Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

E15. Ducks and boats.

.19. (.32.)

People learn how to make boats and rowing from birds; a bird or part of its body serves as a model for making a boat.

Melanesia. The Majprat [Charumprés tries four times to drag the dog away from the stone under which the wallaby has disappeared; then he digs, the wallaby runs away, water gushes from under the stone, the water spirit in the stream pursues C. he barely ran away, a lake of fish formed at that place, the fish was edible (C. first gave it to the dog); C. began to look for bananas in the Tämaj tree; the bananas fell, turned into people, C. heard a voice , Look down, not up; C. decided to make the boat sail on that lake; the raincoat boat exploded when he stepped into it, split out of the bark; hollowed it out of the tree trunk, but did not stem of the canoe, she drowned; saw a duck, carved a duck's head on the bow of the boat; this boat was fit]: Elmberg 1968, No. 6:256-257.

(Wed. Volga - Perm. Komi [see E15A motif]).

Amur - Sakhalin. The Udege people [fish disappears in the rivers; three brothers from the Kukuchinka family go to fish owner Sugzia Azani; in a dream, he tells the elder Tunchi to make a boat; the middle Kandasuli tells him to put on a boat wooden duck: head to nose, wings on sides, tail behind; younger Sugb is told to throw chips on the bottom, throw them into the water when they sail on the sea; by chips, the duck boat finds its way into the sea; turns into a duck, dives, brothers hold on to its tail, find themselves in the underwater world; fish complain that inept fishermen have maimed them; the fish owner forgives people, tells them to treat fish well; brothers return by duck boat in the same way as they arrived]: Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:124-126.

Subarctic. Koyukon: Attla 1990 [brothers go missing one by one; younger Betohoh (then his name is K'etetaalkkaanee, "The one who rows {on a boat} among humans and animals") goes in search; many encounters with people who turn out to be different animals; decides to make a boat, choosing black grouse (Dendragapus canadensis) as a nose sample; tries the bark of different trees for plating; fir, poplar sinks, birch bark does not; chooses wood for the frame - birch is not suitable, larch is suitable; when she wakes up, the boat is sewn; next time she spies; the woman who will become the Polar Owl, makes large stitches, others reproach her for it; B. tells the most beautiful to lose her awl; she stays looking for her, he grabs her, she barks like a fox, he releases it; he will tar the boat; comes to the burrow house; The younger sister of the Fox woman, the Squirrel woman, comes out; offended that B. does not want her; two types of Caresses come out, B. tries to grab each, they rush back, promise to give him his wife; then the Mouse comes out; then the half-blind Polar Owl; the Long-eared Owl; there were also Mink, Marten; B. found a flaw in everything, only those Lasky liked; the hole became big, he went in, sat next to the one he fell in love with; he took her, swam with her in a boat; one day she felt hot in the sun and a fox smell came from her; he let her ashore, she ran away barking]: 76-88; De Laguna 1995, No. 22 [a man throws fir bark into the water, poplars, other trees; everyone drowns, birch bark floats up; to make a frame, a person kills a hawk, tries on its lower jaw - not good; the same with the jaw of an owl; the hazel grouse jaw is just right, he makes a boat; girls come to sew it; he can't catch the one he likes; her father gives it to him; it's Lisa; she cries; he throws it out of the boat, sails down the Yukon]: 188-190; upper pieces [two sons complain to their father that their uncle Ch'ititazkane is just sitting at home asking them to melt the snow and bring him a drink; the father advises him to bring water and dog crap to his brother; C. is offended, leaves; a man kills beavers, bakes one, gives C.; in the morning there are no signs of a fire, it was Wolverine; C. makes a boat; takes the chest bone of a black grouse (Dendragapus canadensis) as a model for the frame; asks who will sew birch bark; hears a response from the forest and from the coastal willow; spies on two pretty young girls sewing; in the morning he sees that one has small stitches, the other has large stitches, and her hair was large, and she had hair disheveled; throws large stitches, calls again, the neat girl finishes work; C. tries to grab her, but she flew away; C. will tar the boat, sails along the river; someone from the shore tried to grab him, C. stabbed the attacker in the eye; it was the Mouse, so the mice have small eyes; C. sees a trap on the river, falls into it, pretends to be dead; the catcher brings him home, wonders that the prey lets in winds; puts a baton under C.'s head, he jumps up, kills the owner, the old woman hits the tail, so the wolverines have a flat tail; Wolverine's wife climbed a tree and began to write from there; C. left her alone , returned to the boat; the man spikes salmon; C. turns into salmon, takes the tip; this is the seagull's beak; C. comes to that man, he asks if he has deprived him of his tip; in the parking lot to C. a girl comes; he sees that she has been making human skin; she does not agree with her, wants to know how she kills people; she spreads his legs, sticks her wand, takes out half; thinks she killed him; but he He jumps up, kills her with a truncheon; they come to people who don't know what a dream is; he falls asleep, they think he's dead; he teaches them to sleep; C. sees a bear sleeping on the shore with a smeared blueberry ass; C. tells him he won't sleep like this; the bear runs away into the forest; since then the bears have not slept by the shore]: Deaphon et al. s.a.: 74-84; tanana [Chetitalkani wonders how make a birch bark boat; kills hazel grouse, makes a frame out of its chest bones; Hazel grouse girls sew birch bark; C. doesn't like their job, he sews the boat himself, sails down the Yukon]: De Laguna 1995, No. 5:96 -97; kuchin [Jateaquoynt throws pieces of fir, poplar, willow bark into the river; they all sink; birch floats up, he makes a boat out of it; kills a partridge (willow grouse), makes a nose modeled on a bird's sternum; while sleeping, two types of partridges sew pieces of birch bark; spruce grouse was on one side, her steps were smaller, stitches were more frequent; on the other, willow grouse, she did worse, spruce grouse redid what was done; J. first covered the seams with clay, it melted into the water, the boat began to sink; then he looked, the boat sailed]: McKennan 1965:104-105; tanaina [The raven sails in the boat, taking from his beloved of two wives to hunt; people from the oncoming boat take her away; he prepares material for a large boat, tells partridges and hazel grouses to sew a leather coating on a frame made of twigs; puts it on his nose a wooden image of a merganser duck; she turns her head, the boat begins to sail like a duckling; he sails in it to his wife's kidnappers, takes her away, runs on the shore, hides with his wife in the steam room; in the morning he sees how The water rose high at night during the storm]: Tenenbaum 1976 (2): 28-31; upper tanana [the witch doctor decided to make the first boat, taking parts of the bodies of birds and animals as a model; the frame was made in the shape of a bird's sternum; tried different types of bark, everyone drowned, only birch bark came up; while sleeping, birds and animals sewed the boat; the Partridges had too big stitches, the Rabbit also failed, Mouse sewed well]: Brean 1975:17-19.

Northeast. Mikmak [Gluscap kills poultry, eats meat; after examining the sternum, decides to make the first corybean boat based on this pattern]: Wallis, Wallis 1955, No. 11:330.

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 83 [a man hunts a tapir who takes him to the country of women; women have a common husband Irrabovato, an underground penis; a man kills it by pouring it from above hot coals; runs; three types of ducks consistently agree to transport him across the sea; every time they fly away when he blows the wind against warning; Tomáliva Ducks Mother in guise men bring him home; forbids him to look at her, he looks; she hits him with her penis; she shines, but not the moon], 84 [when hunting, Tapirih takes the young man in the form of a woman; for this purpose she turns him into time in tapira; under the sea he passes into the country of women; they kill Tapiriha; the girl finds a man, hides; he refuses to eat Tapiriha meat; the girl says that their husband is their father, she is not wants to have sex with him; Amazons kill boys; man sees women take turns sitting on a penis protruding from the ground; he is covered with a cassava push-up bag; man takes it off, sperm splashes him in his face; he fills his penis with boiling water; his wife sends a man home; women revive the Penis, happy; various ducks, herons swim across the sea; their boats are their beaks; each group takes a man leaves in the water every time it blows the winds; the last is Tomalinae; its paddle is lightning, the boat is the pelvic bone; it puts the person aft, tells him not to look back; on the shore he turns around, sees her vulva; she is ashamed]: 309-321 (duck-boats, p.319), 327-328 (beak boats - p.325-326); cuiva: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991b, No. 67 [a waterbird the size of a dove (Heliornis fulica) makes the first hollow], 68 [God makes the duck (Oxyrua dominica) unsinkable, it is also the first boat]: 124-125.

Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 90 [Mayacoto fisherman has two wives, each with a son; when he returns home, he always plays the flute; Chebu (forest demon) Jajuba swallowed him, disguised as he came to to his wives, but did not play the flute; fell asleep, snored, then the wives heard the voice of the swallowed flute; the sisters took the children and ran away; the eldest put her hair off her head on the path, the youngest turned it prickly thickets; Guauta did not want to open the door for them at first, they pinched the children, they cried; when she found out that they were boys, G. let him in; invited Khahuba to put his head under the door, cut it off with a knife; sent cassava sisters, at that time turned their babies into adult boys, their common name is Jaburi; told them to bring her fat birds from hunting, skinny ones, urinating on them, give them to women; the arrow of one stuck in a tree, he climbed after her; young otters passed under the tree, saw Haburi's bowel movements, said it stinks of crap from those who give mothers bad birds and Guauta good ones; they told the brothers everything story; they described skinny birds, gave it to Guauta; recognized mothers; one of H. made a boat out of clay, it melted in water; from wax, the same; from the bark, they sailed in it; the supports of the house, the leaves on the roof shouted to Guauta that the women and the boys had run away, she did not understand them; understood the parrot, threw herself into the water, grabbed the boat, H. cut off her fingers with an oar; the women asked to take G. so that she would not drown; H. began to row the end oars, the bird shouted to row with a blade; H. knocked down a tree with a hive in the hollow; G. began to suck honey, H. knocked another tree on this tree, G. stayed in the hollow, called "son Haburi", told the boat to stand a rock when it reaches the sea; this is a rock near Trinidad Island]: 281-287; Wilbert 1970 [birds teach you to row with a blade rather than a handle], No. 139, 141, 140 [the hero makes the first boats, ducks learn swim, stealing one of them], 144:282, 287-288, 292, 305; curl [a group of people led by a shaman went for stone axes; traveled for many years, meeting unusual creatures; sail to fish people; the shaman does not tell fish to shoot at night, one secretly shoots and eats; warriors come in the morning, say that one of their comrades is missing; they force everyone to drink hot water and spit up; who has eaten fish they throw it into a boiling pot; elsewhere, one of the team sees a dead anteater, comes back, the anteater is gone; it turns out that he has only slept; elsewhere, the locals are trying to row not with a blade, but with the handle of oars; the shaman turned into a bunia bird (Ostinops sp.), began to scream, with a blade; this is how they learned (Essequibo has an island where women used to row oars); in the country The shaman ordered the bats to spend the night in a sheltered place; one hung a hammock in the forest, with only bones in the morning; one violated the ban on touching an empty boat, she took it away; in the village of women, old woman, said that the arrivals will be released after the girls are born to them; two or three wives each; the hammocks have rattles, the old woman makes sure that they rattle at night, which means those lying copulate; during the day women hunted, fished, performed all male duties; after a few years, those who arrived were allowed to leave; reached the land of stone axes; local people ate axes; returned home with axes ; the shaman forbade converging with women; one got along, stayed in this position]: Roth 1915, No. 151-159:220-223; vapishana: Farabee 1918 [Tuminicar (tum = create, make) creates people; Dweed brings them food every day; people look after animals, find a tree with all the cultivated plants on the branches; no longer need D.'s services; T. cuts down a tree, its stump - Avayapiapu rock (=seiba); some plants have not learned to grow, they are gone; the water from the trunk floods the ground; people make a boat out of the upper jaw of a musk duck; sail to Mount Serriri; throw to North stones to find out if the water is deep; they formed a hill; ducks wear their beak around their necks like an amulet]: 110-113; Ogilvie 1940 [Tuminikar and Dweed brothers; every day D. brings people edible cultivated plants; two girls watch Agouti, find a tree with all the cultivated plants on the branches and roots; now people do not need D.'s services; T. tells us to cut down a tree; the stump is Mount Roraima; water from the trunk floods the world; a person turns a pendant from the beak of a musk duck into an ark; takes plants with him; sticks to the mountain; people throw stones into the water to see if the water has descended; after the flood, it grows on this mountain lots of bananas]: 64-67; arecuna (kamaracoto) [Maichak got on the boat but doesn't know what to do next; the bird teaches you to put the paddle into the water]: Simpson 1944:268; trio [two shaman brothers sailed for horizon where souls go; moved slowly because they rowed with the edge of the oar; green oropendola (Psarocolius viridis) teaches you to row with a blade; brothers returned home safely]: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, № 51:177-178; Magaña 1987, No. 38:139

NW Amazon. Bar [looking at ducks, people learn how to make boats]: Brandao de Amorim 1943:48.

(Wed. Central Amazon. Tupi (the exact place of recording is not known): Baldus 1946:11-12, 83; Couto de Magalhaes 1882 [it was not at night; the daughter of the Great Serpent married a man; does not want to sleep with him in the daylight; asked to send his three servants to bring the night to her father; he gave them a nut, told them not to open it; the sounds of night crickets and frogs can be heard from the nut; in the middle of the journey, the servants discovered a nut; all the things in the forest turned into birds and the animals that were in the river into ducks and fish; the basket became a jaguar, the fisherman and the boat became a duck (head was beak, the boat was the body, the oars became paws); the morning star rose, the daughter of the Snake decided to separate night from day; turned two balls of threads in kuzhubim and inambu birds singing at regular intervals at night and dawn; turned naughty servants into monkeys]: 5-9).

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo [before the flood, people did not know the fire, they cooked in the sun because the sun was closer to the ground; Ucayali flowed in both directions until a person decided that it should only flow down; people they rowed with a handle, not a blade; the dove shouted to them how to hold the paddle, they tried it and learned; people were stupid and shy; frightened by the voice of a forest chicken, they jumped into the water and drowned]: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987, No. 24:372.

Southern Brazil. Kalapalo [Taugi made a boat out of clay, learned to make bark from ducks; pretended to be dead, grabbed a vulture, received fire from vultures, dawn, day, wives; satisfied wives with his finger; dicks were hanging in the Lizard's house, his wife masturbated with them; the lizard came and gave T.'s dick, but he copulated without attack, T. got thin; took the cock back, he gave a smaller one; now it's fine]: Basso 1987:124-138; kuikuro [there was no fire, Kanassa is looking for it while carrying firefly; the curasso bird (Crax daubentoni) made feather jewelry; K. offered to try it on, it grew, now curasso is always in this outfit; met a little caiman (the same, the cassava brazier grew to the tail); his relative, the bird Sarakura, made a boat and oars out of clay; the Duck has a bark boat; K. offers change, assures that the corn boat is fragile; K. and saracura sail away in a coryja boat; clay sinks; Duck floundering, learning to swim; Sarakura says that Urubu-ray owns the fire with two with his heads; K. drew a deer in the sand, hid under it; Urubu-ray told the vultures to lift the carcass to his tree, K. ordered him to leave it in place and remain silent; Urubu-ray came down with the light with him; K. caught him, ordered to bring fire; he told his son (a small black bird) to bring coal; a fire was fanned out of it; frogs came out of the water, filled the fire with water they held in their mouth; a little remained, K. fanned again; flying away, Urubu-ray taught me to get fire by friction, make torches; to transport fire across the lake, K. gave it to various snakes; they were tired, they lost fire in the middle of the lake; only Itóto endured ; K. gave her a cassava drink and manioc tortillas]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:105-110.

Araguaia. Karazha [Idianakatu and his brother marry the daughters of the Sun; he inserts them into the bosom of piranhas; brother is bitten; I. asks the Monkey to have sex first; since then, monkeys have a red penis and the testicles are half bitten off; I. asks Ghabir for a branch of the timbo vine, inserts it into vaginas, piranhas die; one remains, causes women to menstruate; wives tell their husbands that the trees are more beautiful than them; the insulted brothers leave; the bird Sarakura invented the boat, the brothers asked for it to be given to them; they row with an oar handle; Miriti's pigeon explains to row with an oar; I. kills trees with arrows; brothers turn into pirarucu fish (the origin of these fish)]: Baldus 1952-1953:214-215.

Eastern Brazil. Sherente [Venus man lived on earth, was covered with ulcers, everyone drove him away; only Vaikaura (V.) invited him to his house, put his virgin daughter on his knees, washed him in this position, having cured ulcers; Venus deflorized the girl, but V. did not want compensation; warned that Vaptokva would destroy people with a flood; cut the pigeon's carcass, crucified it with chopsticks, turned it into a boat; during the flood, only V. and his family escaped in this boat]: Nimuendaju 1942:91-92.