Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

D4G. The hummingbird produces fire.


hummingbird kidnaps, finds, or spreads fire. See D4A motif.

California. Kato; miwok (lower reaches of Sacramento); coastal miwks.

Big Pool. Western shoshones [(two versions); The lizard notices ash coming from the south; the hummingbird takes off, sees the fire owners; the Coyote comes to them to dance, his bark wig lights up; he transmits relay fire; Rabbit causes hail to stop pursuers, sends fire to the Rat; pursuers die]; Steward 1943:253-255; gosiute [Coyote smells smoke from the east; Chickadee, Woodpecker, Blue Jay come back, Hummingbird finds fire; Coyote comes to the fire to dance, sets fire to his hair, runs away, hides in a cave, eats a rabbit and a rat]: Smith 1993:4-5; panamint [a coal falls from the sky; the Coyote tells everyone to jump higher to see which direction the fire is in; the hummingbird reports that it is in the west; the Coyote comes to dance with the fire masters; he is thrown into the fire; the rope with which he wraps his head lights up, he runs; the fire goes out several times before it can be carried away; the pursuers kill the Coyote, but manages to hand it over to the Turtle, the latter to the Lizard, etc.; The Rat hides the fire last, distributes it to everyone]: Zigmond 1980, No. 68:221-223; Utah: Givón 2013, No. 4 (Southern Utah) [the sun has gone down, complete darkness; Sinawav {in other publications S. - wolf} tells his people steal fire from enemies; hummingbirds flew, snatched hot coals from the fire, brought them, lit the fire, it became possible to see]: 27-30; Lowie 1924 (southern Utah) [the first ancestors notice reflections from the west; come to dance; Hummingbirds grab fire, give them to other bird people; fire owners send rain; Rabbit, then the Rat keep the fire; God throws both into the fire, says both will become food ], #3:6-7; Smith 1992 (White River Utah) [a spark flies from the west; the Blue Jays hold fire; the Magpie, the Raven, the Eagle and others cannot reach the fire; the Hummingbird reaches; the Coyote wins the fire; smears with a tar head; the resin lights up, it runs away; sends fire to Magpie, then the Hummingbird]: 94-96; Kroeber 1901 (Uintah), No. 1 [the wind brings coal; the Coyote sends birds to explore; only the Hummingbird flies so far that he sees the owners of the fire; the Coyote leads his people to dance; dancing, sets fire to his wig from the bark; running away, transfers fire to various birds; carries it again; the Rabbit advises him to hide in the hole; fire owners send rain and snow; Coyote brings fire]: 252-260.

The Great Southwest. Western Apaches [distributes].

Mesoamerica Kakchikeli; mocho.

Ecuador. Colorado.

Western Amazon. Canelo; shuar; aguaruna; achuar.

NW Amazon. Andoque; witoto; bora; ocaina.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Cimane.

SE Brazil. Kaingang [with the woodpecker].

Chaco. Toba.