D9. Vultures and fire.
Araven or other large dark-colored feathered vulture is the owner, incarnation, spouse, earner or thief of fire, sun, or daylight.
Yoruba, Pygmies Efe, Kamilaroi, Yarra (Victoria), Melbourne District, Western Port, Voorunjerry (Victoria), Semangs, Chinese, Koreans, Orochi, Ainu, Chukchi, Koryaks, Kodiak, Chugach, Aleuts, Central Yupik, Northern Alaska Inupiate, McKenzie Estuary, Koyukon, Ingalic, Tanaina, Tanana, Upper Tanana, Southern Tutchoni, Tagish, Inner Tlingit, Kuchin, Chipewayan, Eyak, Tlingit, Hyda, tsimshian, bellacula, quakiutl, nootka, chilcotin, catawba, yurok, pomo, hopi, akuriyo, oyampi, parintintin, spike, juruna, tenetehara, urubu, cachinahua, pyro, guarayu, chiriguano, tapiete, guarazu, trumay, kamayura, kuikuro, kalapalo, bakairi, kayabi, tapirape, karazha, botokudo, matako, chorote, mokovi, chiripa, mbia, apapokuwa.
West Africa. Yoruba [water and swamp below the sky; Arámfè sent his sons Odúva and Orísha to create peace and people; Oruve gave royalty, Orisha a bag of wisdom and arts; by On the way down, Oduva gave Orisha a drink, stole a bag; lowered a chain from the edge of the sky, sent Priest Ojúma down it, giving him a snail shell filled with magic sand and a five-toed chicken; he scattered sand over in the water, the chicken scattered it with its paw, land appeared, in the center - Ife; after that, Oduva and Orisha descended by themselves; Orisha began to make people; it was dark; Aramph sent the sun, moon and fire; the fire brought on his The head was a vulture, so she was bald; Oduva, Orisha, and the gods who supported everyone began to fight for the bag of wisdom; Oduva took it away, turning into stone and falling into the underworld; he became king his son Ogun, god of blacksmiths]: Wyndham 1919:107-108.
Sudan-East Africa. Pygmies efe [the man got lost, went to Tore's house, his mother was sleeping, the man took the fire; the mother woke up from the cold, T. caught up with the man, took away the fire; the other put on Raven's feathers, flew to heaven, took the fire away, T. did not catch up with it; T.'s mother died of cold, T. made people mortal as punishment]: Trilles 1945:171, also Schebesta in Abrahamsson 1951:113.
Australia. Kamilaroi [everyone eats meat raw, there are traces of blood around his mouth; Raven explains that his face is clean because he cuts meat finely with a knife; they don't believe him, he is invited to corrobori, Shingle-back and Sleepy-lizard (both Lizards?) they dance, shouting the words of an obscene song and defecating, while jumping, excrement flies to the sides; the Raven is so enthusiastic that the Gur-gur hawk manages to grab his purse, in which fire, escape; The raven is chasing, the fire falls on the grass, it lights up; the raven is lying on the grass, trying in vain to extinguish the flame; it turns black, only white circles remain around the eyes]: Mathews 1908, No. 6:304-305 (quoted in Waterman 1987, No. 1975 (1): 70); yarra (Victoria) [Kar-ak-ar-Ook woman (now one of the Pleiades) owned fire alone, kept it in a digging stick; the crow asked her to dig ant eggs, hid it in serpent anthill; asked to beat the snakes with a digger; while the flame broke out, the Raven took it away; did not share it with others, one ate baked meat; Pund-gel (the creator) ordered two young men to threaten the Raven, they were his burned, the Raven became a crow, the boys became two rocks]: Smyth 1878:459 in Waterman 1987, No. 1970 (1): 69; yarra (voivurong), Victoria [five young Karatgurk women (now Pleiades) at the end of the diggers there were hot coals; the Raven hid snakes in the anthill, asked them to be killed, the fire fell, he took it away; Bungill asked the fire to bake an opossum; the raven baked himself, threw the hot meat to Bundjil, who unsuccessfully tried to make a fire; the raven scattered the fire, the chaffinch is still under its tail; the raven himself burned and became a bird]: Massola 1968:52-53 in Waterman 1987, No. 1970 (2): 69-70; yarra (Victoria) [two women they began to beat the snakes with their digs, they broke, the flame came out of them; the raven took the fire away, the women followed it, the fire fell, the ground caught fire; Bungill told the man not to let the fire go out; the fire went out, it became cold, snakes multiplied; the Karakarook woman came down from the sky, beat the serpent with her digger; a flame came out of her, the Raven stole it, the women took it back; (1) one burned down, rose to heaven, the rest went home; (2) one went back to heaven (or burned), others taught how to get fire by friction, took to heaven]: Massola 1968:50-52 (bunurong), Smyth 1878:450-460 (river yarra) in Waterman 1987, No. 1970 (3): 70; Western Port [during creation, young men sat on the ground in the dark; Punjeel, at the request of his daughter Karakarok, told the sun to warm the earth ("opened it like a door"); she went down to the ground, the stick broke, the fire fell, the Raven took it away, Karakarok returned it; Jupiter is Punjil's fire]: Riddley 1873:278 in Waterman 1987, No. 1970 (4): 70; Melbourne District [the fire was owned by a Pleiade woman , kept her digger at the tip; the crow hid snakes in the anthill, advised the woman to kill them with a stick, the fire blazed out of it, the Raven took it away; he also did not want to share with the fire, but heavenly the spirit called people together, told the Raven to fire them]: Smyth 1878:459 in Maddock 1970:193; Voorunjerry (Victoria) (near yarra or yarra subgroup) [Raven stole fire from young women who wore it in his diggers; the diggers broke when snakes began to beat them, the fire fell; Bungill invited the Raven to let the tornadoes out of his bag; the tornadoes took the girls to heaven, they became the Pleiades; the light of the Pleiades comes from ends of their yam diggers]: Howitt 1904:430 in Waterman 1987, No. 1970 (5) :70.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Semangs [The Sun and Moon are women; the Sun's husband is the Raven (Ag-AG, the Crow)]: Skeat, Blagden 1906:202.
China - Korea. Ancient Chinese: Yangshina 1984 [there is a three-legged crow in the sun; the sun is the "golden Raven"; on Han burial reliefs and on Tang mirrors, the sun is symbolized by a raven]: 113; Yuan Ke 1987, ch. 2 [in the image of the Han era, Fuxi holds the sun in which the crow is inscribed, and the Nuiva moon depicting a toad and a rabbit]: 37-38; burial in Mawangdui, Prov. Hunan, Western Han, 168 BC, depicted on a painted silk banner placed face down on the lid of the inner coffin from Princess Dai's tomb [apparently cosmological diagram; at the top left is a moon sickle with a toad and a rabbit, at the top right is a sun disk with a crow silhouette (with two legs)]: Chekmarev 1998:147-148; Scott 1993:25; Koreans [the rock took Yono to Japan, where he was appointed king; his wife Seo joined him; accordingly, the Sun and Moon stopped shining, their spirits were now in Japan; Yono gave the Korean envoy a piece of silk; when he was sacrificed to heaven, the Sun and Moon shone again; Yono and Seo can be translated as Fat Raven and Thin (Elegant) Crow]: Kontsevich, Riftin 1980:50-51, 244 [note].
Eastern Siberia. Evenki (middle Olekma) [The raven took his wife; tells him to cook deer three times, then light the fire three times; the wife is silent; he does everything himself, flies away in the trail of the beast, the wife asks to return, he replies that the sun will now block; his wife promises to sew him shoes, a hat, a bib; he replies that his legs are (unclear), his head is like an ax, his chest is sharp; his wife promises to collect his droppings; the Raven croaks, comes back, now eats litter]: Kozlovsky 1936, No. 4:229-230.
Amur - Sakhalin. Orochi [Gilangeta's little brother is crying; she gives him yukola, he doesn't take it, cries again; Why do you want to marry me? The boy laughs; she tells him to bring a kitchen board; he cuts on it, she asks him to move away, or she has a headache; dresses up, swims down the river in a birch bark box; Voronenok finds a girl, brings her to his house, there are crow droppings everywhere; old man Ka's two sons come there; ask them to go to their father's house; Voronenok takes his wife with him; his mother warns that Ka's sons will take her away; Voronenok sees his wife sitting with Ka's sons; stops playing, takes a month on his back, his mother takes the sun away; old Ka gives the Ravens seven dogs heads for food; for this, the Ravens return the stars; Ka's sons kill Voronenko and his mother with arrows, take Voronenko's wife]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 4:132-133.
Japan. Ainu: Batchelor 1907, No. 1z [When God created the world, Evil decided to swallow the rising sun; but the crow flew down his throat and saved the sun; so crows believe that for such merit they could treat people as they want, eat any food, and people should not say that crows are useless crows boldly eat what humans do]: 21 (=1927:259-260); Chiri 1973 [single girl sits in a basket, floats down the river to the top of the Raven; he takes her as his wife; three brothers live side by side, perform a shamanic show to lure Raven and his mother out of the house; they hang the basket with the girl on the tree, the brothers take it out; the furious Raven flies to the sky, covers the sun with his body, his mother covers the moon, it becomes dark; the brothers throw the dog, the Raven descends to eat it, they kill it with arrows, the sun reappears; same with Raven's mother and moon]: 442-444 in Mashiko 2002 (=Mashiko 2009:104); Kindaichi 1923 [when the god of daylight Tokapchup kamui was about to rise, the evil god arwen kamui tried to swallow it; two foxes (chironnup kamui) were thrown down his throat and the god of light was able to end up in heaven; as he went over the mountain in the west, the evil god opened his mouth again, and two crows were thrown at her ( paskur kamui); once an evil god still swallowed the god of light at sunrise, Ainurakkur's hero began to fight him, freed the god of light]: 99-150 in Mashiko 2002 (=Mashiko 2009:106).
SV Asia. Chukchi: Baboshina 1958, No. 19 [The swans agree to marry Kulik, reject the lazy Raven; he hides the Sun in his mouth; the Swan tickles him, laughs, he opens his mouth, releasing the sun; The Swan comes with him, on the way, kills with a sharp stick], 37 [Mitya has husbands Raven and Toporok, Kuikyneku's father, Inyanakvut's mother; Raven is lazy, thief, coward, Toporok is a good hunter; Raven is going to change the weather, but only eats the meat given to him; The axe shovels the snow with a shovel (in the sky), the blizzard ends; the raven hides the sun in its beak; the mother-in-law takes the form of M., caresses the Raven, he smiles, releases the sun; On the way home, his mother-in-law pierces him with a stake]: 50-51, 79-103; Bogoras 1928, No. 2 [(same in 1902, No. 4:644); The wolf says that the crow Kurkil eats crap; then K. hides the sun, moon and stars; rejects deer, agrees to return the stars in exchange for two wives, the Wolf's sisters; wives bandage his tongue, since then the raven has not spoken]: 302-303; Koryaks: Baboshina 1958, No. 72 [The sun cannot get Frost's daughter, croen-Sokholylan brings her; the Sun goes overseas; people ask S. to give the Sun a woman; he gives an ugly woman; the Sun agrees to shine for her only six months; S.'s wife, seeing him impotence, leaves him; S. makes the sun out of a seal, the moon out of wood]: 178-183; Bogoras 1917, No. 1 [The Raven and the Little Bird marry Yinianyavgut, the daughter of the Big Crow; the Crow fails stop the snowfall, and the Bird succeeds, he gets a wife; the Raven swallows the sun; Chanai marries the River Man, that shamanite, becomes a little lighter; J. comes to the Raven, tickles him, he laughs, the sun regurgitates; J. sleeps with him, then kills; the sky makes his head clear]: 12-23; coastal Koryaks: Jochelson 1908, No. 82 [Valvimtilyn Raven and Little Bird marry daughter of the Big Raven Yinjeyanyevyt; V. only pretends to go to stop the blizzard, eats supplies himself; The bird plugs a hole in the sky, gets J.; V. swallows the sun; J. comes to him tickles, says that she is now his wife; he opens his mouth, releases the sun; J. asks him for a fork, he gives her his beak, she kills him with it]: 250-253; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 126 (Kichiga village) [raven Velvimtilyn swallowed the sun; Emkut sends his daughter Klyukenevyt to him, V. does not want her; sends his daughter Inyanavyt; seeing her, V. laughs with joy, spits out the sun; I. pierces V. with a stick, hangs it on a stick]: 418-419.
The Arctic. Kodiak [the chief's daughter is promised to the one who gets the light; the raven turns into a feather, swims in a spring, the daughter of the light owner swallows a feather full of water, becomes pregnant; her son asks for three to play box; finds night in the first month, stars in the second month, the sun in the third; flies away taking the last two; releases first the month and stars, then the sun; gets both daughters of the leader]: Golder 1903, No. 6:85-87 ; chugach [The raven comes to a village where there is no light, people are always sleepy; comes again, unloads the box, tells it to be opened, there is daylight; The raven tells me to get up in the morning; gets a wife and gifts; only moss brings from hunting, his wife is taken away from him; the people of this village are killer whales; The raven turns the souls of animals into people, comes with them unrecognized; turns the villagers into ice, who have arrived back in animals]: Birket-Smith 1953:163-164; the Aleuts ["It's great that this tale of a crow receiving light through birth from a girl was also known to the Lisyev Aleuts in almost the same form , including the name Elya, who plays the role of a bird raven instead. This toyon, the guardian of the stars, lived somewhere at the height "]: Veniaminov 1840 (III): 47 in Lyapunov 1984:26-27; central yupik: Krenov 1951 (Kuskoquim) [the hunters did not give the old woman meat, she hid it light; she was beaten and killed; the Raven was sent to look for light; the Milky Way was his trail; he turned into a sliver, fell into a bucket of water for the daughter of the master of the light; she brought the bucket home, the sliver turned into a boy, he was adopted; he wants a ball with light to play; when he becomes a Raven, he takes him away; he opens it at home, the world is light again]: 193-195; Nelson 1899 (hall. St. Michael, unaligmiut) [there are too many people; the creator raven hides the sun in a bag, opens it only for a while; his older brother turns into a leaf (needle?) ; Raven's wife goes to fetch water, drinks, swallows a leaf, gives birth to a boy; he asks for a bag of sun to play; takes him away, opens; makes the Morning Star out of a bunch of burning grass; his descendants gradually become common crows]: 460-462; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Hall 1975, No. EH6 (Noatak) [forever dark; the rich man has two balls; The squirrel digs a hole at the well where the rich man's daughter takes water; The Raven hides there, drops dirt (probably her feces) into the well, the girl drinks water, swallows dirt, gives birth to a boy with a ponytail; he asks for balls to play; at first he gets only a little one; getting a big one, pushes him out of the house; the squirrel and the boy run away, throwing the ball to each other, the owner cannot take it away; shouts to the Raven that his people will take half; if the Raven took the small ball, the days would be short, and now they're long]: 83-85; Lucier 1958, No. 3 [it's dark in the world; the raven becomes a child, needs a ball to play; takes it out of the house, breaks it, sunlight comes out; the father says let the light always be like this now]: 92; Spencer 1959 (tareumiut) [the world is dark; a woman and her father live by the sea; goes to fetch water, swallows a feather floating in the water; gives birth to a boy with a crow's beak; this is Tulugaak (Raven); he wants to play with the bubble that hangs in the house; tears it up, it turns light; T. disappears; the woman's father is angry]: 385; McKenzie's estuary: Ostermann 1942:61-65 [man in heaven realizes that he exists, turns into a Raven; sculpts a creature out of clay, throws it into the abyss, this is an evil tornak spirit; a Sparrow appears; the Raven flies with it down into the abyss, finds himself on the ground; creates from human clay, creates animals and plants; dark; the raven sends a Sparrow, which brings light and dark pieces of mica; the raven breaks off a piece of light, light appears; the dark one is night; the island is small, in the sea something huge swims; the raven harpoons this mass, people divide it into pieces, throw it into the sea, the pieces turn into islands, merge into the continent], 70-73 [a man and a woman hold the light in the two urinary tract bubbles; the Fox and the Raven come to kidnap him; the woman goes out to urinate, the Raven tells the willow branch to penetrate her vagina; the woman becomes pregnant, gives birth to a boy; he demands these balls to play; pushes out The smaller one outside, the Fox takes him away; the child turns into a Raven, flies after him; when they leave the chase, the Fox and the Raven tear the ball, the light floods the ground; if they carried away the larger bubble, it would not be night].
Subarctic. Koyukon: De Laguna 1996, No. 23 [A raven makes a rich outfit with cones and berries, marries the daughter of a chief who owns the Sun and the Month; a boy born asks for sun and a month to play; outfit The crow begins to turn into what it came from; the raven flies away, taking the sun, the month and the stars; the wind puts them in the sky], 25 [The raven makes the sun and the month, the leader steals them; the raven comes to to him under the guise of a rich man; throws a fir needle into the water, the chief's daughter swallows it, gives birth to a boy; the raven takes her as his wife; the boy asks for the sun and a month to play; the raven screams that the dog robs a barn with frozen fish; everyone runs there, he turns the boy into a fir branch, blows away the sun and the month; then makes stars], 26 [as in (23); the Old Raven gets the sun; cuts off a piece makes him a month]: 197-198, 201-209, 210-214; Jette 1908-1909 [people promise Crow two dogs to eat if he finds the lost sun; he flies, sees a beautiful girl coming for a drink; turns into fir needle; girl swallows it with water, gives birth to a boy; he asks for the sun hanging in the house to play; brings it back to people]: 304-305; Jones 1983 [the sun disappears; the raven comes to its owners disguised as a rich man; marries the chief's daughter; turns into a dog; the chief notices a three-toed crow trail; the raven turns into three fir needles; the chief's wife swallows them along with water, on the next day gives birth to a boy; he asks and receives sun and a month to play; while everyone is running to drive the dogs away from the dried fish, he releases the sun through the chimney; tears the month into twelve pieces, throws them following the sun one by one and giving names to the months; the child turns into a bunch of needles, the Raven flies away through the chimney; the light returns to the world]: 89-105; inhalic [the rich man's daughter rejects the grooms; her father's village is light; the raven comes, turns into a fir needle, the girl swallows it with water, gets pregnant, gives birth to a boy; he still cries until he gets a shining thing; flies away with her, bringing light for people]: Chapman 1914, No. 5:22-26; tanaina [a rich man hides the sun and the month; a raven drops his pen into a spring or turns into a fish; a rich man's daughter drinks, swallows a feather or fish; gives birth to a boy; he asks for sun and a month to play; turns into a crow, takes them away; people are grateful to him]: Osgood 1937 [The raven drops the fir needle, the rich man's daughter swallows it with water; the child gets the sun to play and month; becoming a Raven again, flies through a crack in the corner of the house]: 183-184; Smelcer 1992 [turns into a fish]: 111; Vaudrin 1969 [drops his pen]: 43-44; tanana [like tanine; no details]: Smelcer 1992 [turns into a fish]: 31; atna [the chief holds stars, the month and the sun in three carved boxes; his daughter comes to the spring; the raven turns into a speck, the girl swallows it with water; gives birth son; the boy asks and receives stars and a month to play; throws them out the chimney; gets a box with the sun; turns into a crow, takes it away; people do not believe that light exists; the raven opens the box ; people are scattered around the world in fear]: Smelcer 1997:19-21; Khan (Eagle) [(=1985:38-39); The bear took the sun off the sky, hung it around his neck under his clothes; the Raven marries his daughter; they have a son; The raven tells him to ask for the sun to play; the boy throws the sun through a hole in the roof, the Raven flies away]: Schmitter 1910:26; upper tanana: McKennan 1959 [the old man owns the sun and a month; the raven turns into a fir needle, falls into a spring; the old man's daughter swallows it with water; gives birth to a boy; he asks for the sun and a month to play; turns into a Raven, takes away the stars; smears them with resin, sticks to the sky; draws their path across the sky with a pole]: 190-191; Smelcer 1992 [like tanine; turns into a piece of moss]: 111; southern tutchoni [fire on a volcanic island; raven asks the Owl to bring a hot pebble; the first time the Owl can't withstand the heat, drops a pebble; the second time she brings it, but her long beak has burned down; the Raven makes her a new one from fir bark]: Workman 2000:116; tagish, inner tlingits [The raven turns into a pine needle, falls into the cup of the chief's daughter; she spits out the needle, but it is again in her mouth, swallowed; the chief's daughter gives birth a boy; her father gives him the sun, a month, stars to play; the raven puts them in a box, takes them away; animal people do not give him fish; he opens the box, it becomes light; animal people turn into animals]: Cruickshank 1992:42-43; Tagish: McClelland 1987 [like the Inner Tlingits in Cruickshank; The Raven gets a month first; then gets and carries a bag of sunshine]: 255-257; 2007, No. 34f [fire somewhere on the island; the Raven sends birds to fetch it; the one she brought has a burnt beak and has become short]: 206; Kuchin: McKennan 1965 [The bear holds the sun in a bag over his bed; the Bear's daughter comes collect water; the raven turns into a speck, falls into its bucket, she swallows it with water, gives birth to a boy; he demands the sun to play; rolls out the door, puts it back into the sky]: 90-91; taltan [ the chief keeps the light in the box; the raven turns into a cedar needle, falls into the water; the servant brings water to the chief's daughter to drink; she gives birth to a son; he asks for the sun to play first, then the Big Dipper, then daylight; flies through the chimney, holding the sun and light in one hand, and B. the Bear in the other month; casts light to the north, the sun to the east, the month to the west, the Ursa Major to the south]: Teit 1919, № 1.5:204-205; Chipewayan [Black Bear is White's nephew; White pulls out the Fox's shoulder, hangs it in his house; the Fox asks the Raven for help; his shoulder hangs with a bunch of claws, they ring when touched ; The Raven seems to touch several times by accident; the Polar Bear falls asleep, the Raven grabs his shoulder, returns the Fox; the Polar Bear chases Black Bear away for telling everyone what happened; hides the sun; it goes dark; the Polar Bear's daughter swallows something dark with water; a boy born requires the sun to play; turns into a crow, carries it away; polar bears have been ferocious ever since]: Bell 1903, No. 2:79.
NW coast. If not otherwise: the world is dark; the chief keeps the light/sun in his house; his daughter comes to the spring for a drink; a raven or a young man wearing crow skin turns into a needle, the girl swallows it with water; gives birth to a boy; he cries until he gets a ball of light to play (the sun, if not otherwise); kidnaps him, brings him to people; see motif A24. Eyak [a wealthy family keeps the sun, the month, the stars; the raven will turn into a fir needle, fall into a vessel of water from which the girl drinks; flies out the chimney, carrying the stars]: Birket- Smith, Laguna 1938:251 [people fish; The raven can't fish in the dark; lets the stars out of the box; it's always light], 259-260 [fishermen don't give the Crow fish; he catches luminaries; for it is light, they give him all the catch]; the Tlingit [the rich/chief in the upper reaches of the Ness River owns the light; the raven turns into a garbage; the rich man's daughter swallows it with water; her father gives her grandson first a bag of stars, then with a month; he throws lights through the chimney into the sky; after receiving a box of daylight, he turns into a Raven, takes the light away]: Golder 1907c: 292-293; De Laguna 1972:852-856 [Raven turns first into a feather, then a fir needle], 860-862 [first into a beetle, then a hemlock needle]; Smelcer 1992 [into a hemlock needle]: 31-32; Swanton 1909 [into a hemlock needle], No. 1, 31:3-4, 81-82, p.374 [ the world was dark; one person knew that Voron-Verkhovyev-River-Ness had light, came to his daughter; was born and asked for light from his grandfather, brought it to people]; Tlingits: Veniaminov 1940 [the fire was on island at sea; El flew there in the skin of a magpie; when he carried the coal back, his nose was burnt; threw fire on trees and stones]: 48; Kamensky 1906 [El stole fire from the island into the sea; while he was flying, half his beak burned down; threw smut, sparks hit rocks and trees]: 78 (English per. Kamenskii 1985:62)]; Boas 1895, No. XXV/1 [The raven knows that the Snow Owl owns fire; only the Deer manages to steal it; he comes to dance by the fire, sets fire to its long tail, runs away; now the tail short]: 314; Golder 1907c [The raven takes the form of a magpie, sees fire in the distance; sends a Hawk after him; he brings fire in his beak; the beak burns, becomes shorter; the Raven puts fire in cedars and stones]: 293; Swanton 1909, No. 1, 31 [The raven sees fire in the distance in the sea; sends a Hawk after him; he brings fire in his beak; the beak burns, becomes shorter; the raven puts fire in cedars and stones]: 11, 83; Smelcer 1992: 9 [The raven wants to get fire for people; the Seagull notices fire in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, reports to the Raven; the owl agrees to bring fire, for she has a long beak; while carrying smut, her beak is burnt, became short, his voice became hoarse with smoke, the feathers were burned, now owls can't fly far], 10 [The raven notices the fire floating in the water; gathers the birds, chooses the long-billed Hawk to bring fire; that brought fire, but his beak was burned, became short]; hyda: Barbeau 1961 [a monster with two mouths is the leader's slave; brings a lot of loot, eats almost everything himself; the leader's son dies; people mourn, he resurrects; the monster tells him to eat his skin scales; now the young man is hungry all the time; his father is ashamed, he lets him go get light, lets him wear crow skin; the young man flies into heaven through a narrow passage whose walls converge and diverge; fir needle]: 83-85; Swanton 1905 [like Barbeau; some needle; steals the moon; where the leader lives is not clear; breaks the moon before throw into the sky (moon phases)]: 116-118, 142-143 [the nephew takes his uncle's wife as a mistress; he causes a flood; the young man shoots arrows into the sky, climbs up a chain of arrows; turns into a hemlock needle in a pond; the chief's daughter swallows it along with water; the old man sees her baby getting up at night, taking out the eyes of the sleeping villagers, eating them; the chief breaks the floor of the house, throws the child down; he In the form of a crow, he lands on a lonely pole; splits it, the waters of the flood go away]; Hyda (Highgate) [The raven comes to the owner of the fire, asks for a loan of deer skin, puts it on, smears it with tar tail, dancing in front of the fire, setting fire to its tail, flying away, carrying hot coals; since then, the deer's tail is short and the crow's beak is burned]: Swanton 1905:135; Tsimshian [like Hyde; Ice (?) wields fire; the raven runs, hitting tree trunks with its tail]: Boas 1902:31-32; Tsimshian [prey for stars like Hyde: flies through a narrow passage]: Barbeau 1961 [(three versions); fir needle]: 75-82; Boas 1902 [cedar needle]: 10-16, 21-23; bellacula: Boas 1895, No. 1 [the chief lives at dawn, keeps the sun in his chest; the raven turns into a spruce needle, the chief's daughter swallows it when drinks water, gives birth to a boy; he cries, asks the sun to play; releases]: 242; McIlwraith 1948 (1) [the heavenly leader keeps the sun in a box; the raven turns first into a hemlock needle, then into a feather, or a speck in the cup from which the chief's daughter drinks; she blows away the garbage; the raven turns into clay, the girl swallows it with water; after receiving the sun to play, the Raven takes it away]: 298, 301; Heiltzuk [Raven consistently turns into a fish, a needle, a berry; the chief's wife throws this garbage away every time; finally, into a drop of fat, the woman swallows it with water; the boy born asks for a box with by the sun; takes it away; several groups of fishermen refuse to share their catch with the Raven (they catch candlefish); he opens the box, people turn into frogs and waterfowl]: Boas 1916, No. 1:883; quaqiutl: Boas 1895, No. XVIII/1 (tlatlasicoala neveti) [the world is dark, Omeatl (the raven) turns into a piece of wood; the owner of the sun sends his daughter to bring it; taking her, she becomes pregnant; born the boy asks for a box of sun to play, takes it with him to the boat; cuts off the rope, sails away, opens the box; first an eternal day; the former owner of the sun also makes the night]: 173-174; 1910, No. 17 [Omeal (raven) turns into the child of the mistress of daylight (she is a seagull); asks for a boat to play, then a vessel of light; sails away in a boat, brings light to the world]: 233-235; Nootka [the leader of another village keeps the sun in a box; the raven turns into a hemlock needle; when crying, he gets the fastest boat, then a paddle, then a box of sun; opens it only after the wise Wren promises that everyone will give him fish and oyster of each species after each catch]: 1916, No. 1:888-892.
The coast is the Plateau. Chilkotin [one person owns the light; the raven turns into a spruce needle, the man's wife goes down for a drink, swallows a needle along with water, gives birth to a boy; he cries, gets to play a box of light; becoming a Raven again, takes him away; women give him berries for opening the box slightly; the Raven breaks the box, releasing light; people are tired of eternal light, the Raven tells the night and day alternate]: Farrand 1900, #2:14-15.
Southeast USA. Catavba [Vultures own fire; Rabbit asks to warm up; puts a burning chip between his toes, brings fire to people]: Speck 1934, No. 9:9-10.
California. Yurok [there was no fire, people cooked, warming their food with their bodies; the acorns were made of resin; one man saw that the Sun in the sky had fire, but the Sun refused to give it away; the raven grabbed fire, passes the baton to other animal people; the turtle is the last to dive, puts fire in the willow roots]: Kroeber 1976, No. Z1:441-442; Pomo: Clark, Williams 1954:31-32 [the world is dark; crow - white, flies east, brings sun from there; burned, turned black], 32-34 [only Coyote's little grandchildren have fire; they play ball (shinney); wolf tells the ball to roll east; Coyote children they tie light in his house, they make light; Coyote, in the form of a middle-aged man, dances, tells the mice to gnaw through the ropes with which his grandchildren are tied, bumblebees to put the audience to sleep, glued together with resin hair fell asleep, ran away with his grandchildren; the old woman woke up the sleepers, cut their hair, the Mist people chased; the Coyote and her grandchildren hide in the hollow of a horse chestnut (Aesculus glabra, American the variety has an unpleasant odor), it overgrows; since then, fire has been extracted from this tree].
The Great Southwest. Hopi [people suffer without fire, notice smoke far to the east; the owl tries to bring fire, goes blind, loses it; Gopher carries fire, making his way underground, the hole is filled with smoke, he throws fire; the Coyote was burned (his skin has been yellowish since then), threw fire; the Vulture brought it, smoked all, the feathers on his head have burned completely, since then he has been bald; grateful people allow Vulture to pick up scum]: Malotki 1998:78-81.
Guiana. Akuryo [people were sick of raw meat dried in the sun; the Royal Vulture gave them fire and everything else they needed to hunt and cook food]: Jara 1990:83; oyampy [during the flood, a man escaped at the top of the caumou tree; threw fruits down to see if the water had come down; after the flood, the vultures had fire; the Prionites momota bird set fire to its tail, carried away the fire, but he went out; the partridge (penelope) carries the fire in its beak, since then it has a red throat, the fire has gone out again; another bird brings fire]: Grenada 1982, No. 9:113-117.
Central Amazon. Parintintin [the fire is owned by an urubu vulture; Baira dug into an anthill, pretending to be dead; a fly flew in, told Urubu; Urubu carried fire under his wing, descended to the ground in an image a man with his wife and children; made a roasting grill, made a fire to fry carrion; Urubu's children see that the dead man is moving; Urubu did not believe it, tells them to make small bows, kill flies; B. grabs fire , vultures follow; B. jumped into the hollow, jumped out from the other side, ran to the river; a water snake, other snakes, a crab, a water chicken tried to smuggle the fire on his back, but died After baking; Zhaba-Kururu transported; to get to the other side by himself, B. told the banks of the river to get closer, jumped across the river; since then people have been baking fish and game on the grill]: Pereira 1980 (1): 561-563 ( transfer to Tynyanova 1962:143-145).
Eastern Amazon. Spiking [The otter and other aquatic animals were people subordinate to Kumafari; the Otter did not like fishing for K., began to grumble; K. called him to his place, smoked him with a cigar, threw him into the water, he became an otter; turned others into animals, there were no people left at all; K. walked from village to village, found no one; began to blow on the ash, but could not fan the fire, birds took him away; passing by the house Otters, heard his name; Otter pretended to be K.'s relatives, deceived him by witchcraft, K. saw fire and fried fish in his home; K. ate and drank bananas and kashiri, but thought he was eating fried fish; The otter himself spoke about the deception, jumped into the water; K. threw an oar after him, it became his tail; on the way home, K. became ill, he died; after his death, K. Jr. went on a journey; a vulture flew by gavião de anta {HA; "tapirium vulture" i.e. royal vulture?} with smut in his claws, shouted that that son K., and he did not have fire himself; then K. died, stank, uruba flew, and GA came, but left his fire on the stump, K. could not reach; when he was eaten, K. turned into a dead deer, but GA did not approach, noticed that K. opened his eyes; then K. lay down on a stone, his hands sprouted out of the ground in two bushes of five branches each; at this fork, GA left his smut, K. grabbed it; GA said that son K., and does not know that you can get fire by rubbing Uruku branches in the sun; K. said he now knows, but he also has smut]: Nimuendaju 1920:1014-1015; juruna [Otter fried fish , and the children in the Sinaá group suffered from eating raw fish; S. took the boat from the Otter, shoved it into the water, but did not have time to take the fire - the Eagle came down and took it away; S. turned into a dead tapir; vultures flew off; S. stuck his leg out, the Eagle hung his bag on it like a branch, which contained fire; noticed that the tapir's eyes were moving, flew away; then S. stuck his hand out, the Eagle hung his bag on it, breaking the knot (i.e. finger S.); at the request of the vultures, the Eagle lit the fire to fry the tapir; S. grabbed the bag, blew on the Eagle, which turned into an eagle; now flies over the campfires, grieving for the loss of fire; asked leave him the leftovers fried, they do so]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:241-242; tenetehara: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 3 [people cooked meat in the sun, vultures owned the fire; people owned the fire they killed the tapir, vultures flew to the smell of rotting carcass, took off their clothes from their feathers, made a fire, began to fry worms; people rushed to the fire, but the vultures managed to carry it away; then they built an old hut the shaman hid in it; when the vultures rushed to their robes out of alarm, the shaman carried away the smut, placed fire in the trees from which it is now extracted]: 289; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 4 [no fire It was, the meat was baked in the sun, it was closer to the ground; the Vultures were frying on fire; Meira turned into a dead deer, the vultures flocked and began to fry it, M. jumped up, but the vultures managed to carry the fire away; then M. became a dead tapir; the Vultures started a fire, began to peck at the tapir; when the coal was at hand, M. grabbed it, hid it in an Uruku stick; from there people now get it]: 133; urubu [ Maira stole fire from vultures]: Huxley 1956:215; Ribeiro 2002:188 [people had a fire they didn't light, they ate raw food; Urubu-ray took that fire away; people rubbed the turtle shell with a stick, to warm the meat under it; they were cold; Maïra stole coal from Urubu, placed fire in the Tatá-y vine ("fire vine"), taught him how to extract it by friction], 406-407 [Maira and Urubu-ray lived side by side; learning that urubu -ray eats rotten meat, M. moved out; Urubu-ray was offended, took fire, took it to heaven, where he moved his house; people were cold, could not cook; M. became tiny, turned his body dead tapira; urubu went down, brought fire; M. grabbed it and took it away, put it in the tata-yra vine].
Montagna - Jurua. Kashinaua [shesheu birds embody darkness and rain; produce thunderstorms; come to dance at the house of Ica, the owner of the sun; the Vulture arrives, the shesheu runs away without taking it out stench; it steals the sun, it becomes light]: Capistrano de Abreu 1914:450-453 in Metraux 1944:133; pyro [Gallinazo (vulture) owned fire, did not give it to anyone; the parrot also refused to give, but The vulture noticed him negotiating, almost killed him; then the Parrot stole the smut, his beak burned and turned black; threw it when the pyro was passing by, he picked him up; people began to cook]: Alvárez 1960:32.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Guarayu: Metraux 1942:109; Nordenskiöld 1922:155; chiriguano [the young man saw a girl's reflection in a puddle in the forest, followed her, stayed with her for a month; his mother thought he was dead; he returned, said that he got married, his mother asked me to bring his wife, promised to prepare the holiday; at the festival, the wife became ugly, she was told about it, she left, ordering the boy and girl to be put in a vessel (this is brother and sister), take corn, bean and pumpkin seeds, close the hole; it rained, everyone drowned; after the flood, the boy and girl came out of the vessel; the sown ripened in half a month; the fire in the bird ( screams on the riverbank; alternatively, at the vulture; Nordenskiöld believes that one option may belong to a vat, the second to a chiriguano); The frog approached the fire to warm up, took it in his mouth coal, took it away, gave it to brother and sister; they got married, from them vats]: Nordenskiöld 1912, No. 2:253-254; tapiete [the black Vulture owned the fire; the frog sat by the fire, swallowed two embers, brought it to people; but Vulture's fire went out]: Nordenskiöld 1912:313-314; guarazu [people dry food in the sun; one person pretends to be dead, vultures flock to fry it; white Uruvushi's vulture brings fire; the man jumps up, but the vultures have time to pick up the fire; the little toad hides a few coals, brings them to people; later they lose fire; W. comes and teaches them extract it by friction]: Riester 1977, No. 1:223-225.
Southern Amazon. Trumai [The Sun and the Moon made a dead tapir, hid in it; a three-headed vulture came down, they grabbed him, tortured him; birds bring various feathers like ransom, but they give little light ; finally, they bring day, light; the Sun and the Month let the vulture go]: Monod-Becquelin 1975, No. 6:53-56; kamayura: Münzel 1973 [sunrise, day]: 71-78; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [was only at night, people lived around termites, where fireflies flew, starved; the Kuát (sun) Iaê brothers (month) made a stuffed tapir, stuffed cassava to rot; K. gave the flies worms to take worms to the king Urubu-rei birds (Urubutsin); the birds came down, the Kite looked at K., everyone got up but returned again; K. grabbed U; he asked Jacabim five times to bring various ornaments; each time it was lighter, but not completely; for the sixth time he brought the real day; W. said that the day was periodic, received as a reward the right to eat what remained from the hunters; K. shaved his head, painted it, tied it white ribbon]: 89-93; kuikuro [there was no fire, Kanassa is looking for it while carrying a firefly; the curasso bird (Crax daubentoni) made feather jewelry; K. offered to try it on, it has grown, now curasso is always in this outfit; met a little caiman (the same, the cassava brazier grew to the tail); his relative, the bird Sarakura, made a boat and oars out of clay; the Duck has a bark boat; K. offers change, assures that the corn boat is fragile; K. and saracura sail away in a coryja boat; clay sinks; Duck floundering, learning to swim; Sarakura says that Urubu-ray owns the fire with two with his heads; K. drew a deer in the sand, hid under it; Urubu-ray told the vultures to lift the carcass to his tree, K. ordered him to leave it in place and remain silent; Urubu-ray came down with the light with him; K. caught him, ordered to bring fire; he told his son (a small black bird) to bring coal; a fire was fanned out of it; frogs came out of the water, filled the fire with water they held in their mouth; a little remained, K. fanned again; flying away, Urubu-ray taught me to get fire by friction, make torches; to transport fire across the lake, K. gave it to various snakes; they were tired, they lost fire in the middle of the lake; only Itóto endured ; K. gave her cassava drink and manioc cakes]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:105-110; kalapalo [Taugi made a boat out of clay, learned from ducks to make bark; pretended to be dead, grabbed vulture, received fire from vultures, dawn, day, wives; satisfied wives with a finger; dicks hung in the Lizard's house, his wife masturbated with them; The lizard came and gave T.'s dick, but he became copulate non-stop, T. was thin; carried his dick back, he gave it smaller; now it's fine]: Basso 1987:124-138; bakairi [Ewaki, Keri and Kame's aunt, told them to get the sun he owned royal vulture (urubu-ray); there was a red hole at the zenith of the sky; at night, the tapir fell into it, it can be seen on the Milky Way; Keri saw a tapir, climbed into his paw; (var. in Oberg: Keri made a tapir from soft as cassava deleva áka, then created smelly flies to attract vultures); Kame became a yellow bird, sat next to a tree to tell his brother what was going on; Red Urubu discovered the sun, it was light, the Urubu saw the tapir; they pulled him out of the hole with ropes; Kame warned Keri, who puffed up, the Urubu could not tear the tapir with their beaks; they called for help Urubu-ray; he opened the tapir, Keri grabbed it; promised the sun for freedom; sent his brother a white uruba, who brought a red dawn; then the moon; finally, the real sun; the moon was made of japú feathers, the sun was from japú feathers toucan feathers and red macaw, dawn from toucan feathers; at first it was a constant day; Keri covered the sun with a vessel, it became dark; took it off - day again]: Oberg 1953:78-79 and Steinen 1897:324; kayabi: Grü ; nberg 1970:158-159; Pereira 1995, No. 15 [people baked meat and fish, dried cassava in the sun; Pazhavi pretended to be dead, coated with termite clay; flies laid larvae; urubu flocked; one went up to the sky, told Urubu-Rei that there was a lake below with dead fish; he came down with burning smut; P. turned into a woodpecker, flew away with smut, put fire in the trees, brought it to people, showed how use a fire drill; urubu were left without fire]: 71.
Araguaia. Tapirape: Baldus, 1970:353, 405; Wagley 1977 [red, yellow, and black fire; dawn and day stolen from an owl]: 177; carage: Aytai 1979 [The sun is moving fast, the days are short; Ioloni descends from heaven, marries; mother-in-law asks for a longer day; I. pretends to be dead; first other vultures, then the owner of the sun come down to peck at him; I. catches the owner of the sun; he shows him first a star, then a month, finally the sun; explains that I. must shoot at the reflection of the rising sun in a calebass with water; since then the sun has been moving more slowly]: 7-10; Baldus 1937a [1) man grabbed a royal vulture (Urubu-rey), made him give up the moon first, then the sun; the moon and sun were ornaments on his head; 2) an old man came out of the ground, pretended to be dead; first flew Caracara, began to peck; then the royal vulture, the old man grabbed him, made him give the sun]: 190-191; Krause 1911:345 [the young man married, mother-in-law injured his hands, getting fruits and roots in the dark; son-in-law pretended to be dead; the caracara smelled; someone noticed that the deceased was blinking; the man grabbed the royal vulture and told him to hand over the jewelry; he offered a star, then the moon, then the sun; The mother-in-law came, the vulture showed the plants from which to make fiber, taught him how to shoot fish from the bow; the man let him go; when he got high, the mother-in-law asked how to rejuvenate; the answer was heard only trees, animals and fish, but not people], 345-346 [Nâxivé's ancestor pretended to be dead; Caracara and Jaburu (stork) flew in; Caracara said N. was dead, Jaburu was alive; N. grabbed Caracara, made me bring light, then the moon, then the sun; then let go].
SE Brazil. Botocudo: Schaden 1947a (State of São Paulo) [similar to Nimuendaju]: 260; Nimuendaju 1946b (Espirito Santo State) [Mutum bird (Nothocrax urumutum) pretends to be dead; Vulture brings fry her fire; Mutum told the fly larvae not to crawl into his nose and ears; the vulture son noticed that the mutum opened his eyes, but the father did not believe it; Mutum grabbed the smut, ran, Stjervanik behind him; the Heron hides Mutuma in a sack, putting his wife on top; Vulture stops pursuing; Heron scattered fire everywhere; seeing this, Vulture decided to eat raw food]: 111-112.
Chaco. Matako: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 34 [The Red-billed Vulture owns fire; lets others only use it; the Toad comes, the Vulture moves its wing, causing a flash; the Toad jumped back, and the fire almost went out; Vulture became friends with the Toad, allowed her to sit by the fire; for several days in a row, Takwah comes to cook food that he steals from others; after improving the moment, he takes away the smut, puts the fire in trees; the Vulture let its fire go out, now eats raw food], 39 [Jaguar owned the fire; everyone, including the Sun, came to him, received a little; Vulture also had fire; when someone tried take the fire, it flapped its wings, the flame rose, the one that came burned; the Guinea Pig hid the coal under his throat (the stain on the skin remained), took the fire away from the Jaguar; he became a jaguar, now eats meat raw]: 94 -95, 101-102; chorote [the fire of the world fire destroyed everything, the husband and wife escaped in the hole; the black vulture brought the smut into the nest, it caught fire, the tree burned down, the stump smoldered; the vulture gave this fire to the surviving couple, there has been fire ever since; humans come from this couple]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 19:40; mocovi: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 26 [stealing fire from Vulture], 39 [Vulture brings fire after the flood]: 52, 64.
Southern Brazil. Mbia: Baldus 1952 [the fire was owned by an urubu vulture; the kukuru toad came to warm up; urubu poked her with his head; Tupã felt sorry for the toad, came up, clapped his hands, urubu in fear flew away; T. took the fire (for humans) and gave the toad a sparkle]: 484-485; Cadogan 1959 [the hero pretends to be dead, telling the toad to swallow fire when vultures fly; then belch it]: 64-66; apapokuwa [Nyanderikoy pretends to be dead; the Vultures flock to fry him; Caracara noticed that N. opened his eyes slightly, the urubu did not believe it, they pecked out their eyes, began to fry; N. scattered the fire, the urbu scattered; their leader tells them to watch the fire; the toad, as agreed, swallows the coal, then gives it to N.]: Nimuendaju 1914:396-397; chiripa [see D4A motif; Kuarahy (the future sun) makes himself a brother Yacy (next month); brothers destroy Añag jaguars and demons; urubu vultures had fire; K. was afraid to approach them himself, created a cururu toad, which swallowed the coals, brought them, regurgitated]: Bartolomé ; 1977:31.