Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

D7. Toad and fire.



frog or toad owns the first fire, steals it from the original owner, tries to extinguish it or save it from extinction. See motive D4.

Taiwan - Philippines. Ilokan [giants' fire; Lam-ang and animals go to steal it; animals make noise, giants jump out of the house, L. takes the coal, passes the baton; the last is the Frog, giants grab her tail, she jumps towards people; left without a tail and with her eyes bulging with fear]: Eugenio 1994, No. 192a: 324-325 (Rybkin translation 1971, No. 80:202-203).

The coast is the Plateau. Sanpual [The frog urinates in the sky, it is raining, all the lights are flooded; only she has the fire; the future Sun and Month come to her; she clings to the neck of the Month, says she is his wife; she is roasted, trying to tear it off, her skin wrinkled]: Ray 1933, No. 4:136-137.

California. Yurok [people ate tar instead of acorns, alder bark instead of salmon; there was no river; constant night, no fire, food was cooked in their armpits; Earthquake, Thunder, sandpiper bird, Ant only played shinney; the dwarf finds out that the sky is light; Wohpekumen turns into a woman, comes to the owners of the fire; carries baskets with day and fire; birds and animals carry baskets on relay; the frog is given last; she puts them in her mouth, dives; pursuers go; she spits fire into willows (fire drill material)]: Kroeber 1976, No. D1x: 237-242; Karok: Bancroft 1875 (Powers' Pomo MS) [two old women they own fire; the Coyote arranges various animals on the way from them to their homes; comes to old women, asks permission to warm up; runs away with burning smut; passes it on to the Puma, the Bear, the Squirrel; the latter - A frog, old women almost grab it, it swallows coal, dives; its tail burns, now it's only tadpoles; spits fire into pieces of wood from which it is obtained by friction]: 115-117; Kroeber, Gifford 1980 [Coyote runs away with burning bark between his toes; passes the baton to various animals and birds; The frog is the last, swallows fire, dives; spits out in alder, willow; teaches how to fire drill], No. A7 and II43 [hornets in the upper reaches of the river have fire; Coyote promises to decorate them, asks you to close your eyes], F11, II7 [the old woman owns fire]: 11-12, 62-64, 152-153, 196-197; screw [people- animals find a dugout in which two women who own fire live; the Coyote pretends to be cold, the women let him warm up; he steals the smut, passes it to the Frog; the women tear off its tail; A frog puts fire in a rotten stump]: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 14:304-305.

The Great Southwest. Mojave [to light the deceased creator's funeral pyre, a frog woman makes fire by rubbing her arms against her hips]: Kroeber 1972, No. 9:46.

NW Mexico. Yaki [fire overseas; Toad kidnaps it, passes it on to other toads; on the shore, the fire is received by a dog, a crow, a roadrunner; the owner of the fire strikes them with lightning, but the fire spreads]: Giddings 1959:18, 63.

Honduras vs Panama. Guatuso [old Nhácará Curíja wields fire; when she falls asleep, the Toad swallows the coals; the old woman steps on her stomach, the coals are regurgitated; the third time one coal remains in the toad; NC swam in the river, became young; did not want people to get so young either; and fire and boiling water would burn]: Constela Umaña 1993, No. 4:132-136; bokota [two sons of a woman (this is the Sun and A month) covered with ulcers; she goes dancing, sees handsome men, does not know that they are her sons; comes back before them, happy when they appear in all their splendor; The sun tells her grandmother to tell her mother to she opened a vessel in which cocoa is brewed; mother opens, from there hot coals, it turns dark, the world lights up; the Sun sends animals and birds to the Thunders to bring water to extinguish the fire; The toad went, not brought it; Vulture, Hummingbird say they did not find rain (they did not look: one ate carrion, the other sucked tobacco juice); The swallow gets water, the Thunder tells me not to look back; she looked around, scared, huddled in the mink under the stone; when it got out, everything around is wet after the rain; the Toad kept the fire in its mouth, otherwise it would go out, the spark regurgitates, the Swallow wants to extinguish it, the Toad explains that people will need fire and will remain in the volcano, in rocks, in ceiba wood; the swallow has been living in burrows ever since; the Sun (and the Month) rise to the sky, the Sun takes care of men, the Month has lived in burrows]: Margery Peña 1990:37-38 (= 1994a, No. 4:66-71).

The Northern Andes. Cimila [people cooked on a stone in the sun, ate half-baked; enemies had fire across the river; the shaman turned into a toad, swam across the river, swallowed the fire, swam back, spit it out, stayed a toad; toads cannot be killed]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1945, No. 6:8; yupa [Toad found two eggs that belonged to the Morning Star; tried to eat them, but they jumped, his mouth stretched out and remained wide; Two star boys appeared from the eggs; monkeys were shot; Toad spit hot coals to bake meat; tried to swallow them again, but the boys hid the fire in the trees]: Wavrin 1937:602.

Llanos. Yaruro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990c, No. 12 [during the flood, people climbed to the treetops; Indians turned into howler monkeys and Europeans into birds; the Kiberoñi toad caught the fire; she came to people, belched, gave it to the Creoles; told the Indians to catch fish, throw it into the fire, sparks fell, the Indians grabbed the fire; Kumañí created a white horse, but the Indians did not dare to to ride; K. said that they would not have horses during their lifetime, but would be in paradise; Ichiaí created the land, had no parents, came out of a lump of earth; asked K. if she was alive, K. replied that she was alive; he asked Where did she come from, she asked who he was; K. wanted food to be easily available, I. wanted people to hunt; K.: let people go to heaven easily; I.: let them get sick before they die; I. created mosquitoes, put them in a closed calebass; let them feed on people and animals; K. was against it, told the man to throw the calebas into the river; he discovered the calebass out of curiosity; mosquitoes stuck to him, he rushed into the river, became a capybara], 13 [Kumañí created a Kiberome toad, sent it to steal the fire; people were sitting by the fire, she swallowed the coals, came back, belched them; she is now in another world, and her children are in ours, common toads], 14 [at the beginning of time, the Old Toad created everything edible, as well as hot coals, to cook; those sitting by the fire threw the Toad into the sea, but she threw fish into the fire, they scattered sparks and coals, the Toad grabbed them, flew across the sea; taught them to make fire by friction], 15 [Ichiaí lived among the fire owners; the old toad woman, Mrs. Toad, swam across the water barrier, sailed to the owners of the fire; they lifted her by the legs, threw it away, but she came back; I. caught the fish, threw it into the fire so that the sparks would fly away; the Toad caught the sparks with its tongue, swam away], 16 [the creator goddess, the toad, the oldest, created the fire, so that food could be cooked, kept the fire during the flood]: 33-35, 36-37, 37-38, 38, 39; Sicuani [Kinkaju found the Kalivirne tree with all the fruits on the branches; Tsamani and his men came to Palemekuni does not let him ask for tools; T. sent one two mosquitoes to crawl through P. (one from back to mouth, the other on the contrary), he coughed, regurgitated machetes, pistols, knives, blankets, and other European things; the woodpecker took a hatchet; began to cut down the thicket the next morning; they began to work at night, but The crocodile swallowed and carried away the fire; T. turned one of the young men into a frog; the frogs began to sing, the crocodile swam to eat them, killed him, found a fire in his belly, lit a fire again; a felled tree hold vines attached to the sky; the squirrel cut them, people took possession of the plants]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 51:227-228.

Southern Venezuela. Yabarana [people can't speak, they don't know fire; Mayavoki's mother turns into a Frog, spits out fire; people gather at his place, she teaches them to speak]: Wilbert 1959:63; 1963:157; makiritare [people eat raw food; Kawao Toad, wife of Jaguar Manuwa, spews fire from his mouth, then swallows; tells her husband that she cooked in the sun; finds two fish eggs, from they are born brothers Iureke and Shikiemon; they do not believe that an imaginary mother cooks in the sun; they dive into the river, their real mother Uio (the Great Serpent killed by birds) tells them the truth ; I. spies on K. making fire; brothers kill K., put fire in trees]: Civrieux 1960:120; 1980:55-61; Sanema: Barandiaran 1968 [Cayman Ibaramyo has fire in his mouth, people they eat meat raw; the boy finds a charred leaf in I.'s cave; the boy's father arranges a holiday; Tinama chicken, then the Dog defecates at the dancers, everyone laughs except I.; a bird red as fire I. defecates in his mouth; he laughs, throwing fire out of his mouth; his tongue has burned down, now the caimans have no tongue; a black and white bird carries the fire in its beak, hides it in a tree; I. (Frog?) tries in vain to fill the tree with urine]: 4-7; Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 49 [(Colchester 1981:75-78); only Cayman owns fire, Quails eat caterpillars raw; Quail boy finds Cayman's hammock charred leaf; people are about to dance, but Cayman doesn't laugh; The Bat just got out of the hammock with his classic mother Ant, his penis is red and shiny; but Cayman isn't here either laughed; the Antthrush bird drenched the audience with its excrement, and then Cayman laughed; the tyrant bird caught the fire, Cayman's wife Frog could not fill it with urine; the fire was placed in the cores trees], 59 [(Knobloch 197:151); Cayman kept fire in his mouth; the bird's children found coal on the ground; people began to dance, one of the birds defecated in Cayman, carried away the fire; now the fire in the core trees]: 111-115, 132-133; Yanomam [(Albert MS); Cayman kept fire in his mouth, so his tongue is short and his mouth is red; his wife is a Frog; Bird people find baked caterpillars near his house; arranged dancing; Ant Thrush hit his chest, but Cayman just smiled; Wren dances, Cayman laughs, fire falls from his mouth; The frog fills most of the coals, but the Oropendoles managed to carry the coals away , put fire in the core of trees; The frog curses people, says their children will be burned]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 50:116-119; Yanomami: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 51 [(Finkers 1986:171-173); people ate raw food, only Cayman Iwariwë baked caterpillars; the old woman found the head of a grilled caterpillar under his hammock; people danced; Tohomamoriwë danced everyone with excrement, Cayman laughed; his wife (Frog?) tried to extinguish the fire with urine, but the fire was carried away, placed in trees; Cayman and his wife jumped into the water and stayed there], 52 [(Finkers 1986:171-173, sic!) ; only Cayman Iwariwë baked caterpillars; while he and his wife were away, Pokorariyoma found a burnt leaf; people danced; Teshoriwë was the last to dance, Cayman laughed; the fire fell from his mouth, his put in trees; Cayman and his wife (Frog?) jumped into the water and stayed there], 54 [(Cocco 1972:381-382); Cayman Ivarivö hides fire under his tongue; others eat meat raw; when he catches a cold, I. sneezes, the fire falls out of his mouth; black Yorekitirami is at the ready, blows the fire away, puts it in trees; one woman predicts that the fire will burn, jumps into the water, becomes a frog], 56 [(Lizot MS); Cayman kept the fire in his mouth only he baked caterpillars; children find burnt caterpillars; people had fun, Antthrush bared his ass, covered Cayman with excrement, he laughed, the fire fell; Cayman's wife Prueheyoma (Frog?) tried to fill the fire with urine, but Oropendola saved the fire; P. cursed people, saying that this fire would burn corpses, grind leftovers (and eat them)], 57 [(Lizot MS); only Cayman baked caterpillars, others gave raw; the girl found a baked caterpillar; people began to dance, Antthrush drenched the audience with a stream of his excrement; Cayman laughed; his wife Prueheyoma (Frog?) tried to fill the fire with urine, but Oropendola saved the fire; P. cursed people, saying that corpses would be burned in this fire]: 120-121, 122-123, 124-126, 128-130, 130-131.

Guiana. Varrau [owns]: García 1993, No. 20 [people lived in the sky; the hunter's arrow pierced a hole, fell to the ground; he went down the rope, he liked the ground, but there was no fire, he cooked eating in the sun, which was hotter than the current one; sent a parrot to bring fire from the Toad; he pecked her, but only burned its beak; the man climbed a tree, threw fruit on the Toad, it smoked; threw off another, he threw it off crushed, fire all over the earth; the man returned to heaven, called the others to go down to the ground; when his pregnant wife climbed, she got stuck in a hole; people behind her began to beat her, push her, fell out gut, now visible is the Morning Star]: 90-91; Wilbert 1970, No. 165, 166 [see motif J16; a woman enters the house of an old frog Naniobo; she asks to remove her poisonous lice, warns not bite through them; a woman bites through them, dies; a frog pulls twins out of her belly; teaches them to cook fish in the sun; they see her spit out fire, cook starch, pulling it out of scratches on neck; they burn it in the garden; the fire from her body turns into sticks for fire], 190 [people cook in the sun, only the Toad owns fire; swallows it; the parrot carries the coal, it goes out along the way; a woman with two sons follows her father; her mother promises her to close the Toad's path; the Toad opens its path, closes her father's path; because of the Toad's fire, the trail is getting hotter, so the woman puts twins in his stomach; the Toad asks the woman to clean her of fleas, tells her not to bite through them; she bites, falls dead; two jaguars living with the Toad devour her; the Toad brings up twins found in the mother's womb; they throw fruit from the tree, the Toad picks it up; the Lizard advises to throw the fruit unexpectedly; the Toad does not have time to prepare, explodes, the fire spreads in the world; one brother turns into a star, the other into a snake], 209 [The toad swallows all the fire; people cook fish in the sun; the man drops fruit from the tree for the Toad; throws a heavy bunch at it, the Toad explodes; since then, the fire in the wood]: 354- 356, 360-361, 440-442, 485; taulipan [the fire was owned by an old toad Pölinosamóng; when she bent down, a flame flew out of her ass; people baked manioc cakes in the sun; one girl peeked; the toad assured that it did not have fire; people put it on a pile of brushwood, pressed it, the fire blazed; turned into flints from which it is now extracted]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 23:76; pemon {arecuna?} [while the Makunaima brothers were in the caiman's stomach, the old toad burned down, exploded, the stones scattered, and since then the caiman skin was cracked; while lulling away from the Jaguar, the M. brothers asked chiriyau to save them; he dug a hole, told him to put sharp stakes on the bottom; told Jaguar he was playing by jumping over a hole; the Jaguar jumped, ran into stakes, died]: Armellada 1988, No. 28:82-83; macushi [The sun owns fish ponds; caiman steals fish, the Sun catches it; cut all its skin, now it is in notches; Cayman promises to give his daughter in exchange for his life; he does not have a daughter, he makes a girl out of a wild plum tree; The woodpecker hollowed out her vagina; the sun is gone, told her to follow him later; (a brief retelling in the source); she enters the Toad woman's house, dies, biting through poisonous lice, and boys are found in her womb , these are Pia and Makunaima; P. kills Jaguar, finds pieces of his mother's body inside, revives her; The toad hides from the twins that he owns fire; and M. likes to swallow coals, decides to leave; digs a canal, swims away from it brother and mother; from the Crane they learn how to make fire by carving (he hits a stone with his beak); the brothers blocked the river with stones, detain fish; now there are rapids in these places; the crane has begun to steal from they had fish; P. quarreled with him, he grabbed M., took them to Spanish Guiana; their mother was tired, P. left her at the top of Roraima; walked, teaching people, and also stayed in Roraima with his mother]: Roth 1915, No. 39-41:135 ; trio [Përëru toad was the master of the fire; the shaman spent the night in the forest, P. offered him a choice of eternal smokeless or ordinary fire; marasi (marail bird) grabbed and carried away blind fire (since then since his throat is red); P. said that people will now have to collect firewood; swallowed the eternal flame and left]: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 22:96-98; oyana: Magaña 1987, No. 16 [everyone goes to dancing covered with ulcers is left in the village; the monkey gives him a drink made from the fruits of the genipa, the ulcers disappear, his body is covered with drawings; at the dance, the wife does not recognize him; the monkey sits down with him and his son in a stupa, causes a flood; they wait for it in a tree, then go down a rope of wakalimë excrement; there is no fire, they cook fish in the sun; an old toad steals fish, owns fire, keeps it in its ass; the owl steals the coal, it goes out; the bird says that the Jaguar killed them (who?) mother; they invite the Jaguars to dance, knock down the roof of the house on them; one escapes], 42 [Kuyuli asks people to move away, knocks down trees on the site with one blow; only one has moved away, the others are crushed; K . revives them, but others do not know about it, they push him to death in a mortar; later he is seen alive in the river; the woman wants to grab him, she is dragged into the water herself; together with the woman K. returns to the village; his body in ulcers, his wife goes dancing; K. sends his friend Sick for a genip, heals ulcers, comes to dance handsome, his wife does not know him, dances with him all night; after dancing, he stomps his foot, the ground water floods; K. and his son escape first in a mortar, then in a tree; K. sends four species of birds to explore the surroundings; two of them receive fruit from humans; throw it into the water, the flood ends; The survivors The toad steals the fish from the top; K. sends two birds in turn to guard, one finds the thief; K. comes to the old toad, finds out that she keeps the fire with her anus; K. sends two birds, but they fail steal the fire; sends the jaguar to drive it away, steals the fire himself, but the Toad is happy that he loses it; K. himself turns into fire, prepares manioc cakes from the pus of the abscesses that he has on his body; Sica refuses to eat it; K. asks him to bury himself; this is where a vegetable garden with all cultivated plants appears], 53 [see motive J16; a woman dies in a Jaguar village; her son turns into a turtle, turtle eggs make two brothers and two sisters; they kill the Jaguars; the flood begins; children escape to the tree; send a Parrot, then the Pigeon to scout; they come to the Toad Grandmother, steal fruit from her garden; the toad catches them; keeps the fire; children send birds to steal it, the last one succeeds; the toad has been without fire since then], 97 [boys; then she gives them fire herself], 97:37, 42, 45, 53; aparai: Rauschert 1967, #6:183.

NW Amazon. Frogs help recover fire stolen by the caiman. Baniva: Saake 1968:272; barasana [heroes turn into frogs themselves for a while]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 2C: 269; kabiyari [all the water and fish were in the hollow of Itshuna's tree, owned by it old woman Kamatana; bathed and fished, then plugged the hole; the youngest of the Mujnuyi brothers (he is a shaman) became a hummingbird, spied; the brothers did not have manioc flour, and K. took it out of her husband's body Mapitare (he is a white worm) during copulation (this is his sperm; var: he copulated with a clay pot, K. took sperm from there); the brothers refused to eat it; they burned coca leaves over the worm mink, he died; they they met the howler monkey; he told them to dye black, come to the Jejechu jaguar's maloka, where the holiday was; daughter J. hid one of Muhnuya in her mouth; the brothers began to cut down the tree of old woman K., but the felling overgrown; they began to carry the chips away; the Squirrel cut from above, the chips flying from him were drizzling rain; the chips fell on Mukhnuya's head, since then people have had a headache; the tree fell along with the vine Kumaka, from which the river was formed; from the branches - channels, lakes; the root - the mouth of the Apaporis River; the Ant woman (is she K.?) locked her brothers in an anthill; they turned into mosquitoes, five days later, when the exit was open, they flew away; they came to Thunder while he was sleeping, replaced his lightning with feathers from the parrot's tail (they became parrots, Thunder's daughter let them in); they came back to K., asked them to cook fish; while K. was collecting fuel, one of Muhnuya stole coal; on a Cayman boat he sailed across the river, Cayman went under water, took the fire; Muhnuyi turns into a frog, lures Cayman ashore; his brothers cut his belly, the Wasp finds fire inside; masks have been made from his vertebrae and intestines - they're like fire]: Correa 1989:43-50.

Central Amazon. Manao? (recorded in lingua geral; the exact location of the recording is probably not known, probably the Rio Negro basin) [only Tupana had fire; the rest ate fish, because (raw) it is easier to chew; the caiman saw T. leave, leaving the fire; swallowed it and disappeared into the river; T. sent an otter, which did not dare to approach the ferocious crocodile; sent Tukunaré fish (a delicious big fish from the cichlid family; on the tail "peacock eye", on the bottom of the body and tail there is an orange backlight resembling the silhouette of flame); the caiman came to the dabukuri, drank kashiri and swam back; T. sent the toad chief; the toad ordered a drink for the feast macoari (a perennial herb) called green oropendole, told the caiman that the women were waiting for him; he came, intoxicated, he was pushed against poisoned arrows; the fire was found inside the ear canal, gave it to a toad; a toad lit a fire at home, carried the Mother of Fire to Tupane; he is now among humans]: Amorim 1928:371-373 in Zeller 1983:35-36, in Maslova 2018, No. 3:47-49; parintintin [the fire is owned by the vulture -urubu; Baira buried himself in an anthill, pretends to be dead; a fly flew in, told Urubu; Urubu carried fire under his wing, went down to the ground as a man with his wife and children; made a roasting grill, made a fire to fry carrion; Urubu's children see that the dead man is moving; Urubu did not believe it, tells them to make small bows, kill flies; B. grabs fire, vultures are chasing after; B. jumped into the hollow, jumped out from the other side, ran to the river; a water snake, other snakes, a crab, a water chicken tried to smuggle the fire on their backs, but died when they were baked; the Kururu Toad sent it; to get there by itself to the other side, B. ordered the banks of the river to get closer, jumped across the river; since then people have been baking fish and game on the grill]: Pereira 1980 (1): 561-563 (translated to Tynyanova 1962:143-145).

Montagna - Jurua. Ashaninka: Anderson 1985 (river camps) [Toad has low fire; tries to swallow the real one, burns its throat, turns into a toad]: 179-183; Fernandez 1983 [Toad only has fire; giving coals others, then extinguishes them; The squirrel teaches people to make fire by friction; the toad thinks it's her fire, swallows it, burns its throat, its tongue turns red, it turns into a toad; the man with his cuñado (brother wives or sister's husband) hunt, lose fire; Firefly teaches them how to get it by friction]: 93; Weiss 1975 []: 356; matses [frog {or toad} steals fire from his jaguar husband]: Wistrand MS at Erikson 1994:80.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [the owner of the fire is the Bururu toad (Leptodactylus pentadactylus labirinthicus Spix, a family of whistlers, close to toads)]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 5 [(San Buenaventura); during two Edutzi (Edutzi is the original ancestor; the name of one means hot wild pepper) in the form of parrots carried a boy and a girl, cultivated plants, to the top of the tree; animals also escaped there; after the flood, the land near mother earth, the Bururu toads; she did not give land, both educci-parrots carried some of the earth under their fingernails; they made the ground out of it, flew several times for a new portion; the mother also had fire- lands, bururu toads; asked to bake a corn cob, it retained a spark, they made a fire; the Toad tried in vain to fill it with urine; doing what was necessary for the children, the educzi flew into their world; var. 1 (Tumupasa); the land was small, slightly larger than the old toad Bururu, who sat alone on it; kept fire in her mouth; two educzi (young men from another world) asked for land, she did not give it; they asked them to bake them a corn cob, stolen a handful of land, scattered along the sandbar as the land was then; so twice, the earth grew; a dry tree was lit with a spark preserved on the cob; var 2 (Tumupasa); during the Bururu and Jujupueva (Steisshüner Art) flood covered themselves with the ground, became masters of the land; two men escaped from the flood on the royal palm tree; saw the ground, hid it under their fingernails, and created a new one; Var. 3 (Tumupasa); two men escaped the flood at the top of the royal palm tree; below, the flood survived Bururu, kept fire in her mouth; men stole an ear with a sparkle, Bururu could not fill it with urine; brother and the sister escaped the flood at the top of the royal palm tree; after the flood they saw smoke; asked Burura to bake bananas, stole the fire; this couple was the current people], 6 [during the flood on the royal palm tree a boy and a girl escaped; they noted on the trunk how the water was falling, the rings are still visible; after the flood, two arars brought them a corn cob; the next day corn grew from the grains; asked Bururu, an old toad, bake her cobs; she kept a spark in her mouth during the flood; she baked it; the next day they brought arara a banana sprout (the same); then cassava; the boy reached out to steal Bururu from the pot sweet potatoes, the pot's throat grabbed his hand; the old woman was angry, but released him, gave him tubers; there was a spark in the dry cobs that Bururu baked, the children fanned the fire, Bururu could not fill him with urine ], 10 [Aguchi's mother sent her son to bake cassava to get fire to the old toad Burur; she has a spark in her mouth; she finally gave her a smoldering branch; he gave her night butterflies], 11 [the old frog keeps the fire in the mouth, does not give it to others; the Rat fails to steal; the Lizard invited the Frog to work with it; first in the rain, the Frog says it keeps sparks in its mouth to keep warm; then under the sun, the Frog fell asleep and died of the heat, the Lizard took the fire]: 42-43, 43-45, 49, 49-50; Nordenskiöld 1924:276-278 [the old man and the old woman went out, they asked the frog to Burura, he gave it, told not to give it to anyone, otherwise she will fill her with urine; two boys perplexed to steal, Bururu was flooded with fire; the old man killed her, went to look for a new fire; the man explained how to get rubbed; Bururu came to life, flooded the fire; wrote in chicha, drunk died], 298-299 [two boys asked the Toad to bake their cobs; they found a spark in the core, set fire to a pile of garbage, the Toad filled it with urine; another boy set fire to the felled vegetation on the site, the fire remained for people; the Toad was invited to set fire to the vegetation on the site, it was set on fire from all sides, the Toad could not fill it with urine, burned down]; eseeha [Shaedjjámi lived by the river; at the Tapacáca toad there was fire; T. threw it into S., he burned, became a caiman; killed T.; promised to live in the river, grab people when they were swimming]: Verna 1985:67; guarazu [people dry food in the sun; one person pretends to be dead, vultures flock to fry it; Uruvushi's white vulture brings fire; a man jumps up, but vultures have time to pick up the fire; a little toad hides a few coals, brings people; later they lose fire; W. comes and teaches them how to get it by friction]: Riester 1977, No. 1:223-225; guaraya [swallows and regurgitates after the hero steals fire]: Metraux 1942:109; chiriguano: Cipolletti [toad gives fire to people]: 59; Nordenskiöld 1912, No. 2 [the young man saw a girl's reflection in a puddle in the forest, followed her, stayed with her for a month; his mother thought he was dead; he returned, said that he got married, his mother asked me to bring his wife, promised to prepare the holiday; at the festival, the wife became ugly, she was told about it, she left, ordering the boy and girl to be put in a vessel (this is brother and sister), take corn, bean and pumpkin seeds, close the hole; it rained, everyone drowned; after the flood, the boy and girl came out of the vessel; the sown ripened in half a month; the fire in the bird ( screams on the riverbank; alternatively, at the vulture; Nordenskiöld believes that one option may belong to a vat, the second to a chiriguano); The frog approached the fire to warm up, took it in his mouth coal, took it away, gave it to brother and sister; they got married, from them vats]: 253-254; tapete [the black Vulture owned the fire; the frog sat by the fire, swallowed two coals, brought it to people; Vulture had it the fire went out]: Nordenskiöld 1912:313-314; wari [the old woman owns fire, gives it little by little in exchange for fish and game, eats them raw; people try to bake food in the sun, but they just rot; ( they steal fire), climb the vine into the sky; two grandchildren of an old woman hide in a tree hut, shoot birds, throw them down, the old woman devours them raw; they tell one bird to separate them away; at this time they go down, fry the bird, eat; they return to the tree, the old woman climbs after them; they turn into woodpeckers, fly to their father in heaven; she climbs the vine into the sky; grandchildren let piranha gnaw through the vine; an old woman falls into her fire, turns into jaguars, ocelots, jaguarundi, foxes; people throw seeds from the sky, trees grow, people jump on them from the sky; decide to become animals; remember that forgot the fire in the sky; two boys have not yet descended; become partridges, swallow fire, fly to the ground; Pinom kills partridges, pulls out fire, swallows himself, turns into a big frog (from the Anurans family); boys come to life when they become human again, others converted also regain their human appearance; people cook in the sun, only P. roasts meat; emits fire, when the winds blow; the frog shaman swallows a spark, fires people; P. curses them, promises that children will die and people will fry them (the custom of endocannibalism)]: Conklin 1989:577-583.

Southern Amazon. Kuikuro [there was no fire, Kanassa is looking for it while carrying firefly; the curasso bird (Crax daubentoni) made feather jewelry; K. offered to try it on, it grew, now curasso is always wearing this outfit ; met a little caiman (the same, the cassava brazier has grown to its tail); his relative, the bird Sarakura, made a boat and oars out of clay; Duck has a bark boat; K. offers to change, assures like a corn boat is fragile; K. and saracura sail away in a corn boat; clay sinks; Duck floundering, learning to swim; Sarakura says that Urubu-ray with two heads owns fire; K. drew a deer in the sand, hid under it; Urubu-ray told the vultures to lift the carcass to his tree, K. ordered him to leave it in place and remain silent; Urubu-ray came down with light with him; K. caught him, told him to bring fire; he told his son (a small black bird) to bring a coal; a fire was fanned out of it; frogs came out of the water, filled the fire with water they held in their mouth; little was left, K. fanned again; flying away, Urubu-ray taught her to get fire by friction, make torches; to transport fire across the lake, K. gave it to various snakes; they were tired, lost fire in the middle of the lake; only Itóto carried it; K. gave her a drink from cassava and cassava tortillas]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:105-110; bororo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1983, No. 1 [people left to bake fish, went fishing for more; Méri sun and his little brother month Á ri came, wrote to the fire; the Toad saved the fire by hiding one coal in its mouth; people first thought about the Toad; the Toad told me to step on it, regurgitated the coal, explained that it saved the fire, and M. and A were to blame .; the toad remained flat; people put coal in lumps of bird feathers, gave them to fast-running birds, who surrounded the savannah where M. and A. were with fire; M. climbed a tall tree, A. climbed a low tree, A. burned down with him; M. collected his bones, walked away, little Wolf swallowed them, ran away, shouted that he had eaten the burnt moon; when asked, M. answered, ate a hundred crabs; M. offered Wolf to bandage his stomach tightly with a lace, race; The wolf ran, tired, burst; M. folded A.'s "skeleton" from sticks, made his head out of a termite nest, sprinkled ash from the bones that he found in the Wolf's intestines, covered it with leaves; his body recovered; M. shouted that jaguars, snakes, etc. were coming, A. came to life], 2 [Mary and Ari wrote to the fire in the village of Bororo, extinguishing it; the Toad ordered to step on it, regurgitated the coal, explained that she had saved the fire , and M. and A. are to blame; the toad remained flat; people tied the burning smut to Em and Seriema, who ran, set fire to the savannah; M. climbed a tall tree, A. climbed a low tree and burned down; Okwa wolf cub says that he ate the burnt A., then replies that he was a crab; M. offered to race, gave O. his belt, O. came across a stump, burst; M. collected A.'s ashes, poured a lump of roots onto a "skeleton" made of sticks instead of a head; began to frighten A. with a rattlesnake, a jaguar, etc.; he jumped up only after M. said that Europeans were coming], 3 [Otters lit a fire, went to the river; Mary and Ari flooded the fire and left; Toad ordered to step on her, regurgitated the coal, explained that she saved the fire, and M. and A. were to blame]: 17-19, 20-22, 23-24.

Araguaia. Kidnaps. Tapirape [cururu frog came to people, asked them to warm up, stole a fire, lit a big fire in the forest]: Baldus 1970:352; carage [owned by Nâxivé (1 m tall, turned first ancestors in jaguars, deer, urubu, nanda, series, fish); karazha sends a toad to steal fire from N.; first N. pees in the toad's mouth, the fire goes out; then the toad asks to warm up, N. defecates in the face, carries fire; N. made thorns to a stingray; the carage pricked and tied N., but he freed himself, ran down the big water; made rooms, water, forest; ordered the carage to be animals, they turned into jaguars, deer, urubu, Nandu, series, fish]: Baldus 1937a: 200-202.

Eastern Brazil. Suya (baso de paw) [the boy's sister's husband called him to get the mako chicks; he climbed the tree on the side pole; when asked what the chicks have feathers, he replies that it's like the pubic hair of his uncle's wife ; he threw away the pole and left; the Jaguar asked for the chicks, the boy threw them off for him; the Jaguar brought him home, where the fire was; the boy returned to the village; the animal people went to get the fire; while the Jaguar and Jaguariha were sleeping, they they waxed their eyes; carried a smoldering log along the baton; Nanda handed the Deer, that Frog, she dropped it into the water, the fire went out; but Toucan, Kirikiri, Socreste and Curasso (Crax daubentoni), who now have Red feathers in his throat, swallowed the coals, then belched; Tapir carried a log; everyone in the village got their share; they no longer ate rotten wood, they began to cook meat, fish, cassava]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 37 : 108-110; frame camera [Nimuendaju 1946a:243; there was no fire, people dried meat on rocks in the sun; the man told his wife's younger brother to climb the rock to get the macaw parrot chicks; they screamed the boy was frightened, did not throw off his chicks, the man became angry, threw away the pole leaning against the rock, left; the boy is thirsty, the macaws defecate on his head; the Jaguar notices the boy's shadow, tells him to drop He eats chicks, tells him to jump, catches them, leads him to the river, gives him water and washes the boy; feeds them fried meat at home; Jaguar's pregnant wife is furious when she hears the boy crunching meat, grins; Jaguar gives the boy has a bow and arrow; when she grinns again, the boy shoots her in the paw and runs away; comes home; everyone goes to pick up the fire of the Jaguar; he is not at home, his wife asks to leave her embers, but the Toad did not care each extinguished; the smoldering log was brought to the village by relay race]: Wilbert 1978, No. 58:164-165.

Chaco. Matako [the Red-billed Vulture owns fire; lets others only use it; the Toad comes, the Vulture moves its wing, causing a flash; the Toad jumped and the fire almost went out; Vulture made friends with Toad, allowed her to sit by the fire; for several days in a row, Takwah comes to cook food that he steals from others; after improving the moment, he takes away the smut, puts fire in the trees; the Vulture gave his The fire goes out, now eats raw food]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 34:94-95.

Southern Brazil. See D4A motif. Mbia: Baldus 1952 [the fire was owned by an urubu vulture; the kukuru toad came to warm up; urubu poked her with his head; Tupã felt sorry for the toad, came up, clapped his hands, the urubu flew away in fear; T. took the fire (for humans) and gave the toad a sparkle]: 484-485; Cadogan 1959 [the hero pretends to be dead, telling the toad to swallow fire when the vultures fly; then belch it]: 64-66; apapokuwa [ Nyanderikoy pretends to be dead; Vultures flock to fry him; Caracara noticed that N. opened his eyes slightly, they did not believe the urubu, they pecked out their eyes, began to fry; N. scattered the fire, the urubu scattered; them the chief tells you to watch the fire; the toad, as agreed, swallows the coal, then gives it to N.]: Nimuendaju 1914:396-397; chiripa [see motif J8; Ñanderú Guazú came from the west, placed the earth on a wooden cross (palo cruzado); with him Ñanderú Mbae Kua; they found the first woman under a clay pot, both met her; Ng went to the site, came back, told his wife to go collect corn; she did not believe that the harvest was ripe for her; NG got angry, left, promised to forgive his wife if she found her way; from his mother's womb, their son Kuarahy (the future sun) showed her way; asked picking flowers, the woman was bitten by a wasp, she scolded K., he fell silent; the woman came to the old woman, who hid her under a pot from her nephews Añag; she herself told them that they killed and ate the woman; the old woman asked to eat fruit from the womb, but not to cook it, not to bake it; K. considered the old woman to be her mother, shot butterflies, called them after birds, since then birds have names; the old woman does not tell her to hunt on Blue Mountain; K. goes there, finds his mother's bones, mixing them with cornmeal makes himself a brother Yacy (next month); brothers destroy Añag jaguars and demons; K. gave Y. power over cultural plants and crops; K. created honey, but Y. asked me to leave some of the hollows empty; the urubu vultures had fire; K. was afraid to approach them himself, created a cururu toad, which swallowed the coals, brought them, regurgitated; K. made sugar cane, Y. imitated, a snake came out; K. and Y. saw A. fishing; K. bit off and took the hook, Y. got caught; A. caught him in the form of a bagre (first fish); K. asked for bones I revived. (moon phases); the brothers came to Saria (this is also Añag); Y. said that he had many sisters, A. asked them to marry, Y. ordered K. to ask permission; he told A. to bring fish for his wives, gave the girl, from his feet which the fish is dying; A. began to beat the girl, she turned into a timbo vine; K. gave A. a crown of feathers, it caught fire, A. burned down; a partridge flew out of his stomach, the ashes turned into mosquitoes; I. got together with a married woman; on a full moon, the Month copulates with girls, causing menstruation; K. did Venus; after copulation, Y. tells Venus to wash it, so it rains on the new moon; K. and Y. did a chain of arrows to go to heaven to my father; I wanted to climb first to become the sun, but K. was the first to climb himself]: Bartolomé 1977:16-40 (stealing fire at p. 31); caigua [with the hare steals from a jaguar].