Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

D4G. The hummingbird produces fire.


hummingbird kidnaps, finds, or spreads fire. See D4A motif.

California. Kato; miwok (lower reaches of Sacramento); coastal miwks.

Big Pool. Western shoshones [(two versions); The lizard notices ash coming from the south; the hummingbird takes off, sees the fire owners; the Coyote comes to them to dance, his bark wig lights up; he transmits relay fire; Rabbit causes hail to stop pursuers, sends fire to the Rat; pursuers die]; Steward 1943:253-255; gosiute [Coyote smells smoke from the east; Chickadee, Woodpecker, Blue Jay come back, Hummingbird finds fire; Coyote comes to the fire to dance, sets fire to his hair, runs away, hides in a cave, eats a rabbit and a rat]: Smith 1993:4-5; panamint [a coal falls from the sky; the Coyote tells everyone to jump higher to see which direction the fire is in; the hummingbird reports that it is in the west; the Coyote comes to dance with the fire masters; he is thrown into the fire; the rope with which he wraps his head lights up, he runs; the fire goes out several times before it can be carried away; the pursuers kill the Coyote, but manages to hand it over to the Turtle, the latter to the Lizard, etc.; The Rat hides the fire last, distributes it to everyone]: Zigmond 1980, No. 68:221-223; Utah: Givón 2013, No. 4 (Southern Utah) [the sun has gone down, complete darkness; Sinawav {in other publications S. - wolf} tells his people steal fire from enemies; hummingbirds flew, snatched hot coals from the fire, brought them, lit the fire, it became possible to see]: 27-30; Lowie 1924 (southern Utah) [the first ancestors notice reflections from the west; come to dance; Hummingbirds grab fire, give them to other bird people; fire owners send rain; Rabbit, then the Rat keep the fire; God throws both into the fire, says both will become food ], #3:6-7; Smith 1992 (White River Utah) [a spark flies from the west; the Blue Jays hold fire; the Magpie, the Raven, the Eagle and others cannot reach the fire; the Hummingbird reaches; the Coyote wins the fire; smears with a tar head; the resin lights up, it runs away; sends fire to Magpie, then the Hummingbird]: 94-96; Kroeber 1901 (Uintah), No. 1 [the wind brings coal; the Coyote sends birds to explore; only the Hummingbird flies so far that he sees the owners of the fire; the Coyote leads his people to dance; dancing, sets fire to his wig from the bark; running away, transfers fire to various birds; carries it again; the Rabbit advises him to hide in the hole; fire owners send rain and snow; Coyote brings fire]: 252-260.

The Great Southwest. Western Apaches [distributes].

Mesoamerica Kakchikeli; mocho.

Ecuador. Colorado.

Western Amazon. Canelo; shuar; aguaruna; achuar.

NW Amazon. Andoque; witoto; bora; ocaina.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Cimane.

SE Brazil. Kaingang [with the woodpecker].

Chaco. Toba.