Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

E1A. The first people are made of fragile materials. .21.25. (.28.) .35. (.37.) .

The first people are made of fragile materials (clay, wax, fire, honey, etc.) and are not viable.

Lepcha, Bilaan, (Belarusians), Mansi, Pomo, Taraski, Tsotsil, Quiche, Shinka, Taulipan, Mura.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [at first one water; Tashey-Takbo-thing created two fish - ordinary and serpentine; the turtle keeps the world and T. placed birds and animals on it; T. made the first person out of oil, but that blurred; made of oil, people would be beautiful; then he made man out of earth and clay, and the wind breathed life into him; T. made blood from water and poured into man, made bones out of stone; but man was silent, without veins or nerves; T. made them out of vines; man came to life but did not have a woman; T. caught birds with snare, one day a woman fell into a snare; at first a man and a woman could not marry because there was no matchmaker who would agree to marry; then (supreme god) Rum sent an owl]: Stocks 1925, No. IV.1:355-356.

Taiwan - Philippines. Bilaan [Melú and Fiuweígh men, women Dwata and Saweígh lived on tiny land the size of a hat; sent a Saswit bird to bring land from across the sea; M. took what he had brought, did earth, sowed the seeds brought by the bird; made people out of wax, they melted by the fire; then out of mud; F. put their noses up with their nostrils, the rain would pour inside; refused to change what they had done, M. imperceptibly corrected, the dent remained; M. and S. now live underground, D. and F. in the sky]: Cole 1913:136-137 (retelling in Dixon 1916:175, in Frazer 1919:17-18).

(Wed. Central Europe. Belarusians (Smolenskaya, Western Russia) Dobrovolsky) [a clever man Gavrila advises making a clay man to command men; the rain melted clay; a man is made of rye dough, he is eaten by a pig; they began to beat an oak pig with a stick, a vine, etc.; this is how Mr. Dubinsky, Lozinsky, etc. turned out]: Belova 2004a, No. 522:230).

Western Siberia. Northern Mansi: Munkácsi 1908 (Sygwa) [Num-Torum's son rises to heaven with a squirrel, asks his father how to make people; he tells him to make people, animals and birds out of snow; NT's son comes in, the figures fall apart, he comes to his father again; he advises to mix snow in half with clay; now the figures come to life, the earth is inhabited]: 226-227; Lukina 1990, No. 113 [Yoli-torum-xian ( Earth Mother, Num-Torum's elder sister; aka Kaltas-Ekva) tells Winged Calm (God's messenger, daughter of Torum) to ask her father to make people; he promised to revive people others should; ordered Topal-Oike to make people; he cut down seven figures from larch; Hul-Otyr sculpted seven from clay; T.-O. agreed to change with him if H.-O. revived the figures; H.-O. took the wooden ones to T., he blew, they scattered, so he could not catch them; took the clay ones to K.-E., who revived them, telling him not to watch (so men can't see childbirth); because people are made of clay, Their century is short, they drown in water, sweat protrudes from the heat; larch people would be stronger and would not drown in water; H.-O.'s creations should have become menquas (apparently, they were larch people)]: 298-299; Munkácsi in Lintrop 2019 (village. Nyaksimvol) [Joli-Toorum asks his brother Numi-Toorum to place the sun and moon in the sky; then decorate the swaying earth with mountains; he does it; now we have to make people; Grandfather Tapyl knocked down 7 people from larch trees, and Father Collie sculpted seven of clay; at first refuses to change, because T. will not be able to revive the figures; but then they changed; K. brought wooden ones to Numi Torum, who revived them, they went to the forest { became perfume?} ; and the clay ones began to soak in the water; Yoli-Torum revived them, they make them people, but they are fragile, they break their arms and legs, drown in water; if they were from larch, they would float above the water; people began to fish in the seine]: 73- 76.

(Wed. Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais (Sungari) [at the time of the creation of the world, heavenly spirits made people out of clay and set them to dry; when it started raining, some people got their feet wet and lame, others their hands got wet - they became crooked; those who had rain on their heads became bald; those who had rain in their eyes went blind]: Kotvich 1910:216-217).

Mesoamerica Tarasca [god Tucapacha first made a man and a woman out of clay; they went swimming in the river and blurred; made the same thing out of ash; out of metal; this couple of people]: Stevens 1725-26, II:254 in Frazer 1919:27; tsotzil: Guiteras-Holmes 1961 [first God made man out of earth (mud), but he did not stand upright; man offered to make clay; God made Eve and Adam out of clay; when Eve came together with a white dog, she gave birth to European ancestors]: 157; Gossen 1974, No. 131 [second race made of wood], 106 and 133 [real people (third race) from clay], 164-165 [first race destroyed by boiling water], 169 [until humans knew about sex, they made children out of clay and sticks]: 308, 321-322, 336, 339]; quiche [The Creator and Creator make the first man out of clay, he soaks in water; they make people out of wood; they devoid of reason, destroyed by the flood, animals, revived objects; monkeys are their descendants (the appearance of modern humans has not been described)]: Popol-Vuh 1959:14-18; shinka [first tiwix o Ow kajna'tata ( further O.) made a man from the core of a certain tree, but he could hardly walk and did not remember his creator; then the gods tried to make people from trees of different species and finally found a suitable one; trees are considered "older brothers"; then T. sculpted the man out of unburned clay; he was smart and walked normally; but when O. sent the rain, the man blurred; finally, O. made a man out of clay and burned the workpiece in the coals of the fire; when the man came to life, O. sent a downpour, but it did not harm the man; O. made clay also a woman and people multiplied]: López Ramírez 2007:115-118.

Guiana. Taulipan [after the flood, a world fire broke out, people died, animals hid in a hole in the ground; Makunaima made new people out of wax, they melted in the sun; then from clay, they The sun is only stronger, they make people]: Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 3:38-39.

Central Amazon. Mura (a piraha) [Igagai made the first woman in the sky out of sand, but when he started bringing her down to the ground, she crumbled]: Gonçalves 2001:166.