toad lit the fire at home, carried the Mother of Fire to Tupane; he is now among people]: Amorim 1928:371-373 in Zeller 1983:35-36, in Maslova 2018, No. 3:47-49; the munduruk [there was no fire, people saw it from a distance; a dove, a parrot fall on the way out of fatigue into the river, eaten by fish; a little owl takes a calebass with it, sits in the water; flies to an old woman, she gives her fire; an owl asks trees, which of them burns well; one volunteered, the Owl took it, flew; but the whole tree is bad, damp; the woman told her to push, became wood for fuel, she is the mother of fire]: Kruse 1949, No. 11:619; parintintin [the fire is owned by an urubu vulture; Baira dug into an anthill, pretends to be dead; a fly flew in, told Urubu; Urubu carried fire under his wing, descended to the ground in the form of a man with wife and children; made a roasting grill, made a fire to fry carrion; Urubu's children see that the dead man is moving; Urubu did not believe it, tells them to make small bows, kill flies; B. grabs fire, vultures follow; B. jumped into the hollow, jumped out from the other side, ran to the river; the water snake, other snakes, crayfish, crab, water chicken tried to smuggle the fire on his back, but died when baked; The Kururu Toad sent it; to get to the other side by himself, B. told the banks of the river to get closer, jumped across the river; since then, people have been baking fish and game on the grill]: Pereira 1980 (1): 561-563 (translated to Tynyanova 1962:143-145).

Eastern Amazon. Spiking [The otter and other aquatic animals were people subordinate to Kumafari; the Otter did not like fishing for K., began to grumble; K. called him to his place, smoked him with a cigar, threw him into the water, he became an otter; turned others into animals, there were no people left at all; K. walked from village to village, found no one; began to blow on the ash, but could not fan the fire, birds took him away; passing by the house Otters, heard his name; Otter pretended to be K.'s relatives, deceived him by witchcraft, K. saw fire and fried fish in his home; K. ate and drank bananas and kashiri, but thought he was eating fried fish; The otter himself spoke about the deception, jumped into the water; K. threw an oar after him, it became his tail; on the way home, K. became ill, he died; after his death, K. Jr. went on a journey; a vulture flew by gavião de anta {HA; "tapirium vulture" i.e. royal vulture?} with smut in his claws, shouted that that son K., and he did not have fire himself; then K. died, stank, uruba flew, and GA came, but left his fire on the stump, K. could not reach; when he was eaten, K. turned into a dead deer, but GA did not approach, noticed that K. opened his eyes; then K. lay down on a stone, his hands sprouted out of the ground in two bushes of five branches each; at this fork, GA left his smut, K. grabbed it; GA said that son K., and does not know that you can get fire by rubbing Uruku branches in the sun; K. said he now knows, but he also has smut]: Nimuendaju 1920:1014-1015; juruna [Otter fried fish , and the children in the Sinaá group suffered from eating raw fish; S. took the boat from the Otter, shoved it into the water, but did not have time to take the fire - the Eagle came down and took it away; S. turned into a dead tapir; vultures flew; S. stuck his leg out, the Eagle hung his bag with fire on it like a branch; noticed that the tapir's eyes were moving, flew away; then S. stuck his hand out, the Eagle hung his bag on it, breaking the knot (i.e. finger S.); at the request of the vultures, the Eagle lit the fire to fry the tapir; S. grabbed the bag, blew on the Eagle, which turned into an eagle; flies over the campfires, grieving for the loss of fire; asked to leave fried leftovers do it for him, and juruna do so]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:241-242; tenetehara: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 3 [people cooked meat in the sun, vultures owned the fire; people killed tapir , vultures flew to the smell of rotting carcass, took off their clothes from their feathers, made a fire, began to fry worms; people rushed to the fire, but the vultures managed to carry it away; then they built a hut, an old shaman hid in it; when the vultures rushed to their robes out of alarm, the shaman took the smut, placed fire in the trees from which it is now extracted]: 289; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 4 [there was no fire, the meat was baked in the sun, it was closer to the ground; the vultures were roasting on fire; Meira turned into a dead deer, the vultures flew and began to fry it, M. jumped up, but the vultures managed to carry the fire away; then M. became a dead tapir; the Vultures started a fire, began to peck at the tapir; when the coal was at hand, M. grabbed it, hid it in an Uruku stick; from there people now get it]: 133; urubu [ Maira stole fire from vultures]: Huxley 1956:215; Ribeiro 2002 [people had a fire they didn't light, they ate raw food; Urubu-ray took that fire away; people rubbed the turtle shell with a stick to warm it the meat under it; they were frozen; Maïra stole coal from the urubu, placed the fire in the Tatá-y vine ("vine of fire"), taught him how to extract it by friction]: 188.

The Central Andes. Quechua (southern mountainous Peru) [the landowner owns the fire; he is kidnapped by a parrot, which eventually loses his voice]: Mannheim 2019; Aymara (dep. Puno) [The fox climbed into the sky and did not know how to go back; the White Cloud asked for help, which took it to the Black Cloud, which threw it to the ground along with the hail; the fox fell on the cactus, which immediately caught fire; there's been fire on the ground ever since]: Tomoeda 1982:282.

Montagna - Jurua. Usually a parrot blows away fire in its beak. Chayahuita [Kumpanama doesn't want to give people fire; they spy on it, make a fire drill; he sends parrots and a pichiko bird to steal fire from people; they fail parrots burn their beaks, they become short; ash falls into Pichiko's beak, it turns white]: García Tomas 1994:134; kashibo [at Irakuchi]: Estrella Odicio 1977, No. 5:81-83 [y Uirakochi]; Frank et al. 1990, #3:66; Tessmann 1930 [The Inca had fire, cassava, corn; kashibo lived across the river, I. gave them nothing; sent a dwarf parrot (Chiricles L.) I. noticed him; the parrot grabbed the coal; first dropped it while flying back across the river, the next time he brought people fire; all the bird people pressed their coal to their chest, some burned themselves; therefore, tinamide had breasts always warm; they sent the battleship to dig a passage into I.'s house; they crawled over it and killed I.; the red arara bathed in his blood, the marsh bird dipped its beak in blood, the trumpeter bird put fat on the wings of the stripes; the battleship took long nails I.]: 149; shipibo, conibo [from the Inca]: Bardales Rodriguez 1979:39; Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 34 [the Inca king did not give people fire; his daughter launched smut at the Parrot that was interfering with her, he carried the smut in his beak; the beak was burnt, short and black; the Inca sent rain, but the birds covered the fire with their bodies; the same evil I. owned corn, gave others only roasted grains; I. killed, people received cultivated plants]: 383-384; Roe 1982, No. 10:68; setebo [at the Inca]: Waisbard 1959:65; pyro [gallinazo owned fire (vulture owned fire) ), did not give it to anyone; The parrot also refused to give it, but Vulture noticed him negotiating, almost killed him; then the Parrot stole the smut, the beak burned, turned black; threw it when the pyro passed by, he picked it up; people started cooking]: Alvárez 1960:32; matses [frog {or toad} steals fire from her jaguar husband]: Wistrand MS at Erikson 1994:80; cachinahua: Ans 1975 [ Yawashikonawa owns cassava, maize, bananas, and all cultivated plants; they are guarded by wasps, snakes, rays; the lizard picked up his corn, hid the seed behind her tooth; his wife Y. tore her mouth to look at it; I himself twisted the Lizard's arms and legs; she lost consciousness, then ran away, brought people corn; animal humans also had fire at first, but either tohuayo or pauhil they dropped a large shell into the fire, it went out; Y. gives smut only by lowering it into the water; The parrot began to scream near Y.'s house, smut was thrown at it, he brought it to people, its beak turned black; the inhabitants of the house Y. began to hit their magic stones, it rained; the birds hid the fire in the hollow; many suffered from fire and smoke, turned red and turned black; Cayman wants to steal cassava shoots, but he was bitten by wasps, he rushed into the river, became a caiman; battleships dug into Y.'s house; bird people walked along it, killed Y. with arrows, smeared themselves in liquids that had leaked out of his body, became colored; flying away, the hummingbird sat on big branches, they broke; since then it has been sitting on thin ones; birds, animals, and poisonous creatures have scattered around the world]: 81-82; Capistrano de Abreu in Tastevin 1926 [old woman Yauchiku nava owns fire and cultivated plants, its gardens are guarded by wasps, scorpions and snakes; cachinahua roast meat in the sun; the father of black iguanas stole a grain of corn, hiding a tooth in the hollow; the ancestor of the tyontyon songbirds stole the shoot cassava; var.: cassava was stolen by the caiman father; the hornets guarding the field bit his eyebrows; he threw himself into the water, became a caiman, his eyebrows are still swollen; the ancestor of little black-headed parrots began to cry plaintively near YANG; she threw coal at him, thinking it was extinguished; the parrot brought the coal to the people, its beak turned black; people made a fire; YAN began to hit the bone of the creature that had drowned in the flood, it began to rain; bird-people spread their wings, saved the fire; people, turning into battleships, dug an underground passage (no one could climb into the little one's hole, a large battleship dug a good move); bird-people they killed YAN, painted her with blood and bile, killed snakes and scorpions, took bananas, cotton, corn, peanuts, cassava; first they planted maize on the cobs, cassava with branches, peanuts with pods, and covered the roofs with leaves that let water through; Kumau taught me to do the right thing]: 164-166; Shenipabu Miyui 2000 [Yawa Xicu Nawa and his wife own fire and cultivated plants, others are starving; his land is protected by poisonous snakes, hornets, etc.; when asked to sow corn, he gives boiled corn; birds steal corn, etc., the carica bird took away the burning smut, its beak was burnt, it used to be like a toucan; fire put him in a dry tree; Cayman also tried to steal Y.'s cultivated plants, but poisonous creatures bit him, he threw himself into the water, stayed there, and his eyes were swollen; to avenge him, others decided to kill Y.; the battleships made an underground passage; I. killed with arrows; they opened his body; his skin was blue, his blood was red; the birds were smeared, got their colors; scattered, everyone began to live separately from others; hummingbirds sat on large branches, they broke, and since then they sit on thin ones]: 123-127; yaminaua [only dawa (foreigners) own cassava, corn, pepper, fire; they put a poisonous snake under every cultivated plant; people send a Parrot to steal fire; he asks to warm up by hot coals, carries coals, burns its beak; dava causes rain, Vulture with wings closes coals; birds bring fire to people]: MacQuarrie 1992, No. 2:121-124; Ashaninka (river campas) [monkeys (unsuccessful)]: Anderson 1985:179-181; Character: Calífano 1995, No. 25 [ Apakoro, the owner of the fire, lives in the sky; the woodpecker comes to his house, puts hot coals on his head, runs away; builds higher mountains in the way of the pursuer; A. stops chasing; Woodpecker puts fire in trees that serve to produce fire by friction]: 187; Gray 1996 [brother and sister who escaped the flood do not have fire; the parrot takes it away from the evil spirit Toto, gives it to the young man]: 28-29.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [the owner of the fire is the Bururu toad (Leptodactylus pentadactylus labirinthicus Spix, a family of whistlers, close to toads)]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 5 [(San Buenaventura); during two Edutzi (Edutzi is the original ancestor; the name of one means "hot wild pepper") in the form of parrots carried a boy and a girl, cultivated plants, to the top of the tree; they also escaped there animals; after the flood, the land near mother earth, Toads to Bururu; she did not give land, both educi parrots carried away some land under their fingernails; they made the ground out of it, flew several times for new portions; fire also had Mother Earth, Bururu; asked to bake a corn cob, it retained a spark, they made a fire; the Toad tried in vain to fill it with urine; doing what was necessary for the children, the educzi flew into their world; var. 1 (Tumupasa); the earth was small, slightly larger than the old toad Bururu, who sat alone on it; she kept fire in her mouth; two educzi (young men from another world) asked for land, she did not give it; they asked bake them a corncob, stole a handful of land, scattered them along the sandbar like the land was then; twice, the earth grew; a dry tree was lit with a spark preserved on the cob; var 2 (Tumupasa) ; during the flood, Bururu and Jujupueva (Steisshüner Art) covered themselves with the ground, became masters of the land; two men escaped the flood on the royal palm tree; saw the ground, hid it under their fingernails, from this created a new one; var. 3 (Tumupasa); two men escaped from the flood at the top of the royal palm tree; below the flood survived Bururu, kept fire in her mouth; men stole an ear with a sparkle, Bururu could not pour urine; brother and sister escaped from the flood at the top of the royal palm tree; after the flood they saw smoke; asked Burura to bake bananas, stole the fire; this couple is the current people], 6 [during the flood on a boy and a girl escaped the royal palm tree; they noted on the trunk how the water was falling, the rings are still visible; after the flood, two arars brought them a corn cob; the next day it grew out of grains corn; asked the old toad Burura to bake her cobs; she kept a spark in her mouth during the flood; she baked it; the next day they brought arara a banana sprout (the same); then cassava; the boy reached out steal yam from Bururu's pot, the pot's throat grabbed his hand; the old woman got angry, but freed him, gave him tubers; there was a spark in the dry cobs that Bururu baked, and the children fanned the fire, Bururu could not fill her with urine], 10 [Aguchi's mother sent her son to bake cassava to get fire to the old toad Burur; she had a spark in her mouth; she finally gave a smoldering branch; he gave her night butterflies], 11 [ the old frog woman keeps the fire in her mouth, does not let others; the Rat fails to steal; the lizard invited the Frog to work with her; first in the rain, the Frog says it keeps sparks in its mouth to keep warm; then under the sun, the Frog fell asleep and died of the heat, the Lizard took the fire]: 42-43, 43-45, 49, 49-50; Nordenskiöld 1924:276-278 [the old man and the old woman went out, they asked the frog to Burura, he gave ordered not to give it to anyone, otherwise he would fill her with urine; two boys tried to steal, Bururu was flooded with fire; the old man killed her, went to look for new fire; the man explained how to get it by friction; Bururu came to life, flooded fire; wrote in chicha, the drinkers died], 298-299 [two boys asked the Toad to bake their cobs; they found a spark in the core, set fire to a pile of garbage, the Toad filled it with urine; another boy set fire to it cut down vegetation on the site, the fire remained for people; the Toad was invited to set fire to the vegetation on the site, it was set on fire from all sides, the Toad could not fill it with urine, burned down]; chimane [god s The fire owner's consent floods the fire with rain; at people's request, the hummingbird keeps the fire by hiding it in the tree]: Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 1:60; chacobo: Bossert, Villar 2002 [cultivated plants and fire owned by old Ashina, people eat meat raw or dry it in the sun; A. gives them only boiled corn, crushed cassava; tareche poultry (parrot?) warns her when every thief is approaching, she puts a person in a basket, cooks, eats it; The cricket steals a seed, brings it to people, and grows out of it a huge stem with cobs of all kinds of corn, they are current; the tareche bird carries coal in its beak, the beak is burnt, it has become shorter; A. sends a storm with rain, but the fire did not go out; the old man gave fire to every family; A. cooked and ate every son; She left one, his name is Virika; he married; A. ate her grandchildren who were born; V. tries to hit his mother with an ax, arrows, her body is like a stone; V. arranges a holiday, birds take him and his wife to heaven ; A. longs; people push it into a hole, it turns into an armadillos; those who laugh and scream have become birds and animals; colored uruku have red feathers and wool; the anteater made a tail out A.'s brooms; the battleship's shell from her basket, turtles from the shard of the vessel; those who did not laugh dug up and took cassava A.]: 368-369; Kelm 1972, No. 2 [the old woman owns corn, cassava and other crops plants; The parrot guards, whistles, the old woman comes out, grabs trying to steal plants, cooks, eats her; she cannot be killed, because the body is like a stone; The cricket made a mink, took away a grain of corn; from the seed grows a stem, all kinds of cobs are ripe on it; there was no fire, people cooked in the sun; A parrot stole coal from the old woman, her beak was burned; to steal cassava, people dug a ditch, an old woman fell into it, became burgos (Momotos sp.); everyone who entered her house and took something became animals; the anteater took the broom, it grew up, became its tail; the battleship took the basket, the shell; who went to the site remained human, dug up cassava tubers for themselves]: 219-221; guarai: Metraux 1942 [a man pretended to be dead, stole fire from vultures; threw a spark to the Frog; the first time she had to spit it out, good luck a second time]: 109; Nordenskiöld 1923:155; guarazu [people dry food in the sun; one person pretends to be dead, vultures flock to fry it; white vulture Uruvushi brings fire; a man jumps up, but the vultures have time to pick up the fire; a little toad hides a few coals, brings it to people; later they lose fire; W. comes and teaches them how to get it by friction]: Riester 1977, No. 1:223-225; chiriguano: Nordenskiöld 1912, No. 1 [boy], 2 (vat) [the young man saw a girl's reflection in a puddle in the forest, followed her, stayed with her for a month; the mother decided that he was dead; he came back, said he got married, his mother asked me to bring his wife, promised to prepare the party; at the festival, the wife became ugly, she was told about it, she left, telling her to put her in a vessel boy and girl (brother and sister), take corn, bean and pumpkin seeds, close the hole; it rained, everyone drowned; after the flood, the boy and girl came out of the vessel; the sown ripened was ripe in half a month; fire in a bird (screams on the river bank; alternatively, at a vulture; Nordenskiöld believes that one option may belong to a vat, the other to a chiriguano); The frog approached the fire to warm up, she took coal in her mouth, took it away, gave it to her brother and sister; they got married, their vats]: 251-253, 253-254; tapete [the black Vulture owned the fire; the frog sat by the fire, swallowed two coals, brought it to people; Vulture's fire went out]: Nordenskiöld 1912:313-314; openwork [Makirein's younger brother, the elder is Uakuberep; a boy came out of a hole in the stone; M. wanted to catch, missed it; began to dig, people came out; the brothers turned into blood-sucking insects, began to suck the blood of a man whose nose, nails, teeth and Adam's apple splashes fire; he killed them, they came to life, took the fire away; that man caused a fire; M. hid in an ant hole, escaped; W. - in his grandfather's house, burned down; M. revived it]: Maldi 1991:259; yabuti [two brothers turned into two stinging insects (mosquito and caba]: Maldi 1991:257; Makurap (Kanoä): Becker-Donner 1963, No. 1 [people came out of a split stone, men have bows and arrows in their hands; animals are like humans first, each species has its own village; Maracana (Propyrrhura) maracana Vieill.) brought corn from the village of the Jaguars; they did not want to give it, but the mother of the Jaguars, Deer, helped; a little bird also brought fire from there; the smut burned it beak, it turned red], 3 [there was no fire; the hummingbird flew behind the fire to the Sun, burned its wings and never returned; The butterfly drowned in a vessel with chicha; 3) The parrot brought fire, corn and chicha]: 447-448, 449; wari [the old woman owns fire, gives it little by little in exchange for fish and game, eats them raw; people try to bake food in the sun, but they only rot; (steal fire), climb the vine into the sky; the old woman's two grandchildren they hide in a tree hut, shoot birds, throw them down, the old woman eats them raw; they tell one bird to fly away; at this time they go down, fry the bird, eat; return to the tree, old woman climbs after them; they turn into woodpeckers, fly to their father in heaven; she climbs the vine into the sky; grandchildren let piranha gnaw through the vine; the old woman falls into her fire, turns into jaguars, ocelots, jaguarundi, foxes; people throw seeds from the sky, trees grow, people jump on them from the sky; decide to become animals; remember that they forgot fire in the sky; two boys have not yet descended; become partridges, swallow fire, fly to the ground; Pinom kills partridges, pulls out fire, swallows himself, turns into a big frog (from the Anurans family); boys come to life when they become again as humans, others transformed also regain their human form; people cook in the sun, only P. roasts meat; emits fire when the winds blow; the frog shaman swallows a spark, gives fire people; P. curses them, promises that children will die and people will fry them (the custom of endocannibalism)]: Conklin 1989:577-583; surui [Jaguars own fire; Palop sends to them the long-tailed orobab bird; it sticks its tail into the fire when the owners do not look at it; carries away the fire on its tail; sits on trees that now serve to produce fire by friction]: Mindlin 1995, No. 21:65-66; arua [two brothers turning into birds]: Metraux 1942:151

Southern Amazon. Kamayura [Sun and Month turning into fish]: Münzel 1973:113-114; vaura [Sun and Month are stolen from a fox, turning into fish and mollusk]: Schultz, Chiara, 1971:124-125; bakairi [The fox (Canis vetalus, catching shrimp and crab) owned fire; the fire was in his eyes to light it, he blinked; Ewaki, i.e. Aunt Keri and Kame (Sun and Moon) sent them to steal fire; Keri turned into a fish, Kame into a snail; the fox began to fry them, they filled the fire; the fox lost patience, left; Keri and Kame fanned the fire, brought them to E.]: Steinen 1897:325; kalapalo [Taugi made a boat out of clay, learned from ducks to make bark; pretended to be dead, grabbed a vulture, received fire from vultures, dawn, day, wives; satisfied wives with a finger; dicks hung in the Lizard's house, his wife masturbated with them; the lizard came and gave T.'s dick, but he began to copulate non-stop, T. got thin; took the cock back, he gave it a smaller one; now it's fine]: Basso 1987:124-138; kuikuro [there was no fire, Kanassa was looking for it while carrying a firefly; the curasso bird (Crax daubentoni) made feather jewelry; K. offered to try it on, it grew, now curasso is always in this outfit; met a small caiman (the same, the cassava brazier has grown to its tail); his relative, the bird Sarakura, made a boat and oars out of clay; Duck has a bark boat; K. offers to change, assures that the coryam boat is fragile; K. and saracura sail away in a corn boat; the clay sinks; The duck floundering, learning to swim; Sarakura says that the fire is owned by Urubu-ray with two heads; K. drew on in the sand of the deer, hid under it; Urubu-ray told the vultures to lift the carcass to his tree, K. ordered him to leave it in place and remain silent; Urubu-rey came down with light with him; K. caught him, ordered him to bring fire; he told his son (a small black bird) to bring a coal; a fire was fanned out of it; frogs came out of the water, filled the fire with water they held in their mouth; little was left, K. fanned again; flying away, Urubu-ray taught me how to get fire by friction, make torches; to transport fire across the lake, K. gave it to various snakes; they were tired, they lost fire in the middle of the lake; only Itóto carried it; K. gave her a drink from cassava and manioc cakes]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:105-110; vaura [Fox had the fire, people cooked food by warming it under their arms; the Sun became a fish, and his brother Month became a river oyster; let the Fox catch themselves; he made a fire to fry them, the Sun set fire to the leaves of the buriti palm tree, carried away the fire; the Fox has only a false fire that lights up and immediately goes out; and people can fry ever since fish]: Coelho 1992:55; kayabi: Grünberg 1970 [as HP]: 158-159; Pereira 1995, No. 15 [people baked meat and fish, dried cassava in the sun; Pazhavi pretended to be dead by getting smeared termite clay; flies laid larvae; urubu flew; one rose to the sky, told Urubu-Rei that there was a lake below with dead fish; he descended with burning smut; P. turned into a woodpecker, flew away from smut, put fire in trees, brought people, showed how to use a fire drill; urubu was left without fire]: 71; nambiquara [people bake meat and cassava in the sun; anteater owns with a fire drill; he came to the village to ask for starch, took it with him; the hunter smelled smoke in the forest, but took out only a piece of baked cake; people watched the Anteater get fire by friction, he noticed, hid; the man with the Bombus sp. bee are going to steal the fire; the bee flies away, carrying a spark; the anteater shouted that the fire is dangerous; people in the village baked cakes, but soon one child began fever; a man burned the vegetation on the site, but put out the fire, there is no fire again; the man makes a fire drill; when the Anteater came to the village to look for fire, all the hearths were extinguished so that he would not see]: Pereira 1983, No. 5:21-23; Rickbacza [people eat tapir crap, wood mushrooms, cassava, don't know onions and arrows; a woman commanded men, only drank and ate, men cooked; one finds a seed, it turns into a bird's egg; it puts it in all the folds and recesses of the body; when it clamps it in the palm of her hand (var.: under the knee, in the fold of the abdomen), the egg gives birth to a boy; while the mother is not at home, another the woman massaged his penis, got along with him; his penis grew; his mother took her son to the forest, he turned into Tapir; his mother made his legs and ass invulnerable by burning fire and stuffing leaves; but he can be killed in the armpit; Tapir copulates with all women, starting with the one that came when he was a boy; men suspect, sent birds to find out; while women in the field make their first bows, go to the river, imitate the voices of women, Tapir was shot dead; the husband of the one who came to see the child hung Tapir's severed penis over her hammock; women turned their children into birds, animals; one blow on a leaf, water poured, formed a river; Cayman carried first the ugly, then the beautiful ones; warned that the wind would blow in the middle of the river, they should not spit; the ugly ones restrained themselves, one beautiful spit, he drowned them; their voices and laughter can be heard from the river; some have turned into fish, stone, birds; sweet potatoes and corn grow at the bottom; the Sloth told the men what happened; they began to copulate with him, he ordered to catch women better; the men first caught the Carp, but missed it; then Akara's fish, she turned into a woman, she made new people; if they were more beautiful from the Carp; the women carried the fire across the river; first, one iguana, then the other, steals the coals; women come and put them out; men find a tree that spews fire, you can't approach it; they pick up fire seeds that have fallen to the ground, find fire]: Pereira 1994, No. 1:17-34 (Pereira 1973, No. 12:46-47); paresi [woman conceives from coal, gives birth to hot coal = first fire; hero sends birds to carry it on her tail; Baryphthengus ruficapillus only burns the tail, tesoureiro-pequeno brings]: Pereira 1986, No. 2:93-94.

Araguaia. Karazha [the fire was owned by Nâxivé (1 m tall, turned the first ancestors into jaguars, deer, urubu, nanda, series, fish); a man sends a toad to steal fire from N.; first N. pees in the toad's mouth, the fire goes out; then the toad asks to warm up, N. defecates in the face, carries away the fire; N. made thorns to the stingray; the man pricked; tied N., he freed himself, ran down the big water; made stones, water, forest]: Baldus 1937a:200-202; tapirape: Baldus 1970 [Petura stole fire from vultures, west Wagley]: 353; Wagley 1977 [people were cold and couldn't cook, the Royal Vulture owns fire; Petura pretends to be dead, maggots crawl on it, Vulture comes to eat them; brings them first red fire, then yellow, then black; when Vulture eats to the dump, P. grabs the red fire, runs away; Vulture screams, Bring back and we'll eat corn; P., No, you'll eat carrion]: 177.

Eastern Brazil. Suya: Frikel 1990:19-20 [people bake meat and fish in the sun; old people Sun (Mbyut) and Month (Myudroa) learn that the Otter owns fire; the Sun turns into trout, the Month turns into a battleship; son Otters catch forl, throw them into the fire; Trout escapes with fire through the battleship's hole; the Sun and the Month bring fire to people; part of the forest burns out, turns into savannah; Jacques's bird swallows coal, since then since her throat is red], 38 [Jaguar owns fire; people let Jaguar touch melted wax; his paws and snout stick, black ever since; people carry fire]; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 37 (Baiso de Pau) ) [the boy's sister's husband called him to get the mako chicks; he climbed the tree on the side pole; when asked what the chicks have feathers, he replies what are the pubic hair of his uncle's wife; he threw away the pole and left; The jaguar asked for the chicks, the boy threw them off; the Jaguar brought him home, where there was fire; the boy returned to the village; the animal people went to get the fire; while the Jaguar and Jaguariha were sleeping, their eyes were waxed; a smoldering log on the baton; Nanda handed the Deer, the Frog, she dropped it into the water, the fire went out; but Toucan, Kirikiri, Socresta and Kurass, who now have red feathers on their throats, swallowed the coals, then spewed; Tapir carried a log; everyone in the village got their share; they no longer ate rotten wood, they began to cook meat, fish, cassava]: 108-110; kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 62 [people baked meat in the sun; a man asks his wife's younger brother to climb a rock to get mako chicks from the nest; the boy finds only two pebbles in the nest; throws them to his sister's husband, he catches them, he hurts, he threw away the stairs, left home; the boy is starving, eating and drinking his excrement and urine; he is noticed by a Jaguar, cuts down a tree, makes a ladder, brings the boy home; there Jaguar's wife spins; when leaving, the Jaguar tells the guest to take meat tapir; the wife allows him to take only venison, shows her claws; after the third time, the Jaguar makes the boy a bow and arrows, allows him to kill his wife; gives him meat and yarn, a piece of smut; the boy returns to sister; people roast meat; turn into animals, go after Jaguar fire; Tapir carries away a smoldering log], 63 [], 64 [(Lukesh 1968:127-131); humans did not have cultivated plants, they ate rotten wood, baked meat in the sun, they did not know how to spin; a man asks his wife's younger brother to climb a rock to get mako chicks from the nest; the boy climbs into the nest, the fallen stone falls on his sister's husband, he threw it away the stairs, went home; the Jaguar notices the boy's shadow; makes a ladder, lowers him; at home feeds the boy roasted meat, cassava, etc.; the Jaguar allows tapir meat, but the Jaguar's wife threatens shows his claws; the Jaguar makes a bow and arrow, allows her to be killed; sent the boy home, giving grilled meat, smoldering smut, cassava; the boy came to the village; people went to the Jaguar house, took everything from him only the gleam of fire in the eyes remains]: 177-179, 181-183, 184-188; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 40, 42-43:125-128, 132-135; Apinaye: Wilbert 1978, No. 60 [no fire, food is baked in the sun; father-in-law asks son-in-law climb the rock to get the mako chicks; the young man does not dare to climb into the nest; the father-in-law throws the pole on which he climbed leaves; the birds nesting higher stain the young man with their secretions; Jaguar sees his shadow, cannot catch him, looks up; asks him to throw off his chicks; puts up a pole; leads the young man to his home; the Jaguar has a fire in his house, he promises to give it to the people; first Jaguarich is kind to the young man, then grins his teeth; the Jaguar leads the young man home, leaves him at the fork, tells him to answer the call of the Stone, not the rotten tree; the young man comes home; people go to pick up the fire; the Jaguar calls the animals to help; rejects bakers, wild pigs, deer, lets two tapirs carry a smoldering log; birds swallow sparks; the coal gets stuck in the guan's throat, it's red ever since], 61 [Nimuendaju 1939:154-158; a man tells his wife's brother get the macaw chicks out of the crevice in the rock; the boy is afraid to take them, the son-in-law pushed the pole away, left; for 5 days the boy suffers from hunger, thirst, mud; the Jaguar tries to catch his shadow; the boy spat, the Jaguar noticed him; ordered the chicks to be thrown off, ate both; lowered the boy, brought him to the river; to his home; he had fire; Jaguar's wife grinns her teeth; the Jaguar makes the boy a bow and arrow, tells him to kill Jaguariha if he threatens ; the boy killed; the Jaguar gave him grilled meat, told him to answer the call of a rock and a hard aroeira tree on the way home, not to respond to the rotten; the boy answered all three calls, now life is short; the boy answers the call of the forest spirit (megalō) Kamdúre; he asks who the boy is calling; - Father; - Am I not your father? ; -Father has long hair, ear inserts; MK returns with long hair, inserts, takes the boy in the basket; while MG was resting, the boy put a stone instead of himself, on top of the coati, ran away; MK children did not found the prey; the boy came to the village; animal people went to get the fire; the Jaguar gave it voluntarily, the smoldering trunk was carried by Tapir; Jacques (Penelope marail) and Jaho (Grypturus sp.) swallow coals, now they have red throat]: 168-176; sherente [the man led his wife's younger brother to ruin the arar's nest in the hollow; he climbed the pole, said that there were no chicks, only eggs, showed hidden in a white pebble in his mouth; the man asked him to throw it down, it turned into an egg, it fell to the ground, broke; the man removed the pole and left; five days later, Jaguar came; the boy threw him two Arar chicks, He jumped, the Jaguar picked him up, took him to him; said that you can't drink from the stream, it belongs to the urubu vulture; the other to little birds; from the third, the boy got drunk and drank it all; it was Cayman's stream, He scolded the boy; the Jaguar fed the boy grilled meat; when he went to the forest, Jaguar's wife growled at the boy; when he returned, the Jaguar scolded her; took the boy home, giving her two baskets of roast meat; and gave her onions, ordered Jaguariha to climb a tree and shoot him if she pursued him; the boy shot him, brought meat to the village; first said that the meat was baked in the sun; his uncle admitted that it was on fire; everyone went Take his smoldering log from Jaguar; Mutum and waterfowl brought it, and Penelope marail picked it up and swallowed the fallen coals, now his throat is red]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 41:129-131 ; ciavante [Giaccaria, Heide 1975; the boy's sister's husband asked him to get the mako parrot from the nest; the boy climbed the pole, said that the nest was not chicks, but eggs (but there were it was the chicks), threw a stone instead of an egg, he hit his sister's husband; he threw away the pole, left; the jaguar came, brought him to him; the jaguar's wife frightens the boy, the jaguar helps; loaded with meat, the boy returns to the village, drives her sister's husband out of his house; all animal people go after the fire; take the smoldering log while the jaguar sleeps; pass the baton; tapir, various types of deer; paka almost drowned on crossing the river; now running with a log during the ritual; the jaguar has been without fire, eating people ever since]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 38:111-121; krenje [Nimuendaju 1914:633-634; the man ordered His wife's little brother to get mako parrots out of the hollow; he was frightened, the man threw away the stairs and left; the Jaguar told the boy to throw off the birds for him, ate them, told them to jump off, picked them up, brought them to him, washed them and combed; Jaguar's wife threatens the boy, the Jaguar gives him a bow, tells him to shoot his wife, but not in the eyes; the boy shot in the paw, ran home; brought people, took all the fire from the Jaguar]: Wilbert 1978, No. 59:166 -167; crash: Wilbert 1978, No. 57 [Schultz 1950:72-74; fire only at Pud and Pudleré (Sun and Month), they have risen to heaven; people bake meat in the sun, eat puba wood; sister's husband a 10-year-old boy told him to climb a rock to get a mako parrot from his nest; removed the stairs and left; the boy suffers from dirt in the nest; the Jaguar sees his shadow, tells him to jump, catches, leads him to him, washes, gives him food cooked on fire; his pregnant wife frightens the boy; the Jaguar gives him a bow, tells him to shoot if his wife threatens again; the boy shoots her in the paws, runs home; people they take fire from the Jaguar]: 160-163; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 39 [Melatti 1978:325-327; the fire was owned by a jaguar (Rópti); people ate raw meat dried in the sun; the man told his wife's younger brother get the mako parrot out of the nest; the parrot is not given, the boy is afraid of it; the sister's husband threw away the stairs, left; the boy has been living in the mako nest for two months; the Jaguar notices his shadow; tells him to drop the mako, eats them, tells the boy to jump, catches him, leads him to the stream to wash, brings him to him, does not tell his wife to eat it; she shows the boy's claws; the Jaguar makes him a bow, tells him to shoot his wife if she starts threaten; boy shoots, runs home; his father and others carried Jaguar's fire]: 122-124; frame camera [Nimuendaju 1946a: 243; there was no fire, people dried meat on rocks in the sun; man told his wife's younger brother to climb the rock to get the macaw parrot chicks; they screamed, the boy was frightened, did not throw off the chicks, the man became angry, threw away the pole leaning against the rock, left; the boy thirsty, macaws defecate on his head; the Jaguar notices the boy's shadow, tells him to shed his chicks, eats them, tells them to jump, catches them, leads to the river, gives water and washes the boy; feeds him fried meat at home; Jaguar's pregnant wife is furious when she hears the boy crunching meat, grinning; the Jaguar gives the boy a bow and arrow; when she grinns again, the boy shoots her paw and runs away; comes home; everyone goes pick up the fire of the Jaguar; he is not at home, his wife asks to keep her coals, but the Toad spit on everyone and extinguished it; the smoldering log was carried to the village by relay]: Wilbert 1978, No. 58:164-165; gaviones [people stole fire from a jaguar]: Arnaud 1975:32.

SE Brazil. Botocudo: Schaden 1947a (State of São Paulo) [similar to Nimuendaju]: 260; Nimuendaju 1946b (Espirito Santo State) [Mutum bird (Nothocrax urumutum) pretends to be dead; Vulture brings fry her fire; Mutum told the fly larvae not to crawl into his nose and ears; the vulture son noticed that the mutum opened his eyes, but the father did not believe it; Mutum grabbed the smut, ran, Stjervanik behind him; the Heron hides Mutuma in a sack, putting his wife on top; Vulture stops pursuing; Heron scattered fire everywhere; seeing this, Vulture decided to eat raw food]: 111-112; kaingang [daughters the owner of the fire is picked up a wet and frozen woodpecker, placed by the fire; the woodpecker carries the fire in his beak, reports the hummingbird, which flies faster]: Baldus 1958:122-124.

Chaco. Chamacoco: Baldus 1931 [hawk steals fire from owl's daughter]: 85; Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 51 [rabbit from birds; they send rain, rabbit hides in trees], 54 [owl hawk]: 174, 177; angaite [a bird steals a fire drill from the fire owner, teaches how to use it]: Cordeu 1973, No. 11:209-210; sanapana [like an angaite]: Cordeu 1973, No. 28:227; lengua [humans do not have fire, they eat raw food; the hunter sees a bird bring snails and fry them; tastes fried food when it flies away; brings fire; when left without fire, Thunderbird punishes people by sending thunder and lightning]: Grubb 1911:97-99; Tereno: Altenfelder Silva 1946 [two Yurikoi-Uvakai men set traps on birds; someone steals birds from the trap; they told the benteví bird to guard; the bird showed the hatch, closing the exit from the underground hole; all the Indians were there; Yu told them to leave; when they left, people froze; Yu told the Hare (Brachyspiza capensis) to find fire; the fire was owned by two Takeoré men; the hare carried away hijacking, hiding in a hole, T. stopped chasing; The hare brought fire to people]: 216; Baldus 1950:218-219; Oberg 1949 [the Yúrikoyuvakái twins discover that someone is stealing birds from their trap; They told the Lizard to guard, she did not notice anything, they threw it against the tree, since then the lizards have been living in trees; they asked the bemtevi bird to guard, which pointed to the bump, the twins pulled it out, a hole opened, in her Indians; the twins told them to go out, everyone went out, suffered from the cold; the twins sent a hare, he ran to Takeoré, threw beans into the fire, it burst, T. was frightened, the Hare took the coal, hid in the hollow; T. began to poke with a stick, the Hare injured himself, smeared the stick with blood, T. decided that he had killed the Hare, left; the hare came to people, threw the coal on the grass, it caught fire]: 42; chorote [hawk]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 50 [anaconda, quail, rabbit own fire; the first two refuse, the rabbit lets them warm up; the hawk grabs fire while the rabbit smokes bees], 51 [sparrowhawk] , 52 [from a person who smoked bees; another person asks a woman, an anaconda, a tapir, a jaguar to warm up; they all refuse; steals like a hawk from a honey collector], 53 [bird people who smoke bees they throw smut at the hawk; he takes it away], 54 [from a woodpecker who smoked bees]: 92-99; nivakle [only Thunderbirds own fire; people find fried snails near a tree; carry away fire; since then Thunder Birds scare people with screams (thunder), sparks flying from under their wings (lightning), hitting people and trees; produce rain by opening a vessel of water]: Alarcon y Canedo in Metraux 1944:132; matako: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 34 [The Red-billed Vulture owns fire; lets others use it; the Toad comes, the Vulture moves its wing, causing a flash; the Toad has jumped and the fire almost went out; Vulture became friends with Toad, allowed her to sit by the fire; for several days in a row, Tokhuah comes to cook food that he steals from others; after improving the moment, he takes away the smut, puts the fire in trees; The vulture let its fire go out, now eats raw food], 35 [the fire was owned by a Jaguar, gave it to others in exchange for something valuable; the rat dug under the hearth, but the Jaguar noticed it and hit it, since then Since her head is flat; another rat has managed to steal fire; there is a black spot on her neck, where the hair is burnt], 36 [Jaguariha owns fire; the rabbit trembles with the cold, asks for her to warm up; carries coal, the world lights up; the Jaguar and the woman tried to fill the fire, but only burned their soles; since then, the jaguars have been black; the Wild Cat taught the Jaguar to hunt; the Tawkxwax trickster puts fire in trees used to produce fire by friction; the Jaguar was a woman and the rabbit that stole the fire was a man], 37 [the fire was owned by a Jaguar; the Guinea Pig brought him fish, quietly took the fire with it; when she saw it burning grass, jaguars tried unsuccessfully to fill it with water], 38 [The Jaguar owns the fire; the mole tries to steal it, the Jaguar flattens his head; the rabbit asks for permission to fry the fish, takes the coal; his hair burns under his chin], 39 [Jaguar owned the fire; everyone, including the Sun, came to him, received a little; Vulture also had fire; when someone tried to take fire, he clapped with his wings, the flame rose, the one who came burned; the Guinea Pig hid the coal under his throat (the stain remained on the skin), took the fire away from the Jaguar; it became a jaguar, now eats meat raw], 40 [Guinea Pig stole fire at the Jaguar; the deer boys killed the Jaguar, the fire was left unattended; people took it or took fire from the Guinea Pig; there was no fire drill; Tokhuah stole smoldering smut from the Jaguar, he chased after him; on the run, T. hit some trees with smut, then threw it; the Jaguar took it, but T. remembered which trees he placed the fire in, since then they get fire by friction]: 94-95, 96-98, 99, 100, 101-102, 103; toba: Miller 1988 [the old woman owns fire; men send Little Hawk, he flies to the fire to warm up; when the old woman falls asleep and other people dance, he takes the smut away; his they almost catch up, he hands the smut to the Dove, who puts fire in the trees; men catch it with friction]: 58-60; Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 7 [the stingy old woman had the fire, the Carancho hawk stole it, flew, throwing coals], 73 [at a wild cat], 74, 75 and 77 [hawk], 71 (pilaga) [Metraux 1946:107-108; the fire was owned by the Rabbit (more precisely a local rodent that looked like a rabbit); he hid the fire under the pot and all night made sure that it was not stolen; the hummingbird waited for him to doze off in the morning, knocked over the pot, took away the fire; all the animals were going to decide what to call the fire; suggested calling it "smoke", "burning"," eating food", "burning", but all names are rejected; the Fox came and said that the name of the fire was dolé ("fire"); since then, the fish was no longer eaten raw; the Rabbit caused rain, the flood flooded the ground; the fox hid it in to the vessel a piece of wood of the kind from which it receives fire by friction; then gave it to everyone a piece], 72 (pilaga) [Metraux 1946:108-109; the Rabbit owned the fire; while he slept, the Fox turned into a hummingbird, stole fire; it began to rain, but the Fox kept the smoldering smut; the fishermen ate baked fish for the first time; they began to discuss what to call the fire; they came to the Rabbit, who said he knew nothing; they came to the Fox, he answered that the fire's name is dolé]: 42, 158, 159-160, 161, 161-162, 166; Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 122-129 [hawk], 130 [man], 132 (pilaga) [the fire was owned by the inhabitants of another village; the fox went there, waited when a man did not watch his fire, took away the coal; people did not know what to call the fire, the Fox replied that dóle], 133 (Western Tobas) [the fire was in the chiriguano; one person followed and carried it away; Different names were offered for fire ("smoke", "burning"), but the Fox said that the correct name was dóle], 190 [the old woman went for honey, got lost, became the Nightjar; where she screams, there was honey; owned fire; Hawk stole coals from her, put fire in trees]: 179-191, 192, 193, 265-266; mokowi: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 23-31 [Hawk steals fire], 32-34 [people eat raw, Whiskacha owns fire; Hawk takes it away, gives it to people], 35 [Whiskacha owns fire; Black Wasp carries coal for people], 36 [Whiskacha owns fire; Vulture steals coal to drive away mosquitoes with smoke], 37 [Fox owns fire; Hawk steals coal with smoke], 37 [Fox owns fire; Hawk steals it, people get fire], 38 [the old woman lets the Hawk trembling in the cold bask by the fire; he takes the coal; the savannah lights up; people get fire]: 48-64.

Southern Brazil. Ofaye: Nimuendaju 1914 [Guinea Pig stole fire from Jaguar; swam across the river with a scum on her head]: 377; Ribeiro 1951, No. 4 [Jaguar's mother owned fire; Battleship was the first to try to steal, came to warm up; when the old woman fell asleep, took away the coal; she whistled, the Jaguar Son caught up with the Battleship, took the coal; the same with Guinea Pig, Tapir, Monkeys; the last one was prea (Aguti?) , who was ignored; ran away, swam across the river, convinced Jaguar that it was better for him to eat raw meat; he taught Agouti to make fire by friction]: 123-124; mbia: Baldus 1952 [owned fire urubu vulture; the kukuru toad came to warm up; urubu poked her with his head; Tupã felt sorry for the toad, went up, clapped his hands, the urubu flew away in fear; T. took the fire (for people), and gave the toad sparkle]: 484-485; Cadogan 1959 [hero pretends to be dead, telling a toad to swallow fire when vultures fly; then belch it]: 64-66; Muller 1934 [Nyanyandu (cultural hero, Nandu) asks the Roe Deer to be allowed to lie down by her fire; she each time replies that this is just the place for her ears, eyes, legs, etc.; N. goes to the Old Partridge, she lets her lie down; he takes away hot coals, gives people] : 451-454; apapokuwa [Nyanderikoy pretends to be dead; Vultures flock to fry him; Caracara noticed that N. opened his eyes slightly, did not believe the urubu, pecked out their eyes, began to fry; N. scattered fire, urubu scattered; their leader tells them to watch the fire; the toad, as agreed, swallows the coal, then gives it to N.]: Nimuendaju 1914:396-397; chiripa [see motif J8; Ñanderú Guaz & #250; came from the west, put the earth on a wooden cross (palo cruzado); with him Ñanderú Mbae Kua; they found the first woman under a clay pot, both met her; NG went to the site, came back, told his wife to go pick corn; she did not believe that the harvest was ripe for her; NG got angry, left, promised to forgive his wife if she found her way to him; from his mother's womb, their son Kuarahy (the future sun) showed her the way; asked her to pick flowers, the woman was bitten by a wasp, she scolded K., he fell silent; the woman came to the old woman, who hid her under the pot from her nephews Añag; she told them herself, they killed and ate a woman; the old woman asked for fruit from the womb to be eaten, but not cooked or baked; K. considered the old woman a mother, shot butterflies, called them after birds, since then birds have names; the old woman does not tell you to hunt on Blue Mountain; K. goes there, finds his mother's bones, mixed them with cornmeal makes himself a brother Yacy (next month); brothers destroy Añag jaguars and demons; K. gave Y. power over cultivated plants and crops; K. created honey, but Y. asked to leave some of the hollows empty; the urubu vultures had fire; K. was afraid to approach them himself, created a cururu toad, which swallowed coals, brought, regurgitated; K. made sugar cane, Y. imitated, a snake came out; K. and Y. saw A. fishing; K. bit off and took the hook, Y. got caught; A. caught him in the form of a bagre (first fish); K. I asked for bones, I revived it. (moon phases); the brothers came to Saria (this is also Añag); Y. said that he had many sisters, A. asked them to marry, Y. ordered K. to ask permission; he told A. to bring fish for his wives, gave the girl, from his feet which the fish is dying; A. began to beat the girl, she turned into a timbo vine; K. gave A. a crown of feathers, it caught fire, A. burned down; a partridge flew out of his stomach, the ashes turned into mosquitoes; I. got together with a married woman; on a full moon, the Month copulates with girls, causing menstruation; K. did Venus; after copulation, Y. tells Venus to wash it, so it rains on the new moon; K. and Y. did a chain of arrows to go to heaven to my father; I wanted to climb first to become the sun, but K. was the first to climb himself]: Bartolomé 1977:16-40 (stealing fire at p. 31); caigua [toad and hare kidnapped fire at the jaguar]: Schaden 1947b:110.

The Southern Cone. Northern Tehuelches [the Snake (matuasto) had fire; the hare came to warm his hands; grabbed the fire, ran into the hole; Nanda came up to him, stepped on the tail, so the hare is short; people used to eat raw meat]: Fernandez Garay, Hernández 1999:78-80; Southern Tehuelches: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 66 [people eat meat raw; Battleship, Skunk, Wild Cat know how to make fire; Swan woman tells Skunk that he smells like smoke; Elal kicks Battleship with his foot, takes fire; cuts Battleship's back with a knife, traces are still visible], 67 [people eat meat raw; Battleship, Skunk, Wild Cat can make fire; Elal tells the Skunk woman that she smells like smoke; takes the fire, cuts the Battleship's back with a knife, the tracks are still visible; since then, battleships have eaten small fruits, skunks eat cockroaches], 68 [ Elal took fire from the Battleship, cut his skin]: 109, 110-111, 111.