Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

D4C. Summer mining. .35.41.43.-.46.

The characters get the warmer months from its original owners.

Nganasana, Ketas, Tagish, Inner Tlingit, Slevi, Chipewayan, Yellowknife, Shuswap, Kutene, Timagami and others Ojibwa, Naskapi, Montagnier, Viandot, Penobscot, Mikmak, Sarsi, blacklegs, assiniboine, grovantre, crowe, arikara.

Western Siberia. Nganasana [the diamaku bird is freezing; asks a man to make her iron wings, nose, legs; flies south, seven girls are sitting on the cloud, with each bag; the bird asks God to let the girls fell asleep; unties the youngest's bag, warm clouds are rolling out of it, summer is coming]: Long 1976, No. 14:57-58; chum salmon: Alekseenko 2001, No. 40 [(=Dulzon 1969, No. 61:199-203; =Kupriyanova 1973:144); y old man Yrokhota's wife and two daughters, the eldest to the colmas; frosts come, the "dosi" (iconic wooden figures) are freezing, they send Yrokhoty Zaichikh to the elderly to ask when it will be warm; she first forgets the answer, then tells the dosi to send her frogskin box to the old woman; the old woman receives the box but doesn't get warmer; the old woman says that Uses ("warm sky") will return warmth when will marry their daughter; Yrokhots put colmas in a cauldron, who rises to heaven in it; the trees rejoice that "their aunt" has risen, but the kolmas beats them with an alder rod; W. tells her to take the trough with meat his parents; Colmas goes out, does not see the plague, falls through the hole of the invisible plague, "it has dried up in the seven suns and moons of the upper world"; the earth is cold again; old people send their second daughter, she distributes fishmeal to the trees; after coming out of the plague, W. notices sparks flying from another, leaves meat there, returns; when going hunting, W. orders to sew mittens first, the next day to the park; the girl takes uncrumpled skin into the plague, where she left the meat; there the old woman sits on her skin and while the girl is looking for lice, the skin turns into mittens, into a park; W. suspects that it was sewn by his mother's hands, but the girl denies; he marries a girl, it's warm on the ground], 41 [people are starving in the cold; the old man sends Hare to his grandmother to ask what he wants to sit down; she replies that to marry her sister, the Hare returns, forgets the answer; the old man sends the Fox, she comes back, talks; Calbassam hears, sends his daughter; young trees, bushes, they are children of the sun, they jump, they say that the aunt is coming, daughter K. hits them with a stick; the trees tell her to swallow the sharpener when she sees it; she came to the plague, swallowed the sharpener; W. returns from hunting, daughter K. replies that she did not see the sharpener; W. orders to take the meat to the elderly; daughter K. did not knows where to go, dumps meat into the hollow of a stump; sleeps with W. at night, warm in the morning, K. rejoices that her daughter is married; when she goes hunting, W. gives his wife skin from her deer forehead, tells her to sew mittens; she rolls down on the skin from the stone plague, falls the second time, dies; W. sends even more severe frost; the episode with the forgetful Hare, the Fox, is repeated; the grandmother's daughter follows her advice, corrects the trees, greases them with fat, the Christmas trees rejoice that their aunt is coming; they tell them to put the sharpener in place (by the vice); she gives the sharpener to the returning W.; finds the chum on the spark that has flown out, puts the meat in the old people's dish; mother W. asks to look for lice from her, puts the skin from the deer's forehead, takes out the finished mittens in the evening, tells W. to answer that she sewed herself; W. and his wife go down, visits his wife's parents; K. asks why did W. not bring her gifts; W. follows W.'s trail, he sees a cloud rising behind him; behind the plague, ropes are tied to the wolves' ears, with which the ground is pulled; the wife pulled out her ears, wrapped the ropes around her ears, the ground holds; the wolves freed themselves, tore K.; they returned back, she stuck her ears in again, tied the ropes with which the ground was pulled together]: 93-98, 98-100; (cf. Alekseenko 1970 [Uses'as'ket (A Warm Fairy Tale) was told in the evenings only during severe frosts; storytellers could only be persons born during the warm winter months; the fairy tale was supposed to cause warming]: 44); Osharov 1936a [the old people have five daughters, the youngest is smart and beautiful; in the cold, the old man decides to send the eldest to Oses to send warmth; she comes where there is grass, there is no snow; the grass asks stay, she does not listen, hits and tramples on her; does not look for the door at the plague, breaks through it; Oses returned, drove her away, because she broke the plague, did not give heat, killed the girl; the same with the other three daughters; youngest carefully separates the grass, sees two birch trees killed sisters, corrected the plague, found the door, decorated the mind with jewelry removed from the sisters, inside the plague is only a dead cuckoo; Oses comes, says that he will send warmth , she will marry her; it's getting warmer, the old woman reproaches the old man for killing his daughters, but the warmth has come without it; drives the old man out to look for daughters; he meets a polar bear, a bear beats him, an old man falls, rivers have flowed from it]: 161-165.

Subarctic. Tagish, inner tlingits [animals make a hole in the sky; Bloodsucker has punched a hole, Wolverine has widened; they climb through it, steal summer from those who owned it; the old man advises them not take everything; so summer and winter alternate; kidnappers bring summer in a bubble; snow melts]: Cruickshank 1992:48-49; sleevy [winter doesn't end; animals gather for advice; only the Bear is missing; Lynx, Fox, Wolf, Mouse, Pike, etc. go up to the sky; find two Bear cubs in the house; learn from them that their bags contain rain, wind, fog, warmth; The mouse gnaws on the oars, the Lynx turns into a caribou, Mother Bear rushes after her in the boat, the paddle breaks; animals steal heat; the snow melts, the flood begins; a huge creature drinks water]: Bell 1901, No. 1:26-27; Chipewayan [see motif B42; The bear fails arrange an eternal night; then he steals summer; The squirrel finds out in a dream, leads animal people to the world where the Bear lives; the Mouse gnaws on the paddle in the Bear's boat, the Lynx provokes the Bear to sail in the boat, rowing with all their might; the paddle breaks, the bear falls into the water; animal people carry the ball with warmth inside; the snow melts, the water floods the ground]: Birket-Smith 1930:83-86 [The squirrel wants the rocks to stay at the bottom, and birch logs swam; the Bear wants the opposite; others support the Squirrel; when angry, the Bear promises to make an eternal night; the Squirrel proves that the Bear will suffer himself; listeners admit Squirrel is right, then the stones roll into the sea, sink to the bottom; the Bear unsuccessfully chases the Squirrel, steals the summer; the animals go to a warm country; decide to lure the Bear by sending a herd across the pond caribou, The mouse must gnaw on the paddle; but the paddle does not break, the Bear rows in the boat; out of fear, the Mice's eyes are left bulging; finally, it breaks; the animals learn from the cubs that the bag is warm, carry bag; Pike is the last to carry, her teeth are holes in the bag; the bear screams that from now on, heat and cold will alternate; the snow melts, the water floods the world, but the 'tulkkuzji bird drinks all the water ; Lynx first strokes, then tears its stomach, water pours out], 86-87 [The bear lives in the sky; keeps rain, snow, fog, cold in bags; Lynx swims, bear chases her in a boat]; Lowie 1912 [cold, no animals; people reach a place where a cloud hangs from the sky; it contains bags of different animals, with warmth; people throw a bag of warmth from the sky, it bursts, the ground is covered with water (probably from melted snow); people send birds from the sky to dive underground; only Pintail brings earth from the bottom in its beak and paws; it is sent to dive again; this is how the earth grows]: 187; Yellowknife [animal people climb get heat to the sky; A squirrel from the top of a spruce gnaws a hole in the sky, the light illuminates the ground; The bear keeps wineskins on the island with rain, snow, good weather, storm, warmth; The deer swims to the island, carries warm, goes down the rope to the ground; The mouse gnaws a hole in the wineskin to make moccasins for his children; the heat spreads, the melted snow floods the ground; Grandfather escapes in the boat; first the Eagle, then the Dove they fly in search of land; they come back; next time they bring a spruce branch; the Muskrat, the Otter cannot dive to the bottom; the Duck brings silt from the bottom; new land is made from it]: Petitot 1886, No. 5:373-378.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [The Heat People control the chinook in the wind (= in summer); the Hare and the Fox come to steal the chinook; they tear the bag containing the wind, carry the chinook away; the Heat Men send fire after; the Hare and the Fox run away from him (Var.: Beaver and Muskrat cause a flood to extinguish the fire)]: Teit 1909a: 624-625; coutene: Linderman 1997, No. 15 [people in the same village own bags with the seasons, let winter out for 12 months; Coyote tells the old woman to cry, not answer why, then complain that she will starve to death; people gather, Coyote asks the Soft-Stepping, Far-Throwing and Grizzly for help; they come to the village summer owners; Soft-stepping warms up by the fire, covers the old woman's mouth with resin, takes the bag, the Grizzly tears it up, makes it warm]: 158-166; Walker 1980 [people in one village own the seasons, release each for three months; people in the other are starving, they want spring; they send a boy, he finds an old woman in the house, asks what's in the bags; drowns the resin, covers the old woman's mouth, takes the bag with spring; owners they chase; The bear opens the bag, the snow melts; now winter and spring are six months long]: 24-25.

The Midwest. Timagami ojibwa [man catches and binds little birds; they cannot bring summer; puts Freshwater Herring as a watchman; Little Otter seals Herring's mouth with resin, frees birds; a man chases an Otter, he runs to heaven, turns into a Big Dipper; an arrow hits her tail (bucket handle bend; wound - Alcor)]: Speck 1915d, No. 11:63-64; Ojibwa: Carson 1917 [ In spring, people are starving; the boy is going to kill a squirrel; she tells him to break his bow and arrows, cry hysterically, asking for summer; people first think he is crying because he broke his bow; then the Otter Chief (fisher) ) leads the Little Turtle, the Big Turtle, the Otter, the Crow, the Beaver to where the Eagle, who owns the summer, lives; on the way, they are joined by Caribou, Elk, Owl, Muskrat, Hawk; Beaver, Muskrat, Mouse gnaw their oars, Eagle's boats hole; the Crow, then the Owl do not reach the Eagle's house; the Hawk flies, spies, his face is scorched; the Elk, Caribou, the Deer swim; the Otter invites the Eagle to chase them; the hunters drown in leaky boats; Otter takes summer away; The crow chases the Eagle, the Turtle drowns it; at home, the chief asks how many months a year should be; Elk: How many hairs are on my body; Link (fish), How many eggs do I have, how many guts I have; The frog puts out his fingers, How many fingers do I have; the elk hits it with a stick; the chief agrees with the Frog]: 492-493; Jones 1916, No. 16 [spring does not come, someone keeps migratory birds; the Little Otter leads the animals to free them; the Great Otter is included in the squad against the wishes of others; because of him, you have to go to the old woman twice before he can get food; later an old man gives food; Muskrat holes boats, Beaver gnaws on his oars, Caribou wades across a bottleneck on the lake to distract the attention of the birds' owners, the Fox barks at him; while pursuers rush for the Caribbean, the Little Otter frees the birds; to escape from his pursuers, climbs a tree, and then into the sky, becoming the Big Bear; returning from the campaign, Caribou suggests that the number of winter months was equal to the number of coats on his skin; the chipmunk offers six months in terms of the number of stripes on his back, so they decided]: 371-372; 1919, No. 56 [=1916]: 469-687.

Northeast. Four-legged birds steal summer birds; the snow melts, the happy boy stops crying while hunting birds. Naskapi: Millman 1993 [a little boy cries, demands summer songbirds; father promises Wolf, Wolverine, Otter and Muskrat that he will not hunt them if they get summer; they have come to Beaver , he cooked three of his beavers, cut off pieces of his own fat for the guests; they came to the old man, asked for summer, he refused to give it back; his wife was a sucker fish; the otter lowered the log, everyone mistook him for an elk, rushed in pursuit; at this time, the guests carried away the bird baskets; the old man chased them, but Muskrat could not be drowned, and the paddle was stuck in Porcupine's needles; the arrow pierced Fisher's ass, which became a star into the sky Fisher; sent brought birds; boy killed one, put on skin, became a bird, flew away with birds; told his father he would see him next year]: 110-103; Speck 1925 (mistasini) [boy cries, demands summer birds to shoot at them; people go to get Summer; do not want to take the Otter, who is funny; Muskrat gnaws on the oars of the owners of Summer; launches a tree on the water that resembles an elk with with horns; the owners of Summer rush to catch it; only Sucker and Sturgeon remain to guard Summer; their mouths are covered, Summer is carried away; the owners start chasing, but their oars break; they catch up with the Otter; he says that enemies themselves will die if they try to burn or beat him; pretends to be afraid of water; he is thrown into the river; his pursuers shoot Marten; he runs from a tree to heaven, turns into a Big Dipper (the second star of the bucket handle is the place where the arrow hit)]: 28-31; 1935a [=1925]: 66-69; Montagnier: Desbarats 1969:35-41 [in winter, the mother leaves her lousy son; the forest spirit saves him, takes him to mother, calls her a monster; the boy cries as the spirit goes away; then like the naskapi; the muskrat gnaws through the bottoms of the boats; summer birds hang in bags on the walls of the fish dwelling; porcupine, fishing marten, they catch turn into a porcupine, a fishing marten; Whitefish hit the tail of Woodchuck, Marmota monax with an arrow, who jumped into the sky and became the North Star]; Savard 1979, No. 9 [parents they migrate, leaving their young son; Mistapeo saves him, leads him to his parents; they are afraid that Atshen brought him (they look like hairy giants), but M. tells the child's mother that she is the real A. ; M. eats only caribou lungs; if he ate meat, it would lose its taste for humans; boy cous for humans; y; if he ate meat, it would cry, want to shoot summer birds; Otter all the time laughs, she is silenced, she laughs quieter; the Big Beaver carries fat, the bag of fat is quietly cut off, the Otter is also given fat; some creature lies in the way like a rock; moves away; followed by the country of summer; The muskrat is a watchman, she is given fat, she agrees to launch a log with branches and make holes in the boats; in the evening, the fire owners dance; the owl flies for reconnaissance, looks into a hole in the house, her beak is burned ( now he is white), she puts a knot in the hole; two old women guard in the morning; when they see a log, they say that something is swimming; white and black fish remain at home; their mouths are sealed, summer is taken away; fish do themselves in glue a hole with a branch, raise the alarm; the chase is unsuccessful; the pursuers shout that let summer and winter alternate; the kidnappers agree, open the bag with summer; Caribou wants so many winter months how many fur does he have between his fingers; Beaver: how many scales he has on his tail; Jay: how many fluffs she has; everyone is told that he will not survive in such a long winter; Woodpecker: six months in winter, how many fingers do I have on my two legs; the birds told the boy he would stop killing them, gave him fluff and feathers, he became Chaffinch], 10 [like in Desbarat; the pursuers put a huge one in front of the runners bone, but they break it; suggest that summer birds be alternately with them and then with their kidnappers; without turning into a star]: 38-43, 44-48; Speck 1925 (escumene) [parents leave the little one in winter boy; cannibal giant Atsen puts him in his mitten, brings him to his parents; the boy replies to his father that he will stop crying if he can shoot summer birds; animals go looking for them; Muskrat gnaws through the boats of summer owners, gnaws on their oars, pushes a stump into the river; the owners think it's an elk, follow them, their boats sink; Sturgeon and Sucker guard the birds, animals cover their mouths with resin, birds are carried away; Wolverine detains pursuers; birds are released, snow melts, boy shoots birds, stops crying]: 6-8; viandot [cold; Otter's little son (Fisher) wants to shoot Squirrel ; she says how to get summer; he must cry until his father promises to get summer; the Big Otter, Beaver, Lynx, Badger come to the old man with the Otter Father; warn the Big Otter not to laugh; he laughs, the old man tries to kill him, he slips away; when he returns, he does not laugh; the old man shows the way to the top of the mountain; only Badger manages to break a hole in the sky; the Otter follows the Badger; in the sky it's warm, people are playing ball; those who come hole through a vessel of birds, they rush to the ground, where it gets warm; the hole closes before the Otter can go down; he is fatally wounded in the tip tail; it turns into Ursa Major]: Walker 1995, No. 12:113-130; penobscot [Gluskabe goes to get summer; hides one eye in a hollow along the way, tells Chickady to guard him; comes to dancing people; summer lies in a bark basin, two girls are dancing next to them; G. turns them into toads, makes it dark in the teepee, takes summer away; the Ravens chasing him grab leather balls with which his head is covered, thinking that his head has been grabbed; the Horned Owl has taken G.'s eye away; he catches it, inserts her eye; brings summer to the wigwam of Winter; it is an ice man; both he and his home are melting]: Speck 1935b, No. 11-12:45-47; mikmaq: Parsons 1925, No. 9 [three brothers and sister explain to the fourth little brother that their parents are dead; he cries; tells the Bear that he will stop if he gets summer birds, flowers, warmth; Blue Jay, Loon, Otter go west after summer; ask Sky to fill their bags with warm air; Sky also gives summer birds; boy smiles; grows up as a hunter and warrior]: 73-75 ; Wallis, Wallis 1955, No. 19 [Kitpusiagana wants summer; it is guarded by an old man and an old woman on the other side of the lake; an old woman goes there; throws pieces of fat to Muskrat, luring her ashore, promises to give more; The muskrat agrees to gnaw holes in the summer owners' boats, gnaw on their oars; the woman rejects Blue Jay (flies too noisily), chooses an Owl, sends her after the summer, Woodchuck is with her, he is told laugh in advance, because he is funny; Owl, the owner of the summer, burns her nose (it was big); everyone rushes after the moose, at which time the Owl takes the summer away; the pursuers' boats are full of holes, the oars break; K. glad stops crying]: 341-342; Whitehead 1988 [an orphan boy cries; his sister asks one of his older brothers to go to a female bear; she advises to make a small bow for the boy, but he still cries requires summer; the Bear sends her older brothers Blue Jay, Loon, Otter after summer; they go west, where the sky is burning, they open their bags, ask Sky to give summer; The sky tells you to tie up quickly bags, take plants and a pair of birds of each species from his teepee; at home, messengers open bags, releasing heat, bringing plants and birds; the boy smiles; becomes a chief]: 69-71.

Plains. Sarsi [eternal winter first; the old man comes to the camp, tells the little boy to cry; when the boy cannot be reassured, they are sent for the Old Man; the boy answers the Old Man that he wants summer; The old man leads everyone south; the water creatures are tired, they are back; the Lynx went into the tipi, there is flowers and warmth, a sick woman is lying on the floor, asking where the cold came from; the old man turned into an elk, everyone chased after him, at that time Lynx put thorns in the woman's mouth, grabbed flowers and leaves, ran; the animals passed the stolen goods on the baton, the Old Man carried it to his land, scattered it, spring came, followed by summer, The seasons have begun to alternate; those who are tired and did not participate in the kidnapping of summer are now wintering in the north]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 2:4-5; blacklegs: Fraser 1990 [A bear steals the warm wind of a chinook; Spring does not come, people are starving; they go to look for the Bear; an orphan boy puts him to sleep, the Coyote carries the bag with the wind, the Partridge manages to open it; it gets warm; since then, the bears sleep in winter and are angry when wake up]: 7-9; Maclean 1893 (blood) [a man and a woman have bags of summer and winter in the house; the old man sends an Owl to scout, then the Partridge to steal a bag with summer; during the chase, the bag bursts]: 166; assiniboine: Clark 1966 [two brothers go east after spring; find a package surrounded by flowers, seeds, roots; send two Cranes to bring spring to people]: 297; Lowie 1909a, No. 3 [The creator asks Trickster to get rid of eternal winter; he leads animal people east; the owl flies into the summer owner's home, puts summer in a bag, tells the Fox; the Trickster pretends to catch it himself Fox; animals run underground, summer owner can't catch up with them]: 101-104; grovantre [the old woman hides buffalo and summer; Nishant tells the little boy to cry until he (N.) will come; the boy complains that he wants meat and land without snow; N. turns into a puppy, the old woman's daughter, contrary to his mother's orders, picks him up; one day he takes him to the forest, the puppy turns into N., rapes girl; she calls her mother for help; while the old woman runs to her daughter, N. returns to her home, throws the bag of summer outside; the snow melts; to go out by himself, N. clings to the scrotum of the last bison, hanging under his stomach; the old woman does not notice him; a warm wind blows at night, bisons come]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 4:65-67; crowe [Old Coyote tells the boy that children in the south catch birds, it's summer there; the boy also wants birds; the woman in the south owns the summer; the old Coyote man turns into a Moose, takes Deer, Coyote, Rabbit, Wolf with him; in the woman's house there is a dark bag with summer and white with winter; while people they chase the moose, the Coyote takes the dark bag; the wolf opens it; they agree with the people of the south that they will have summer and the birds for six months, six months in the north]: Simms 1903, No. 2:282-284; arikara [all it's winter, the Raven, the Coyote and the Scalped decide to steal the Sun's child in the south; it's a hoop hanging on the wall; the Scalped one takes it away, passes it to the Coyote; the Coyote runs for four days, gets tired, falls asleep; birds take the hoop back; if it ran longer, it would be warm further north]: Parks 1996, No. 2:123-125.